Games with balloons! 15 fun activities for adults and children

Hello, friends! When organizing a children's birthday or any other children's holiday is on the agenda, parents have questions in their minds:
  • How to entertain children?
  • What games and competitions can you come up with?
  • What props do you need to buy for this?

And now the good news! If you have balloons, then consider that all of the above issues have already been resolved. Games with balloons are suitable for any cheerful group of children. And for schoolchildren aged 7-10, and for preschoolers.

We present to you a selection of the most popular and interesting “air” entertainment that will help fill the holiday with laughter and joy and make it unforgettable.

Just don't fall!

We give each participant a balloon; it is advisable that they be of different colors, so the children will not get confused about whose balloon is whose. At the command of the presenter “Air!” children throw their balls up, and then, bouncing them from below with their hands, try to prevent them from falling to the floor. The winner is the one who keeps his ball in the air longer.

You can complicate the task by giving the children not one, but two balloons at once. We have personally tested the game more than once, and it always goes off with a bang.

Balloon games

Games and play exercises for sports events and entertainment.

I am good, I am obedient. If you pump up a balloon, they bought me a balloon. Then he will fly. At first I played with him myself, I need to tie a thread, and then I gave him to the kitten. To hold the ball, the cat slammed the ball with its paw, Created for children. Ball - bang! - and immediately burst. Multi-colored balls

Hot air balloon, hot air balloon

It breaks out of your hands. Naughty, naughty - Suddenly flies up to the ceiling. I need to catch him and tie him by the tail.

Compiled by Lyudmila Vladimirovna Kravchuk

physical education instructor

first qualification category


Outdoor games with inflatable steps for preschool children


Inflatable balls - between children, the train is moving, the balls should not fall.

Fun ball

The game is played using a balloon. The guys sit in a circle. They say poems about the ball and pass it around. Whoever the poem ends with says his name, and if the guys already know each other, then he performs some task at the request of the guys.

You roll, merry ball, or who has a merry ball,

quickly, quickly, hands over. He will perform a song (or dance) for us.

Who has a funny ball?

He will tell us the name.

Aerial strongmen

Several volunteers are called. The presenter invites them to inflate balloons at a signal. The one whose balloon bursts the fastest wins.


The ball is tied to the player's leg. Whoever slams it faster without the help of hands and feet wins. And then a more difficult task - the ball is tied to the knee.


Who can jump the farthest with a ball sandwiched between their knees?


You need to build a tower of balls. Whoever used the most balls and whose tower stood longer won.


All participants stand in a circle. The presenter launches four balloons filled with water. Participants pass balls to each other to the music. The one who still has the ball in his hands after the music stops is eliminated from the circle. The competition is repeated and continues until a winner or winners are identified.


For this competition you need oblong balls. The participants' task is to tie the most original knot out of the balloons and inflate them.

Jet ball

Participants line up on the same line. Their task is to inflate the balloons and release them on command. The one whose ball flies farthest wins.

“Pop the ball, pop it!”

They play in pairs. Two balloons are tied to each leg of the player. When the presenter blows his whistle, the competition begins. Task: step on your foot and slam the opponent's ball, but save your own balls.

Duel at sea

There is no water in our “sea”, but there are fins! Participants put a fin on their right leg and tie a ball to their left leg. It is necessary to “drown” the opponent’s ball, i.e. slam it.


Who can keep the ball on their nose longer?

Who can hold the ball on a pencil or pointer longer?


Who will throw the balloon the farthest?

Ball darts

For this competition, additional equipment is required - a target “bristled” with nails (a circle into which nails are driven with the point towards the participants, each nail has a number of points indicated). The participant needs to throw the ball at the target. The one who scores the most points after three attempts wins.

