Quest game for teenagers “Crime Prevention”

Quest – game “In search of children’s rights”

Quest – game “In search of children’s rights”

for children of the preparatory group


We have so many friends here, let's play quickly!

Let's play the game "THIS IS VERY GOOD" .

Listen to me carefully and after each line I read you must say “This is very good” or “This is very bad.”

Beginning of the game: We got together today... And today laughter is appropriate... We will sing and dance... And offend the girls... We are smart and beautiful... And a little whiny... We take new toys... We will get everything dirty, we will tear it... Together we will go on a hike... We will push the boy into the river... We'll collect a bouquet of flowers... We'll put the trash in a bag... We'll break all the branches... We'll see mushrooms near the stump... We'll meet the forester... Moms and dads are waiting for us at home... We're very happy to see them... We'll whine and mope... We'll be grateful for lunch...

Here today are all friends (claps hands) - one, two, three, He, she and you, and I (claps hands) - one, two, three - turn to the one on the right, turn to the one on the left ... – we are friends now; - smile at the one on the right, smile at the one on the left - we are friends now; - wink to the one on the right, wink to the one on the left - we are friends now; - hug the one on the right, hug the one on the left - we are friends now; - give your hand to the one on the right, give your hand to the one on the left - we are now friends.

After the game, a policeman comes into the room.

Police officer:

Hello guys! The harmful Baba Yaga stole the main law of children - the Convention on the Rights of the Child and now riots and chaos will begin in the country, as adults begin to violate the rights of children. We need to fix everything urgently. Our informant reported that Yaga hid the convention in your kindergarten. But where do you need to find out? To do this, you need to pass tests, for completing each of them you will receive part of the hint (cut pictures). The tests will not be easy, but legal. Baba Yaga encrypted them, and you must determine what right we are talking about. After passing all the tests and putting all the parts together, you will find out where Baba Yaga’s hiding place is located in the kindergarten.


Well, guys, we urgently need to return all children their rights. Do you agree?



Police officer:

I almost forgot, here is the main evidence for you - Baba Yaga’s route sheet, it will be easier for you to navigate (he gives it to the children).

It’s time for me to return to my post and keep order. I hope everything works out for you guys. See you again!


Come closer, let's take a closer look at the route sheet. Where does the first test await us?


in the center of the playroom there is a stroller with a baby doll

Hello guys! Come here! Do not be shy! Each of us has our own family. ( the teacher addresses the children

) Who are the members of your family? (children’s answers)

Publication date: 12/05/2019

And the author: Mukhamadieva Elena Viktorovna, social teacher, MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 8" Alyonushka, Kamchatka Territory, Yelizovo

Relevance : The event was held within the framework of the Day of Legal Assistance for Children in accordance with the “Fundamentals of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of development of legal literacy and legal awareness of citizens”, approved by the President of the Russian Federation in 2011.

Goal: formation of the legal culture of parents through familiarization with fundamental human rights and freedoms, generalization of legal knowledge about the rights and responsibilities of the child.


1. Introduce parents to the rights and responsibilities of adults and children;

2.Help to realize that there are no rights without responsibilities, no responsibilities without rights;

  1. To popularize the value of legal competence as an integral quality of a modern citizen of Russia.
  2. To promote the unity and involvement of parents in the life of the kindergarten.

Form of implementation: this event is held in the form of a quest game. The quest consists of 5 stages. At each stage the team gains points. The team that scores the most points in total wins.

Progress of the event:


Hello, dear parents, thank you for not staying away and deciding to take part in our legal quest, which is dedicated to Children’s Legal Aid Day.

The date of World Children's Day was chosen to honor the UN adoption of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child on this day in 1959. On the same day, but in 1989, the Convention on the Rights of the Child was also adopted. That is why the date November 20 is considered a day dedicated to all children of the world.


— I suggest starting with a little introduction. Elena Anatolyevna, our educational psychologist, will conduct several entertaining exercises with you so that you can unite a little, unite and be ready to complete the quest.

Educational psychologist: take a ball of thread and pass it around in a circle to each participant, who in turn says his name.

After a circle of threads is formed and everyone holds a thread, it is proposed to transform the circle into a square, into a triangle and again into a circle.

Exercise “Pencils” - the group stands in a circle, pencils are handed out and pressed between the pads of the neighbors’ index fingers. The group, without letting go of their pencils, synchronously completes the following tasks:

  1. Raise your arms, lower them, starting position.
  2. Stretch your arms forward, starting position.
  3. Take a step forward; two steps back.
  4. Lean forward, backward, straighten up.
  5. Sit down, stand up.

- Well done, I hope your mood has improved, you have relaxed and are ready for new challenges.

