Games and competitions for the 60th anniversary at the table - at the table at home and in a restaurant

If young people prefer to celebrate their birthdays in nightclubs and other entertainment places, then representatives of the older generation limit themselves to restaurants and home gatherings. However, both of them want their birthdays to be truly fun and unforgettable. Therefore, it is not surprising that many people are really interested in all kinds of competitions and games that can be held for a birthday. So if you are going to celebrate 60 years, then you will probably be interested in games and competitions that are ideal for such a serious date.

Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden

The host prepares riddles for guests in advance about the garden and everything connected with it. The host makes a guess, and the guests guess. Whoever guessed the most is the winner. Examples: 1. Three letters, and sometimes white, green, and purple (onion); 2. In the poem, Denis or Boris (radish) always eat it; 3. If you don’t peel and cook it, it will turn out to be a military potato (jacket potato); 4. A person has it on his back in a diminutive form, and in the garden you can’t do without it (a shovel) and so on.

Competitions for a woman’s 60th birthday at home at the table. New, table

As they sang in one famous song, we bring laughter and joy to people. So the host at any holiday brings laughter and fun. And even if this is not a professional presenter, but just one of the guests of the evening who took responsibility for the mood of the guests. So that such a presenter will not be ashamed of the holiday, he will look at new competitions and games for your holiday.

New competitions for a woman’s 60th birthday at home. Have fun right at the table.

An anniversary is not just a holiday - it is a big event. After all, such a “round” date occurs once every five years. And absolutely everyone at such an event wants it to be bright, fun and memorable. How to achieve this? New competitions for a woman’s 60th birthday will help you. At home and at the table, these competitions will go with a bang! Each guest will play them, and some will want to repeat them for an encore. Intrigued? Then look at all the competitions that we have prepared on the occasion of the woman’s 60th birthday.

Competition – pass it on to someone else!

The first competition is called - pass it on to someone else. For the competition you need to prepare empty small boxes or empty Kinder Surprise barrels. You also need to buy ascorbic vitamins. We put one vitamin in each box or barrel. We turn on the music, and the guests begin to pass the first keg to each other. As soon as the music stops, the one who has the keg in his hands opens it and eats the vitamin. But he doesn’t know that it’s a vitamin. The presenter immediately warns that this is a truth pill! And as soon as the guest puts the truth pill in his mouth and eats it, an excerpt from the song is played, which will be the truth. That is, the thoughts of this person at the moment. Afterwards the music is turned on again and the second keg is passed. The game continues like this several times. At the same time, try to ensure that the music stops at those guests who have not yet experienced the truth pill. What kind of music should I play? Choose the most unusual clippings, maybe phrases from movies and TV shows. For example: - - I will go to live in London! - mani, mani, mani... - are there any applications for the distillery?

Competition - words starting with X...

The next competition will especially appeal to erudites. After all, you have to think here, and then you will win. Divide the guests into two teams, perhaps on the sides of the table. Each team must take turns saying words about the hero of the day. But these words must begin with the letter X! No swearing please! Words, for example, are: economic, good, free, and so on. You can invent your own words, it will even be funnier. If one team fails to name the word three times in turn, then it loses.

Competition - musical notes.

The next competition and you will need cards on which musical notes will be written: do, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si. We place the cards on a tray so that the names of the notes are at the bottom and are not visible. We approach the first guest and he chooses any card. He turns it over and sees a note. His task is to come up with a congratulation or compliment for the hero of the day on this note. For example, the note DO is on the cards. Then the congratulation could be like this: Dear hero of the day, happy anniversary! If the note on the cards is MI, then you can come up with the following: Our dear woman, happy anniversary! It will be interesting to see how the guests get out of it when they get LA or SI.

The competition is the same age as the hero of the day.

And again a competition for scholars. Here guests will need to remember famous people who were born in the same year as the hero of the day. But not just remember, but also tell what they are famous for and what they did for the world. The competition is not big, and it is simply suitable for filling a pause when men go off to smoke.

Competition – songs for fun.

Here guests will sing and have fun. But after the song they will have an important task! Invite guests to perform famous songs, for example, the wind was blowing from the sea. You can turn on karaoke, or you can even turn on the song itself so that guests can sing along with the author. When the song is over, you ask the guests - how many times was the word 6 SEEN repeated in the song? Guests give their answers. Whoever guessed correctly receives a prize: binoculars so that everything can be seen in the distance. You can play this way with other songs, for example, with the song “Blue Frost”. After the song, ask guests to say how many times the phrase: blue frost was repeated. Whoever guessed correctly receives a prize.

What's in the bag

For this competition, it is necessary to prepare in advance bags with different compositions of bulk substances (tie flour, sugar, sand, salt, rice, pasta, soda, buckwheat, and so on into simple pieces of fabric). The bags are laid out in a row. Each person who wishes goes out to the bags, tries them by touch and names what they think is there. The answers of each participant are written down on a sheet (easel). Then the presenter reads out the correct answers. Whichever participant has the correct answer will receive a prize.

60th anniversary funny scenario

If your loved one is turning 60, this is a great reason to search the Internet for a fun holiday script for their 60th anniversary. And people of advanced age want to have fun, have an unforgettable time, meet with friends and play group games.

