Fun New Year competitions for high school students

The Year of the Rooster is approaching. As you know, this animal has a cheerful and cocky disposition, so the New Year celebration should be appropriate. And if this doesn’t always work out in the family circle, you can organize fun and original entertainment at an event dedicated to the winter holidays at school. This is especially true for high school students, who most often organize the event on their own. Therefore, it will be useful to know which New Year competitions at school for high school students will definitely please those present and create a fun and relaxed atmosphere.

Rules for high school competitions

In competitions for high school students at school, the following rules must be observed:

The best way to ruin a celebration is to try to tie it to school. In order to interest schoolchildren, it is necessary to take a completely different approach, abandon elements of the school curriculum altogether and give them New Year's competitions in their purest form, because they already suffer for a whole year in class, believe me, they have enough.

Just arrange a pleasant evening where friends will meet and have a good time:

  • Approach the development of New Year's scenarios for 2021 with humor, only kind, without vulgarity. Of course, high school and middle school students would be happy to see obscene games or hear a bawdy joke, but their parents, who will also be present, are unlikely to be delighted with this. Keep everything under control and don’t lose your authority.

Fun activities

  • No ridicule or humiliation. Let this meeting be neutral, just have fun.
  • Maximum fun, humor and irony, these three components will more than replace the notorious vulgarity. Plus, the more fun the competitions are at school, the more motivated children will be to take part.
  • Don't forget, movement is life. This should be the case at your event, leave the seated tasks for last.

New Year 2021 competitions for children at home

New Year's family games for the little ones have long existed in nature. They are harmless and fun, the main thing is not to forget that these games are for children and adults. Children should never be left alone, so parents are assigned significant roles in the children's feast.

  • Competition for kids “Guess the size”

Everyone is lined up in a semicircle and a leader is chosen, who makes a wish for an inanimate or animate object, and the players show its size.

  1. What elephant? They answer - big and raise their hands up.
  2. What kind of fly? They answer - small and sit down.
  3. What kind of house?
  4. And what kind of sandal?
  5. Balloon - what kind?
  6. What kind of soccer ball is it?

After a couple of words (depending on the number of children), the presenter should be changed so that everyone can try themselves in this role.

  • New Year's competition for the little ones "Bunny"

From the parents whose families are present at the festive table, a leader and a person who will be the fox are selected. And the kids will be bunnies. The one who leads says the following words: “Our bunnies are jumping around the big lawn, stamping with their little feet, clapping with their little hands.”

At this time, the little ones repeat what is spoken to them. The author continues: “Here comes the fox, the cunning sister. Come on, the bunnies, they immediately ran across the lawn!”

And the fox catches the hares. You can choose a fox from teenagers, if they succeed.

  • New Year's children's competition "Snowballs"

All kids love active children's competitions. If at your family holiday the dimensions of the room allow for active movement, then you will need a good set of suitable entertainment.

Buckets and snowballs are prepared in advance from cotton wool, padding polyester or fabric, which are tied with rain or silver thread for beauty and also hardness. Those who participate are divided in half and stand in a line, back to back. Each person is given two or three snowballs.

At a distance of several steps, plastic buckets are placed into which players need to hit with snowballs. At the end there will be a count; the team that collected the most snow wins.

Smeshinka - snowflake

An interesting school competition with a wide range of ages from 6th to 9th grade, and also quite simple. The essence of the funny-snowflake entertainment competition is that several participants of different ages are selected and each is assigned a New Year’s nickname, such as “Star, Snow Maiden, Bunny.” After this, the presenter asks questions to which children can only answer with their “name,” for example, “Who helps Santa Claus? – Snow Maiden, “who jumps through the snowdrifts? - Bunny” The presenter continues to ask until someone laughs.

Funny Games


After the completion of the main festive New Year's event, as a rule, everything ends with a disco. We suggest you conduct it in the form of a dance marathon, during which you can also hold various competitions and games. For the event, Father Frost and Snow Maiden can be presenters.