Dance Marathon

Several pairs of dancers are called. Each pair is given an inflated balloon. The task of each couple is to hold the ball between their foreheads while dancing different dances (slow, rock and roll, cancan, etc.). The originality of the dance is also assessed. The pair that holds the ball longer than the others wins.

small ball

Each player must first pop their balloon and then inflate it into small balloons. Whichever player got the most small balls wins.

Thunder and rain

Couples participate. There is a ball between the participants' heads. Which pair will pop the ball faster using only their heads? (When you inflate the balloons, add a little water - then a light “rain” will fall on the players.)

Air bridge

Team members stand one after another. It is necessary to pass the ball over the head from the first to the last participant, and then from the last to the first, but already below - between the legs. The task can be complicated by passing 4-5 balls at once.

The most elegant

Team members need to split into pairs. At the leader’s signal, the first couples must run to a predetermined landmark and back, holding the ball between their heads. Pass the ball to the next pair. The team that carries the ball most elegantly wins.


At the signal, the first team member runs to the turning sign and back, while holding the ball on a pencil. Returning back, he passes the ball and pencil to the next participant.

Participants are given 3-5 balls of the same color. At the leader's command, they begin to juggle them. The contestant's task is to keep his balls in the air for as long as possible. If at least one ball touches the floor, the participant is eliminated from the competition. The winner is the one who keeps his balls in the air longer.

"Hello, up"

Participants are given three balloons. With the help of assistants, one of the three balls is placed on the player’s nose or forehead, and the other two are placed on outstretched arms. The one who holds the balls longer wins.

"Let's clap!"

Team members are divided into pairs. At the leader’s signal, they must, holding the ball between their foreheads, run to the leader (or his assistants), who has a pin in his hands, and pop the ball. Returning to the start, pass the baton to the next pair.

This relay race can be complicated if the first pair holds the ball between their foreheads, the second - at chest level, the third - at the level of the stomach, knees, blue, etc.

Air volleyball

On a small area (6x2 m) at a height of 1.5 m, an improvised net is stretched. The balloon serves as a ball (a little water is poured into the balloon to make it heavier).

Teams of 3-4 people are located on both sides of the net and begin to play volleyball, trying to prevent the ball from falling on their field, as penalty points are awarded for this. The game lasts 5-7 minutes. The team with the fewest penalty points at the end of the game wins. Or you can play until one of the teams scores 10 points (a point is awarded to a team if the ball lands on the opposing team's territory).


On a small area, at a height of about 2 m, a basketball basket or hoop is fixed. The balloon serves as a ball (a little water is poured into the balloon to make it heavier).

Two teams of 3 people are formed. Dribbling the ball is allowed without bouncing off the floor. The team that wins is the one that spends 3 minutes each in 2 halves. everyone will score more points. Points are awarded when hitting the basket (1 hit - 1 point).

lucky ball

During the dance, several balloons with notes are launched into the hall. One balloon contains a prize, while others contain just cheerful wishes.

Outdoor game "Balloon - Stop"

Chairs are arranged in a random order in the room. Each player takes a ball. Players move around the room to light, lively music. When the music stops, each participant tries to place their ball on the chair. When all players succeed in doing this, the game resumes.


In this game, the room will be the playing field. In both halves of the room, place two pins at a distance of 50-60 cm - this is the “gate”.

Place five balls in front of each gate.

Form players into pairs. Each member of the pair, on his half of the room, must score balloons into his own goal as quickly as possible.


Each player receives a handkerchief and tucks it into his belt with the narrower end. The presenter is selected and receives an inflatable balloon.

As soon as the game begins, the presenter shouts the name of one of the players and throws the ball into the air. The named person must catch the ball with his handkerchief without taking it out from his belt. Then he himself throws the ball into the air and shouts the name of the other participant. The game continues until all players try to catch the ball.

Balloon volleyball

Let your child have fun throwing balloons up with one or two hands alternately. By stretching a rope between the backs of two chairs located at some distance from each other, start a game of volleyball. Several children at the same time can happily toss the ball back and forth.

