Do you want your birthday party to be a success? Entertain your guests with fun competitions!

A birthday celebration should be truly interesting and memorable not only for the birthday person, but also for all invited guests. Therefore, the celebration program should include entertaining moments that will enliven the holiday atmosphere and allow guests to feel at ease and fun. We are talking about games and competitions at an adult birthday party, which can be held both at the table and on the playgrounds of the banquet hall.

Entertainment without interruption from the feast

Table games set the tone for the entire holiday, help guests get to know each other and serve as an excellent reason for making regular toasts.

Our compliments

This game is played at the beginning of the banquet, after the first toasts. Its essence lies in the fact that the guests take turns telling the birthday boy one compliment, expressed in the form of an adjective; words cannot be repeated. The last person to give a compliment will be the winner of the competition.

Let's get acquainted!

One of the guests is given a roll of paper towels. Next, the task of each participant is to tear off as many small pieces from the roll as he wants and pass the roll to his neighbor. Everything must happen very quickly so that the roll goes around the entire table while the music is playing. After this, guests are invited to count their pieces of paper - and everyone tells as many interesting facts about themselves as the number of pieces they counted.

See also: what to cook for a birthday quickly and beautifully

Funny synonyms

The host invites guests to name synonyms for the word “drink.” The one who pronounces the last synonym is declared the winner and makes a toast to the birthday person.

Like - don't like

Guests are invited to take turns saying the phrase “The neighbor on the right, I like...” (a body part or item of clothing is called) and don’t like (a word is also called). After all the guests have said their phrases, they are invited to kiss what they like and bite what they don’t like. This game causes cheerful excitement among all its participants.

Nectar of funny wishes

The host gives one of the guests a glass; those present are invited to say an unusual wish for the birthday boy and at the same time pour a little alcoholic drink into a glass, passing the vessel around. The one who fills the glass to the brim with his gesture makes a toast to the hero of the occasion and drinks “nectar” to the health of the host of the evening.

Fish "Birthday"

To prepare two large portions you need:

  1. Salt 250 g of fish fillet, grate with a mixture of peppers, turmeric, an arbitrary set of seasonings and marinate in lemon-soy sauce for 0.5 hours.
  2. Cut two potatoes into thin slices and place on the bottom of a baking sheet. On top - onion, cut into half rings.
  3. Sprinkle everything with spices and fresh herbs.
  4. Place the fish slices with the addition of half the tomato and onion.
  5. Then again a potato layer, seasoned with Provencal mayonnaise and finely grated cheese.
  6. Bake for 45 minutes. at 180 °C.

Mass games and competitions

In order for the holiday party not to turn into a social gathering, from time to time it needs to be enlivened with active entertainment, which is held on a conveniently located playground and involves a large number of participants. These are great birthday contests at home and on the street.

“On my birthday I wish...”

4–5 guests are invited to participate in the game. Each of them says: “On my birthday I wish...” and continues the phrase with three wishes for the hero of the occasion. When all the wishes have been said, each participant receives a lollipop. Now the contestants must repeat their wishes with the candy in their mouth (you cannot bite or swallow the candy). Next, the number of candies increases until one of the participants can no longer pronounce the phrase clearly: such a contestant drops out of the game, and the competition continues. The winner is the participant who “talks out” everyone else with a mouth full of candy.

The fastest!

The presenter invites 10-12 guests to participate in the competition. Participants are located on both sides of the competition organizer at a distance of 3-5 meters from the table.

The game begins with the words of the host, “Bring me from the table...(the object is called),” after which the competitors must run to the table to the music, find the right thing and return to their place with it. The latecomer is eliminated from the game. You can start the game with napkins, then the task becomes more complicated - the items include cell phones, watches, and so on; and closer to the end, participants are asked to bring socks or shoes.

An important condition of the competition: you cannot bring your own things!

The last one to reach the final wins. This game is equally liked by both competitors and spectators, who take an active part in it, helping participants with the search for the desired item.

Merry milkmen

Three teams of 3 people are invited to participate in this game. Each team is given a glass and a medical glove with pierced fingertips. In front of those present, the presenter fills the gloves with vodka (in fact, it is water, but neither the guests nor the contestants realize this). The gloves are tied and the game begins.

The task of the teams: while the music is playing, “milk” as much “milk” as possible. In this case, one of the contestants holds the “udder”, the second holds the glass, and the third acts as the milker. The team whose “yield” is higher wins.

After which the milkmen raise their glasses to the health of the birthday boy. Since the participants think that there is vodka in the glass, it is very interesting to watch their faces as they consume the “alcoholic drink”, of which there is usually a lot in the glass!


The presenter invites three couples to participate in the competition. The conditions are as follows: while the music is playing, the ladies must, with the help of the other guests, put on their gentlemen as many items of clothing and accessories as possible; and the result should be the image of a “real macho”. As a result, the number of items is counted (they are not removed!), and the audience must determine the winner.

