Wedding gift from friends - TOP 150 original ideas for newlyweds

TOP 30 best wedding gift ideas for friends

Before getting married, it is advisable to visit the property where the newlyweds will live. During the visit, you need to study the interior of the room to get an idea of ​​how best to complement it. You can carefully examine the wardrobe of the future spouses, which will help develop ideas for replenishing it.

Gifts for friends at a wedding can be as follows:

  1. Thick curtains for the bedroom.
  2. Multi-colored bed linen.
  3. Furniture for decorating a hallway.
  4. Set of kitchen utensils.
  5. Coffee service.
  6. Gold plated cutlery in a box.
  7. Bearskin on the floor.
  8. Carpet runners.
  9. Name blankets.
  10. Pillows stuffed with dried seaweed.
  11. Orthopedic mattress.
  12. A set of napkins and tablecloths.
  13. Oven mitts, kitchen towels.
  14. Blanket.
  15. Large floor vase.
  16. Set of pans.
  17. Frying pans of non-standard shape.
  18. Clay pots for cooking in the oven.
  19. Crystal salad bowls with sweets.
  20. Original spice jars.
  21. Beautiful shopping bags. You need to give beautiful and eye-catching products to your friends.
  22. Bicycles for shared travel.
  23. A festively decorated photo album for family photos.
  24. Coffee tree with notes of wishes and leaves from banknotes.
  25. Portrait of the newlyweds in a beautiful frame.
  26. A jar with rolled banknotes.
  27. Corner shelf for the bathroom.
  28. Pencil case for the bathroom.
  29. Souvenir in the form of connected hearts.
  30. Large painting depicting the local landscape.

When choosing a gift, you need to evaluate the degree of its practicality and benefit for a young family. You should not give things that cannot be used.

How can you celebrate marriage registration without a wedding?

Registration of marriage by law requires a mandatory registration procedure at the registry office. However, not all newlyweds arrange a banquet after this significant event.

The reasons can be very diverse. Often, marriage without subsequent celebration is a necessary formality for an already established couple who does not strive for lavish festivities.

If the couple has chosen a similar wedding scenario, then you can remember this day with the following events:

  1. festive clothes . A dress for the bride and a suit for the groom will create a solemn mood even without the ransom process, the signals of the motorcade of cars and the sprinkles of the couple leaving the entrance. Getting ready for the registry office may be accompanied by a make-up ritual and creating a hairstyle for the bride;
  2. photoshoot . You can capture this day for centuries by inviting a professional photographer who will create excellent photographs symbolizing the union of two loving hearts;
  3. small buffet . Relatives, friends and colleagues invited to the registry office will be happy to drink to the health of the newlyweds, even on the premises of the institution. Snacks in the form of fruits, sandwiches and sweets will be a great help;
  4. walking together . This could be a carriage ride or horseback ride, or a boat ride on the river.

An original wedding gift from friends - TOP 20 best unusual ideas

When considering various options for what you can give to friends, it is worth choosing things that do not fall under the standard parameters. A wedding surprise can be unusual and unexpected.

There are such options for original offerings:

  1. Globus Bar. You can store your favorite drinks in it.
  2. Basket of wishes. The newlyweds throw notes into it, which become a “guide to action” for the spouse when retrieved.
  3. Tandem bicycle. People will travel and experience new sights. A prerequisite is the lady in front.
  4. The “Night Sky” lamp will create a romantic atmosphere even in a city apartment.
  5. Memorable awards. These could be medals or figurines - items that will not deteriorate over time. They will remind people of the celebration all their lives.
  6. Country cottage area. Such a gift given on the wedding day is a capital investment by friends. They will have somewhere to come on holidays and weekends.
  7. Inexpensive car. Thanks to it, newlyweds will be able to quickly and easily resolve their issues and provide assistance to their friends.
  8. Scooter. A useful vehicle for both rugged rural areas and busy city traffic.
  9. Ceiling fan. An exotic and practical device for apartments and cottages.
  10. Stretch ceiling in the bedroom, paid for by customers. You can choose matte, glossy or chintz fabric, with photo printing, plain or color painting.
  11. Stained glass windows. The products are suitable for decorating the kitchen, bedroom and living room. Great gifts for friends at a wedding.
  12. Metal doors to a house or apartment. Such a “bastion” will protect young people from illegal intrusion.
  13. Rocking chair. The product will help you relax after a hard day at work and spend the weekend comfortably.
  14. Products from a sex shop. The products will help diversify family and sexual life.
  15. Electric fireplace. The device is not an essential item. It is in demand during the cold season as a heater and decorative item.
  16. Inflatable mattress. A good quality product can be used on the beach, traveling and for hosting guests.
  17. Mobile air conditioner. Such a gift to friends for a wedding will give them the opportunity to comfortably spend time at home, at the dacha and at a party.
  18. Kitchen Area. Most young families are in dire need of furniture.
  19. Powerboat. Useful for those who live outside the city near a pond. You can go on a boat, including shopping, or go fishing.
  20. Home weather station. The device will tell you how to dress and what to take with you when leaving home.