Catch the ball.

For this game you will need balloons and adult lungs. Blow up some balloons. Give the players a task to ensure that the balls always fly and do not fall to the floor. Let them blow on them or throw them with their hands.

Blow on the ball.

Another game with balloons. The number of balloons inflated is equal to the number of players. Children stand in a line and each is given a ball with the player's name on it. The task is to blow on the ball to the finish line. The first one wins. This game perfectly develops children's lungs, so it can be played as often as possible and not only in kindergarten, but also at home.

Playing football"

This game can be played both outdoors in the summer and indoors, i.e. in the apartment. It is also good because you can play with a large number of children, for example on a children's playground.

holiday, and together with a child.

The necessary attribute of this game is a balloon and a goal. You need to have several balloons so that there is no disappointment due to a burst balloon and failed entertainment.

As for the gates, they can be the simplest gates on the site, or improvised (you can build a gate from pieces of furniture or various improvised means).

Well, the most important condition is the children’s good mood and the desire to play!

The rules of the game are very simple and resemble the game of regular football. The only condition is that the ball cannot be pushed with your feet, hands or other parts of the body, and you can “score goals” only by blowing hard.

If you have a large team of children, then you should divide them into two and make separate gates for each team. Also, each of the participants can be offered their role in this game. For example, designate who will perform the functions of attackers (children who will try to “score” a goal), defenders and goalkeepers. Explain to each child their responsibilities and that this is just a fun game and not a competition.

Also set the length of the game, for example up to 3-5 goals. And of course, there will be small prizes for the winners and second place players.

Pushing the "Core"

This game can also be played by a large team or with one child. To play you need several balloons, into which water is poured, about 1/3 cup. Inflate balloons of the same size. Next, draw circles, approximately 1 -1.5 meters, or a line. The child must push the balloon as far as possible. But a prerequisite is that the ball should not burst.

Let's play volleyball.

You can also play volleyball with balls. To do this, take a rope and hang it at a low height, depending on the age of the child. You need to pour a little water into the balloon. Then they will become somewhat heavier, and the flight of the ball will be very unique and interesting. Then we play like regular volleyball. We divide the kids into 2 teams and hit the ball without letting it fall to the floor. A dropped ball gives the team penalty points. The winner is the one with the fewest penalty points.

"Let's dance."

A very funny game for kids. There must be two or more players. I tie a balloon to the ankle of each participant's left leg. The players' task is to step on and burst the opponent's ball with their right foot. At the same time, set small boundaries so that the children understand how to play. This could be a small circle where you should not go, or holding hands in a dance. This game is very interesting, funny and playful, the child develops dexterity, the concept of right-left.


A game for the youngest participants who are somewhat familiar with the concepts of primary colors. The task can be complicated. It will be more interesting if balloons filled with helium are under the ceiling, and children must, on command, collect balloons of a certain color into a bunch. The ropes of the balls should be somewhat shorter, so that the child, after jumping a little, can reach the ball. Or simplify the task - provide each child with a box and ask them to collect balls of their own color into the box. We inflate these balloons with air. Whoever completed the task first is the winner.

Find a surprise.

This fun activity is more suitable for a children's party. Put a small surprise in one of the balls, a ticket to the circus, a movie, etc. Invite the kids to find the prize by bursting all the balls (using toothpicks). It would be better, of course, to organize a win-win lottery so that each child gets a small surprise.

We create a sculpture.

You can offer children fun entertainment. To do this you will need a lot of balloons, preferably of different sizes and colors, and double-sided tape. From the proposed balls, children must create a sculpture on a given topic. You can create it either together or as a team.

Mosquitoes on a balloon

Probably the quietest competition. All children receive a ball and a high-quality marker for glass and plastic. You need to paint the ball with insects within the allotted time. You can only use mosquitoes, like Chukovsky, but ask children 8-10 years old to remember other representatives of the fauna: butterflies, dragonflies, caterpillars, ladybugs, flies, and so on. At the end we count and reveal the winner.

