Birthday for a teenager in Halloween style: “The Great and Terrible Day” scenario

How to hold Halloween contests for adults at home

A cheerful feast is the main attribute of any Russian holiday, even if it came to us from afar, like Halloween. And after all that has been eaten and drunk, the celebration smoothly flows into all sorts of tomfoolery, one of which is competitions.

Halloween contests are loved by both children and adults. Since they are associated with such a holiday, they should at least slightly come into contact with the theme of evil spirits, horror stories and everything unusual, of course, with a dose of humor and laughter. Here are some adult Halloween competitions that can be held to maintain an atmosphere of general fun.

How to Entertain Your Guests on Halloween

1. “Scary face.”

Participants are encouraged to practice making faces. Each of them takes turns making a scary face. The winner is the one with the most terrifying face.

2. "Devil's tail."

This Halloween competition for adults is best held after a fair number of glasses or glasses have been raised - this will make it much more fun and entertaining. So, a rope or thread is tied to the belt of each participant, with a pencil hanging from the end. The participant's task is to lower the pencil into a bottle standing on the floor without using his hands. Considering the “degrees” running through the body, this will not be easy to do, but it will bring a lot of positive emotions and unforgettable emotions to the audience.

3. Creative fashion designer.

Let's test our guests' creativity? Then for the next Halloween competition, we divide them into teams, provide each with a set of materials, for example, a roll of paper, a bottle of ketchup, a piece of fabric or newspaper, etc., and in a limited time we ask them to create a costume of some kind of monster from all this . For inspiration, you can borrow a character from films or fairy tales, or you can come up with your own. The winners are the creators of the most striking and extravagant outfit.

4. In a black, black city..

When the adult guests are a little tired of dancing and active body movements, you can give them a short break and hold a competition for the scariest story. In addition to the main competition, you can introduce nominations for artistry, for the most realistic performance, for the most unusual plot, etc.

5. Kiss me on.

For the next competition, we line up all the adult guests in a line; it is advisable for men and women to alternate. Everyone names a thing or part of the body that he likes and doesn’t like about the guest next to him. At the end, all participants must kiss the place they liked and bite the place they didn’t like. This is not a special competition for Halloween, but more of a fun game, but it is no less impressive.

6. Pumpkin competitions.

Remember who the main Halloween party is? Of course, pumpkin. We invite you to remind your guests about this and we will do this with the help of the next competition. Cut the pumpkin into small pieces. We divide the guests into guy-girl pairs. We lay the girl on the table and place pieces of pumpkin on different parts of the body. We blindfold the guy and ask him to find and eat all the pieces. The winner of the competition is the participant who finds the largest number of pieces in the allotted time.

If you had a good year and you got a lot of pumpkins, you can organize a Halloween competition for the best “Jack-O-Lantern” - the famous grinning face with burning candles inside. Guests must carve their own Halloween symbol from the pumpkin. The result can be assessed by the speed of execution, or by the quality of the resulting lamp.

7. For adults only.

A classic competition for adults is drinking beer/wine/whiskey/tequila/vodka in a race, or rather, who can outdrink who. Recommended if you are tired of guests and dream of sending them home, or at least to the kingdom of Morpheus. The winner, who beats his drinking buddies, is given a prize bottle of alcohol, of course, if he is able to accept the winnings. It is recommended to take place at the end of the banquet.

In principle, any well-known competition can be adapted to the main holiday of all evil spirits, adding the necessary paraphernalia and creating the right mood. The main thing is that Halloween games for adults achieve their goal by giving guests joy and fun.

Game task “Biography of the Great and Terrible”

Dracula : Today is the birthday of our wonderful (name of the birthday boy). Let us remember how he was born and grew up. In an ancient haunted castle, late at night, I found ancient writings that tell the story of our Night King. But half the words were erased. Help me finish this terrifying story.

All guests and the birthday person must name different adjectives with a “Halloween” meaning.

Let's say: nightmarish, vile, witchcraft, devilish, terrifying, terrible, extravagant, thirteenth, possessed, and so on.

