Birthday contests for teenagers 16, 17 and 18 years old (boy and girl)

Adolescence is the most active age in human life. Therefore, when a teenager has a birthday, it is clearly not enough for him to simply set a good table and provide a spacious room for dancing. Interesting competitions for teenagers' birthdays will help to fully satisfy the needs of young people, because you can collect a whole basket of interesting games in which boys and girls, classmates, and unfamiliar guests can participate.


A game in which guys will definitely volunteer to take part. However, it can also be interesting for girls who want to prove to everyone that the fairer sex is not weak at all. For this competition you will need a kind of double harness of rope. In this harness, the participants stand opposite each other and, at the command of the leader, begin to pull in their direction, towards the prize. The one who can resist the opponent, whoever grabs the prize first, wins. Please note that the double “sleigh” can be made large for two teams of several participants each.

Table competitions

Special order for congratulations

This competition is open to individual players and small teams. In any case, in a couple of minutes you need to come up with a 10-word congratulation for the hero of the occasion, which will contain the maximum number of hissing letters “sch”, growling “r”, whistling “s” or any other. The one who squeezes the most qualifying letters into his congratulations will be the winner of the competition.

Guess the person from the description

Similar competitions for a teenager’s birthday can be held if a company of old friends who know each other well has gathered around the table. The names of all participants in the game must be written on separate pieces of paper, which are then mixed and distributed to them in random order.

Each teenager needs to describe the person whose name is on his piece of paper, while the rest must guess who they are talking about. When describing, it is better not to mention the person’s clothes and other things, but to touch on her character traits.


For this competition, the presenter should prepare a lot of cards with the names of cities. Each participant in the competition can go on their own journey. But first he must answer in which country the city indicated on his card is located. If he makes a mistake, he is “removed from the flight,” and if he answers correctly, he receives the next card and continues the voyage.

It's probably me

Participants in this competition take turns and briefly describe one of those present, for example, “pretty, with green eyes and red hair, shy, green in her clothes.” Anyone who recognizes himself as a loved one under this description should loudly declare: “It’s probably me!”

If he guesses correctly, both receive a prize. Such funny table teen birthday contests allow you to get to know each other better, have fun, and give you a chance to show signs of attention.

Blowing out the ring

You need to choose two people and offer them a competition: who can pass a light object blindfolded. In the middle of a clean (and without a tablecloth) table you need to put a cute ring, candy or something else, and seat the participants on opposite sides of the table.

Competitors must be told: “whoever moves the object first will get it.” Then blindfold both of them, and at this moment replace the ring with a plate of flour. There will be fun in the company when they generously powder each other!

Guess what's in your hands

The imagination of the authors of soft toys left ample opportunity to have fun in this competition. Such competitions would be very appropriate for the birthday of a 12-13 year old teenager. The player needs to be blindfolded, handed a soft toy and asked to name what he has in his hands. So, a snake in a Santa Claus hat with a bag of gifts seemed to one girl like a homely snail (there is definitely a resemblance).

Later, the players are sincerely surprised how they could not identify such an ordinary toy. And it gets even funnier when the player touches the toy and makes guesses out loud about its appearance.

Broken phone

The first participant thinks of a word or short phrase and quietly pronounces it once to his neighbor. He must also whisper what he heard to the next neighbor, and so on throughout the circle. The words must be pronounced so quietly that no one except the addressee can hear them, otherwise the player will be excluded from the game.

As a rule, having completed a full circle and returned to the author, the phrase changes radically, which causes noisy general fun.

Teenage intuition

What kind of competitions are there for a teenager's birthday at home without testing your intuition? From those present, you need to choose someone who would like to experience it. All players must choose one item from five lists of different categories, for example:

  • animals (bull, cat, rat, elephant, goat);
  • plants (birch, chamomile, rose, fern, oak);
  • car brands (Mercedes, BMW, Zhiguli, McLaren, Citroen);
  • films (Wonder Woman, Taxi, Iron Man, Divergent, Angels and Demons);
  • clothing style (business, evening, sports, shocking, mourning).

After this, the presenter reads out the lists one by one, and the applicant for intuition must show it and guess who compiled this list.

You can find even more competitions for a fun company in another article on our website.


A game in which all guests of the holiday party can take part. They will all be members of the choir, and the leader will be appointed by the conductor. You first need to agree on which gestures of the latter will be responsible for such actions as “Continue to sing loudly”, “Continue to sing quietly”, “Shut up”. For example, a wave of the hand may be responsible for loud singing, a downward movement for quiet singing, and a clenched fist for silence. The choir must perform a specific song, focusing on the “commands” of the conductor. The latter gradually demonstrates them with gestures more and more often, testing the players for attentiveness. Anyone who makes a mistake is eliminated from the competition and carries out any instructions from the birthday boy.

Everything according to the horoscope

A horoscope is drawn up in advance for each zodiac sign, for example, Cancers today are charming and charming, they surprise everyone and everyone around them is in love with them. And at 19.00 Cancers will make a “bridge” stance. A horoscope is read to each guest in accordance with his zodiac sign, and the guest must remember what and when he must do and fulfill everything according to his horoscope. It will be interesting if among the guests there are three or four Cancers at once and all together at 19.00 they will make a “bridge”. And whoever forgets his horoscope has committed a penalty and fulfills the wish of the birthday boy. You can come up with a horoscope like this: Aries will tell a funny joke today, Taurus will hum 6 times at 6 pm, Gemini will delight everyone with a beautiful song, and so on.

