100 cool and funny wish tasks for playing forfeits, bottles and losers at cards: a list of the best funny and interesting forfeits

Fanta game rules

At the beginning of the game, the Fants choose a leader . All players, including the leader, place 1 personal item in one place as collateral. It is better to take an opaque bag or hat.

When the host turns away, one of the players pulls out an object and asks: “What should this phantom do?” The presenter voices the action, and when the player completes it, he gets his item back.

The rules of the Fanta game are very variable and allow many changes at the request of the players.

A game is acceptable when a leader is not required . Tasks for forfeits can be written on pieces of paper and each player will draw them independently.

Battle "Truth or Dare"

To make the game more fun, play truth or dare in the form of a battle. The goal is to score the most points. The company is divided into an equal number of participants and each team member is given tasks. Actions must be difficult and almost impossible to complete. For example, drink a cocktail that the other team will prepare. Completed the task - points for the team. No, that means no points are awarded. There can be as many rounds as you like. After the game, the points are calculated and the team that scored the fewest points pays for the order in a cafe or restaurant. The punishment can be absolutely anything.

You can play truth or dare anywhere. This is a great opportunity to relax and unwind with the help of a game.

Funny tasks for forfeits

  • Play the piano with your toes.
  • Portray Superman.
  • At the same time, stroke yourself on the head with one hand, and quickly, quickly hit yourself on the stomach with the other.
  • Behave in such a way that others will pet you like a dog.
  • Crawling like a baby.
  • Jump 5 times on one leg while grunting.
  • Act like a ball.
  • Depict how a kettle boils.
  • Show that you use a magic wand to defeat a dragon.
  • Move like a ballerina.
  • Act like you're taking a selfie.
  • In 1 minute, draw a portrait of one of the players.
  • Make a bridge or somersault.
  • Lie on your back and swing your legs in the air as if you were riding a bicycle.
  • Bite through the inflated balloon without using your hands.
  • Eat a slice of lemon.
  • Read your name backwards. Happened? Introduce yourself to others this way throughout the evening.
  • Draw a boiling kettle.
  • Show that you are sitting on an invisible chair.
  • Draw a mustache for anyone present.
  • Draw a little man with your left hand with your eyes closed.

  • Walk like a crab.
  • Jump like a kangaroo.
  • Walk on your knees.
  • Do a strange dance.
  • Lapping water or milk from a saucer like a cat.
  • Draw a robot.
  • Spin around yourself with your eyes closed for 10 seconds and stop where you started.
  • Sing a song.
  • Put your socks on your hands.

Tips for participants

Manufacturers advise setting aside more free time for the game: preferably the whole evening. The success of the entertainment will also be affected by your mood. Try to create a comfortable atmosphere in which you can relax and enjoy what is happening: place candles, take a warm bath with aromatic oils and pour wine into a glass.

When you open the set, immediately forget about all the complexes. You need to feel relaxed with Fants. You have to complete tasks that will take your breath away. You won’t see signs like “Dance Cancan for 20 seconds.” The description of the cards will invite you to try new things in bed (and not only) or just fool around, adding zest to the relationship.

Tasks that seem too daring to you can be discarded. To add spice to the game, you can introduce penalties for refusing to complete a quest. For example, the participant from all those present who received the most negative points should bring his partner a cup of coffee in bed the next morning or do another small “niceness.”

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To complete some tasks you will need props. This could be ice, strawberries, whipped cream and other things with which you can experience an additional range of emotions. You can play Fanta without this: just set aside cards that require special things.

You need to be truly liberated

Forfeit tasks for children

Game tasks for forfeits for children should be simple and fun, so that the game is not interrupted, dynamic and vibrant.

