New Year's quest for students of grades 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 at school or at home

Recently, home quests have become increasingly popular. And there are already many parents who have decided to entertain their children in this way. Although we are, of course, not only talking about parents. Adults also love solving puzzles and solving all sorts of clever problems. Therefore, the quest is entertainment not only for children.

I couldn’t think of a better holiday than New Year’s to conduct a quest. There is no greater pleasure than finding your New Year's gift through a little mini-adventure.

But organizing a New Year's quest is not at all an easy task. Especially when you consider that the pre-New Year bustle and a bunch of other things take up a lot of time and you, as a rule, do not have time to do anything. And creating a quest is a long and painstaking task. The most difficult stage is to select tasks for the New Year's quest and complete them. And each task needs to be adapted to the quest format. If you don’t yet know what a “home quest” is, then we’ll describe it in a nutshell. There are several puzzles designed on cards. Each card is hidden in a specific place where you conduct the quest, for example, in an apartment. Under the sofa, on the windowsill, in the washing machine, etc. The player finds a task, solves it and receives an answer. The answer will definitely be an indication of the place where the next task is hidden. The result is a chain of tasks that leads to the final cache, i.e. the place where the gift is hidden. And now we understand the next problem when creating a quest - bringing the tasks to such a form that the answers to them are the names of some places or objects.

We talked in detail about what kinds of quest tasks there are, how to come up with them, and how to adapt them to the venue in our article “Tasks for quests.” In it, we examined in detail many examples and you can take all of them into service, including for preparing a New Year’s quest. In our other article, “Riddles for quests,” we made a selection of riddles about various household items that you can also use in your quest. Therefore, we will not return to the issue of the mechanics of creating “quest-oriented” tasks; you can read all this in the above-mentioned articles. And in this article we will talk about how to turn ordinary tasks and puzzles into tasks for New Year's quests and how to add a task to a New Year's quest. How to give them a New Year's theme and ambience!

New Year's story quests New Year's family quests New Year's internet quests New Year's quests for children New Year's quests for school New Year's quests in the office and cafe New Year's quest cards

About the kit

  • The New Year's quest for students in grades 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 at school or at home includes a set of tasks, each of which is hidden in a certain place. The solution to each riddle reveals the location where the next clue is hidden. This creates a chain of tasks that must be completed step by step in order to find the hidden surprise.
  • The set provides a variety of universal places at school or at home where you can hide riddles and the surprise itself. In addition, 5 tasks are additionally presented in the form of templates for self-editing. If some keywords do not fit, you can change them.
  • You can make any number of stages, and hide the clues in any order, that is, there is no imposed script, which is very convenient for the quest organizer.
  • Possibility of dividing players into 3 teams.
  • The quest contains 12 types of colorful New Year-themed tasks based on word games and various types of ciphers with several keyword options.
  • Suitable for black and white printing (solving problems does not depend on the color of the design).
  • The set is intended for children 10-13 years old , but it may also be interesting for older players.
  • This set is an analogue of the quest “New Year’s surprise for children 10-13 years old at home or at school”

See the analogue of this kit, a more colorful version

Ready quests

After reading this article and two more (Tasks for the quest and Riddles for the quest), you have no choice but to sit down and come up with your own super-quest. We have shared a lot of ideas and examples, all you have to do is use them skillfully. But if you still do not have enough skills, opportunities or time to realize your ideas, then we can come to your aid. There is no need to come up with something of your own when there are already many ready-made solutions. Check out our catalog of quests and you will definitely find it there.

Check out our quests for the New Year:

New Year's story quests New Year's family quests New Year's internet quests New Year's quests for children New Year's quests for school New Year's quests in the office and cafe New Year's quest cards

Set design

You can start the quest game in an original way using a special postcard . It's durable and takes just a few minutes to cook (details included), with the first clue in the middle; Postcard format - A4. When finished it looks like this:

completing assignments

Scene #1

The song “Tell the Snow Maiden where you’ve been” is playing (from the film “Well, Wait a minute!”). The Snow Maiden in disguise comes onto the stage with a funny gait, copying the girl.

Disguised Snow Maiden (in a thin, unnatural voice): Hello, girls and boys! You called me, here I come!

Santa Claus: Who are you? For some reason I don’t recognize you...

