The best original and beautiful congratulations on Teacher's Day

Teachers have a difficult and responsible job, because these people not only pass on knowledge and experience to students, but also try to be an adviser and a good friend. Children spend a lot of time at school, so often teachers become practically second parents: they worry, worry, worry and help their students. On Teacher's Day, every student wants to congratulate their favorite teachers, and we will tell you how to do this in an unusual and sincere way in this article.

General tips, recommendations, congratulation options

On the holiday, mentors do not expect expensive gifts; it is much more important for them to feel respect, attention, and care from their mentees. How can you congratulate teachers on Teacher’s Day from students:

  1. The most popular gift is, of course, flowers. A woman is most often presented with a beautiful bouquet, but on Teacher’s Day it is advisable to give flowers in an unusual way so that the surprise will be remembered for a long time. For example, the whole class takes turns approaching the class teacher and handing over one flower with wishes. At the end of the congratulations, the mentor will have a whole bouquet of congratulations.
  2. Poems of your own composition as a gift are a pleasant surprise that the teacher will surely like. You can come up with humorous quatrains or, if you can’t compose a congratulation, use poems by other authors. The main thing is to read the words from the heart, with the most sincere wishes.
  3. Students can organize a small concert for their class teacher. You will have to rehearse your performances in advance, and on a holiday, please the teacher with interesting performances: a song, a dance, a theatrical skit, or magic tricks.
  4. An original version of congratulations is a wall newspaper, in the design of which the whole class participates. You can write beautiful congratulations in poetic or prose form on a large piece of whatman paper, add photographs from school life, decorate a gift for Teacher’s Day with candies, ribbons, and bows.
  5. In the age of modern technology, children often use various gadgets to congratulate them on the holiday. This could be an edited film about teachers, an interview format where each student will congratulate their mentor on the holiday, a movie with a script in which schoolchildren will act instead of actors.

At the stage of preparation for the holiday, a number of issues need to be resolved:

  • will there be a collective congratulation from the whole class, or will each student prepare a surprise on their own;
  • to whom the congratulation is intended: the class teacher, teachers who teach specialized subjects, the director;
  • is it necessary to involve parents in preparation;
  • what kind of gift will be given to the teacher.

Any congratulation, regardless of the chosen format, will cause admiration from the mentor if it is done sincerely and from the heart.

Festive concert

If you decide to organize a concert on Teacher's Day, you need to come up with a script in advance and carefully rehearse each number. Students will be able to show their talents: sing a song, dance, show a funny skit, perform magic tricks. If this is a mini-concert for the class teacher or several teachers, it can be shown after school. Typically, a school-wide event is held on Teacher’s Day, so you need to plan the time in advance so that the mentors are free.


If you want to surprise the teacher, organize a “live” congratulation. For example, students from several classes line up in a certain order under the windows of the building in such a way as to form letters that form the word: “Congratulations!” Everyone loudly calls the mentor by name and patronymic, and when he looks out the window, the schoolchildren shout congratulatory words. At the same time, you can launch multi-colored balls into the sky to make the flash mob bright and colorful.

Wall newspaper

Teachers will be happy to receive a wall newspaper as a gift, which the students made themselves. There are many design options for a wall newspaper, for example, you can paint a sheet of Whatman paper with yellow and red autumn leaves, glue photographs and write congratulatory poems. Such a surprise will look creative. White paper is decorated with images of flowers and butterflies, then photographs of students are glued, each of whom is holding a piece of paper with a written word. When all the images are pasted, you will get an original congratulatory inscription, for example:

Ekaterina Alekseevna! We would like to sincerely congratulate you on Teacher’s Day and wish you joy, health, and happiness. Let you always be in a great mood, and we will try to please you with grades and exemplary behavior.

How to congratulate a colleague?

On their professional holiday, mentors accept congratulations not only from their students and their parents, but also from their own colleagues.

Congratulations from the director:

A teacher is not just a profession, but a calling, a state of mind when you happily share your knowledge with children. Therefore, the recognition of students, their sincere love, which does not disappear even after many years, is so important for each of us. I congratulate you, dear colleagues, and wish to hear many sincere, significant words of gratitude from your students on this day. Happy Teacher's Day!