Santa Claus: Now, my dears, let's warm up a little. I suggest you play a game with me, for which I will give you gifts. Those who actively participate receive a prize in a mobile manner, quickly raise your hand and receive the task.

“Who can draw the symbol of the year the fastest” is a competition for speed, you need to draw the symbol of the coming year as quickly as possible. And since 2021 is the year of the Rat, you need to draw a Rat. The number of participants is not limited.

Photo for memory

Of course, children, even without any New Year’s competitions, would want to take a photo as a keepsake in order to capture a moment in life. Why not make this moment even brighter and funnier in this case? To do this, play the game. The idea is simple, write down various characters and situations in advance on sheets of paper, in the spirit of “Drunk Santa Claus”, “Lost Snow Maiden”. Children will pull out sheets with these episodes and depict them. Teenagers will appreciate and will not forget about this competition for a long time in the year of the bull, and this is one of our tasks, because original competitions at school for the New Year 2021 should be memorable.

Photo for memory

Script and funny scenes

Before the start of the festive event, you should decorate the hall in which everything will take place with all kinds of garlands, streamers, and tinsel. And of course, you definitely need to install and decorate the main guest of the holiday - the Christmas tree.

You can invite active high school students to play the role of presenter, but how many of them will be up to you to decide. There must be Father Frost and Snow Maiden, who can also be chosen from the students.

All students and teachers must be dressed in New Year's costumes; our program will be presented in the form of a costumed masquerade ball. You can arrange several tables in the hall, according to the number of people (for example, seven per table), so that during the celebration, those who wish can participate in all sorts of events at the New Year's ball. So, a New Year's melody sounds (you can take it from the movie "Carnival Night") and everyone begins to spin in pairs. At the end of the music, everyone sits down at the tables and the festive ball begins.

PRESENTER 1: Celebrating the New Year is a very amazing time, which we always look forward to with great excitement and joy. And simple words: “Happy New Year! With new happiness!" we say them with a special feeling, because they can only be said once a year.

PRESENTER 2: In the days filled with New Year's worries, we find time to look back at the path we have traveled and fix our gaze on tomorrow, an even more joyful and happy day.

Let the year begin with a kind smile, With the fact that we forgive each other’s mistakes And even wish well to our enemies, After all, life is so beautiful, it’s time for us to understand! In the midst of the grayness of everyday life, crushed by everyday life, Good feelings have long been forgotten, Sometimes we can be cruel and evil, We forget to go to our parents, We scold the guys for their hubbub and laughter, We envy if a friend is successful! Let's love each other! And value our feelings! May the outgoing year take with it adversity and bitterness, grievances and pain, And in the New may there be good luck and happiness, And the joy of communication even in rain and bad weather.

PRESENTER 1: Today at our ball you are allowed to laugh, joke, have fun and have fun.

SPEAKER 2: And that’s why it’s time for us to start. 10th grade students will now show you the sketch “The Snow Maiden”.

Year of the White Metal Ox

For this competition for the New Year 2021, it is necessary to prepare in advance images related to the theme of the coming year, the year of the bull is coming, these can be images of millet, parts of the body of a bull, and the like. In addition to this, you need to prepare another group of pictures, which will also depict the symbols of the New Year, but already generalized, for example, champagne or a Christmas tree. The essence of the competition is for children to guess whether the picture shown belongs to the New Year in general or only to the year of the ox.

New Year competitions for children 12 years old

  • Traps

One of the most favorite outdoor games for children. Moms and dads get the role of gates. They stand facing each other and raise their arms up, forming a gate. Children run in a circle and run under the gate.

There should be several gates, one gate for 4-6 children. They are located at an equal distance from each other.

At the command of the presenter “Run”, the children run under the gate. When the presenter says “Stop”! - the gates turn into traps, parents lower their clasped hands and catch one or two children.

The caught children now become catchers themselves, joining hands with their parents, forming small round dances - traps. Now the round dance of children runs through these circles - traps.

Gradually the traps are growing, and there are more and more guys being caught. In the end, everyone is caught, and if there are dodgers who were not caught, they can be awarded prizes.