A story with missing owls:

“One ... day, at ... hour, there was ... weather outside. The sun was shining, snow was falling from the sky or rain was dripping, no one remembers. The whole world shook when it heard... the cry of a newborn baby. Then everyone heard the news that our birthday boy was born. Everyone was immediately happy and ran to visit. Seeing the child with ... a rattle in his hands, all the guests smiled tenderly and said in one voice: “What a ... baby! We have never seen such a child before!” Day after day the baby grew up and turned into... a little boy. He went to... kindergarten, and then to... school... Today, on his birthday, he remembered those distant words of his relatives, went up to the mirror and said contentedly: “Yes, I really am... a guy!” Happy birthday to you, our... friend!”

Halloween Contests

Original cool Halloween contests with surprises will not leave anyone indifferent at the party. General games will help everyone present get to know each other and create a relaxed and warm atmosphere. Unusual tasks, funny jokes and pranks will create a real enchanting show that guests of the holiday will remember for a long time.

4-8 people participate in the competition. They are divided into 2 teams. Each of them chooses a mummy. Teams receive a roll of toilet paper, tape and scissors. At the leader’s signal, they begin to wrap up their “victim”. The team that completes its task faster and uses up all the paper wins.

Everyone can participate in the competition. They are divided into 2-3 teams. Each group of participants chooses a catcher. He is given half of the pumpkin, peeled from pulp and seeds. The remaining participants (“demons”) receive tennis balls with the image of a human eye.

The “demons” stand in different ranks at a certain distance from their catcher. After that, they take turns throwing an “eye” at the half of the pumpkin held by their team’s catcher. Each person is given no more than 10 attempts (if there are many participants, you can reduce the number of attempts to 5). The catcher moves, trying to catch the ball. The host or guests who are not participating in the competition count the number of hits for each group of participants. The demon team with the most hits wins.

Everyone can participate in the game. The music turns on. Participants begin to dance, moving in a circle and passing a broom to each other (you can take a broom or mop instead of a broom). After a while, the presenter turns off the music. The one who has a broom at this moment leaves the game. The witch (or witcher) who remains last in the circle wins.

Everyone present at the festival participates in the competition. Usually, after drinking a fair amount of alcohol, many people have a desire to sing karaoke or guitar. Invite your guests to make the worst moan they can muster instead. The participant who copes with the task better than others is declared the winner.

The game involves 5 people. It is advisable that there be girls among them, as they are usually more impressionable than guys. To play the game you will need two peeled grapes, raw liver, and spaghetti.

Participants are taken out of the room. One of the guests lies down on the table or chairs. He is covered with a blanket. Participants are led blindfolded into a room one by one, told a creepy story about a maniac who kills his victims and cuts out their organs while they are alive. Then they bring him to a person who is covered with a blanket, and the participant’s hand touches parts of his body in turn. At the same time they say: “This is the victim of a maniac. These are her legs, these are her hands, ... and these are his heart (liver), eyes (grapes), brains (spaghetti). Screams of horror are guaranteed!

All children who want to participate in the game. To organize it, you need to prepare 3 stacks of cards in advance: one should contain tasks, another should contain the names of prizes, and the third should contain predictions. First, the child pulls out a card with a prize and, if he wants to receive it, he must pull out a sheet with a task.

Prize options: any sweets - chocolates, dragees, chewing gum, etc.

  • Scare away the evil spirits (you can crow three times through an open window).
  • Draw the scariest monster.
  • Show me the bat.
  • Put on your face the most terrible grin you can.
  • Kiss a vampire kiss to several people.
  • Depict the dance of a witch or a brownie (it would be nice to choose a suitable phonogram for this task; if the participant wishes, he can be given a broom).
  • Show a zombie coming out of the grave.

After the child has completed the actions indicated on the card, he receives a prize. Then he pulls out a sheet with a prediction. He can take it with him as a souvenir. Predictions can be either appropriate to the topic or ordinary.

