How to celebrate my husband's 45th birthday. Competitions for a man's anniversary. For active guests

Many representatives of the stronger half of humanity perceive their forty-fifth birthday as a turning point. Most of them are trying to rethink the path they have taken. How can a man celebrate his 45th birthday so that this date will be remembered not only by the hero of the day, but also by the guests gathered for the holiday? How can a prepared celebration help a person feel even younger and more successful, inspired by fresh ideas, aimed at implementing new plans, the goal of which is to improve the life of their personal life and that of their loved ones? There is only one answer to these questions: you need to prepare well for the anniversary. And so let's go...

Scenario for 45th anniversary for a man

If a 45-year-old woman is “a berry again,” then a 45-year-old man is “just another fruit.” A festive evening in honor of the hero of the day can be held under this slogan. By analogy with the women's “Berry Jubilee”, you can grow an entire “Fruit Garden” for the birthday boy. And this can become an unforgettable celebration. However, for everything to go smoothly, you need to have a script for a man’s 45th birthday on hand.

The main thing is not to forget anyone!

To ensure that the important event is not overshadowed by the unexpected absence of one of the relatives, friends or colleagues of the hero of the day, it is very important to correctly draw up the guest list. To do this, in a calm atmosphere, you should divide a blank sheet of paper into three columns and enter the names of the invitees:

  • 1) relatives;
  • 2) friends;
  • 3) colleagues.

It is best to invite people to the Anniversary using postcards sent by mail, or through personal communication. It is better to notify guests by phone.

Ideas for celebrating a man's 45th birthday

In this case, the fruit theme should be seen in everything: in the menu, in the design of the room, in the props, as well as in congratulatory toasts, games and competitions. This is difficult to do, but possible. The anniversary party “Fruit Garden” will allow you not only to have fun, but also to find out what kind of “fruits” are the hero of the occasion and his guests?

If the hero of the day served in the army and has only good memories of this time, or is simply a fan of various war games, then the birthday can be celebrated in military style. Camouflage colors are required for the celebration, and a paramilitary dress code is required for the birthday boy and guests. If the event will be held indoors, it is appropriate to designate it as a headquarters; if the celebration is planned outdoors, you can simulate military field conditions and place several tents.

Various themed props, a field kitchen, army folklore, active games (from peeling potatoes for speed to paintball), festive “military regulations” - a plus to the general atmosphere of the anniversary. And, of course, you need to invite the army friends of the birthday boy and demonstrate his demobilization album.

  1. Inexpensive gifts under 1000 rubles - 1632 ideas
  2. from 1000 to 2000 rubles - 576 ideas
  3. from 2000 to 3000 rubles - 96 ideas
  4. from 3000 to 5000 rubles - 288 ideas
  5. Expensive gifts (from 5,000 rubles) - 144 ideas
  6. Unusual gifts - 336 ideas
  7. Cool gifts - 480 ideas
  8. Personalized gifts - 528 ideas

Finally, people over 40 experienced the last decades of the USSR and managed to be October soldiers and pioneers. For the anniversary of a man of 45 years old, stylization of a Pioneer rally is also suitable. It can be held in any closed room, stylized as an assembly hall. Streamers and posters with Pioneer slogans are welcome; the dress code is red ties and caps, white shirts; for younger guests - October stars. The menu includes a slightly modified version of “canteen” food from the times of the USSR. The musical accompaniment is hits of a bygone era, perfect for simulating a disco in a pioneer camp. It’s even better to organize a celebration in an open area - where would you be without a Pioneer bonfire and your favorite baked potatoes?

