Money Tree. How to give banknotes for a wedding in an interesting and original way

What could a money tree look like for a wedding?
Although money is evil, it’s hard to find a better wedding gift than this. When giving banknotes, you can be absolutely sure that you will not “delight” the newlyweds with the third set or the fifth bread machine in a row.

With your gift they will buy what they need for their young family. In this article we will tell you about the money tree, how to give rubles or currency for a wedding in an unusual and cute way.

Wedding gift-talisman: money tree

The impression that your original wedding gift in the form of a money tree will make will become a vivid memory for the newlyweds.

This gift is not only the result of an extraordinary approach to an important event, but also a surprise with deep meaning.

At a wedding, it is customary to gift the newlyweds with money, forming the initial capital of a young family. Of all the possible gift options, a money tree is a wedding gift that will be the most memorable!

Without breaking tradition, you enhance the magical attraction of money with a kind of talisman. The fact is that the money tree has always been considered a symbol of prosperity, attracting wealth and good luck to its owners.

With a little imagination and skill, you can create a real masterpiece and make your gift exclusive.

Do it yourself

First you need to decide what will form the basis of your gift. Choose the option closest to you:

A wallet is a memorable and beautiful present

Let’s take a closer look at the creative option and consider the most incredible ideas.
Idea 1

You will need banknotes, a pot, decorative materials, and stationery.

Idea 2

If small banknotes are exchanged for Chinese coins, then this tree will carry an additional emotional load according to the teachings of Feng Shui.

Idea 3

In addition to the banknotes, we cut out hearts from red felt, two of which should be aligned with each other.

On them we glue miniature photographs of the newlyweds, their names written in contrast, or monograms of their initials. On the remaining hearts we write original wishes, aphorisms, catchphrases, poems, for example.

To make money flow, multiply and accumulate, we give you this flower. Not ordinary, but with a secret.

He looks like a tree. It doesn't bloom, but so what. But there is a sure sign: this is a money tree.

It will reliably protect your wealth. And it’s not difficult for you to take care of him, for such a gift.

Idea 4

We weave in a circle using a special technology. We enclose the resulting structure in a pot. The final touch is to hang coins on the branches, after making small holes in them.

In conclusion, make sure that everything looks harmonious and aesthetically pleasing. Such a wedding gift carries more of an emotional load and serves as a complement to a more expensive gift.

Idea 5

A wedding tree made using the origami technique looks very funny. The main task is to exchange large banknotes for small ones. You will need quite a lot of them.

We advise you to practice first on plain paper, and then, having mastered several addition methods, move on to real banknotes. Remember how to make your own money tree as a wedding gift:

The gift is ready! It's good to present it with poetry.

Idea 6

A great idea for a wedding gift in the money tree category can be the artistic design of the guests.
We are talking about a framed picture depicting the tree of life. Each branch represents one of the needs on which future spouses will spend the family budget. On the branches, in addition to the leaves shown, there are envelopes with your gift money.

You can immediately ask the newlyweds which of the envelopes they would spend first. The result will be a very bright and lively moment of the wedding celebration.

The moment of the ceremonial presentation

The solemnity of the event involves the general presentation of gifts to the young family. You can stand out from the guests not only with an original gift, but also with a playful moment of giving. Here are some options.

We call the newlyweds to the center of the hall. Telling the parable that every person must leave a mark behind himself and plant a tree, we take out a pot of soil.

The bride and groom are invited to place a coin in the ground using a child's scoop, water it from a watering can, and tamp it down. Saying that this event is fabulous and fantastic, we blindfold them and ask them to cast the spell “Cracks, pecks, fex!”

At this time, we exchange the pot of soil for a real wedding gift - a money tree made with our own hands. The surprise was a success!

If you give a money tree plant, then you need to accompany the delivery with the words that financial well-being will await the family if love reigns in it. It needs to be nourished and fertilized. At the same time, hand over a sealed envelope with money with the inscription “fertilizer”.

Your original gift, a handmade wedding money tree, can become a real talisman if you make it with great love and from the heart.