When choosing a gift, you should take into account the priorities of the newlyweds. Otherwise, the offering will be unclaimed, gradually becoming unusable.

From parents

Even the most ordinary household item can be perceived differently if it is accompanied by jokes and kind congratulations. This technique is usually used by the older generation - parents, aunts, uncles and grandparents. These gifts can be the most common everyday items.

  • A rolling pin or a frying pan as necessary things in the household and “arguments” during a quarrel.
  • Umbrella - for good weather in the house.
  • A broom or bowl of soap - they usually come with vacuum cleaners or washing machines. They mean that no circumstances, including a power outage, can interfere with maintaining cleanliness in the house.
  • A light bulb and washing powder - so that the feelings of young people are bright and pure.
  • Vegetables and fruits - usually their names rhyme with good wishes. For example: cabbage - so that your wallet is not empty, garlic - so that you have a daughter and son, carrots - so that your mother-in-law and mother-in-law are friends, and the like.

Such items, as you can see, do not necessarily have to be expensive. Moreover, it will be better if you decorate them and place appropriate inscriptions on them. Several things at once can be put in an opaque bag and taken out one by one, accompanied by sayings and jokes.

In addition to items useful in everyday life, experienced parents give things that symbolize family values:

  • candles as a symbol of the family hearth;
  • paired figurines of doves or swans, meaning love and fidelity;
  • images of storks and cabbage are given with a hint of the early appearance of children in the family.

Here, family heirlooms are passed on by inheritance - blankets, caps, baptismal shirts for the next generation. Many mothers like to keep their baby's first things - they are useful in demonstrating to their grown children how small they were. You can make a slide show from home archive photographs and accompany them with pre-prepared funny comments.

It's no secret that after starting a family, many friends, especially single and unmarried ones, gradually fade into the background. Therefore, a video with congratulations in poetry or song form can be a particularly touching gift. Here you can show not only a sense of humor, but also creative abilities. Such a video message can become the highlight of the evening if the bride and groom agree to show it to the guests. Such a display must be agreed upon with the wedding planner and included in the script.

If this wedding was one of the first to happen in a friendly company, you can expect gifts from other friends and girlfriends with hints about the end of your “free” life. Warnings about the hardships that await newlyweds in the family are also possible. Of course, such words should not be taken seriously. It is important here that the joke does not hurt the feelings of both parties.

And if you are giving an item of an intimate nature, you should not show it to other guests.

Recently, musical congratulations have become extremely popular. Friends can organize a flash mob with a selection of popular tunes. It will require several rehearsals to make it look cohesive. The bride can join the flash mob of girls - then it will be a surprise for the groom and vice versa. At the end, the dance can be made common and the rest of the guests can be invited.

Just a few simple fiery movements will make the holiday unforgettable for all its participants. An alternative to reading congratulations can be rap. If you don't have any special talents, you can remake an existing song, giving it a special meaning.

Another interesting idea could be a prank. Depending on the situation, you can do it on your own, for example, ask your friends or hire actors. This could be a habitual bride theft or a “police squad” arriving unexpectedly. Moreover, there are special agencies that will help you realize your plans.

To ensure everything goes smoothly, make sure that the prank will not be offensive and will not drag on for a long time.

Wedding surprise from friends - 5 original exciting ideas

When deciding what to give to your friends for a wedding, you can deviate from the standards by presenting an unusual gift. Such an offering will produce an excellent effect that will remain in the memory for a long time.