TOP 30 useful gifts

When choosing an unforgettable birthday present, many people purchase products with an original design and complicated instructions for use. Of course, such gifts make an impression and remain in the memory for a long time. But, in the future, they lose their usefulness and uniqueness. To make it easier to find a useful gift for your husband's 45th birthday, check out the following ideas:

  1. Vacuum cleaner for car.
  2. Wrist watch.
  3. USB flash drive with fingerprint.
  4. Blanket with sleeves.
  5. Mini keyboard.
  6. Sports shaker.
  7. Air purifier.
  8. Laptop table.
  9. Sunglasses.
  10. Personalized robe.
  11. Travel bag.
  12. Set of thermoses.
  13. Heated steering wheel cover and heated car seat.
  14. An electric toothbrush.
  15. Orthopedic pillow.
  16. Anatomical blanket.
  17. Silicone keyboard cleaner.
  18. Smart watch.
  19. EBook.
  20. Smartphone.
  21. Mat for sports activities.
  22. Hammock for feet.
  23. Relaxing lamp.
  24. Thermal underwear set.
  25. Home horizontal bar.
  26. Card holder.
  27. Carpal trainer.
  28. Electric screwdriver.
  29. Cigarette case.
  30. Diagnostic adapter for car.

Where to celebrate a man's 45th birthday?

Despite all the prejudices, a 45-year-old man is still young at heart (in most cases, also in body). Therefore, there are a lot of options for where to go to celebrate an anniversary, and they are not limited to boring gatherings at home or in a cafe/restaurant.

For example, you can celebrate your 45th birthday outdoors. And not only because “shish kebab with cognac is very tasty,” but because of the huge scope for creative experiments and a variety of leisure methods. There are many ways to have fun outdoors. If the celebration is planned near a reservoir, then you can go fishing, involving not only like-minded friends, but also family members, including women. In this case, it is not the result that is important, but the process itself. It is also easiest to organize sports games and competitions in nature - an ideal option for a party with a minimum of alcohol or no alcohol at all, which will captivate not only adults, but also children present at the party.

But with a purely adult group, you can celebrate a man’s 45th birthday in a nightclub or karaoke bar. This is a great way not only to show off your dancing or vocal abilities, but also to go back in time 20 years ago, hang out with friends, as it was in your youth, and remember the best moments of life with your beloved. If a man is not married and finances allow it, then he can take male friends to a strip club for the same purpose (a married man shouldn’t even try, his wife will find out anyway).

How to diversify the holiday?

The first thing that not only comes to mind, but also becomes the choice of many, is to invite artists. Today this moment can be solved in different ways: from inviting an illusionist to a gypsy ensemble. There are also beginning musicians who ask for a modest fee, but perform with all their heart.

The main thing is that the hero of the day himself has no idea about anything, and the artist appears at the most unexpected moment.

There are moments that make a holiday unforgettable.

  • Photo zone. To get it done, you need to try. But in reality it turns out that you don’t have to be a professional decorator to make a simple but bright photo zone. But there will be a lot of beautiful memorable photographs. You can lay out a red carpet at the photo zone and welcome guests there. And immediately take pictures - “warm”, with flowers and gifts in their hands. And then send everyone a package of photos by email. Or post it in a general chat in messengers.

Scenario for a man's 45th birthday. Fruit mix!

This festive program is designed to be held both outdoors and indoors. Competitions and games do not require much space, so you don’t have to worry about being cramped. The number of guests can be from 6 people or more. All guests can participate in the entertainment, regardless of age.


I hasten to congratulate our hero of the day and greet the guests of our holiday! I can see from your faces that you are ready for many adventures and accomplishments. Let's begin?

Competition "Oligarch"

In this competition, participants will need saucers and spoons (according to the number of participants). Instead of spoons, you can use Chinese chopsticks. You will also need one bowl, its volume will depend on the number of participants, and more small coins.

The essence of the competition: at a given signal, all participants begin, using their spoons or chopsticks, to drag coins from a common bowl to their own saucer. The players drag coins until the “stop” signal is heard. He is voiced by the presenter, who also begins to count the coins on each player’s plate. The one with the most coins on the saucer is declared the winner and receives a prize.


Not a bad start! And the first leader has already been determined! And now the task is more difficult!

Game "Hit Unraveler"

One person stands out from the group of players. Let's call him “the unraveler.” He will have to guess the song or poem his fellow players have guessed. The solver moves a decent distance away from the rest of the team so as not to hear their discussion. At this time, the team selects a song or poem. One line or verse must be isolated from the song. The song must be well-known and popular, otherwise it will be extremely difficult to solve, and the game will not be so interesting.

