Cool games for adults at the table for an anniversary. Questions for adult play at the table. Fun table competitions for adults

Quiz “Trick Questions”

The essence of the quiz is that the questions require logical thinking. Children will definitely get carried away by questions that do not have a direct answer.

  1. How can a person be in a room without a head? (If he sticks it out of the window)
  2. If you bathe a horse, what will it be like? (Wet)
  3. Which year has more time than any other? (In leap year)
  4. What disease does not harm the body? (Nautical)
  5. If you put it upside down, does it increase? (Number 6)
  6. How are a crocodile and a suitcase similar? (Skin)
  7. What's in the back of the hare and what's in the front of the heron? (Letter C)
  8. How can you easily jump from a 5 meter ladder without damaging anything? (You have to jump from the first step)
  9. How many months in a year have 28 days? (Everyone has)
  10. What comes first in Russia and second in France? (Letter P)


The guys are divided into pairs and in each pair the participants have their legs tied: one has the left leg, and the other has the right leg. Objects, for example, chips, matches, cards, are scattered at the same distance from each participant. At the “start” command, the guys from the pair begin to collect objects, pulling each other to their side. Whichever participant in a pair collects more items in 1 minute advances to the next stage - the stage of competition with the winner from the other pair. And in the end, the strongest and most dexterous person will receive a prize.

Quiz "Alphabet riddles"

The quiz involves several questions that include riddles related to the alphabet. At the age of 10-12 years, children will appreciate this format.

  1. Striped toddler. (Watermelon)
  2. He screams, yells, and doesn’t let anyone sleep peacefully. (Alarm)
  3. It twists, twirls, and aims at the sky. (Helicopter)
  4. They stand there, don’t offend, but everyone pushes them (Doors)
  5. What kind of girl? He doesn’t know how to sew himself, but wear outfits made of needles? (Hedgehog)
  6. Prickly, but not a hedgehog. (Ruff)
  7. An oak tree is hiding in a golden ball. (Acorn)
  8. If you roll it up, it becomes a wedge, and if you unfold it, it becomes a pancake. (Umbrella)
  9. She gave everyone clothes, but she herself wears what her mother gave birth to. (Needle)
  10. A red-hot arrow cut down a tree near the city. (Lightning)

Table games at the table for a man's anniversary

1. Extravagant congratulations.

It is advisable for guests to sit on both sides of the table (two teams). Alcohol is poured into glasses. A piece of paper and a pen are placed next to the guest sitting on the edge. The host commands the game to begin. Guests sitting on the edge write on a piece of paper the word with which the congratulation will begin. After this, the sheet is passed to the next guest, who comes up with his own word and so on until the end. The result should be a congratulation to the hero of the day.

2. Who will kiss the hero of the day first?

The guests are divided into two teams, which are on opposite sides of the table, the hero of the day sits at the head of the table. The guests sitting on the opposite side from the hero of the day begin the game. Those starting the game drink a glass of alcohol and kiss their neighbor. The neighbor does the same, and so on, until they reach the birthday boy. The first team to kiss the hero of the day wins.

3. The best portrait of the hero of the day

Guests are given inflated balloons and felt-tip pens or markers. Everyone draws a portrait of the birthday person on the balloon. The winner is determined by voting or applause. You can give the prerogative of choosing to the other half of the hero of the day.

4. Original congratulations to the birthday boy from the guests.

The main thing in this game is to congratulate the birthday person with a creative approach, using facial expressions. The congratulation text can be anything.

On the cards it is written in advance how to congratulate the birthday person:

  • seducing;
  • flirtatious;
  • with a stutter;
  • bulging eyes;
  • shouting loudly;
  • like a child;
  • dancing;
  • like under a chafe;
  • like at a rally.

Each guest pulls out a card and congratulates as written.

5. Congratulations to the birthday boy

The host addresses the guests with the words:

  • Dear guests, I have prepared a congratulation to our hero of the day, but I can’t find the adjectives. I want to ask you to tell me them one by one, and I will write them down. Each guest takes turns saying a word. Adjectives are written in order in the missing places in the sentences. At the end, the congratulations are read out, and it turns out funny.

Quiz "Color Questions"

The questions in this quiz are distinguished by their theme, which is related to the color scheme.