A good solution to give original gifts to friends are the following options:

  1. A gazebo for a dacha, if the newlyweds have one. The best solution is a structure made of solid timber. The product is strong, durable and environmentally friendly.
  2. Cabriolet. Such cars are rare in our country; it will be a great surprise for a new family. People will be able to take spectacular walks around the city and long journeys in the car.
  3. Quad bike. With such transport, a young family will be able to cruise off-road and untouched areas. The product is simple and reliable.
  4. Boat. An excellent solution to make the couple happy. Such an original wedding gift will give lovers the opportunity to spend their honeymoon where they see fit, away from strangers.
  5. Country house. Such a gift requires the participation of all invited guests. It may be one gift, but it is worth it. The newly created family will have the opportunity to leave the dusty and noisy city, spending time in peace and quiet.

It should be remembered that people are starting a new life. They have love, but no material wealth. If possible, then you should invest in the well-being of a new cell of modern society.

How to present a gift with humor?

In the process of giving, it is not so important what to give, what is more important is how to do it. Even money can be given in an unusual way. There are several ideas for this.

You can make a tree out of banknotes. This could be in the form of a paper craft or a real seedling in a pot with banknotes tied to its branches. A living tree can be used to illustrate a proverb about what a real man should do. In addition to planting a tree, you can give a brick (for the start of building a house) and a children's toy (for your future son).

A cash gift can be framed as a treasure. For this you will need a small pot. Paper bills are placed at the bottom, and coins are poured on top to make the pot really heavy. Such a gift will certainly cause surprise and laughter. To make the top layer of coins look especially original, you can specially prepare small coins from other countries. If it is problematic to get such a quantity of small change, they can be replaced with toys, chocolate or other “treasures” in the form of cheap jewelry and rings.

This idea can be used to organize a kind of quest. The newlyweds themselves can look for the treasure hidden in advance. A spirit of competition can be created by dividing the guests into a team of the groom and a team of the bride. To search, you can use maps or hint systems in the form of notes hidden in different places.

Of course, in the end the treasure will end up in the general budget. In addition, such a game should be agreed upon with the host and take little time so that the guests do not get bored.

Following modern trends, you can make a mock-up of an ATM. You can simply put banknotes in it so that the newly-made husband and wife can take them out in difficult times. Or equip it with a simple mechanism with a spring that works in this way: when any plastic card is inserted into one hole, money begins to pour out of the other. This unusual method will definitely be remembered. And the ATM itself can be used later as a piggy bank.

The money cake looks very nice. To make it, you need to make two, or better yet three, layers of cardboard with a height equal to the height of a banknote. The amount you planned to give must be exchanged for smaller banknotes. The diameter of each layer will depend on their number.

Each bill must be rolled into a loose tube and wrapped with a transparent rubber band. Then they install tubes around each tier and tie them with tape so that they do not fall apart. For stability, all three tiers must be connected to each other. To decorate such a cake, you can use bows, fresh or artificial flowers.

If you like to make things with your own hands, you will definitely love the idea of ​​a different cake. It will consist of pieces that are hollow inside - it is inside them that you can place money, as well as pleasant notes. The newlyweds will definitely appreciate your efforts and will be happy.

Adults also like colorful balloons, especially if there is money inside them. Along with the banknotes, you can pour confetti into each balloon - then the bursting process will be especially bright.

As you can see, there are really many options for original gifts. Invitations usually arrive well in advance of the scheduled date, so you can carefully consider all the details. Your efforts to please the newlyweds will definitely be noticed.

For an example of an original wedding gift, see the following video.

What to give a friend for a wedding - TOP 20 good ideas for best friends

The groom is, in the future, the stronghold of family well-being. He is responsible for the state of the household. Based on this, you need to present him with what is required for this. In addition, one should not forget about the individual hobbies of the future husband.

