TOP 15 competitions for the New Year 2021: New Year's games and entertainment

How to celebrate the New Year so that it is fun and noisy? To do this, you need to prepare competitions for the New Year 2021 in advance! New Year's games and entertainment will make traditional New Year's gatherings in the company bright, fun and unforgettable!

It is better to celebrate the New Year with friends, girlfriends, family and loved ones, with entertainment and fun games. Choose sedentary competitions at the table and “dilute” them with active games in which even children can be involved. Contests for the New Year 2021, think about New Year's games and entertainment in advance to interest every guest.

Song with stops

Each of the family members continues (the first one starts, and the rest continue in turn) singing the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest,” for example. After about a line, the presenter stops and names any genre, for example, advertising or a fairy tale, and so on, and the next participant no longer sings, but continues the song in this style. For example, the first one sings: A Christmas tree was born in the forest. The song stops and the presenter says: continue in the style of advertising. Then the second participant continues: Super Christmas tree of excellent quality and growth in our forest, hurry up. Then again the song, which is continued by the third participant: In winter and summer, she was slender and green. The song stops and the presenter names the genre: fairy tale. The fourth participant continues: The little hare lived in that forest and he really loved to jump under that tree. Next comes the song again and so on. Prizes for the funniest and most artistic family members.

For a fun company

Large, noisy groups often celebrate the New Year in rented large cottages, in the countryside - a large space will provide the opportunity to hold dance and active competitions.

Santa Claus and the Magic Reindeer

It is better to hold the next competition outside. You'll have to run a little.

Advice! Don't forget to capture such fun moments as memories. It is better to charge your camera and video camera in advance.


  • outfits for Santa Claus and Deer - New Year's hats and headbands with deer antlers are suitable;
  • ropes;
  • skittles.

Competitors need to split into pairs - Santa Claus and his Magic Reindeer.

Santa Claus harnesses the Deer into a harness (here ropes are used) and holds the “reins”. The leader blindfolds the deer. Skittles are lined up in front of the couple (empty bottles and cups can be placed instead). The winner is the pair that knocks down as few pins as possible and comes first in the race. The winners can be given cute memorable gifts.

Moment of glory

The next competition can be held both on the street and at the table. It will be fun if each other supports each other, as the competition is creative and imaginative. So who's better?

Prepare before the holiday:

  • pieces of paper with words or phrases written in advance (it is better to use a New Year's theme - bull, 2021, Christmas tree, Olivier, herring under a fur coat, Snow Maiden). They need to be crumpled;
  • a container for putting sheets of words there (a cap or hat will do);
  • compilation of minuses of famous songs without words.

The presenter invites the participants to pull a wad of paper out of the hat and read the word. Next, he has them write and sing a mini-song, often using a written word or phrase accompanied by music.

Photo session near the Christmas tree

Such a photo session will help to capture everyone and leave pleasant memories in the form of photographs.

What do you need:

  • camera or phone;
  • a list of heroes that the guests will portray, it is better to hide them in a hat, as in “Minute of Fame”;
  • diploma for the most photogenic model - you can do it yourself in Word.

Guests draw their roles from a hat. Now each of them takes turns standing at the Christmas tree (or any other place chosen for the photo zone) and posing in their role. The winner is chosen by voting. He will receive the diploma for the most photogenic model.

General New Year's

For this competition, the person responsible for the fun at the family party must prepare any pictures from which a common meaning associated with the New Year can be collected, for example, a picture of a light bulb + a picture of the northern lights = a garland; a picture with any old man + a picture of frost (pattern on the window) = Santa Claus; picture of the globe + picture of a Christmas tree = Christmas ball; picture of rain + picture of New Year = tinsel; a picture of people clapping their hands + a picture with bright multi-colored colors, circles = clapper and so on. One by one, the presenter shows a composition of the corresponding pictures, and the family guesses what it is. Whichever guest guesses the most New Year's attributes by matching the common ones from the pictures will receive a prize.

Why is it worth organizing home competitions for the New Year?

Often, New Year's celebrations turn into overeating and sitting in front of the TV. And, ultimately, each celebration is similar to the previous one, only the salad recipes change. To make the party truly memorable, you should diversify it a little, for example, organize competitions.

After all, in anticipation of the holiday, we all become a little children, waiting for a miracle. How can you please your inner child if not with fun games and competitions!

And for those celebrating with children, cool competitions are a great opportunity to avoid whims and quarrels on New Year's Eve. And nothing brings a family together like having fun together.