Disguised Snow Maiden: Oh, grandpa, you’re already quite old and blind, that’s why you didn’t recognize your own granddaughter! Look carefully, it's me, Snow Maiden!

Santa Claus looks around in confusion, and then turns to the children for help.

Santa Claus: Kids, help me, please, without glasses I can’t see well at all and I can’t accurately determine whether this is my granddaughter or not. Find three differences! This must be done in exactly three minutes, otherwise I will be forced to recognize her as real and we will spend the entire New Year with this Snow Maiden. Can you help?

The children agree. Santa Claus takes out a stopwatch and commands.

Santa Claus: One, two, three, start of the game! Time has passed!

The song “Tell me, Snow Maiden” is played in the background.

Task No. 1 “Find three differences!”

While the disguised Snow Maiden dances and makes faces, the children look for three differences. While dancing, she invites Santa Claus and some of the children or parents to dance with her, involving her in a funny dance. Children must guess the following differences:

1) Gender is male, not female;

2) work gloves, not knitted, warm ones;

3) on the feet under the fur coat - slippers, instead of boots.

Note: If the children are too small, Santa Claus gently prompts. For example: What’s in her arms, children? I don’t see... What is she wearing?.. and so on.

The disguised Snow Maiden is offended: You are so cunning!

Santa Claus: How smart they are!

Disguised Snow Maiden: Well, okay. I confess. I'm not myself. That is, I am not her! And I hid your gifts too! (sticks out tongue). And you will never find them unless you solve my riddles and complete my very difficult tasks. You are ready?

Santa Claus: Oh, you ugly thing! Look, what did you come up with, hide the gifts! But we can pass all the tests, guys?

The children answer in unison: Yes, we can!

Disguised Snow Maiden: Then hold on! Here is my first and very difficult task!

Description of tasks

(key places where you can hide hints and surprises are indicated in brackets)

  1. Hidden objects (door, shelf, bag). A fun mindfulness challenge.
  2. New Year's garland (table, chair, bag). It is necessary to restore the confused words from the Russian proverb about winter.
  3. Christmas tree ( corner, closet, drawer). Players will have to remember the basics of the Russian language :).
  4. New Year's code (Christmas tree, mug/cup, mirror). A cunning type of cipher, a task for ingenuity and intelligence.
  5. Sweet hint ( board (cutting board/school), book, pencil case, your choice). Colorful cipher.
  6. New Year's differences ( newspaper, magazine, poster). An entertaining task in which you need to find the differences in two seemingly identical pictures.
  7. New Year's maze (drink, envelope, presenter, your option). Herringbone labyrinth. You need to find the right path from the start to the star, collecting key letters along the way.
  8. New Year's wish (diary, textbook, notepad). An interesting task for composure, a colorful New Year's key word.
  9. New Year's puzzle ( box, battery, plate, your option). A simple but exciting task. To find out the next search location, you need to make a picture from the cut strips.
  10. New Year's drawing ( mittens/gloves, scarf/shawl/tie, shoes - boots/slippers/skates, your option). An original interesting task for observation: in order to read the clue phrase, you need to restore the sequence of the drawings in which the artist drew them.
  11. New Year's walker ( plant, bedside table, box, your option). Game with cubes.:) Not as simple a task as it might seem at first glance - in order not to get confused, players will have to concentrate
  12. New Year's riddle ( gadget (laptop, tablet, phone), vase, window). A riddle encrypted in an unusual way. A very interesting task for composure and quick thinking.

Attention! The set includes task templates “Sweet Hint”, “New Year’s Labyrinth”, “New Year’s Puzzle”, “New Year’s Drawing”, “New Year’s Walk”: if the keywords do not suit you, you can replace them yourself.