A wedding gift for your best friend could be like this:

  1. Original keychain.
  2. Gold tie clip.
  3. Crystal ashtray inlaid with metal.
  4. Cigarette case with a dedicatory inscription.
  5. Titanium ring with stone.
  6. Silver bracelet on the wrist.
  7. Beer mug with individual engraving.
  8. Branded telescopic fishing rod for fishing in the sea and in reservoirs.
  9. Sunglasses with anti-glare function. A practical item for everyday life and travel.
  10. A new cell phone with advanced features and pre-installed programs.
  11. Powerful laptop. With it, the groom will be able to receive information about events in the world, communicate freely, and earn money on sites with remote access.
  12. Scooter. If you give such equipment as a wedding gift, the groom will be happy, because all men dream of such a vehicle.
  13. Home exercise machine. A person will be able to maintain himself in good athletic shape.
  14. Modern tablet. The right device to always be connected anywhere.
  15. Leather wallet. A useful thing that can hold money, business cards, plastic cards and various notes.
  16. Presentable hat. A hat will make a man look more presentable and will protect him from the sun and precipitation.
  17. Portable tent. Such a gift for a wedding day from friends will allow a person to travel comfortably and retire when problems arise in family life.
  18. Swiss knife. A universal tool for home and travel. Every man will be glad to see him.
  19. Pool subscription. Such therapy is not only useful, but also pleasant, interesting, and exciting.
  20. Motorcycle with cradle. On it, the husband can go to the store and the market, take a walk with friends, go hunting and fishing.

Choosing original wedding gifts for the groom is not difficult. You just need to know the hobbies and needs of the young man.

We follow the interests of the bride

It is important to be sincere and show sensitivity and attentiveness to your significant other. A specially selected gift will show the groom’s desire to thoroughly understand all the character traits and preferences of his future wife.

Every woman has a hobby. Every little thing intended for her favorite activity will delight the bride and, of course, this gift will not end up among the unnecessary boxes in the pantry.

You can’t give completely banal things; you can always find something original and exclusive. For example, additionally order an engraving, a personalized emblem, a sticker with a personal photo, or something similar.


The gift does not necessarily have to have a material expression. Sometimes vivid emotions can keep the warmest memories of the wedding day in the bride’s memory for a long time.

When planning such a surprise, you should turn to your friends for help or entrust its organization to flash mob masters. In this case, the main feature is brightness and surprise.

It could be:

  • congratulations from random passers-by;
  • mass dance;
  • draw;
  • scene;
  • quest

Depending on the number of people involved, the availability of the necessary props, the duration and complexity of the action, the price of such a gift will range from 800 to 15,000 rubles.

Wedding walk

You should not refuse a romantic walk, which, in combination with photo and video recording, will be remembered for a long time.

Based on personal preferences and capabilities, it is worth considering the following options:

  • in a hot air balloon - from $120 to $350;
  • by boat - from $5 per hour;
  • in a carriage - from $50.

You should take special care of the beautiful stylistic decoration of the recreational vehicle. For example, you can order a heart-shaped balloon or design a boat in the form of a gondola.

Magic extravaganza

If desired, creating a festive mood is quite easy. You can impress the bride with some magical action that will cause genuine delight and leave a lasting impression for a long time.

A gift in the form of a car or carriage filled with balloons, which fly into the sky en masse when the door is opened, looks very beautiful.

The spectacle is very beautiful and, if you do not take into account the rental of special transport, it will not be very expensive (100 balls - from 30 to 50 $).

A similar effect can be achieved by giving a box with exotic butterflies, which create a real “live fireworks display”. Having flown out, the moths in the form of a multi-colored cloud will hover around the bride.

There are several options for releasing butterflies:

  • from the box;
  • from a large paper heart;
  • one butterfly from many envelopes, which guests will take turns opening at different ends of the hall.

Before organizing such a gift, it would be useful to undergo special instructions to take into account under what conditions the butterflies will be most active. Small moths cost $10-$12 each, and the largest ones cost $20.

Of course, there are still many ways to please your dearest and only one on a wonderful wedding day. The main thing is to act from the heart!

When thinking about a gift, you should listen to your heart and do as it tells you. After all, if you decide to connect your destiny with your chosen one, it means that you, like no one else, know better than anyone else what she will be delighted with and what she will appreciate most of all.

TOP 20 practical and very useful wedding gifts

A new family starts life from scratch; they lack a lot of things in their household. Guests can contribute to the well-being of future spouses.