As an example, we can take the famous song “Katyusha”. The first verse of “Katyusha” is: “The apple and pear trees were blooming, the fog was floating over the river...” The players sit in a circle. Each person takes one word from the verse of the song. After this, the solver approaches the players and begins to try to guess the song, asking his comrades questions in turn. The questions can be anything. For example: “What vegetables do you like?” Answer: “Those that flourished.” Or: “What do you like to eat for breakfast?” Answer: “I like to eat apple trees for breakfast.” This is such a fun mess.


Well done! We still need to look for such smart people! Who has the best dancing skills? Let's please our hero of the day! And he himself will probably want to take part?

Competition "In the World of Dance"

For this competition, the number of participants selected is equal to the number of items. And each item must correspond to the name of the dance or its character. For example, the dance “Apple” is suggested to be danced with an apple, “Gypsy” - with a shawl, “Waltz” - with a flower, “Step” - with a cane. You choose the number of dances and items at your discretion. It all depends on your imagination.

Competition "Dance of Flowers"

All participants for this competition are divided into pairs, in which there is a woman and a man. The men hold the flower between their teeth and continue to hold it while dancing while the music plays. When the music stops, the man must get down on one knee, and the woman walks around him in a circle, then sits down after her and takes the flower with her teeth. The couple that did not manage to do this is considered eliminated.


I suggest you take a break, have a little snack and drink. And I will prepare the next task! And keep in mind, it is for real men!

Competition "Spear Throwing"

There is no need to acquire a real spear for this competition; an ordinary match will play its role. It needs to be thrown across the chalk line as far as possible. Participants receive three samples each, and the winner of the competition is determined based on the results of three throws.


I had no doubt that all of us here are true spearmen! I am very glad to see the satisfaction of our hero of the day. And let's move on to the next competitions without wasting time!

Competition "Blind"

Small items from 8 to 10 pieces are collected in a dark and dense, not too rough and not too thin fabric bag. It can be anything that comes to hand: a pen, a champagne cork, a spoon, a thimble, etc. The contestant must guess what is there only by feeling the objects through the fabric of the bag.

Competition “Find the stash!”

2 women and 2 men participate in the competition. The first ones receive 10 bills, which they must hide securely on their partner within a minute. You can put money in your pockets or in the folds of your clothes, etc. After this, the women are blindfolded and turned around their axis several times. At the same time, the men with hidden money change places, which the girls do not suspect. Confused ladies will need to find the hidden bills on the switched partners.

Games and competitions

Scenes and tasks may be different for different formats. At home and in a cafe there are different possibilities and degrees of comfort.

For home

An incendiary party, without a doubt, can be held at home. If the competition component of the evening is perfect.

Let's look at what competitions and games are best included in the program.

  • "Business card". At the very beginning of the evening, those present need to be reminded of the outstanding biography of the hero of the day. It can be described with humor, and the birthday boy himself will illustrate it with artistic talent. He is called to the center of the room, his task is to use gestures, movements, facial expressions, and anything else to show what the presenter is talking about. Let's give a simple example. “Our dear Oleg was born on such and such a date and year and immediately screamed loudly (shows). He grew up as a cheerful, playful child (depicts). At school he liked to kick the ball around after school and make eyes at the girls (he shows all this).” And so the story unfolds until today. This is the best option to start a party.

The portal offers its own version of the script for a man’s 45th birthday

Topic: “We will tell you that at 45, a man looks like an A!”

Presenter: Hello my friends, Thank you for coming here, Finding your moments for us, Hear songs and jokes! We're visiting today for the Anniversary, We'll see him more cheerfully, Our (name) is 45, We'll entertain him, Well, now, let's start, Just at the beginning, we'll call him! Let's go one, two, three - "The hero of the day, come out!"

(they call in chorus, all together) (the hero of the day enters)

Presenter: And so, you will immediately have a test, You will have the first task: You need to get to the table, But don’t walk with your feet! Or rather, so that your feet do not touch the floor.

Competition “Manage to get there!”

The hero of the day is given 2 chairs, he stands on one, puts the second one in front of him and climbs onto it, then rearranges it again, and so moves (on the chairs) to his place at the table.