Other cash gift options

If you think that giving a money tree at a wedding is not an original enough gift, then here are a few more “money” ideas for your consideration:


Money umbrellaFirst, attach the banknotes on strings to the knitting needles and effectively open the umbrella over the newlyweds. You will see the effect in the video in this article.
Money blanketYou will need two large panels of strong polyethylene, between which you need to place the bills, and then secure them by making cells. When giving as a gift, wrap this improvised blanket around the young
Money ballsThere are two options: balls with banknotes inside or with banknotes tied to them on a ribbon. It’s impressive to give them in a huge box - ask the newlyweds to open the lid and money balloons filled with helium will soar above them
PassbookA beautifully designed congratulations book with money surprises on the pages
Money origamiAfter the table you will see amazing and simple instructional diagrams
Money in the bankPlace the previously exchanged (for volume) bills in a large glass jar and label it with a cheerful inscription
Money pictureCreate a composition of banknotes behind a glass frame
Money shovelFor this gift it is better to use a children's spatula
Money shipCreate a ship with bill sails
Gift piggy bankFill your piggy bank with coins and bills. Let it decorate the newlyweds' home until they need its contents.

These are the ways you can decorate a money tree for a wedding. We also shared with you how to give banknotes in other ways. Finally, we sincerely wish that the money tree will definitely bring both material and mental well-being to your newlyweds!

Loop weaving pattern

To make leaves, a loop weaving technique is used, follow this pattern. So, a piece of wire 30 cm long needs to be folded in half and put a penny on one end of the twig, lower it on the bend and twist the loop ten turns.

Next, string 5 beads onto either end of the wire (more is possible, for example, up to 9 beads - experiment), lower it to the base of the coin, form a loop and scroll five times. We repeat the same loop process with beads with the second end of the twig.

Then the wire at the base of the leaves needs to be twisted three to five times. We continue to collect 5 beads on both ends of the wire, do not forget to twist the loop we made before we need to string the beads again. We form petals by alternating on a branch. We make five to seven such loops on a branch, more is possible, then the product will turn out branchy and fluffy.

Depending on the number of coins you purchased, adjust the number of branches. For example, weave from 50 to 100 clusters with gold coins, or 50 branches with two on one element. We continue to create bunches, but without pennies. The work is painstaking and patient. Approximately one hundred simple branches need to be woven.

Branches made of beads for a small fluffy money tree.

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THE MOST ECONOMICAL New Year's table 2021, "DRIFTER" salad and more. ;)) A selection of very tasty ones.


DIY Christmas tree: alternative ideas. Crafts for the New Year. DIY


We make a money tree as a gift to dear people..

This article will tell you the secrets of creating a money tree with your own hands for your home or as a gift.

Beaded branches

Now it is especially important to correctly assemble the finished elements into groups, then combine them into one whole tree.

We take one bunch with a penny and intertwine it with two branches without a coin. Here it is permissible to fantasize; you can combine the usual four elements of twigs with a branch. You will get five branches in one bouquet. It is necessary to twist them together to the very bottom of the wire branches. Approximately it will be possible to form from 25 to 75 volumetric branches, depending on the number of connected clusters.

At the end of the process of assembling the branches, you will need to wrap each bunch with tape.

Basic Rules

In order not to make a mistake with the chosen gift and correctly present a gift of money on your wedding day, you should know the basic rules that will allow you not to lose face in the dirt:

  1. Donations should not be made in foreign currency. This is the sin of many businessmen invited to a wedding. Either from ignorance, or from a desire to emphasize one’s status. However, the couple themselves, if they want, will change the currency. Rubles are most appropriate.
  2. Many people have a question about the amount of donated money. At this point, you need to rely on several factors. The social status of the family is one of the important points. For example, $100 would be a decent amount for the average family. At the same time, for a wealthy family such a gift may seem offensive. also worth considering personal relationships . Also, take into account the couple's financial situation. Often donated money helps pay off the same loans. But it is better to resolve such issues with the couple in advance in order to avoid an awkward situation at the celebration itself.
  3. You should not give a financial gift in transparent packaging. Of course, you can play a little for the public, but there is no need for excess in this matter. Finance is a purely personal topic for self-respecting people. Therefore, the most logical way out of the situation would be either a personal delivery in an envelope, or an original way for a celebration, but without unnecessary chic.
  4. It is not recommended to glue money together, otherwise the couple simply will not be able to use it for its intended purpose, and it will be damaged.
  5. Electronic currencies are popular in the modern world. Whether it is worth giving money to a couple in this way is an individual question for everyone. Some people find it more convenient to transfer to an electronic wallet, while others prefer real banknotes . If we talk about financial energy, it can be felt and transmitted to the couple only on real banknotes.

If you don’t want to traditionally hand out an envelope to the couple, but your imagination is in full swing, you can make original wedding gifts for the newlyweds using money with your own hands. It won't take much time, and everyone will have the materials at hand.

Bride with money

Stage three – staining.

Then you need to draw the outline of the tree on paper. If you are not very good at drawing, you can use a ready-made outline from a children's coloring book. Instead of paper, you can use another material for the base, for example, plywood.

And now the fun part for the kids. The entire space inside the contour must be covered with dough. Better adhesion will be ensured by wetting the desired areas with water or lubricating the paper with glue. The dough needs to be plucked off little by little and pressed lightly to the desired areas. Various curvatures and protrusions will give the tree greater relief and uniqueness.

Money cake

A cake made from banknotes is a luxurious gift that looks very rich on its own. A large cake will take a lot of bills. Considering that the amount will be quite large, you can cooperate with other guests for such a gift, and order its design from a professional. If the givers are jacks of all trades themselves, there are a few things to consider. The base for the cake is made of cardboard. For the cake to look luxurious, it must have at least three tiers. Banknotes rolled into a tube are carefully attached to each tier. You can decorate each tier with ribbons, flowers, and candies. Either a huge beautiful bow, or flowers, or figures in the form of rings, hearts, doves or the bride and groom are attached to the top. It is best to pack such a cake in a large transparent plastic box so that it does not wrinkle and is visible to everyone.

Shaping the trunk

2. Thick wire can be wrapped with tape before use, thereby adding volume to the tree crown.

3. Thus, having formed large clusters, paint with chestnut paint, then varnish.

4. All that remains is to connect the resulting beaded branches into one whole. To do this, take a long elastic wire 30 cm long and alternately apply each bunch to the holder, carefully and tightly wrap it with tape, and finally cover it with paint and varnish and wait until it dries completely.

5. Pay attention to how the support for the money tree below is made from wire. Try to use pliers to bend the bottom ends of the thick wire 90° into a loop to form a stand.

6. In this master class, the crown is not plastered, but only painted. I am sure that your tree will be lush, branched and stable.

7. Plant a money tree in a pot.

8. In order to make the craft stable, you will need plasticine and gypsum mortar.

9. We secure the decorated creation in the pot with plasticine so that it does not wobble.

10. Then you need to prepare a solution from gypsum (mix gypsum with a small amount of water, bring it to a sour cream consistency) and pour it over it. After six hours of hardening of the plaster, you can begin decorating the composition.

How to make a money tree with your own hands from coins: step-by-step instructions

How to make a tree out of coins:

  • Prepare all the necessary materials : a pot, a trunk, a plaster base, a plastic ball, real or souvenir coins.
  • First you should prepare the barrel . To do this, a stick or twig is covered with glue and wrapped with decorative thread or ribbon.
  • After preparing the trunk, it is secured in a pot. Place a plastic ball on the stick and secure it. Secure the stick in the pot.
  • The plastic base ball is covered with glue (not completely). Quickly glue the coins by smearing them with glue on one side. You should not completely glue the coin, as it will leave “gaps” and the craft will not look neat.

Money tree made from coins in a cup instead of a pot

What diseases lie in wait for the money tree?

Often, a change in the structure of a leaf or trunk signals that a houseplant is “sick.”

