Birthday contests for teenagers 16, 17 and 18 years old (boy and girl)

It's always a fun holiday - jam day! At this time, you especially want to be the happiest, healthiest and most successful, and to be surrounded by loved, reliable and understanding people. In the case when we are talking about the ages of 14,15, 16 years old, you want to party from the heart and this is quite natural! Therefore, you will find this article useful about some cool birthday contests for teenagers that will make your birthday unforgettable and fun. You will learn how to entertain guests with regular games and competitions, as well as more vulgar and fun ones.


A game in which guys will definitely volunteer to take part. However, it can also be interesting for girls who want to prove to everyone that the fairer sex is not weak at all. For this competition you will need a kind of double harness of rope. In this harness, the participants stand opposite each other and, at the command of the leader, begin to pull in their direction, towards the prize. The one who can resist the opponent, whoever grabs the prize first, wins. Please note that the double “sleigh” can be made large for two teams of several participants each.

Birthday contests for children 14 years old at home

“Guess the person by description”

The game is suitable for a group of friends who know each other well. The names of all participants in the game are written on separate pieces of paper, and then the pieces of paper are shuffled and distributed in random order.

Each of the guys in turn must describe the person whose name is written on the piece of paper that fell to him, and the rest try to guess who they are talking about. It is advisable not to touch upon items of clothing and accessories in the description, based on the personal qualities and characters of the participants in the game.


During the game you will not need to give kisses to the participants. First, prepare an empty plastic bottle.

All players sit in a circle on the floor. There is one participant in the center of the circle with a bottle in his hand. The participants in the game call each other's names, and the player with the bottle must hit the person named on the head with the bottle (lightly, of course). Each time the next name is called by the one whose name was just spoken. And, most importantly, you need to say your friend’s name as quickly as possible so that the driver doesn’t have time to hit you with a bottle. Anyone who didn’t have time and was still hit with a bottle becomes the driver.


Pre-prepared cards with one word written on them are randomly distributed to private traders. The player will have to depict the object denoting this word as something else. This must be done without words, using facial expressions and pantomimes. If no one guessed what the player was trying to portray within 2-3 minutes (by agreement), he is considered a loser and performs some kind of penalty task (for example, crowing).

Words that can be written on cards:

  • TV,
  • fork,
  • shaving foam,
  • cat,
  • cucumber,
  • tractor,
  • barrel.

It is not easy to depict the desired object or phenomenon. Participants guess, and the “actor” can nod his head if they are close to the solution. Usually the game causes a lot of emotions and laughter.


Two or three couples are selected from the company, preferably three boys and three girls. They are divided into pairs, and each pair is given a roll of white toilet paper. The task of each of the girls is to make a “mummy” out of their partner by wrapping him in paper from head to toe. The competition has 2 minutes, so participants will have to hurry. After time has passed, the “jury” (guys who did not take part in the competition) evaluates whose “mummy” is more plausible. The winners receive a small prize.

"Hot potato"

A well-known game that has become traditional at weddings and other holidays. Participants sit at a table and pass each other an object (for example, a ball, an orange, a glass of drink, etc.) to the music. When the music stops, the participant who has the “potato” in his hands must stand up and congratulate the birthday person by making a toast.

"Broken phone"

The participants of the game are seated in a circle. The beginner comes up with any word or phrase (for example, “happy birthday”) and quietly speaks this phrase into the ear of his neighbor once. A neighbor passes on what he hears to his neighbor, and so on. The task of each player is to prevent other participants from hearing what he said, otherwise he is eliminated from the game. The game is funny because at the other end of the line, namely at the end of the chain, the phrase takes on a completely different meaning or is completely different from what was originally stated.

Competition "Who is faster?"

There can be several tasks, each time a new pair or three players can compete.

Examples of tasks:

  • who can eat half a lemon faster?
  • who can drink a glass of juice faster?
  • who can peel the potatoes faster?
  • Who can cut an apple into 10 pieces faster?
  • who can make the name of the birthday boy out of grapes faster?
  • Who can build a tower out of 20 plastic cups the fastest (there should be 5 cups at its base).

The winners are awarded.

"Blowing the Clock"

Two young men are selected from the company and invited to compete with each other in blowing... yes, a clock! And they will need to do this with their eyes closed. A wristwatch is placed in the middle of the table. Participants sit opposite each other. The rules of the game are announced to them: whoever moves the clock gets it.

The players are blindfolded and carefully replace the clock lying in front of them with a plate of flour, which they, of course, have no idea about.

"Search for Flowers"

In one of the rooms, some time before the game, paper flowers are hidden (in the closet, under the table, under the trunk, behind the chest of drawers, on the chandelier, etc.). The participants of the game enter the room at the same time and begin to look for flowers. Whoever finds the most flowers wins. Similar birthday contests are suitable for girls 14 years old at home.

"Burst the Balloons"

Each participant in the game is given three inflated balloons. Everyone’s task is to burst them as quickly as possible without touching them with their hands and teeth. The rest of the guys are fans.