Dear Colleagues! Today is our holiday, and I would like to thank you very much for your daily work. The results of our work are not immediately visible: builders build houses, drivers transport goods and passengers, lawyers appear in courts, doctors treat illnesses. And we invest knowledge in our students, help them develop as individuals, support them in difficult situations, and rejoice at their successes. Dear mentors, remain as sunny, kind, sensitive, attentive, may good luck always be nearby, and may adversity pass you by. Happy holiday!

Congratulations on Teacher's Day do not have to be strict and official. Delight your colleagues with funny poems or prose so that the holiday takes place in a fun, relaxed atmosphere.

Congratulations from parents

Surely mothers and fathers of students will want to express gratitude to the mentors who invest new knowledge in their children every day. Parents can gather after school, present a surprise with a bouquet of flowers to the teacher and make a touching speech.

Heartfelt congratulations on Teacher’s Day can be not only in poetry, but also in prose:

Dear ______________ (name, patronymic of the mentor)! Let me sincerely congratulate you on a wonderful holiday - Teacher's Day. You do so much for our children, invest a piece of your soul into them, give them your warmth, teach them not only to read, write, count, but also to be good, responsible, kind people. For your students, you are a second mother (father), a loved one who wishes only happiness for your child. Your work is truly priceless, and we want to say a huge thank you for everything you do for our children. We wish you good health, happiness, good luck, and only good mood!

A teacher is a difficult profession that requires full dedication, because what goes around comes around. Let the difficult everyday life of a teacher be filled with happy children's laughter, good knowledge and grades, gratitude, and kind words from students. We hope that in years to come you will be proud of our children and their successes. I wish you happiness, prosperity, and the blessings of life!

What can students do?

The teacher will accept any congratulations from students with joy. You can congratulate your favorite teacher in poetic form, organize a small concert, arrange a flash mob, or record a video message. You can come up with an original congratulation to surprise your mentor on Teacher's Day, for example, make a Wishing Tree. Each student writes a wish on a green leaf-shaped sticker, and then the leaves are glued to the drawn trunk. It will be beautiful if the gift is presented in the form of a painting in a wooden frame.

Using the same principle, you can make a sea, a house, a flower meadow with wishes.

Sample script for congratulations from students

Select musical excerpts from songs that will form a congratulation. To the music, students bring out a sign with wishes, which they present to the mentor. After the musical number, the students congratulate the teacher on the holiday and present a gift and flowers.

Congratulations in verse

Cool verse from colleagues:

Congratulations to you, colleagues, on this wonderful, warm day. Let your eyes burn with happiness with a bright, fiery fire. Our work is difficult and nervous at times, How often we return home tired. The students don’t listen, sometimes they play pranks. I wish you smart, affectionate kids in your class. And if it suddenly happens that the children take you out, I would like, colleagues, to wish you very strong nerves. Well, and good working conditions, decent, high salaries. So that the mood is always good, And the children’s grades are like rewards.

Congratulations from parents:

Please accept our gratitude on this wonderful autumn day for the fact that you are not too lazy to explain, show, teach children. For your kindness, love, sincere attention, For the fact that you give all your knowledge to children. We wish you creative success, joy and happiness, to avoid troubles and bad weather. Life energy, good health! Thank you sincerely, with respect and love.

Poem from students:

Thank you, teachers, for not teaching in vain, for giving us knowledge, your experience is very important. Always be happy, let trouble pass you by. Your work is worthy of admiration. We wish you joy, love, good luck, inspiration.

Congratulations on Teacher's Day in prose

Congratulatory words from the head teacher:

Dear teachers! Today we celebrate our professional holiday. I would like to say a big thank you to everyone for their invaluable work, kindness, affection, and care. I sincerely thank each of you for the work that you perform responsibly and with all your heart. It’s so good that we have a friendly, cheerful team. I would like to wish everyone a good mood, strong nerves, and understanding students. Achieve your goals, be happy, enjoy life!

Congratulations from a colleague-friend:

Dear friend, Happy Teacher's Day! You are a real treasure not only for loved ones, but also for students. As a second mother, you worry about each of them, rejoice at their successes, worry about how their future life will turn out. There are very few such sensitive mentors, which is why you are so valued and loved. I wish you personal happiness, beauty, tranquility, creative success!

What parents can say on Teacher's Day:

A teacher is a calling that the most courageous, wise, and kind people proudly carry throughout their lives. Let difficult everyday life be filled with enthusiastic children's glances, best grades, and grateful words. Let joy, happiness, understanding, and respect reign in the family. Thank you for everything you do for our children. Low bow to you.

