American party. What do you need to know to pass as one of your own?

Who among us hasn’t watched American youth comedies like “American Pie”? How to hold the same fun parties that are so interestingly shown in such films?

What is an American style party? This is the stars and stripes, loud cheerful music, a lot of beer and snacks. Of course, it is best to hold such parties in a country house - for a large group you can rent a mansion for a couple of days. But for a small circle of friends, an ordinary apartment is quite suitable.

Americans and shoes

First of all, let's talk about a question that worries many nationalities: do Americans really take off their shoes when entering the house? Yes, this is often true. Typically, Americans wear street shoes around the apartment, taking them off before bed or in their own bedroom. The point is probably that in the States the streets are actually cleaner, due to the fact that the climate is milder, and more roads are covered with asphalt, and they are cleaned more often.

So don't be surprised if at a party you notice that none of the Americans took off their shoes. Sometimes it happens the other way around - the mistress of the house (host) may specifically ask you to take off your shoes. But this will not be done in a harsh manner. They may tell you something like “you can leave your shoes here.” Or there will be a special sign on the door asking you to take off your shoes. But such situations are not very common. If you want to earn the special favor of the hostess, then immediately take off your shoes and you will automatically become her favorite person at the party.

Here's what our expert on shoes and American parties, Carrie Bradshaw from the TV series Sex and the City, has to say on this topic. At one of her many parties, she was asked to take off her shoes and someone else accidentally walked out wearing her expensive shoes.


For the hosts and the most active guests, symbolic images are suitable. For example, the Statue of Liberty: greenish toga, pointed star tiara, cardboard torch in hand. You can make a short dress from a large flag. Or pretend to be an eagle - sew on wings, put on a mask and a beak with an elastic band. You can dress up as Uncle Sam or choose the image of one of the presidents. Or even rent a costume of an Indian, a hot dog, a Coca-Cola or a hamburger, a policeman or a basketball player, or a Hollywood star.

If you are throwing a costume party, distribute the looks in advance. It will also take some time to prepare—warn everyone at least a couple of weeks in advance.

Regular clothing is also suitable - American style, comfortable, not restricting movement. By the way, this is exactly how young people dress for endless parties. Nobody bothers with their appearance just to look decent. To emphasize the theme, you can ask your friends to add any symbol of the USA to the image, at their discretion. Or mention denim in any design in the invitation.

Prepare accessories for guests: aviator glasses, glowing horns and bracelets, Playboy bunny ears, beer helmets or caps (sew a thick elastic band to an old baseball cap so that the sides become T-holders for cans).

American party

A lot can be said on this topic, but today we will consider this phenomenon from the position of “what should be carried?” Basically, you can bring whatever you want and need. Most often, you bring your own alcohol (booze, alcohol) to the party. Girls take their favorite wine, and young men take a six pack of beer, and sometimes even a whole box. It's quite rare to bring strong alcohol to a party. Take something that you can sip (to sip) all evening, rather than drink quickly in one gulp.

If you're attending a classic American party, it's a good idea to grab some food beforehand. Otherwise, there's a good chance you'll be hungry all evening. Often the only food available at these gatherings are chips, crackers, and guacamole with salsa. So eat at home or bring food with you.

Often, not only those who are invited come to an American party. So don’t be surprised if you end up seeing some people in your home for the first time. This usually happens because your friends take their friends with them. To successfully integrate into the American crowd, read our article about small talk. You will need this skill, since at such a party it is not customary to sit in a corner and communicate with only one person. Americans call this frequent change of interlocutors socializing.

In the best traditions

Drinking, dancing and food are not the only entertainment at such parties. American parties gave the world the famous red cups as a symbol of amazing youth parties. In general, it is worth saying that red plastic cups are a very popular product in America. You can find this bright disposable tableware in any supermarket. The reason for the popularity of colored cups is their practicality from the point of view of any teenager. Transparent dishes can easily “tell” anyone what the young man is drinking and what strength his drink is. With colored cups everything is a little more complicated, and they create a completely festive mood!