The game “Traps” is loved by children of all ages, from 5 to 13 years old.

The game “Traps” organically transitions into the next game or, rather, a creative competition called “The Sea Is Worried.”

  • Ocean is shaking

After playing traps, children stand in small round dances of 5-9 people. It may be that there are many more children in one trap, then the round dance teams need to be straightened out. It’s very good that each team had two adults. They will help children in a creative competition.

This is a team competition, so each team must come up with a name.

So, the teams “Yolochka”, “Snowflake”, “Hawks” are competing. The presenter explains that while he says “The sea is worried - one, the sea is worried - two, the sea is worried - three!”, the participants in the game sway, depicting a sea wave.

At the command of the presenter: “Sea figure - ship with sailors - freeze!” participants must present this living picture. Children and adults, especially in the first round of the game, may not immediately figure out how to complete the task.

Therefore, the presenter should prompt the players that it is not necessary to hold hands, and you can also give time to prepare a living picture, saying: “Ship with sailors - one, ship with sailors - two, ship with sailors - three, freeze!”

For starters, the following tasks are good: “Flower Bed,” “Fairy Forest,” where each participant can express themselves individually. But the commands “Teremok with inhabitants”, “TV with a TV show”, “Three-headed dragon” require team interaction.

The resulting living pictures are interesting in themselves. But it’s even more interesting to turn it into a mini-performance. So, for example, the presenter can knock on the little house and ask: “Who lives in the little house, who lives in the low house?” The answer can be very varied. From the classic little mouse to the Terminator.

You can ask the person who answered to leave the tower and walk around, as required by the role. The sight of a jumping bunny, a hobbling bear, a fussy mouse or a clumsy bull evokes universal approval. It’s very funny when three-headed dragons compete to see who roars louder or scares the most. So this competition provides ample opportunities for the presenter’s imagination and improvisation.

The winning team in this competition is determined by the number of points received for each live painting. But experience suggests that the guys express themselves so brightly and funnyly that it can be very difficult to identify the winner. Therefore, friendship most often wins here.

  • Creative competition with balloons

12-year-old schoolchildren (6th grade) in the classroom can take part in exciting fun. All the guys are divided into 3-4 teams. They are given a pump, threads and long balloons for construction.

Children should:

  1. Inflate the balloons;
  2. Tie ponytails;
  3. Model figurines of any New Year's heroes or objects.

The award is given to those who not only know how to model quickly, but also who can create more believable figures.

Making a toy

Competitions at school for the New Year 2021 can also show the talent of students, but this competition is not suitable for everyone, so it is not necessary to force all children to participate in it, choose those who love handicrafts and can cope with this task without much effort, if it is difficult, making a toy with students. Prepare various materials and decorations in advance, and also equip participants with glue. Volunteers who decide to participate will have to make a toy; whoever can do it faster and make the Christmas tree toy more beautiful will win.

New Year's toys

Video examples of cool entertainment:


All children, regardless of age, should be involved in New Year's entertainment. If teenagers make themselves known by quickly jumping out of the audience to participate in competitions held at school, then younger children - 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th grades - stand shyly on the sidelines, timidly watching the participants in games and all sorts of active activities. competitions. What can you come up with that is so simple but interesting for the little ones?! Our proposed game “Musketeers” is enjoying great success, which will stir up all the shy boys and even some willing girls. So, first you should prepare the necessary props: 4 pre-inflated long balloons for modeling. Use them to make two helmets for the players’ heads and two swords. When the daredevils enter the duel, the leader must give them the attributes of musketeers: helmets on their heads, and swords in their hands. The participants' task is to knock off the opponent's headdress as he dodges and threatens with his “weapon.” The winner receives a little surprise, and this is a must, since New Year 2021 is a parade of pleasant surprises and gifts.

Video: competitions for children and their parents at school

Interesting competitions and entertainment for children 5-7 years old

What New Year competitions can be arranged for children aged 5-7 years? We will give just a few of the most typical options; in fact, there can be as many of them as you like, because any New Year’s ritual (decorating the Christmas tree, giving gifts, wishes) can be turned into an exciting creative competition!

