Competitions for the Year of the Pig 2021: home New Year with surprises

Over the past 8 years, my site has acquired regular readers. It’s nice, but very responsible, because every year they expect something new from me, and it’s not that easy. Even professional presenters repeat proven entertainment for years, so don’t be afraid to slightly change and put in a new verbal shell those competitions and surprise moments that amused guests last year.

Firstly , guests don’t understand all this as well as you do. Secondly, the Chinese horoscope throws up different characters, and it’s easier for you and me to look for inspiration in these charismatic symbols of the year. In 2021 we will celebrate the Year of the Pig. Naturally, I tried to put together a selection of ideas that would honor this animal.

Let me remind you what parts a home holiday script can consist of, so that there is no repetition and monotony:

• Any version of a win-win lottery with small funny souvenirs • Good fortune-telling predictions that are randomly given to guests • Short table games, preferably humorous ones • Photo sessions with unusual props, accessories and photo props • A small but effective creative master class (guests take the souvenirs for themselves) • Creation of a single art object (all guests make a small fragment, the result is something grandiose) • Dance battle • Game of forfeits or its equivalent (participation of each guest is required) • Vocal competition (individual, or better yet, a choir competition) • Quiz (New Year's, comic, according to the customs of different countries of the world, etc.) • Relay races (any task for speed and original thinking) • Special effects (minimum sparklers)

For a creative person (and you are all very creative), sometimes this list with reminders is enough, and the whole festive evening comes up with itself. There is not and cannot be a universal scenario, since all families are very different. Some people have more kids, then we devote part of our time to them, and then we have fun in an adult company. Children over 8-9 years old almost always wait for the chimes to strike and really want to have fun for several hours in a row. In some families there are many representatives of the older generation who feel sorry for missing the New Year's concert on TV. When drawing up a script for a family holiday, all this needs to be taken into account.

Below I will give examples for each point so that the holiday is dedicated specifically to the Year of the Pig 2021.

Any version of a win-win lottery with small funny souvenirs

Gifts wrapped in New Year's wrapping paper have some kind of magic. Everyone wants to get them)). Any little thing, but they want it. In this case, packaging is even more important, since it is what creates the festive mood. A kind of childish joy covers a person at the sight of a bunch of these boxes and packages. Buy small pig figurines, beautiful candles, small calendars with pigs, gift soap, miniature towels with Christmas trees, cups with the symbol of the year, funny souvenirs for the home. The packaging must be opaque.

Here's how you can play these souvenirs:

  1. Collect small belongings of each guest in a box or bag, and prepared packages in another bag: “This gift is for...” - we pull out the item and souvenir at the same time with both hands.
  2. Under each plate, put different pictures with famous pigs from films and cartoons, and the second picture is attached to the prize, waiting for matches.
  3. Just hang it on a bright ribbon and cut it with scissors with your eyes closed, like in Soviet childhood.
  4. Allow the youngest guest, as the symbol of the year, to hand out gifts to his taste, stopping attempts to give everything to just one mother.
  5. Give souvenirs for reading a New Year's poem (let the quatrains lie under the plates,).

Good fortune-telling predictions that happen to guests by chance

Comic good predictions are a special part of the holiday. Many people don’t admit it, but still quietly read horoscopes, take all sorts of tests and look for “signs of fate” in the events of the day. A small package with a New Year's Eve fortune will delight guests of any age. What you write there is your choice. The whole point is that the prediction will randomly find its “owner”. And that's the beauty of it. Everything should be positive, kind, promising health, prosperity, success and love.

How to make predictions:

  1. Tie it to the souvenir that took part in the win-win lottery. Well, connect the prediction itself with the little thing that came across: “This goldfish will fulfill your three deepest desires”, “Did you get a pink pig with a heart? You will be lucky in love,” etc.
  2. Roll it into tubes, stuff it into colorful balls, and popping it is always fun.
  3. Hang the folded notes on the Christmas tree and guests will choose their own prediction.
  4. Fold napkins like New Year's and hide the predictions inside.
  5. Make fortune cookies, here is the recipe and description on my website.

Game at the table

First option . If it’s the Year of the Pig, you can play the game “Crocodile” with such pigish words. You know the gist: the player reads a word on a card, which he needs to show with his movements to all the guests. By the way, for participating in competitions you can give out piglets (drawn pig noses or real money-piglets), and at the end of the holiday you can exchange all the “tokens” for some nice prize.

Images for the game: piglet, acorn, mud, piggy bank, guinea pig, Year of the Pig, etc. Add New Year's words: Olivier, chimes, champagne, Snow Maiden, etc.

