Quizzes for girls - great fun for the holidays

Quizzes for girls: goals and objectives

So, properly organized intellectual and cognitive competitions will be interesting to every little girl. The main thing is to figure out what questions you will ask. Quizzes for girls can be different. However, they have the same goal - to develop the cognitive interest of children and broaden their horizons.

Don’t forget that when preparing any quiz for girls, you need to take care in advance not only of questions and tasks, but also of prizes.

Think about which teams would be best to divide the participants into, who will be the captain, what names you can come up with, how to organize work places.

Where to start the quiz?

First of all, of course, the presenter announces the name of the competition itself. A quiz for girls with answers to the questions asked can begin with beautiful music, selected depending on the theme of the event.

Everything continues with introductory words, congratulations, and reading poems. After that, we smoothly move directly to the quiz. How to organize it? What should a quiz for girls be like? You should familiarize yourself with the answers to these questions long before the holiday.

A game, for example, can consist of several rounds at once. Questions will be asked to the teams in turn. They are led, of course, by captains. Points are awarded for each correct answer. The team's task is to recruit as many of them as possible. If the answer is incorrect, the question goes to the opponents. The most important thing is not to quarrel during the game, remain polite and calm.

Quiz "Girls - Boys"


For girls

- this is a piece of clothing for warming the hands, and
for boys
- a device for connecting cylindrical parts of machines, cables, pipes.
(Muff.) For girls
, this is part of a sleeve or trouser leg, and
for boys,
it is a sealing part of a machine that prevents
liquid from flowing from one cavity to another. (Cuff.) For girls
it is a hair accessory, and
for boys
it is a fastener in the form of a rod.
(Hairpin.) For girls
, this is a headdress, and
for boys,
it is the upper, expanded part of the nail.
(Hat.) For girls
, this is a neckline on a dress or a haircut, and
for boys,
it is a combat formation of the infantry in a quadrangle to repel attacks from all sides.
(Care.) For girls
, this is a ceremonial passage, a procession of models in couture outfits, and
for boys,
it is a narrow passage between mountains or swamps, used to detain the enemy.
(Defile.) For girls
, this is a pocket detail, and
for boys,
it is a type of shutter, a lid that closes the passage of gas, steam or liquid.
(Valve.) For girls
, this is a fancy dress in the form of a long cloak with a hood, and
for boys,
a board game with hammering a “goat.”
(Dominoes.) For girls
, this is a knitting accessory, and
for boys
, it is a part of a bicycle wheel.
(A knitting needle is a knitting needle and a knitting needle is a rod that connects the hub of a bicycle wheel to the rim.) For girls,
it is a vessel for boiling tea, and
for boys,
it is a novice car enthusiast.
(Teapot.) For girls
, this is the first spring flower, and
for boys
, it is an inexperienced driver who hit the road in the spring after spending the winter in the garage.
(Snowdrop.) For girls
, this is what is transmitted on radio or television, and
for boys,
it is a mechanism that transmits movement and power from one part of the device to another.
(Transmission.) For girls
, this is a crossbar on which a curtain is hung, and
for boys,
it is a longitudinal ledge at the top of the wall or an overhanging part of a steep slope or avalanche.
(Cornice.) For girls
, this is an elongated oval-shaped crystal vase or salad bowl, and
for boys
, it is an old sailing ship.
(Rook.) For girls
, it is a dense, ribbed or convex patterned cotton fabric, and
for boys,
it is the flight of an airplane, similar to a fall.
(Pique.) For girls
, this is a kitchen utensil for scooping up liquid, and
for boys,
it is a gripping device for an excavator.
(Ladle.) For girls
, this is a container for pickling cucumbers, and
for boys,
it is a seat (bench) in a boat.
(Jar.) For girls
, this is a mechanical clip, a hook with which an additional long handle is attached to a handbag.
And for boys
it’s a lightweight short-barreled rifle.
(Carbine.) For girls
, it is a vegetable for soups and salads, and
for boys,
it is a hand weapon for throwing arrows.
(Luke.) For girls
, it is a ring in their chain, and
for boys,
it is an Air Force unit.
(Link.) For girls
these are offensive words, swearing, but
for boys
it is war and battle.
(Expletive.) For girls
, it’s a nut filling, and
for boys,
it’s an old gun shell.
(Core.) For girls
, this is a toy at the very top of the New Year tree, and
for boys,
it is a piercing weapon.
(Pike.) For girls
, this is a set of beautiful clothes, and
for boys,
it is a military task.
(Outfit.) For girls
, it’s lard with paprika, and
for boys,
it’s a secret police agent.
(Spik.) For girls
, it’s a toasted slice of bread, and
for boys,
it’s a short speech inviting them to drink wine.
(Toast.) For girls
, this is the left or right edge of the jacket, and
for boys,
it is the side wall of the ship’s hull.
(Board.) For girls
, it’s a bowl for jam, and
for boys,
it’s a device for connecting electrical appliances to the network.
(Socket.) For girls
, this is a cutlery, and
for boys,
it is a device for connecting electrical appliances to the network.
(Fork.) For girls
, it is a delicious fruit, and
for boys,
it is a sports equipment for whipping.
(Pear.) For girls
, this is a knitting device, and
for boys,
it is part of a fishing rod.
(Hook.) For girls
, it’s a window frame with glass, and
for boys
, it’s a skeleton of a bicycle.
(Frame.) For girls
it is a hanging piece of jewelry, and
for boys
it is a structural element of a car.
(Pendant.) For girls
, it’s a TV, and
for boys,
it’s a mechanism in a car.
(Gearbox.) For girls
, this is a multi-section piece of furniture, and
for boys,
it is a formation of football players in front of the goal.
(Wall.) For girls
it is an external remedy for colds, and
for boys
it is a football penalty card.
(Mustard plaster.) For girls
, it’s a type of coffee, and
for boys,
it’s a great football player.
For girls
, it is a cutting tool for needlework, and
for boys,
it is a deceptive kick in football.