The options for practical gifts are as follows:

  1. Fridge.
  2. Split system.
  3. Freezer.
  4. Washing vacuum cleaner.
  5. Suspended ceiling.
  6. Blinds on all windows.
  7. Large LED TV.
  8. Dishwasher.
  9. Microwave.
  10. Electric stove.
  11. Powerful kitchen hood.
  12. Personal Computer.
  13. Storage water heater.
  14. Solid wood bed with orthopedic mattress.
  15. Chair-bed.
  16. Kitchen Area.
  17. Table with glass top.
  18. Stone fireplace.
  19. Set of household tools.
  20. Rack for storing household equipment.

When deciding what practical and useful gift to give your friends, you need to choose quality products from a trusted manufacturer.

Souvenirs from newlyweds to guests

Gifts from newlyweds are usually called bonbonnieres. Small gifts are given to each guest at the time of gifting, displayed on personal plates, or presented at the end of the evening as a token of gratitude for attending the festive evening.

And while guests learn from friends or materials on the Internet how much money is customary to give for a wedding, we hasten to share with you interesting options for compliments for dear people.

What newlyweds can give guests at the wedding:

  • live plants in small pots (make sure they won't stain your clothes);
  • a bottle of aromatic oil or a set of aroma sticks;
  • sachets with dried flowers and herbs;
  • wedding style photo frame;
  • double set for spices;
  • treats in glass jars (jam, preserves, honey, etc.);
  • decorative candles in the evening palette;
  • coasters for hot dishes of various shapes (can be made of tempered glass or cork, wood);
  • wedding magnets for guests with a photo of the newlyweds or words of gratitude;
  • glasses or glasses with thematic engraving;
  • accessories for tea drinking (cute tea strainers, small teapots, personalized spoons or even a tea bag);
  • a selection of music recorded on disk that will be played on the wedding day.

As you can see, gifts for guests at a wedding can be very diverse, and what to choose depends only on the taste (and desire to surprise) the newlyweds, the holiday budget and the style of the celebration.

If it’s still difficult to make a choice, then when coming up with wedding gifts, we advise you to start from the time of year. For example, beautifully decorated jars of jam are perfect for autumn; for winter (especially on the eve of the Christmas and New Year holidays) - Christmas tree toys or toys symbols of the coming year; In the spring, pamper your loved ones with bulbs of beautiful flowers or bouquets of snowdrops or lilies of the valley, but summer is the ideal time for wicker mini baskets with strawberries or handmade soap based on natural ingredients.

Special attention should be paid to the gifts that guests will receive after the competitions. Gifts can be either standard or completely original.

If we talk about more common things, then it’s worth mentioning: washcloths, soap bubbles, bath bombs, calendars, potholders, soap dishes, ashtrays, tape measure and even toilet tablets and light bulbs! Try to choose inexpensive but useful things.

But if we talk about unusual surprises, then pay attention to the “gift certificates” for the winners. But what they apply to, decide for yourself

As an idea, we can offer: dinner with the newlyweds at any time, a guaranteed invitation to every anniversary, a couple’s next New Year’s Eve, a dance with the bride/groom, etc.

Many wedding gifts for guests can be easily made with your own hands. The main thing is to have free time and desire. Otherwise, needlewomen who make compliments for wedding guests on a professional level will always come to the rescue.

Romantic and sweet - 15 original wedding favors

Souvenirs belong to the category of things that, if handled carefully, last for decades. Located in a prominent place, these items are a reminder of the wedding, evoking warm feelings.

You can give spouses the following souvenirs:

  1. Collapsible nesting dolls.
  2. Porcelain elephants.
  3. White swans.
  4. The sun is in the sky.
  5. United hearts.
  6. Commemorative medals for the bride and groom.
  7. Beautifully framed photographs.
  8. Paired medallions.
  9. Table clock with gilding.
  10. Silver plated ashtray with lighter.
  11. Retro style phone.
  12. The figure of an owl as a symbol of wisdom.
  13. Dolphins are the most intelligent mammals.
  14. House in the yard.
  15. Titanium globe.

When thinking about how to choose a wedding gift for the groom, you must not forget about the bride, so that she also likes the gift.

Universal souvenirs with money

We do not suggest giving trivial money. This is a necessary gift, but it will not evoke any emotions and will not express your creativity or concern for the heroes of the occasion. This is what you can do with money to make your present memorable forever. These souvenirs can be presented by friends, parents and other relatives.