Congratulations from the students to the class teacher:

Dear ____________ (name, patronymic of the teacher)! Sometimes we behave noisily, do not listen, and argue with you. But all the students in our class are happy that you are our class teacher. We wish you a peaceful sky above your head, warm sunshine, obedient students, and we, in turn, promise to study well and achieve a lot in life to make you proud of us. Happy Teacher's Day!

If congratulatory words are written on a card, choose a concise text:

Dear_________ (name, patronymic of the mentor)! Thank you for everything you do for us!

Happy Teacher's Day! We wish you health, good luck, happiness, obedient students!

Congratulations on social networks and via SMS

How to congratulate teachers in an original way using mobile phones and social networks? Post a congratulatory poem on your teachers’ social media pages or send an SMS to your mobile phone.

Thank you, teachers, that your efforts are not in vain. May your work bring you joy, and may your children look forward to meeting you.

You can agree with the whole class that each student sends the teacher a short congratulatory message on his mobile phone. The teacher will be pleasantly surprised when his students shower him with pleasant words on holiday.


The teacher will be glad to receive a postcard from the class on their professional holiday. You can buy a finished copy, but things made with your own hands are of particular value. Make a beautiful card for your teacher using scrapbooking, quilling techniques, make an applique or draw a thematic picture: flowers, autumn leaves, a school bell, a globe. All that remains is to write congratulatory words and present a gift to your favorite teacher.

How to make a card for Teacher's Day?

Several options for postcards for Teacher's Day:

At the concert

Gala concerts dedicated to professional holidays of workers in various industries are usually held in the concert hall of the Kremlin Palace and broadcast on central television channels. Congratulations from the state are a very important and weighty motive, but a concert organized at the workplace is much more cordial and pleasant for the heroes of the occasion. After all, it was organized by those to whom teachers dedicated their lives and daily work.

When preparing the program, consider dividing the event into a ceremonial and congratulatory part. Dedicate the ceremony to rewarding the teaching staff of the school. For each teacher, come up with a separate nomination, justify your choice and present a congratulatory attribute in the form of a certificate, cup or medal. Prepare this procedure carefully so as not to deprive any of the teachers of attention.

Compose the congratulatory section from amateur performances performed by students of different classes and artistic parents. Songs, dances, music, gymnastic sketches and theatrical performances - the manifestation of any abilities can be presented in the form of a concert performance, as long as it is from the heart.

Congratulations for the first teacher

Primary classes can read a touching poem for the teacher:

We congratulate you on Teacher's Day and wish you happiness, joy and success. Don't be upset, don't be sad, Be the best teacher. When we came to first grade, you greeted us so joyfully. Your eyes radiate kindness, that’s why children all adore you.

Collage “Dreams come true”

A collage is a large collective card that beautifully combines photographs, pictures from glossy magazines and good wishes written with bright pens and felt-tip pens.

Many people make these “wish cards” for themselves to visualize their dreams and speed up their implementation. So why not wish your teacher health, family well-being and success in work in such a bright format?

In order for everything to be organized, you need to prepare many, many pictures, print out photographs of children and teachers (you can only have faces), put a large sheet of whatman paper, glue and bright gel pens. Let the result hang in the classroom corner until the next holiday, and all good wishes will come true by this time.

The collage can be a mosaic of simple shapes (something like a panel with hearts and an outlined palm). It’s beautiful when a simple silhouette (tree, animal, flower) consists of bright magazine pictures. To do this, you need to cut out the shape, put a collage on top, trim off the excess and glue it to a new background. Wow, what a cool dachshund it turned out to be!

How to congratulate the class teacher of middle and high schools?

On your holiday we want to say these words: When you scold us, it’s not a problem. We have such a wonderful you, You can’t count all your merits. Thank you for your care, for your understanding, May all your wishes come true.

We congratulate you on this holiday and wish you happiness, joy and good luck. More warm, bright days, And we love you more and more!

You are our idol, our guiding star, which leads us to a happy future. Every day you share with us not only knowledge and wisdom, but also give away a piece of your soul, which each of us will save for the rest of our lives in our hearts. Thank you for everything you do for us. We wish you happiness, creative success and success in all your endeavors.

Song flash mob

A flash mob always starts spectacularly and unexpectedly. If the teacher is very strict and may not appreciate group singing in the middle of the lesson, don't bother.

