Quest “Pirate Treasures” for children at home or at school

Set design

You can start the quest game in an original way using a special postcard . It's durable and takes just a few minutes to cook (details included), with the first clue in the middle; Postcard format - A4. When finished it looks like this:

completing assignments

Beginning of the game

So, imagine that the game has begun.

Songs about pirates are played in the house, young guests gather into one sea team, put on scary bandanas with skulls or just eye patches, and receive an invitation to the test in the form of a note, shabby and brown with age.

And there must be tests! Not everyone can become a storm of the seas!

Children aged 5-6 years will need to read out assignments, so you need to choose in advance which parent will lead the holiday.

So, the presenter draws the attention of all the young pirates present to the note itself: “Oh, what is this? Who left this here?

And he reads the text of the note aloud:

“We are sea robbers! We are mischievous and very angry, so we hid the little gold in the chest and drew a map so as not to forget where this chest is kept.

But you won’t be able to reach them just like that, they are guarded by a sea monster!

Find the map, lads, then maybe you can find the treasure!

But first everyone needs to pass the test! Only real pirates are allowed on board the pirate ship! And only then can you steer your schooner towards the sunset!”

Description of tasks

(key places where you can hide hints and surprises are indicated in brackets)

  1. Pirate fillword (table, chair) . You need to cross out the names of the objects shown in the picture in the letter grid, and create a keyword from the extra letters.
  2. Starfish (door, wall) . An entertaining task for attentiveness: on starfish you need to find 5 letters that do not repeat.
  3. Pirate keyword (computer, notebook) . An interesting task for quick thinking. The name of each picture is encrypted with numbers. The players' task is to figure out which letter each number represents and guess the key word.
  4. Labyrinth (battery, mirror) . You need to find the right route to the treasure chest, collecting key letters along the way.
  5. Find the differences (book, package) . A fascinating observation task where you need to find the differences in two seemingly identical pictures.
  6. Underwater world (album, fruits) . A task for ingenuity and ingenuity, you need to find the key to decipher the keyword.
  7. Pirate ship (notebook, box) . Mini-crossword on knowledge of marine terms.
  8. Encrypted word (candy, plate) . A tricky puzzle.
  9. Restore the drawing (newspaper, magazine) . An original task for observation. To read the hint, you need to restore the sequence of the pictures.
  10. Puzzle + Treasure Map . A colorfully designed final task for a spectacular completion of the quest, consisting of two stages. To find out where the hidden treasures are, players need to find 5 puzzle pieces in the locations indicated on the map, assemble the puzzle and read the mirror encrypted clue.

1st version of the treasure map:

  • window or sill
  • mug
  • pens or pencils
  • any headdress
  • house plant or flower

2nd version of the treasure map:

  • fridge
  • bottle
  • bag or backpack
  • vase
  • lamp

Places to choose from where you can hide treasures:

  • box
  • closet
  • your option

The set includes black marks and gold coins as a fun active addition during the quest. For example, black marks can be used to comically punish game rule violators, and coins can be used to reward the most active players.

The kit is offered in electronic form - you need to print everything you need on a printer yourself (the postcard and tasks look great on regular office paper).

How to arrange a Treasure Hunt quest

To arrange a real holiday at home, you need to follow 5 simple steps :

  1. Read detailed instructions with answers. It shows a clear sequence: each previous clue points to the place where the next one is located; You should come up with several hiding places yourself and write them down on a sign from the appendix to the instructions.
  2. Print out the assignments and cut where necessary.
  3. Hide a gift, surprise or sweets in a secret place.
  4. Place the cue cards along the chain in the right places.
  5. Prepare simple props: a stool, a rope, a glass salad bowl/baking dish, juice and drinking straws according to the number of participants, a telephone with the Internet (you can add a speaker).

Secrets of preparation

  1. To get full pleasure from the game, it is desirable that each participant gets the “treasure”. Therefore, on a birthday, you can add small amenities for other guests to the birthday gift for the birthday person: keychains, cool stationery, etc.
  2. In our printed materials for the quest you will see a file with pirate doubloons. Pirate qualities are written on them, which children “earned” during the game. You can cut them out and put them into children's gifts one at a time or several in any order. Then the children will also compare which of them became which pirate, which will add atmosphere to the game.
  3. For realism, you can add chocolate coins, some small change “for ringing” and a couple of “grandmother’s” beads to the treasures found.
  4. Pack everything in a box (you can paint it like a chest, or you can cover it with bright colored paper) or in a real chest (wooden blanks can be found in craft stores) and - “Yo-ho-ho!”

It’s great that you don’t have to rack your brains yourself when coming up with a party script, but you can download, print and play!

If you take care of simple costumes, photos from an unusual party will forever remain not only in the archive, but also in your memory. And the participants will remember and praise the quest organizer for a long time, it’s been verified!

Game program on a marine theme for primary schoolchildren

Game program for children 6-11 years old “With love for the sea.”
Script Author: Blinova Maria Anatolyevna, music director, MDOAU “Kindergarten No. 3 “Dandelion” of a combined type, Orenburg region, Novotroitsk. Description of the material: I present to your attention a game program for children of preschool and primary school age, this material is intended for music directors, preschool teachers, primary school teachers, and additional education teachers.

