New Year's games and competitions for children in kindergarten and elementary school

There is nothing more memorable for children than games, especially when they take place in front of a large number of children. New Year's games in kindergarten become a place that does not leave any child indifferent, provided that the adults have organized everything correctly.

We will tell you about the most interesting games for the New Year.

What kind of New Year's games are there for preschoolers?

New Year is the most ancient holiday, which appeared in Ancient Mesopotamia.
New Year's games for preschoolers are quite diverse and they develop all kinds of baby abilities.

They are classified as follows:

  • games for baby's orientation in space;
  • games for the baby’s ability to change words;
  • games for speech development;
  • games for developing logic;

What useful games can be organized at a New Year's party to make it interesting for both children and their parents.

Fortune telling and lotteries

There are plenty of options. You can put a beautiful spruce branch in a vase and decorate it with notes with predictions. Everyone who enters the house tears off a piece of paper and receives a prediction for the next year.

Why not offer your guests cookies and fortune-telling candies? Both adults and children will eagerly respond to this little surprise: everyone is interested in looking into the future. You can write anything you want - both humorous prophecies and serious ones.

For example:

  • Be careful, the frost is about to pat your cheeks.
  • It seems your parents are planning something good and gift against you.
  • It seems it's time for everyone to see your unique smile!

Games at the New Year's party

At the New Year's party, you definitely can't do without Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. They are perhaps the only irreplaceable fairy-tale characters in the New Year. Here is a small list of games offered for this event.


Before the start of any holiday, it is advisable for children to warm up. First of all, this helps them stretch their muscles a little, and it will also be an incendiary introduction to the festive event.

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After meeting the children, the presenter arranges them around the room so that they do not interfere with each other. To the rousing music, the kids begin to repeat the dance moves after him.

Journey to the winter forest: continue warming up

Very often, according to the plot, children need to get to the forest in which miracles happen on the New Year's holiday. To do this, the children stand in a circle and begin to follow the leader.

Santa Claus or Snow Maiden act like this: they walk, then squat, jump, walk on their haunches, and the children repeat after them. This game will be a continuation of the warm-up.

Snow tunnel: developing spatial orientation

The children are divided into two teams, with an equal number of participants in each. Santa Claus and Snow Maiden are unfolding the play tunnel.

The task of the children, to the music or on command, is to go one by one through the unfolded magic tunnel. When one of the little ones has reached the end, he passes the baton to the next one and returns to the end of the line.

The first team to reach the end of the tunnel wins.

New Year's chair: learning to develop resourcefulness and dexterity

The children stand in a circle, chairs are placed near them, one number less than the number of participants.

At the command of the leader, a round dance begins around the chairs. As soon as the music stops, the children should sit on a nearby chair. The one who does not have time to sit on the chair is eliminated.

I'll freeze: play and develop dexterity

Julius Caesar decided to celebrate the arrival of the New Year on January 1 in 46 BC.

This competition also involves the participation of your favorite fairy-tale characters. The children stand in a circle, and Father Frost or Snow Maiden tells them to stretch out their arms.

When all the children are ready, Santa Claus says: I’ll freeze, then all the children remove their hands before Santa Claus touches them.

Magic snow: developing the speed of the guys

Soap bubbles act as snow. The children stand at a sufficient distance so that everyone has enough space.

The presenter takes soap bubbles, and on command and to cheerful music, the children begin to run away from the presenter, who is trying to freeze them with soap bubbles.

Snowballs: developing accuracy

The presenter scatters a lot of small soft snowballs in the hall. On command, the music turns on and a snowball fight begins, the little ones begin throwing snowballs.

As soon as the sound stops, the game stops.

Hug a Friend: Developing Agility

Do you want to go back to that New Year?

Not really

This game begins with the children standing in random order around the room. The important thing here is to choose an odd number of children.

The music turns on and the kids start dancing, when the sound turns off, the kids should hug the nearest kid who will be standing next to them. At the same time, you need to hug quickly because the one who does not have time may be left without a partner.