Then comes the second, no less interesting, part of the competition: moving to an erotic melody, men take off their clothing and accessories. The “King of Striptease” is also determined by the audience.

Who is my husband?

5-6 married couples participate in the competition. The ladies are blindfolded, after which the men are seated on chairs with their backs to the participants, whose task is to find their match in the following sequence: by nose, by hair, by hands, by eyebrows and by shoes. The winner is the couple in which the wife correctly identified her husband the most number of times.

Concert from guests

This entertainment program is usually held in the middle of a festive evening and requires advance preparation. To do this, you need to attach creative tasks for guests under the seats of the chairs in advance (for example: sing a song, read a poem, act out a pantomime, and so on). At the moment when the party is in full swing, the host announces that the guests have prepared a concert for the birthday boy, and invites those present to take out and announce their “concert numbers”. 5 minutes are given to prepare, and the entertainment program begins. Each “artist” receives a prize for their performance.

Snack "Peacock tail"

To prepare you need:

  1. Chop 2 eggplants, mix with salt and leave for 0.5 hour. Rinse with water.
  2. Fry the vegetables in vegetable oil on both sides for 3-4 minutes, then remove excess oil.
  3. Mix halves of 2 tomatoes, slices of 2 cucumbers, grated cheese, chopped garlic with mayonnaise.
  4. Arrange the eggplants in the shape of a peacock's tail. Top the pieces with tomato, cheese mixture, cucumber and half an olive.
  5. Refrigerate for an hour before using.

Let's have fun with music!

Musical outdoor games set a lively tone for the holiday and serve as a kind of transition to a disco break, during which guests can dance; ladies - to clean themselves up, and men - to chat and smoke.

Jumping Orange

All guests are invited to sit on chairs located close to each other and place their hands on the shoulders of their neighbors. The presenter places an orange on the knees of the last participant. The participants' task is to throw the orange to their neighbor as quickly as possible while the music is playing, without using their hands. Anyone who does not have time to get rid of the fruit is eliminated from the game. The last competitor takes the place of the eliminated one, and the game continues until a pair of winners remains.

Congratulatory rap

Three men are invited to participate in this music competition. They are all given rap caps and glasses, then the appropriate music is turned on, and they must take turns performing verses wishing the birthday boy in rap style.

To help the performers, girls from the audience are called into the support group, who must also move to the music and, if necessary, help the “artists.” The winner is determined by the birthday boy with the help of his guests.

Temperance competition

All guests stand in a large circle, and the host hands one of the participants a liter bottle of vodka. The participant’s task is to get rid of the bottle before the music stops playing. Those who do not have time are eliminated, and the competition continues. It's especially fun to watch the last two contestants as they struggle to hand the bottle to their opponent with a look of panic on their faces. In this game, the loser gets a bottle of vodka as a consolation prize, while the winner receives the main prize - champagne with a portrait and autograph of the birthday boy.

Dance Marathon

The host announces the name of the competition and invites all the guests to line up one after another, after which he asks the question: “Does our (the hero of the occasion’s name is called) have a beautiful waist?” The guests answer: “Yes!” Then the host invites everyone to grab the neighbor standing in front by the waist, and the guests dance the lambada. Then, using the same principle, the guests take each other’s hands and dance sirtaki. The list of musical compositions can include “dance of the little ducklings”, lezginka, “seven-forty” and other popular dances. The musical break ends with a “stream”, from which the couples are invited to take their places at the table.


How about a birthday party in the fresh air, in the cheerful company of family, friends or colleagues?

Rent a motor ship

Go on a journey along rivers and lakes on board a boat. Depending on the size of the company and the budget of the holiday, rent a boat, a motor ship or join a cruise. Renting a boat or small motor ship costs from 4,000 rubles per hour.


Fishing is a pleasant relaxation and a great opportunity to enjoy fresh fish. Just find out where you can fish for it (for a fee or for free), take provisions for an outdoor picnic and go fishing. The good idea is that all interested relatives and friends can join the birthday celebration, regardless of gender, age and fishing ability. It would be great if they have gear, but if not, you can always rent it. Renting will cost 200–300 rubles per day.

Horse ride

A horseback ride will allow you to enjoy nature and give you peace of mind. The program includes training in the basics of animal care and horse riding, so everyone can ride. Bring apples, sugar or carrots with you to treat the horses after the walk. The cost of the walk starts from 1000 rubles per person.


Have a picnic in the park or outside the city. Bring light snacks, drinks, and equipment for outdoor games. In the warm season, a picnic on the shore of a reservoir, where you can swim, is especially good.


A more extreme version of the previous idea is a hike. Arrange with your friends a transition between settlements, a hike in the mountains, through the forest. Find a company that organizes such tours if you don't have the equipment or experience.


