How to celebrate the New Year: Chinese style party

The cold weather has arrived, and with it the autumn-winter spleens. We remember warm times when we would run into a cafe with friends, but now we don’t want to go outside at all. The house is cozy, dry and warm. But in order not to get bored alone, invite your friends and turn a dreary winter evening into a fun party.

Today it has become fashionable to organize themed parties. You have a unique opportunity to decorate your holiday in Chinese style. After all, this requires a great desire to give dear people a pleasant evening and a minimum of costs. And you will have to spend no more than an hour on the preparation process itself, during which time you will have time to call your friends with an invitation and actually start the party.

Chinese Party Scenario

The object for such a themed party could be the wonderful country of China, whose history and traditions amaze with their beauty and unusualness.
You will need to prepare the premises, come up with invitation leaflets, take care of a menu that matches the eating habits of this people, and most importantly, introduce a dress code. In reality, everything is not as troublesome and difficult as it might seem. It’s enough to turn on your imagination, add passion and desire to create, and you can happily enjoy the results that will delight your guests.

Traditional lion dance

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The Chinese Dance Workshop and Hong Luck Kung Fu Club staged a whole national show for the guests.


Initially, it is necessary to accurately determine the circle of selected guests who will be able to attend such a unique event. Such calculations will be useful for preparing invitation leaflets. You can use the ancient Chinese custom of giving money in beautiful red envelopes during the holidays. But instead of money, you need to put an invitation leaflet in those cute envelopes that are sold in post offices or gift shops.

The date of the party must be indicated; you can write the address and time when guests should arrive for the holiday. The inscriptions can be in Chinese, which will add beauty and originality to them, but there must be a translation, because it is unlikely that all friends are such fans of this culture that they know Chinese perfectly.

If you don’t have many friends, and you want to express yourself, you can make invitation cards with your own hands. To do this, they sew a pocket of black satin, measuring 15 by 15, and in the middle you need to glue an insert first made of green satin, and after the glue dries - from crimson. The first strip should be about 7 centimeters wide, and the second - 5. After this, the structure is secured with a piece of twine with metal buttons threaded into it. Everything should resemble a case for a tablet, inside of which the invitation letter itself will be located.

An aged papyrus paper style would be suitable for this type of invitation. You must write down all the necessary information: from the time and date of the event to the required attributes and style of outfits. You can give it in person or send it by mail for even more fun.

Party in Japanese style!

Eastern theme

If you like the idea of ​​a Chinese-themed party, but this scenario seems boring, then you can organize a dynamic party with beer and chips. However, it should be noted that such a party will not be at all in the oriental spirit. Although, as they say, it's all a matter of taste.

Next time, prepare in advance.

  1. Start by sending out invitations to your guests, in which the place and time of the party will be indicated in Chinese characters (you can find them on the Internet), but do not forget to attach a translation to them, because not everyone knows Chinese.
  2. Decorate the room with Chinese lanterns. There should be a lot of red, dragons, patterns and other decorations characteristic of China.
  3. It is necessary to think through the dress code of your party in advance, since it will be themed, all the nuances must be taken into account.
  4. The main outfit will, of course, be a kimono.
  5. Well, as for the treats, at a Chinese-style party, of course, there should be Chinese cuisine, or you can supplement the menu with Japanese delicacies.
  6. If the technical support makes it possible, you can broadcast some moments from Chinese films.
  7. The musical accompaniment should also match the style of the party. Therefore, you can again turn to the Internet for help and find songs by Chinese artists.
  8. Like any other party, no matter the theme, a Chinese-style party should have an entertainment plan.

Chinese style decoration

When the invitations have reached their recipients, the guests are excitedly awaiting the upcoming miracle, it’s time to take care of decorating the place for the future celebration. You can decorate your apartment with figurines or images of dragons, because this magical animal symbolizes happiness and attracts good luck to the house.

Together with the dragon, you can place sakura in your home, which in the Chinese sense has the magical property of attracting goodness and fun into the house. You can also use a mixture of red, black and gold to decorate the interior, which will add a touch of luxury, because these shades are considered imperial. To them you can add papyrus lanterns with Chinese characters, or with fire dragon symbols. Crown this whole atmosphere with oranges, which fill the air with an indescribable citrus mood.

You can also use lighter and more restrained colors for winter decoration, for example, a white tablecloth, which reflects the soft blue light from the lamps. And decorate the room itself with vine branches and rugs made from real bamboo.

Floating lanterns, which can be placed in large transparent vessels filled with water, can add a little mystery and even romance. These lantern candles can be in the shape of a lotus or other variety of flowers.

You can make red lanterns from threads yourself if you cover an inflated balloon with red threads using glue, and after drying, carefully pierce it and take it out, leaving only the threads.

The feast can be arranged right on the floor, inviting guests to sit on soft satin pillows and prepare for the future tea ceremony. You can carry it out either independently or by inviting specialists who will introduce those present to this sophisticated and ancient tradition.

Movie themed party!


At a Chinese-themed party, you don't have to sit around looking like "I'm Confucius." Of course, at home, in the presence of elders, these are emphatically polite, modest people. But when it comes to recreation for young people among their peers.

For relaxation and a tea ceremony, download Chinese folk music, and competitions will go well with modern “pop” songs. It's crazy, but a lot of fun!

The correct scenario for a Chinese-style party is based on a constant change of all kinds of competitions and entertainment. First of all, these are dominoes and dice, which are found in literally every cafe/house . There are dozens of varieties of domino/dice games (include 2-3 in the scenario), the rules are simple (available on the Internet). For example, tóuzi:

Two dice, any number of players. Someone shakes the glass, puts it upside down on the table, and the guests name arbitrary numbers. The one who is least close to the dropped value is eliminated or drinks a penalty.