Questions on history, etiquette, literature

For example, you can organize a tournament. As part of the quiz for girls, ask them certain questions about history - about the great women of the Russian land. Ask the children about the princess who first accepted the Orthodox faith, about the great empress, about the world's first female astronaut, etc.

In the second round, you can talk to the girls about etiquette. Ask about how married and unmarried women are treated in the UK, Germany, Spain, France, Poland and other countries.

Well, of course, we shouldn’t forget about issues related to literature. These can be tasks on the topic of myths, legends, fairy tales. You can, for example, compete to see which team knows more princesses or princes. There are plenty of fairy-tale characters, for that matter, so you can come up with a huge number of questions for a literary tour.

Quiz for children with answers

50 questions to choose from - from simple to more complex (on the left - questions, on the right - answers). I wrote the answers for children who themselves want to conduct a quiz for their friends at their birthday party. To be sure)).

A moving hill of sand in the desert is called... A. Dune B. Cliff C. Rock D. Mountain

Answer: A. Dune

What did ancient people do to make rain? A. They didn’t eat anything for three days B. They killed a mammoth C. They danced around a fire with a tambourine in their hands D. They walked with an umbrella and said “it seems like it’s starting to rain...”

Answer: B. They danced around the fire with a tambourine in their hands

What can't a tornado do? A. Stand still B. Lift a car into the air C. Uproot a tree D. Destroy a building

Answer: A. Stand still

In ancient times, the Chinese learned to make silkworm cocoons... A. Seasoning B. Paper C. Rubber D. Silk

Answer: G. Silk

Where is the venom in a cobra? A. On the tip of the tongue B. In the tooth C. On the tail D. In the hood

Answer: B. In the tooth

Which animal's tail looks like an oar? A. Beaver B. Squirrels C. Foxes D. Bear

Answer: A. Bobra

How do Eskimos greet each other? A. Shaking hands B. Kissing C. Rubbing noses D. Hugging

Answer: B. Rushing noses

What insect glides through water without drowning? A. Ladybug B. Mayfly C. Water strider D. Dragonfly

Answer: V. Water strider

So that the pharaoh would not need anything in the afterlife, they placed in the sarcophagus along with the mummy... A. Jewelry B. Products C. Papyrus D. Teddy bear

Answer: A. Jewelry

What is the name of the room on the ship where the sailors live? A. Cell B. Kubrick C. Apartment D. Office

Answer: B. Kubrick

What is formed in oyster shells? A. Pearls B. Corals C. Gold D. Diamonds

Answer: A. Pearl

A hot spring gushing out of the ground is... A. Geyser B. Fountain C. Waterfall D. Stream

Answer: A. Geyser

What did the Japanese use instead of money before coins appeared? A. Potatoes B. Pearls C. Shells D. Rice and fabrics

Answer: D. Rice and fabrics

Previously, it was fashionable to wear instead of glasses... A. Microscope B. Binoculars C. Telescope D. Monocle

Answer: G. Monocle

Why does the water in the sea appear blue? A. Because of algae B. Because of the color of the bottom C. The water reflects the sky D. Because of dissolved salt

Answer: B. Water reflects the sky

Which plant tolerates drought well? A. Grapefruit B. Cactus C. Palm D. Birch

Answer: B. Cactus

What plant flower are they looking for on the night of Ivan Kupala? A. Lily of the valley B. Daisy C. Fern D. Juniper

Answer: V. Fern

Who helped the knight put on heavy armor? A. Coachman B. Squire C. Butler D. Footman

