Wedding gift with money: 18 interesting ways

Today, money is a universal gift given to newlyweds. But to make everything look beautiful, it’s worth choosing a special way to give money for a wedding in an original way. This may seem like quite a difficult task as there are many different options available. We will share some great ideas that you can use when preparing a gift for the newlyweds.

Method No. 1 – Collage of money for newlyweds-travelers

For newlyweds who love to travel, you can prepare a special surprise. Create a kind of collage of currencies from different countries of the world, the more there are, the better. It is not at all necessary to have only large bills (you can use several solid ones, for example, 100 euros or 100 dollars), the main thing for a collage is variety.

You will definitely surprise the newlyweds with such an original gift. In addition, read the congratulations in poetic form, because poems for a gift (money for a wedding) will be an ideal addition. Mention that the young people now need to visit all the countries of the world whose banknotes are in your gift.

Passbook as a gift

Another surprise that can be packaged and presented in an original way is to prepare a savings book. It is easy to create:

  1. Take an envelope, place a bill, and seal it.
  2. The front part must contain the purpose of the deposits.
  3. Next, a cover is designed where the name of the gift will be written.
  4. Money envelopes are made.
  5. Envelopes are placed inside and sewn in. From loved ones - a warm and original gift.

Method No. 2 – Present under glass

You can present cash gifts for a wedding in another, no less interesting way - in a frame, for this you will need a photo frame. You need to hand it over with the words: “Now you have this glass, breaking it, you will instantly solve your material problems and regain happiness.”

We wanted to give you a painting,

But we thought - what if there really is? Then there were arguments about the car... And there were countless proposals!

We decided that we’ve had enough questions, We’re already tired of thinking, And we simply give this money, So that you can choose everything for yourself!

Textiles with custom prints

Decorating T-shirts, towels, and bed linen is not expensive, and the originality of such a gift is undeniable

The color scheme and style are selected depending on the theme of the wedding and the preferences of the newlyweds.

The most popular inscriptions are “wedding date”, “husband and wife are one Satan”, “justmarried”, “gameover”, “I love my wife (husband)”, etc.

In addition to T-shirts, you can also order badges with humorous text or mugs with photographs.

In essence, it is not so important what form of original gift you give for the wedding, the most important thing is the meaning you put into it and your sincere desire to please the newlyweds. If the bride and groom have an excellent sense of humor and self-irony, then a playful surprise will not disappoint them, but will only delight them

Whatever you decide to give on your wedding day, do not forget that by giving, you are “laying the first brick” in the construction of a new family. Gifts should be kind, aimed at creating and strengthening relationships.

Method No. 3 – Humorous surprise “Careless Guest”

It’s better to make the presentation of a gift interesting so that everyone remembers it. Take a large box, decorate it festively using bows and ribbons, and place glass jars in the middle. Heading towards the newlyweds, the guest should, as if by accident, trip and fall so that the box spectacularly flies out of his hands, and its contents break with a characteristic ringing sound.

The donor quickly gets up, apologizes for the incident and says that the box contains instructions (an envelope with a cash gift), which he hands to the couple. Such a surprise prepared for the newlyweds’ wedding will be remembered by everyone without exception.

Important Tips

Money is the most desired gift. There are many ways to give them in an unusual way. But in order to correctly present material assets, you need to follow several rules of etiquette.

The main thing is to give not in open bills, but in some kind of packaging. This could be an envelope or one of the above methods. Then neither party will feel constrained or uncomfortable.

How much money to give for this or that celebration is an equally exciting question. Usually the size of the gift depends not only on the financial situation, but also on the degree of relationship.

Usually, not very close relatives invest one bill - 5,000 rubles or $100, 100 euros. If there are several invited people, and the gift is supposed to be shared, then the number of banknotes increases by the number of invitees. Guests definitely won’t have to blush for this amount.

If you want to give more to your bosom friend or childhood friend, then, please, no one puts any restrictions on the larger side.

Method No. 4 – Monetary composition

Approach the gift preparation creatively, be able to beautifully and correctly present a wedding gift with money.

An excellent option would be a money picture. Take a large photo frame and place banknotes under the glass (preferably randomly). Above each bill, write the purpose, for example, “for baby’s diapers,” “for a gift for my wife,” “for the fifteenth wedding anniversary,” “for beer for my husband.”

Method number 5 – Unusual umbrella

Another way to give money is to give an umbrella with money. Use a regular umbrella, put banknotes inside that are tied on threads. The musical accompaniment can be the chorus of a song about the weather in the house. At the end, open an umbrella over the newlyweds, thus symbolizing a simple solution to financial problems.

We recommend that you see what such a surprise looks like “live.” In the video below, the newlyweds had to work before the umbrella opened. Fun, isn't it?

DIY money tree made from dollars

Step-by-step creation of a “money tree” from dollars (or other bills):

  • Prepare all the necessary materials : a pot, a trunk, a plaster base, a plastic ball, souvenir bills and glue (hot, rubber or instant drying).
  • First of all, you should prepare the barrel . To do this, a stick or twig is covered with glue and wrapped with decorative thread or ribbon. You can simply open it with acrylic paint, which is not washed off with water.
  • After preparing the trunk, it is secured in a pot. Place a plastic ball on the stick and secure it. After this, insert the stick into the pot and secure it. For these purposes, you can use a gypsum base, which will dry and become a kind of “foundation”. Or simply stick a stick into the plasticine, press it to the bottom of the pot, and fill the rest of the space with drainage, decorative or real pebbles.
  • Prepare the bills for gluing. To do this, roll them into a cone. The sharp corner of the cone should be pressed with your fingers and turned to one side so that this part is glued.
  • Banknotes should be glued with powerful and “fast” glue so that they do not have the opportunity to become deformed or quickly detach from the base.
  • The finished tree with banknotes can be additionally decorated with other elements, if desired, from a craft store.

