Sports party for children: have a good rest

A fun match. The holiday is hosted by the host in the guise of a sports commentator. The room or outdoor area is decorated with football attributes: inflatable goals, soccer balls, sneakers, a scoreboard with the number of years of the birthday boy, a T-shirt with the name of the birthday boy. All children are dressed in sportswear.

Children line up in two lines. A sports march sounds. The birthday boy is walking or running along the corridor.


Ole-ole-ole-ole! Our... (name), forward! Ole-ole-ole-ole! Birthday is calling!


Today we are reporting from the city... where the “Fun Match” is taking place at the central stadium. It is attended by a team of friends of the birthday boy, as well as a large crowd of fans. The birthday boy, the captain of one of the teams, will shine on the field today in all his glory. I propose to hold a draw to determine the teams.

All children are ranked first or second and form two teams. Each team member receives a distinctive element - a scarf-tie of a certain color.

Birthday of a little football player (preparing for the holiday)

You can organize teams “children - parents”.

Before the start of the decisive match, as befits professional football players, training will take place. For the best result, teams will receive a ball in their basket.

Each team has a colored plastic or fabric basket into which balls are placed for winning the competition.

And the football players will begin with a light intellectual warm-up. Each team takes turns calling any play that uses the ball. The team that calls play last gets the ball.

The game is played at a fast pace.

Well, passions are heating up. The players get excited. The next test will help us identify not only football experts, but also captain experts.

One player per team is invited. It is necessary, while hitting the ball off the floor, to list five names of football players, names of football teams, qualities of the birthday boy, wishes for the birthday boy. Each time the ball is hit by different players.

Let's move on to the next stage of training. Football players on the field need to see not only their team, but also the opposing team, and understand every sign from the coach. We invite teams to take turns depicting a sports term related to football for their opponents. For each word guessed, the team receives a ball.

Words: referee, whistle, card, goal, ball, stadium, commentator, drum, pipe, flag, anthem, goalkeeper, etc. The number of words for each team must be the same. The words are written on cards.

We begin warm-up exercises with the ball. All players receive a soccer ball. You need to kick the ball while the music is playing. Those players whose ball falls are eliminated. The team with the most players remaining by the end of the exercise wins.

The task can be complicated: by inviting one player from the team, ask them to hit the ball with their head or knee.

Mastering the ball is great, but owning multiple balls is top-notch. Who from the team will take a risk and try to demonstrate the skills of a virtuoso? (To those who left.) You will need to juggle a ball (or a balloon, in which case there may be more balls than balls), gradually adding one ball at a time until the balls fall out of your hands. The maximum number is three balls.

The game is underway. The next warm-up is not for the faint of heart, but for agile and fast players. Each team must select a goalkeeper. The goalkeeper receives a colander, his task is to quickly move along the court in a straight line in front of the opposing team, holding the colander firmly in his hands. The opposing team takes turns trying to throw the ball into a colander without the ball jumping out. The team with the most hits will win this warm-up.

The game is underway.

Warm-up with the ball continues. More than once we have looked with admiration at a football player who perfectly dribbles the ball around the stadium, passes it to the team and scores against the opponents. So we invite you to admire the skill of the players and watch how beautifully they carry the ball around the hall with the help of two sticks.

Each team receives a set: a ball and two gymnastic sticks. Holding the ball between two sticks, you need to carry it around the hall back and forth, then pass the baton to the next player on the team. The team that never drops the ball will be the winner.

And the last exercise before the decisive match. The game "Dodgeball" is played. Football, football! The fans shout: “Goal!” Football! Football! A game for those who are cunning!

If the birthday party is held outside, then the match can be played for real, but by shortening the time of each half. Otherwise, the content of each half may be different. First time.

Each team needs to roll up their pants legs and collect paper balls scattered around the hall. The winners are not those who collected the most, but those with the longest socks (gaiters).

Second half.

Players are asked to measure the following parameters of all members of their team: - height using a sneaker; - leg length using leg warmers; - waist circumference using a ball. The team that makes the most accurate measurements wins.

Third half. Each player is given two cards with letters. The presenter reads the phrases, and the players line up in the correct order to form the correct word. Letters: M, I, CH, N, O, S, S, Y, L, P, D, A, K.