  • Unwrap the candy without using your hands.
  • Stick out tongue.
  • Jump in place.
  • Walk backwards.
  • Find the hidden guest with your eyes closed. And the participants first change places; they cannot run away.
  • Show an angry face.
  • Quickly name 5 favorite cartoons.
  • Slowly show how a person sneezes.
  • Tell the fairy tale “Kolobok”.
  • Inflate the balloon until it bursts.
  • Name 5 birds.
  • Rub your ear like a cat would with its paw.
  • Depict how the mouse is looking for cheese.
  • Show how to walk a dog.
  • Twist your ponytails.
  • Draw a train.
  • Give another player a beautiful hairstyle.
  • Waddle around like a penguin.

  • Wave your arms like an octopus.
  • Pat yourself on the head.
  • Tell a poem.
  • Repeat quickly 2 times: “Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer.”
  • Play air guitar (air drums, air piano).
  • Act like a monkey.
  • Fly like a bird.
  • Depict any cartoon character.
  • Be a beautiful butterfly princess!
  • Wash.
  • Walk like a duck.
  • Show chicken dance.
  • Clap your hands.
  • Take a step back.
  • Scratch your elbow.
  • Sing a song.
  • Make a riddle.
  • Raise your right leg.
  • Rub your belly.

Reviews and questions for the game

Which set should you choose for a young couple who wants to try something new? If you met recently, the Shura-Mura and Coffee Break sets from the Fanta Flirt series will suit you.

Which set should a couple who has been married for ten years buy? A married couple will like Fanta Absinthe, Bed Affair and Oil on the Fire.

Which decks are the most “daring” and vulgar? If you're looking for a game with the maximum amount of experimentation and tough lovemaking, choose Absinthe or Adult Fun.

Completing tasks will add that very spice to relationships

Game Fanta - tasks for adults

But tasks for adults when playing Fanta must be funny!

  • Lick your elbow.
  • Quick answer, what is 20% of 1500?
  • Choose someone in the room and dance with them.
  • Apply bright lipstick without looking in the mirror.
  • Where does paper grow? Answer the question as if you were a panda chewing bamboo.
  • You are an aquarium fish. Interview the rest of the fish in your tank.
  • Walk through the room as if through a minefield.
  • Stand on a chair and talk about your life in three sentences.
  • Do a belly dance.

  • Draw the sun in the teeth with a felt-tip pen.
  • Tell a funny story about yourself.
  • Create an outfit that includes all the colors of the rainbow. You can borrow items of clothing from those present.
  • Portray a cat who is afraid, but he is curious.
  • Propose to your pet in a romantic way.
  • For a minute, turn into an obedient trained dog.
  • Tell the fairy tale “Turnip” on behalf of the turnip.
  • Wave to any passerby on the street and say “Hello.”
  • Recite the alphabet in reverse order.
  • Eat something without using your hands.
  • Work as a waiter and serve every person in the room.
  • Call your parents and tell them they are grounded for a week.
  • Dance like Michael Jackson.
  • Invite the first person you meet on a date.

Actions for friends

1. Let the person sitting next to you remove hair from any part of your body.

2. Give your phone to another participant so that he can send a message to anyone on his contact list.

3. Let other participants look at your phone for a minute.

4. Let another participant throw flour in your face.

5. Sing a song chosen by the participants and eat jam or honey at the same time.

6. Close your eyes and let your friends put any food in your mouth from the refrigerator.

7. Give other participants the title of a movie about their life instead of a name.

8. Let the other participants choose a position for you to stand in until the next round.

9. Let each participant choose one word from which to try to make a sentence and publish it on social networks.

10. Show me what's in your bag.

11. Let the person on the right tickle you.

12. Have someone with a name starting with A call your parents and tell them what a bad friend you are.

13. Describe one of the participants until someone guesses who it is.

14. Swap socks with the person sitting to your right.

15. Have the person sitting on your right do 10 squats while you lie underneath him.

16. Give your phone to the person sitting across from you and let him post whatever he wants on social media.

17. Take the socks off the person sitting opposite you and wear them like gloves until the next round.

18. Sing a song to the person sitting next to you.

19. Take a selfie with the person sitting next to you and post it on social media, deeply and emotionally describing how much they mean to you.