How to twist a cone out of a banknote for a “money tree”? Instead of a cone, you can twist a banknote into a butterfly

Method number 6 – Money balls

Of the proposed methods, you have not yet chosen an option on how to beautifully give money for a wedding? We will offer you a few more ideas - a gift within a gift. How to make it? It’s very simple: cover a large box with gift paper, then pack balloons with helium and money into it. When the gift is opened, the wrapped balls fly out, each of them has a tied surprise for the newlyweds - banknotes. This is an original way to give money.

How to give money?

Despite the fact that we talked about original gifts above, and money as a wedding surprise is not such, you can always give it in countless unusual ways.

Balls with money. You can experiment with both large and small balls. Recently, balls with a diameter of 1 meter have gained popularity, which look very impressive. For convenience, you can roll the bills into tubes. You can add confetti or glitter to them. Such a balloon can burst over the newlyweds. For safety reasons and to prevent the balloons from flying away, it is better to make them transparent and non-helium.

Gift box. You can put sweets, flowers, and small plush toys in a gift box. Between them you can put money rolled up into a tube. By analogy, the same craft can be made from money in the form of a bouquet mixed with flowers or small plush toys.

Money figures. The most common option is the money tree.

This craft looks very unusual and will attract the attention of all guests. To do this, just buy a small block and, by twisting the bills, make improvised leaves out of them

You can present such a “gift” even in a flower pot with real soil.

Umbrella. In order to give this gift, you will need to purchase a long, awkward umbrella in advance. You will need to attach small clothespins to the inside of the knitting needles, and money on them

It is important to give an unopened umbrella so that the newlyweds themselves open it over their heads. Then the “rain of money” will pour down on them from above

Such a gift requires great care both during execution and during storage and presentation.

Another option for a comic presentation is the “carpet of money.” To do this, just insert banknotes into regular file folders and secure them so that each bill is visible and does not move. Afterwards, you need to fasten all the files together with tape and cover the resulting “carpet” with a garland or other bright braid, thereby simulating a carpet. The carpet can be entrusted to be ceremonially presented to the dancers or waiters. You can also make a beautiful play with money as a gift using a souvenir frame with a hammer. To do this, you need to buy a regular frame and put money under it. You can attach the hammer yourself, like any comic inscription.

Method No. 7 – Decorative cake

Is everything wrong? Then look at how unusual it is to give money for a wedding. Then make a money cake for your wedding day; the newlyweds will definitely love it.

How to do:

  • Prepare a round cardboard base.
  • Now carefully roll the bills into a tube, then lay them out in three rows.
  • Next, you need to tie the “layers” with ribbon, and decorate the cake with flowers (think about the design in advance). The gift as a gift will undoubtedly surprise and delight you. Don’t forget to say congratulatory words upon presentation. You can prepare such a surprise for your sister, girlfriend or friends.

On a note:

You can make a ship in the same way.

A detailed description of creating a decorative wedding cake is presented in the video tutorial.

Or give a “money cake with wishes”!

  • You need to print and cut out a template for one segment of the cake (we will use it as a template).

    Trace this template on colored sheets of thick cardboard (preferably double-sided), in total you need 12 blank segments of the future cake.

  • Using a non-writing pen and ruler, draw strips along the dotted lines to bend the cardboard more evenly.
  • On the square, where there will be a gap (for closing), cut this very gap with a stationery knife along the marked line, so that later this piece of cake can be closed.
  • Apply glue to the “allowances” of the workpiece and glue well. Do not glue the entrance to the “piece of cake”; we will put wishes and mini-gifts there.
  • Decorate each resulting piece of cake at your discretion, it can be sparkles, flowers made of satin ribbons, buttons, beads.

Place pre-printed wishes for the newlyweds in each piece of cake.

  1. A trip to the sea (you can additionally put small seashells in a piece of cake);
  2. Prosperity and abundance (here we put the most important gift - money);
  3. Sweet daughter (you can put tiny baby booties, socks or a pink pacifier);
  4. Four sons (here you can place 4 keychains depicting: a soccer ball, a basketball ball, a tennis ball, an American football ball);
  5. Good luck (you can put lottery tickets here) ;
  6. Love (candle in the shape of a heart);
  7. Health (vitamins from the pharmacy);
  8. Sweet life (candies, you can fill the whole box with M&M's);
  9. Many true friends (write the phone numbers of mutual friends and laminate them; or make a paper garland of people);
  10. Lots of energy and vigor (put in the energizer batteries);
  11. Happy family holidays (pipe with a spinning tube, balloons, confetti, streamers);
  12. Golden wedding (50 years) diamond wedding (60 years) (image of a Swarovski bar or stones).

When all the cake pieces are filled, place them on a tray or wooden plate (available at Ikea) and tie them with satin ribbon to prevent them from moving apart. Place the plate itself in a transparent gift bag and tie it with a huge bow.