Let... (name of the birthday boy) have a bright match, Let a fast... (Ball.) rush across the field, Let everything be beautiful in business, Don’t hear “Referee on... (Soap.)” So that you don’t have such grief - Benches and removal from... (Fields.) Victory for the birthday boy and the champion title! So that he is greeted with pride... (At home.) Let everyone give exactly the pass. So that this one is victorious... (Hour.) Whatever the score, it is clear to anyone: Let every match be... (Cool.) If at the end of the games the teams have an equal score, then a penalty is declared. While the music is playing, everyone is dancing. As soon as one whistle sounds, everyone dances as a train, two whistles - in pairs, three whistles - in a round dance, four whistles - everyone dances separately.

The march of athletes sounds. Teams line up in two lines.

Our fun match is approaching the final. We ask the teams to run around the hall.

The teams run a lap of honor. The winner is announced. Teams receive gifts: chocolate medals, whistles and candies in the form of soccer balls. All players are invited to the festive tables.

Look, here it is, the birthday ball, It will gallop among the guests. Whoever gets his hands on it comes here to congratulate.

Each congratulator leaves his autograph on the ball after the performance.

Parents enter the field. Would you like to congratulate me now? We present you with a birthday ball, We expect warm words from you.

Parents congratulate.

The stands are roaring, goals are falling. You can’t do without friends here, After all, with a friend, the heat and rain are not scary! Friends, catch the birthday ball quickly!

Friends congratulate.

A birthday ball with the autographs of all guests is awarded to the hero of the occasion.

Light sneakers and fast balls! Great victories, champion friends! They bring out a cake in the shape of a soccer ball. Music is playing. Guests. Ole-ole-ole-ole! Our... (name), forward! Ole-ole-ole-ole! Birthday is calling!

Author: Kochneva E.A., Kaneva M.N.

Sports events in the summer camp are held throughout the day (in the morning - a sports match, before dinner - other events, awards - after dinner). The competition requires the participation of all teams, but division into age groups is provided.

Venue for sports games: stadium or large clearing.

Number of participants: 50-100 people.

Age of participants: 12-15 years.

Material support for the sports festival:

  • sports equipment for the match;
  • props for competitions (balloons,
  • thick rope (length - 2 m), tissue paper discs, hats, flags for the game “Defending the Banner”);
  • cardboard medals;
  • prizes.

Hosting an event

We offer one of the options for constructing an entertainment program under the code name “Opening of a football club” .

If there are many participants in the holiday (at least 8-10 people), it is worth dividing them into 2 teams by drawing lots. If there are not enough participants, they remain one team.

After the draw, the presenter announces:

Glorious football players gathered together today for a purpose... And for what purpose?

Today two events coincided: the creation of new football clubs and the birthday of one of the football players. I suggest that you first sort out all the organizational issues, and then celebrate to your heart’s content. Do you agree? Then let's begin.

First you must come up with the name of your football club and compose a chant, but so that it mentions the name of our birthday boy.

When the task is completed, the children voice their names and shout chants.

After this, the presenter says:

Before a club is considered open, you need to pass certification, proving to the Football Federation of our region that you are worthy rivals to other clubs. Today I am a representative of the Football Federation and will conduct a test training with you to understand what you are capable of.

  • If there are two teams , the presenter offers to compete. The entertainment tests given below are carried out. Each “challenge” involves members of different teams. The losing team is credited with a missed goal and the opponents receive one point. At the end, the results are summed up, and the presenter announces that the teams have demonstrated a high level, so two new football clubs can be considered officially open. Members of the club that wins the test can be given “gold” medals, and those who lose, “silver” medals.
  • If there is only one team , then entertainment-tests are carried out within one team. The participant who wins each particular “test” is considered to have scored a goal. The number of goals scored is counted. At the end, the presenter also praises the children and announces the official opening of the club, and presents cups to the children who scored the most goals.

You can buy inexpensive matching T-shirts for the kids to wear when their “club” or “clubs” are officially opened.

There can be any number of tests from the Football Federation - for example, according to the number of years of the birthday person. Or until the children get tired of playing.

To avoid rapid burnout of children, take breaks between “times,” that is, between two or three tests. During one of the breaks, serve drinks in bottles with a sports cap, for example.

During the second break, shout comic chants (the chants are given at the end of the script).

During the third break, invite the children to paint a soccer ball that belongs to the birthday boy (it’s worth buying an inexpensive ball especially for this: let the children write their wishes to the birthday boy with a pen, and this ball will remain with him forever as a souvenir reminiscent of the holiday).

