How to decorate a table for Halloween + ideas for scary treats (40 photos)

No matter what the holiday is, even the most terrible and terrible one, such as Halloween, you always want to eat! In this article, the News portal “” has prepared for you some interesting and simple ideas for creating the most terrible themed menu for Halloween.

When compiling a holiday themed menu, we tried to make it simple and accessible to everyone. This means that you will not find any supernatural delicacies and delights on this page.

Chocolate covered banana ghosts


  • 200 g white chocolate;
  • 4 ripe bananas;
  • 70 g coconut flakes;
  • a handful of chocolate drops.


Melt the chocolate in the microwave or in a water bath.
Peel the bananas, cut them in half crosswise and insert wooden popsicle sticks into them. Using a pastry brush, coat the bananas with chocolate. Sprinkle them with coconut and place on a baking sheet lined with parchment.

Use chocolate drops to make ghost mouths, eyes and eyebrows. Place the baking sheet in the freezer for at least 4 hours.

10 banana pies with chocolate, caramel, buttercream and more →

Halloween favors for guests

Be sure to think about what kind of memorable gift you can give your guests. Perhaps you can buy them pumpkin candles, hand out plastic spiders, or make a memorial card for each one. Or you can please them with sweet gifts.

Rubber hand

Take a regular rubber glove (pharmaceutical, not household) and place various sweets inside: candies, dragees, chewing gum, etc. tie everything with a beautiful ribbon.

Ghost lollipops

You can make your own lollipops from sugar syrup or buy ready-made ones. Or even use ready-made wrapped sweets and skewers. Wrap them in snow-white paper napkins, tie them with a ribbon, draw eyes and give them to your guests: both adults and children will be happy to receive such a gift.

Well, once again we wish you a great Halloween and a delicious feast - enjoy the prepared dishes and great company!


Author: Margarita Kuznetsova - website - Women's online magazine. Copying this article is prohibited!

Stuffed goblin eyes


  • 12 eggs;
  • red food coloring;
  • 170 g mayonnaise;
  • 1 tablespoon mustard;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • 12 olives stuffed with peppers.


Place the eggs in a single layer in a wide saucepan and cover them completely with water. Cover the pan with a lid and bring the water to a boil over high heat. Remove from heat and leave eggs in water for 15 minutes. Then transfer them to ice water and cool completely.

Pour hot water into another pan. Add coloring until the liquid turns dark red. Gently crush the shell around the entire perimeter, but do not remove it. Place the eggs in the pan so that they are completely covered with colored water. Leave for 30 minutes.

Peel the eggs from their shells. “Veins” will appear on them. Cut the eggs in half crosswise and remove the yolks. Mix the yolks, mayonnaise, mustard, salt and pepper until smooth.

Place the egg halves on a serving platter. To make them stand straight, cut off some of the white at the base. Stuff the eggs with the prepared mixture.

Cut the olives in half crosswise and place in the center of the filling.

12 simple snacks that will help out in any situation →


fruit plate

Fruits can and even should be served in an original way. Slice the bananas in half - they make great ghost bananas. Eyes and mouths can be decorated with spicy cloves or chocolate glaze (crumbs). Peeled tangerines will make excellent holiday pumpkins. An impromptu tail can be cut out of apple marmalades. In a pinch, green beans will do *pardon*.

Fruits can also be decorated in the form of smiles. Cut the apple into slices and place marshmallow “teeth” between two slices. To prevent the “teeth” from falling out, connect them together with thick boiled condensed milk.

Frightened sprats

Sprats will also fit well on the holiday table. Choose canned food that contains large and uncrushed fish - it will be easier for guests to get them. Prepare the salad: mix a couple of boiled grated eggs, a couple of cloves of finely grated garlic, and mayonnaise. If you wish, you can add cheese (in this case you will get the famous “Jewish” snack).

Try to keep your mixture fairly thick. Place it in a small salad bowl. Place the sprats in the same salad bowl with their tails up (accordingly, the fish heads should be “hidden” in the salad). Separately, you can serve croutons from a loaf or black bread in a vase.

Original croutons

Thinking about what dish to cook for Halloween? Any salad served on croutons or in tartlets will be a good option for a festive table.

Potato chips and crackers are also suitable (salt, with sesame, with pepper - for unsweetened sandwiches; with chocolate glaze, with nuts, sugar - for sweet and fruit ones). You can get creative and serve non-standard sandwiches and salads.

Snack ladybug sandwiches

Both adults and children will be delighted with tomato ladybugs. Take a saltine cracker, cover it with a layer of cream cheese with herbs (pickled cucumber, mushrooms, or whatever you and your guests like).

Cut the cherry tomato in half and place it on top of the cheese in the form of bug wings. Decorate with mayonnaise or cloves - dots on the wings. Use olives for the head and greens for the antennae.

