Birthday for a teenager in Halloween style: “The Great and Terrible Day” scenario

Halloween games for children that can become part of the scenario for a celebration in the garden, school or home.

The scariest day of the year is getting closer and closer. Have you already prepared some scary Halloween costumes? If not, now is the time. And at the same time, think over the party scenario, because children perceive this holiday not as the most terrible, but as the most fun. Surely you will need a Halloween script for children.

Make sure kids don't sit still. Children's games and various Halloween activities for children will help you with this. We have made a selection of Halloween games, including creative Halloween games, scary Halloween games, Halloween accuracy games, Halloween contests and relay races. They are all a little scary and terribly funny.

Comic gifts

Dracula gives the birthday boy a glass of tomato juice.

Dracula : I will give the gift first. I prepared a glass of the freshest blood of a ripe tomato. Drink this glass to always be healthy and young.

The birthday person is given a glass. The guests take turns presenting him with “gifts.”

Ghost (gives a bandage mask): I give you an invisible mask. In this mask you will be as invisible and unrecognizable as a ghost. It protects against various diseases.

Witch (gives herbal tea): Take this dried potion. It is useful for magical tea drinking and spells against illnesses and other ailments. You can pour it into a mug for friends and classmates. A unique product!

Vampire : (gives a garlic necklace) This necklace is not just an ornament! Kills other evil spirits in the form of bacteria and microbes.

Zombie (gives a crossword puzzle): I give this useful gift so that you develop and do not zombify your brain with gadgets alone.

Baba Yaga (gives a broom): Here is a remedy for adversity and troubles - keep them away from you!

Monster High (gives plastic fangs): I give you such teeth that you can handle any nut!

Skeleton (gives chalk): This is a unique item. Draw a circle around yourself and create protection from enemy evil spirits. And if you eat it, you will strengthen your bones.

Werewolf (gives soap): This is a magical gift. You will wake up in the morning as a werewolf, and with the help of this soap you will again turn into a red young man.

Dracula : Are you happy with the gifts?
We tried our best! They ran around all the abandoned houses and vacant lots to please you. But, most importantly, we will give you a GOOD MOOD today!! (Everyone clap and cheer loudly)

Halloween lullaby

The tired toys of Babka-Yozhka and their huts are sleeping. Ghouls, crocodiles, and terrible gorillas.

The evil sorcerer sleeps in the grave, Grandma Death with a scythe snores. The toothy bears are sleeping, even Freddy Kruger is sleeping.

A goblin sleeps in a dense forest, a dead hedgehog under a bush. The witches and the witchers sleep, the Merman at the bottom of the river.

They laid shavings on themselves, Crazy old ladies. Ghosts no longer roam, And vampires enter the crypts,

They don’t sit in ambushes, they don’t wait for guys at night. The devils are dozing at the post, And the crows are on the bush.

The mouse is afraid to open its eyes, go to sleep and you're a baby.

From the Internet

Game task “Biography of the Great and Terrible”

Dracula : Today is the birthday of our wonderful (name of the birthday boy). Let us remember how he was born and grew up. In an ancient haunted castle, late at night, I found ancient writings that tell the story of our Night King. But half the words were erased. Help me finish this terrifying story.

All guests and the birthday person must name different adjectives with a “Halloween” meaning.

Let's say: nightmarish, vile, witchcraft, devilish, terrifying, terrible, extravagant, thirteenth, possessed, and so on.

A story with missing owls:

“One ... day, at ... hour, there was ... weather outside. The sun was shining, snow was falling from the sky or rain was dripping, no one remembers. The whole world shook when it heard... the cry of a newborn baby. Then everyone heard the news that our birthday boy was born. Everyone was immediately happy and ran to visit. Seeing the child with ... a rattle in his hands, all the guests smiled tenderly and said in one voice: “What a ... baby! We have never seen such a child before!” Day after day the baby grew up and turned into... a little boy. He went to... kindergarten, and then to... school... Today, on his birthday, he remembered those distant words of his relatives, went up to the mirror and said contentedly: “Yes, I really am... a guy!” Happy birthday to you, our... friend!”

Fun Halloween Games

Halloween game "Trick or treat"

The main phrase of Halloween: “Trick or Treat?” This time, as a Halloween game, give the kids some “creep.”