View other New Year's quests

New Year's quest - a game for students in grades 1 - 4

New Year's quest - the game “Snowy winter has come - brought a joyful holiday!”
for junior schoolchildren of grades 1–4. Author : Svetlana Vasilievna Lapatina, teacher of the extended day group, Municipal Educational Institution Tumskaya Secondary School No. 46 Branch “Oskinskaya Basic School”. Description: This material will be useful to class teachers, teachers, counselors during New Year's holidays and entertainment. The game is played for students in grades 1–4. Goal: Organizing leisure time for schoolchildren, creating a New Year's atmosphere of magic. Objectives: 1. To consolidate and expand the knowledge of schoolchildren about winter and the New Year holiday.
2.Development of creative and intellectual abilities of students. 3. Expanding the horizons of students. 4.Promote team unity and the ability of schoolchildren to work in a team. Progress of the game:

The song “What is the New Year” sounds - words by M. Plyatskovsky, music by Y. Chichkov.
The presenters Masha, Tanya and Dima appear on the stage, decorated in New Year's style. Masha. Everyone, everyone, everyone! Who has come and who is already here We announce important news: In Rus', long ago, Tsar Peter instituted the idea of ​​celebrating the New Year in winter and greeting each other.

Tanya. A song, a mischievous joke, or a dashing dance. As our Tsar Peter ordered: January is approaching - We are putting up Christmas trees, waiting for guests, We hasten to congratulate our friends. Dima. Yah! Tired of it! Every year it’s the same thing: bears, bunnies, round dances. Boring! Masha. And what do you want? What do you need to have fun? Dima. Adventures!!! Tanya. Where can we find adventures for you? In the summer you can still come up with something, for example, go hiking, but in the winter. Suddenly there is a roar, Baba Yaga appears on a broom, singing ditties.

Stretch the furs, accordion, Support the old lady! Play along with Yaga a little, I’ll start playing a little ditty. How angry Frost is, the curly trees! My feet are cold - my felt boots are full of holes. That's why you swept the narrow path to the hut? After all, she was expecting guests, I offended the little orphan! The owl hoots sleepily to the beat of my little ditty. I dreamed of celebrating the New Year in the company of friends... Wind, blizzard, cold It’s not a problem for Koshchei, I hear, I hear the creak of the relics, I’m still waiting for guests! What a prankster Frost - He wanted to spoil the holiday! What is all this fun, noise and commotion here? Well, quickly go home! Tanya. Dear Baba Yaga, today we are holding a New Year's game! Baba Yaga. I announce my decree to you: I prohibit all holidays! I’m canceling the cold winter, We’ll welcome summer, Warm the bones! I’ll fly to meet Koshchei. Together we’ll be, wow, warmer! Baba Yaga flies away from the hall on a broom. Masha. What happened just now, did I not understand something? According to the scenario, we should not have any Baba Yaga at all. Tanya. This all seems strange to me! Oh, look, Baba Yaga has lost some kind of note, now I’ll read it. Take the secret map, go to the stations with tasks, To bring the holiday back to you again, You need to guess the magic word, And complete all the tasks with perfect marks! Masha. Guys, it seems to me that something wrong is going on here and we need to quickly go look for this magic word. Dima. You think?
Then I already start to like it. Hurray, let's go on adventures! Students take notes from the hat with winter words: snowflake, frost, snowdrift, icicle, frost and divide into teams. Teams receive route sheets indicating the stations at which they perform various tasks. For a correctly completed task, the team receives a letter - a hint. In the role of the leading stations are primary school teachers in the image of the Sorceress - Winter, Snowman, Carlson, Rooster, Baba - Yaga. Station 1 – “In the salon of the Sorceress - Winter.”

Hello, my friends, I am glad to see you all, I have a lot to do - I cover the whole earth with a white blanket, I clean the rivers from ice, I whiten the fields, I whiten the houses.
Well, what is my name?... Winter. Winter. And now I invite you to admire the paintings of artists M. Kulakov, K. Korovin, V. Vasnetsov, I. Levitan, I. Shishkin, and also listen to excerpts from poems by I. Surikov, S. Marshak, F. Tyutchev, N. Nekrasov, A Feta.

Mikhail Kulakov. "Troika". A wonderful picture, How dear you are to me: The white plain, The full moon, The light of the high skies, And the shining snow, And the lonely running of a distant sleigh. A. Fet.

Konstantin Korovkin. "Russian Winter". White fluffy snow swirls in the air and quietly falls to the ground and lies down. And in the morning the field turned white with snow, as if everything had been covered with a shroud. I. Surikov

V. Vasnetsov. “Winter Dream” Open the calendar - January begins. In January, in January There is a lot of snow in the yard. S. Marshak.