Money carpet

Make a rug out of banknotes. We take money of the same denomination, connect them together with adhesive tape so that we get a mat of impressive size. You will also need banknotes of different denominations. You need to use them to create a print on a money background. You can choose a couple of rings or a heart, use your imagination here.

As an option, pay your congratulations or the names of the newlyweds with money. It is important to make the carpet so that the bride and groom can easily take it apart; do not use a lot of tape or glue, a small amount is enough for the craft to last a little at the time of giving. You can use files where banknotes are placed and assemble a carpet or poster from the files.

Kinder surprises with money

For parents, the bride and groom will forever remain children, and this gift perfectly reflects this situation, strengthens relationships, and shows the tender care of fathers and mothers. You will need a lot of kinder surprises. You will have to invest money in each egg. Alternatively, car or apartment keys and gold items are suitable. Take the chocolate egg and carefully open it with a hot knife.

Having placed the surprise inside, you need to glue the halves together again using chocolate paste or melted chocolate. Along with the gift, wish sweets and many pleasant surprises in your life together. A similar gift can be made from chocolates. Just unstick the packages and re-seal. Beautifully package the chocolate and cash prize.

Valuable diapers

If the couple already has or is planning to have children, you can prepare this comic cash gift. In order to make this craft, you need to purchase a package of baby diapers. We carefully cover each of them with paper money. It is better to use different banknotes. After preparation, we arrange the diapers beautifully in the style of a cake or in another way.

Handmade house

Don’t be lazy to make a gift house where the money will be hidden. So, you will need a large box. The inside should be covered with wallpaper. Alternatively, the walls can be decorated with joint or separate photographs of the spouses. The main thing is that the photo contains happy faces and memorable moments of life. To create an interior you will need toy furniture. You will also need to buy a bride and groom at the toy store. Place them in a box, and you can glue suitable size photographs of the couple directly onto their faces.

The dominant gift will be a small box, a toy safe or a chest. It must be installed in a box next to the dolls and a sum of money must be placed there. The money will be useful to the newlyweds, and the toys will remain for their future child.

Money brick

Another original gift for newlyweds who are going to build or buy a private house is a stylized brick. You will need a natural strong brick or building block. It will serve as a postcard; all your wishes and kind words are written on the surface where there is enough space.

A bag with a cash prize must be attached to the brick in any way. You can also not write congratulations on the surface of the brick, but simply paste money over it. And when donating, say that this is your first brick for a successful and quick construction.

Magic umbrella

For this gift you will need a new umbrella, which will need to be improved a little. Each knitting needle should have a thread that holds one bill or a small wad of money. Choose the fastening method yourself, the main thing is that the money can be removed with minimal damage.

After preparation, close the umbrella and put all the money inside. Another option is to put money loosely in an umbrella and close it tightly. When presenting a gift, ask one of the spouses to open an umbrella over the couple's heads. Their surprise will know no bounds when, together with the opening of the umbrella, they see a rain of money.

If you like pranks, then go ahead and stage a re-enactment of a renovation or robbery. The main thing is that no one has time to get too scared. When planning pranks, avoid risky activities. Let your jokes be kind and completely safe, since anyone who does not know about the conspiracy can behave unpredictably.


You can save a good memorable gift for the finale of the event. When everyone is already tired and doesn’t expect anything, invite the guests and heroes of the occasion outside, where you can show an enchanting fireworks display in the sky or launch several flying lanterns.

TOP 18 inexpensive but very original wedding gifts

If guests have low income, then this is not a problem. By showing your imagination, you can find a budget gift that you won’t be ashamed to give to the newlyweds. The main thing is that the item is of high quality and useful.

Options for inexpensive surprises are:

  1. Slippers.
  2. Set of bath towels.
  3. Terry robes.
  4. Titanium bracelets.
  5. Wool mittens.
  6. Leather gloves.
  7. Knitted hats.
  8. Diaries.
  9. Stationery.
  10. Phone cases.
  11. Key holder in the corridor. A good wedding gift for newlyweds.
  12. Spice jars.
  13. Cutlery.
  14. Folding grill with skewers.
  15. Umbrella with drill for the beach.
  16. Original raincoats.
  17. Ottoman for the bedroom.
  18. Beautiful floor lamp.