Relay "Centipede"

Divide the children into teams (a team can have from 2 to infinity). Children stand one after another, the ball is squeezed between the back of the previous child and the stomach of the next child. Hands down. Now let's go! You need to walk 5-7 meters to the chair, take the strawberry (the first player takes the small red ball), go around the chair and return to the beginning of the distance. The caterpillar that doesn't fall apart on the road wins!

Air hockey

There may be options here. You need to drive the balls into the gate you invented in the following ways:

one or two fans (this is possible for children from 9 years old, not earlier). There is no need to touch the ball - we drive it into the goal with air currents.

badminton racket acting like a stick

another inflatable ball (long and thin, they are called “sausage”)

This is not a team game. Simply two players stand next to each other on the same line, each with a ball and a “stick”. The one who scores the goal first wins.

Sister Alyonushka

You need to quickly tie a scarf to the ball and draw a face. To be honest, it turns out more often than Baba Yaga, but these are formalities. The point is clear. By the way, as an example, you can show children funny little people made from balloons.

Snow Maiden. Or again the Scarecrow...

Nothing will come of this without the help of adults, I’ll tell you right away. Even 12-year-old children cannot always cope with double-sided tape, but it is very necessary for assembling the next beauty. Let someone prepare pieces of scotch tape for the children, and they themselves will assemble a human figure from balls of different sizes and shapes. The nose is a small ball, but the eyes would be better if they were made of paper. For your hair, prepare shaggy wigs.

Relay “Kangaroo”

It’s as old as time, but children who were born 6-7 years ago don’t know about this and will happily jump the distance with a ball clamped between their knees. Our kangaroo should have a small fabric bag (pocket) around its neck. Any soft toy can be used as a kangaroo. We jump 5-7 meters, hand the baby kangaroo to kindergarten (a bag or hoop), come back and pass the ball and bag to the next team member.


Another version of a similar competition with balloons, but the ball needs to be held between the ankles from below, 10 cm from the floor. There is no need to jump, we take small steps towards the goal (reduce the distance to 3 meters), trying not to lose the ball.


There are a lot of balls without strings lying on the floor. You need to hold as many balls on yourself as possible: under your T-shirt, pin them with hairpins, hold the “tail” with your teeth, hold the balls with your hands and feet. Very funny, by the way. Don't forget to take a photo of the winner.


Place the children in a circle. In the center of the circle is a box with a prize. Give each child an inflated but not tied balloon. At the command “Search!” children release the balls, pointing them towards the center of the circle towards the gift. The flight path, as you know, is impossible to guess - the balls break out and make strange shapes in the air. The one whose ball lands closest to the gift wins.

Air battle

This competition with long balls is more suitable for boys. If you can twist a helmet and a sword out of “sausages”, honor and praise. If not, let them have long straight swords. The fight is to force the enemy out of a circle drawn with chalk (diameter 2 meters).


The watermelons are ripe... I mean, there are a lot of balls on the floor. Give each team a huge open garbage bag (preferably blue, it doesn’t smell as bad and looks nicer). The team that collects the most watermelons wins, naturally.


Try to imagine... We cut off the bottom corners of a huge garbage bag. These will be the holes for the legs. Have one team member climb into the bag, stick their feet into the holes, and hold the top edge of the bag with their hands and back. It should look like a barrel. Now we collect watermelons for pickling in a barrel. The main thing is that the one inside the package does not fall from laughing. The team that can fit the most watermelons wins.


For the first stage of the relay, you need one yellow ball for each team. This will be our sun. Team members line up one after another, passing the ball back over their heads (sunrise), and from the last player to the first - between their legs (sunset). The team that does it faster wins.

For the second round, you can launch several balls at once (3-5 pieces).