Isaac Levitan. “Forest in Winter” Bewitched by the Enchantress of Winter, the forest stands, And under the snowy fringe, motionless, silent, it shines with a wonderful life. F. Tyutchev

Ivan Shishkin. “Winter in the Forest” The snow flutters and spins, It’s white outside. And the puddles turned into cold glass. Where the finches sang in the summer, Look today! - Like pink apples, there are bullfinches on the branches. N. Nekrasov. Winter . Guys, I know that you all love to play, let's play a very interesting game for attentiveness, “Sdrifts and Snowflakes,” repeat the words and movements with me. We are not afraid of frost, we are attentive in everything I say “drifts” - we sit down (squat) I say “icicles” - we get up (raise our hands up) I say “snowflakes” - we spin (spun) “Christmas trees” - clap our hands (clap) Winter. Guys, do you know that the mischievous Monkey is being replaced by a cheerful and perky Rooster, and now I propose to play the game “Give me your tail.” You all become roosters, receive a bright colored ribbon - these will be your tails, which you put in your belt or put in the side pocket.
At this time, a very cunning fox appears with the words: “I’ll catch you all now, I’ll pluck your tail.” The fox is trying to catch one of the players in order to rip off the ribbon, the cockerels scatter in different directions, dodge the fox, and try to keep their tails. At the end of the game, participants receive a letter hint and move to the next station. Station 2 – “Winter fun with the Snowman”
Snowman. There is fun all around me, childish noise and screaming. Today the housewarming party is being celebrated by the Snowman. Bucket on the head, Excellent nose with a carrot. All winter I keep order in the yard. With ember eyes I look around. To make it more useful, the janitor gave me a broom! I suggest you don’t waste time, guess the winter riddles. Riddles about winter fun for children. 1. Everyone is there in armor on the ice platform, they are fighting, grappling in a sharp fight, the fans are shouting: “Hit harder!” Believe me, this is not a fight, but hockey. 2. Friends have waited for winter; They run along the river, sliding, cutting off the ice like knives, making turns. Skates. 3.Two new, maple, two-meter soles. Put two feet in them - And run through the big snow. Skis. 4. They drive it with sticks on the ice. It is in full view of all of us. It will fly into the goal, and someone will definitely win. Washer. 5. We rolled and kneaded the snow, We blinded a man, Instead of eyes there are two coals, Where the nose is a carrot, And in the hands there is a broom, Who is he, our Egorka? Snowman. 6. They smacked me with a shovel, they made me hunchbacked, they beat me, stabbed me, they poured ice water on me. And then they all rolled off my hump in a herd. Ice slide. 7. We stood all summer, We waited for Winter. They waited for the time - They rushed down the mountain. Sled. 8. Hit more boldly with this stick, so that the blow is like from a cannon. This stick is for hockey, and it’s called a hockey stick. Snowman. Well done guys, you solved all the riddles, I suggest you play.
Competition - “Symbol of 2021” The snowman gives each player a balloon and a colored marker. The task of each participant is to make the symbol of 2021 - the Rooster - out of the ball. The winner is the participant whose work is the most interesting and original. Station 3 – “Visiting Carlson”

I am a jam-eater, Nian a fearless tamer, a cheerful soul, a sleepy friend, a friend of any child!
I turn on my propeller and fly and play mischief, Otherwise Carlson wouldn’t have climbed into your window. Carlson. Guys, I know that you like to decorate the Christmas tree with balls, lanterns, tinsel, and I suggest you hang all sorts of goodies on the Christmas tree, and you will find out which ones exactly by guessing my riddles. Among the variety of New Year's fruits, there is one - Sweet, juicy, very ripe. This is delicious - tangerine. If you melt the sugar, then pour it into the mold. Let it cool and finally we get a lollipop. He looks like a red ball, but he doesn’t gallop. It contains a useful vitamin - This is a ripe orange. Everyone knows our sweet taste, Everyone simply adore us, We are dressed in a bright candy wrapper, They call us candy. Very fragrant, Sweet and minty, On top we have a glazed gloss, As if in a joyful blush. Gingerbread. Green, yellow, red, Sour and very sweet, They are loved by adults and children, They are known to everyone in the world. Apples. Carlson. Guys, I suggest you play the game “Dress up the Christmas tree.” For this fun game, I prepared two small artificial Christmas trees.
Divided in two, you take out toys, garlands, snowflakes, candies, apples from the box and decorate the Christmas tree. The team that completes the task faster wins. In the box with toys, the participants of the game find a letter - a hint and move on to the next station. Station 4 – “New Year’s games with Cockerel”