  1. Take any closed box and make a hole in it for your hand.
  2. Place spaghetti, jelly, sauces, olives and so on inside.
  3. The children's task is to stick their hand into the box and try to guess what is in it.

Children's game "Trick or treat" for Halloween (photo)

Competition "Away Jack Pumpkinhead"

Dracula : We will throw a wonderful party for our (name of the birthday boy)! It just seems to me that there are not enough guests at our Nightmare Ball. Where is Jack Pumpkinhead? Who will light up our darkness? Not in order! I suggest everyone pay for the first, second... So we got two teams. Let's build two Jacks. And whoever completes the task faster and better will receive a pack of delicious worms (jelly worms).

Teams are provided with a mop (this is the basis), one pumpkin, and old clothes (raincoats, pants, jackets, scarves, straw or felt hats). They are building "Jack". You can give each a knife, a bowl and a candle to cut out a face and insert the candle into the pumpkin. The most active ones will be awarded a prize. But it’s better to reward two teams with worms.

Dracula : Great! Pumpkinhead Jack and his twin brother Johnny arrived to our holiday!

Pumpkin is a symbol of Halloween. Making a Jack Lantern with the kids

Who doesn't know this All Saints' Day hero? A Jack-O-Lantern, or jack-o'-lantern, should be a must-have at children's parties this holiday. You can cut funny and scary faces from pumpkins together with your children in advance or directly during the festival.

Cut off the top of the pumpkin at an angle, clean it and the insides of the pumpkin (you can trust this process to a child). Use a toothpick at 1 cm intervals to mark the points along which you will cut out the “face”. Take a penknife and carefully cut out the face. Insert a lit candle into the pumpkin. Jack Lantern is ready!

Disgusting dishes

Dracula : Now let's please the birthday boy by preparing the most disgusting dish. I need some desperate little cooks... Various “ingredients” are hidden in advance around the room: plastic spiders, rubber snakes, rubber worms, plas painted on tennis balls. The lights in the room are dimmed. Ladles with bowls in their hands and flashlights are looking for “ingredients” to put on a plate and prepare a dish for the birthday boy. The fastest cook wins.

Dracula : Excellent! Now let's test your wits in the Nightmare Quiz itself. Pronounce your answers in a variety of ways.

Nightmare Quiz

  1. Say in an evil whisper, what was the name of the most famous and oldest witch from Russian fairy tales? (Baba Yaga)
  2. Loudly croak the name of your friendliest ghost? (Casper)
  3. Howl pitifully, the name of the most famous family of vampires? (Adams family)
  4. Angrily hiss the name of the evil spirit that the witch called upon, wanting to defeat the monk from Gogol’s work? (Viy)
  5. Squeak like bats the name of the one-eyed giant (Cyclops)
  6. In an angry whisper, tell me what is the name of a person who turns into an animal? (Werewolf)
  7. Moan pitifully, what is the name of the ship - a ghost that forever plows the oceans and seas? ("Flying Dutchman")
  8. Hiss loudly the name of a huge monster living at the bottom of the sea, which all sailors are afraid of. ("Loch Ness monster")
  9. Shout out like devils the name of the fairy-tale villain, death, who is in the needle? (Koschei).
  10. Now imagine the sound of an animal that terrifies people as it crosses the road. (Black cat, everyone must meow loudly)


Ghouls, vampires, witches, The poor cherub cries: October is the last day, Halloween is coming.

People are sick with something, There is only one day like this, All the weeks are terrible, Halloween is all around.

In the cell he sits in the zone, Sometimes he is a wolf, sometimes he is a peacock. There are werewolves in uniform, This is also Halloween.

The holiday was banned in schools, Many reasons were found, There were already precedents, Halloween is harmful for children.

They quickly sold out the pumpkin and burned the entire store. We're already used to it. What can I say, Halloween.

I won’t see freedom anymore, blink-wink, don’t care, damn it. Lexicon from Uncle Kolya, Same here - Halloween.

Lilliput in a terrible play Performed by a giant. Goblin composes songs, Show Sabbath. Halloween.

Everything happened instantly, it was squeezed out like an orange - the Ghouls opened the veins of the Poor fellow. Halloween.

Housewives are freaking out without their legal halves, They walk around in T-shirts without coats, What is it about Halloween.