Bring snow: develop speed

For this competition you need to have 2 badminton rackets, 2 white regular inflatable balls and one participant from each team.

The children's task is to run around the Christmas tree, with a racket on which there will be an inflatable ball, and return to the start. Whoever ran the distance faster won.

Pull over the other: developing playfulness, a sense of competition

Boys participate in the game in pairs of two. Each couple sits on a carpet or other surface, face to face. Boys need to rest their feet, hold hands and bend their knees.

At the command of Santa Claus, the boys begin to pull each other's hands; the one who pulls the tie wins.

Of course, the music for this competition must be thematic, New Year's music.

Crocodile: developing logical thinking

For this game in kindergarten you will need equipment: cards with images of animals, fairy-tale characters or heroes of your favorite cartoons.

The kids stand in a circle, and the leader approaches each of the children and gives a picture. The kids' task will be to reproduce the image of the character, for example, how he walks, what he looks like, what he does, etc., when it comes to him. The other children must guess it.

Collect snowflakes: develop dexterity and attentiveness

Most countries in the world celebrate the New Year on the night from December 31 to January 1.

The unexpected happened in the forest - Santa Claus lost the snow on the floor. To do this, we use balls or other objects that look like a snowflake.

Before night falls, the kids must collect them. To the music and the teacher counting to ten, the little ones collect snowflakes and throw them into a bag. When Santa Claus has counted and night falls, you can turn off the lights for a short time.

Confusion: developing mindfulness, emancipation

The leader arranges the children around the room. Then he begins to list the parts of the body, the children repeat after him and point with their hands at the mouth, nose, ears, eyes, legs, tummy. At first he plays along with the children, speaking and showing the correct parts of the body, then he begins to confuse them, for example, he will say the nose, but point to the tummy.

The most attentive: developing thinking

The presenter begins to read poems about snow and the New Year, with every word snow, the crumbs should jump. The verse can be of different sizes. Moreover, the longer it is, the more interesting it becomes for everyone.

Show: develop imagination and logical thinking

The presenter gives the children a task, for example: show how you sculpt a snowman, while the children begin to go for snow, sculpt snow, put on gloves for working with snow.

Do you like the idea of ​​a music competition?

Not really

Here are some examples:

  • how do you play snowballs?
  • how do you decorate the Christmas tree?
  • How do you ski/skate?
  • How do you enjoy gifts?

Snowfall: developing dexterity, spatial orientation

Children are given snowballs - small and light foam balls. At the leader's command, the guys must throw snowballs up and blow on them from below. The one who keeps the snowballs in the air longer is the one who is the most dexterous.

New Year's concert: developing creativity

In a beautiful casket, there are pictures depicting a Christmas tree, Snowman, Santa Claus, Snowflake, etc. The presenter gives each child one picture. The children take turns reading a poem or singing a song about this picture.

Please note that this competition requires preliminary preparation with parents.

New Year's mask game: developing speech and logical thinking

To play, you need to use festive masks of various fairy-tale characters: fox, wolf, hare, etc. One of the children puts a mask on the other, but he should not know what kind of mask it is, and the others should not tell him.

Previously, the pagan Slavs celebrated the New Year on the Winter Solstice.

There should be no mirrors in the room in which this game takes place, so that the child does not spy what kind of character he is.

When the baby is ready, he begins to ask questions to the children around him, they only answer him yes or no. The baby may ask: Do I run fast? I can jump? Am I furry? etc.

Before this game, the leader must show the children how to play.

New Year's speech game guess the surprise: developing speech

It is necessary to cut snowflake shapes from paper or cardboard. These molds will serve as the snow that has formed into a snowdrift. You need to put a gift under it, but in order to receive it, the baby must first get to it.

14 examples of games at children's matinees.

The little one must take one snowflake at a time and tell him what it is - white, tender, cold, each time he says it differently.

After all the molds are removed, he will be able to see what gift he received.