Goal: the importance of the sea in the life of every person and child, an atmosphere of joy and play, expanding the horizons of children. Objectives: 1. Give children pleasure in competitions and games. 2. Development of environmental education, respect for the nature of the sea, guessing riddles, performing dances, reading poetry. 3. Creation of emotional well-being, communication skills with other children, the joy of meeting the beautiful music of the sea and its inhabitants. 4. Tell about the history of the sea, give children educational information, develop the intellectual and thinking abilities of children. Sports equipment: 2 hoops, 4 children's buckets of the same capacity, 2 with water, 2 spoons, 2 long synthetic ropes, a disk with sea songs of the sounds of the sea, sports modules for building a ship, 2 tables, limiting cubes, a rope, a sea bottle with riddles, modules for building ships. Decoration: sports flags, painted seagulls, an anchor, jellyfish figures, homemade palm trees from plastic bottles, large shells, team emblems, certificates and medals for the winners.

Progress: Children gather on the playground, sports ground. The music of Paul Mauriat “In the Animal World” is playing Presenter: The history of the sea: three quarters of the earth's surface is a huge mass of salty ocean water, the sea is part of the World Ocean, the origin of the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans is associated with the breakup and movement of continents, a large amount of salts accumulate in the sea, giving sea water a salty taste. “A lot has been said about the sea, But there’s no point in talking about it for a long time. Those who have never been there before, We invite you to sail with us.” 1 child:
The sea, in the morning wave, will bring it to its shore And leave for the children A lot of things they need: Stones smooth as soap (With them the sea waves soap);
Tina, like a strand of hair, was shaken off the comb by the cliff; And princesses of sea toys - Real shells. N. Belostotskaya 2nd child:
Sea, I’m running to you!
I'm already on the shore! I run to your wave, and the wave runs to me!... E. Moshkovskaya 3rd child:
What a sea it is!
Multi-colored blue Noisy with waves, screaming with seagulls, clean, salty, warm, corrugated Embraces the sky, Smiles at the Sun!.. L. Zubanenko

4 child:
An octopus lives at the bottom of the ocean, both his father and mother live there, a large sea family lives there - the Father of the Octopuses and his sons.
They live between the reefs in a cave, They have a home there and family comfort, There their mother loves and takes care of them, So that the big sperm whale does not offend them, So that the shark does not take them by surprise, When they lead a big round dance, When they swim out for a walk, With play football with sea urchins. They are also children, even though they live at sea, and they appreciate and love the comfort of home. A. Slonikov 5 child:
The sea stars celebrated the New Year.
And the coral, like a Christmas tree, was decorated together. Only there are no toys in the sea underwater. And they had to decorate the branches with themselves. I. Sudareva 6 child:
Under water In transparent blouses, jellyfish swim important.
Slowly, leisurely, To look beautiful. These are the fashionistas, Fashionistas are submariners. I. Makhonina 7 child:
Everyone knows about dolphins - There are no more interesting animals: Sharp intelligence, dexterous movements and easy to train.
Child 8: What are the boats sad about from land in the distance? The boats are sad, sad About the shallows on the river, Where you can sit down for a minute and relax, And where there is absolutely no fear of drowning. V. Lunin Presenter: Today, unusual rescuers are working on our sea beach - these are two teams, now they will introduce themselves to us. We will hold various competitions and games-competitions, and a jury will evaluate you. We are starting our game program “With love for the sea”. sounds “The sea is calling, the wave is singing” and the teams take their places. Team presentation.

Team "Dolphins". Dolphins love to swim and dive, and can survive drowning. Team "Rusalka". We love to sing and have fun, and frolic in the foam of the sea. "Dolphins and mermaids." We dolphins and mermaids are bosom friends. Dear jury, you are not our jury. We will try to make our way to medals. We will show everyone our knowledge and skills, How we love the sea in all its beauty. Presenter: What wonderful, cheerful, dexterous teams we have gathered - rescuers of children, girls and boys, dolphins and mermaids. Warm-up “Water Safety”. Presenter: how should you behave on the beach, because not all children know how to swim, so they need what to have with them? The teams answer in turn: 1. Life jacket. 2. Lifebuoy. 3. Sun hat. 4. Fins, air mattress. 2. How to behave on the water. Presenter: second part of the task, what rules must be followed? Answer of the teams in turn: 1. You need to swim in specially equipped places, under the supervision of adults. 2. You cannot swim beyond the buoys or drink dirty water. 3. If you start to drown, immediately shout “Save me, I’m drowning!” 4. You cannot play grappling games underwater. 5. Do not throw bottles and garbage on the beach and into the water, polluting the sea and harming marine inhabitants, as well as yourself. Presenter: Dear jury, we ask you to evaluate the results of the children’s answers and give high points for correct answers. Competition No. 1 “Your ship”. Presenter: I suggest that while the music is playing, the teams build their own ships from modules, whoever is faster and better. Gazmanov’s song “You are a sailor, I am a sailor” is playing Jury evaluation of results. The teams have good reliable ships, captains get 5 points. Presenter: Dear jury, we ask you to evaluate the results of the children’s answers and give 5 points for the correct answer, while the jury is counting the points, let’s play.

