How funny it is to give money - 37 original ideas for men and women

When we receive an invitation to a birthday party, but don’t know what to give, an idea comes to mind: money. Giving money is very convenient, since you don’t need to waste time looking for a souvenir, decorating it, etc. But simply giving money in an envelope is not the most interesting option, so later in the article you can find interesting and unusual ideas on how to present it to the birthday person.

Simple gifts with money

They are not complicated. You will immediately understand how you can make a gift just by looking at the picture. But nevertheless, you will be able to surprise the birthday boy and his guests with your imagination and originality.

  1. Cool gift envelope-card. A simple envelope will also work, but there is nothing original about it - the birthday boy will simply put it in his pocket. But a postcard with a witty inscription will make you attract attention and laugh.

  2. Necklace made of money. A wonderful gift for a girl, it resembles a Hawaiian necklace. For each butterfly you need two bills, which must be folded into an “accordion” and divided into left and right wings, and then attached to the beads.

  3. Bow on the box. Where do you think the gift itself is located? Of course, on the outside - it’s just like a bow for gift wrapping. The main thing is that the birthday person is attentive and does not rip it off abruptly. And you can put a chocolate bar in the box.

  4. Money on a broom. It is believed that a new broom attracts money to the house. Decorate it as you see in the picture. And when presenting, tell the birthday boy these magic words: “I sweep evil and poverty out of the house and sweep luck and money into the house.”

  5. Money in the form of canned food with a cool label. Saving money is a great idea; some donors even roll up the jar the old fashioned way. But it’s more important to decorate the jar itself in an original way and come up with a cool inscription on the label.

  6. Money in a candy box. It would seem, isn’t it wonderful to receive a box of delicious “Raphaelka”? No, the surprise is that there is a minimum of candy there, and among them there are many twisted bills tied with a ribbon.
  7. "Ambulance". A very original gift, it can be presented, for example, to a doctor’s birthday boy. The box is in the shape of a first aid kit (a cross made of adhesive tape), and in the syringe there is a bill rolled into a tube for use in case of urgent need.
  8. Pizza “Happy Birthday!” It’s cool, if a guest comes with a box of pizza as a gift, will the birthday boy like it? But disappointment will be replaced by delight as soon as he opens the package - a fan of money will immediately cheer him up.
  9. "Photo collage" made of money. There is nothing complicated. You just need to buy a frame with glass, and the bills can be folded in a chaotic manner. The main thing is that they are visible, then the birthday boy and guests will notice what a generous person you are!
  10. Money under an umbrella. A very cool gift with a surprise - it seems like you are giving an umbrella, but when the birthday boy opens it, money will “rain” on him. Banknotes are attached to the knitting needles on threads with tape, and instead of coins there are chocolates in gold foil.
  11. Money in a balloon. It is clear that before inflating the balloon, you need to put several rolled up or accordion-folded bills into it; this is not at all difficult. And for beauty, you can add some light sparkles and tie the ball with a bow.
  12. Fast food from McDonald's. How do you like this idea – to come to a birthday party with a bag of “bad calories”? Imagine the joy of the birthday boy if, instead of French fries, he finds tubes of banknotes in the bag! This is the most youthful gift option!
  13. Money in cabbage. The famous expression “Chopping cabbage” means “Make money.” But the birthday boy will not need to chop vegetables; he will find “cabbage” (that is, money) by unwrapping its leaves. As a gift, choose a soft, young head of cabbage.
  14. Money basket. You can make the basket yourself if you do handicrafts, or buy it at the store. In general, there is no surprise in this gift, but visually it looks very presentable and beautiful.
  15. Banknote in an apple. A simple apple as a gift? It even seems offensive! But the surprise is inside it - as you see in the picture, you need to cut the fruit, make a cut in the pulp, put money in there and tie it with a ribbon. The main thing is that the birthday boy does not bite the bill!

Interesting examples

Money can be given in a variety of ways. The presentation of a cash gift is especially interesting and fun if it is intended to be funny and original.