Presenter: Well, for such efforts, a diploma for you, for memory, Today you are the “Best Athlete”, you proved it to everyone!

(the diploma can be purchased at a specialized gift store)

Presenter: And there will be a task for the guests, Well, strain all your consciousness, And remember all the words that will contain kindness! Now, everyone present here at this table will call our dear Anniversary the best and kindest word! Just don't repeat yourself! Let's go in circles! Find compliments for these best moments!

(guests say compliments to the Jubilee in a circle, as soon as they reach the last one, the presenter proceeds to a toast)

Presenter: Now I’ll tell you all a toast, I’ll drink to my parents, For giving us such a dear anniversary! For the parents, for their wonderful son whom they raised!

Presenter: Well, between the first and second, the break is not long! And now to the dear one, To you, of course, dear one, To the hero of the table, To the hero of the day, let’s drink to the dregs!

(musical break, meal)

Presenter: Now I’ll organize a competition for you, There were times of rage, Our hero of the day played football, And he always scored “Hurray!” Anyone who wants to compete, please get up from your chairs!

Competition "Bottles and Football"

To participate, you need 6 people (2 teams of three people). The teams line up so that one behind the other, in front of each there is a “path” of bottles. The task is to pass this “Zigzag” of bottles with a ball, but so that they do not fall. The team that completes this path the fastest (the number of fallen bottles is counted) is the winner. Prize: a box of beer.

Presenter: Even though you are included in the national team, you are good as players, Now let’s, like gourmets, Empty the plates and glasses! Everyone please come to the table! Prepare gifts and congratulations for our dear (name).

Presenter: Let's start with our relatives, with relatives and with our own! Please, dear relatives, I give you the floor, congratulate our Anniversary!

Presenter: Now let's be friends, After all, you are all like family to him, And also colleagues, All familiar faces!

(friends and colleagues congratulate)

Presenter: Now, perhaps, well, I’ll say good words, And I’ll give my gift, It’s very necessary, but simple! I congratulate you (name), Good, I wish you all the best, Prosperity, joy, love, And let the lights burn in your eyes, And here is such a gift for you, It is very sweet and very bright, This is a tree for happiness, So that you pass Bad weather for you!

(the tree can be purchased at a specialized gift store)

Presenter: Now we can dance, sing everything, drink everything, and relax!

(musical break, meal)

Presenter: Well, you have had a full rest, And you will need strength, I am announcing a new competition, And I invite everyone!

Competition "Portrait"

An even number of people is required to participate. We divide into two teams. We give each one a pack of markers and a sheet of paper. Task: they line up one after another, at the command of the leader, begin to draw a portrait of the Hero of the Day, each draws one facial feature (eyes, head, nose, etc.). The main thing is to match the appearance of the Jubilee (you need to warn about this in advance), that is, if his eyes are green, then we draw green. The team that draws the portrait the fastest and most correctly will be the winner. Prize: each with a souvenir keychain.

Presenter: Well, what can I tell you, They drew everything to “five”, And the hero of the day is happy with the drawing, Now I don’t see any obstacles, To raise my glass again, After all, the finale is approaching soon!

Presenter: Lastly, I’ll tell everyone, Thank you for your laughter and kindness, For gathering here today, For why you can’t count all of you here, After all, the holiday is always good because it is a joy for everyone and is useful for everyone, And Even though I say goodbye to you, friends, the holiday will always live with you! Hooray!

(claps a large cracker, a good song about an Anniversary or Birthday sounds)

My husband is 45 years old. Celebrating our anniversary at home

Let's talk about a wonderful anniversary celebration, how to organize an anniversary at home on your own. In general, if we talk about the anniversary date, then it is 50 years, the rest of the dates are round. But what prevents us from turning any round date into a celebration of an anniversary? I just celebrated my husband’s 45th birthday, I want to share how everything went, what we ate, what we did.

The invitation was received by the closest friends, relatives, and selected work colleagues; in the end, 22 people gathered. To say that it was hard is to say nothing, but the one who walks will master the road, and in order to please my loved one, I tried my best. I hope my tips will be useful, I suggest discussing them in the comments.