  1. Which city has the adjectives “White-stone” and “Golden-domed”? (Moscow)
  2. Whose nose is always red? (Snowman)
  3. According to the rules, this always starts with a red line... (Paragraph)
  4. What fun establishment is located in Moscow on Tsvetnoy Boulevard? (Circus)
  5. Popular transport, which is called green-eyed in the song? (Taxi)
  6. What painting is famous for being painted all in one color? ("Black square")
  7. How many colors are there in a rainbow? (7)
  8. What is the name of the Chinese "yellow river"? (Huang He)
  9. Which tree has the characteristics “white-trunked” and “green-trunked”? (Birch)
  10. Which black cow conquered the whole world? (Night)

"Learn the proverb"

A letter puzzle is a fun activity that also stimulates the development of children’s intelligence and attentiveness. The two teams are shown the recording and it is clarified that this is an encrypted proverb. The team that gives the correct answer first wins. Important! The record is a set of letters – small and large. The proverb is easy to decipher. It is enough to read the large letters first, and then the small ones. For example, “Who doesn’t work, doesn’t eat.” Please note that this type of ciphers can be taken in large quantities. Then the competition is held in several stages, and ultimately the team that earns the most points wins.

Birthday quiz for kids

For a birthday, the quiz should have a simple format and easy presentation. Children should not feel any educational message. The most important idea is entertainment for kids at such a celebration. The necessary questions can be searched on the Internet on YouTube channels, as well as in text format that can be downloaded. We have selected several questions for you.

  1. When (at what time) was the birthday boy born? (date and year)
  2. What is the most popular song about Happy Birthday?
  3. What game is played with plus and zero? (Tic Tac Toe)
  4. Who will help you decide who is the most beautiful? (Mirror)
  5. In how many days is the hero of the occasion's next birthday? (via 364)
  6. How old will the birthday boy be in 10 years? (need to add and answer)
  7. The main attribute of a birthday? (cake)
  8. What do you need to do to make a wish? (blow out the candles)
  9. Besides the birthday, what holiday does the birthday person celebrate? (name day)
  10. Whose birthday is it, other than the hero of the occasion? (parents)

Synchronized pair

The guys are divided into pairs, among which they will choose the most synchronous one. And to find out which of the participants can work best in a team, couples go through 3 stages of testing. Stage one: the leader moves the rope in a circle, and the couples jump up, always holding hands. Whoever does this most synchronously gets a point. Stage two: holding hands, each pair, at the command “start”, begins to squat 10 times. Whoever is most in sync gets a point. Stage three: the guys receive a ball and, holding hands with their free hands, hit it off the floor 10 times. Whoever is more synchronized gets a point. In this competition there will be either one winning couple or several. The winners receive the title of the most synchronous participants in the event and prizes.

Funny questions for a comic children's quiz

The funny quiz has a special mood and message. Children relax and have fun while answering questions. What is important here is not knowledge, but a cheerful mood.

  1. What is in 1st place in Russia and 4th in the USA? (Letter P)
  2. Which hand is easier to stir sugar in tea? (The one holding the spoon)
  3. How can you carry liquid in a sieve? (Frozen)
  4. When is it easiest for an animal to get into your home? (If the door is open)
  5. A wheel that doesn't move when you drive? (Spare)
  6. If you saw a green man, then... (cross the road)
  7. Which month has 28 days? (In any)
  8. If a stone falls into the water, then... (it will get wet)
  9. What bird cannot lay eggs from under its tail? (Rooster)
  10. In which year do people live longer? (Leap year)

For children

Children play the quiz willingly, because in the answers they can not only show their intelligence, but also their imagination. Joint answers to the questions asked help develop team spirit and responsibility for the words spoken.