  • You can hide a cash gift under a chair or armchair for the birthday person. This must be done secretly so that you are not caught doing this. After this, you should invite the hero of the occasion to look under the mentioned items - there will be a surprise waiting for him.
  • You can sew a small, attractive cushion specifically for your sofa and invest in it. The result will be an interesting present - two in one. The birthday boy or girl will spend the presented amount, and the pillow will remain as a detail of the decor.
  • An interesting solution would be to purchase a toy house at a children's goods store. Present such an unusual gift to the hero of the occasion and wish him to always have finances in his home. Having looked at what is inside, the birthday boy will see the hidden bills.
  • It is quite possible to prepare an original poster with your own hands , under the glass of which you place brand new banknotes . The birthday boy will decide on his own when to use the contents of the gift.
  • You can give a cash gift in cabbage . To do this, take a large head of cabbage and cut it into two halves. Several bills are placed inside (necessarily in cellophane). Then you will need to wrap the cabbage in film and tie it with a lot of beautiful satin ribbons. Such a gift will truly surprise the birthday boy.
  • A very interesting and bright solution is presenting money in balloons. To do this, you need to select opaque balls. They contain a banknote along with confetti. The balls will need to be inflated and then tied together. Give such a bright gift and ask the birthday person to burst the balloons.

Method No. 4 – Monetary composition

Approach the gift preparation creatively, be able to beautifully and correctly present a wedding gift with money.

An excellent option would be a money picture. Take a large photo frame and place banknotes under the glass (preferably randomly). Above each bill, write the purpose, for example, “for baby’s diapers,” “for a gift for my wife,” “for the fifteenth wedding anniversary,” “for beer for my husband.”

How can you beat the gift?

Such a useful and necessary gift for everyone can be played out in a very interesting and fun way. There are different methods that lift the spirits of not only the birthday person, but also the guests who came to his birthday. Let's look at some interesting options.

In souvenir shops and many online stores you can find a decorative shovel, which can be given to the birthday person along with money. In this case, the desire to “rake money with a shovel” is implied. Instead of a souvenir shovel, you can pick up a simple children's shovel, attach a small pocket to it and put banknotes there so that they slightly peek out of it. Such a gift will definitely please the birthday boy or girl.

There is another original way to beat a cash gift. It is called “money in hundred rubles”. It is not recommended to hand banknotes to women in this way - they may be offended. It's better to play men like this.

Students and simply creative people can use a cash gift in another original way. The bills are carefully wrapped in a roll of toilet paper. Such an extraordinary gift can be presented not with evil ridicule or mockery, but, on the contrary, with best wishes.

Method No. 2 – Present under glass

You can present cash gifts for a wedding in another, no less interesting way - in a frame, for this you will need a photo frame. You need to hand it over with the words: “Now you have this glass, breaking it, you will instantly solve your material problems and regain happiness.”

We wanted to give you a painting,

But we thought - what if there really is? Then there were arguments about the car... And there were countless proposals!

We decided that we’ve had enough questions, We’re already tired of thinking, And we simply give this money, So that you can choose everything for yourself!

We present it beautifully

Giving money beautifully means giving it delicately, sincerely, and in a good mood.

  • The design of the gift also matters: packaging of banknotes, congratulations in words or written on a postcard.
  • You can order the birthday boy’s favorite song on the radio with the condition that it will be played at a certain time. And after the musical gift, give an envelope with money.
  • You can interestingly design the monetary gift that you will give. An original box, casket, or package in the form of a valuable parcel is suitable for packing a sum of money.
  • In this case, indoor plants will also help, in a pot with which you can put money or decorate the flower itself with them.

Method number 6 – Money balls

Of the proposed methods, you have not yet chosen an option on how to beautifully give money for a wedding? We will offer you a few more ideas - a gift within a gift. How to make it? It’s very simple: cover a large box with gift paper, then pack balloons with helium and money into it. When the gift is opened, the wrapped balls fly out, each of them has a tied surprise for the newlyweds - banknotes. This is an original way to give money.

We give it as a joke

- Cool! - said a friend's niece as her turtle crawled into the room with a small box on its back. It turned out that the guest congratulated her on her birthday in this way)) There was money in the box.

One good friend was also given money for his birthday, and they played a prank on him. Everyone was giving gifts, but one of the guests was empty-handed. The doorbell rang and a man appeared on the threshold, very similar to the postman Pechkin from the cartoon “Three from Prostokvashino”. Imitating the voice of a cartoon character, he offered to present a passport to receive a particularly valuable letter.

The birthday boy was even confused at some point: to believe or not to believe. In the hands of the postman there was indeed a package tied with coarse thread. Curious guests surrounded the “postman” who insisted on presenting documents. At the same time, he showed his ID (homemade, of course). As a result, I handed over the package, it was immediately opened, and it turned out to be money.

The donor was the same guest who came empty-handed. Well, then we found out that the postman Pechkin was played by an actor from a local theater. And I must say, everyone liked it. It was funny, original, and heartfelt.