Rooster. The cheerful cockerel has knocked on the door to visit you, he sings songs in the morning, in the villages and hamlets.
A bright scarlet comb, the New Year's cockerel flashes outside the window, congratulates you all! Competition - “Song” New Year’s themed words are written on pieces of paper: frost, snow, ice, Christmas tree, frost, round dance, etc. Everything fits into a box or hat. The cockerel approaches the participants in the game one by one, asks them to draw a card and sing a line from the song where the drawn word appears. Other participants also join in, reminiscing and singing. The last person to remember the line from the song wins. The Cockerel can support the participants with auction techniques: “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter - now! Cold in winter - two! Three! Game “Who is the entertainer?” The cockerel chooses one driver, who turns his back to the players, and secretly appoints an “entertainer”; all participants in the game stand in a round dance, turn to the right and walk in a circle. The “entertainer”, unnoticed by the driver, shows various movements: he raises his arms, claps his hands, spins around himself, and all the players repeat the movements after him. The driver’s task is to be attentive and determine which of the participants in the game is the “entertainer”. Competition “Guess who I am?” Each participant is given a card with the name of a New Year’s character. These can be: hare, wolf, fox, Pinocchio, Cinderella, Musketeer, Kolobok, Puss in Boots, Princess and the Pea. Participants must portray their hero without words. This can be done using gestures, gait or facial expressions. The artist whose character is guessed the fastest wins. Station 5 – “Attractions with Baba Yaga.”

Baba Yaga holds large felt boots in her hands and sings: Felt boots, felt boots, Oh, but they’re not hemmed, they’re old.
Baba Yaga. Attention, attention, I invite you to a competition, We run around the Christmas tree, We quickly put on felt boots. The game “Felt boots” is played. We put large felt boots under the tree. The winner will be the one who runs around the coniferous tree faster and fits into his felt boots. Baba Yaga. Oh, you guys are just great, so dexterous and fast. Now let me see how attentive you are? I will ask you questions, and you answer “I”. Game “Who loves chocolate?” Baba – Yaga – Who loves chocolate? Students - Me! Baba Yaga - Who loves marmalade? Students - Me! Baba Yaga - Who loves pears? Students - Me! Baba Yaga - Who doesn't wash their ears? Inattentive students - ME! Baba Yaga - Are there really children who don’t wash their ears? You are probably joking, listen carefully and answer correctly! Baba Yaga - Who was walking down the street? Students - Me! Baba Yaga - Who fell into a puddle? The students are silent. Baba Yaga - Who helped mom? Students - Me! Baba Yaga - Who swept the floor? Students - Me! Baba Yaga - Who washed the dishes? Students - Me! Baba Yaga - Who broke the cup? The students are silent. Baba Yaga Guys, do you know that not a single New Year's holiday is complete without a round dance near the Christmas tree. Therefore, I’m announcing a dance competition, and come on, guys, come up to me and get a note with the name of the dance. The team captain pulls out a note with the name of the dance and the whole team dances cheerfully and cheerfully near the Christmas tree. This could be “Dance of the Little Ducklings”, “Boogie-Woogie”, “Letka-Enka”, round dance “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”.

Baba Yaga dances merrily along with the participants in the game. Baba Yaga - Oh, guys, how great we danced! And I immediately warmed up and cheered up with you, okay, since such fun has begun, I’m canceling summer and welcoming a snowy winter! One word - well done! Get a letter hint from me. Team members put together the word “Friendship” from the clue letters.

Baba Yaga. Guys, you guessed the magic word correctly - this is Friendship. It’s not for nothing that they say that only true friendship can work wonders! “Song about Friendship” sounds - words by V. Lugovoi, music by G. Gladkov. So that people can fly to Mars without fear, From childhood we learn to dream from an old fairy tale. Not a single textbook managed to explain to us: He who is honest, kind and brave is a wizard! Why not say out loud to us together: “Songs help you not to lose heart in difficult times!” Not a single textbook managed to explain to us: He who is honest, kind and brave is a wizard! Finally, we need to remind everyone in the world: Friendship performs a hundred miracles every day. Not a single textbook managed to explain to us: He who is honest, kind and brave is a wizard! Tanya. Dear friends, our holiday game has come to an end! Masha. We all actively participated in all competitions and games! Dima. And I think that we will be able to maintain the mood of fun, joy, and expectation of a miracle for the whole year!