And now I want to introduce you to our jury: representative of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities (full name), deputy head. by VMR (full name)

- And now I propose to split into 2 teams, choosing a circle on the table. Participants with red color stand on the right, participants with blue color stand on the left. We ended up with two teams: “Rays” and “Stars”. Please announce your mottos, 3 minutes to prepare.

“Stars” - Always shine, shine everywhere and help friends in trouble! “Rays” - Always shine, shine everywhere, for the benefit of people and yourself!

So, we begin our legal quest!

The team's task is to pass all the tests, collecting as many chip points as possible for correct answers. Team “Luchiki” goes on a trip to kindergarten groups 1,3,5,7, Zvezda team - to kindergarten groups 2,8,4,6.

In groups, teachers will meet you and give you tasks. I give each team a plan for completing the quest (Appendix 1) and wish everyone good luck!

Stage 1 “VERBAL” music. hall

Make up as many other words as possible from the given word in three minutes

  • OFFENSES (word count)

Stage 2 “QUESTION - ANSWER” of groups 1-2

  1. What is the name of the fundamental law of the country? Answer: Constitution.
  2. What is the name of a resident of our state who has rights and fulfills duties. Answer: Citizen.
  3. A person who has received the right to power from the people. Answer: President.
  4. What state symbols do you know? Answer: Flag, coat of arms, anthem.
  5. When is Russia Day celebrated? Answer: June 12
  6. What is the name of the main document that protects and calls for respect for the rights of the child? Answer: Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Stage 3 “CONTINUE THE PROVERB” groups 5-6

  • Murder will out.
  • What is the sin………. such is the retribution.
  • It is not the place that makes the man......but the man is the place.
  • No sooner said than done
  • A holy place is never empty.
  • His hand......the lord.
  • Seven answer.
  • Don’t have a hundred rubles…….but have a hundred friends.
  • A thing is good when it’s new………….but a friend is good when it’s old.

Stage 4 “LEGAL” group 3-4

  1. What right did the witch violate in relation to Alyonushka in the fairy tale “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka” (Right to Life)
  2. What right of the hare did the rooster protect in the fairy tale “Zayushkina Hut” (Right to Housing)
  3. What right did the frog take advantage of in the fairy tale “The Frog Traveler” (Right to freedom of movement)
  4. With the help of Papa Carlo, what right did Pinocchio take advantage of in the fairy tale “The Golden Key” (Right to Education)
  5. What right did Cinderella’s stepmother violate by forcing her to work day and night and not allowing her to play and have fun (Right to rest and leisure)
  6. The guardian of the world famous Harry Potter intercepts and reads letters addressed to the boy. What right of the boy is he violating? (Right to privacy, confidentiality of correspondence)

Stage 5 “FAIRYTALE LAWYER” groups 7-8

“teams need to remember the name of the fairy tale based on the description of the plot of the fairy tale seen through the eyes of a lawyer)

  1. Name a fairy tale in which a person of ill repute, under the guise of a sweet and charming personality, attempted to kill seven minor souls, but was exposed and severely punished.

" The wolf and the seven Young goats"

  1. This tale is about a certain adventurer who, without good physical preparation, went on a journey with obstacles. Cunning and endurance allowed him to approach the very finish line. The ending is tragic: the hero, violating safety rules, dies.


  1. Name a fairy tale where two sisters, jealous of the third, resort to forgery and deception. "The Scarlet Flower"
  2. In this tale, a good bird gave up its property to two people who wanted to divide it into parts, but were unable to do so. As a result, the wealth was accidentally destroyed by a petty gray person.

"Chicken Ryaba."

While the Teams are being tested, the jury is shown a video on children's rights.

Summing up after the teams return to the hall.

While the jury is counting the points scored by the teams, the educational psychologist organizes parents for reflection (what impressions did they get from the quest, what new things did they learn, wishes for the future, etc.)

Announcement of the results and winner of the quest.

Rewarding teams with symbolic prizes.

— I thank you, dear parents, for participating in the quest, I hope that this time was not wasted for you. And as the famous TV presenter Andrei Malakhov says, “Take care of yourself and your loved ones”

Annex 1

Team "Luchiki" - 1,3,5,7 groups

Stage 1 “VERBAL” music. hall
Stage 2 “QUESTION - ANSWER” gr. 1
Stage 4 “LEGAL” gr. 3
Stage 5 “FAIRYTALE LAWYER” gr. 7

Team "Stars" - groups 2,8,4,6.

Stage 1 “VERBAL” music. hall
Stage 2 “QUESTION - ANSWER” gr. 2
Stage 4 “LEGAL”

gr. 4

Stage 5 “FAIRYTALE LAWYER” gr. 8
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