Humpty Dumpty

You need two balloons with faces. Each team is given a tennis racket (or a badminton racket). You need to run 5 meters and return to the beginning of the distance with Humpty Dumpty on the racket so that he doesn’t “fall off in your sleep.”

Flies and cutlets

Again there are a lot of balls on the floor. Divide the balls and all guests with a line (draw with chalk) into two equal parts. Assign balls of a certain color to be “harmful flies” that you need to get rid of. On command, team members begin to throw “flies” across the line. The winner is the team whose half has the fewest harmful insects remaining.

53. Notes with wishes

A beautiful ending to any holiday. Go outside or onto the balcony with balloons inflated with helium. In advance, ask guests to write wishes and attach them to the ribbon. Let's launch wishes into the sky!!!

And we are penguins!

Great for all kinds of relay races. The ball must be held between the ankles and in this uncomfortable position, try to reach a certain goal, for example, during a relay race, go around the chair and return to the team, passing the baton to another player. Children really look like little clumsy penguins.

Another variety of this fun is “kangaroo”. This is when the ball is located between the knees and you don’t need to reach the goal, but jump.


This entertainment is much calmer than the previous one. Use it if you need a little break from active movement. Give the children balloons and tell them that these are actually planets. And these planets need to be populated with inhabitants. Now hand out markers and ask them to draw lots and lots of little people on the planets. We start drawing on command and finish too.

The owner of the most populous planet wins.

I give!

Another active and noisy fun. We will give each other “gifts”. We divide the children present at the holiday into two teams, and use some kind of ribbon or jump rope to divide the room in half, simply placing it on the floor.

Balloons are used as gifts. We place the same number of balls in front of each team. The players’ task is to give their balls to the opposing team, and in fact, to transfer all the “gifts” from their side to the enemy’s side. At the same time, shouting the word “I give!”

“Gifts” that arrive from rivals must also be quickly sent back. When “this funny mess” ends (and this moment is determined by the presenter), you need to count how many balls are on each side. The team with the fewest “gifts” wins.

Children's birthday contests for 10 years at home

Our selection contains only interesting ideas for a children's party (games with balloons for birthday parties).

  1. Harvest Time is a team competition that will make any child laugh. You will need 2 large bags or packages and an even number of balloons of different colors and sizes. The players’ task is to be the first to collect a “harvest” of a certain vegetable or fruit or berry. For example, it is announced that we are collecting... and this is where the fun part comes! The presenter can “confuse” the players to make the game more fun: after all, if you say: “Yellow cucumber” (you need to choose a green ball), “Green melon” (correctly yellow), “Blue tomato” (correctly red), “White orange” (of course, we are talking about orange) someone will get confused and put the wrong ball in the bag. Think in advance which balls and fruits and vegetables you will name. You can consult with your child, for whom the holiday is being organized, so that he chooses his favorite ones.
  2. If you are looking for competitions for children 8 years old and older, then Greedy is exactly what you need. Both the spectators and the players themselves will laugh, so no one will get bored! There are 2 players involved here, but everyone will want to be in their place! The goal of the competition is to collect as many balls as possible and keep them within the allotted time or while the song is playing. The intrigue is that the inflated balloons scattered on the floor and pieces of furniture do not have ribbons. Those. It’s convenient to take them - it won’t work. So the players will have to be smart and push them under their clothes, hold them with their teeth and feet. And try not to laugh when everyone around you is laughing, watching your actions! Of course, the one who collects the most will win, but we think that everyone deserves prizes, because we can establish nominations “The most fun!”, “The most inventive!”

  3. "Lords of the Wind" is an equally interesting option if you are looking for competitions for children 10 years old that are suitable for limited room space. 2 children can play at the same time, while others watch and “get sick.” Give each player a fan and a balloon. Children stand, for example, at opposite ends of the room, and in the middle between them put a scarf or a bright ribbon. The task is to fan your ball towards this line faster than your opponent. You can't touch him! You just need to use the air flow from the fan to “set” the direction of flight. It's funny that the closer the children come to the cherished line, the more they will involuntarily interfere with each other, deflating not only their own balloon. It's not easy being the master of the wind!