The flower, like other indoor plants, is attacked by pathogenic insects that devour it. How healthy a plant is can always be determined by its crown.

Often, caring housewives water the fat plant almost every day, but the tree only needs watering once a week. A plant oversaturated with moisture quickly fades, and the ritual for money no longer works.

Replanting and removing rotten roots helps. In another pot with renewed soil, the money tree is not watered immediately, but is given several days to adapt.

The enemies of Crassula are a large army of pests:

Crassula is an unpretentious tree. Proper watering, moderate feeding of the soil, maintaining a stable temperature is a guarantee that the tree will delight you with its beauty, bring money into your home, and help with diseases.

DIY money tree as a birthday gift: congratulations on the gift

“Money Tree” is an unusual gift for any birthday. You can beautifully present any amount of money in an original way.

Congratulatory words:

I congratulate you, my friend, on your birthday. Accept a tree as a gift, not a simple one, a tree of money! May it give you the best moments, keep it and spend your bills very carefully!

How much I want to tell you just on your birthday, I will give you my modest gift to Soot: “What a tree of happiness!”

Accept my sincere gift, After all, it is handmade And this tree is magical: There is prosperity in it, joy, care!

Unusual “money” tree as a birthday gift

You can give a “money tree” for your birthday

Money tree decoration made of beads

There are different design ideas. I will offer master methods, and you yourself will choose the one that suits you.

When the product is ready, it is better to place it on the southeast side, attracting monetary energy. In order for well-being to increase, it is advised to create conditions for growth according to Feng Shui - attach to it a picture of a waterfall or any other picture of water that carries the meaning of watering. Now all that remains is to wait and watch the material growth of the house and see for yourself the mystery of Chinese culture.

There are many options for making a money composition from beads. We make a lot of branches in a loop at the beginning, and then glue coins to the petals using a glue gun. For those who want to learn about another wonderful structure with coins, a lesson is provided. In this master class, gold beads are used to create a lush tree. The decor consists of steps on a stand (with a detailed description), as well as strewn coins. The composition captivates with its appearance. Success in creative work!

DIY money tree as a gift for the New Year: congratulations on the gift

You can give a money tree to your loved ones for the New Year holidays - this is a good and original gift that will be remembered for a long time.

Congratulatory words:

The New Year tree is sparkling, And under it is my monetary gift, In this tree wealth is hidden, Be content, be serenely rich!

May this symbol bring you good luck, May it open many happiest roads. Let the money tree solve your problems, Give you something that you couldn’t buy for yourself!

This beautiful tree is a lucky talisman for you. It will give you a lot of joy, kindness, and prosperity. There is a power hidden in it that will throw the whole world at your feet, A secret that will bring you only the best!

An unusual New Year's gift - a “money” tree

Step-by-step master class

In order to make a money topiary with your own hands at home you will need:

The sequence of actions when making a money topiary is as follows:

Preparatory stage: securing parts of the future topiary

The process of making “leaflets” from banknotes

Decoration of the crown of the money topiary

Decorating a money topiary pot

Ready tree of happiness

At this stage, the money topiary can be considered completely ready. But if you have the desire and the flight of fancy cannot be stopped, you can continue to decorate the pot and the tree itself according to your taste and discretion.


DIY money tree made from dollars

Step-by-step creation of a “money tree” from dollars (or other bills):

  • Prepare all the necessary materials : a pot, a trunk, a plaster base, a plastic ball, souvenir bills and glue (hot, rubber or instant drying).
  • First of all, you should prepare the barrel . To do this, a stick or twig is covered with glue and wrapped with decorative thread or ribbon. You can simply open it with acrylic paint, which is not washed off with water.
  • After preparing the trunk, it is secured in a pot. Place a plastic ball on the stick and secure it. After this, insert the stick into the pot and secure it. For these purposes, you can use a gypsum base, which will dry and become a kind of “foundation”. Or simply stick a stick into the plasticine, press it to the bottom of the pot, and fill the rest of the space with drainage, decorative or real pebbles.
  • Prepare the bills for gluing. To do this, roll them into a cone. The sharp corner of the cone should be pressed with your fingers and turned to one side so that this part is glued.
  • Banknotes should be glued with powerful and “fast” glue so that they do not have the opportunity to become deformed or quickly detach from the base.
  • The finished tree with banknotes can be additionally decorated with other elements, if desired, from a craft store.