Joking questions are popular among children. The following tasks are interesting for children 6 years old and 7 years old:

  1. What is the name of the one who does not share with anyone? (Greedy)
  2. Which object is the most beautiful of all: sweeter and whiter? (My mirror is my light)
  3. Who gets straight A's? (Excellent student)
  4. Who brings only bad grades from school? (F-student)
  5. Which animal in the fairy tale ate the sun? (Crocodile)
  6. What is a rubber nurse called? (Pacifier)
  7. What kind of swing does a monkey have? (Lianas)
  8. What is the name of a chicken's bedroom? (Perch)
  9. Who doesn't have bad weather? (Nature)
  10. How is sausage measured? (Stick)

For children 8-9 years old, this comic question-answer game is suitable:

  1. Which hand is best for stirring sugar in a mug? (The one that holds the spoon)
  2. Which wheels don't spin when driving? (Spare)
  3. A bird that doesn't lay eggs? (Rooster)
  4. What month has 28 days? (All months of the year)
  5. What will happen to a stone if it falls into the sea? (Get wet and drown)
  6. How to carry water in a sieve? (Needs to be frozen)
  7. How can a cat get into the house? (You need to open the door and let the cat in)
  8. When should you cross the road? (When the light is green)
  9. What to do when you see crows flying? (Close your pockets with your hands)
  10. Which game should you play with a plus and a zero? (Tic Tac Toe)

You can think through the questions yourself, taking into account the interests of the audience present.


A fun quiz for children aged 10 and 11 years old will make a family holiday interesting and entertaining.

The entertainment consists of several questions:

  1. Which chair does the king sit on? (Throne)
  2. When are the days longer: in summer or winter? (The days are the same at any time of the year)
  3. What is the name of a glass house for fish? (Aquarium)
  4. Who can wear 40 boots? (Centipede)
  5. What is the name of the eighth month of the year? (August)
  6. What animals does a dog handler work with? (With dogs)
  7. What can't a person live without? (No name)
  8. Which animal does a tractor help? (Horses)
  9. Is it possible to fly into space in a hot air balloon? (No)
  10. Which road are we limping on? (On the stairs)

It is also advisable to use riddles, for example: “He doesn’t bite, doesn’t bark, and doesn’t let him into the house.” (castle), “Without arms, without legs, but moves” (wind) and others.

Who knows the birthday girl better?

You need to invite the guests to find out which of them knows the birthday girl better. The game is played based on leading questions. The list is selected so that everything in the questionnaire concerns the hero of the occasion. First, you need to find out the simplest points from those present: hair color, eyes, foot size, favorite habits, literature, music, food, etc.

Then you can conduct a general blitz survey:

  1. What is given to the birthday girl, but she uses it less often than others? (Name)
  2. Can the hero of the occasion be in the room without a head? (Of course, if he sticks his head out the window)
  3. Why was (name) kicked out of class? (Outside the doors)
  4. Who is this quitter? (Boat driver)
  5. Who is called a bug? (The beetle's wife)
  6. How can you replace the word “mousetrap” with five letters? (Cat)
  7. What question is not answered with a positive “Yes”? (To the question: are you sleeping?)
  8. What walks close to us, but you can’t see it? (Our future)
  9. What is thrown and then picked up? (Anchor)

The basic rule for composing questions for those present is sufficient knowledge of the personality of the hero of the occasion.

Who knows the birthday boy better?

Based on the results, you can also find out who is better acquainted with the hero of the occasion.

It is advisable to prepare questions on small cardboard cards: on some the questions are written, on others - the answers, which are numbered. A selection of questions about the birthday boy is something like this:

  1. What is the date and time of birth?
  2. When were the first steps?
  3. When did you learn to hold a spoon?
  4. How tall were you born?
  5. What weight were you born with?
  6. In what maternity hospital was he born?
  7. What is the length of your leg now?
  8. Who you were friends with in kindergarten/school.
  9. When was the first time you got a bad grade?
  10. Who did you fight with for the first time?

The list of questions can be supplemented at personal discretion.

For babies

Children 5 years old find it easier to answer questions about cartoons and fairy tales.

You can use a list:

  1. Whose house is the hut on chicken legs? (Baba Yaga)
  2. Whose death is at the tip of the needle? (Koshchei the Immortal)
  3. What do you call a singing ball made from dough? (Kolobok)
  4. Who was Crocodile Gena's friends with? (Cheburashka)
  5. What is a baby cow called? (Calf)
  6. Which animal has one horn on its nose? (At the rhinoceros)
  7. Name an animal whose entire body is striped? (Zebra)
  8. Who has a long neck? (At the giraffe)
  9. Who is the smallest in the cartoon "Barboskiny"? (Baby)
  10. Which cartoon character's favorite food is jam? (Carlson)

A children's quiz should be simple and interesting; you should not ask kids difficult questions.