In this article, we will look at some of the most striking ideas for celebrating the occasion. The 60th anniversary, for which a cheerful scenario is necessary, should be remembered by both the hero of the occasion and his guests for life.

First of all, you need to choose a suitable place for the celebration. It depends not only on the number of guests, but also on the time of year. If the celebration takes place in the summer, then you can gather in nature, for example. But a more convenient and relevant place is most likely a small cafe or dining room, which can be decorated with balloons, posters, and equipped with a music center with speakers for good sound.

The host can be an invited professional or someone close to the hero of the occasion. In the second case, there are more advantages, since the organizer and host knows the guests better and feels the atmosphere of the holiday.

As for competitions, it is better to offer them to the audience not one after another, but with breaks for refreshments, dancing and, naturally, toasts in honor of the hero of the day.

Competitions can be different: funny, dance, intellectual. Which theme will prevail at your celebration is, of course, up to you to decide. But we advise you to choose a variety of games so that guests of different temperaments and habits can participate in them.

The “Important Encryption” competition is designed for people with imagination. The game is that volunteers are offered sheets of encryption; their task is to decipher them not as the expression actually sounds, but so that it relates to the hero of the day, his qualities or congratulations.

The one who comes up with the most successful decoding wins the competition and receives a special prize from the hero of the day.

In general, when coming up with competitions for a 60th anniversary, a fun scenario cannot happen without them; take into account the age of the guests, their habits and mood. If the guests are of advanced age, refrain from very active competitions. Let there be more intellectual or table games. And moving competitions will replace dancing. Those guests who want to move around can always do so while listening to music.

So, you can hold a competition in honor of the hero of the day. Guests are divided into teams. Each of them receives an orange, pear or any other fruit, into which 60 toothpicks or skewers are stuck. The players take out one toothpick (skewer), while giving one compliment to the hero of the occasion. The winner is the team that completed the task faster and came up with the required number of compliments.

A great competition for those who love to sing. Very often, people who have relaxed after drinking want to show off their vocal abilities. This can be done during the original game, which is called “Shouldn’t we start a song?” For this game you need to prepare special paired cards. On one of them is written a line from a song, on the second - the next line from the same song. The cards are shuffled and given one to each guest. The participants' task is to find their "soul mate", so they must walk and quietly hum their song to find each other. The winners are the players who not only found “their half of the song,” but also performed it in full for the hero of the day.

The following competition is offered as a fun draw.

The presenter prepares in advance; he should have several ordinary items (pen, scissors, spoon, colander, fork, etc.), a boiled egg, a towel (regular kitchen), and a container of water. He takes a towel, soaks it in water and squeezes it out (the towel should not be completely wrung out! And remain in the form of a wrung out towel) it is better to take it out of the container in advance and put it next to it.

All potential participants are taken to some other room. Then the presenter's assistant blindfolds one player and leads him to the hall where the competition will be held. All this is done because a player can have only one such competition in his life; if he has learned the principle, he will simply not be interested. The participant is seated on a chair, with the presenter standing behind him. The presenter gives the person sitting various objects in his hands (except for an egg, a towel and a container of water), he determines the names by touch. When he identifies all the objects, the presenter gives him an egg, after he names the egg in his hands, the presenter asks: “Raw, boiled or soft-boiled?” The participant thinks, then the presenter says: “Let’s check?”, takes a wet towel (let me remind you: in the form of a wrung-out towel) and slaps him on the head! You will see the player's reaction for yourself. This game is contraindicated for the faint of heart.

Competition for two participants and all guests.

The presenter calls two volunteers - a man and a woman. Each player goes to their own room, where their roles are explained to them. The man is told that his task is to enter the room, put a chair, and pretend that he wants to screw in a light bulb. He is also told that the girl will try in every possible way to prevent him from doing this, but he will have to convince her that it will be better and brighter for her. The girl is told that the guy is going to hang himself now, she must save him, talk him out of it. All this should happen with the help of gestures, without words. After the participants have learned their roles, they are taken into a room where all the guests who know both tasks are sitting.

By the end of the evening, you can offer an almost children's competition-game for the 60th anniversary; a fun scenario will allow you to plunge into childhood!

A sufficient number of balloons are scattered on the floor. Participants leave at will. After the presenter's signal, accompanied by fast-paced music, each player should take and hold as many balls as possible. You can stuff the balls under your jacket, if possible, or into your pants. But the balls shouldn't burst. The winner is the one who at the end of time was able to hold the largest number of balls.

A 60th anniversary, a fun scenario for which can be drawn up according to our recommendations, does not happen without gifts. A selection of themed anniversary gifts can be found in the “Anniversary Gifts” section

Film mania

Each of the guests takes turns naming one movie, the title of which contains any number. The game is an elimination game, that is, whoever cannot name it is eliminated from the game. There are a lot of such films: both modern and those of that time, for example, “The Three Musketeers”, “17 Moments of Spring”, “In August 1945”, “4 Tankmen and a Dog”, “Sportloto 82”, “15-Year-Old Captain” ", "2+3" and so on. In case of difficulty, the presenter can give an easy hint for the participant. At the end of the competition, one or three film fans are awarded an Oscar - a chocolate figurine or a disc with their favorite old films.

