Sports quest on the topic: “Travel to amazing islands”

Quest tasks

1. Compiling a word from individual letters

  • letters can be found one at a time, as in my quest “Night at the Museum”, then make the final word from them and find gifts
  • write letters on disposable cups that are on the holiday table
  • the word can be made from letters written with a marker on balloons
  • bury plastic letters in the sand, children love excavations (I use a magnetic alphabet)
  • freeze the letters in ice cube trays
  • write letters on the fish with magnets (ready-made children's game “Fishing”), let them catch them and make up a word


  • make a gift search map from pieces
  • make portraits of famous personalities from 4 fragments (we cut the faces into strips, as for making an identikit)
  • You can write a riddle on the cut picture (the answer is the next place with a clue: a sofa, a vase, etc.)
  • the puzzle pieces may contain a lock code or a phone number that your assistants will call to give you a hint
  • ordinary puzzles with 30-50 fragments can be put together by two teams at speed (fight for an additional prize or hint)

Careful account

  • in the scenario of the Night at the Museum quest, I suggested counting stacks of coins to guess the phone number
  • you can count the same objects in the picture in your room
  • steps in the house
  • windows in the building opposite
  • books on the shelf
  • divide the beans and red beans into piles and count how many more beans of one color are there than the other (“Quest for Princesses”)
  • how many soft toys are in the basket
  • add up all the numbers used to write the birthday person’s date of birth (09/02/2009 = 22)
  • count the number of letters in the name and surname of the birthday person, etc.

All these numbers may be needed to guess the password to a lock, for example. Or the guessed number will be written in a visible place on a piece of furniture with another clue.

QR codes

This, of course, is not a task for a quest, but one of the ways to obtain information, but children usually like it. Through a special application on your smartphone, you can encrypt any picture or note with clues. Where should I attach the printed QR code? On the inside surface of a cabinet door, under a plate, on a souvenir or toy, put in a book, etc.

Puzzles, charades, crosswords

There is no point in giving many examples; you will find on the Internet the topic of your quest or create your own puzzles in the same image. Here is a simple example in which the word “picture” . The symbols are the edges of the “grid” around the desired letter.

There is especially a lot of such goodness in old Soviet books and schoolchildren’s calendars. For those who want to find something really interesting, I recommend going to the library. With charades and crosswords, it is convenient to select the intellectual load according to age. On the same topic, you can come up with quest tasks for teenagers, adults and children from 6 to 10 years old.

Mirror text

We compose the desired phrase, which is difficult to read without a mirror. You can also pay attention to finding the mirror itself by riddle it using the previous puzzle. To complicate the task, print the text in an unusual ornate font, otherwise players will easily turn the letters over without any mirror.


These are examples for inspiration. It’s simple only at first glance, since even adults sometimes take a long time to compose another word from the letters of one word. If the quest is a team one, time it and reward the most savvy ones with extra points, prizes or tips. The completed word can become a password to the next puzzle.

What's hidden in the picture

There are a lot of such attentiveness riddles of varying complexity on the Internet. On the left is an example of a puzzle for kids, on the right - for teenagers: “How many animals are there?”

There are also interesting collections with the general title “What is hidden in the photo.”

We use emoticons to indicate the name of a fairy tale (film, song)

Quite challenging, but fun. There are not many emoticons, so you need to call on all your imagination to help. You don’t have to give all the pictures, the children will get tired. Encrypt this book with a fairy tale that contains the next clue. And in the picture something like this: “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”, “The Princess and the Pea”, “The Frog Princess”, “Mumu” ​​(possibly), “ Starry Rain", "Snow Maiden", "Hare's Hut", "Ivan Tsarevich and the Serpent", "Porridge from an Axe", "Pot of Porridge", "Tom Thumb", "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats", "Rapunzel", "The Cockerel and the Bean Seed."

Invisible ink

Honestly, I haven't written notes with milk and lemon juice for a long time. No time)). Now on sale there are pens with invisible ink and a special flashlight. I write letters and messages to children on mirrors, furniture, and in regular letters. Sometimes even on their own son (they covered his hands and feet with tips and drawings).

So right now I wrote the name of my site on my hand and shone it with a flashlight. Without a UV flashlight, no letters can be seen! By the way, you can draw one letter on each guest before starting the quest, then you will collect the final word.


Without encryption. Here are the most popular ones (pictures are available on the Internet)

  • dancing men (thanks to Sherlock Holmes)
  • Morse code
  • numeric cipher (each letter is assigned a number)
  • semaphore and flag alphabet
  • symbols
  • homemade ciphers (different pictures of mustaches, toys, food, cosmetics - all images are assigned a letter)

The semaphore alphabet can be shown (one team member shows the encrypted word to everyone else). Son, thanks for the help!))