If time permits, organize a tour for several days with river rafting or kayaking, overnight stays in tents and songs around the fire. Otherwise, limit yourself to a short one-day rafting trip. Prices for a professional organization of a one-day tour for 10 people start from 10,000 rubles.

ATV ride

Quad biking will allow you to combine the pleasure of being in nature with the drive of a technical sport. If you want extreme sports, choose riding on special tracks with obstacles, otherwise, choose a calm walk through forests and fields, suitable even for parents with children and those who got behind the wheel of an ATV for the first time. The cost of renting one car is from 3,000 rubles per hour. Snowmobiling is also popular during the winter season.

Recreation center

To relax in nature in comfort, rent a house at a recreation center. In addition to nature, holiday homes often offer a large selection of entertainment, such as a sauna, billiards, fishing, horseback riding and ATV rides and much more, so your guests will not get bored. The cost of accommodation and entertainment starts from 1000 rubles per day.


allow city residents to try rural life, communicate with animals, enjoy organic products and even, if desired, work in the fresh air. A birthday party on such a farm will be enjoyable for adults and educational for children.

To help the presenter

If you have taken on the role of toastmaster at a holiday party, but do not yet have sufficient experience in holding holidays, perhaps a few simple tips will help you on how to properly organize the course of the evening and build a competitive program:

  • first of all, it should be remembered that competitions for a woman’s birthday are practically no different from competitions for a man’s birthday, since the composition of the guests, as a rule, is the same in both cases and only requires adherence to a certain tact and sense of proportion in the selection of games;
  • distribute competitions sequentially, alternating table games with active games;
  • do not resort to activating the invitees too often, give them the opportunity to communicate;
  • start the gaming program with a table game - give guests the opportunity to get to know each other better and feel more at ease; in addition, even table decoration can be coordinated with the entertainment program, which will make the holiday even brighter and the atmosphere freer and more soulful;
  • the break between game moments should be 15-20 minutes, disco break - approximately once every 40 minutes (and last no more than a quarter of an hour);
  • prepare all the necessary musical soundtracks in advance and arrange them in the required sequence;
  • each competition must be accompanied by the presentation of small funny prizes: the question of what prizes can be given is best agreed upon with the direct organizers of the holiday, after which, for convenience, you need to draw up a list of necessary gifts and an approximate estimate;
  • before the festival, draw up a script plan for the program, that is, build the course of the evening with a sequence of competitive moments;
  • prepare the props necessary for the games in advance and place them separately for each competition, and place the prizes next to them - this will make the games more convenient for you;
  • learn to improvise, because every party is individual and full of unexpected surprises;
  • remember that humor is the best helper in any situation!

Good luck to you - and a bright holiday for the birthday boy and his guests!



  1. Place an onion cut into half rings at the bottom of special molds.
  2. On top - 250 g of salted minced meat with spices.
  3. For meat - 2 grated potatoes.
  4. Pour all this over with kefir-egg sauce (1 glass of kefir and 1 egg) and bake for 20 minutes at 180°C.
  5. Sprinkle with 100 g of grated cheese and bake in the oven until a melted golden brown crust appears.

On a grand scale

Sometimes you want to celebrate an anniversary in a big way. Such a holiday will not be cheap, but the impressions will be unforgettable.

Hot Air Balloon Flight

Have a picnic in the sky with a group of loved ones - go on a hot air balloon flight. The flight takes place outside the city in good weather, so you will enjoy views of nature from an unusual point of view. A flight lasting about an hour, transfer and buffet for 5 people will cost you 20,000 rubles.

Tank ride

Riding on real tanks and infantry fighting vehicles, shooting from Kalashnikovs and other types of weapons, explosions, smoke, adrenaline! All this is included in the extreme combat tour program. The cost of such a tour starts from 40,000 rubles; in addition to instructions and riding, it includes a military field lunch and 100 grams of front-line food.

On the race track

Rent a race track and organize races in your own or rented cars and motorcycles. Invite instructors to show participants how to improve their lap times. For children and non-drivers, book a racing taxi service - a ride as a passenger in a sports car driven by a professional racer. In addition to racing, racing complexes provide services for organizing buffets and entertainment for participants outside the track. An hour of autodrome rental starts from 30,000 rubles.

Yoga tour

Go on a yoga tour with your group and you will return refreshed and full of new strength. The central part of these tours is daily yoga classes with a teacher. There are both short weekend tours (take place in hotels outside the city) and long trips to India and other Asian countries. Prices for a weekend tour with accommodation start from 10,000 rubles per person.


Rent a stylish loft and throw the party you've always wanted and party until the early hours. Order food from a catering company, invite a bartender (note that there is a bar in the loft) and a DJ who will play only your favorite music. A loft for the evening costs from 10,000 rubles, a bartender and DJ from 3,000 rubles.

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