  • The evil spirit is on your side: all week you will get only “excellent” grades at school.
  • Don't leave your house next week: the rising of the dead is coming.
  • Believe in yourself and you will succeed.
  • There are countless treasures hidden under the threshold of your house - urgently go get a shovel.
  • Your unearthly grin is very much to the liking of one cute vampire (vampire) - pay attention to him (her).
  • Success awaits you.

Children participate in the competition. It is good to hold it at the very beginning of the holiday to give everyone the opportunity to demonstrate their costumes and acting abilities. With the help of facial expressions, gestures and voices, children need to portray their character. For example, a child can show how a werewolf sheds his skin and howls at the moon, and a witch laughs evilly and makes magical passes. The winner of the competition is the one who portrays his character most convincingly.

Comic gifts

Dracula gives the birthday boy a glass of tomato juice.

Dracula : I will give the gift first. I prepared a glass of the freshest blood of a ripe tomato. Drink this glass to always be healthy and young.

The birthday person is given a glass. The guests take turns presenting him with “gifts.”

Ghost (gives a bandage mask): I give you an invisible mask. In this mask you will be as invisible and unrecognizable as a ghost. It protects against various diseases.

Witch (gives herbal tea): Take this dried potion. It is useful for magical tea drinking and spells against illnesses and other ailments. You can pour it into a mug for friends and classmates. A unique product!

Vampire : (gives a garlic necklace) This necklace is not just an ornament! Kills other evil spirits in the form of bacteria and microbes.

Zombie (gives a crossword puzzle): I give this useful gift so that you develop and do not zombify your brain with gadgets alone.

Baba Yaga (gives a broom): Here is a remedy for adversity and troubles - keep them away from you!

Monster High (gives plastic fangs): I give you such teeth that you can handle any nut!

Skeleton (gives chalk): This is a unique item. Draw a circle around yourself and create protection from enemy evil spirits. And if you eat it, you will strengthen your bones.

Werewolf (gives soap): This is a magical gift. You will wake up in the morning as a werewolf, and with the help of this soap you will again turn into a red young man.

Dracula : Are you happy with the gifts? We tried our best! They ran around all the abandoned houses and vacant lots to please you. But, most importantly, we will give you a GOOD MOOD today!! (Everyone clap and cheer loudly)



Holidays where your dreams come true

Competitive program for a Halloween party.

We recommend dividing all participants into two teams, this will make it more interesting to participate in competitions.

Halloween Contests No. 1 "Quiz". (everyone participates) (10 pcs.)

  1. How is the Halloween table different in Europe and in the USA? (In America, more and more people treat themselves to candy, while in Europe they limit themselves to bread and water - they remember the departed).
  2. In which country, instead of pumpkins, are paper “boats of fate” made on this day? (In China)
  3. In what year did Halloween begin to be celebrated in the USA (since 1846).
  4. What is another name for Halloween? (Night of the Floating Apples)
  5. How can you protect yourself from evil spirits on All Saints' Day? (Put on a mask)
  6. What was the original name of the holiday? ("Saman's Vigil")
  7. What did girls usually do on Halloween night? (wondered)
  8. Among which nations did Halloween first originate? (Celts: Bretons, Gauls, Scots and Irish)
  9. What two parts was the year divided into according to the Celtic calendar and in what months did they begin? (dark (winter) – October-November, light (summer) – March-April)
  10. In what century did Pope Boniface IV establish November 1 as All Saints' Day? (VII century)

Competition No. 2 “Sayings” (3 people from each team participate).

(6 sayings: 1) Appetite comes while eating, 1) The eyes are afraid, but the hands are busy, 1) He who does nothing is not mistaken, 2) “For lack of fish and cancer, fish, 2) No matter how much you feed the wolf, still looking into the forest, 2) Judge not, lest you be judged.) (3 pcs.)

Each participant is given a sheet of Whatman paper and a bright marker, as well as a card with a saying. In 2 minutes, players must depict the meaning of their saying without using words or letters. Then each artist presents his masterpiece to his team, and they guess the encrypted concept. The team that guesses its sayings faster wins.