Sports match

The holiday begins immediately after breakfast with some kind of sports game (football, volleyball, basketball). There are several options for organizing and conducting games:

  1. Carrying out a series of matches between teams.

Short mini-football competitions are best suited for this. If the ages of the children in the units vary greatly, it is necessary to create several age groups. Games can be played separately for boys and girls or in mixed teams. If possible, several games are played simultaneously.

Exhibition match (football) between two senior squads.

A football or volleyball match between teams of children and teachers.

When preparing matches, it is also necessary to organize fan teams.

Game Center (all at once)

This is a whole play town under one roof, in which different entertainment areas are combined into a single space, but at the same time, each group of adults and children can enjoy their own holiday.

For example, the gaming entertainment center ExitGames.

These include quests, hide and seek in the dark, laser tag, a climbing wall, virtual attractions, pools with balls for kids, areas for creativity, photons and tea tables. It's definitely convenient. How many games you book and for how long is your choice. Convenient and truly festive.

13. Cafe with an animator

In this case, the emphasis is on the party, which is diluted with games and competitions with the actor. It is convenient if the cafe has a games room. We usually book a table next to this room so we can watch the kids.

Minus: there are a lot of strangers in the cafe. It happens that other people's children also participate in competitions and ask for prizes :-). So what to do? Shouldn't we drive them away? All visitors to the cafe have the right to use the games room.

For children aged 9-11 years, you can organize a culinary master class right in the cafe. My daughter and her friends made pizza and brought boxes to their parents as gifts.

Warm-up games at a sports festival

The second part of the holiday begins after lunch with fun games. For example, you can play the following games:

Game "Tail of the Dragon"

Participants stand in a row one after another and hold onto the belt of the player standing in front. The goal of the first player in the chain is to catch the last one. In this case, the chain should not break.

Game "Locust"

To play, you need to mark running tracks and start and finish lines. The distance varies from 30 to 50 m depending on the age of the participants. On command, participants run from start to finish. The last three players to arrive no longer participate in the race, but become “pests.”

In the next race, the “pests” try to stop the other children from running or force them to step off the edge of the treadmill. The three players who came last in the second race join the “pests”. All players who step over the edge of the treadmill become “pests”.

After this, the next race takes place. The game continues until one person remains at the start, who is considered the winner.

During the game, it is necessary to ensure that the “pests” do not use forceful techniques against other players.

Numbers of games suitable for this holiday: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 38, 41, 47, 48, 51, 67, 68, 69, 70, 73.

Why are TikTok houses needed?

The subscribers of the blogging house themselves have at least two reasons for gathering at such TikTok parties. Firstly, collaborations allow you to share audiences. Followers of one TikToker may be interested in the content of his colleague, who often appears in the frame with the “crash”. Even Russian pop stars have realized the incredible media power of social networks. Recently Nikolai Baskov came to visit Dream Team House (3 million views on the video), and even earlier Dima Bilan shot a new video for the song “Chemistry” together with tiktokers from XO (4.5 million views).

Secondly, according to the residents themselves, among like-minded people their productivity increases exponentially. In a creative environment, it’s easier to focus on creating videos and you can always ask your neighbor for advice.

Pictured: Addison Rae and Charli Damelio (from left to right)

Competitions at a sports festival

After this, a series of fun competitions can be held among everyone.

Competitions are held independently of each other, the winner of each competition is awarded a cardboard medal with the inscription “Best Pusher”, “Best Jumper” or “Best Thrower” and a small prize.

Pusher competitions

In this competition, participants compete in pairs. The winners of each pair compete with each other until the final winner is determined. The competition is as follows.

Participants stand facing each other at a distance of 15-20 cm. Feet shoulder-width apart. The arms are bent at the elbows (the forearms are parallel to the line of the body). Competitors touch each other's palms. The task is to touch the opponent’s palms and throw him off balance with a sharp push. The one who leaves the place first (takes a step) is considered the loser.

Competition "Run out of the circle"

Participants are divided into two teams. The first team players stand in a circle and join hands. The second team is in the center of the circle. At the command of the leader, the players of the second team try to break out of the circle. Those players who manage to do this within a certain period of time are declared winners. After this, the teams change roles.

Competition "Cockerels"

A circle with a diameter of 2 m is drawn on the ground. Two people participate in the competition at the same time. Each participant stands on his right leg, holding his left leg by the ankle with his right hand. The left hand is hidden behind the back. The goal of the players is to push the opponent out of the circle. The one who does this is declared the winner. In addition, a participant who lets go of his left leg or uses his hands during the fight is considered a loser.