But I think there won’t be any special objections, because the song lasts no more than 3 minutes. If there are two or three people in the class who sing well and perform at all school concerts, come up with a number in which one girl will start singing first, the second will join her, then several more students. At the end there is a general chorus. Film your flash mob on your mobile phone, in a few years you will smile again)).

Congratulations from teachers in various subjects

Wishes can highlight the professional activities of each teacher. Teachers will be pleased to receive personal congratulations rather than general words.

You can congratulate an English teacher like this:

We studied the language of the great Shakespeare, as well as the Internet, together with you and thank you for it! Respect from us, please accept, The best, our beloved teacher!

Poems for a math teacher:

We are ready to study mathematics for many years, so that there are many victories at the Olympiads. Congratulations, our teacher! The whole class wishes you to prove all the theorems not once, but many times.

It is permissible to congratulate a dance teacher like this:

Magic fairy of rhythmic movements, Today we will congratulate you. Wonderful dances are full of inspiration, We love to dance. Thank you for your efforts, for your patience and understanding.

How to congratulate a physical education teacher:

Now we know how to jump high, you taught us to run quickly and easily. You are our favorite physical education teacher, the God of agility, courage, and an ideal figure. We wish you to always win in everything, and we will pass all standards with an A.

How to congratulate a physics teacher on Teacher’s Day in your own words:

Physics is a complex science, but you helped me understand, explained, taught, for which we want to say thank you. Now we know Newton’s and Ohm’s laws, what the speed of light and sound is, we will continue to study such an important and necessary subject with your help. We wish you goodness, good luck, happiness and obedient students.

Beautiful congratulations to the teacher-philologist on Teacher’s Day:

Great, mighty Russian language, You flow like wondrous music. Each of us has become accustomed to you since childhood, You remain our favorite. Thank you for what you have done for us, Our congratulations are exclusively for you!

A funny poem for a biology teacher:

Your office is like a museum. There are herbariums and even snake bodies in formaldehyde. And the beloved skeleton has been standing in the closet for so many years, Granite helps us gnaw on science together with you. If someone is scared, well, it’s not a problem, we wish you to always be cheerful and friendly.

The big picture

It happens like this. You need to print or transfer onto paper by hand a beautiful drawing with closed contours from the “anti-stress” series (there are many, many of them on the Internet) or just buy a ready-made coloring by numbers. It takes one person a lot of time to color, but if the whole class takes on the task...

The work turns out beautiful and memorable. Many years from now, your teacher will show this picture in a frame to her new students, family and friends: “Yes... that’s how 9 “B” congratulated me in 2016...”

How to congratulate the director and head teacher?

Today we all celebrate Teacher's Day, and of course we don't forget about the head teacher. Let everything work out, All dreams come true. So that everything is in order, Like an excellent student in a notebook.

How to congratulate the school principal:

Not everyone is capable of working as a teacher, but being a school leader is a real talent that only a persistent, strong, courageous person can do. Our workforce is happy to work under your leadership, because you always find the right solution in any situation. Please accept my sincere congratulations, let every day be a discovery for something new, bring only joyful emotions, give smiles. Happy Teacher's Day, dear director!

Please your mentors with sincere words of gratitude and warmest wishes. A teacher’s workday is difficult, full of various events, so on Teacher’s Day, every mentor is so pleased to feel the attention and respect from students, their parents, as well as colleagues and school management.

Unexpected character

Carlson evokes special emotions in women. This man, in the prime of his life, with a bouquet of flowers and a gift, can congratulate the teacher on behalf of the entire class. We hired a professional actor; his services for 10 minutes are not that expensive. Again, don't forget to take a photo of the moment you receive the gift. Your class teacher will have something to brag about to his colleagues.

In addition to Carlson, there are many characters, it all depends on your preferences. Event planning companies will offer you a large list of images.

Holiday selfie

Today, selfies have gained particular popularity. So why not take this very selfie with your teacher. Line up the whole class in front of a decorated chalkboard and invite the teacher to take a photo.

Then the finished photo can be sent to the teacher by mail or printed and placed in a beautiful frame on the wall in the school classroom.

Not a single teacher will refuse such an idea, but on the contrary, he will be happy to pose.


Nowadays, almost every family has the opportunity to make a video thanks to the development of modern technologies - albeit unprofessionally, but it doesn’t matter at all. But where are we leading with all this? The fact is that you can also congratulate your favorite teacher in an original way using a video. To do this, each student needs to say on camera the warm words and wishes that he would like to say to the teacher.