Game "The Wind Blows in the Sails"
The children in the circle, at the signal from the leader, all take a deep breath so that the stomach becomes “inflated”, bend one leg, lean forward a little and begin to count to eight, until the stomach “goes down” - exhale.
Use air gradually. The game is repeated several times, allowing you to train your breathing. The jury announces the results of the competition. The teams board the ship and sail, the song “Ah, the White Ship” by Yuri Antonov sounds. A sea bottle floated to us, it contained a strange code asking us to guess sea riddles for the teams. Competition No. 2: riddles about the sea and marine life. 4 riddles for each team. 1. Playing and frolicking again in front of the bow of the ship. Their backs flash above the water, - The nimble ones rush... ( Dolphins
2. The long-haired beauty sits and does not walk on the ground, but starts dancing under the water. Yes, it makes waves with its scaly tail. (Mermaid)

3. In calm weather, we are nowhere to be found, As the wind blows, we run on the water. (Waves) 4. Here, where we don’t glance, is the blue expanse of water. In it the wave rises like a wall, a white crest above the wave. And sometimes it’s quiet and quiet here. Was everyone able to recognize him? (Sea)

5. This is the largest beast, Like a multi-ton liner. And believe me, it eats only small things - plankton. Swims here and there across the Arctic seas. (Whale) 6. He is the king of the sea, the sovereign of the oceans, he is the keeper of treasures at the bottom and the ruler of mermaids. (Neptune) 7. Everyone who has been to the sea is familiar with a bright umbrella. It consists entirely of water and salt. Don't touch it in the water - it burns like fire. (Jellyfish) 8. It contains salt water. Ships are sailing on the water, Waves, wind in the open air, Seagulls circling over... ( Sea)

Competition No. 3 “Lifebuoy”. Host: What will we do if a ship passenger ends up overboard? Children:
save, let's throw a lifebuoy on him.
In the competition, one participant moves a short distance, the children must take turns throwing a hoop over him, that is, putting on a life preserver. Each successful hit is a point for the team, the jury counts it, summing up the results after the competition. Jury: five points to everyone.

Presenter: before you is a reproduction of “The Ninth Wave” by a famous artist, what is his name? Children: Ivan Aivazovsky.
I suggest you name the paintings of this artist and not confuse them with paintings by other artists.
His paintings “Frigate”, “Seascape”, “Sea”. Game "Find paintings about the sea."
To the music, the teams choose one reproduction of the artist Aivazovsky.
Music sounds like the sounds of the sea.

Jury: five points to everyone. Competition No. 4 “Draw the sea yourself.”

According to the template, a team of children must take turns drawing fragments of the sea in stages, it turns out to be a collective work or a picture can be drawn by the captains, the teams support them. The music of the sea sounds. Sounds of dolphins, sea and piano. I suggest the teams relax and watch their opponents' sea dances. Dance of the Dolphins, dance of the Mermaids. Jury: five points to everyone. Competition No. 5 “Who can remember the most sayings and proverbs about the sea.” Children talk about the sea: proverbs and sayings. The sea does not like the weak. If you're afraid of sharks, don't go into the sea. You can't swim across the sea. There are many roads in the sea. The sea is a fishing field. It is not the sea that sinks ships, but the winds. You don't have to drink the whole sea to know that the water is salty. Once you've been at sea, you'll never forget it. Presenter: Neptune is clearly in a quarrel with someone, If the sea is so raging! Waves of various shapes... What about the sea? At sea... Children: storm. Competition No. 6 “Storm at sea”. Participants stand in two lines facing each other. The leader gives the first person in the line a long synthetic rope. After the presenter whistles, you need to thread it through some part of the wardrobe - a hole for a button, a strap for a belt, sandal, bracelet or something similar. Competition No. 7 “Leak on the ship.” At some distance from the participants there are two tables on them, 2 small-sized children's buckets of water next to them, empty buckets to scoop out the water from the hold, the same in volume, the competitors run, run up and fill the empty capacity of the bucket with one small ladle at a time. The task is to save the ship - a sinking ship. The competition continues until one of the teams completes the task. Final competition No. 8 to sing a song about the sea. Children sing songs: “The sea begins with a small river”, “Can you hear the sea”. Jury: five points to everyone. Presenter: All teams coped well with the tasks, friendship and love for the sea won. Jury: We award everyone with medals, certificates and encouragement prizes in the books “Sea Stories”. Presenter: Let’s end the game program with a friendly motto: “Sea, sun and water are our best friends.”

The children's variety studio Dolphin's
song "Dolphins" is playing

We recommend watching:

Summary of the game program for children of primary school age Entertainment and game program for junior schoolchildren Competitive program for junior schoolchildren on ecology Competitive game program for schoolchildren of grades 3-5 for the International Dance Day

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