You need to select a gift based on the tastes and preferences of the newlyweds.

Classic ideas

If you are not a very creative person, or you have absolutely no free time to spend a long time preparing a congratulatory surprise, you can easily choose and buy for your chosen one such a present that he has long wanted to have, but could not afford

Just remember what he is most interested in, what interests he has, what things your loved one pays his attention to most often, where he usually likes to spend his weekends and vacations. And you will very quickly come up with an idea of ​​what exactly to give your future spouse at the wedding, and not worry too much, even if there are only two days left before this significant event

Let's list the most popular options.

Certificate. One of the most successful solutions to the problem of buying a present will be the purchase of a gift certificate for those types of services that the chosen one will clearly like. This could well be a pre-wedding visit to the bathhouse, a romantic trip to a reputable restaurant, riding bicycles together or a memorable carriage ride. If your lover has always loved to dress fashionably, you can give him a certificate with the opportunity to purchase clothes in his favorite store.

Here are a number of truly creative ideas, any of which you may well like:

  1. knit a warm sweater or a stylish hat for your loved one;
  2. design frames for joint photos;
  3. collect a box or notebook and arrange it with a list of reasons why you love and appreciate your chosen one;
  4. make two parts (halves) of the heart from any suitable material;
  5. arrange stylish embroidery in a frame (the basis can be a photo of you together);
  6. any item in hand made style for decoration.

If friends like to joke - 10 cool gifts

A wedding is, first of all, a holiday, and any celebration is not complete without jokes and fun. If friends have a good sense of humor, then they will be able to bring joy not only to the newlyweds, but also to everyone present at the event. Here you need not to overdo it, so that the surprise does not turn out to be a burden to the spouses or cause them offense.

Cool ideas for wedding gifts from friends are as follows:

  1. Fireworks from professional pyrotechnicians.
  2. Cheerful congratulations on TV live.
  3. Parachute jump from an airplane.
  4. Balloon flight.
  5. Helicopter ride.
  6. Paintball session.
  7. Ride in a sports car.
  8. Off-road ride in a jeep.
  9. Jumping from a bridge using a shock-absorbing rope.
  10. A prank organized by guest clowns.

When choosing a surprise, you need to take into account the character traits of the young spouses. To do this, you should find out in advance whether they have a fear of heights or depth. A well-chosen joke will leave an unforgettable impression, just like other tastefully chosen gifts for friends at a wedding.

Original ideas

At the very beginning of their family journey, the newly-made husband and wife try to emphasize their new status. To support this feeling, guests can safely choose items designed for two.

  • T-shirts with slogans. Instead of funny inscriptions, you can use an image, each half of which is located on one of the T-shirts. They will only look like one when the newlyweds are standing close or hugging each other. Cool paired robes, slippers, and mittens are also suitable for lovers.
  • Bed dress. This may include signed individual pillows for each spouse or one large blanket, conventionally divided in half, as well as bed linen with the same theme of drawings.
  • Dishes. The most interesting souvenir here will be one plate for two with different designs and paired cups, including those that change color depending on the temperature of the contents.
  • Certificates, diplomas and medals. A great alternative to postcards. You can make them yourself - for this you will need suitable text, which can be beautifully designed in any available editor, and then laminated. For the medal you will need a beautiful ribbon or braid, and if you don’t have time, you can buy them. Such distinctive signs can be awarded not only to the heroes of the occasion, but also to their parents.
  • In addition to the previous point, you can give comic titles to close relatives of the newlyweds and present them with “documents.” After receiving the title of the best mother-in-law, relations between newly acquired relatives will become better.

By the way, so that the memory of the wedding remains not only with the newlyweds, but also with the guests, you can also give them comic certificates. For example, the right to stay or drink tea in the newlyweds’ house. My husband and his friends will also enjoy going to football at any time.

  • Bouquets. Almost every guest goes to a wedding with a bouquet, since flowers are primarily associated with something solemn and festive. In order not to be trivial, instead of flowers, a bouquet can be made from sweets, tea, fruits, vegetables or alcoholic drinks. Such a gift will last much longer, and besides, it is not only beautiful, but also useful.

