Wedding gift with money: 18 interesting ways

Today, money is a universal gift given to newlyweds. But to make everything look beautiful, it’s worth choosing a special way to give money for a wedding in an original way. This may seem like quite a difficult task as there are many different options available. We will share some great ideas that you can use when preparing a gift for the newlyweds.

Method No. 1 – Collage of money for newlyweds-travelers

For newlyweds who love to travel, you can prepare a special surprise. Create a kind of collage of currencies from different countries of the world, the more there are, the better. It is not at all necessary to have only large bills (you can use several solid ones, for example, 100 euros or 100 dollars), the main thing for a collage is variety.

You will definitely surprise the newlyweds with such an original gift. In addition, read the congratulations in poetic form, because poems for a gift (money for a wedding) will be an ideal addition. Mention that the young people now need to visit all the countries of the world whose banknotes are in your gift.

Wedding words of the bride and groom for parents

The first people who deserve not just a word, but also the lowest bow are parents. It was they who took care of you and looked after you throughout your single life. They also help in organizing the celebration. Especially mothers who try to do everything perfectly.

Therefore, the speech from the bride and groom should be so heartfelt that it immediately becomes clear how much the children love their parents. Naturally, mothers also try to respond immediately to the speech of the young. For just such an occasion, you shouldn’t put off preparing a speech for mom and dad until the last minute, for both the bride and groom.

Method No. 2 – Present under glass

You can present cash gifts for a wedding in another, no less interesting way - in a frame, for this you will need a photo frame. You need to hand it over with the words: “Now you have this glass, breaking it, you will instantly solve your material problems and regain happiness.”

We wanted to give you a painting,

But we thought - what if there really is? Then there were arguments about the car... And there were countless proposals!

We decided that we’ve had enough questions, We’re already tired of thinking, And we simply give this money, So that you can choose everything for yourself!

Thanks to parents

Words addressed to the closest people, namely parents, are always spoken with special tenderness and trepidation. They should be learned by heart and pronounced while looking into each other's eyes.

  1. Our dear mom and dad. Thank you for the bread and salt. We will try to appreciate and cherish family happiness just as you did. You have always been an example for us. 30 years of marriage is no joke. Well, now we know where to turn for practical advice.
  2. Mommy and daddy, thank you for the gifts, diapers, vests, teapots, spoons. You once gave us the most important thing - life. Now we have combined two into one and called it a family. Thank you for your upbringing and caring attitude. We will always treat you with special love.
  3. We entered this life once very bravely, but because we have such parents. Now we are one family. We will appreciate everything that you once gave us. We will cherish all the experience given to us. And to protect and love you.

Method No. 3 – Humorous surprise “Careless Guest”

It’s better to make the presentation of a gift interesting so that everyone remembers it. Take a large box, decorate it festively using bows and ribbons, and place glass jars in the middle. Heading towards the newlyweds, the guest should, as if by accident, trip and fall so that the box spectacularly flies out of his hands, and its contents break with a characteristic ringing sound.

The donor quickly gets up, apologizes for the incident and says that the box contains instructions (an envelope with a cash gift), which he hands to the couple. Such a surprise prepared for the newlyweds’ wedding will be remembered by everyone without exception.

Wishes from witnesses in verse

A classic congratulation from a witness can be considered a congratulation in verse. The verse, told with feeling and inspiration, will be pleasant to hear for guests and heroes of the occasion. Congratulations can be funny, life-like or touching, romantic. It all depends on the preferences of the storyteller. Any poetic wish can be adapted to a specific wedding by adding names or some features specific to the couple.

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Method No. 4 – Monetary composition

Approach the gift preparation creatively, be able to beautifully and correctly present a wedding gift with money.

An excellent option would be a money picture. Take a large photo frame and place banknotes under the glass (preferably randomly). Above each bill, write the purpose, for example, “for baby’s diapers,” “for a gift for my wife,” “for the fifteenth wedding anniversary,” “for beer for my husband.”