Mischief wanders in the open field, And the crows are huddled together in a wedge. Was I imagining something? Or was it really Halloween?

Someone jumped and disappeared, climbed onto the springboard for some reason. Flew into such an abyss, Where it’s Halloween all the time.

White clothes are in fashion, Gloomy black limousine. Everything will remain as before - Ghoul, witch, Halloween. Nekto

Hellish holiday Halloween, Witches, ghosts, We will create a skull from a pumpkin - for your congratulations!

Let's come under the window, Just don't be scared, We're going for some goodies - Get together with us.

On this day of evil spirits, I wish to be afraid. And find yourself in a cave on the most terrible Dark Night!

There you might trip over a mummy and get tangled up in bandages. And having unraveled, stumble upon a vampire. Oh and fear!

And run while a pair of frightened legs rushes! Here, in the distance, a lantern will light up... How do you like this creepy greeting? ))

Dance competition: "Until the rooster crows"

A volunteer is selected from among the guests - he will be the rooster. The rooster leaves the room, the others dance to cheerful music. A rooster bursts into the room with a loud “crow”. Everyone must stop abruptly. The Rooster takes everyone who continues to move with him. Continue the game several times. The losers take forfeits.

Scary forfeits

The Rooster brings the losers.


You shouldn’t stand with a gloomy face, And frighten the birthday boy with boredom, Try to fulfill the frightening forfeits, So that you can become free as soon as possible.


  1. Dance with a broom to the song After Dark “From “From Dusk Till Dawn” - soundtrack from the film: “From Dusk Till Dawn”.
  2. Look in the mirror and scream in horror.
  3. Puff out your cheeks for about three seconds, and then say guiltily: “Oh, I think I was really scared...”
  4. Blow out a candle with a scream.
  5. With a serious look, try to turn the birthday boy into a bat by casting different spells three times.
  6. Ride a broom, run around the hall three times, shouting loudly: “Look, everyone: I’m flying!”
  7. Go up to any boy and say loudly: “Okay, Snow White, after the holiday, I’ll break your spell!”
  8. Select three people, approach each one and make a scary grimace.

Preparing treats

Children are unlikely to want to sit at the table for a long time, especially if we are talking about kids, so having a full lunch with three courses, sweets and compote will be superfluous. It makes more sense to stick with the buffet option.

It is reasonable to cover the table with thick paper or orange film and decorate it with figures of black cats, bats and witches on brooms - they can be drawn with a black marker. This will create the right atmosphere and protect the furniture - children who are playing around often spill or drop something. Be sure to stock up on napkins in the right colors and arrange them so that guests can grab their own napkins.

Treats can be very simple: ice cream, hot sandwiches, sausage rolls, popcorn and cupcakes - the main thing is that the dishes are decorated in the same style. For this purpose, for example, transparent plastic cups are perfect, on which you can draw scary and funny faces with a marker.

Even an ordinary carrot salad, orange ice cream or Fanta in such a frame will look festive. If you decide to order sweets from a bakery or from private confectioners, immediately clarify that this is a treat for children on Halloween, and ask them to decorate the cupcakes or pastries with figures made of mastic or cream.

Abode of evil spirits, or how to decorate a hall

You can hold such a themed birthday with equal success both at home and in a restaurant. To do this, it is only enough to decorate the hall in the gloomy colors characteristic of this holiday (black, gray, blood red, orange, and so on) and paraphernalia:


To create a gloomy atmosphere, lighting must be kept to a minimum .

  • First of all, you need to exclude sunlight, which evil spirits do not like so much: to do this, you need to darken the windows with dark thick curtains. To complete the picture, we add creepy little things - bats, pumpkins with eyes and grins, devils, and so on. The easiest way is to draw on whatman paper, cut it out and secure it with safety pins. Another option is to make an imitation of the night sky on the curtains. To do this, you need to decorate them with stars and a month, which will be cut out of luminous paper (fluorescent) or foil.
  • Be sure to dim the light. The easiest way is to hang regular New Year's garlands, adding a little “horror”. For example, weave it with a web of threads and plant large shaggy spiders.
  • Homemade lamps and ordinary floor lamps, decorated in the appropriate spirit, are suitable as additional light. For example, you can cut out silhouettes of monsters or bogeymen from adhesive black paper, stick them on jars (or paint them with paint - stained glass or acrylic will do) and put candles inside: this way you get an eerie play of light and shadow.