Answer: B. Squire

In the Maasai tribe, a boy is considered an adult after... A. Outruns a cheetah B. Defeats a lion C. Builds a hut D. Learns to read and write

Answer: B. Defeat the lion

What did the Indians do as a sign of reconciliation? A. They buried the hatchet B. They broke all the arrows C. They clapped their hands D. They stuck spears in trees

Answer: A. They buried the hatchet

What is the name of the place in the desert where there is water and vegetation? A. Oasis B. Palm Grove C. Paradise D. Mirage

Answer: A. Oasis

Which of the following berries ripen first? A. Lingonberry B. Blueberry C. Blueberry D. Strawberry

Answer: G. Strawberry

Which of the following animals has the most acute hearing? A. In a cat B. In a hedgehog C. In a bat D. In a dog

Answer: B. At the bat

Columbus called the inhabitants of America Indians because... A. He liked this word B. He thought that he had sailed to India C. The natives raised turkeys D. The natives gave him a turkey

Answer: B. He thought he had sailed to India

Where does a sea turtle lay eggs A. In the sand on the shore B. In the thicket of a forest C. In a meadow D. At the bottom of the ocean

Answer: A. In the sand on the shore

What school of fish can destroy a large animal in a few minutes? A. Karasei B. Karpov V. Piranha D. Seahorses

Answer: V. Piranha

What device helps study the seabed? A. Telescope B. Airship C. Lunokhod D. Bathyscaphe

Answer: G. Bathyscaphe

In the depths of the swamp,... A. Peat B. Salt C. Iron D. Gold

Answer: A. Peat

Primitive people considered the cause of disease... A. Viruses B. Drafts C. Evil spirits D. Dirty hands

Answer: B. Evil spirits

Which of the following was invented first? A. Typewriter B. Computer C. Printer D. Copier

A. Typewriter

Which fish has both eyes on the same side of its body? A. Perch B. Shark C. Trout D. Flounder

Answer: G. In flounder

What were the first airplanes made of? A. Made of wood B. Made of rubber C. Made of plastic D. Made of metal

Answer: A. Made of wood

Which bird has the sharpest vision? A. The woodpecker B. The raven C. The eagle D. The starling

Answer: B. At the eagle

This insect rolls balls from dung A. Termite B. Scarab C. May beetle D. Cockroach

Answer: B. Scarab

What is the name of the cook on a ship? A. Gunner B. Quartermaster C. Boatswain G. Cook

G. Kok

What did the Marquise de Pompadour come up with to appear taller? A. Earrings B. Ladder C. Stilts D. High-heeled shoes

Answer: D. High heels

Glass is made... A. From sand B. From plastic C. From iron ore D. From stones

Answer: A. From sand

Sailors impregnated their clothes with resin... A. For insulation B. So that they would not tear C. So that insects would not grow in them D. So that they would not let water through

Answer: D. So that it does not let water through

“Ant-cows” are called... A. Caterpillars B. Grasshoppers C. Aphids D. Medvedok

Answer: V. Tlyu

Spiders secrete webs... A. From the hind legs B. From the abdomen C. From the front legs D. From the jaws

Answer: B. From the abdomen

What bird can fly tail first? A. Toucan B. Parrot C. Rhea D. Hummingbird

Answer: G. Hummingbird

What form does any liquid take in zero gravity? A. Ball shape B. Cube shape C. Oval shape D. Remains shapeless

Answer: A. Ball shape

The highest mountains in the world are... A. In America B. In Asia C. In Europe D. In Australia

Answer: B. In Asia

What animal pretends to be dead when it senses danger? A. Opossum B. Ostrich C. Kangaroo D. Platypus

Answer: A. Possum

What color is a polar bear's skin? A. Gray B. White C. Pink D. Black

Answer: G. Cherny

How do lunar seas differ from terrestrial seas? A. There is no water in them B. The water in them boils C. The water in them is frozen D. They are very deep

Answer: G. Cherny

Russian cosmonaut A. Leonov was the first... A. Descended into a mine B. Went into outer space C. Set foot on the surface of the Moon D. Landed on Mars

Answer: B. Went into outer space

What did irons used to be filled with? A. Hot water B. Heated stones C. Hot sand D. Hot coals

Answer: D. Hot coals

What does the word “telephone” mean in Greek? A. “It’s hard to hear” B. “Distant sound” C. “Let’s talk” D. “Hello”

Answer: B. “Distant sound”

What was the name of the brilliant Austrian composer who began composing music at the age of 7? A. Beethoven B. Chopin C. Bach G. Mozart

Answer: G. Mozart

Approximately how much does a blue whale weigh? A. Like 25 elephants B. Like 10 giraffes C. Like 2 crocodiles D. Like 100 mice

Answer: A. Like 25 elephants

In China, brides wear dresses... A. Black B. White C. Red D. Orange

Answer: B. Red

How long is a giraffe's tongue? A. Meter B. Half a meter C. 20 centimeters D. 2 meters

Answer: B. Half a meter

Young fashionistas

The above entertainments are educational and intellectual. However, what else can games for girls include? The quiz must contain questions about fashion.