The second option: show all the guests a card with the player’s “profession” (there are also ready-made games, the general name is “Who Am I”, there are headbands and cards with pictures in the set). At this moment he turns away. Everyone knows who he is and only answers “yes” and “no” to all his clarifying questions, he needs to guess. Riddle what it is: “Snowman”, “Clown”, “Salesman at McDonalds”, Peppa Pig”, etc.

Decorating the room for a matinee

The festive decoration of the hall creates a special atmosphere, eloquently reminiscent of the appearance of Father Frost, the Snow Maiden, and, in the Year of the Pig, a pink-cheeked pig. In addition to the traditional Christmas tree, glass balls and tinsel, a special place is given to original crafts made by the hands of children.

A small exhibition of crafts, on the eve of the holiday, can become part of the competition program, and later they can be attached to the Christmas tree.

The decor of the room sets the mood for the holiday

Options for DIY New Year's decorations can be very different:

  • crafts made from natural materials;
  • New Year's snowflakes;
  • funny nutcracker or robots;
  • Stuffed Toys;
  • embroidered paintings;
  • portraits of New Year's characters.

It’s great if children take a direct and feasible part in the decoration of the hall

Pay attention to the holiday color palette. If the hall shines, sparkles, shimmers with rainbow colors, it means that the idea has been achieved, and smiles will shine and laughter will sound at the holiday.

Carnival costumes

The New Year's holiday will be a great success if it is carefully organized: the smallest details of congratulations, competitions and musical accompaniment are thought out. But the main highlight is the carnival costumes.

Boys prefer superhero costumes

Choosing a carnival costume is not an easy task, but if you approach it with humor and imagination, you can create an incredible image from the simplest materials.

Such traditional characters as a snowman, snowflake, princess, Snow Maiden, little animals are familiar to everyone, but if you show resourcefulness, you can please your child with modern images:

  • SpongeBoB, Fixies, Luntik, Marvel superheroes;
  • Spider-Man, Iron Man;
  • Disney cartoon characters.

Original costumes for girls

Outfits can be rented, but a special atmosphere is created by carnival costumes that parents make from scrap materials. At the same time, the child participates in the process, enjoys the attention of the parents and can choose the details of the decoration himself.

Santa Claus: “Well, kids, it’s time for me to move on, I’ll see you in a year.”

Piggy. “Yes, yes, and I’m in a hurry, my time is coming soon, I have a lot to do.”

Host: “Let’s greet our guests with applause, and we’re having a fun disco.”

Photo sessions with accessories and photo props

While guests are getting ready, invite them to take a series of fun photos in a pre-prepared photo area. Stock up on pig masks or just large soft toys that your guests will pose with for the New Year's mood. I also often use large inflatable foil balloons (size 90-100 cm), maybe I’ll find a pig this year. Add other accessories (hats, unusual glasses, photo props on sticks).

If not everyone wants to be a pig, add other characters from movies and cartoons that have piglets. let there be Funtik, Mrs. Belladonna and a couple of detectives. Three little pigs and a wolf. Piglet and Winnie the Pooh. Khryusha, Filya and Stepashka, if anyone else remembers them.

A small but effective creative master class (guests take souvenirs for themselves)

It's not as difficult to organize at home as it seems. For master classes you need a separate table, preferably in another room. Sometimes it is important for the hostess that all the guests leave the table in order to tidy up a little and arrange the next holiday dishes, ventilate the room, etc. Children and adults like to do something cute, but at the same time they don’t want to be creative for more than 10-15 minutes on New Year’s Eve.

I always like to paint gingerbread cookies (there is ready-made colored icing in tubes), make felt New Year magnets, glue a picture onto a thick candle with a hot spoon, paint wooden figures (this year I will give out pigs to everyone), and assemble voluminous cards from ready-made elements.

Gingerbread is easy to make, I bake it every year, and it takes no more than an hour. Here is the prescription.

Celebrating at home

To bring fun and variety to home gatherings? You can put on a little performance. It is perfect for children 4–6 years old, their friends and parents. The characters can be very diverse, and the child decides who will play which character. To carry out this presentation, it is necessary to select the following characters:

  • the director, he will also read the text;
  • Christmas tree (according to the script, there are several, but all the roles of the Christmas tree can be played by one person);
  • little animals;
  • Father Frost.

You can also invite Father Frost and Snow Maiden home

You can improvise, decorate the stage, add artificial snow and install a fan that will represent the wind at the right moment.