Toast for the bride from the groom

Dear guests! I want to confess to everyone present in this room my love for my wife. For me, you are the simultaneous embodiment of love, fidelity, beauty, charm, femininity, intelligence, kindness. You started this day as a bride, and you are already greeting its end with my wife. I am incredibly happy and eternally grateful to fortune for making me happy with our meeting.

My lovely! You look beautiful in this amazing wedding dress. I am overwhelmed with the feelings of love and happiness that you evoke in me. I promise in front of everyone that I will always be a reliable protector and devoted husband for you. I invite those present to raise their glasses in honor of the most beautiful girl, irresistible betrothed, future caring mother, my wife!

Method number 5 – Unusual umbrella

Another way to give money is to give an umbrella with money. Use a regular umbrella, put banknotes inside that are tied on threads. The musical accompaniment can be the chorus of a song about the weather in the house. At the end, open an umbrella over the newlyweds, thus symbolizing a simple solution to financial problems.

We recommend that you see what such a surprise looks like “live.” In the video below, the newlyweds had to work before the umbrella opened. Fun, isn't it?

Method number 6 – Money balls

Of the proposed methods, you have not yet chosen an option on how to beautifully give money for a wedding? We will offer you a few more ideas - a gift within a gift. How to make it? It’s very simple: cover a large box with gift paper, then pack balloons with helium and money into it. When the gift is opened, the wrapped balls fly out, each of them has a tied surprise for the newlyweds - banknotes. This is an original way to give money.

Words of gratitude from the newlyweds

After the congratulatory part from all the guests had passed, it was the turn of the young people to express words of gratitude to their parents, witnesses and close friends and colleagues.

What should I say?

  1. You should thank your parents for being present at your wedding now, for being alive.
  2. For the fact that they gave birth to you and were able to raise you as worthy people.
  3. Don't forget to say a few nice words about your spouse's parents and your fiancée.
  4. In this appeal, you can publicly ask the parents of the bride or groom to call them dad and mom.
  5. Tell them that you will always treat them with great respect and love.

You also need to prepare for this speech in advance. You can do this in poetry, prose or in your own words. In any case, no matter how your speech sounds, it will be pleasant for your loved ones.

Parents and witnesses should be thanked for helping to organize such a wonderful and wonderful holiday, because without their help and support you would hardly have been able to arrange everything on your own.

Thank you for the valuable gifts given to you. Because usually at a wedding, parents present very valuable things. It could even be an apartment or a car. Therefore, you should be especially grateful for such a surprise.

Method No. 7 – Decorative cake

Is everything wrong? Then look at how unusual it is to give money for a wedding. Then make a money cake for your wedding day; the newlyweds will definitely love it.

How to do:

  • Prepare a round cardboard base.
  • Now carefully roll the bills into a tube, then lay them out in three rows.
  • Next, you need to tie the “layers” with ribbon, and decorate the cake with flowers (think about the design in advance). The gift as a gift will undoubtedly surprise and delight you. Don’t forget to say congratulatory words upon presentation. You can prepare such a surprise for your sister, girlfriend or friends.

On a note:

You can make a ship in the same way.

A detailed description of creating a decorative wedding cake is presented in the video tutorial.

Or give a “money cake with wishes”!

  • You need to print and cut out a template for one segment of the cake (we will use it as a template).

    Trace this template on colored sheets of thick cardboard (preferably double-sided), in total you need 12 blank segments of the future cake.

  • Using a non-writing pen and ruler, draw strips along the dotted lines to bend the cardboard more evenly.
  • On the square, where there will be a gap (for closing), cut this very gap with a stationery knife along the marked line, so that later this piece of cake can be closed.
  • Apply glue to the “allowances” of the workpiece and glue well. Do not glue the entrance to the “piece of cake”; we will put wishes and mini-gifts there.
  • Decorate each resulting piece of cake at your discretion, it can be sparkles, flowers made of satin ribbons, buttons, beads.

Place pre-printed wishes for the newlyweds in each piece of cake.