Snack "mouse"

Place cheese cut in the shape of a triangle on a salted cracker (Adyghe cheese or tofu are best, but you can use any other cheese). You can even use an egg: in this case, simply cut the egg in half - this will be the improvised torso of the mouse.

For the ears, use sliced ​​sausage or any other sausage product. For the nose, cloves, black pepper, a piece of olive are suitable; for the eyes you can use the same thing or sesame seeds, and for the tail – greens.

Bread coffins

Delight your guests with delicious “coffins” made from pieces of black or “Borodinsky” bread. To do this, use a knife to cut 2 pieces of bread for 1 sandwich. They can be fried in a dry frying pan or lightly dried in the oven/toaster. Between the “lid of the coffin” and the “bottom” make a layer of curd cheese with any filling.

You can also simply use mayonnaise with grated garlic or any salad prepared in advance. By the way, sausage, cheese and fresh cucumber have not been canceled either. Decorate the lid with a “cross” of Korean carrots or strips of bell pepper (tomato, fresh/pickled cucumber are also suitable).

Olive Spiders

Egg snacks. Yes, where would we be without the most common product that almost everyone has in their refrigerator? Eggs can be supplemented with any vegetables, cheese, or mayonnaise.

To make savory spiders, hard-boil eggs. Cool, cut in half. Remove the yolks to a separate bowl. Let’s immediately make a reservation that it is better to cook not in portions, but for everyone at once: so as not to cut the egg and prepare the filling separately for each guest. So, put the yolks in a bowl and mash them with a fork, add mayonnaise and garlic (instead of garlic, you can use finely chopped fried onions), mix everything well. Now spoon the resulting filling into each egg half with a teaspoon.

Making a spider is quite simple: use canned olives. Cut the olive in half, one half is the body of the spider, and the second will need to be cut crosswise into an equal amount - these are the legs. Place the appetizer on a plate and garnish with herbs.

Halloween snack “Fly agarics”

This is quite a tasty and interesting snack. You can use ordinary chicken eggs with ordinary tomatoes (then it is better to place them directly on a plate and trim the egg “base” a little so that the “mushroom” sits firmly in the plate), and quail eggs with cherry tomatoes.

For the last option, hard-boil quail eggs and “thread” them onto skewers. Cut the cherry tomatoes in half and place on top of the eggs. Add a little mayonnaise between the “cap” and “leg”. Decorate the hat with mayonnaise dots and the leg with greens. How many mushrooms there will be on a skewer is up to you. You can use short toothpicks rather than long skewers.

Egg molds

There is also the opportunity to take advantage of the progressive innovations of the 21st century. Now there is a huge selection of special shapes that give products an interesting look. For example, an egg mold. Just in time for Halloween, you're sure to be able to find something suitable.

Such items are sold both on the Internet and in stalls selling kitchen utensils and household goods. In this case, you just need to boil the egg, peel it and “press” it in the mold for a few minutes. The festive skull is ready!

Orange vases

Dishes served in orange “tins” look very colorful, fun and appetizing. Cut off the top of the orange, carefully remove the pulp, cut funny faces on the peel - the salad mold is ready! You can put any salad in such “vases”: both vegetable and fruit.

You can just add the remaining orange pulp to a fruit salad. Various sweets also look good in such “vases”. Experiment - perhaps your imagination will give you many new interesting options!

Halloween salad decoration

Use your imagination when decorating familiar dishes: an ordinary herring under a fur coat can turn into a masterpiece under your hands.

Just like any other *good* salad.

Pumpkin heads with cream filling


  • 140 g butter;
  • 175 g flour + a little for rolling;
  • 100 g + 1 teaspoon of powdered sugar;
  • 1 orange;
  • 100 g mascarpone;
  • 25 g dark chocolate.


Rub the softened butter with a spatula. Add flour, 50 g of powdered sugar and finely grated orange zest and knead into a smooth dough. Form it into a ball, wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for an hour.

Dust your work surface with flour and roll out the dough to about 3mm thick. Cut out an even number of round pieces from it and place on a baking sheet.

Make pumpkin stems from the remaining dough and stick them to half of the pieces. Cut out eyes, noses and mouths on the same cookies. Use a knife to make deep stripes, like on the surface of a pumpkin. If they are not deep enough, they may disappear during baking.

Place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 160°C for 15 minutes - the cookies should become golden. Then cool completely. If this is not done, the filling may leak.

Combine mascarpone, a teaspoon of powdered sugar and melted chocolate. Separately, mix 50 g of powdered sugar and 1-2 tablespoons of orange juice until smooth.