You can also hold multi-stage cockerel competitions, choosing the winner based on the total number of fights won.

Pisces jumping competition

The leader twists a long rope around himself. The players stand around the leader. When the rope approaches a participant in the game, he must jump over it. If a player touches the rope, he is eliminated from the competition. The last player remaining is declared the winner.

The leader twists the rope at an ever-increasing speed and gradually raises it to a greater distance from the ground.

Jumping Competition

Five lines are drawn on the ground at a distance of 30, 50, 100, 150 cm from each other. All participants line up along the first line and, at the command of the leader, jump forward. Those players who do not jump to the next line are eliminated from the competition. Prizes are given to all participants who have made four jumps and are behind the last finish line.

Throwing competition "Paper discs"

To play, you need paper discs cut from tracing paper or napkins (disc diameter - 15-20 cm).

Each player receives a paper disc. All participants stand on one line and, at the command of the leader, throw their disc. The player whose disc flies farthest wins.

Because discs fly unpredictably, determining whose disc is after a throw requires each player to mark their disc.

Hat Thrower Competition

Hats are required for each participant in the game. The players put a hat on their head. Then the contestants stand in a row and, at the command of the presenter, try to throw their hat as far as possible (without using their hands). The winner is the one whose hat flies the farthest.

Competition "Shot throwers"

Balloons, half filled with water, are required for each participant in the game.

The players stand on the starting line and throw a balloon. The winner is the one whose ball is farthest from the others.

It is advisable to mark the balloons with the name or sign of the player so that there are no disputes about whose balloon is whose.

Simultaneously with competitions or after them, you can offer children an interesting team game

Competition "Defense of the Banner"

Preparation of the competition. To play, you need a site measuring at least 20x20 m. The site is divided by a line into two equal parts. Two flags are placed in opposite corners of the site on different halves (the flags can be replaced with a stick with a colored ribbon tied to it). The color of the flags between teams must be different.

Before the game, the participants are divided into two teams of approximately equal strength. A team can have from 5 to 15 players. Teams occupy the corner in their half of the court where there is no flag.

Conducting a competition. When the leader whistles, the players try to capture and move the flag of the opposing team to their territory.
In this case, the player caught on someone else’s territory is eliminated from the game.

I’m not a millionaire blogger, but I want to go to a TikTok house. What to do?

Like any celebrities, popular TikTokers have agents. If producers take on the maintenance and promotion of TikTok house residents (and this can cost up to 1 million rubles per month), then they receive from 10% to 50% of the commission from advertising contracts.

But among those who are yet to reach their first million and get involved with Pepsi or Ozon, TikTok parties are popular. Bloggers rent a loft for a day and make the most of this time to shoot content and network. It turns out to be driving, and no producers dictate their terms.

This is on topic

7 facts about parties in lofts Tips on how to relax 100% in a loft.

Quiz at a sports festival

At the end of the holiday, a quiz is held that corresponds to the theme of the holiday. Participation in the quiz can be either in teams or individually. In the first option, a prize is awarded to the team that scores the most points; in the second, all active participants are awarded prizes.

Examples of questions for the quiz

1. Very long distance running? Answer: marathon.

2. Fastest swimming style? Answer: butterfly.

3. How many players are on the hockey team? Answer: six.

4. What sport requires a foil? Answer: In fencing.

5. What is the difference between a stayer and a sprinter? Answer: a stayer is a long-distance runner, and a sprinter is a short-distance runner.

6. Penalty in hockey Answer: shootout.

7. Animal and sports equipment Answer: horse or goat.

8. Sports game with a ball in the water? Answer: water polo.

9. How does zugzwang differ from time pressure? Answer: zugzwang is when chess players are forced to repeat a set of moves, time trouble is a lack of time to play.

10. Carbine, eight, system - what do these words have in common? Answer: These are all names of climbing and mountaineering equipment.

11. What is a false start? Answer: start of one of the athletes, ahead of the judge's signal.

12. What is the difference between a knockout and a knockdown? Answer: a knockout ends the fight; after a knockdown, the athlete can continue the fight.

13. How often are the Olympic Games held? Answer: once every four years.

14. The country is the birthplace of football. Answer: England.

15. Best animal runner? Answer: cheetah.

We offer the following show programs to choose from:

Enchanting and unique in its beauty, the Soap Bubbles Show will not leave anyone indifferent! Stunning giant soap figures, a waterfall of tiny soap bubbles and, of course, interactivity in a giant soap bubble (only in the extended program). The soap bubble show is held in the form of a master class, so every child can take an active part in it.