"Water Carriers"

Three brave and dexterous ones are selected from the company. They need to carry a glass of water on their head across the room without dropping it or spilling water. Whoever completes the task first wins. It is better to use plastic glasses.

"Take off your hat"

The participants of the game enter the designated circle. Each player's left arm is tied to the body. Everyone has a hat on their head. The task is this: take off the hats of your rivals, but at the same time do not allow anyone to rip the hat off your head. This is not an easy task for a one-armed player. Anyone who loses a hat is out of the game. The last player remaining in the hat wins.

"Guess the identity"

To play you need a screen. It can serve as a blanket. A girl is hiding behind a screen. The host asks the company questions about the details of her clothing, makeup and appearance. For example, “What color are her eyes?”, “Which hand is the girl’s watch on?”, “What metal are her earrings made of?” For each correct answer, participants are given 1 point. At the end of the game, the points are tallied and the winner is declared.


A game in which all guests of the holiday party can take part. They will all be members of the choir, and the leader will be appointed by the conductor. You first need to agree on which gestures of the latter will be responsible for such actions as “Continue to sing loudly”, “Continue to sing quietly”, “Shut up”. For example, a wave of the hand may be responsible for loud singing, a downward movement for quiet singing, and a clenched fist for silence. The choir must perform a specific song, focusing on the “commands” of the conductor. The latter gradually demonstrates them with gestures more and more often, testing the players for attentiveness. Anyone who makes a mistake is eliminated from the competition and carries out any instructions from the birthday boy.

Birthday competitions for children 14 years old on the street

If possible, it is good to organize outdoor birthday games for teenagers 14 years old on the street.

This will be appropriate if:

  • you are celebrating a child’s birthday outdoors;
  • you live in a private house and have a fairly large local area free of foreign objects.

In winter, this could be a snowball fight; in summer, volleyball, football, dousing with water, etc.

Game "Water Packs"

Of course, you can only play it in hot weather. The children are given bags that they can fill with water. The filled bag is thrown at the “victim”; a successful hit results in the player being doused with water. During the game, you can hide in the garden, catch up with each other, and stalk each other. Children like the game due to its surprise and a touch of adventurism. The one who stays dry the longest wins.

Summer hockey

A tarpaulin or film is spread on the lawn - this is a hockey field. Small (5-10 cm) sides are built on it. The field is watered and generously filled with any soap solution (liquid soap, dishwashing detergent). Hockey players are divided into 2 teams and go onto the ice barefoot. Soapy tarps are no less slippery than real ice. The attributes of the game are the same: sticks and puck.

It is very important that birthday contests for children 14 years old are not too childish, banal and boring. At the same time, the success of the holiday largely depends on who will organize and conduct birthday competitions for children 14 years old. It is desirable that the organizer has leadership qualities and is able to unite the company as much as possible.


Another popular entertainment is quests. But not those that organize holiday agencies for children's parties, but special companies that have created quest rooms with thematic design and interesting tasks.

Of course, this entertainment is primarily aimed at adults. But each quest has its own level of passability - from more complex to simpler. Chat with representatives of the quest room. They will probably offer quests that teenagers can complete on their own.

After completing all the tasks, you can end the holiday with a birthday cake in the same establishment. Or eat some cake:

  • in the cafe,
  • Houses,
  • outdoors (during the warm season).

High tower

To conduct this competition, you will need cubes, coins or other objects from which participants will build a tower. In turn, each participant places coin on coin, building a tower (or cube on cube). Whoever the tower falls on is eliminated from the game and receives a fine - fulfilling the wish of the birthday boy. Then the guests begin to build a new tower, until again one of the participants is eliminated and receives a fine. So we play until one winner. And the children have fun, and the birthday boy is pleased with the fulfillment of his wishes.

Bowling + skates + cinema + slot machines

Now almost every city has shopping centers with entertainment areas. Be it Moscow, Krasnodar or Novosibirsk. Without leaving the confines of one building, you can play bowling, go to a cafe, go ice skating, watch an interesting film, or play slot machines. Or maybe even go go-karting!

This is another good place to celebrate.

It’s great that you can celebrate here at any time of the year. Moreover, such establishments are open even on holidays!


Players are divided into teams. Each team member takes turns writing the name of something edible on a piece of paper, folding the sheet and passing it to the next person. If there are few participants, you can repeat the procedure. After the participants have written down the ingredients, the “Start” signal is given, the sheet is opened, and in 5 minutes the team must come up with the name and recipe of the dish from the ingredients they proposed. Recipes can be very funny. For example, “mix mayonnaise with kvass, add chopped apples, bake everything with pickled cucumber sauce,” etc. The team that proposed the most original recipe wins.

What's the logic?

The presenter places in front of the participants (for example, using a magnet and an easel) three pictures that depict corresponding objects, combining which can form one single word. For example, a picture of a cake, a gift box and a balloon. After thinking a little, you can understand that it is a birthday. Or a picture of bread, a knife and sausage, which could mean a sandwich. The first participant to come up with an idea raises his hand and names the answer. If it is correct, the participant earns a point. Whoever has the most points at the end of the game wins a prize.

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