Money boat made from cocktail tubes and twine

I offer you a master class on creating an unusual craft - a money boat from cocktail tubes and jute twine.

To make a boat from coins and banknotes you will need:

  • cocktail straws,
  • jute twine (can be replaced with yarn),
  • some coins
  • decorative banknotes,
  • cardboard,
  • several skewers,
  • glue gun or universal glue “Moment”.

Step 1: Wrap the tubes with twine.

We take tubes, yarn or twine, wrap them, bending them a little.

Step 2: Using a heat gun or universal glue, glue them together.

These are the sides you should get. I chose a height of 7 tubes.

We cut off a small piece of the tube, equal in height to the sides, wrap it with twine and glue the sides to it, forming the bow of our money boat.

Step 3: Making the stern.

We cut the tubes with a length equal to the distance between the sides, wrap them with twine and glue them together.

Glue the back to the sides.

This is what should happen.

Step 4: Bottom of the ship.

We trace the blank of our vessel along the outer edge on cardboard.

We paste it over from the front side with twine in a spiral, starting from the edge, with each “circle” approaching the middle.

Step 5: Deck.

We trace the workpiece along the inner contour on the cardboard, leaving small ears. We also need to lengthen the deck by the amount of the elevation of the captain's bridge.

We bend the workpiece along the marked blue lines, we get a deck with a captain's bridge.

I covered the deck with decorative bills, you can also use jute twine.

Glue the bottom first. I used hot glue.

And then, using a heat gun, we secure the deck in several places.

If you don’t bother too much with the deck, you can trace the blank along the inner edge on cardboard. Cover the front side of the cardboard with bills or twine. And put a few pieces of foam under the deck.

Step 6: Mast.

I built a mast from bamboo skewers and a tube. I made one. If the deck is made level, it will be possible to accommodate three masts.

We pierce the tube with a skewer, stretch it and cut it. And so does everyone else.

Wrap it with twine.

We make a hole and secure the mast in two places. Apply glue to the tip of the mast and install it. We also fix it on the deck with hot glue.

I forgot to say, I glued the tip of the skewer to the mast, before I started wrapping it with twine, for the flag from the bill.

Step 7: Front and rear masts.

To strengthen the sails, we make the front mast of the bow of the ship from a skewer, wrap it with twine and secure it to the deck.

We also make a stern mast.

Step 8: Sails and additional decoration with coins.

Here you can get creative!

We make sails from decorative banknotes.

Let's make portholes from coins and a steering wheel. You can make a cannon from a bill and two coins.

Well, that's all, our money boat is ready!

I think that such ships can be used as a basis for suite design or some other use can be invented for them.

I was glad to help.

You can also check out the gallery of finished works made from coins and banknotes, as well as works made from twine; perhaps they will give you new ideas. Be creative, share your ideas and works!

Method number 8 – Money in the bank

Various gifts are given at weddings, but there are very few funny presents. If the newlyweds have a good sense of humor, prepare money for them in the bank. It's best to do everything yourself. The procedure is very simple:

  • Roll each bill into a tube, then tie a thread around the banknote and tie it.
  • Place everything in a jar, you can add large coins.
  • Now cover the jar with a beautiful piece of fabric with embossed edges and tie it with a rope. You can decorate such a surprise with an original label with a cut out heart. It seems that this is the most original option among the many ideas that involve a cash gift.
  • Finally, decorate the jar with a cabbage sticker. When presenting a jar, in addition to the banal “congratulations,” you can recite a beautiful poem. Give it special significance with a solemn intonation.

We invite you to choose any of the wishes below.

I give you a jar!

It's for storing anything, or maybe jam!

May it come in handy in your household. And it won’t break, And it won’t get dusty!

Please accept this modest gift. It’s just a jar, but it’s with soul!

Of course, money doesn't buy happiness!

And no one knows what it is... But if you have money in your hands, then this “tone” raises your tone!

This gift is perfect

And it is universal for everyone, take money as a gift and buy whatever you want.

Or save it carefully And multiply them a hundredfold, Or maybe even 1000 times, We will be happy only for you!

Culinary surprise

An indispensable attribute of any wedding are a variety of sweets and, of course, cakes, pastries and other pastries. The presentation of a monetary gift can be supplemented with edible masterpieces.


You can order or bake a small cake or cupcake in a suitable design. In the middle of the cakes there should be a hole into which a cleanly washed bottle or any other vertical container of small diameter is inserted. It should be filled with rolled up bills, closed with a lid, and decorated on top.

Sweets with an appendage

A box of good chocolates (can be handmade) is supplemented with a certain amount of money. If the candies are wrapped, the main prize can be placed between them, rolled into tubes. If not, then a great place would be the bottom of the box, under the plastic backing. But in this case, it is worth supplementing the gift with a card with a hint of a big surprise when all the candies are eaten.

Money for a wedding is a universal gift that you can’t go wrong with. They are always appropriate, and the amount can be absolutely any, depending on the financial situation of the donor. In addition, there is no need to fear the awkward situation when the newlyweds are given a sixth mixer or a fourth food processor. The money will definitely not gather dust in the closet and will not go to the landfill. At the end of the holiday, newlyweds have the opportunity to independently decide what to spend the donated funds on. And the original design and funny jokes during the presentation of a cash surprise will lift the spirits, leaving all participants in the celebration with a lot of positive emotions and good memories.