Every year, major American cities organize huge parades that combine tanks and balloons with cartoon characters and bring together thousands of people. In general, the broadcast is broadcast on television. New York is the most famous and often the most impressive. Departure will begin at 9 at the corner of West 75th Street and 8th Avenue.

In the best traditions

Thanksgiving Day is accompanied by a folk tradition that Americans love. Legend has it that after a day of intense coverage in Washington, the lucky winner casts happy days aside from human appetites—stuffed turkey, one of the must-have dishes of the traditional Thanksgiving meal, is an agitation for peace.

American guests

What to do if you were not invited to a party, but just to visit? For example, your couple was invited to dinner by another couple. Will there really be only chips again? No, you'll be lucky here. There will be food on the table, but not in such variety as we are used to. Most likely just hot food and salad. But even here there are pitfalls.

First, you should ask the hostess in advance what should we bring? If you have been asked to buy dessert or fruit, then it would be appropriate to ask if your friends have any food allergies (food allergies). Be sure to be careful here. It is possible that people adhere to some kind of special diet. But don't worry! We wrote about all the main types of diets and food restrictions in the article about different types of nutrition.

Secondly, check whether it is appropriate to bring alcohol with you. Most often, Americans take a bottle of wine with them to such events. Again, if you bring strong alcohol (for example, vodka), they are unlikely to understand you.

Invitations to American party

Invitations to such an event can be very diverse, it all depends on the wishes of the organizers and the funds allocated for it. A win-win option can be considered postcards with the image of Uncle Sam with the signature “I want you” and an indication of the time, place of the holiday, and a mention of the dress code.

An invitation in the colors of the US flag or with an image of the Statue of Liberty would also look interesting.

For those who don’t want to bother with invitations for a long time, there is a proven and concise way - to invite them to a party using SMS or via the Internet.

What is Potluck?

In American culture there is such a thing as potluck

. It often surprises those who find themselves in the United States for the first time. Essentially, potluck is a shared meal. That is, everyone brings what they have. What's special here, you ask? The thing is that such potlucks are held not only among hungry students, but also at parties that involve gifts (for example, a baby shower or birthday). It turns out that you need to take care of both the gift and the food. Sometimes it happens that you are told in advance what kind of food you should bring.

Food should be provided to accommodate all guests. Each invitee puts on his plate what he likes. Well, you take the rest of your treat (leftovers) home with you.


Build an American-style photo zone against the backdrop of a huge flag (draw on glued sheets of Whatman paper). To make the photos “alive,” randomly hang images of symbols glued to cardboard silhouettes on the background. Cut out a life-size Statue of Liberty and take a photo hugging it.

You can make a tantamaresque - draw Mount Rushmore or glue a printout onto the base. Cut out some windows for the faces. This funny performance is suitable for a large company:

American Birthdays

We all love to celebrate Birthday, but often the expenses for this event seem so prohibitive that it is easier to “forget” about this holiday. In the USA, things are a little different.

If you invited guests to your home for an American birthday, then the “American party” rule essentially works here. You will have a snack (chips, crackers), some alcohol and soft drinks. Well, don't forget about dessert. Most often it is customary to buy a large sheet cake. To be honest, this treat is too sweet for Russian tastes, but for some reason Americans like it. Your guests will definitely bring their own alcohol and a gift for the birthday boy. Sometimes they may even grab their own food and have a surprise potluck party.

Sheet cake

If you decide to celebrate your birthday in a restaurant, then most likely your guests will not only pay for themselves, but will also split the cost of your dinner (to split the bill/check). Such an act will be like a continuation of their holiday gift. You, in turn, be prepared to do the same for them on their birthday.