Director: “We are now filming a New Year’s film (says the title of the film), about Santa Claus. Camera, motor, let's start."

One day before the New Year, Grandfather Frost harnessed his horse and rode far into the forest to get a Christmas tree, but in the forest the weather was not good: the wind was howling, the wolves were sparkling with their eyes, the owls were flying away. A horned elk galloped, saw Grandfather and galloped far into the forest. Grandfather got out of the sleigh, looked around - the trees were visible - invisible. I approached the first tree - no - not like that, approached the second - not like that, here is the third - the same one. He swung with all his might, and the Christmas tree spoke in a human voice.

Christmas tree I: “Grandfather, don’t cut me down, I’m not suitable for the holiday. My needles are falling off, my stem is thin and the hares have gnawed the bark.”

Director: “Grandfather took a closer look. And sure enough, he went to another tree. I took off my mittens, touched it from all sides - it fits, but I didn’t want to spoil the leg, so I decided to pull it out by the roots.”

Herringbone I: “You’re in vain, old man, you’re trying anyway, you’re not strong enough.”

Director: “The grandfather strained himself, began to drag the tree, but he didn’t have enough strength. The hares didn’t come running to help - they couldn’t get them out, they called foxes and wolves - still to no avail. And then the wind came to the rescue, let’s blow from all sides: both above and below. And he pulled out the tree. The animals were happy, Santa Claus was happy, he loaded the forest beauty onto a sleigh and went to the children to celebrate the New Year - to celebrate. The end of the film".

When developing a script for young children, consider the following recommendations:

  • A complex scenario with many characters is not suitable for children;
  • The skits should be short, capacious, preferably in poetic form;
  • You can symbolize a character at home: with a funny mask, sticker;
  • Pay attention to the atmosphere and decoration of the hall - it is of great importance.

The script and competitions need to be thought out in advance, but don’t be afraid to improvise

There is no need to memorize texts word for word. Enough understanding of the plot. You can improvise, add words, but shortly before the holiday, conduct a rehearsal. After the performance, they move on to creative competitions, for which participants receive gifts.

Artists who perform sensitively in performances deserve to be rewarded. It encourages action, is fun and leaves pleasant memories in videos and photos. New Year's improvisations are a great way to have fun with your children. But when the kids go to bed, the adults will continue the banquet with funny, witty jokes or save them for a corporate party. Funny and modern scenes for the New Year 2021 will embellish the holiday for children and adults, help them have a joyful time, and add a creative touch and variety.

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Creation of a single art object

An art object is some kind of artistic work in the creation of which all guests of the holiday participate. For example, one huge New Year's coloring book for everyone. It needs to be mounted on the wall or placed in a frame. You yourself will not notice how in a few hours a large canvas will turn into a colored congratulatory poster.

In the year of the Rooster, I suggested making a mosaic from colored pieces of paper, maybe someone remembers. This year I will make a beautiful A3 calendar in a frame. The pig can be painted, and there are good wishes and signatures from the guests around it. Memorable item. An exclusive that charges you with positivity for the whole year. The calendar will remind you of the holiday and joyful mood. It would be a good idea to print and cut out round photographs of your family members in advance (photo instead of signature).

Competition No. 13. "New Year's darts"

There are many balls attached to the wall. On some you need to draw a snowflake, put toys or candy in them before inflating. lollipops. In the rest, put funny children's forfeits, for example, “Show me a bunny who is full and has a hard time jumping.” Children take turns throwing darts, if they hit a ball with a snowflake, they take the surprise and leave, and if they have a task, they must complete it.

These children's New Year's competitions can be held both in schools, kindergartens, development studios, and at home with family and friends! If you liked it, don't forget to share the article on social networks! Happy holiday!

Dance battle

The moment when you want to get up and move around always comes. It is better to prepare music and accessories so as not to rush around at the last moment. Again I suggest using coin patches. Place all the guests in a circle and distribute three coins to different people. The one with the coin dances in the center of the circle. The rest dance on the spot.

I like musical selections for flash mobs, because they contain fragments of different hits, and it all doesn’t last very long. As soon as the music changes, you need to give the patch to someone else. Instead of a coin, you can use a soft toy pig, some kind of accessory (carnival glasses), an orange, or any other item.

Vocal competition (duets and trios)

I do not conduct such competitions without preparation. It is better to distribute karaoke numbers in advance so that guests can rehearse at home. Someone can learn the words by heart and it will turn out to be a real concert number. Solo performances are for the especially talented. Combine everyone else into duets and trios (two grandmothers and a granddaughter, the head of the family and a daughter-in-law, etc.). All karaoke sites have a selection of New Year's hits; you don't need to look for them specifically. Sometimes I print out the lyrics of the chorus of each song, with all the other guests as backing vocalists.

