New Year 2021 skits for elementary school, grades 5-7 and high school students

Funny and modern scenes for the New Year 2021 - for elementary school, ideas, video

On New Year's Day, all your dreams and desires come true in the most magical way - you just have to really want it and “ask” Santa Claus. In addition to gifts, on the eve of the holiday, children will enjoy festive matinees with cheerful round dances, competitions, and thematic skits. We suggest preparing funny and modern scenes for the New Year 2021 for elementary school, using ideas and videos. Of course, little actors will need costumes for the stage, as well as several rehearsals under the guidance of a teacher. It is best to select texts for skits that are simple and easy to remember, giving each student the opportunity to show their talents.

Funny skit for younger schoolchildren for the New Year

Yolochka comes onto the stage and stops, sadly lowering her head. Here the presenter appears, greets the children and asks Yolochka - why is she so sad? In response, the green guest replies that all her friends are standing in city squares dressed up, wearing bright toys, and only she has nothing. The presenter invites the children to dance and sing for the Christmas tree to cheer up the forest beauty. Children recite New Year's poems, dance a merry dance and sing, and also decorate the Christmas tree with shiny tinsel and paper snowflakes. The Christmas tree is happy with the attention and gifts, and already wants to stay with the guys. At the end of the scene, everyone leads a cheerful round dance around the Christmas tree - both adults and children.

Video with ideas for a funny children's New Year's skit in elementary school

Options for online events for the New Year's corporate party:

You can “hook” several ideas from this list and spend it not in one evening, but stretch out the congratulations throughout the entire pre-New Year week.

Video message from the head of the company

A kind, inspiring, encouraging or humorous congratulation from the manager, filmed against the backdrop of the Kremlin office building or in the office with a Christmas tree, is an important (or even the only) part of such an unusual remote corporate event.

If the manager’s speech includes a couple of pleasant surprises (gifts, bonuses, interesting plans for the year), that’s generally great. Naturally, the congratulations must be filmed and edited in advance.

Online team game with our host

Previously, we organized intellectual and entertaining games only in Moscow. The situation with coronavirus upset us at first, but very soon it became clear that we had become closer to customers from other cities. Now we hold corporate events online, where employees from different cities of Russia and all over the world play on the same team. There have already been quite a lot of games, we have learned to take into account all the features of such events.

These games are: “Where is the logic” (detailed description), Quiz, “Moscow Evenings”, “Music Connected Us”. It's fun and exciting, the rules are very simple, a spectacular start and intrigue until the end. If the winning team is promised a prize, the fight is serious!

Write, call, let's discuss the organization.

Concert with professional artists

Artists began giving solo concerts for online viewers back in the first spring wave of coronavirus. Now they have set up a congratulatory conveyor with good sound and high-quality pictures. The artists congratulate your company on the New Year, address the employees and managers with good wishes, and perform their hits.

On the pages of social networks you can find contacts of administrators of individual performers and vocal groups who will tell you the cost of online congratulations for a certain date. In the photo are the soloists of the group “Ladybug”. For example, they will organize a cool “Disco of the 90s” and perform their old and new hits!

If the budget is not very large, many professional cover bands and solo vocalists from Russian cities will be happy to perform world and domestic hits in a variety of styles and hold a cool online disco for you. You can also look for them on social networks; everyone is now busy drawing up programs and is also looking for their customers.

Video toasts between blocks of a game or concert

If you don't have a very large company, you can give the floor to your employees. Just agree in advance who will wish what to the whole team, so that this is not an endless repetition of “health and happiness” in the new year. During the toast, you can remember a funny incident in which your colleagues took part in teaching, and introduce a fresh joke. A toast during a live broadcast is a reason to dress up for an online corporate event, choose a beautiful background and delight each other with lively emotions. I think such congratulations can fill the pauses between blocks of the main program.

Online master classes

This format took root during the spring self-isolation. What most impressed participants in creative activities were master classes for which everything needed was delivered in advance by courier. For example, a cool bartender teaches you how to properly create popular cocktails, and the box already contains everything you need to prepare the drink (ingredients and utensils).

Even cooler is a culinary master class from a chef. The box contains fresh products and spices in the right quantities. Cool isn't it?

The main thing is to organize communication so that the event moderator can display not only the chef on the screen, but also provide the opportunity for the participants in the culinary competition to demonstrate their successes on camera.

There is also an online art party. Canvas, brushes and paints are also delivered for each participant.

If this is not possible (for example, employees live in different cities or even countries), you can ask to collect consumables for creative team building activities yourself according to the list.