Spread half the cookies with the creamy chocolate filling and cover with the pumpkin-shaped pieces. Top with orange glaze and serve. It is better to eat the cookies right away so that they do not soften.

30 recipes for delicious cookies with chocolate, coconut, nuts and more →

Sandwiches Bones

To make Halloween-themed sandwiches, you will need bone-shaped molds. Cut out all the sandwich ingredients using these cutters. Sandwiches can be filled with: toast bread, sausage, cheese, fish, herbs, mushrooms, etc.

Zombie fingers


  • 250 g dates;
  • 100 g dark chocolate;
  • 3 tablespoons peanut butter;
  • 3 tablespoons oatmeal;
  • a handful of almond petals.


Place the dates, chopped chocolate, peanut butter and oatmeal in a blender and puree. Form the sweet mixture into fingers and place on a baking sheet lined with parchment.

Use almond petals to make nails. Place the baking sheet in the refrigerator for at least an hour.

10 recipes for energy balls that are healthier and tastier than candy →

Cheese cakes Pumpkin

To prepare you will need thin pita bread and cheese.

Cut out circles from the pita bread. Place grated cheese on the first circle, and then cover the cheese with another circle of pita bread, only this time with slits that resemble an evil pumpkin.

The fillings in such evil flatbreads can be very different.

Pepper heads stuffed with spaghetti and meat


  • 250 g spaghetti;
  • salt - to taste;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil;
  • 200–250 g of any minced meat;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • 8 tablespoons of tomato paste;
  • 4 large bell peppers.


Boil spaghetti in salted water according to package instructions. Chop the onion and garlic and sauté them in a frying pan with heated oil. Add the minced meat and fry, stirring, until almost done.

Add salt, pepper and tomato paste to the minced meat and simmer until cooked. Place the spaghetti in the pan, stir and cook for a couple more minutes.

Cut off the tops of the peppers and remove the seeds. Use a knife to cut out the eyes and mouths. Stuff the peppers with spaghetti and meat and cover with the cut off tops.

The peppers can be served immediately or first baked at 180°C for 10-15 minutes.

How to cook stuffed peppers according to the classic recipe →

Cheese panicles

This dish looks very unusual and interesting. These are real whisks, which for some reason were forgotten by the witches.

To prepare them you will need: salty sticks, cheese and green onions. Cut the cheese into rectangular thin strips. On one side, we make thin cuts halfway through and wrap the salted stick in cheese. Fix with green onions.

In the same way, if you wish, you can make panicles from thinly sliced ​​sausage, ham or smoked fish.

Tomato puree soup with eyes


  • 2 tablespoons butter;
  • 1 onion;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 120 ml dry white wine;
  • 1½ kg chopped tomatoes in their own juice;
  • 950 ml chicken broth;
  • 3 sprigs of oregano or marjoram;
  • 60 ml milk;
  • 60 ml low-fat cream;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • 20–30 small mozzarella balls;
  • 10-15 olives stuffed with peppers.


In a saucepan, melt the butter over medium heat and fry the chopped onion and garlic. Pour in the wine and cook for 1-2 minutes until almost all the liquid has evaporated. Add tomatoes, broth, oregano or marjoram sprigs and bring to a boil.

Reduce heat and simmer for about 45 minutes until the soup thickens. Remove the herbs and puree in a blender until smooth. While stirring, pour in milk and cream. Season with salt and pepper.

Make a well in each mozzarella ball. Cut the olives in half crosswise and insert them into the cheese. Pour the soup into bowls and place a few cheese “eyes” in them.

A classic recipe for gazpacho - a refreshing soup made from simple ingredients →

Unusual hot food for Halloween

We got to the hot stuff . You will be surprised, but even here the most ordinary products could not be avoided. If you don’t have time to invent something, you can always create familiar dishes. Again, the highlight is in the presentation.

Hot dogs with fingers and other experiments with sausages

Take regular hot dog buns, cut them, place a pre-prepared hot dog inside and garnish everything with ketchup. Finger-shaped sausages are prepared as follows: peel the sausages, cut off the tip on one side, preferably with uneven, torn edges. Make several cuts on the sausage itself to imitate knuckles. Place the sausages in the microwave for 1-2 minutes. On the still hot sausages, use a knife to make small nail-shaped cuts. The “fingers” are ready!

You can also play with the theme of mummies and severed fingers in other dishes. Great idea - stylized sausages in dough *wink*

"Dissectioned Corpse"

This is an even more unusual presentation of sausages! To do this, line the table with a white tablecloth with pre-applied “bloody” handprints and streaks. Place an old shirt and jeans on the tablecloth in the shape of a lying person. old clothes can also be stained in advance with red paint or already on the table with ketchup. Instead of a head, use a round plate with cutlets; you can place a pile of mashed potatoes in the shape of a face, pouring it generously with goulash and tomato paste. The insides of a “corpse” can be imitated with any sausages, cutlets, kupats and other meat delicacies.