Duration and cost:

25-30 minutes - 5,500 rubles, program 40-45 minutes - 8,000 rubles.

Children themselves can try to wrap this air cloud on their own stick. The impressions will remain in your children’s memory for a long time, and there will be no limit to their delight!

Cotton candy show cost:

30 minutes - 5,000 rubles, hourly program - 6,500 rubles. This cost does not include delivery (check with the manager).

The chemistry show is the most spectacular and educational holiday for children! An unpredictable mixture of physical and chemical experiments bordering on magic! Each spectator-participant of the science show himself conducts mysterious experiments and magical transformations of substances.


30-40 minutes.


10,000 rubles.

We offer to make a paper show the highlight of your holiday - a bright, memorable event that will not leave any of your guests indifferent! Sincere and carefree fun will embrace everyone!


7000 rubles (cleaning is not included in the price) + 1500 rubles additional confetti at the client’s request (check with the manager).


20 minutes.

A golden paper disco is a great end to a children's party not only for children, but also for adults! Cheerful dancing and flying gold foil ribbons will delight all guests at the holiday.


12,000 rubles + 1,500 rubles/kg of confetti additionally at the client’s request (check with the manager).


20 minutes.

The program includes: lighting colored light bulbs in the air with your hands, fighting lightning with neon swords, catching lightning in plasma balls, taming lightning with a glove, burning secret data with lightning, a full interactive show with the participation of children!


30 min.


14,000 rubles.

The most modern tricks for your holiday!


40 min.


14,000 rubles.

Photo and videographer services

A children's photographer is your opportunity to capture a happy time exactly the way you want it and get unique, professional photos for the family album!

Photographer's cost:

3000 rubles/hour.

Cost of a videographer:

3500 rubles/hour.

Awarding the winners of the sports festival

The holiday at the summer camp ends with the ceremonial awarding of the winners of the sports match and all active participants in the holiday.

List of prizes most suitable for this holiday

  • fruits and berries (apples, plums, apricots, cherries, grapes, watermelon);
  • vegetables (carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers);
  • sweets (sweets, cookies);
  • juices, mineral and sparkling water;
  • sports equipment (jump rope, balls, ping pong balls, hand expanders, stopwatch);
  • chocolate medals;
  • baseball caps, bandanas, wristbands;
  • books about sports.

"Dress Me"

For this competition you will need men's and women's clothing. It can be anything, from socks to family underpants. Men's clothing is placed in one bag or package, and women's clothing in the other. Two people are invited to participate (preferably a man and a woman) and 4 more assistants (two each). The presenter distributes packages to the teams. It will be funnier if a man comes across a bag with women's clothes, and a woman with men's clothes. So, the presenter gives a signal and notes the time (1 minute). The assistants must take out the contents of the package and dress the main participants. Whoever does it faster wins.

Recommendations for holding a sports festival at a summer camp

The holiday should be held on a cool, but not rainy day.

When preparing sports grounds (especially sites for a sports match), it is necessary to consider where and on what the spectators will sit.

For competitions, it is best to organize three sites (for “pushers”, “jumpers” and “throwers”), the competitions on which will take place simultaneously. For participation in competitions, you should be awarded small incentive prizes (preferably edible ones).

Holidays at summer camp

3. Celebration with hosts or animators

For us it happens like this:

  • You choose the theme of the holiday (we have a much wider choice than standard pirates and princesses). We have a lot of funny characters in high-quality costumes, only professional actors.
  • Choose the number of actors. Of course, one can do it, but if you invite two, in addition to competitions, you can count on a mini-performance, since the characters will exchange lines. Everything happens much more interestingly, without pauses and hitches (one animator will need to disappear from time to time and prepare the next prop).
  • Animators arrive 30 minutes before the start of the holiday and call the parents. It’s better to change clothes at the neighbors’ place, but if this is not possible, the actor needs to be quietly allowed into the apartment and given the opportunity to prepare. In a few minutes he will be loudly ringing the doorbell in the guise of Spider-Man.

Of course, it’s always good when there is a lot of free space in the party room. Competitions will be more varied, children will be more active, parents will be calmer :-). If this is not the case, there are special scenarios for small apartments, in which, in addition to comic competitions, there will be a creative master class and interesting board games.