How to twist a cone out of a banknote for a “money tree”?

Instead of a cone, you can twist a banknote into a butterfly

How to present money in an unusual way for a wedding: TOP 20 best ways

Long gone are the days when carpets, dishes, household appliances and other household items were given as gifts for a wedding. Nowadays the most popular gift is banknotes, which newlyweds use as they wish. At the same time, I want to present my surprise in an original way to surprise the newlyweds and guests. There are many ways to give unusual gifts of money for a wedding: choose among the most interesting ideas to prepare an unexpected gift for the newlyweds.

Original ways to give money for a specific purchase

If close friends or relatives of the newlyweds know what exactly needs to be given as a wedding gift, but do not want to buy this thing themselves, but want to give the newlyweds the right to purchase, then you can give money for this in an original way with a cool congratulation in prose.

For example:

  1. If you give money for a refrigerator, then the bills can be packaged in a postcard in the form of sausage or canned food. At the same time, congratulate the newlyweds with the words: “May your life pass in abundance and satiety. This is a contribution to the refrigerator in which you can put this sausage!
  2. If you donate money for a washing machine, then you can pack the bills in an envelope tied or glued to a pack of powder or fabric softener. You can accompany the presentation of a gift with the words: “May your relationship be clean, like your linen. Have fun washing with this powder, and we’ll give you money for a machine!”
  3. You can give money to young people for travel by packaging it in a world atlas. You can accompany the gift with the following wish: “Walk confidently together, all the roads of the world are at your feet, and money for travel is a gift from us!”

Interesting! Wedding anniversary: ​​round dates, gifts

If there is no specific purpose for which you want to donate money, then you can arrange a gift in the form of a bag of banknotes. A bag of money symbolizes prosperity; such a gift will look original and stylish.

It's quite simple to do:

  1. You need to choose a simple canvas bag.
  2. Make a patch on the bag with a picture or the inscription “Bag of Money.” You can specify for whom and from whom.
  3. Fill it with rolled up bills.
  4. Tie the bag with a beautiful braid or ribbon.
  5. You can attach a tag with congratulations and a signature on the ribbon about who the gift is from.

Such a gift can be accompanied by the following congratulation: “You have everything to be happy: love, youth and beauty. Here’s a bag of money for you to have a full life!”

A cool way to give money to newlyweds is to wrap it in cabbage.

You can make a gift like this:

  1. Cut the head of cabbage into 2 halves.
  2. Make a notch in one half.
  3. Pack the money beautifully in any package and put it in a bag.
  4. Place the bag of money in the recess in the cabbage. Place the two cabbage halves together and wrap in plastic wrap. Tie with ribbon.

You can leave it like that or decorate it with ribbons. To do this you need:

  • fold the ribbons crosswise so that they intersect in the center;
  • place a head of cabbage in the center;
  • lift each line of queue to the top;
  • tie all the ribbons with a bow.

When presented, you need to say: “Here’s cabbage for a comfortable life!”

The best ways to give money for a wedding

You can give the newlyweds an envelope with banknotes and make a congratulatory speech. But why not come up with an original way to present money and amaze everyone present at the wedding ceremony?

Let's look at a few simple but unusual ideas:

There are so many interesting ideas that you will always find the right option. Next, we will tell you how to prepare unusual cash surprises.

Money in the bank

When it comes to money in the bank, a large current account immediately appears. Play on this association and give the newlyweds a glass jar filled with banknotes as a symbol of future wealth and abundance.

How to make an unusual cash gift for a wedding:

Money in a bank can be presented in this way: you roll the bills into tubes, secure with thin rubber bands, fill the container tightly and roll up the lid, as is done with homemade pickles.