After compiling the list of invitees, first of all you need to think about how you will seat your guests, where and at what they will sit. Ideally, the table is long and 90 cm wide, but most houses don’t have such tables, you have to assemble them from several tables, the problem here may be the width and height. For a big celebration, you can take out some of the furniture and put the tables in the shape of the letter “L”. Don't forget to think about the tablecloth. If the table is more or less clear, you can ask your neighbors for a while, for example, but with chairs it can be quite difficult. It would be beautiful if guests sat on chairs covered with embroidered covers with bows and monograms, but let this remain in dreams, our task is to create an economical version of the feast, to focus on a cheerful, spiritual holiday, and not on its pomp and pretentiousness. Previously, there were no chairs at all, everyone sat on benches, which is perfect for a big celebration at home, especially since it is more convenient to leave the benches, but there are no backs. Here it must be said that no matter how crowded the guests are, after the first two glasses it becomes more comfortable to sit and the difference in the width or height of the tables is no longer so noticeable; all the guests’ attention is diverted to tasting snacks and alcoholic drinks.

What should the menu be like?

When compiling a holiday menu, it is advisable to take into account the gastronomic preferences of all guests. If it is not possible to find out about everyone’s tastes, then you must try to please the majority of those present. This means that there should be three types of dishes on the festive table: vegetarian, meat and fish. Don't forget about snacks - cold and hot. There should be salads on the table: both purely vegetable and those containing meat, chicken, and seafood. In addition, you need to think about fruits, cake and other desserts in advance.

Man 45

Congratulatory message for a man turning 45: ————————————— I haven’t had time to hug all the women yet, kiss them, even stroke them with my hand, and the date “45” has crept up. And it seems that the world is darker and nastier. No, no! You are just as young, brave and sweet, persistent, hot as these teenagers, and there is enough time and strength for you to hug all the women on the planet! So you don’t have to dig yourself: You need sports, you need to eat right, so that you might be surprised: “45?! We thought, to be honest, that it was only 20.”

CONGRATULATIONS TO YOUR YOUNGER BROTHER ON YOUR 45TH ANNIVERSARY: —————————————————— Is it really true that the little brother, the dear blond boy, with whom I got to play with dolls, has already rung 45?! I won’t forget that face, Where there is no end to admiration - Proud, with sparkling eyes, he looked at me with love. Forgive me, my brother, That I offended in vain, But you understand perfectly well, That you are my dearest, Just as sweet and dear! And I love everything just as tenderly, As 35 years ago, You are still the same for me, the same, Beloved blond brother! Although the feathers have already fallen off, And instead of a hole there is a golden tooth, The shape has become slightly rounded, And you have become important and cool, I wish you happiness, May your family make you happy, When you are 45, bloom like a berry again. This is the stuff of playbooks with scripts

And this is ELDAR RYAZANOV’s poem “Anniversary”: ————————————————————- If you feel sick somewhere in the morning, rejoice that you are alive. This means that a sluggish, worn-out body sometimes reacts somehow. So you woke up early, your body aches and itches. Don’t worry that you’re a wounded animal, but rather check your appetite. If everything is fine with the stool. Feel free to take your jaw off the shelf, start your morning exercises, and don’t lose your dentures along the way. And, having put yourself together from all the pieces, style and dress up, put on a tie and socks, fluff out your skinny permanent. The main thing is not to sway in the wind, so as not to crumble into dust. In general, you look handsome, you cast a dashing glance at the pullet. Having strengthened your strength with kefir, you are ready to fight the whole world, Show everyone “Kuzka’s mother” so that the little trees know ours. If there are no cramps early in the morning, if you don’t drink kefir, don’t eat bagels, Maybe the hour is uneven, you’re not there? If both the shower and the washstand are empty, maybe you are already the same. Deceased. Colleagues are hanging a portrait! So hello to you, morning pains, you are the good news that I am alive! What else can I frolic in the wild with this mischievous young woman? Once I opened my eyes. It breaks everything! I feel like the thread of life is breaking! And the young woman takes poses. Stupid! You need to call an ambulance.

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