Method No. 9 – Gift passbook

Here’s another fun way to give money for a wedding: make a savings book. How to create:

  • To do this, you need to take envelopes, place a bill inside each, and then seal it.
  • Now make an inscription on the front of each envelope indicating the purpose of the deposit.
  • After this, create a cover from cardboard and sign: “Savings book.”
  • Place the envelopes inside the cover and sew them together. This is a great wedding gift from parents.

To make the gift more colorful and original, write humorous poems on each “leaf” of the passbook, similar to those given below.

1. Although your happiness does not lie in money, you cannot live without it. We decided to give you a savings book first.

2. An account has been opened for you in Sberbank, the interest on the deposit will be high! We will invest a lot of money, or a little, but in the bank your money will turn into capital!

And each envelope has its own text:

FOR FURNITURE: Don’t waste your money, buy furniture wisely, so that it lasts for hundreds of years, and never wears out.

FOR CHILDREN: Take it to your savings book, What is appropriate for children: For diapers, for panties, and for other needs.

FOR THE BRIDE: For you, (name of the bride), for outfits, for sweets, for lipsticks. Spend your money wisely, but don't tell your husband.

FOR ENTERTAINMENT: For dancing, for cinema, for accordion and for piano. We have also provided for it, we have not spared you any money.

TO THE GARAGE: Buy a car later, We think you’ll be lucky, So that it doesn’t get ruined, We put it in the garage first.

FOR ANYTHING: For Hawaiian cigars, For decent wine... Even if they put it in an envelope, I still feel sorry for the money.

IN TIMES OF CRISIS: If a rainy day has come, then in this case open the last envelope and do not torture yourself.

FOR THE GROOM: (Groom's name), for love cupids And for women on the side You don't expect bills from us, Instead of money - you don't care!

Leave the last envelope empty!

Options for gifting money in an original way with congratulations

There are many options and ways to give banknotes in an original way.

Envelope with money

The easiest option is to give money for a wedding in an envelope.

This is the easiest way to give money. But you can give money in an envelope in a more original way and surprise the newlyweds.

You can hand the newlyweds a huge envelope and say that a carrier pigeon has just brought them a letter, or you can dress up in a postman’s costume and present an envelope with many stamps and seals.

Alternatively, you can print paper with an aging effect and make your own envelope and seal it with sealing wax. And before handing it over, tell the story of how this envelope got to the newlyweds. You can take an old, tattered envelope and put a beautiful one inside with wishes and money.

Collage of money for newlyweds-travelers

For newlyweds who love to travel, you can prepare a special surprise. Create a kind of collage of currencies from different countries of the world, the more there are, the better. It is not at all necessary to have only large bills (you can use several solid ones, for example, 100 euros or 100 dollars), the main thing for a collage is variety.

You will definitely surprise the newlyweds with such an original gift. In addition, read the congratulations in poetic form, because poems for a gift (money for a wedding) will be an ideal addition. Mention that the young people now need to visit all the countries of the world whose banknotes are in your gift.

Present under glass

You can present cash gifts for a wedding in another, no less interesting way - in a frame, for this you will need a photo frame. You need to hand it over with the words: “Now you have this glass, breaking it, you will instantly solve your material problems and regain happiness.”

We wanted to give you a painting,

But we thought - what if there really is? Then there were arguments about the car... And there were countless proposals!

We decided that we’ve had enough questions, We’re already tired of thinking, And we simply give this money, So that you can choose everything for yourself!

Humorous surprise “Careless Guest”

It’s better to make the presentation of a gift interesting so that everyone remembers it. Take a large box, decorate it festively using bows and ribbons, and place glass jars in the middle. Heading towards the newlyweds, the guest should, as if by accident, trip and fall so that the box spectacularly flies out of his hands, and its contents break with a characteristic ringing sound.

The donor quickly gets up, apologizes for the incident and says that the box contains instructions (an envelope with a cash gift), which he hands to the couple. Such a surprise prepared for the newlyweds’ wedding will be remembered by everyone without exception.

Money composition

Approach the gift preparation creatively, be able to beautifully and correctly present a wedding gift with money.

An excellent option would be a money picture. Take a large photo frame and place banknotes under the glass (preferably randomly). Above each bill, write the purpose, for example, “for baby’s diapers,” “for a gift for my wife,” “for the fifteenth wedding anniversary,” “for beer for my husband.”

Unusual umbrella

Another way to give money is to give an umbrella with money. Use a regular umbrella, put banknotes inside that are tied on threads. The musical accompaniment can be the chorus of a song about the weather in the house. At the end, open an umbrella over the newlyweds, thus symbolizing a simple solution to financial problems.

We recommend that you see what such a surprise looks like “live.” In the video below, the newlyweds had to work before the umbrella opened. Fun, isn't it?

Money in the bank

Various gifts are given at weddings, but there are very few funny presents. If the newlyweds have a good sense of humor, prepare money for them in the bank. It's best to do everything yourself. The procedure is very simple:

  • Roll each bill into a tube, then tie a thread around the banknote and tie it.
  • Place everything in a jar, you can add large coins.
  • Now cover the jar with a beautiful piece of fabric with embossed edges and tie it with a rope. You can decorate such a surprise with an original label with a cut out heart. It seems that this is the most original option among the many ideas that involve a cash gift.
  • Finally, decorate the jar with a cabbage sticker. When presenting a jar, in addition to the banal “congratulations,” you can recite a beautiful poem. Give it special significance with a solemn intonation.