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Contents of the kit

  • postcard to start the quest (jpg file)
  • instructions for preparing and conducting the quest (pdf file)
  • assignments and answers (pdf file)
  • task templates “Sweet hint”, “New Year’s labyrinth”, “New Year’s puzzle”, “New Year’s drawing”, “New Year’s walk” (pdf file)
  • gift - New Year's packaging set (jpg files)

The kit is offered in electronic form - you need to print everything you need yourself on a color or black and white printer (the postcard and tasks look great on regular office paper).

Start of scenario

“Song about Summer” (from the film “Santa Claus and Summer”) plays in the background.

Santa Claus comes out.

Santa Claus: Hello, my dear children! From afar, I rushed to you on a reindeer sled, but there was confusion. My granddaughter Snegurochka got lost, and with her a bag of gifts. Tell me, children, will you help me find them?

All children in chorus: Yes!

Santa Claus: I called the Snow Maiden, I called. He shouted and shouted, but she didn’t hear. Let's all call her together?

All children in chorus: Yes!

At the command of Father Frost, the children call loudly in chorus: Snegurochka! Snow Maiden! Snow Maiden!

New Year's scene No. 4

The song “Three White Horses” (from the film The Sorcerers) plays in the background.

Task No. 3. "Letter Classics"

Squares are drawn in the shape of classic “hopscotch”. Instead of numbers, letters, vowels and consonants are written in a chaotic order.

Assignment: the guys take turns jumping at the command of Santa Claus, for example, only on vowels, or, conversely, only on vowels. The task is considered completed if the children make no mistakes and jump on the correct letters. Depending on the age, you need to jump on one leg; if the children are older, if they are younger, they are allowed to jump on two.

Task No. 4. "Winter Web"

Three chairs are placed at a distance of about 70 cm from each other, the other three chairs are placed opposite the first (in a mirror image). Between the two rows of chairs a certain corridor is formed, through which the children will pass the web. The chairs are wrapped with a thread of cobwebs - tinsel (several ribbons tied together). The wrapping should not be too tight so that children can crawl, crawl or step over somewhere.

The task is considered completed if the children pass the “cobweb” without tearing it. At the finish line, the next beautiful Snowflake with a task awaits them.

Santa Claus applauds with his parents, and the Snow Maiden in disguise shows her displeasure.

Disguised Snow Maiden: Stop this immediately! It doesn't happen like that! Look how perfect they are here! I'm the only ideal person here! Wow, what a beauty! (spins, grimaces). That's it! You made me angry. Since we can’t beat you and confuse you, come on, your parents come out! I’ll give you a New Year’s quest now!

Adults come to help children.

Dressed up Snow Maiden: So, if you want your children to receive their gifts from Santa Claus, you will also have to try and guess not just riddles, but words from the poem. I’m sure... Oh (switches to a high-pitched voice) I’m sure you’ll never guess! Otherwise, everyone here was so smart and resourceful... I’ll check now!

Santa Claus stands a little behind and sometimes tells the parents, but so that the Disguised Snow Maiden does not see it.

The Snow Maiden in disguise reads a poem.

Task No. 5 “Prompt the word!”

Assignment for parents: guess the words and name them, inserting them into the poem. Santa Claus prompts, silently pronouncing words and taking objects out of the bag.

The disguised Snow Maiden reads the poem with expression, pausing where the word should be inserted:

Snow outside...WINDOW (Santa Claus points to the window)

Quietly, quietly melting,

The earth... SWEEPPING (Shows as if sweeping) all around.

With a blanket... WHITE (points to the beard, which is white)

He's around...FLYING (shows with his hands how the wings work)

Everything around becomes... WHITE, (again on the beard and finger!).

Looking out the... WINDOW (points to the window)

If you honestly wish,

So that your Santa Claus doesn't forget (points to himself)

Bring it under...THREE (points to the New Year tree)

More gifts for everyone

And it’s important that…YOUR (points to parents) bring it personally!

Everyone applauds and rejoices. The disguised Snow Maiden grabbed her head.

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