We offer another way to give money for a wedding in an unusual way. You need to make a homemade passbook, and this is done like this:

If time permits, make a savings book for young people using scrapbooking technique. The product is decorated with magazine clippings, ribbons, buttons, and beads. Each page is dedicated to a specific item of family expenses: a pocket for a bill is glued and poetic lines are written in a humorous form. You will have to work hard to create a unique surprise, but your gift will remain as a keepsake as the most amazing and unusual.

Carpet made of money for a wedding

An original way to give money for a wedding is to make a luxurious carpet from banknotes. It is done as follows:

You can present an unusual gift with poetry:

We thought for a long time, wondered what to give for the wedding. We were looking for forks and spoons, Maybe we could surprise you with a grill? But we decided to present something that the young people would like: Let the bride and groom go on a trip. Emirates, Caribbean, maybe Hurghada? Where there is sea, beach and sun, delicious food. You just need a lot of money to go on the road. Where can we get them, who will help us? The genie from the fairy tale - he can do anything! We asked him to help, and then we received the parcel (at this point you need to get a large box tied with a bow). We don’t know what the genie sent, so, guys, let’s open it? (having received the consent of the young people, the carpet is removed from the box). What a stylish, fashionable, ideal, excellent gift. Go, friends, quickly to the seas.

Money tree as a gift

If you don’t know how to give money as a beautiful and original gift for a wedding, remember the money tree. This plant is associated with prosperity, wealth, and financial stability in the home. And if you decorate the tree with banknotes, it will become a symbol of abundance in the new family.

You can give a cash gift in an unusual way: place an empty pot of soil in front of the bride and groom and ask them to “plant” a few coins. Young people must water the coins in order to follow the entire ritual to the end. Then blindfold them and say the magic words together: “Cracks, pex, fax!” At this time, replace the pot of coins with a money plant with bills attached to it. Wedding magic helped the tree grow!

You can make a money tree with your own hands. We offer several original ideas that can be easily brought to life without professional creative abilities:


Use a model of a small boat that can be purchased at a gift or toy store. Attach banknotes to the mast instead of sails, and place the remaining money beautifully on the deck. Give a surprise with wishes for a happy family voyage, without storms.


To give the newlyweds money with meaning for their wedding, remember that the brick symbolizes the beginning of family life, the construction of common happiness, and helps create the foundation for strong, lasting relationships. Take a rectangular piece of foam plastic, make a hole for money, put an envelope with bills in it, seal it with tape and paint it brick color. Tie the gift with a beautiful ribbon and give it to the newlyweds with wishes of strong family happiness in their new home.

How to make a bouquet of money?

Rolling paper flowers is an art, so if you are afraid of ruining banknotes, it is better to contact professionals who will create an amazing composition from banknotes. If the origami technique seems too complicated, you can wrap the stems of fresh flowers with banknotes - such a bouquet will look festive and solemn.

The easiest way to make a wedding bouquet from money:

In order not to spoil the banknotes, you can use souvenir money, and present an envelope with real banknotes along with the original bouquet.


If you don’t know how to give money as a funny gift for a wedding, a funny item will help you - a “loot launcher”. A symbol of the well-being of a new family is made very quickly and simply. Attach bills to the new broom with tape, decorate with coins, ribbon, and a funny inscription. You can present a “bablomet” with the following verses:

This miracle device will lift your spirits. If there is dust in the house, a “loot thrower” will help you. If you don’t have enough money, Bablomet always saves you. And if you’re going to the bathhouse, you won’t be able to do without it. He will expel any illness or infection from the body immediately.

Kinder Surprise

A chocolate egg with a surprise inside will delight not only children, but also newlyweds when they find banknotes inside. To do this, carefully remove the foil from the chocolate egg so as not to damage it. Using a knife, cut the egg into two halves, but so that they remain whole. Take the toy out of the yellow container and place the rolled up banknotes inside. Connect the two chocolate halves by first touching the edges to a hot knife. All that remains is to wrap the egg beautifully back in foil.

