Quest lesson with parents and children “Searching for hidden treasure”

Options for possible hiding places in the house where you can hide clues:

  • message in a balloon (pop the balloon to get the task);
  • a message in a bottle floating in the bathroom;
  • a box of sand in which clue objects are buried (there may be small toys, for example, LEGO);
  • cookies with hints inside - eat and find out the answer;
  • hints in cereal jars in the kitchen;
  • flower pots;
  • a note in the hands of a child’s favorite soft toy;
  • a note with a hint task hidden under a candy wrapper;
  • a note taped to the back of a plate of cake in the refrigerator;
  • picture hint on the computer (flash drive);
  • a hint in the form of a highlighted word in a newspaper (you can select a whole word or individual letters, from which you will then need to compose an encrypted word);
  • in your favorite book of fairy tales;
  • balcony;
  • furniture (the answer to the riddle should lead to a table, armchair, closet, sofa, chest of drawers);
  • household appliances (the answer to the riddle should lead to a microwave oven, refrigerator, washing machine, oven, hair dryer, etc.);
  • a clue hidden under the carpet;
  • Interior items can also be used (this could be vases, boxes, paintings, dinnerware, books, etc.);
  • magnets on the refrigerator indicating the country or city;
  • suitcases, even better if with a combination lock (encryption code);
  • the final stage of the quest is a mailbox on the first floor (it’s a thrill to go down to the first floor, open the box with a key and pick up the last clue, which tells you where the gift is hidden).
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