I will immediately offer our services if you are in Moscow: Here are programs for children from 5 to 10 years old. Here are the programs for 10-15 years

Football party. Very budget option)

The sports and entertainment club "KingBall" will help organize an unforgettable Active Children's Birthday in a sports style.

A sports children's birthday is quite unusual compared to a feast in a cafe or at home, going to the cinema and other usual ways of celebrating. In addition, active birthday games will bring a lot of positive impressions to both the guests and the birthday boy himself, and don’t forget that sports and an active lifestyle are the Health of your Child!

We will take into our own hands all the stages of preparing a children's birthday party in a sports style, providing an entertaining program, and interesting presenters will involve every guest of the celebration in the game.

Naturally, all children should be dressed in comfortable, non-constrictive clothing and sports shoes.

The KingBall Club offers a choice of several options for birthday games that will be included in the program; you can combine options:


The next step is to design the invitations. They can be made using a color printer. Here you can get a little creative and apply, for example, pieces of the flag of different countries around the perimeter. In the middle of the invitation, place a football or basketball ball, but in more muted colors (so that the written words are visible later). You can also place Olympic rings or medals there. They could roughly be written like this:

“On behalf of the head of the international sports association, we invite you (name and surname of the guest) to take part in the sports competitions that will be held (indicate the address and date of the celebration).”

A great idea for a birthday is a children's pajama party.

Options for sports games for children's parties

Bumperball is a team game on the field, there can be from 4 to 12 players on average, each person puts on a ball that covers the head and upper body, thus eliminating the risk of any injury from contact with other players;

ArcheryTag - every child, especially boys, dreams of archery, this game will allow you to turn your dream into reality. Archery tag is safe archery battles between teams. Safety is ensured by a double-glass helmet and soft-tipped arrows;

Funny Relay Races are loved by absolutely all children - the spirit of competition and interesting tests on the speed of their completion always give a lot of positive emotions. Guests and the birthday boy will definitely have a fun and unforgettable experience; you can play together with your parents!

What is TikTok house

Imagine that a dozen young people and girls live in a country house, sing, dance, film duets and challenges around the clock - in other words, “cooking content” in one kitchen, as they say in the track of one of the TikTokers Dani Milokhin. Many of the young celebrities have barely turned 20, and they are already known by millions.

In the photo: residents of the Californian Hype House

The first TikTok house appeared in the United States in 2021; this trend came to Russia a year later, at the height of the pandemic. Perhaps the audience was simply tired of negative news, which is why they fell in love with the new format in the style of a reality show. TikTok house Dream Team has already gained 10 million subscribers. It is followed by XOteam and Hype House Rus with 5 and 4 million viewers.

In addition to an active children's birthday party, you can order additional services

After the game, the guys can spend time in the recreation area where they can enjoy the prepared delicacies and congratulations from their friends and family!

The pastry chef will prepare a birthday cake for the birthday boy and guests with the ingredients you order;

Our partner, Papa John's pizzeria, will bring you the most delicious pizza and drinks.

A holiday like a Sports Children's Birthday definitely needs to be captured in Photos and Videos; a professional photographer and videographer are at your service; they will capture in their works the most interesting, memorable, touching moments of your child's holiday!

To book a Children's Birthday Party and find out more details, please call:


“The family sports and entertainment club “KingBall” will help you hold a Children’s Sports Birthday, which will bring a lot of positive emotions to your child, you and your guests.

* You can bring everything you need with you - drinks, food, balloons and congratulatory banners, you can invite your animator or photographer, or we will organize everything for you.

Your fidget's birthday is approaching. Have you already studied the scenarios presented on the Internet, asked the parents of your child’s friends for advice so that they could share their experience in organizing celebrations, but you still haven’t decided where to stop? Try using sports events for children to hold an unforgettable, fun and vibrant celebration. It doesn’t matter whether you have a son or a daughter, children by nature are very active and mobile, so a birthday in a sports style will certainly be remembered for a long time by both the birthday boy and his friends.