Of the pig songs, only “We are not afraid of the gray wolf” is the only one heard. I also suddenly remembered the pig farmer and the shepherd from Ivan Pyryev’s 1941 film: “I will never forget a friend if I became friends with him in Moscow.” A! Another song from Funtik the pig about kindness:

It's good to wander around the world with caramel on your cheek. And another one for a friend. Take it in your pocket as a spare.

Because, because Everyone is more necessary and dearer, Everyone is more trusting and stricter In this world, kindness.

Quiz game No. 3. “What do we know about the Bull?”

  • Why does a bull get angry when he sees a bullfighter's red rag? Does he not like the color red? (Bulls don't see the color red, and the rag irritates them because it is waved)
  • Which deity of ancient Greek mythology can turn into a bull? (Zeus)
  • What is the name of a large and shaggy animal that looks like a bull? (Yak)
  • If a person is gloomy and gloomy, how can you describe his mood? (I got used to it)
  • What is the name of the ancient giant bull, exterminated by man in past centuries and considered the ancestor of modern cows? (Tour)
  • What mythical monster has the body of a man and the head of a bull? (Minotaur)
  • What is the name of the longest, never-ending tale about a bull in the world? (Megillah)
  • What do domestic bulls eat in winter, when there is no fresh grass and it is not straw or hay? (Silage)
  • What zodiac sign and constellation corresponds to the bull? (Calf)
  • Why did bulls have a nose ring in the old days? (so that by threading a rope or chain through it, it would be better to control the animal)
  • How is the state of a perfectly healthy person described? (Healthy as a bull)
  • Which vegetable has the "Oxheart" variety? (Tomato)
  • What can you say about a person who immediately fearlessly took on the most important and difficult part of some business? (Took the bull by the horns)
  • What wild bull lives today in the forests of Belovezhskaya Pushcha? (Bison)
  • Who wrote the famous children's poem “The bull is walking, rocking...”? (Agniya Barto)
  • Why is the bullfrog called that? (Because she is big and can scream loudly and strongly, and not just croak)
  • In the ancient world there was a proverb that something may be allowed to Jupiter, but not allowed to someone else. Who are we talking about? (About the bull)
  • What is the name of the Spanish traditional entertainment in which a man fights a bull? (Bullfight)
  • What bull did the cowboys of the Wild West hunt so zealously that they almost wiped out its species? (Buffalo)

Follow this link to find other New Year's quizzes for children.


It doesn’t always come to a quiz on New Year’s Eve, but for the sake of prizes, guests are ready to participate. You can divide everyone sitting at the table into two teams and ask them to grunt loudly if they have a ready answer. You cannot shout out the answer, only after the sound signal “Oink”. I found a selection of questions about pigs on the Internet that you can use as a basis.

There are other quizzes on my site (different questions, not on a pig theme). Here's for the kids. Here's for adults. The questions are easy, the game is just for speed.

There are many ready-made collections of video quizzes on YouTube. Well, here's an example:

Active games and relay races

In the apartment, relay races are very conditional. There is nowhere to run, so you can do something within a radius of one and a half meters.

  • throw “snowballs” into the basket (paper, foam, textile snowballs)
  • We look for the drawn pig’s snout with our eyes closed and glue the snout into place blindfolded
  • we wrap a small gift in paper and tie a bow together (you need to hug so that one player acts with his right, the second only with his left)
  • make beads from dryers at speed (2 players from each team participate)
  • who can draw the most piglets in 2 minutes (we fix A4 pieces of paper on thick cardboard)

Competition No. 11. "The Longest New Year's Garland"

Required: colored paper (2 sets), scissors (4 pcs.), stationery glue stick (4 pcs.).

Children are divided into teams of 4-6 people. Each team is given a set of colored paper, 2 pairs of scissors, and 2 glues.

Task: make a garland in the allotted time. Whoever gets the longest wins.

To do this, you need to cut colored paper into thin strips of approximately 5-6 cm, and connect the ends with glue. This will be 1 link of the chain garland. Thread the next strip into that link, and also connect it with glue, and so on.

If children are unfamiliar with this technique of creating garlands, adults should be shown how it is done before the competition. You can allocate 5-10 minutes for the game.

IMPORTANT: during the game, adults carefully monitor the children’s work with scissors.

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