Personalized snowflakes

Snowflakes with the name of each family member (in equal numbers) are hidden and laid out throughout the room in advance. Snowflakes can lie anywhere: under a plate or on the ceiling, on a chair or on a Christmas tree, on the floor or on a wall, on a garland or behind a clock... At the “start” command, the whole family begins to look for snowflakes. Everyone must collect snowflakes with only their own name, and if he comes across a snowflake with a different name, he does not say anything and continues to search. Whichever family member collects the most snowflakes in a minute or two wins.

Guess the proverb

The presenter reads out a simple explanation of the proverb and offers to name it.

  1. They don’t discuss the gift, they accept what they give... (Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.)
  2. You need to learn throughout your life, every day brings new knowledge, knowledge is endless. (Live and learn!)
  3. If you start something, bring it to the end, even if it’s difficult! (Took hold of the tug, don’t say it’s not hefty!)
  4. Trouble and disaster usually happen where something is unreliable and fragile. (Where it’s thin, that’s where it breaks.)
  5. How you treat others is how you will be treated. (As it comes back, so will it respond.)
  6. Don't take on unfamiliar tasks. (If you don’t know the ford, don’t stick your nose into the water.)

Family drawing

Initially, the conditions for participants are not announced. Each family member is given a piece of paper and a pen. Each person writes on a piece of paper just one word that came to his mind. Then the presenter announces the conditions of the competition: everyone takes his own piece of paper, goes to a pre-prepared large sheet of paper (you can take a piece of wallpaper or whatman paper), takes a marker or felt-tip pen (preferably if there are many of them and different colors), and draws his word, which he wrote on leaf. The rest of the family guesses this word. Then the second participant draws, the third and so on. As a result, you get one big interesting and fun drawing.


To make your New Year's party a success, think through all the details in advance. And if you don’t know where to start, listen to our advice:

  1. Set the scene by giving guests the opportunity to raise a glass of champagne and sample the treats. Don't overwhelm them with competitions from the very beginning.
  2. Separate all the props for competitions in advance and place them in themed boxes or gift bags.
  3. Come up with mini-prizes for the winners. These could be sweets, unusual Christmas tree decorations, or a symbol of the coming year.
  4. Prepare tips . It is more convenient to use cards with text or poetry for each competition than one large script. Place them in themed boxes with props.
  5. Alternate games with traditional feasting and dancing.
  6. Consider musical accompaniment for games.

To make the New Year at home a success, assign yourself helpers in advance from one of the guests or household members

Who has a bigger snowdrift?

For fun, you can form 2 teams: a team of seniors and juniors. I tie the legs of all participants so that they move like penguins. There are many, many small snowflakes cut out from simple napkins or plain paper scattered on the floor. Each team receives a basket. At the “start” command, the members of each team begin collecting snowflakes in their basket until all the snowflakes on the floor are gone. And after the game there is a counting. The team with the largest snowdrift (more snowflakes in the basket) will be the winner.


The collection of entertainment "Garland" is a cool competition for the New Year for a cheerful company. At home or visiting, young people, children and a group of adults can easily unite in a simple game for the New Year.

Garland Chain

A fun outdoor game. All participants become colorful light bulbs. This is done with the help of any multi-colored accessories. The brightest props are the balls. But the best options would be tinsel boas or rain wigs. Still, the New Year's garland should sparkle. The company is divided into two garlands. Each garland has the same composition of light bulbs in color and location. The movement occurs clockwise. The presenter explains the meaning of the commands (word forms) and positions himself away from the garlands. First, the garlands need to be built.

  • Team 1: “The blue ones are on!” — Blue light bulbs are the first to stand at the starting line (if there are many blue light bulbs, then one at a time, the rest wait for the next command)
  • Team 2 “The Reds are on!” — Red lights come after blue ones

And this continues until the garlands are built in two columns. Next, commands are heard that cause the light bulbs to start moving. For example, “The blue ones ran!” Blue light bulbs run around their garland and return to their place. If there are two or more blue light bulbs in the garland, then they run in turns. The one in front runs first. The next one runs after the previous one falls into place. Only one light bulb does not run around the garland. This is the last light bulb standing. She runs out and gets up first.

The presenter must confuse the players. He can make the same colors run three times, etc. Or command “Turn off!” in a moment of confusion. For example, three red lights broke the rules and everyone ran away at once. The command “Shut down!” sounds. The light bulbs that did not have time to take their place go to the tail of the garland. In the case of playing with balls, players must hold the balls by the strings at a distance of at least 30 cm from the ball. A burst ball means the light bulb is removed from the garland. The garland becomes shorter. Accordingly, it will be more difficult for her to reach the finish line first. Gradually the pace of the game accelerates. The wrong light bulbs go into the tail. Because of this, the approach to the finish line slows down. Victory goes to the garland that gets to the leader faster.