  1. A trip to the sea (you can additionally put small seashells in a piece of cake);
  2. Prosperity and abundance (here we put the most important gift - money);
  3. Sweet daughter (you can put tiny baby booties, socks or a pink pacifier);
  4. Four sons (here you can place 4 keychains depicting: a soccer ball, a basketball ball, a tennis ball, an American football ball);
  5. Good luck (you can put lottery tickets here) ;
  6. Love (candle in the shape of a heart);
  7. Health (vitamins from the pharmacy);
  8. Sweet life (candies, you can fill the whole box with M&M's);
  9. Many true friends (write the phone numbers of mutual friends and laminate them; or make a paper garland of people);
  10. Lots of energy and vigor (put in the energizer batteries);
  11. Happy family holidays (pipe with a spinning tube, balloons, confetti, streamers);
  12. Golden wedding (50 years) diamond wedding (60 years) (image of a Swarovski bar or stones).

When all the cake pieces are filled, place them on a tray or wooden plate (available at Ikea) and tie them with satin ribbon to prevent them from moving apart. Place the plate itself in a transparent gift bag and tie it with a huge bow.

Method number 8 – Money in the bank

Various gifts are given at weddings, but there are very few funny presents. If the newlyweds have a good sense of humor, prepare money for them in the bank. It's best to do everything yourself. The procedure is very simple:

  • Roll each bill into a tube, then tie a thread around the banknote and tie it.
  • Place everything in a jar, you can add large coins.
  • Now cover the jar with a beautiful piece of fabric with embossed edges and tie it with a rope. You can decorate such a surprise with an original label with a cut out heart. It seems that this is the most original option among the many ideas that involve a cash gift.
  • Finally, decorate the jar with a cabbage sticker. When presenting a jar, in addition to the banal “congratulations,” you can recite a beautiful poem. Give it special significance with a solemn intonation.

We invite you to choose any of the wishes below.

I give you a jar!

It's for storing anything, or maybe jam!

May it come in handy in your household. And it won’t break, And it won’t get dusty!

Please accept this modest gift. It’s just a jar, but it’s with soul!

Of course, money doesn't buy happiness!

And no one knows what it is... But if you have money in your hands, then this “tone” raises your tone!

This gift is perfect

And it is universal for everyone, take money as a gift and buy whatever you want.

Or save it carefully And multiply them a hundredfold, Or maybe even 1000 times, We will be happy only for you!

Poems for gifts (money) for a wedding

All day long, newlyweds hear congratulations and wedding wishes, and if it’s time for you to congratulate the bride and groom, original poems for money as a gift will be very impressive.

Here are some ideas for wedding poems about money for those who give the newlyweds an envelope with banknotes or a gift of money:

  1. We wish you to become happier and richer at least a hundred times!
    May good luck accompany you in life, The process will begin immediately, now! May there be happiness and success, May you walk confidently! May your money tree bear fruit all year round!
  2. Let it not be too late and not too early, May you be magically lucky!
    Let your pockets bulge, let your wallet burst at the seams! Let the income in large cash be poured in bulk: into the mountains or into the pyramids, right up to Antarctica!
  3. The card is folded into an envelope, what's inside? Check it out! Yes, there are “bucks”, that’s mine, for a happy life!
  4. 4. Everything in life matters: Shopping, budget, entertainment! On your wedding day, we will give you money, and the choice of gift is yours!
  5. There is a marriage certificate, It contains the stamp of the native registry office. We give you, newlyweds, Congratulations and bucks!
  6. Let's raise a glass to such a beautiful couple! To start your family life, we give you starting capital!
  7. It’s hard to please young spouses. We want to give money on our wedding day! Choose whatever you want, what is necessary, what you like and what is fashionable!

Method No. 9 – Gift passbook

Here’s another fun way to give money for a wedding: make a savings book. How to create:

  • To do this, you need to take envelopes, place a bill inside each, and then seal it.
  • Now make an inscription on the front of each envelope indicating the purpose of the deposit.
  • After this, create a cover from cardboard and sign: “Savings book.”
  • Place the envelopes inside the cover and sew them together. This is a great wedding gift from parents.