Creative battle (New Year's video competition on the topic)

There are companies that annually hold creative competitions with the participation of employees. Performances, vocal competitions, dance marathons, KVNs, flash mobs, etc. I especially remember the vocal battle, during which the younger generation had to perform a hit from past years, and employees over 45 - modern compositions. I hope that the time of live concerts will return in the very near future, but for now we need to find an outlet for creative energy in another format.

Online amateur performances can also be organized if there are those interested. In order to have those interested, we need to come up with a good prize for the best video, naturally. Everything must be filmed and edited in advance; during the online event, simply watch clips with remarks from the host of such an unusual concert and your online applause.

If there are a lot of employees in the team, it makes sense to provide one clip from each department (division, representative office, office, etc.). There are very cool examples of performing a song one line at a time with “transferring” some object out of frame to another remote employee.

If there are talents, they are welcome. For example, a large company almost always has great performers for an online competition like “Eurovision”, the show “The Voice”, etc. Voting, summing up, rewarding, the winner’s song - everything is almost real.

In principle, you can perform ditties one verse at a time. And arrange a karaoke battle of New Year's hits. A dancing comic flash mob at a home Christmas tree or in a city park.

Short New Year's videos of employees

A short video competition can be on different topics, if there is absolutely no one to sing and dance. Employees film and edit the stories themselves (the assignment mailing should contain clear instructions indicating the duration of the video and a list of criteria for evaluating the finished masterpieces). I will list a few ideas for competition entries. There should be freedom of choice, so it’s better to give more nominations.

Some people will want to show their family, children and their home, others will be happy to shoot a short video against the backdrop of the city Christmas tree or near the New Year's photo zone of a shopping center, demonstrate the habits of their favorite parrot or cat, etc.

• family New Year's tradition • my New Year's tree (some unusual toys, the whole tree is unusual - from inflatable gloves and masks, books, bottles, sweets, pine cones, felt) • New Year's video recipe • a new attraction of my city (yard, dacha) • comic performing a poem at the Christmas tree • my collection (New Year's toys, soldiers, mugs, corks, refrigerator magnets, dolls, etc.) • a pet • a snow figure competition, if there is snow in your area at all • a social project (New Year's greetings or helping elderly neighbors, orphanages, food for stray animals and birds, landscaping or cleaning the area, etc.)

Funny and modern skits for high school students for the New Year 2019 – ideas, videos

New Year's holidays are an excellent opportunity for children to show their creative talents. Due to their age, high school students can easily organize a fun event on their own using a ready-made script and with the author’s “amendments.” Thus, funny and modern skits for the New Year 2021 for high school students will lift everyone’s spirits, causing a storm of applause from the audience. We will be happy to share interesting ideas and video skits - for a school New Year's KVN or a staged show. We are sure that such “advanced” modern scenes will decorate any entertainment program.

Funny modern New Year's skit for high school students

For this funny scene you will need three participants - two to play the role of guards of Santa Claus and Baba Yaga. At the beginning, the guards stand on stage and talk to each other. Trying to maintain secrecy, Santa Claus is called the Low Temperature Pensioner. One of the guards expresses concern about Baba Yaga, who could “invade the territory” with cunning. Then the guards leave, and Baba Yaga appears on the scene - threatening to catch Santa Claus and put him on a hot radiator. To the song “Our service is both dangerous and difficult,” the guards appear again and grab the harmful fairy-tale Grandmother to put him under lock and key. In response, the cunning old woman begins to persuade the bodyguards, in common for the capture of Santa Claus, to take them to work with them and get a promotion. However, the faithful guards stand their ground and lead Yaga away by the arms. Such a funny scene can be supplemented with funny texts using youth “slang” - an interesting option for high school students.

Video ideas for modern skits for teachers and high school students for the New Year

Our offer

Let me remind you that there are online programs that we can conduct in any city in Russia , since for such an event employees only need Internet access. Here is a list of these online games for corporate events.

There are art programs for which canvases, paints and brushes are brought home to each participant. Cooking classes also most often involve the delivery of food and drinks. We can only do this in Moscow, but in many cities there are organizers with similar services.

Contact me in any convenient way. Name the program that is most suitable for your company, specify the number of participants. Experienced organizers will offer the best option for the event and calculate the cost of the New Year's online corporate party.