After this, it is necessary for one of the students (or parents, if the children are still small), who has editing skills, to collect the video from everyone else and make a video out of it. If your knowledge allows, you can add special effects and add music using school-themed songs. Burn the finished video onto a CD or DVD. Additionally, you can order a special gift design for the disc to make it even more pleasant for the teacher.

On the day of the holiday, take a laptop or use a projector if your class has one. Play the video as soon as the teacher enters the classroom. Believe me, he will be extremely pleased to hear congratulations addressed to him from each student. After watching it together, solemnly present the teacher with a disc with the recording - for him it will be a valuable gift for life.

Such an original greeting is available to every class, because it is absolutely inexpensive and only requires a video camera (even a phone camera will do) and editing skills.

Instruction book for use by students

If one of the students or their parents has scrapbooking or at least simply knows how to beautifully design cards using appliqués , you can make an original book for the teacher. But this will not be some boring album with photographs and standard congratulations, but a real reference book for the teacher. And it will be done in the form of instructions.

First, you need to make the book itself and buy it ready-made, then decorate the pages with paper or paints. You also need to prepare some funny or cool photographs of each of the students. It will be great if you select photographs that will clearly characterize each of them. It is also necessary to compose instructions for use by the student in a comic form. It should describe the child’s character so that the teacher can find out who we are talking about, even without looking at the photo. Each instruction is printed on a separate sheet. To do this, we recommend taking not just white office paper, but beautiful and unusual paper, preferably different for each instruction.

After this, the album must be decorated using photographs, instructions, various thematic clippings, stickers, stamps for scrapbooking, etc.

Such a gift will help the teacher get to know his students better, and in general, everyone is pleased to receive an original and fun book!

Self-government or “inside-out day”

One of the nicest gifts for a teacher is a day off. But not simple, but interesting and unusual. Let your teachers return to your childhood and find yourself back at school. On this day everything will be the other way around - students will become teachers, and teachers will become students. And besides, it's fair!

“Interesting, but how to organize it all,” you ask. Everything is very simple. Make a lesson plan, you can even take the same lessons that you have planned for that day. For the role of teachers, it is necessary to select students or students who know the subjects best. But with this they not only have rights and power, but also responsibility - to prepare an interesting lesson, always with homework!

You can also do lessons in a comic form: copy the behavior and manner of presentation of the teacher, and thereby let him look at himself through the eyes of a student. True, for this the “young teacher” will also need acting skills. The rest of the students will play the role of the school committee, which was invited to an open lesson. Don’t forget to prepare and distribute lesson invitations to all teachers in advance.

Such a congratulation will not only amuse teachers, but will also allow them to see themselves from the outside and, perhaps, some of their mistakes. This is very important so that the teacher can learn what to work on and how to improve their skills. Also, this method of congratulations will bring teachers and students closer together and create a friendly atmosphere.

Video congratulations

Nowadays this is very easy to do, since many children have phones with good cameras. Stand in a circle and distribute congratulatory words among the children so that there are 20 “Health and Happiness” times. The text can be spoken by 2-3 people at a time (no more can fit in the cell). Pass the smartphone around so that everyone can smile at the teacher and say kind words.

You can find a good poem and read 1-2 lines with the whole class. Just rehearse a couple of times so that everything works out without long pauses. You need to watch it together on a big screen from a projector.

Sweet table

Children should learn from an early age to be hospitable hosts. You can practice this by preparing a sweet table with tea or coffee for the teacher. Each student (with the help of parents or himself) must prepare a sweet surprise in the form of pastries, desserts or other delicacies. Money is collected in advance to buy tea or coffee, as well as disposable tableware.

You also need to take care of decorating the classroom. You can find out how to do this beautifully and unusually by reading our article “Decorating a school and classroom for Teacher’s Day.” It presents several ways to make your classroom feel festive and bright.

Preparing sweet surprises will help develop children's housekeeping and culinary skills, and will also please the teacher.

Personalized gifts

Many services offer the production of personalized souvenirs. These are beautiful and useful little things on which you can write congratulations and wishes to a specific teacher.

Most often they give mugs, personalized sets of sweets or tea, personalized flash drives, diaries, covers for documents, and so on. Manufacturing takes about 3 days, such services are available in almost every city in Russia.

As always, please add ideas to this page in the comments. May HAPPINESS smile upon all the teachers of our country.

Irina Panasyan

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