What gift should I give my boyfriend for his birthday? We will offer several original options. In this article you can learn about the features of drawing up a party script in the style of the USSR. Here: - you will find a selection of games for an adult’s birthday.


It is very important to decorate the walls in the appropriate spirit.

  • Posters with monsters and ghouls will do . By the way, many famous rock bands look like a bunch of vampires and witches, so posters with them will also fit perfectly into the atmosphere.
  • the silhouette of a ghost from white Whatman paper and attach it to double-sided tape or needles. Skeletons are made in the same way .
  • If it is possible to place a mirror (or you already have one), then decorate it with traces of “blood”. This can be done with paints or lipstick. silhouettes of death will look very colorful on the entrance doors .


As at any other holiday, inflatable balloons and decorations made from them will look great.
Here you need to either follow the basic color scheme (black and orange), or buy balloons with the appropriate Halloween symbols. Helium balloons will look interesting: in this case, they will completely (or partially) cover the ceiling space and leave virtually no white spots. If possible, the agency will order thematic figures from balloons - skeletons, pumpkins, devils, spiders, and so on. In addition, there are similar shaped balls on sale, but they don’t look as interesting or believable.

Thematic props

Specialized stores sell a lot of themed props (canned eyes and hands in jars, witch figurines and tombstones, skulls, and so on). You can do the most primitive ones yourself:

  • Pumpkin is the main decoration of the holiday and it is very simple to make. A hole is made in the top of the pumpkin and the entire core with seeds is removed. Determine where the muzzle will be, cut out a stencil with eyes and a smile, and draw a needle along the contour (then it is cut out along it). If you are not sure that it will turn out beautifully or you cannot cut it out evenly, you just need to paint it with black paint using the same stencil. It is advisable to make a lot of such pumpkins and place them throughout the room: in corners on the floor, on shelves, or build some kind of stuffed animal (put it on a stick and make something like a shirt out of a white sheet).

  • Ghosts are made from small scraps of fabric and hung on a chandelier. They are also good for decorating chairs - just hang them on the chair and attach cut-out eyes and a mouth.


The musical accompaniment should create the atmosphere of a real Sabbath. Compositions by famous rock artists, soundtracks to films about vampires and werewolves, and so on are perfect for this.

A terrible feast, or how to decorate a festive table

Photo: decorating birthday dishes in Halloween style

This holiday should be accompanied by terrible dishes on a special table. But this does not mean that you will have to offer your guests some inedible crap - everything can be made from familiar products by playing a little with the design details:

  1. Any dish can be decorated with black olive spiders: the body is made from one half, and the legs are cut from the other.
  2. With soy sauce or mayonnaise (to which you need to add food coloring) we decorate the top of any salad in the form of a simple web.
  3. Give preference to red drinks - wine, juice (tomato, cherry, pomegranate), fruit drink (currant, cranberry) and so on. For interest, we put a new name on each bottle on top of the label, for example, “Vampire Drink” and so on.
  4. The easiest way is to bake cookies in the shape of skulls or pumpkins. Alternatively, cut from white bread and toast in a toaster.
  5. The central decoration of the table can be a large painted pumpkin, to which skewers with canapés (for example, cheese and olives) will be attached to the top.

Photo: Halloween table decoration for a birthday party

You can decorate the table as follows:

Pickled brains

Pour weak tea into a jar (so that it shines through) and put a head of cauliflower, after removing the leaves. It looks very believable and you can place several copies in the middle of the table.

Let's take a closer look at how to make Halloween costumes with your own hands. We offer you only the most interesting options. From this article you will find out whether you can give a watch for your birthday or not. And here: - we will find out what is best to give to your brother for his birthday.

Bloody hand

Pour water into a large dish and mix with red dye. Pour the same liquid into a rubber or cellophane glove and freeze. Before the start of the holiday, place it in the prepared bloody bowl and secure it. Throughout the feast, the hand will gradually melt and the fingers will fall off.


The usual pumpkin faces can be made from oranges or tangerines. To do this, we stick clove branches into the orange so that we get eyes and a grin. If all these elements are present on the table, then you should not overload the decoration with unnecessary little things: let there be a white tablecloth, white dishes, transparent glasses and orange or red napkins.

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