Where to actually start preparing for the holiday? Firstly, with invitation cards to guests, with the help of which you can not only indicate the day and hour when the birthday boy or girl is waiting for them for the cake, but also warn that the clothes of little athletes should be convenient, comfortable, and not restrict movement. Secondly, prepare sports equipment in advance if you are going to independently hold competitions between children. And don’t forget to think through a scenario that will help you spend an active child’s birthday without a hitch. Sports birthday of a child - possible options In the courtyard of the house or not far from it, in the park or at the stadium, you can organize sports relay races and competitions like fun starts. One of the parents (mom or dad) will have to act as judge. You will need a referee's uniform, whistle and yellow cards if desired. Don't forget to stock up on clean drinking water for the children. Host a football or hockey match at the school stadium, depending on the time of year. Explain the rules of the game to the children. Take on the role of judge yourself. A cheerful mood is guaranteed to everyone without exception. Take the kids to a skating rink or roller skating rink. Even if not all of the guests know how to skate and roller skate, almost everyone wants to learn how to do it. Before your trip, conduct a safety briefing. Assess your strength: it will be difficult to keep track of a large number of children at the skating rink, so think through all the details in advance. If your child is a fan of extreme sports, then you can put together two teams: a child’s and an adult’s and offer them all a competition in accuracy on a paintball field. If you don't expect adults to be present at your child's birthday party, divide the kids into a boys team and a girls team. But this type of entertainment is only suitable for children who have reached the age of ten years. Paintball guns are heavy, and after such games, small bruises remain on the body. If you or your child’s guests are afraid to play paintball, visit the laser tag arena. Laser weapons leave no bruises and are completely safe. All participants in the game will receive no less pleasure. The principle of the game is the same as in the case of paintball: two teams hunt each other. You can opt for karting. To do this, you need to reserve a room in advance, that is, rent a separate track. On the day of the holiday, hit the road with the birthday boy and his guests - a go-kart ride awaits you. Organize a sports competition - a rally. Prepare prizes, medals and cups for the children. Invite the guys to bowling. Isn't it sports fun? Order drinks and light snacks for the kids so they have time to eat between games. If you are having a birthday party at a bowling alley, order a game for three hours. One hour will not be enough. Important! Sports events for children are rarely complete without abrasions and bruises. Therefore, do not forget to take a first aid kit with you. Minimum set: clean water, hydrogen peroxide, iodine, cotton wool and bandages.

Competitions for birthday parties in a sports style Competition “Jolly Porters” For the competition you need to prepare two small rugs and six large balls. Divide the children into teams, assign each participant a serial number. Explain the principle of the game: the first person on the team receives three balls from your hands and must bring them, without dropping them, to his team’s mat and then return back. After this, the second player goes to the carpet, picks up these three balls and takes them to the third participant. It is quite difficult for children to hold such large balls in their hands without dropping them. And if one of them falls, then holding the others in your hands, picking it up from the floor is quite problematic. Therefore, children have to move slowly and carefully, hence the name of the competition. The winner is the team that completes the task faster. Competition “Night Driver” To conduct this competition you need to prepare skittles, a scarf and a steering wheel. You will be the presenter.


Invitations. Invitations can be made (or ordered from a printing company) in the shape of a soccer ball, T-shirt or soccer field. You can invite children as valuable athletes to the club with a request to appear at the training camp at the address of the birthday boy.

Room decoration. The most suitable colors for decorating a football party venue are white, black and green.

The table can be covered with a green tablecloth, making round stands a la soccer balls for the plates. In stores you will find ceramic, glass or plastic tableware with a football design - such table setting will immediately transform the room, clearly reflecting the theme of the event.

You can make garlands from paper or fabric.

If you have football magazines around the house, you can cut out bright pictures from them and glue them onto plastic cups, cardboard triangles or paper cones. All that remains is to string it on a thread and hang the resulting garlands.

If you wish, you can also make a wall newspaper using the same football magazines and photos of relatives and friends of the birthday boy. We cut out funny photos of football players and coaches from magazines and paste in the faces of friends and family from the photographs. We glue it all onto a large sheet of paper, make funny captions and hang it on the wall.

White and green balloons can decorate a football interior. You can draw black polygons on white balls, like on a soccer ball.

Treat. You can use anything that is somehow associated with football as a treat. And it is mainly associated with what is served quickly in sports bars and is actively advertised with the involvement of football players: most often these are chips and pizza. Children love this too. But to prevent them from overeating the not-so-healthy chips, it’s better to serve them not on their own, but as a snack, filling them, for example, with a salad (see our recipes for snacks and salads with chips).

The theme will include any buffet appetizers. You can even do without the traditional hot dish by inviting the children to choose their own snacks from the common buffet counter.

Cakes are made to order in the shape of a football field or ball - this is now quite a fashionable feature. It is not difficult to find a contractor to make such a cake in any city.