Show the girls pictures of various costumes, ask them when and in what country they were in fashion. Ask questions about current trends: what can be worn and where, how to combine clothes, what accessory will suit a certain style.

Rest assured, such tasks will definitely appeal to young fashionistas, because in each of them, from birth, the future real woman has already hidden. So give them maximum pleasure!

Quiz for February 23 with possible answers, including one that is correct

  1. Defender of the Fatherland Day is celebrated:

a) July 23

b) May 23

c) January 23

d) February 23

  1. How long has Defender of the Fatherland Day been considered a red day on the calendar?

a) three years

b) two years

c) one year

For Defender of the Fatherland Day

  1. Who did the artist Vasnetsov depict in the painting of the same name?

a) 3 Musketeers

b) 3 heroes

c) 3 wise men

d) 3 bears

  1. Who was the crew of the combat vehicle?

a) 3 tankers, 3 big jokers

b) 3 cadets, 3 excellent boys

c) 3 captains, 3 ordinary comrades

d) 3 tankers, 3 cheerful friends

  1. The first phrase in “Borodino” by M.Yu. Lermontov:

a) Tell me, uncle...

b) Shut up, auntie

c) Hello, friends

d) Go away, all of you

  1. At the request of the soldier, he accompanied him to the gate for a walk around a foreign city during his leave. Who are we talking about?

a) about Comrade Generalissimo

b) about comrade foreman

c) about a brother in arms

d) about a roommate

  1. The chant about the border guard told of a dense forest, covered with... What exactly?

a) traces

b) snow

c) mosquitoes

d) coins

  1. The number of toothy pikes caught by daredevils in red ties in the song about a white cap without a visor:

a) forty pieces

b) one thing

c) twenty pieces

d) one hundred pieces

Questions about defenders

  1. Name the attire in which Schelenberg served.

a) dress uniform

b) protective camouflage coat

c) tuxedo

d) tracksuit

  1. How many times have viewers heard from Ensign Shmatko, in the TV series “Soldiers,” his signature “Yo-moe”?

a) 389 times

b) 20 times

c) 5 thousand times

After reviewing the results of the quiz, the jury decided to reward all participants for their ingenuity and good reaction. All teams impressed with their excellent knowledge of world history, literature, as well as modern films and music.

For little housewives

Questions for a quiz for girls, naturally, should also contain something related exclusively to a warm, soft feminine theme. Let the young ladies prove themselves to be real good housewives.

For example, you can ask about the first and second courses of Russian cuisine, about dishes intended for certain products, about the ingredients used in cooking.

Ask riddles, for example, about napkins (chintz, linen or paper squares for wiping hands after eating), about a tray (a flat stand for serving lunch, breakfast or dinner at the table), about a service, tablecloth, dairy and bakery products, etc. d.

You can hold a quiz for girls based solely on a specific topic - even if it’s culinary. You can also ask many questions here. For example, about where pizza came to us, what dish we can’t prepare the first time, what vegetables are used to make mashed potatoes and pancakes, what product is “the head of everything,” etc.

So you can see that organizing a quiz for girls is not difficult at all. The main thing is to decide what exactly the little princesses like, show a little patience and imagination, and think about the most interesting questions and rewards. Happy holiday!

Quiz for girls on March 8

1. Who is the most whiny girl on earth? Princess Nesmeyana

2. Which flower is both masculine and feminine? Ivan da Marya

3. What flowers are most associated with the celebration of March 8? Tulips

4. Who is the most sensitive princess? Princess on the Pea

5. Charming nanny with an umbrella. Who is this? Merry Poppins

6. What is the name of the baby's bedtime song? Lullaby

7. A respectable lady living in a hut on chicken legs. Baba Yaga

8. The tiniest heroine of the fairy tale, Thumbelina

9. The woman who has the “soul of a cat” Madame Broshkina

10. The heroine of the fairy tale Cinderella

11. White flowers from the work “12 months” Snowdrops

12. What is the name of the curious woman whose “nose was torn off at the market” Varvara

13. The key to successful cooking: Good mood

14. Women's summer dress without sleeves Sundress

15. Which plant with small yellow flowers is also often given as a gift on March 8? Mimosa

16. What color is Malvina’s hair? Blue

17. Which note is not needed to make compote? Salt

18. An important ingredient for making fluffy baked goods. Yeast

19. What vegetable couldn’t be pulled out by “the whole family”? turnip

20. The first bird to arrive in spring. Rook

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