Interesting American traditions, isn't it? Some of them sound quite strange for Russian hospitality. But their advantage is that such relaxation removes unnecessary stress from the hostess’s shoulders, and she can finally have fun with her guests. So, if you are invited to an American party, rest assured that the event organizers will spend all their time with the guests.

Shutikova Anna

Category: English for the soul


Several formats fit within the theme. Outdoors or in the courtyard of a private house - a traditional barbecue. Place a barbecue/grill, plastic tables, sun loungers or upholstered furniture (this is just in the American style - move sofas into the yard), scatter bean bags. Garden gnomes, thin-legged flamingos, an abundance of lanterns, and a white fence (you can use props) will add ambience.

When parents are away, young people organize a house party. Those same parties where the whole world has a blast until the “good” neighbors call the police. More suitable for an apartment or a small cafe. In the spacious hall you can have a complete blast for the weekend - a student party with alcoholic and not entirely puritanical competitions.

American-style decoration is an abundance of blue-red-white decorations (flag):

  • the actual flags. Large ones on the walls, small ones everywhere - on dishes, in compositions;

  • balloons of three colors or stars and stripes. From the balls you can assemble a huge flag, bright three-color “armfuls”;
  • a lot of serpentine, triangle garlands, corrugated pompoms and other paper “tinsel”;

  • red and white checkered tablecloth, similar textiles on windows and furniture. Napkins are better in three different colors (wiping yourself with a “flag” is somehow unpatriotic);
  • add even a tiny, but zest. For example, collect bouquets of red, blue and white roses (namely roses, this is one of the plant symbols of the USA, along with sequoia and oak). Paint ordinary twigs with gouache and place them in Coca-Cola bottles. Make origami from napkins and hang it from the ceiling. Little things like this make the interior special and memorable.

If this is an American “weekend” party, without a special occasion, then the above is quite enough. If not, hang photos of landmarks, celebrities, and beautiful views on the walls.

There are a lot of funny caricatures of American politicians, actors, and pop artists on the Internet. With the help of FS it is easy to “transport” friends to the ranch, to New York, to the White House, etc.

Ask around for bald eagle, statue, and Liberty Bell figurines/items. Dollars, yellow M and hamburgers, Uncle Sam, baseball gear, model cars of American cars. Indian and cowboy attributes are appropriate, but not much (otherwise the American party will bleed into a different theme). Souvenirs, cards, prints, cardboard silhouettes and drawings - use them all.


Another interesting and little-studied idea for a themed party for New Year 2021 is a Hollywood film. Choose a genre that will appeal to everyone without exception. For example, a legendary painting about the Christmas bell or Santa Claus will captivate all guests into the festive circle. The nostalgic notes of old and favorite films will make vacationers smile, regardless of age.

As gifts, you can give out Oscar or Grammy Award figurines. Of course, there must be something more significant in the envelope than first place among colleagues. For example, a bonus or an incentive surprise. But this is not the end of the Hollywood theme.

Small miniature performances performed by those present will be real fun. Rest assured, pre-thought-out ideas for mini-performances will delight the guests, and each of them will be prepared with special zeal. Who among us has not wanted to become a screen star?

BeerPong Alternative: Beer Bones

Cups of beer are placed at the corners of the wide table. Participants of two teams alternately try to hit the opponent's glasses with a cube. Those who “shoot” accurately receive two points; a player from the opposing team drinks the beer to the bottom. Players whose cups get hit with balls also lose two points. Teams play to nine game points.

A popular party style can include a date night or a surprise phone call. Do not you know? Error! The above program offers several games that have the potential to become a great revival. However, it would take another article to describe them, so let's take a look at you and choose.

If you have a bathtub with a switch between the faucet and the shower, there's another game to play. In short, behind the player's eyes, switch to one of the options and close the lever. Then have the player place their head under the shower or tap of their choice and turn on the water. A cold shower or a stink awaits him. At first everyone hopes to have a drink, but the progress of the game usually changes priorities.

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