Strictly prohibited - 5 gifts that should not be given at a wedding

When preparing to congratulate the newlyweds, you should refrain from giving the following gifts:

  1. Antiques have negative energy.
  2. Handkerchiefs mean tears.
  3. There is a sign on the wall clock: when it stops, the marriage will end.
  4. Mirror - breaking it is associated with subsequent infertility.
  5. Things for an unborn child.

In addition, you should refrain from giving items that indicate health problems or flaws in appearance.
Friends often give interesting wedding gifts. Reason 2019-07-24 admin

Practical options

Gifts to newlyweds from parents usually stand out in their scale compared to other gifts, and are often agreed upon in advance with both the newlyweds and the parents of the second spouse. The most expensive and practical things are, of course, a car or your own living space, but not all parents have such an opportunity, and most families give less expensive, but no less necessary and interesting gifts to the newlyweds. So, the most common gift is cash. Despite its banality and prosaicness, it is money that is so necessary for a young family; it helps them arrange their life at the initial stage.

Another way of presenting money will require some labor and time, but it is quite original and unusual. Parents first exchange the entire amount at the bank for gold coins and fill a clay flower pot with them, which is also wrapped in wrapping paper and decorated with a bow. After the celebration, the young people, at their discretion, will be able to either exchange coins for banknotes, or will keep the donated funds in gold equivalent. The next method of presenting money is considered the most exotic of all existing ones and consists of exchanging the prepared amount for the currencies of different countries. After that, a large student globe or globe bar is purchased, to which paper bills are attached, taking into account their belonging to a particular country.

Often, the parents of the bride and groom discuss this point in advance and contribute equal amounts to the gift. The price of the issue depends entirely on the financial capabilities of each party and usually ranges from 20 to 100 thousand rubles. Giving money to young people can be an interesting play. The most common option is to create a money cake, when bills are rolled into tubes and connected to each other using thin rubber bands. Then the “structure” is wrapped in beautiful transparent paper and tied with a large bow.

And finally, the simplest, but no less original way of presenting money would be to purchase two paired piggy banks (for example, in the shape of a cat and a cat) and fill them to the top with ten-ruble coins. Usually such gifts are received with a bang and create a real sensation. To ensure that, due to their youth, the couple does not thoughtlessly spend the donated money on all sorts of unnecessary things, you can open a deposit in a bank for a period of one to several years. This approach is the most pragmatic and allows you to increase the amount during the period that it will be under interest.

In addition to cash, the most useful and practical gifts are household appliances and furniture. However, when choosing them, it is necessary to take into account that the gift is given to both spouses, which means that both will have to use it. Therefore, a leather office chair or a food processor will not be suitable as a wedding present. But a microwave, refrigerator, washing machine, personal computer, fireplace or TV will come in very handy. If the children already have their own home, then an air conditioner or a built-in kitchen would be a good gift.

In addition, you can give the couple a suspended ceiling, a “warm floor” system, balcony glazing or new windows. If funds allow, you can completely pay for the renovation of the entire apartment, since it often takes the lion’s share of the family budget. However, the purchase of furniture and household appliances must be approached taking into account the wishes of the young. This is explained by slightly different ideas of fathers and children about home comfort and the functionality of certain devices, so the most reasonable thing in this case would be to purchase a gift certificate. For young spouses living in a private house or having a dacha, a prefabricated barrel sauna or multi-kebab maker would be a practical gift.

If the future spouses have all the necessary equipment, renovations have been completed and the apartment is fully furnished, then presenting two certificates to a jewelry salon would be an excellent gift. The young wife will be able to choose an exquisite piece of jewelry for herself, and the husband will exchange his certificate for an expensive watch. The pairing rule applies to all gifts given to newlyweds. It often happens that each parent, in addition to a general gift, wants to congratulate their child with an individual gift.

In this case, it is necessary to purchase a gift for the second spouse, and the cost of such gifts should be approximately equal. But in any case, individual gifts should be somewhat more modest than joint ones, and have both a memorable and practical function. An exception may be a family heirloom given to a daughter from her mother or a daughter-in-law from her mother-in-law. It could be an antique or antique piece of jewelry. In this case, the couple’s gift may not be presented to the groom.

Well, in conclusion - a classic of the genre. Practical and necessary gifts have always been and continue to be bedding sets, tea and table sets, crystal vases, duvets and pillows, expensive curtains and sets of pots.

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