We invite you to choose any of the wishes below.

I give you a jar!

It's for storing anything, or maybe jam!

May it come in handy in your household. And it won’t break, And it won’t get dusty!

Please accept this modest gift. It’s just a jar, but it’s with soul!

Of course, money doesn't buy happiness!

And no one knows what it is... But if you have money in your hands, then this “tone” raises your tone!

This gift is perfect

And it is universal for everyone, take money as a gift and buy whatever you want.

Or save it carefully And multiply them a hundredfold, Or maybe even 1000 times, We will be happy only for you!

What a fun way to give money for a wedding: a little cabbage as a gift

In such a gift we will combine two concepts: cabbage - a plant and money “cabbage”. To do this, take a real head of cabbage and place banknotes under the leaves.

Or we make holes in the head of cabbage, where the rolled banknotes are placed. And you can give such a gift as a down payment on future diapers. Therefore, a baby doll placed on the top of a head of cabbage will be very useful.

How to pack money for a wedding: counterfeiters

No, with such a gift we will not push the newlyweds onto the path of crime. But they will have a great way to learn how to draw money.

To do this, we prepare a homemade coloring book, on the spreads of which we place on one side the original bill, and on the other, an impersonal copy, which the couple will have to color in order to receive a cash prize.

Gift passbook

Here’s another fun way to give money for a wedding: make a savings book. How to create:

  • To do this, you need to take envelopes, place a bill inside each, and then seal it.
  • Now make an inscription on the front of each envelope indicating the purpose of the deposit.
  • After this, create a cover from cardboard and sign: “Savings book.”
  • Place the envelopes inside the cover and sew them together. This is a great wedding gift from parents.

To make the gift more colorful and original, write humorous poems on each “leaf” of the passbook, similar to those given below.

1. Although your happiness does not lie in money, you cannot live without it. We decided to give you a savings book first.

2. An account has been opened for you in Sberbank, the interest on the deposit will be high! We will invest a lot of money, or a little, but in the bank your money will turn into capital!

And each envelope has its own text:

FOR FURNITURE: Don’t waste your money, buy furniture wisely, so that it lasts for hundreds of years, and never wears out.

FOR CHILDREN: Take it to your savings book, What is appropriate for children: For diapers, for panties, and for other needs.

FOR THE BRIDE: For you, (name of the bride), for outfits, for sweets, for lipsticks. Spend your money wisely, but don't tell your husband.

FOR ENTERTAINMENT: For dancing, for cinema, for accordion and for piano. We have also provided for it, we have not spared you any money.

TO THE GARAGE: Buy a car later, We think you’ll be lucky, So that it doesn’t get ruined, We put it in the garage first.

FOR ANYTHING: For Hawaiian cigars, For decent wine... Even if they put it in an envelope, I still feel sorry for the money.

IN TIMES OF CRISIS: If a rainy day has come, then in this case open the last envelope and do not torture yourself.

FOR THE GROOM: (Groom's name), for love cupids And for women on the side You don't expect bills from us, Instead of money - you don't care!

Leave the last envelope empty!

Money carpet

Making such a gift yourself is not at all difficult. We offer a good idea that can be easily implemented - make a wedding money carpet.

How to do:

  • Place the bills inside the transparent files, staple them all together to make a large square.
  • In the middle you can place several photos that are included in the couple’s joint photo album (choose cool photos for the wedding).
  • Sew a ribbon around the perimeter of the carpet, its design will become much more interesting.

We were thinking, wondering,

They chose a microwave oven for you, Then a food processor, So that the design would be great And then they decided: no! Let them go on a cruise, Where they like. We would be happy to send them To Turkey or to the Emirates. Let them walk in the open air, All they need is a lot of money! But here we are on the safe side, we contacted the fabulous gin!

They asked him for help And then we received the parcel (get the box) We don’t know what the genie sent, We open the parcel in front of everyone (get the carpet and unfold it). Oh, what a fashionable gift, an excellent carpet made of money! If you spread it over your shoulders, it will warm your soul (depict). And if you take a camera, you won’t find a better nature (stage the photo shoot in front of the carpet). You can take pictures with this carpet in the background until the morning!

Our gift is very beautiful, we give you this exclusive. Just pray that she doesn’t eat It, sprinkle it quickly Young, glasses in hand For the gift on this day!


Take the brick, then attach the money note to it. If desired, you can decorate the brick with ribbons. It should be presented with the words:

“Brick is an excellent harmonizer of your relationships!”, “A good brick is an excellent tool for resolving conflict situations!”, “Whoever has a brick in his hands is right!”

This gift looks unusual and interesting.

Well packed gift

Place the bills inside a beautiful envelope, put it in a bag, then in a small box, then in a larger box, and so on. Present the gift in a box; a small chest can also be used. Attach a note that contains the following words:

“Money is not easy to come by in our life, but you can definitely handle it!”


To begin, engrave the thermos and cups that usually come with the names of the bride and groom. Place an envelope with money under the lid and present it to the newlyweds with wishes of warmth and family comfort. It may not seem like the most interesting way to give a cash surprise, but it looks very unusual. In addition, a thermos is a useful thing that will come in handy in every home.

How to make a bouquet of money?