To make the gift more colorful and original, write humorous poems on each “leaf” of the passbook, similar to those given below.

1. Although your happiness does not lie in money, you cannot live without it. We decided to give you a savings book first.

2. An account has been opened for you in Sberbank, the interest on the deposit will be high! We will invest a lot of money, or a little, but in the bank your money will turn into capital!

And each envelope has its own text:

FOR FURNITURE: Don’t waste your money, buy furniture wisely, so that it lasts for hundreds of years, and never wears out.

FOR CHILDREN: Take it to your savings book, What is appropriate for children: For diapers, for panties, and for other needs.

FOR THE BRIDE: For you, (name of the bride), for outfits, for sweets, for lipsticks. Spend your money wisely, but don't tell your husband.

FOR ENTERTAINMENT: For dancing, for cinema, for accordion and for piano. We have also provided for it, we have not spared you any money.

TO THE GARAGE: Buy a car later, We think you’ll be lucky, So that it doesn’t get ruined, We put it in the garage first.

FOR ANYTHING: For Hawaiian cigars, For decent wine... Even if they put it in an envelope, I still feel sorry for the money.

IN TIMES OF CRISIS: If a rainy day has come, then in this case open the last envelope and do not torture yourself.

FOR THE GROOM: (Groom's name), for love cupids And for women on the side You don't expect bills from us, Instead of money - you don't care!

Leave the last envelope empty!

Wedding toasts from parents

Dear children, today, by creating a family, you have changed not only your life, but also ours. I look at you and understand that my child is no longer a child, but a spouse who has taken upon himself the responsibility for creating his own unit of society. I hope that soon you will take on another responsibility by making us grandparents, thereby changing your and our lives even more. Happy Wedding Day to you!

For us, parents, on the one hand, it’s sad that our children have grown up and are leaving their parents’ home. On the other hand, we are happy that our children have grown up and, having met, fell in love with each other. We wish your union as much love as you need for happiness. We wish you as much happiness as you need to love life. And we wish you as much love for life as you need for your family to blossom and prosper, and for you to blossom and develop every year. Young, our children, we raise our glasses to your long, happy, prosperous life together!

We saw how your relationship began, how it developed and strengthened. Now we are at your wedding and want to tell you both: no matter what happens, we will always support you. And we want to wish that the happiness that you are experiencing right now does not leave you either tomorrow, or in a year, or in decades, and will always be with you.

Our dear children, on this wonderful holiday of your marriage, we want to tell you that family relationships become happy not only when people immediately get along well with each other, but when they together overcome moments when they do not get along with each other. We wish you to always try to find common solutions to all problem situations and get along with each other!

Our dear children, today is the happiest day in our and your lives. And therefore, on this day, I would like to wish you that you would love and appreciate not only the wonderful and good qualities in each other, but also that your shortcomings would force your soul mate to consider you the best! Love and appreciate each other!

Looking at the young people, we remember their childhood, school antics, youth and our own wedding mess. We want to wish our children peace and harmony, many joyful days and see their continuation in their heirs. Well, when we become grandparents, we will probably become the happiest of parents. Bitter for the young!

Children! We are very glad that each of you in this huge world was still able to find your other half and, having gone through all the difficulties of relationships, set out on this path. Yes, we agree, it won’t be easy, but we want you to know that in any difficult moment we will always come to your aid! For your well-being and mutual support!

To find a child, as a rule, you need 9 months of waiting, a successful birth and growing up. But there is another way for parents - the wedding of their child. Today we are richer for one more child. We drink to you kids and to your happiness.

Our dear children, we want to wish you pure, great happiness, overcome everything together! To your family today, Let's drink to the bottom with joy, So that they can give it to us one day, Granddaughter, or granddaughter! So that you love each other, Never be sad, So that you don’t know troubles, problems, You are now one family!

To your happiness, new family, We raise a glass today, Tolerance, love, victories, We wish you from the heart! You are our children, our everything, and we will always be with you, we will always help you in everything, we love you very much. We wish you to drown in love, We wish you to enjoy life, We wish you to go your own way, You do not doubt each other!

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