Children's birthday competitions for 10, 11 and 12 years old

Competitions for Defender of the Fatherland Day for high school students

We offer a competitive program for high school students, which can be held in the classroom. The kids will have a lot of fun and take part in fun competitions.

Two leading girls come out to the middle of the class.

1st presenter:

Very soon our boys will join the army to defend the Motherland and us girls.

2nd presenter:

Let's check how prepared our classmates are for the rigors of army life.

1st presenter:

We invite strong and courageous recruits to the team who will demonstrate their strength, ingenuity, and courage - valuable qualities for future defenders.

After those wishing to participate in the competitions are selected, a blitz survey begins. Questions could be:

  1. What will happen to a sailor's clothes if they lie in the sea? (gets wet)
  2. The soldier has been in the army for 6 months. What will he do next? (Serve)
  3. If the defender cannot be awakened, what female name is he called? (Sonya)
  4. How many sandwiches can a soldier eat on an empty stomach? (One, the rest are no longer on an empty stomach)
  5. What kind of fabric can you not make a jacket from? (From the railway station)
  6. In which year will you have to serve longer than usual? (In leap year)

2nd presenter:

Our recruits completed the first task. Now the participants are divided into two teams.

1st presenter:

Each team receives blue and green scarves. Our blue ones will be sailors, our green ones will be soldiers.

The girls tie scarves around the participants' necks.

2nd presenter:

In the morning, the most important thing for the military is to get dressed on command in 45 seconds.

Two baskets with things (belts, vests, shirts, trousers, etc.) are brought into the classroom. All things are connected by knots. On command, participants, accompanied by cheerful music, must unplug things and put them on themselves.

1st presenter:

Now the task is the opposite: you need to take off the things you are wearing as quickly as possible.

2nd presenter:

Well, we got up, got dressed, and now it’s time for the morning warm-up.

A girl in a tracksuit enters the class and plays the role of a fitness instructor.


Repeat all the movements after me!

Recruits squat, lunge, bend, jump and dance to energetic music.

1st presenter:

Military personnel must be able to shoot accurately and hit the target accurately.

Participants of both teams are given water pistols and are required to hit the targets.

2nd presenter:

I see our viewers are bored. Let's have some fun! We all get up from our seats and begin to march to the music. Now repeat after me:

How are you? Like this! (Shows thumbs up)

How are you swimming? Like this! (Imitates the movements of a swimmer)

How are you running? Like this! (Running in place)

Are you looking into the distance? Like this! (Puts palm to forehead, looks around)

You're waiting for lunch. (Strokes his stomach)

You wave after him. (Makes his hand “Bye-bye”)

In the morning you sleep. (Hands under cheek)

Are you naughty? (Puffs out his cheeks and bursts them with his fingers)

1st presenter:

Meanwhile, our recruits have already become “grandfathers”, because time flies.

2nd presenter:

Grandfathers often go AWOL. Let's send our boys for a walk in the forest.

Girls come to the center of the class to represent trees. Participants are blindfolded and must make their way through the “forest” without hitting the girls.

In each competition, the winning team receives a star.

1st presenter:

It's time to count which team has more stars. Who won - the sailors or the soldiers?

After counting the stars, the winning team is announced. The girls reward the participants with medals and prizes. The losing team also receives incentive gifts.

Boys of any age will be happy to take part in fun and interesting competitions, showing strength, ingenuity and endurance. You need to prepare small prizes in advance to give them to the winners.

Creative and intellectual competitions

Who called me?

The players stand in a wide circle. The driver, blindfolded, stands in the center. They spin him around a little and ask him to guess who called by name. The one who was guessed sits or stands in the place of the driver.

Option – you can speak short phrases in altered voices.

Chain of words

Two teams with an equal number of players. Each person has a piece of paper and a pen (pencil). The first player from the team writes down any word. Each subsequent word begins with the last letter of the previous one. It turns out to be a chain of words.

The game is played against time.

The team with the most words written wins.

Cat in a poke

The simplest items that need to be recognized by touch without taking them out are placed in a beautiful bag. The one who guesses the most items wins.

Option - for greater entertainment and fun, objects are shown to the guests, but in this case the driver is blindfolded.

Fantastic animal

Two or three teams, each with 3 people. Three sheets of paper are issued.

In the allotted time (2-3 minutes), the players disperse in different directions and draw a fantastic animal: some with a head, some with a torso, some with legs and paws.

Then all the sheets are put together, and the team with the funniest animal wins.

In this competition, I believe that what is more important is not the victory of any team, but the general fun!

Broken phone

Which adult doesn't know this game?!

But I suggest you make it a competition for children at their birthday party.

Divide guests into 2-3 teams. Place them one after the other. The first person in the chain of each team has his say. The players pass it on in a very quiet whisper to each other. The latter must say out loud which word he heard.

Those who most accurately conveyed the word to the first in the team win.

Colored tags

This, in my opinion, is a very fun competition that combines movement and intelligence.

The presenter says the words: “One-two-three! Find white (blue, green, gray, red...)!”

The players immediately grab the named color wherever they can find it around.

Whoever fails to touch an object with a given color, or is the last, is eliminated from the game. The rest continue until there is a winner.

Fun alphabet

The presenter names any letter of the alphabet. Children must write as many words as possible with this letter within a certain time (2-3 minutes).

The one with the longest list wins.

Collect a picture

Each player is given a cut picture that needs to be assembled. The theme can be different: cartoons, games, nature, animals... You can use pages of children's magazines or pre-print pictures according to the number of guests.

The game is played against time.

Puzzles with matches


  • “Write” the given phrase with matches.
  • Draw an animal.
  • Mathematical tasks involving moving and removing matches.

You can buy either regular or long “fireplace” matches.

Competitions for boys in high school

February 23 is an important holiday that will remind boys that they are future men, defenders of the Motherland and their families. Every man should have such qualities as strength, valor, courage, bravery. A school event will become much more interesting if you include funny competitions in which middle school students will be happy to take part.


Participants are divided into two teams. Each team selects a “guard” who is blindfolded. At the command of the leader, participants pass by each “guard”, and they must catch as many students as possible. The player who catches the most uninvited guests is declared the winner.

Obstacle relay

Those wishing to participate in the competition are divided into two teams. In front of each group there is an obstacle course, for example:

  • chair;
  • exercise mat;
  • target;
  • jump rope, etc.

On command, each participant must pass all the obstacles. But you need to do this not just like that, but by completing the tasks that are attached in the form of signs:

  1. You need to stand on a chair and sing a military song.
  2. You need to do 10 push-ups on the mat.
  3. The darts need to hit the target.
  4. Jump rope 20 times.

The team that completes all tasks faster is declared the winner and receives a prize.

Who can complete the puzzles faster?

A simple and interesting competition that the boys will surely enjoy. Each team is given a set of puzzles and a picture depicting military equipment (airplane, helicopter, tank, all-terrain vehicle, submarine). Teams must assemble a picture within the allotted time. Whoever completes the task receives prizes.


4 boys are selected who want to participate in the competition. The boys are divided into two teams of two. Each group is given a roll of wallpaper, which one player must wrap around their partner to make a mummy. The team that completes the task faster wins.

Get a prize

Two girls hold a rope on both sides, on which small sweet surprises are tied to threads. The boys take turns being blindfolded and given scissors in their hands. The participants' task is to cut the candy from the rope.

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