Rolling paper flowers is an art, so if you are afraid of ruining banknotes, it is better to contact professionals who will create an amazing composition from banknotes. If the origami technique seems too complicated, you can wrap the stems of fresh flowers with banknotes - such a bouquet will look festive and solemn.

The easiest way to make a wedding bouquet from money:

  1. Take the flowers and wipe the stems dry so that the bills do not get wet due to moisture.
  2. Carefully wrap the bill around the stem.
  3. Secure the structure with tape.

In order not to spoil the banknotes, you can use souvenir money, and present an envelope with real banknotes along with the original bouquet.


We offer another way to give money for a wedding in an unusual way. You need to make a homemade passbook, and this is done like this:

  1. Take empty envelopes, put one bill in each, and seal it.
  2. On the front side of each envelope, write an inscription on what this amount should be spent on: a new car, an apartment, a trip, etc.
  3. Make a cardboard cover with the inscription: “Family savings book __________ (spouses’ last name).
  4. Fold the envelopes together like a book and place them in the cover. You can fasten the pages using a thick needle and thread, as well as ribbons, wire, or go to a workshop where the pages will be beautifully joined in the form of an album.

If time permits, make a savings book for young people using scrapbooking technique. The product is decorated with magazine clippings, ribbons, buttons, and beads. Each page is dedicated to a specific item of family expenses: a pocket for a bill is glued and poetic lines are written in a humorous form. You will have to work hard to create a unique surprise, but your gift will remain as a keepsake as the most amazing and unusual.

Money tree as a gift

If you don’t know how to give money as a beautiful and original gift for a wedding, remember the money tree. This plant is associated with prosperity, wealth, and financial stability in the home. And if you decorate the tree with banknotes, it will become a symbol of abundance in the new family.

You can give a cash gift in an unusual way: place an empty pot of soil in front of the bride and groom and ask them to “plant” a few coins. Young people must water the coins in order to follow the entire ritual to the end. Then blindfold them and say the magic words together: “Cracks, pex, fax!” At this time, replace the pot of coins with a money plant with bills attached to it. Wedding magic helped the tree grow!

You can make a money tree with your own hands. We offer several original ideas that can be easily brought to life without professional creative abilities:

  • tree applique where you need to attach banknotes;
  • a wire product in a pot with coins, and banknotes will become the leaves;
  • a foam tree into the slot of which bills are inserted.

"Weapons of the Proletariat"

You will need a massive cobblestone (you can use beautiful natural pebbles, ornamental raw stone), as well as a large banknote or several. They should be tied with a ribbon to the cobblestone, also attaching a card with an inscription or writing directly on the stone:

  • “Nothing harmonizes relationships better than a cobblestone in your hands.”
  • “Whoever has the heavier stone is right.”
  • “A large cobblestone is a guarantee of conflict-free life in the family.”
  • “Great pressure for great pickles.”

Such a gift will definitely be one of a kind!

Hint for the head of the family

Every man must do three things in his life - plant a garden, build a house, raise a son. A gift with a hint will help the groom become a responsible father and husband. You will need a beautiful tray or bag in which you should put loose banknotes, and on them - a tree branch or its stylization, a brick (natural or made from a painted sponge), a pacifier with a blue ribbon tied in a bow.

Soft toy with money

Everyone loves adorable soft toys, but not everyone admits it. A cute kitten, dog or any other animal will help present a gift to the newlyweds. Banknotes can be secured in a bag around the neck, in the paws, sewn into a beautiful heart, hollow inside, or used in a miniature handbag. The main thing is to warn the young people that the new pet has brought them something special and important, so that it is not sent to the laundry along with the money.

Carpet made of money

An original carpet can be made from money. You need to choose a suitable background - a beautiful tapestry, a small wall panel made of fabric, a rug, a piece of beautiful fabric. It can be with a pattern, some kind of wedding-themed plot, or a beautiful geometric pattern. The base must be trimmed around the perimeter with ribbons, lace, rhinestones or beads. Roll the banknotes into a tube, tie them with narrow satin or lace braid, ribbons, and attach them to the carpet with pins or glue. You can put them in small decorative bags with ties, sewing them with thread. Another option is small pieces of thick suede or leather, sewn randomly onto the carpet, into which rolled up banknotes are inserted.

Precious balls

Papier-mâché balls (you can make them yourself or buy ready-made ones) are cut into halves. Folded bills are placed inside. The halves are connected with thin paper so that they can be broken with your fingers without much effort. After this, the balls are painted gold. It should be presented with a clear hint: as soon as financial difficulties arise, break the magic ball, and you, dear ones, will be happy!

"Targeted contribution to the family"

To prevent the gift from looking boring, you can use a large picture frame with glass. Paste or draw colorful images of various life situations on a piece of paper. Then place banknotes of different denominations next to them and make humorous inscriptions. For example, “for a rolling pin for your wife,” “for a sausage for a cat,” “for a Mercedes,” “for a trip to Paris,” “for a fishing rod for your husband,” etc.

How to make a photo album or collage with money?

A unique wedding gift can be made using a photo album. You can use a purchased album, but something made with your own hands using the scrapbooking technique looks much more impressive. Instead of pictures, place banknotes, add original comments on each page, for what purpose the banknotes are given: for a trip around the world, for diapers, for a carriage for a princess or prince, for bricks for your home.