Jenga is appropriate - an English game, but they love it very much (a tower made of planks, you need to take it out from the bottom and put it on top). And not a single big party takes place without singing karaoke, and our “Good Night”, “Kalinka”, etc. are often sung. - funny. Try to sing these songs with a Chinese accent, award the winner. You can also include competitions in the party scenario:


The true dish of this eastern people is considered to be noodles, and various variations in its preparation. You can take this tradition into account and, with a little imagination, treat your guests not to the usual Olivier salad or sandwiches with sausage, but to delicious noodles with a variety of additives. You can even tell that a bowl of noodles is considered a sacred dish that every birthday person should eat on his birthday so that this dish will add strength and health to him. And invite your guests to also slightly improve their health with the help of a meal.

Sacred dishes are also considered to be those prepared from meat or eggs, which are served only on special occasions. You can supplement the main meal with alcoholic drinks such as vodka and liqueur, but they should also be consumed according to the Chinese tradition, which you can familiarize yourself with using Internet resources, and even watch a special video, and then teach it to your guests. A sweet end to a festive lunch or dinner would be peach pudding, or a regular cake on which you can place an image of a dragon.

Of course, if you wish, you can diversify your dishes with sushi or rolls, but this food is considered not Chinese, but Japanese. But on the other hand, such delights can be quite a pleasant and tasty bonus. You should definitely invite guests to try their hand at using chopsticks, but in order to avoid possible embarrassment, you should still put regular spoons and forks nearby.

Party in Indian style!

Gathering of guests: greeting

The names of the guests can be remade in an oriental style. You can add endings to each name: -hiko, -zu, -dai, -si, -hei, etc.

You can also add the prefix “san” to your address. This will surely make your guests laugh.

People who come to a Japanese party are greeted at home in an Asian style. You can say “Konichiwa” - this is how they say hello in Japan, or “Ohai”. At the table, after raising a glass, you should say “Kampai”. Thank you very much in Japanese is Origato gozaimas.

Similar to our “Bon Appetit” is the phrase “Itadakimas”.

You can try to depict hieroglyphs, as this is a very difficult, but fascinating activity. You should bow a little when meeting, thereby expressing respect.


Everyone present can be invited to wear a kimono, but if this is not possible, ladies can choose a more democratic outfit: a dress decorated in Chinese style. Often such clothes should be red, with patterns reminiscent of a firebird, or with a dragon that slides down the girl’s figure almost to her feet. For makeup, you can use a special technology that involves a white face with dark eyebrows, brightly painted eyes and lips with red lipstick. You can complement the look with an appropriate hairstyle and jewelry made of flowers or beads.

Table setting

The table should look “Chinese” not only thanks to traditional dishes, but also due to the appropriate setting. If you do not plan to buy a special set (bowls, cups and a teapot in popular red or green shades), look for round bowls or plates with floral patterns at home.

Traditional Chinese ceramic eating utensils

Don't forget about chopsticks, which Asians use to eat almost everything, including soup (they drink the liquid part of it as broth). A tablecloth in white, green or red would be ideal for this table setting.

Chinese traditional chopsticks


Chinese motifs will help create a more believable atmosphere, which is best included in an unobtrusive background that will not interfere with a casual conversation. But if they make you sad or are simply not perceived very well, you can replace them with something more modern, for example, get to know current performers from this country.

How to entertain guests at a party?

If you have the right equipment, you can even broadcast Chinese films or excerpts from them. And so that guests don’t get too bored, hold a few fun competitions.

Unite those present into two teams and place in front of them two plates with chopped vegetables or pasta or something else. Then, at the other end of the room, place two empty vessels, and offer to quickly move the products from the first vessels to the second, using only chopsticks. You can turn on some fun music to boost your morale.

Wander around the Internet a little and find Chinese symbols that will indicate some good wishes, and invite guests to practice calligraphy, again using only the same sticks and paints. They can then take all these good wishes with them and make them their talismans.

You can even arrange some kind of fortune-telling using the “Book of Changes”, or bake special cookies with wishes for something good.

To end this fun party on a pleasant and rosy note, you can launch fire lanterns into the sky, and with them make your most secret and desired wish so that it will surely come true. And at parting, give the guests purely symbolic coins for good luck, so that they bring them happiness.

The main thing in this idea is not to turn all this into an ordinary excuse to get drunk. A Chinese party should, above all, have a touch of togetherness and travel to another culture, as well as the opportunity to simply have a great time in the company of your dearest ones. So that this evening remains the most vivid of memories.

How to meet friends?

Oriental hospitality is a must for our themed party.
It is ideal if each dear guest is greeted by the owner in a turban and an embroidered robe, while treating everyone who enters with fruits and sweets, and offering a cup of strong coffee brewed in Turkish style. In addition to the above, you can treat yourself to traditional Caucasian drinks, such as an invigorating ginger drink, milk tan, ayran or matsoni.

Or maybe a fakir will entertain those entering the house? Demonstrating another trick, he will take out various treats from under his magic cloak. An excellent alternative to him will be our old acquaintance and Aladdin's assistant - the genie.

The meeting of guests can also be entrusted to beautiful concubines who perform a charming and seductive belly dance for all the guests gathered at the party.

Amazing music will help set your guests in the mood for an oriental fairy tale, because the melodies of the East cannot be confused with anything else. The atmosphere of the beginning of the holiday will be supported by a video with oriental dances and songs, the smell of freshly brewed coffee, and the wonderful aroma of lit sandalwood sticks or other incense.


Check out our full list of themed parties!

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