For schoolchildren

For children of primary school age in grades 1-3, the following questions will be appropriate:

  1. Name the birds that cannot fly (Kiwi and penguin)
  2. Which animal carries a baby in its pouch? (Kangaroo)
  3. Name the fastest animal? (Cheetah)
  4. Biggest bird? (Condor)
  5. Smallest bird? (Hummingbird)
  6. What is the name of the friend of the seven dwarfs? (Snow White)
  7. What was Karabas-Barabas proud of in the fairy tale? (With his beard)
  8. What kind of transport does Baba Yaga fly on? (In the mortar)
  9. What did the Cluttering Fly find on the field? (Money)
  10. Name the smallest girl? (Thumbelina)

Additionally, you can include tasks from the school curriculum in the list of questions.

For teenagers

Questions for children 12-15 years old can be complicated by focusing on intelligence.

Sample list:

  1. What is the eye filled with? (Liquid)
  2. What kind of trade did Duremar engage in in the fairy tale “Pinocchio”? (Sold frogs)
  3. How does day and night end? (Soft sign)
  4. Name a bag made of paper? (Envelope)
  5. Who speaks all languages? (Echo)
  6. What can you see with your eyes closed? (Dream)
  7. Which figure has all sides equal? (At the square)
  8. What fabric cannot be used to make a shirt? (From the railway track)
  9. What note is played when compote is cooked? (Salt)
  10. Which wing can't you fly on? (On the wing of an airplane)

Additionally, it is advisable to include questions about sports in the list if those present are interested in sports life.


Another entertainment “Sausage” will help diversify the festive atmosphere. It is held at home when a cheerful company has gathered for a celebration. The task is simple: the host of the holiday asks the guests questions that need to be answered: sausage and other similar words - sausage, sausage, etc.

The list of questions is as follows:

  1. What do you see outside the window?
  2. Who did you hang out with over the weekend?
  3. Why go to the sea?
  4. What did you give to the birthday girl?
  5. What's the longest thing in the world?
  6. What did you have for breakfast?
  7. What's 2 2?
  8. Who do you go to bed with?
  9. What do you use to brush your teeth?
  10. Who do you live with?

The highlight of this entertainment lies in the manifestation of imagination: the funnier the question, the more interesting it is to play.

At the table

Kids will love this food quiz game with questions and answers:

  1. Fried, baked, dried - is the bird delicious in any dish? (Chick)
  2. Did the doctor prescribe it for people and recommend it for breakfast? (Doctor's sausage)
  3. New Year's food, lies under a fur coat and never trembles? (Herring under a Fur Coat)
  4. Delicious snakes curl around the plate. (Spaghetti pasta)
  5. The fruits are poured with water, sugar is added and infused. What kind of drink? (Compote)
  6. Meaty and transparent, which is not afraid of the cold. (Aspic)
  7. Red, fragrant and tasty, it stands on the table. (Borsch)
  8. White and yellow, cooked in a frying pan. (Fried eggs)
  9. The best pill for all childhood diseases. (Candy)
  10. What do they beat in front of the TV? (Seeds)

Simple questions about products and dishes will help whet the children's appetite.

Field of Dreams

For the intellectual game “Field of Miracles” you will need a small magnetic board, magnets and cards with letters. The presenter thinks of a word; for children it will be a task on the theme of nature, animals or cartoons. Everyone names a letter, if it is guessed correctly, then the participant continues, if not, a transition is made to another.

When you guess 3 letters in a row, the presenter brings out 3 boxes, one of which contains a surprise.

An approximate list of tasks for the game is as follows:

  • 1st round: An animal whose ears are longer than its legs. (Hare)
  • 2nd round: A cunning fish that knows how to camouflage itself: it turns into a light or dark color. (Flounder)
  • 3rd round: The largest snake in the world, lives in the Amazon River. (Anaconda)
  • Round 4: Dangerous algae lives on the seabed. Has a motley and bright outfit. (Clown)
  • 5th round: As the animal is called, “a dog with a cat’s head”, it runs very fast. (Cheetah)
  • Round 6: A bird taking its chicks out for a walk in the rain. (Swan)

The questions in the semi-finals and finals become more complicated: “The animal that lives the longest” (Elephant), “What is a fast snake called in nature?” (Arrow). The winner of the final receives a memorable gift from the birthday boy.