A photo frame with various banknotes inserted instead of a photo looks unusual. If you take different currencies, you get a beautiful, colorful picture. Present your surprise with a wish to visit all countries where you can pay with the donated currency.

For newlyweds who love to travel, create a collage of currencies from different countries in the shape of a boat. It is not necessary to use only large bills, the main thing is variety and a beautiful picture. Insert the collage into the frame, and when handing it over, read the poem:

I wish you to quickly fly across the seven seas. See lakes, mountains and endless expanses. Go shopping in Milan, live in Manhattan. Ride camels and lie on a sun lounger. Let there be a lot of positive things, Live brightly and beautifully!

Umbrella with money

Another way to present money in an original way for a wedding is to give the newlyweds an unusual umbrella. You will need a large opaque umbrella, as well as ribbons, paper clips and decorations. Tie the ribbons to the knitting needles, and staple the bills to the free ends. To prevent the money from tearing, they can be fastened together with small cardboard hearts. Tie wedding decorations to the free ribbons: rings, small plush toys, figurines of angels, doves. Hide the ribbons inside the umbrella, you can sprinkle glitter and confetti. Close the umbrella and secure it with a satin ribbon so that the surprise does not open ahead of time.

When you present your original gift, you can play L. Dolina’s song “Weather in the House” or perform it yourself.

Let's become florists

A cash bouquet of banknotes will decorate the event and surprise all guests:

  1. Rolling up money by making paper flowers out of them is not easy, without experience and skill you can ruin them, but you can either entrust this to hand made craftsmen, or make flowers from imitation paper bills, and simply carefully insert real money into the bouquet as decoration (greenery) .
  2. Variation of the previous idea. In a bouquet of fresh flowers, wrap the stems in banknotes, after wrapping them in cellophane or cling film to prevent them from getting wet. The main thing is not to forget to warn the newlyweds about the surprise in the bouquet, otherwise after the wedding celebration, when the flowers wither, the gift may go into the trash container, and with it a monetary surprise.
  3. Money Tree. It is a symbol of wealth and financial stability. You can use a living plant as a gift, on which you can carefully place banknotes. You can use the gift in the following way: explain to the young people that money is not given for nothing - in order for a tree to always bear fruit, it needs to be looked after: watered, fertilized.
  4. As a variant of the previous idea. Using wire, a foam ball and a flower pot, make a topiary in which you use not only flowers and other decorative decorations, but also banknotes. You can make a craft from souvenir bills, inserting real ones between them.
  5. You can make a money tree with your own hands in different ways: make a paper applique in a frame under glass, where you can attach banknotes. You can cut a tree out of foam rubber and make slots in it for money.
  6. A simple design option is a florarium. Buy a large glass goblet or a small round vase. Place artificial plants, decorative stones and beautifully folded banknotes inside.
  7. You can present a money tree in an unusual way: place a pot of soil in front of the young couple and offer to plant coins. Then let them pour the “magic” water over them. Blindfold the bride and groom and say the words of the spell: “Cracks, fax, pex.” During this time, you need to replace the pot with a money tree. Magic, and that's all!
  8. You can embroider a panel with a money tree and attach real banknotes to it. If you don’t know how to embroider, draw or make an applique.

Emergency cash assistance

To make your gift memorable for a long time, you can choose options with home decor:

  1. Panel. A panel is laid out from paper bills and coins attached to the base using double-sided tape. Place it in a frame under glass and hand it to the bride and groom. You can also give a small hammer with instructions: break the glass in case of extreme financial need.
  2. You can simply arrange the money beautifully in a photo frame - like a fan, checkerboard or other pattern. Having taken out the bills, the newlyweds will insert their wedding photo into the frame.
  3. Another variation of the previous idea. You can use a photo album for this purpose, where you can place banknotes in place of the photos. Gradually, the newlyweds will fill the album, replacing money with colorful photos.
  4. An “injection of happiness” can be given to a young family by taking the largest syringe (without a needle) and putting money rolled up into a tube. Place the syringe on velvet in a beautiful box and hand it to the heroes of the occasion.
  5. A money carpet can be “woven” from banknotes. Lay them out on plastic wrap, sew them so that each bill is inside its own “envelope,” and sew a ribbon or fringe along the edge of the carpet.
  6. Give the newlyweds a certificate for a large amount, framed under glass. In fact, there may be 2,3 or more bills of 100, 200, 500 or 1000 rubles, folded so that the first one has a visible denomination, and place the rest under it, leaving only the zeros visible.
  7. Money map of the world. It can be made by cutting out the outlines of continents into cards and attaching banknotes to the back. You can play by wishing the young family to visit all continents.
  8. There is no such thing as too much money: give young people a case filled with money stoves. Make a “doll” out of souvenir banknotes, supplementing it with real banknotes.

We build a house, we launch a ship

The tree has been planted - it’s time to build a house. Not in the literal sense, of course:

  1. You can build it from “logs”, which will be banknotes rolled into a tube. You can secure them using ordinary paper clips; they will also help to fasten the “logs” together. You can strengthen the “walls” with wooden skewers. The foundation will be a box of chocolates, the roof will be two banknotes folded in the shape of a triangle.
  2. Another option can be played out as follows: to build a strong house, you need bricks. You give the first one at the wedding, the rest should be collected by the young people themselves. The brick can be cut from polystyrene foam - the main thing is that it is made up of two halves, in which recesses are made inside for banknotes. The more the “brick” resembles the real one - shape, size, color - the more interesting it will be. Tie the gift with a beautiful ribbon and decorate it with a bow.
  3. It is not difficult to build a ship on which a young family will sail across the ocean of life. You can make a figurine of a ship out of paper or buy a small souvenir model of a sailboat, on which the sails can be replaced with banknotes. The gift should be celebrated by wishing the young couple a happy voyage, seven feet under the keel and complete calm.