Have fun celebrating our 60th anniversary

Sixty years is a respectable age worthy of respect. By this time, the woman has usually already been a wife, mother, and grandmother for a long time. Congratulations on the anniversary should be special and the holiday can be held according to an interesting, pre-prepared scenario. We suggest using a ready-made cool option suitable for a woman in honor of her 60th birthday. It is important to prepare everything in advance, taking into account all the characteristics and preferences of a particular person.

Preparatory moments

The scenario itself for a woman’s 60th birthday is given below with all the remarks, competitions and digressions. This is a ready-made cool option that can be changed at your discretion.

The anniversary is designed as a party, so you need to prepare the necessary attribute in advance:

  1. Shiny wigs.
  2. Firecrackers.
  3. Confetti.
  4. Funny cardboard caps.

In addition, the hall is pre-decorated in the appropriate theme. A dress code for guests is established, if possible. It could be a “70s disco” or a “retro party.”

For the anniversary, it is necessary to complete several wall newspapers, which include:

  1. Children's and youth photographs of the hero of the day.
  2. Photos of memorable moments.
  3. Personal family photos.
  4. Photos from work or any merits of the hero of the occasion.
  5. Photos with friends, from travel or favorite activities, hobbies, cottages.

Music selected for the entire event:

  1. Compositions for performances and competitions.
  2. Background music.
  3. Music for dancing.

It is necessary to think through and prepare small prizes for guests at competitions.

This is all something that needs to be thought out in advance, but here is the scenario itself for a woman’s 60th birthday. This is a cool ready-made script that can be changed, added or removed from it any moments.

Party “60 years - the beginning of youth”

Cheerful music sounds, guests enter the hall, fit in and greet the hero of the evening with applause and firecrackers.


Lots of light and fun in our hall today! After all, (the name of the hero of the day) ours has come, We have been waiting for her so much! 60 is a good age, you can be proud of it, so let us help her enjoy it!

(All invitees take their places at the tables)


Friends! We are all here today to have a blast and celebrate a bright event - the anniversary of our dear (name of the hero of the day). We all endlessly love this young, blooming woman for her cheerful disposition, peacefulness and inexhaustible kindness. Today thousands of pleasant words will sound for (name). But let her husband, the person who knows her best, congratulate her first.

Example words from a spouse:

“My dear and best one, today turned out to be a wonderful day. I really want to congratulate you, since such a serious time has come. After all, like wine, the older you get, the tastier and sweeter you are to me. You are like honey, and you don’t deteriorate with age, I can’t live a day without you!”


A wonderful congratulation from a dear loved one. Let's listen to the children and grandchildren of the hero of the occasion.

Entertainer: And now, friends, let's fill the glasses! For the health of the hero of the day, I really need to drink!

(Time for food, conversation. Background music is playing)

Afterwards, the entertainer can give the floor to friends, former or current colleagues of the hero of the day.

Then it's time for toast and snack again.

Competitions and games

What's an anniversary without competitions and games? Our cool scenario for a woman turning 60 continues with competitions. This is a ready-made, tried and tested option in a certain sequence that can be changed.

"Knitting thread"

Entertainer: Are there any needlewomen here? I call you! I now declare the grandma's competition Open!

Each participant is given a skein of thread. You need to weave the thread with your hands, as if on knitting needles. The prize could be a skein of yarn.

Entertainer: As long as there are such hard workers in the country, all troubles will pass us by. For all the tension to disappear, Who will drink, dear guests, with me?

“And your feet are dancing”


What's a party without dancing! So now let's start the dance competition! Anyone who wants to try themselves is welcome to the parquet floor!

Several pairs of participants are selected. You need to prepare music of different genres in advance:

Couples dance to the sound of the melody, and when the music stops, you need to freeze in a pose that matches the genre of music.

Compere: The soul shines with fun and joy, When we spin slowly in a waltz! So that dancing always fills our lives, I suggest you drink immediately!


Do you like to sing? I know for sure, you love me. Let's show off our talent!

Guests are divided into 2 teams. One team sings a song, the other must respond with a song that has the opposite meaning.

Entertainer: The heart dances and sings, Hearing these songs. So that we can sing all year round, Let's drink together! We raise a glass to our (name)! We will capture her enthusiasm and youth for centuries!

"Truth or lie"


Today, loving loved ones gathered at the holiday. Let's check how well you know our hero of the occasion. I suggest you play “truth or lie”.

All guests can be divided into 2 teams. Everyone is given cards of different colors, some “true”, others “false”. The entertainer asks questions that have been prepared in advance and the answer is known about facts from the life of the hero of the day. The teams raise cards in response. After which team has the most matches, it wins.


Obviously, only close friends gathered here! We have now learned the truth, it couldn’t be said better!

Final point

Entertainer: The sad moment has come, the party is coming to an end. We really hope to see it repeated in the next 60 years! We wish the birthday girl that the holiday in her life does not stop! And at the next anniversary we were there with the same lineup or more!

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