Holiday again Your holiday guide Irina Panasyan (Moscow) Write to me Call me

Funny scenes for the New Year 2021 for school - students of grades 5 - 7, modern ideas

On the eve of the New Year, your spirits rise and you want to share your joy with your family and friends. Schools are in full swing with preparations for New Year's matinees - children are learning poems and songs, roles for thematic scenes. When drawing up a script for students in grades 5–7, you can include funny modern scenes for the New Year 2019. Such cool children's performances will emphasize the holiday atmosphere and give a lot of positive emotions and a charge of humor. You can easily bring the best ideas for New Year's skits to life - of course, you first need to properly learn the words and conduct rehearsals.

Cool funny scene for schoolchildren of grades 5 - 7 for the New Year

So, according to the plot of the scene, there is a drawing lesson in the classroom. According to the topic of the lesson, boys should draw Santa Claus, and girls should draw Snow Maiden. Having placed the character figures on the table, the teacher walks around the classroom, observing the children’s progress. Things are going well at the first desks and the teacher is happy. However, approaching the last desk, the teacher is perplexed - the sheet shows only crosses and toes. When asked by the teacher, the aspiring artist replies that this is how he sees Santa Claus. Here the teacher demands a diary and gives a two, and to all the indignation of the young talent the answer follows: “Petrov, this is a five - that’s how I see it.”

Video with a recording of a funny modern New Year's Eve for schoolchildren

Comic funny and modern scenes for the New Year - for children at school

New Year's parties have long become a traditional event in many kindergartens and schools. Indeed, such events allow you to take a break from the busy everyday life of school, feel the approaching holiday, and briefly plunge into a fairy tale. We have selected funny modern scenes for the New Year 2021 for children - with the help of such humorous reprises it is best to congratulate teachers and parents. We are sure that you will learn a lot of interesting things from the proposed options, and your funny scene will be appreciated.

Cool funny children's scene for the New Year for schoolchildren

For this scene you will need 3 people - two Aliens and Santa Claus. To the background “cosmic” music, Aliens and a tied-up Santa Claus appear on stage, trying to escape. The aliens threaten to take Grandfather to their planet so that they can also have a New Year with a Christmas tree and gifts. Snatching out a space weapon, the Alien takes aim at Santa Claus. However, Grandfather calls for help from all the guys who drive the Aliens away with their noise, screams and stomp. Such a funny scene can be performed at a matinee at school, kindergarten or at home - fun and delight are guaranteed!

Funny modern video skit for children for the New Year

New Year's funny short skits for schoolchildren - for 2 - 3 people, video

Every day the New Year is getting closer and closer - it's time to prepare festive entertainment! New Year's funny scenes cause constant delight and are a traditional part of the holiday scenario. Schoolchildren of all ages enthusiastically take part in rehearsals, trying to “get into the role” as best as possible. Thus, short comic skits that do not require special preparation are especially popular - 2-3 people can be involved in such productions. We offer a choice of several ideas with videos of funny modern skits for the New Year for students in grades 6–7. Happy production!

Funny children's mini-scene for the New Year for school

Three characters take part in the scene - Santa Claus, Swamp Kikimora and Leshy. First, Leshy asks Kikimora for money for a new computer in order to become a cool IT specialist. Kikimora advises writing a letter to Santa Claus and asking for a computer as a gift. Since Leshy cannot write, he decides to go to the fairy-tale Grandfather himself, dressing up as an excellent student - he puts on a school jacket and backpack, and combs his hair beautifully. Here Santa Claus appears, and Leshy asks him for a computer. In response, Grandfather offers to put his request on paper, but the illiterate Leshy finds it difficult to write the word “IT specialist.” So, instead of a cool gift, the careless “student” receives advice to finish school well and a consolation “prize” - candy.

Funny video with a children's New Year's scene

Now you know what funny modern skits you can learn for the New Year 2021 for school - elementary, 5th - 7th grade students, high school students. In the video you will find many interesting ideas for short and long children's New Year's scenes with Father Frost, Snow Maiden, Baba Yaga and other fairy-tale characters. Happy New Year to you!

"In the animal world"

from the hall - 7 girls and 5 men. The presenter individually tells them the roles with lines.

The presenter portrays Nikolai Drozdov (cap, goatee). The music is played from the TV show “In the Animal World” (Paul Mauriat’s orchestra – “The Lark”).

Nikolai Drozdov talks about the habits of animals living in the horoscope. Each character has his own line, which the character says after hearing the name of his animal. Further, the characters, following the story about themselves, perform those actions that the presenter will voice (what these actions will be, the participants do not know, they were only told their remarks).

RAT: Blonde Queen!

BULL: Poke with horns!

TIGER: I want role-playing games!

CAT: And the compote?

DRAGON: I am a law unto myself!

SNAKE: I am all yours!

HORSE: Tell me the way to Red Square!