Actually, here’s a photo of such a table setting: we’re sure your guests will be *crazy* impressed.


Yes, everyone's favorite spaghetti can also take part in the holiday feast. And even become the “highlights” of the program. Well, why not with the current variety of pasta? Different not only in form, but also in content: spinach, tomato, wheat, rice, buckwheat, carrot, with squid ink (black), with chili pepper and... the list can be endless.

It is enough to use them as a side dish, and for the main dish come up with some delicious meat sauce, for example, bolognese or goulash with meat cutlets. Prepare “eyes” from minced meat or chicken eggs for pasta - both children and adults will be satisfied.

Stuffed peppers

A classic dish can be turned into a festive one. For example, if you don’t just peel the peppers before stuffing, but also cut out their faces, like Jack-O-Lantern. These peppers can be stuffed with anything: the classic combination of rice and minced meat (by the way, these peppers will not fall apart even if they are cooked in sauce).

You can also place pre-cooked navy-style pasta into raw decorated peppers. By the way, any vegetable salads will also look great in such edible “salad bowls”.

Meringue mummies


  • 2 egg whites;
  • ½ teaspoon lemon juice;
  • 125 g powdered sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract or a pinch of vanillin;
  • a little black gel food coloring, black sesame seeds or melted dark chocolate.


Beat egg whites at room temperature with a mixer at low speed until fluffy foam forms. Add lemon juice and continue beating at medium speed. Gradually add powdered sugar.

Beat for a few more minutes until the mixture is smooth and thick enough that it stays in place when turned. Add vanilla and stir.

Transfer the protein mixture into a piping bag. Line a baking sheet with parchment. Form small mummies on it by moving the bag in a zigzag pattern. Make eyes on them using dye, sesame seeds or chocolate.

Place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 95°C for 40–60 minutes. Turn off the oven, open the door slightly and leave the meringue to cool completely.

3 ways to make delicious meringue at home →

Halloween Drink Decoration

Oh yes, we almost forgot! What's a feast without decorated Halloween drinks?! Drinks can be very different: alcoholic and non-alcoholic, hot and cold. The choice is yours. The main thing is to present them correctly to guests.

The rims of glasses for juice or spirits can be lightly dipped first in water and then in sugar. Sugar can be colored with food coloring. You can dip the edges in jam - that’s a “blood” on your glass. If you want to surprise your guests, then serve them a shot of vodka (or any other strong, but clear and light alcoholic drink) with a “bloody” syringe, without a needle, of course. The “bloody” contents can be anything - pomegranate juice, tomato or cherry compote - most importantly, non-alcoholic and red. The guest will decide for himself: mix everything in a glass or drink a glass and “snack” with the contents of the syringe *mosking*.

By the way, you can use special dry ice for drinks in glasses with alcoholic content: it will make your drink “smoky” and add a special chic to the atmosphere

Cauliflower brain


  • 1 head of cauliflower;
  • 60 ml olive oil;
  • 1½ teaspoons chopped sage;
  • 1½ teaspoons salt;
  • ½ teaspoon ground red pepper;
  • a little parmesan;
  • a few tablespoons of tomato sauce.


Make a longitudinal cut in the middle of the cabbage, simulating the hemispheres of the brain. Place the head of cabbage on a baking sheet, brush with oil, sprinkle with sage, salt and pepper. You can use other spices to suit your taste.

Wrap the cabbage in foil and bake at 230°C for 45–50 minutes until tender. Remove the foil, sprinkle the head of cabbage with grated Parmesan and place in the oven for a few more minutes. Transfer the cabbage to a serving platter and pour the tomato sauce over it.

How to cook cauliflower: 10 great recipes →

Cemetery land

Spiders and pumpkins will seem like child's play to your guests when you place wine glasses filled with cemetery soil on the table. Luckily, you can make it at home in just a few minutes.

You will need:

  • Dark-colored dry cookies, such as Oreos;
  • Gummy worms;
  • Boiled condensed milk.

To prepare the treat, you will also need a rolling pin and a plastic bag.

To prepare the treat, you will also need a rolling pin and a plastic bag.

Preparing a cemetery delicacy:

  1. Place several gingerbread cookies in a bag and crush them with a rolling pin. Knead the cookies until there are a few pieces left in them.
  2. Pour a few tablespoons of gingerbread crumbs into a glass.
  3. Place a spoonful of boiled condensed milk on top.
  4. Add worms to the rest of the crumbs and “dirty” them a little, mixing.
  5. Fill the remaining volume of the glasses with “earth” with worms.

As a highlight, you can add a green mint leaf, which will enhance the effect.

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