  • Game of "yes" and "no"

The host asks questions to which the game participants must quickly, without hesitation, answer “yes” or “no.” The one who makes a mistake is eliminated from the game.

  1. — Is Santa Claus a cheerful old man? - Yes.
  2. — Do you like jokes and gags? - Yes.
  3. — Do you know songs and riddles? - Yes.
  4. — Will he eat all your chocolates? - No.
  5. — Will he light the children’s Christmas tree? - Yes.
  6. - Will he hide the threads and needles? - No.
  7. - Doesn’t he age in spirit? - Yes.
  8. — Will it warm us up outside? - No.
  9. — Is Joulupukki Frost’s brother? - Yes.
  10. — Did a rose bloom under the snow? - No.
  11. — Is the New Year getting closer? - Yes.
  12. — Does the Snow Maiden have skis? - No.
  13. — Is Santa Claus bringing gifts? - Yes.
  14. — Are all the masks bright on New Year’s Day? - Yes.

There is another version of this game. The presenter names the items, and the participants also quickly, without thinking, answer whether they are suitable for decorating the Christmas tree.

  1. - Multi-colored firecrackers? - Yes.
  2. — Blankets and pillows? - No.
  3. — Marmalades, chocolates? - Yes.
  4. — Glass balls? - Yes.
  5. — Are the chairs wooden? - No.
  6. - Teddy bears? - Yes.
  7. - Primers and books? - No.
  8. - Are the beads multi-colored? - Yes.
  9. — And the garlands are light? - Yes.
  10. — Snow made of white cotton wool? - Yes.
  11. - Good soldiers? - No.
  12. - Shoes and boots? - No.
  • "Cooking Competition"

Within a certain time (for example, 5 minutes), the participants in the game must create a New Year's menu. All dishes in it must begin with the letter “N” (New Year). Dishes on the menu for Father Frost should begin with the letter “M”, and for the Snow Maiden - with the letter “S”. The one with the largest menu wins.

  • “I’ll sing now!”

On New Year's Day, it is customary to sing songs and dance around the Christmas tree. But this activity can be diversified. For example, when the presenter claps, everyone begins to sing the famous song “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter. ". At the second clap, singing aloud stops, but all participants in the game continue to sing to themselves. On the third clap, everyone starts singing out loud again. The one who enters incorrectly is eliminated.

  • "Fairy-tale character"

Cards are laid out on the table with the names of fairy-tale characters and cartoon characters written on them (with the inscriptions facing down). The participant in the game pulls out any card and, after reading what is written there, must, using facial expressions, gestures, and characteristic sounds, portray this character so that those present understand who they are talking about. The first person to guess pulls out the next card.

  • "Cinderella"

The game involves two people. Each participant is blindfolded and asked to disassemble his own slide, in which peas, beans, lentils, and dried rowan are mixed (the ingredients can be changed depending on what is in the house). Blindfolded participants sort the fruits into groups. The one who completes the task first wins.

  • "Mystery Prize"

A small gift (notebook, pen, etc.) is wrapped in paper, onto which a piece of paper with a riddle is glued. Once again they wrap it in paper and again glue the piece of paper with the riddle on it. There can be any number of such layers, it all depends on the number of players.

The participant unfolds one layer of paper, reads the riddle to himself and says the answer out loud. Then he unfolds the next layer, reads the riddle again to himself and says the answer.

If he doesn't know the answer, he reads the riddle out loud. The first one to solve this riddle unrolls the next layer of paper. The winner is the one who, having solved the last riddle, gets to the gift.

As a result

You can come up with other games. By the way, it wouldn’t hurt to assign a whole team of high school students to this task so that they develop competitions. The more of them there are, the more fun the evening will be. In addition, every student needs to be involved.

No matter how old the schoolchildren are, they will always look forward to the New Year. So the school should definitely organize a large-scale celebration with games, competitions, a disco and a concert. It is imperative to involve as many children as possible in organizing the event.

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