GOAT: A-za-za!

MONKEY: Why am I still not drunk?

ROOSTER: I have a fighting spirit!

DOG: I hear a noise, but where is the fight?

PIG: Almost immediately, I’ll do it!

Drozdov’s actions with animals: scratching behind the ear, stroking, calling to him, feeding, etc.

Presenter (in a very kind and gentle voice of Nikolai Drozdov):

Hello, dear friends. We think we know everything about the animal world. But in fact, even the most common types of arthropods, such as this one (in a touching voice, shows the audience a moving black toy - a scorpion should look like a real one) scorpion... What do we know about it? His body temperature is inconsistent. Depends on the ambient temperature. But how does it regulate its temperature? Or this Capricorn. What kind of creature? The science of zoology is still unknown. Well, now about what you will see in today's program. As you probably guessed, today we will get acquainted with the inhabitants of the horoscope. Or rather, about the annual twelve-year cycle.

2021 will begin soon, and a new cycle of animals walking in circles begins in the horoscope. The animals will line up in a round dance and begin to move around the Christmas tree. The RAT comes first.

RAT: Blonde Queen!

DROZDOV: Yes, in the coming year this charming animal will change its gray coat to a royal white one. The rightful mistress of the coming year! This is how she charmingly gnaws on something delicious - without hesitation, she takes it from the table and gnaws it. And he offers it to me. Run to me, baby. Do you hear how it beeps? She encourages everyone to have fun. But don’t forget to replenish your pantry.

DROZDOV: And this is a BULL.

BULL: Poke with horns!

DROZDOV: He sensed that he could chew something here and came to the holiday. Watch as this heavy-bodied ruminant eagerly stamps his hoof and continually chews. Give him something to chew already! (In a touchingly frightened voice, as if he was pretending to be frightened.) And who is there watching us so predatorily? Don't eat us, TIGER!

TIGER: I want role-playing games!

DROZDOV: In fact, he is kind. Especially if you are full. We need to feed him. He takes a bite from the hand of a beautiful girl with pleasure. Here you are. Feed him. Be careful, he might grab your hand. And the heart. They say he's a heartthrob. And look who is there? They say they rule. Well, come on, taxi over here and get some sour cream, CAT.

CAT: And the compote?

DROZDOV: But the compote doesn’t pour into your mouth. Learn student! (Scratches the Cat behind the ear.) Somehow the sky has darkened. And here is an SMS from the Ministry of Emergency Situations. What do they write there? On the territory of the horoscope, precipitation in the form of lava with hot stones is possible. And it's all because of the DRAGON.

DRAGON: I am a law unto myself!

DROZDOV: Himself, of course. But you need to get treatment. Look how it's bombing. And runny nose with cough. All this can be fixed. There's some hot medicine on the table over there, especially for hot throats. Who's crawling there? Well, crawl closer, SNAKE.

SNAKE: I am all yours!

DROZDOV: Wow, it flutters around and around, but doesn’t get into your hands. Slips out. That's how it always is - the dynamite will slip out. Now she’s alert – she feels the earth trembling. It's a HORSE galloping.

HORSE: Tell me the way to Red Square!

DROZDOV: She has such bangs, and what a withers (strokes). Ha, he kicks. Well, well, don't kick. Wow, I would ride on it... What am I talking about? Yes. Look, a GOAT came up to us.

GOAT: A-za-za!

DROZDOV: A wayward and capricious animal. Constantly on a spree. She is both full and drunk. He walks around the hills and finds everything he needs everywhere. But a MONKEY jumped off the branch.

MONKEY: Why am I still not drunk?

DROZDOV: She’s already cheerful. Jumps on the branches, bullies everyone, teases. Curious prankster! But the loudest and brightest of all birds, of course, is the ROOSTER.

ROOSTER: I have a fighting spirit!

DROZDOV: This bird lives in the horoscope and in every village. Fly here, peck the grains, show yourself in all your glory, shout the morning wake-up call. As soon as he senses someone’s fighting spirit, the DOG’s ears will immediately prick up.

DOG: I hear a noise, but where is the fight?

DROZDOV: Come to me! Sit! Stand! Give me your paw! Well done. Smart little animal. For something delicious. And the last one to appear in the horoscope is the PIG.

PIG: Almost immediately, I’ll do it!

DROZDOV: She loves to take care of her massive body - she takes mud baths, flops around, rolls around. And then he comes out of the puddle and grunts contentedly. Now all the animals of the horoscope are with us. They take each other by the paws and walk around each other, following the little tailed leader who wishes everyone happiness in the coming year!

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