Organization rules

The quiz must be organized step by step. At the beginning of the game, divide the participants into teams, this will make the game more fun. Each group must come up with a name and identification motto. These little things will help create a team spirit, and children will be happy to unite as one team.

Set up a location for the game. It is necessary to prepare a device for keeping score, sheets or buttons for answers, and incentive prizes.

Consider the format of the questions and their number: will you give open-ended questions or provide multiple answer options.

It is also important to alternate interesting topics for questions. This will help diversify the game and involve participants as much as possible in the process.

Don't forget about musical breaks and rest if you plan to make a long quiz.

Also, don’t forget about the gifts that participants will receive at the end, in addition to certificates. For example, small toys.


For each participant, next to the left and right legs there are identical piles of small candies or any other objects, for example, matches. The participant stands in a standing position, with feet shoulder-width apart or even slightly wider. At the “start” command, each participant bends down and collects objects using the mill method: with his right hand he reaches to his left leg and takes one object, and then with his left hand he reaches to his right leg and takes one object. Which of the participants can collect and place more objects in their hands than the others in 1 minute will be the winner.

How to write your questions for the quiz?

To prepare questions, you need to take into account several factors that influence the design of the quiz. To organize educational quizzes well, consider:

  1. Age of participants.
  2. Hobbies.
  3. Quiz format (oral, written, long-term, quick survey, online format, etc.)
  4. Possibilities for demonstrating questions (video or regular questions)
  5. Opportunities for submitting answers (on paper, by voting, by regular answer, by demonstrating the task, etc.)

List of questions “Which would you choose?” for teenagers

The most important thing in the game is the questions. Because even the most creative people run out of ideas for questions at some point, we've compiled a list of the best “What would you choose?” questions for teens.

Best questions for teens like “What would you choose?” ⭐️

Let's start with our absolute favorites. Some questions will make you think about your life, while others will make you laugh.

  1. Would you rather date someone unattractive with a great personality or someone very attractive with a bad personality?
  2. Would you rather live an extra 25 years or live a sleep-free life?
  3. Would you rather teleport anywhere or read minds?
  4. Would you rather be able to rewind to a previous point in your life or be able to fast forward to a later time in your life?
  5. Would you rather end every sentence with a racial slur or drop two F-bombs in every sentence?
  6. Would you rather go on a double date with your parents or with your partner's parents?
  7. Would you rather live your whole life in a virtual reality where all your wishes come true, or live your whole life in the real world?
  8. Would you rather have slow but unlimited Internet or paid but limited Internet?
  9. Would you rather burp confetti or fart over glitter?
  10. Would you rather give up air conditioning and heating for the rest of your life or give up the Internet for the rest of your life?
  11. Would you rather read minds or predict the future?
  12. Would you rather look 10 years older from the neck down or from the neck down?
  13. Would you rather have 20 million subscribers on YouTube or make a blockbuster action movie?
  14. Would you rather lose the ability to read or lose the ability to speak?
  15. Would you rather kill one person or 50 baby animals?
  16. Would you rather be born in the past or in the future?
  17. Would you rather use TikTok for the rest of your life or only use YouTube for the rest of your life?
  18. Would you rather get completely drunk after one drink or never get drunk?
  19. Would you rather be in prison for five years or in a coma for five years?
  20. Would you rather know how you die or when you die?
  21. Would you rather flirt with your crush by using emojis while texting or using memes while texting?
  22. Would you rather have everyone laugh at your jokes but not find other people's jokes funny, or would you rather not have anyone laugh at your jokes but still find other people's jokes funny?
  23. Do you want to have free Wi-Fi wherever you go, or be able to drink unlimited free coffee at any coffee shop?
  24. Would you rather have all the dogs try to attack you when they see you, or all the birds try to attack you when they see you?
  25. Would you rather share your home with a bunch of rats or live with your parents forever?
  26. Would you rather dip your foot in acid or set your foot on fire?
  27. Would you rather have all your shirts one size smaller or all your shirts two sizes larger?
  28. Would you rather have a boomerang that finds and kills any person you choose but can only be used once, or a boomerang that always comes back to you with one dollar?
  29. Would you rather have a clogged toilet in your workplace (school) or in your loved one's home?
  30. Would you rather remember everything you see or everything you hear?

Fun questions “What would you choose?” for teenagers

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