New Year's game find the surprise: developing spatial orientation

It is necessary to hide toys in a separate room in advance. After everything is prepared, you need to invite the children and tell them the way to the toys, for example: walk five steps forward, two to the right/left, sit down and look.

This competition teaches children to navigate in space using phrases. For children of three years old, you can give 2 steps to the toy, for children of four years old - make it more difficult and give 3-4 commands, and so on.

Who stuck to whom?
On pieces of paper, write the names of body parts (forehead, left ear, right cheek, nose, left index finger, heel, right big toe, stomach, etc.). Place them in a hat or magic box. Players must take turns taking out pieces of paper and “freeze” to the neighbor at the table (or to the previous player) with the part of the body that is written on the piece of paper. You cannot move after you are frozen. Each time it will be more and more difficult to “freeze”, you will have to get into strange and sometimes funny poses.

General tips for planning an entertainment program for children for the New Year

When choosing a list of competitions and games, focus on the age of the children. If children of the same age gather at the holiday, then no difficulties will arise, but if children of different ages gather in the same room, then try to select entertaining activities so that it is not difficult for the youngest participants in the holiday to grasp the essence of the game, and for the oldest boring.

Do not hold several competitions in a row. Try to plan the holiday program in such a way that competitive tasks alternate with dances, musical numbers or just free time.

Don't delay games. Children can quickly lose interest in the game if they do not finish it on time, and in some cases this happens even at the moment the rules are announced, when there are too many of them and the children cannot build a logical chain. Therefore, choose dynamic, fun competitions with clear rules so that the game remains a game and does not turn into a boring spectacle.

Regardless of the mood of the participants and the excitement of the event, each competition should end with symbolic gifts for the winners. Even a small souvenir will delight a child and will be a great incentive for other children to participate in all competitions at the holiday. In the case of younger children, especially preschoolers, it is worth taking care of incentive prizes for all participants in the game, because otherwise the holiday may end in tears for the losers.

Even if the conditions of the competition do not require it, always select suitable musical accompaniment for the games so that the action looks seamless and there are no awkward pauses, for example, while the contestants are drawing something.

Accurate snow thrower

Make a Christmas tree from a large piece of cardboard, cut holes in it with a diameter of 15-20 cm. Distribute paper balls to the participants in the game. From a distance (draw a line) you need to get into the holes on the Christmas tree. The most accurate sniper will receive a prize!

Another game option to compete in accuracy. Make “snowballs” from cotton wool, polystyrene foam, foam rubber or paper. You can buy tennis balls. Place a container (basket, large saucepan, basin, etc.) in the center of the room. Hand out “snowballs” to the players, place everyone around the “basket”, marking a conditional line that cannot be crossed. The task is to get snowballs into the basket.

Don't laugh!

In advance, write one New Year’s-themed word on pieces of paper: pine cone, snowflake, icicle, Christmas tree, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, snowman, garland, etc. Place the leaves in a box or hat. Each player pulls out one piece of paper and silently reads what is written there. The facilitator asks the participants prepared questions. The answer is the word that the player drew. The winner is the one who answers all the host's questions and doesn't laugh.

For example:

- What is your name? - Cone. — What did you have for lunch today? - Snowflake. - Who do you look like? - On an icicle.

Let's make a snowman

There is nothing difficult about making a snowman: three balls, a carrot nose. And you try to make it together! Two participants sit next to each other at the table, you can hug. The left hand of one participant and the right hand of the other must act synchronously, together, as if they were the hands of one person. It's actually difficult. Try pinch off a piece of plasticine, roll a ball between your palms... It is best to form pairs so that adults and children work together.

Photo proofs

Create an image for each guest. Arrange a casting with photo tests for the role:

  • the kindest Santa Claus;
  • the most greedy Santa Claus;
  • the most beautiful Snow Maiden;
  • the sleepiest Snow Maiden;
  • the most overfed guest;
  • the most cheerful guest;
  • the most cunning Baba Yaga;
  • the biggest snowflake, etc.
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