Comic introduction of guests. How to introduce guests at an anniversary, for congratulations, in a comic form. Introducing guests at the anniversary examples

How to introduce guests to an anniversary for congratulations

When a person celebrates a milestone anniversary, especially if it is more than a dozen, he will be pleased to hear warm words of congratulations from family, friends, and colleagues.

You can beautifully give the floor for congratulations to guests like this:

Examples of how to introduce guests at an anniversary

Starting preparations for the celebration, many do not fully understand why to introduce all the guests at the anniversary. We hasten to note that the anniversary is a large-scale celebration, which brings together work colleagues, close relatives, neighbors, and even classmates. It is quite obvious that all these people do not know each other, which creates a tense atmosphere. With the help of a fun and simple procedure for introducing guests, it is possible to quickly introduce and unite guests, which will ensure a favorable outcome of the celebration.

An interesting idea is to introduce guests according to their characteristics. For example, you can take a list of guests and indicate their professions, hobbies, and character traits. Based on the information received, prepare certificates for each of the guests and present them beautifully. You can do it like this:

  • The soul of the company (name)!
  • First-class comedian (name)!
  • Miss "The most beautiful voice" (name)!
  • Chief doctor of the anniversary (name)!
  • The most loving guy!
  • The best mother of the evening (name)!. Etc.

Each announced person must be given a signature letter and his title and name must be stated. This introduction of guests is labor-intensive, but each guest will be given attention and everyone will get to know each other.

Another interesting option is to present guests in the form of riddles. In this way, it will be possible not only to introduce everyone, but also to organize an entertaining quiz. You need to come up with riddles in advance. You can take professions, family ties, and hobbies of guests as a basis.

Examples of riddles:

You can also introduce guests to your anniversary in a more traditional, but no less original way. Warm and sometimes cheerful words will not only delight the guests, but also lift the spirits of the hero of the day.

Top 10 best original guest performances without banal cliched phrases:

Scenario for women's anniversary. Mom turns 55 - the beginning of the celebration

15.00 MEETING THE ANNIVERSARY Make way, friends make way. and quickly smile at each other

Skip forward without a doubt only the one whose birthday. music Stas Mikhailov “For you”

The general greeting is congratulations.

15.05. Medal presentation! /tying ribbon

FANFARES Applause for the hero of the day! Let us greet our hero of the occasion with loud applause.

15.15. Invitation to the tables!

invited guests, welcome guests! I am pleased to invite everyone, led by the hero of the occasion, to the anniversary table, for good bread and salt,

To a bright, welcoming word, To a cheerful, ringing feast!

Dear guests, we are pleased to welcome you to the most wonderful event in the city of Omsk - the Jubilee.....

Let this day go down in history forever, And let the birthday girl only bring joy, And let the guests have fun carelessly,

I hope no one leaves sad. To start the celebration as it should be, everyone is invited to fill their glasses.

1-toast - to the hero of the day! (Birthday-Allegrova)

-fon Dear colleagues and relatives, friends!

I ask everyone to stand up, raise their glasses, To herald the beginning of the anniversary evening. We will support, gathered together, The custom of the ancient Russians For the happiness of the hero of the day

Let's raise our first glass, wish you good luck in everything, and shout three times... (congratulations).

And the offer is to drink to the hero of the day while standing!

I hope everyone's glasses are filled, because now, according to the good old tradition, our Birthday Girl will say the first word of the evening!

(toast to the hero of the day)

Word from the birthday girl: On my birthday, I give an order: Do not fall asleep until the morning,

Drink alcohol, sing songs, read poetry,

Dance and don't get bored! Everyone celebrate their Name Day to the fullest!

15.25 greeting And now let's greet each other... - They raised their right hand - they waved to the hero of the day!

Well, the left hand falls slightly onto the knee... Not yours! And your neighbor!

With our right hand we warmly hug our neighbor’s shoulder so decently... Did you like it? Great! We take a glass in our hand and fill it to the brim!

We continue the fun - we’ll clink glasses with the neighbor on the right... To prevent the glass from fogging up, we’ll clink glasses with the neighbor on the left....

Let’s get up from our seats together and say a toast in our thoughts... Let’s say in unison “Congratulations!” and we drink everything to the bottom! Don't forget to have a bite and pour yourself some more!

15.30 2nd toast - to mom And now, friends, the moment has come Fill a glass for mom!

For the one who gave life to Nadezhda And opened the doors to a beautiful world, For the one who taught her kindness

How to beautifully present guests at an anniversary

Greetings at the anniversary are required not only by the hero of the day, but also by the guests of the celebration. To create a welcoming and warm atmosphere, use ideas for writing beautiful greeting words.

The most beautiful and solemn options for presenting the gathered guests at the anniversary:

Introduce guests at the anniversary in verse

The anniversary greeting should be positive, beautiful and original. Warm words from the bottom of the heart will add energy and joy to the hero of the day, and will definitely be remembered for many years.