Football birthday party for children and teenagers

The principle of the game is this: each of the competition participants must try on the role of a night driver who drives a car with broken headlights. The driver is first introduced to the improvised highway - place skittles around the perimeter of the room. He must remember their location. There is no lighting, so they blindfold him with a scarf or other bandage and hand him the steering wheel. The driver who knocks down the fewest pins while driving wins the competition. Competition “Drunken Boxer” Prepare children's boxing gloves in quantities equal to the number of players. Inflate twenty to thirty balloons and scatter them across the floor. Divide the children into two teams. Give each team the same number of balls. Then invite the children to put on gloves and start popping the balls for a while (one minute). First one team plays, then the other starts the competition. The winner is the one who manages to pop the most balloons.

Review of games and competitions

This selection includes 10 competitions that are suitable for different party themes.

  • A message for you. On a flat surface (a bench, for example) there are bright jars with numbers. There are as many jars as there are party participants. Each participant pulls a number from a hat, from which he understands which jar is intended for him. He goes to her, opens it, and there is a package with a message. This message contains a task corresponding to the theme of the party. Several jars may contain surprises. For example, just a candy with the inscription “Eat me” or a pop-up little devil on a spring.
  • Chamomile with tasks. Suitable for party heroes, no matter what age they are. If these are preschool children who cannot read yet, adults will help them read the task. The chamomile can be made large and tall. Each child tears off his petal and completes the assigned task. As a reward for completing it, he may be given another petal, a colored one. As a result, prize petals can be attached to the “plucked” daisy and you will get a seven-flowered flower. Once it has been formed, you can ask everyone to make a wish - it will definitely come true.
  • Who am I? The participant wears a hoop to which a card with a word is attached. For example - “elephant”. This means that he is an elephant, and everyone knows it except him. It is impossible to suggest in words. You can use gestures or drawings. They can draw it, but with one condition - with the left hand (for right-handers) or with eyes closed.
  • Happy sailing! This is not a competition, but a small and touching entertainment for children. If the party is taking place outside where there is a pond or inflatable pool, this will work great. The guys should sit down at the table. Everyone is given a pre-folded paper boat, they can write a name on it, decorate it with some symbols. But they will have to be sealed with transparent tape so that they do not get wet. Or the children themselves fold their own boats from durable colored paper under the guidance of an adult. Then they go to the pond and launch the boats into the water. At this moment you can make a wish. If it’s evening, you can place candlesticks with candles or hang a garland near the pond. By the way, this is a good end to the party.
  • Magic suitcase. This does not have to be a real suitcase, it can also be a decorated box. The point is that the guys must find it themselves (through a quest, for example). The box contains antique letters signed addressed to them. Each party guest gets his own letter. The guys open them and read messages from superheroes, cartoon characters, and so on. The younger the children, the greater their delight will be.
  • Find all the "yolks". This task is suitable for both home and street parties. On the territory of the holiday you need to hide “yolks” - containers from Kinder surprises. Inside these yellow things are parts of a message. The guys are told that there should be 10 of them, for example. They look for them, find them, bring them and put them in one designated place. Then they are given a limited time, for example, 5 minutes, to open all the “yolks” and combine the sentences on the notes into one coherent message text. It will be something on the theme of the party, summing up the results. If they succeeded, the main victory was won. The prize can be real kinder surprises.
  • Emoticons. You need to print out large emoticons in the form of cards on paper in advance. The team must quickly show the emoticon to the presenter in response to his remark. Participants show one by one. The host gives various remarks related to the theme of the evening, mostly humorous. The faster the competition goes, the more children make mistakes and show the wrong smile, which causes everyone to have fun.
  • Something is wrong here. If the party is outside, you can do the following: take toys and place them in illogical places. For example, put a rubber frog on a tree, a teddy bear on a blanket to sunbathe, and a Barbie doll in a hole. Young children will be happy to look for toys and then come up with more suitable places for them.
  • Tree of magicians. If the party is outdoors, you can tie bright satin ribbons with small notes to a tree or bush. The notes contain magical questions that party guests will have difficulty answering. These can be encryption, attentiveness questions, various puzzles.
  • Card in tinsel. If the party is held in the format of a home quest, its ending may be the following. The children reach the box with paper tinsel. They shake out the contents onto the floor and look for fragments of the map in the tinsel. The found fragments are combined into one whole. The map shows an apartment and a red dot in it where the treasure is hidden (prizes for party participants).
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