How to make a money tree with your own hands from banknotes: step-by-step instructions

The money tree is a powerful talisman for the home, which will definitely bring prosperity and prosperity to its owners, allowing positive energy to enter the living space, attracting money.

Money talismans are different. This can be a living crassula tree (popularly called the “money tree” and its uses are not only decorative, but also medicinal), it must be surrounded with red thread, and a real coin is placed at the bottom of the pot. A handmade talisman – a topiary or figurine – is also suitable.

Most often, crafts in the form of a tree are made from banknotes. Real money, of course, has great “magic”, but even artificial ones (souvenir bills) are suitable, because they are a symbol of well-being.

There are several of the most common ideas for making a talisman out of banknotes , and every day inventive craftsmen come up with new ones. In any case, you will need a base for the tree, its foundation, so to speak. This could be a pot in which you secure the trunk with glue, plasticine or clay.

You will need a pipe or a real tree branch to make the trunk. But you will form the crown of the tree from the bills themselves. To do this, you can use a foam base, which can easily be bought for pennies at a craft store. There they come in different sizes and shapes.

Money tree ideas from banknotes:

A variant of the money talisman is a fat woman, decorated with banknotes rolled into a tube.

A simple version of the “money tree” - decorating a real branch with banknotes in the form of flowers

Miniature “money tree” made of wire with souvenir miniature bills

"Money Tree" and other souvenirs made from gold coins

"Money tree" of coins and bills and coins in a pot

Unusual “money tree” with bills and coins

Banknotes on a foam base can be attached using paper clips or needles

Lush “money tree” on a foam base made from 1000 ruble bills

“Money tree” of bills and coins in the shape of a sunflower

Lush unusual “money tree” made from miniature souvenir bills

A beautiful “money tree” made from a variety of banknotes from around the world

The easiest way to make a spectacular “money tree” is to roll the bills into a cone

INTERESTING: Another popular way to make a “money tree” is to embroider it with a cross on a special fabric and then decorate it with banknotes and other elements. This amulet can be hung on the wall like a picture.

Embroidered "money tree" decorated with dollar bills

Embroidered “money tree” decorated with ruble bills

Embroidered "money tree" decorated with bills and coins

Money tree flower for wedding

In the first case, a plant will come to your aid, which in our country and in many other countries is called the money tree. It is believed that it is desirable to receive this flower as a gift, and a wedding is a wonderful occasion for this.

In order to give it to the newlyweds as a gift, you need to know about the upcoming wedding in advance, because it will only take a few weeks to take root in the pot, and it would also be nice to grow a little. The wedding date may well not coincide with the active growing season of this plant, so you can buy it at a flower shop or give it as a gift by planting a shoot for yourself in the future. If you give a flower with love and from the heart, then your shoot will also quickly grow.

You can decorate the fat woman you are going to give for your wedding with several red ribbons, coins and banknotes. Pour the coins directly into the pot on the soil, tie several branches with ribbons, but carefully tie the banknotes, which make up your gift to the newlyweds, with threads to the branches of the tree. On the flower pot itself you can write congratulations to the newlyweds and your wishes to them.

Tree made of coins

You need to start with what it costs, decide what exactly you want to achieve by making a tree, what thoughts you need to “twist” in your head in order to charge it with positive energy, and what exactly you want to make it from.

One of the most common options is a craft in the form of a topiary - a small tree “growing” in a decorative pot.

A mandatory attribute is a large crown, which can be made, for example, from coins.

If you decide to use real ones, then you must first drill them, making holes in the middle. Afterwards, fastening several pieces onto one branch. And then connect everything.

You can also purchase decorative coins, ready-made with holes. You can even spray paint them, turning them from copper to green. There is no limit to your imagination here!

And you can do it like this:

You will need:

  • coins;
  • a miniature pot that can be filled and decorated according to your taste and discretion;
  • a stick-trunk, the craft will be held on it, you can take a twig of real oak and wrap it with canvas thread;
  • foam ball;
  • various decorative elements.

And then the trees will look like this

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