Introducing guests at the anniversary in verse:

PHOTO ALBUM PRESENTATION. Reflects important life moments of the birthday girl

Monday, May 24, 2010 20:36 + in quote book
On a bright, quiet autumn day, Warmed by the warmth of the sun, A little girl was born, To the joy of her mother and father. They named their daughter Lyuda. They felt their joy everywhere. They were proud of their baby. Their eyes shone with happiness. (photos as a baby)

This is Lyuda in kindergarten, Here with the neighbor's children, Here she digs in the sand, Here she sews handkerchiefs for a doll, Oh, yes, a smart little girl. Here she is leafing through books. Lyudmilka is good to everyone. She is growing up slowly. (photos as described)

The years passed. Our Luda grew up without worries. Here is the school, First grade, the student is here with us. (photos of junior school)

Luda studies for about The school years fly by, Second, fourth, fifth grades Time flies quickly, Soon the last bell will ring for Lyudmila. (photos from school years).

Prom ball, Our Luda is a beauty, Many boys already like her, The path of life is open before her, Maybe she will become a famous star? Due to her wonderful nature, Luda decided to become a teacher. (photo from student years).

In paradise, from the apple tree, having once tasted the secret fruit, Eve became Adam's wife, and since then people have been getting married. Since then, people have been playing weddings. Their love is at the core. And this day is the happiest. It will never happen again. So Luda and Sasha got married, the people danced at your wedding. (photos from the wedding day)

Everything is smooth in the Young family, They are furnishing the house, They bought a TV, They hung the carpet, Everything is beautiful, everything is in order. There is space in the clean room. (photos of home life).

Once on Christmas Eve, on the very night, God gives Natalya a daughter! The happy young father brought her a beautiful bouquet. The happiest one took his daughter and mother from the maternity hospital, Gena brought them home, They began to live as a big family. (photos in the maternity hospital).

She gave her daughter a name, Yulyasha. The baby turned out nice, Everyone is happy with the addition to the family, I began to raise the girl and teach her mind. (photos of children).

My daughter has grown up and has already gone to kindergarten. (photos in kindergarten).

New Year's carnival gathered everyone near the Christmas tree. New Year is a cheerful holiday, the children are very happy. Santa Claus brought gifts. Everyone in the choir shouts hurray! (New Year's photos).

And it’s our Natalie’s birthday. She’s 30 today. Everyone brings gifts and congratulations. Her husband brought her a large bouquet of roses. (photos from the 30th anniversary)

Our Natasha at work. Here she is held in high esteem. (photos from work). Natalia's daughter grew up

And she got ready to walk down the aisle. On an autumn day, the wedding took place at the end! (photo from the children's wedding).

Our Natalya is 45 Baba berry again. (photo from the anniversary).

Lyudmila had many good, sweet days in her life. Here the grandchildren appeared. The years of life were all spinning. (photos from different years, grandchildren)

Categories:holidays Scripts, skits, congratulations for the holidays

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How to beautifully introduce guests at an anniversary in a comic form

In order not only to pay attention to the guests, but also to surprise them, and at the same time create a fun, relaxed atmosphere in the team, you can introduce the guests in a comic form. You can entrust this important mission to the toastmaster or the hero of the day himself.

Introducing guests at the anniversary with humor:

You can present gifts by singing ditties:

What kind of presents will there be:

razor, piggy bank, coffee, pencils, dish sponges, oranges, seeds, beer, stewed meat, condensed milk.

1.) Hello, dear hero of the day, You are not old at all! And therefore, accept gifts for a bright life!

2.) This razor is your best friend, Shave with it here, and there, and here, Where the hair grows!

3.) We will give you a piggy bank, So that you can save for a car, So that on your new anniversary You can take us for a ride in it.

4.) We’ll also give you coffee to be more cheerful in the morning, because people’s mood depends on it!

5.) Here’s a present, these are pencils for you, so you can draw pictures, write something down somewhere.

6.) We’ll go home later, You have a lot of dishes to wash, And to make it easier – We need to give you some sponges.

7.) Here's a kilo of orange for you, so that there are no wrinkles. You eat them on an empty stomach. Cellulite is our worst enemy.

8.) We give these seeds, so that there will be spring in the garden, and then you give us beautiful flowers!

9.) We’ll also give you beer, so that you don’t feel sad. Tomorrow you’ll get over your hangover with it. Only, mind you! Don't get carried away!

10.) We give a jar of stew, To survive the crisis, We give a jar of condensed milk, To drink it with tea.

11.) They brought you gifts for your anniversary, So that the house is full, Our hero of the day is more cheerful!

Your mother has reached retirement age, this event should be celebrated on a grand scale, scenario for a women’s anniversary

Mom is 55 years old and will allow her loved one to relax. The holiday is scheduled according to the hour, it will be convenient for you to conduct it.

How the toastmaster introduces guests at the anniversary

The success of your anniversary will depend on a successfully organized start of the event, which includes a beautiful greeting of guests and presentation of them to the already assembled team. A professional toastmaster can cope with this task and set the right emotional tone for the anniversary. Its success lies in the original presentation of the guests.

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