20. Let the person sitting opposite you pull your panties up so that they cut into your buttocks.

21. Eat raw onions.

22. Shout out loud the first word that comes to your mind.

23. Try putting your fist in your mouth.

24. Try licking your elbow.


Flirt Fantas for adults are available in twenty-nine versions so that everyone can choose a set to their liking. Among them there are modest versions for first dates and bold ones for those who want to fully explore the boundaries of what is permitted. Sex cards differ in the content of the cards and the color of the packaging.

Most Popular

Flirtation No. 8 Bottle is one of the rare sets in the series, which is designed for a large number of participants. From four to thirty people can play it at the same time. The entertainment is suitable for large companies, where there are many lonely young men and women.

Flirting No. 10 game Fanta Oil on the fire - version for those who have been in a relationship for some time or are enjoying a long-term marriage. With the game you will learn a lot about yourself and your partner.

Fanta Adult Fun is one of the boldest sets in the line. He can kill any routine in a relationship. If ordinary entertainment for two is a sweet pepper, then this is the real Chile.

No. 5 Tusa - another version for a large company. From four to sixty people can participate in Flirt at the same time. Having fun will create a playful mood and help new people get to know each other better.

Beaujolais is a gift set that contains two sets at once.

Fanta Caramel Paradise is a game for adults in which you can learn a lot about yourself and your friends. It is suitable for married couples and young relationships who want to spend time in intriguing and languid company.

Fanta Perchik is a set for couples who lack the courage to show the passions raging in their souls in reality. It will relieve you of complexes and unnecessary tension.

A variety of sets will not let the game get boring

Shury-Mura is entertainment for relationships that have just begun or have not yet begun. You will relax and move to a new level of communication.

For experimenters

Fanta Hot Experiments is a bold set for those who think they have already tried everything. Exciting journeys into the world of pleasure await you.

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Sweet Couple is a game that can be given as an anniversary gift to your couple. The tasks on the cards will take you back to your honeymoon, when you didn’t want to get out of bed.

Rendezvous is a set for young men and women who absolutely do not know how to meet people. The developers have compiled many scenarios that will help you find your future spouse.

Fanta Bed Affair is a game that is equally suitable for young couples and people who have been married for a long time. On the maps you will find erotic quests, the task of which is to make your intimate life as intense as possible.

Tete-A-Tete is a remedy against boredom and modesty. Meeting a new partner will be easy and interesting.

More interesting sets

Fanta Love Marathon is a set with which experienced couples will be able to make their leisure time as hot as at the beginning of the relationship. Try new “tricks” and explore your tastes.

Holiday romance is a game for easy relationships on vacation. Have you met a guy or girl with whom your holiday in Italy will be truly hot? Take out a card that will set the mood for the evening and suggest an interesting scenario.

Coffee Break - version for first dates. It will be relevant for people who find it difficult to meet new people and enter into relationships.

Fanta Chocolate is a reason to make all your secret desires come true. Tie your man to a chair, dance a striptease for your woman. The intensity of passions is guaranteed.

Flirting No. 4 Fanta Coffee in bed is a reliable remedy for embarrassment on your first night. If you are ready to enter into an intimate relationship but are both shy and don’t know where to start, just get the task: it will tell you how to make the night unforgettable.

Fanta Absinthe is a game with which you will discover all the fantasies of your partner. It is relevant for couples with any experience who want thrills.

Fanta Acrobatics in the Bed is an entertainment that surprises experienced couples and newly-made spouses. Even when you are sure that you know all the preferences of your partners, there are always unexpected turns.

Fanta Cocktail is a game for lovers, which claims to be the most “arrogant” and vulgar set in the series. All tasks in it are as hot as possible, erotic and not modest. The cocktail is created for couples who believe that a third is not superfluous.

Fanta is a boredom bomb - a treasure trove of plots for role-playing games. Spice up your relationship with some thrills.

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