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Halloween Contests No. 3 "Dead Man's Eye".

Each team lines up in a chain, and participants are given a spoon with a dead man's eye. The task is for players to use a spoon, but without using their hands, to run their eyes around the chip and pass it to another participant. Whose team completes the test the fastest is the winner.

Competition No. 4 “Guess the phrase.” (4 people per team participate, 1 guy and 3 girls)

(The phrase “Come home with me, I have Chupa Chups”)

The guys must use facial expressions and gestures to depict the phrase that the presenter asked, and the girls, in turn, must guess. The task is to guess the phrase, whose team guesses it faster is the winner.

Halloween Contests No. 5 “The Web.”

Each team lines up in a chain, and participants are given a long rope. The task is to thread the rope between everyone, i.e. the first participant begins to thread the rope through the clothes from top to bottom, the next one from bottom to top, and so on by analogy. The winner is the team where each participant threaded the rope through themselves.

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Competition No. 6 “Broken Fax”. (8 people per team participate)

(draw a carved pumpkin)

Each participant is given an A4 sheet of paper, team captains are given a felt-tip pen. Participants of both teams line up in a chain one after another, the order is boy girl (if possible). Team captains stand at the beginning of the chain, each participant leans his sheet of paper against the back of the next player. Task, the team captain receives a task from the leader, it is necessary to draw a drawing on an A4 sheet, which is leaned against the back of the next participant, the other must feel and repeat, the last one in the chain draws on the back of the team captain. The winner is the team whose drawing on the last sheet is closely similar to the original.

Halloween competitions No. 7 “Milking”. (6 people per team participate, 2 boys, 2 girls)

Each team has two cows, the boys act as cows, and the girls act as milkmaids. The task is to produce as much milk as possible; the winning team is determined by the amount of milk produced. The guys must get on all fours and hold a glove filled with milk in the form of an udder, and the girls, at the command of the leader, must milk as much milk as possible.


Competition No. 8 “Count.” (6 girls are participating, 3 from each team)

The participants stand facing the audience. Behind each is a chair. A small number of objects are placed discreetly on each chair. On command, all participants sit down and try to determine how many objects are on the chair. Looking at and using hands is prohibited. The team that most accurately guesses the number of items wins.

Halloween Contest No. 9 “Cold Banana.” (4 girls participate, two from each team)

Each team has two bananas (no more included). The task is for the girls to peel a banana and use it to eat the ice cream that is located in bowls. Whoever ate the fastest (more) is the winner, and a separate nomination for the most erotic eating is also awarded.

Competition No. 10 Sketch competition. (4 pairs from each team participate)

(Pumpkin, lantern, broom, witch's hat, mask, candy, skeleton, candle)

Several pairs are called. The girls bend over, taking a “beautiful pose.” But the girls have a piece of paper on their butts, which they are holding with their hands. Young people hold a felt-tip pen between their legs, sit behind them and draw on a piece of paper what the presenter has wished for; the task of the team players is to guess what is drawn on the pieces of paper.


Competition No. 11 “Body parts”. (everyone participates)

All participants receive small pieces of paper, each writes two words on a piece of paper: any two parts of the body. Any. For example, “ear - nose”, “eye - hand”. Then all the sheets are collected in a hat or bag.

Next, pieces of paper are taken out one by one for each specific player and read out loud. The task for the participants: line up in a chain, touching each other with the designated parts of the body and stand at least a little. Whoever manages to build a chain and stay in this position longer wins.

This was the final stage of the Halloween competition. Happy holiday!

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Preparing to meet vampires

Each participant receives a bag of garlic heads (the same amount for everyone). At the “start” command, each participant begins to prepare for the meeting with vampires - peeling garlic. Moreover, you have to clean it only with your hands - without the help of foreign objects. After a minute, the presenter gives the command “stop”, after which he counts the peeled cloves of garlic for each participant. The three most dexterous and prepared to meet vampires are awarded prizes, for example, donuts with garlic, because students are often hungry, and garlic is just the theme.

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