Air lambada

You can also dance with balloons. Before you start, learn the basic lambada movement with your children and practice. Then invite the children to line up like a snake, placing their hands on the shoulders of the person in front. Turn on the music and start moving around the house, while dancing the lambada.

Now introduce balls into this dance action. Place them between the players. One presses the ball with his back, and the one who follows him with his stomach, etc. The task is to walk like a snake, dance the lambada and at the same time try to hold the balls. There will be no winners here, but there will be more than enough fun and laughter)

Traffic light

Games with balloons for little ones can also be very fun and useful.

The adult will have three colored balls: red, green and yellow , which he will use to give instructions to the players.

When I pick up the yellow ball, everyone has to move in slow motion. Green means the children have to move and dance very quickly , but when I turn up the red they have to remain like statues, not even moving their hair. The child who moves when the red ball appears will leave the game and his companions will continue until there is only one winner.

Dance battle

Another musical, dance and entertainment fun. Children are divided into pairs. Each couple has their own ball. The children press the balls together with their foreheads. And at the command of the leader they begin to dance; do not forget to prepare the music in advance. You can dance in different styles, rock and roll, break, waltz, polka, folk dances. The main thing is to keep the ball in place.

The couple that lasts the longest wins.


All players are divided into several teams. It is necessary to assemble the airship for voyage, additionally loading it with a figurine in the boat. Figures and boats can be prepared in advance. These can be small baskets and small toys.

The animator should stand on the opposite side from the players. It only gives out one ball at a time. In order to collect enough balls to take off, you will need to run hard. The team whose boat can rise faster and higher wins. It is also necessary to take into account how correctly the place for launching was chosen and how sufficient the lifting force was.

My friend

For this competition, you need to prepare balls that are not very large, about the size of a human head. And also take out all kinds of hats, caps, panama hats, and scarves from the closets.

Each participant is given a ball and a felt-tip pen. Let's make ourselves air friends.

You need to draw a face on the ball and put some kind of hat on it. When the “friends” are ready, invite the children to introduce them and tell them about their friend’s name, how old he is, what his hobbies are and where they met.

By the way, with such aerial friends you get great photos.


This game is the fastest one offered, but also one of the funniest. Children line up in a line and each is given an inflated, but not tied, balloon in their hand. We will launch rockets. On command, the kids must release their “rockets” from their hands.

The winner is the one whose rocket flies the farthest. It is impossible to predict the course of the game, since such inflated rockets behave unpredictably and can even hang on a chandelier.

Hot potato

Hot Potato is one of those dynamic balloon games that always hits the spot at any party. This is an ideal game for children and adults, requiring minimal preparation.

Prepare several age-appropriate questions for the participants to answer. It is better to answer questions with numbers, for example: “How many days are there in February?” or “How many people are there in the city where you live?”

This way, participants can check the numbers little by little, you indicate "more" or "less" until you reach the exact number. If you are right, pass the hot potato to the next person who will be asked a different question to guess, and pass it again.

While participants ask questions, they hold a hot potato, which is a balloon that gradually fills with air until it explodes. You can use an air pump to make the balloon fill up slowly, but still make those holding it nervous.

If the balloon explodes in the hands of any participant, it will be destroyed, although sometimes the balloons become so full that when it looks like it will burst, it surprises us and continues to fill until the hot potato is passed to another participant.


For this task, you need to build some kind of track that the children will need to walk along with the ball. For example, place chairs that need to be walked around, or gates that need to be entered.

Only to move the ball, moving with it from the start line to the finish line, you need to wave a fan at it. A fan can be made from a landscape sheet. The winner can be determined by timing the time it takes to complete the course using a stopwatch or a watch with a second hand.

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