Garland Round dance

Light bulbs are arranged in a garland (round dance). You can divide into 2 or 3 garlands (2-3 round dances). Everyone joins hands. One pair of hands holds one colored prop - a ball, tinsel or something else. Players remember the meaning of basic commands.


  • lit up - hands up
  • extinguished - hands down
  • froze - the round dance stops
  • ran to the top of the head - movement in a circle counterclockwise
  • ran under the tree - movement in a circle clockwise

The presenter begins to control the garland. Gradually the pace of the game accelerates. The garland should not be torn. Two disconnected light bulbs burn out and leave the garland. The wrong bulbs are eliminated from the game. Bulbs that have lost their props are also removed from the game. Bulbs will mostly come out in pairs. The presenter himself decides when to end the game. If several garlands compete, then the victory goes to the one with the most light bulbs left. In the general round dance, the unburned light bulbs win.

Command examples

  • lit up - all hands go up
  • ran to the top of the head - movement in a circle counterclockwise
  • frozen - movement stops
  • everything goes out - all hands give up
  • the red lights are on - hands with red are raised up
  • ran under the tree - the movement begins clockwise, the position of the hands does not change
  • green lights come on - hands with green lights up, movement continues in a circle
  • the yellow lights come on, the red ones go out - the yellow ones go up, the red ones go down, the movement continues
  • frozen - the movement stops, the position of the hands does not change
  • everyone lit up, ran under the tree - all hands up, movement clockwise

Garland Intoxicated Traffic Light

All participants are divided into three groups of light bulbs: red, yellow, green. All the light bulbs are arranged in one garland (round dance) in the traffic light sequence: red, yellow, green. Everyone is holding a colored accessory. Moving in a circle one after another. The commands are very simple.


  • Red - the garland is standing, red lights are in the air
  • Yellow - the garland is swinging, yellow light bulbs are in the air
  • Green - the garland is moving, green lights are hands up

When the team changes, the previous color gives up. The wrong light bulb burns out and leaves the garland. Since the traffic light is drunk, the colors of the traffic light light up randomly in any sequence. The presenter starts the game with the correct traffic lights. Then he speeds up the pace of the game by confusing the sequence of colors.

Garland Carousel

The carousel is an honest garland! All members of the cheerful company can take part in it. Notes, stops, and counting will make the game boring. The light bulbs themselves count their mistakes.

Participants choose their own colored props and dance in a circle. The leading light bulb is selected by the reader. To the cheerful New Year's melody, the light bulbs move one after another in a circle, following the commands of the leading light bulb. The leading light bulb moves with everyone else and also carries out its commands. The wrong light bulb burns out. The leading light commands 3 min. Next, the next light bulb commands. If the leading light bulb made a mistake earlier, then it transfers its authority.

The garland game is dynamic, but quite easy. The coolest warm-up between gatherings at the New Year's table. On one New Year's Eve you can warm up more than once by changing the game options. The main thing is that the presenter does not forget which light bulbs have been holding their hands up for a long time!

The coolest and funniest

And again let’s return to adult competitions, although in principle many can be done for children. Like the next one, for example.

Wild dances

Suitable for large companies. The more people participate in this competition, the merrier.

What to prepare in advance:

  • balloons - for each guest (it is better to inflate a spare one);
  • threads

All the guests stand up. They must take a ball and tie it to their leg with a thread. The music turns on and wild dancing begins - everyone must step on the opponent’s balloon, trying to make it burst. The one who has a whole ball left wins.

Sticker Stalker

The game is suitable for a large company. At the beginning of the holiday, each participant in the event is given 10 sticker tags, which he must paste to other guests throughout the evening. The main condition: the one to whom you are going to attach the tag must not suspect anything. If you are unlucky and the victim discovers your plans, then you become the victim, and whoever caught you can openly stick one of their tags on you! The winner is the one who gets rid of the tags issued at the beginning of the holiday before the others.

Hurry up to take off your hat

Ideal for large companies. The essence of the game is that each guest must have a hat. It is better to prepare in advance and buy (make) paper caps for each guest. The essence of the game is that at the beginning of the evening everyone puts on their caps together. The party hat must be removed, but this must not be done before the host (host of the party) removes the hat. You will take off your hat somewhere in the middle of the evening. Attentive guests will notice, but the one who is busy telling his interesting stories from last year will most likely become a loser, because he will be the last one to take off his hat, if at all!

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