Birthday games and competitions for children 13, 14 and 15 years old (boys and girls)

Accurate plane

The task of the participants is to fold a special and beautiful airplane from a sheet of paper and, standing on the line of the spade, launch their airplane as far as possible. Whose plane lands the farthest wins. This competition takes into account not only the dexterity of the hands of the participants, but also their little knowledge of physics, as well as the ingenuity of the children. It is advisable to choose large sheets for the competition.

High tower

To conduct this competition, you will need cubes, coins or other objects from which participants will build a tower. In turn, each participant places coin on coin, building a tower (or cube on cube). Whoever the tower falls on is eliminated from the game and receives a fine - fulfilling the wish of the birthday boy. Then the guests begin to build a new tower, until again one of the participants is eliminated and receives a fine. So we play until one winner. And the children have fun, and the birthday boy is pleased with the fulfillment of his wishes.

What's the logic?

The presenter places in front of the participants (for example, using a magnet and an easel) three pictures that depict corresponding objects, combining which can form one single word. For example, a picture of a cake, a gift box and a balloon. After thinking a little, you can understand that it is a birthday. Or a picture of bread, a knife and sausage, which could mean a sandwich. The first participant to come up with an idea raises his hand and names the answer. If it is correct, the participant earns a point. Whoever has the most points at the end of the game wins a prize.

Big hugs

Pairs are chosen from among the children who want to participate, and each pair is given a balloon, which should be placed between the participants’ bellies. At the command “start,” the participants hug tightly, trying to burst the balloon. Whoever managed to do this, that couple won.

Birthday cake

Participants are given sheets of paper and markers or pencils. For a certain time, each of the participants draws the most beautiful, interesting and unique cake for the birthday person. The prize is awarded to the picture that is the best, in the opinion of the hero of the occasion.

Chest of Secrets

All guests sit at the table or sit in a separate circle, and each one in turn chooses what to do: tell their secret or perform a forfeit. It would seem that it would be better to perform a forfeit than to reveal your secrets, but after the first difficult forfeit, for example, eating a whole lemon or dancing a picker, it will become clear that you can share a secret rather than waste your energy on such difficult tasks. In general, the choice is up to the participant: to open a chest of secrets or perform complex forfeits.

Birthday contests for 15, 16, 17, 18 years

Birthday contests for 15, 16, 17, 18 years

Let the guys divide into groups of 2-3 people.

Invite them to compose and stage a play in 15-20 minutes, the script of which consists of several very famous lines. For example, such as: “Our Tanya is crying loudly - she dropped a ball into the river ...” or “The mistress abandoned the bunny ...”, etc.

You can take the same lines for everyone. And then, the most interesting!

Each group must choose its own type and genre of performance: drama, operetta, clownery, or maybe a detective story.

It will turn out very interesting and funny! You'll see!

Take two unfortunate guests and two basins of water standing on the table. 4-6 apples are thrown into basins. Players, holding their hands behind their backs, begin to catch apples from the water. Instead of two players, you can form two teams that will “wash” in turns. The first (first team) to catch all the apples wins.

To the fastest one

Signs are written with words: they can be anything, from the names Kolya and Vasya, to the names of the company’s products, if it’s a corporate party. Players enter the battlefield in twos and begin to fight: they must read what is written on the opponent’s back, but without showing their sign. You can hold rounds among the winners until the “fastest” is determined. In this case, you need to stock up on inscriptions - after all, new ones are needed for each round.

Mop dance

Guests line up in a circle in the order of man/woman (although this is not too important), the main thing is that there is an odd number of participants. One participant is proudly given a mop with which he must dance, the music is turned on and everyone else is paired up and the dancing begins. After 1-2 minutes, the music turns off for a short time, and the couples must change partners - this must be done quickly, since the person with the mop has thrown it away and is also looking for a partner. The one left without a partner will have to dance with a mop. Against the background of this fate, the difference between the sexes is forgotten even before the music is turned on for the second time.

Outdoor games

To entertain a group of people outdoors, you can play any team sport, but the most fun game is “double football.” Everything is as usual: a goal, a ball, two teams, standard rules... only the players in each team are divided into pairs and tied one leg to the partner’s leg, it is best to also tie the torso. This game does not require goalkeepers; it will be very difficult to score the ball anyway. The game is very fun, but you need to be careful - you will have to fall a lot.

A pair is selected. The guy is told that he will have to enter the room, take a chair, and pretend that he is going to screw in a light bulb. He is also informed that his partner will interfere with him in every possible way, but he must convince her that this is necessary. The girl is told that her partner is about to hang himself, she must talk him out of it. Participants are launched into the room. The guests are watching.

Dance on newspapers

Take two newspapers. Two couples stand on newspapers, music plays and the couples dance. After some time, the newspaper folds in half. The dance continues. Etc. You can take the girl in your arms. The couple that lasts the longest wins. The one who flies outside the newspaper loses.

A line of wallpaper is placed on the floor. They choose 3-4 girls in skirts. A 1-2 meter long mat is placed on the floor. Women are asked to walk with their legs wide apart and not step on it. After the first attempt, they are asked to repeat, but with their eyes blindfolded. Having completed this simple task blindfolded, the woman discovers that a man is lying on the path. The man stands up and declares the one who blushed the most the winner.

Pairs are selected. Each couple is given several inflated balloons. Partners stand facing each other and hold one ball between them. The couple that pops all their balloons the fastest wins.

When a person gets a job, he usually writes an autobiography. Imagine what she might look like and write their autobiographies on behalf of some famous people. Among these celebrities: Baba Yaga, Carlson, Old Man Hottabych, Baron Munchausen, Koschey the Immortal.

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