Money balls

Balloons give a festive atmosphere, so such a gift is a great idea for congratulating newlyweds. You will need gel balloons into which the rolled up bills are placed before inflating. Along with the money, pour confetti in the shape of small hearts into the balloons to make the composition look more elegant. All that remains is to inflate the balloons and present a cheerful, colorful, airy bouquet.

We present money for a wedding in an original way: kinder cash surprise

Give the newlyweds a whole basket of toy eggs. But not just like that, but money. To do this, purchase the required number of sweet Kinder surprises.

Carefully remove the wrapper, break the chocolate and remove the plastic container with the toy. Replace the toy with a bill and do all the operations in reverse order.

You can restore the chocolate egg by running a hot spoon along the seam.

Of course, you will have to tinker, but you will get a whole basket of unusual money sweet eggs of surprises.

Presentation "Help"

As you know, every man must accomplish three important things in his life, help in these endeavors. To raise your son, for example, put down a dummy, to build your own house - a brick with a ribbon, to plant a tree - a decorative tree.

Such a gift is symbolic; the newlyweds will appreciate it.

"Ten" or "Sotochka"

You can give banknotes not one at a time, but, for example, tens or hundred, while saying certain words. By presenting a gift in a playful form with poetry, you will definitely be sure that the newlyweds will remember it.

Read an example verse here:

We’re giving you a hundred for free, a hundred for kindly letting you in. We'll put a hundred on a transparent stocking, a hundred for our income tax, a hundred for a glass, a hundred for two (let it make a little noise in your head), we'll give you a hundred as a surprise.

We'll give you a hundred for Versace underwear, And we'll give this hundred to the dacha - There you'll walk around in Versace underwear, And look like Cleopatra herself.

Take a hundred for cream from Max Factor, a hundred for clarity on the housing issue, a hundred to go to a restaurant, and this one to put in your pocket.

A hundred for our mutual friendship. A hundred for what we really need to drink!

Box of candies

The “sweet gift” will be a pleasant surprise for the newlyweds. Buy a large, elegant box of sweets, place bills inside: you can put them under the sweets or carefully place them between them. Tie the box with a beautiful ribbon and give it to the bride and groom so that their life together will always be sweet.

Mafia gift: suitcase box for a wedding for money

Use everyone's favorite mafia suitcase to pack a gift. You need to put money in packs in it and supplement the composition with bags of white powder.

The role a la cocaine can be played by flour. And the donor himself will have to comply with the dress code, taking care of dark glasses and a headset.


To give money for a wedding with a joke, take note of the following option - “loot thrower”. To make it you will need a shovel or a broom, attach banknotes and coins to them and hand them with the following poetic words:

Such a shovel can become a symbol of the financial well-being of a young family.

Bablomet - The unit is multifunctional!

If rubbish lives in the house And dust lurks in the corners - The omnipresent “loot thrower” will come in handy here!

If it's unbearably hot outside in the morning and the sweat is pouring like hail, your salvation is the Bablomet!

If the house is “rolling like a ball”, And there is no gasoline in the car, sit astride the “money launcher” and rush to the store!

And when Saturday comes, flood the bathhouse and take the loot launcher into the steam room. Of course, take it. He will immediately drive away any illness or infection from the body!

Golden chest

Fits perfectly into a pirate themed wedding. You will need a box that resembles a chest, which needs to be filled with coins. In addition, put inside chocolates in the form of money, bright beads made from dragees, and edible pearls. Place the envelope with money at the very bottom of the chest. You can wrap the bills in film to prevent them from getting dirty or torn.

Another option for an original presentation of money is a pot of coins or a chest with a real gold bar.

Money house

To “build” it, you will need to take a beautiful box, which will act as a foundation. Roll the bills into a tube, then secure them with paper clips; two banknotes will need to be folded in the shape of a triangular loft. The wall will be supported by sushi chopsticks. Assemble the entire structure and you will get a wonderful house.

Gift in money box for wedding

If you don't have time for creative solutions, buy a box or casket with many drawers and compartments. And place both bills and coins in each of them.

A transparent piggy bank, which will have to be filled at least half, also looks original.

The box idea can be played out quite interestingly by taking several boxes of various sizes at once for a gift. You stack them like nesting dolls. Small to medium, medium to large, and large to the largest.

The money, of course, will be in the smallest box. And in the remaining boxes we place various items in the form of ribbons, sweets, coins, confetti, helium balloons.

And if you try to make a gift from 10-20 boxes, the largest of which will be the size of a person, you can organize a whole quiz or an original competition, which will delight not only the newlyweds, but all the guests.

Barrel of honey

With wishes for a sweet family life, present the newlyweds with a barrel made of wood or glass. Paste the inscription on the side: “Honey for a married couple ________ (surname of the spouses).” Place rolled up bills inside, and cover the top of the barrel with canvas fabric and tie with string or twine.

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