Long phrases are difficult for children to decipher. Maximum 3 words of 3-5 letters. This is enough to indicate the location of the next clue.


The labyrinth can be drawn. Something confusing needs to be unraveled along the lines or walked along “corridors” without dead ends. I sometimes give out a printed maze to each quest participant. Whoever is first opens the combination lock and takes out gifts, otherwise there will be heated debates)).

There are parents who are not too lazy to make a rope maze. Ropes of different colors are laid out on the floor in the apartment or stretched between the trees in the country. Everyone chooses their own color and follows the line. There is a clue tied to the end of one of the ropes. You can also use ropes stretched at different heights between trees to get to your goal (a gift, a key, another scroll).


This is definitely a fun activity! This picture was sent by my reader (look at her entire script for the Robinson quest). She spent a month collecting chicken bones for excavations! The skull, however, is plastic. I repeated her idea, but buried a lot of small toys from Kinder surprises in a basin of sand. Repeating figures had to be set aside, one unique one was a clue. Instead of sand, you can rummage through semolina, rice, salt and buckwheat.

Puzzles with matches

Most often, large fireplace matches or counting sticks are used for this purpose. There are very simple problems, and there are those that even adults puzzle over. Here's an example from my Haunted Bunker quest. Rearrange one match so that the answer is still correct.

Puzzles with buttons

Here, instead of buttons, there can be any figures, whatever is needed on the topic of the quest. Bugs, mummies, angry dogs. The point is that you need to divide the figures with four lines so that there is one in each cell.

Speed ​​challenge, the fastest one gets extra points, tips or privileges.

Classic puzzles

Let me remind you what this is. The rules are always the same, it’s easy to figure out. Commas before the picture show how many letters need to be removed at the beginning of the word, commas after the picture show how many letters need to be removed at the end of the word. The equal sign indicates which letter in the word needs to be replaced with another.

The words are encrypted in six pictures: lemon, capital, stork, student, gift, queen. The Internet is full of such puzzles; integrate them into your quest, taking into account the plot.

Encrypted Poem

The first digit is the line number at the top.

The second digit is the serial number of the word on this line.

The third number is the letter in the selected word.

Here is a piece of the cook's book from my Ratatouille quest. Children should be able to come up with the word “refrigerator.” The essence is clear, it’s easy to come up with your own riddle!

Connecting pictures to get numbers

I'll show you an example again from my free Night at the Museum script. Mentally connect the dots into one line, looking at the chains of words. You will get a number. For example: “pizza - apple - kiwi - tomato” - number 1. For a hint, give the children a sample of numbers to write the index. Write the numbers in the squares (this is the code for the lock).

I have an encrypted code of 250.


Let's take an example. We read a poem. Attentively)).

well known by my name; rogue and the immaculate swear equally by him, With those who are in misfortune, life is sweeter with me and in the best lot. I alone can serve the bliss of pure souls, but I was not created among villains.

Quest participants do not need to highlight the first letters of each line in bold. This is just to remind you of the essence of such a puzzle. The word "Friendship" is obtained. On the Internet you can search for acrostics for male and female names, names of seasons, etc. The word can be a clue, as usual.

Find an extra or missing item/number

There are many pictures with such tasks, and you can create something similar yourself. So I erased one number on a finished picture from the Internet, and now I have a puzzle. You have to guess which number is not here:

The answer is 31. All other numbers from 1 to 33 are here! It's difficult, by the way.


I love these kinds of riddles! I don’t draw it myself, but I often borrow from the collective mind. Here, for example, is such a riddle. I give the children a picture of a parrot and ask: “Who stole the parrot?” To answer, you just need to turn the picture over and look at it with fresh eyes. Indian, of course)).

Active tests

Children love quests, but 2 hours of puzzles is a mockery. If you read my scripts for children's quests, you will notice that I try to supplement the tasks with colorful activities. There is no need to run around the apartment, but you definitely need to move.

Here are some ideas:

• build a hut from chairs, pillows and blankets according to the diagram • make a balloon with a basket (helium balloon, thread, disposable cup) • assemble canapés according to a recipe from chopped products • feel for the desired item in the basket while blindfolded • plant the plant in a separate pot • make a large team drawing (a map or flag of an imaginary country) • identify different fruits blindfolded • show an object or natural phenomenon with movements (the game “Crocodile”, in short) • dance the Papuan dance and make beads from pasta • hold a relay race (see picture, there they used their beaks to carry nuts and candies to another room)

Or chemical experiments. I only have enough for soda and vinegar, but you can make a lot of interesting things with the help of ready-made kits. Where it hissed, that glass will indicate the number of the desired volume of the book with a hint.

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