  • Money in a glass jar will also make you smile.
  • You can invite the birthday person to check his chair or armchair. For a surprise, you just need to secure the money to the seat of the chair from the inside in advance.
  • If you sew a small cushion for the sofa and invest money in it, you will get a two-in-one gift. The money will be spent, the pillow will remain as a piece of furniture.
  • You can buy a toy house in a children's store. Give a gift to the birthday person with the wish that there will always be finances in the house. Looking inside the toy, the birthday boy will see the money invested in it.
  • Make a poster with brand new banknotes placed under the glass. The birthday boy will decide when to use the contents of the picture.

Where can I find ideas to give money in an original way? In communication with the birthday boy. The better you know the hero of the occasion, the greater the chances of congratulating him in an unusual way. If you understand jokes, you can use humor, if you appreciate a creative approach, we think about how to beat the presentation or pack banknotes in an unusual way.

A small change is not the best gift for a birthday boy

Method No. 9 – Gift passbook

Here’s another fun way to give money for a wedding: make a savings book. How to create:

  • To do this, you need to take envelopes, place a bill inside each, and then seal it.
  • Now make an inscription on the front of each envelope indicating the purpose of the deposit.
  • After this, create a cover from cardboard and sign: “Savings book.”
  • Place the envelopes inside the cover and sew them together. This is a great wedding gift from parents.

To make the gift more colorful and original, write humorous poems on each “leaf” of the passbook, similar to those given below.

1. Although your happiness does not lie in money, you cannot live without it. We decided to give you a savings book first.

2. An account has been opened for you in Sberbank, the interest on the deposit will be high! We will invest a lot of money, or a little, but in the bank your money will turn into capital!

And each envelope has its own text:

FOR FURNITURE: Don’t waste your money, buy furniture wisely, so that it lasts for hundreds of years, and never wears out.

FOR CHILDREN: Take it to your savings book, What is appropriate for children: For diapers, for panties, and for other needs.

FOR THE BRIDE: For you, (name of the bride), for outfits, for sweets, for lipsticks. Spend your money wisely, but don't tell your husband.

FOR ENTERTAINMENT: For dancing, for cinema, for accordion and for piano. We have also provided for it, we have not spared you any money.

TO THE GARAGE: Buy a car later, We think you’ll be lucky, So that it doesn’t get ruined, We put it in the garage first.

FOR ANYTHING: For Hawaiian cigars, For decent wine... Even if they put it in an envelope, I still feel sorry for the money.

IN TIMES OF CRISIS: If a rainy day has come, then in this case open the last envelope and do not torture yourself.

FOR THE GROOM: (Groom's name), for love cupids And for women on the side You don't expect bills from us, Instead of money - you don't care!

Leave the last envelope empty!

How can you not give?

If you decide to give a friend, acquaintance or relative a monetary gift, then you definitely need to know how not to give it.

  • You should not take out your wallet while sitting at the table, and then count out the required amount in front of all the guests and the birthday person. You must first prepare the amount that you plan to give to the hero of the occasion. The money you have prepared does not need to be kept in your wallet or bag. It is better to put them in a special envelope if you do not resort to more original solutions. Of course, it is better to use a gift envelope rather than a regular postal one.
  • Under no circumstances should you announce to your guests exactly how much you are giving to the birthday person. However, this does not mean that you should give money silently. A short congratulatory speech would be very appropriate at the time of presentation of the gift.
  • Try not to hand over tattered or old banknotes. It is worth picking up fresh banknotes.
  • You cannot give the birthday boy small change. Do not put it in an envelope, bag or jar. Of course, the exception may be those cases when this is provided for by the script.
  • If in one family two birthday people celebrate their birthday on the same day, then two cash gifts should be prepared. You should not give such a gift in a single envelope or bag. Each birthday person has the right to receive their own separate gift.

Sources used:,,,

Method No. 1 – Collage of money for newlyweds-travelers

For newlyweds who love to travel, you can prepare a special surprise. Create a kind of collage of currencies from different countries of the world, the more there are, the better. It is not at all necessary to have only large bills (you can use several solid ones, for example, 100 euros or 100 dollars), the main thing for a collage is variety.

You will definitely surprise the newlyweds with such an original gift. In addition, read the congratulations in poetic form, because poems for a gift (money for a wedding) will be an ideal addition. Mention that the young people now need to visit all the countries of the world whose banknotes are in your gift.

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