15 simple competitions for the birthday of a child 9-10 years old (girls, boys)

One of the most anticipated events for children and their parents and grandparents is a children's birthday. And every adult, thinking through it, tries to come up with something original to make it an unforgettable holiday. Therefore, it is worth trying and making sure that the hero of the occasion remembers this memorable day for a long time. So, what funny birthday contests can you organize for children?

Pyramid of cups

First of all, the child should be given the opportunity to take part in the preparation as much as his age allows. Even the smallest baby can help decorate the room or hall where the holiday will be held, do all the work possible in the kitchen or set the table, and come up with small prizes for invited friends as souvenirs. Parents should discuss with their child not only the holiday itself, but also its menu, what competitions and entertainment there will be for the kids.

And, of course, when preparing for this holiday, you need to try to allocate a place for games, even if you have to rearrange or remove some of the furniture from the room. And funny and entertaining competitions and entertainment should be thought out in such a way that even the smallest invited children can also participate. This is exactly what competitions will be discussed in our article today.

How to decorate a child's room for a birthday

Not only adults are waiting for their birthday, but also children dream of an unforgettable holiday. After all, they are sure that it is on this day that the most cherished dreams and wishes come true, and long-awaited gifts are presented. And in order to create the appropriate atmosphere, the apartment, and especially the baby’s room, should be decorated festively. Let's consider small but very interesting ideas for decorating space.

Recommendations for organizing a holiday

You can read how to make delicious and healthy ice cream for the holiday in our article HERE.

When decorating a child’s room for the first time, you should consider several basic rules and recommendations:

  1. There is no need to complicate the decor, especially if the baby is still too small. An abundance of unfamiliar objects can greatly frighten a child;
  2. It is worth choosing your jewelry carefully so that it does not contain small details. It is also worth giving up balloons, because if they burst, they can cause severe fright in the baby;
  3. It would be a good idea to use children's photographs and collages to decorate the space. But it’s worth choosing those where the baby recognizes himself and which he likes. And teenagers may even perceive some pictures negatively. We want to create a festive atmosphere and not cause conflict;
  4. It’s also worth choosing a time to decorate the room. It will be very pleasant for very little children in the morning, after waking up, to see an elegant room, but older children can be involved in the process.

Don't know what to cook for a children's party? Read our article “WHAT TO PREPARE FOR A CHILD’S BIRTHDAY”.

Balloons and garlands

It is birthdays that are associated with balloons, and the more there are, the naturally better and more elegant the room looks. Therefore, they are the symbols of this holiday. And if the baby is not afraid of them, then you should use balls for decoration.

You can simply scatter them on the floor, and children will go crazy about them during games. A panel on the wall for memorable photographs, which can be made from knitted balls, will also look original. Well, don’t forget about helium balloons with hanging strings on which you can attach small cards with wishes.

A luminous garland will look no less impressive, and ordinary streamers with congratulations will be very appropriate at such a celebration.

Selecting a location

If we are talking about an apartment, there is not much choice. It just needs to be the most spacious room with a minimum of furniture and sharp corners. It is better to separate the dining and play areas in the apartment. Let the program take place in one room, and the table with treats is in another. It's safer, and there's more space for active games.

But if you decide on a cafe or a children’s club, then it makes sense to choose a room taking into account the theme of the holiday. Agree, it’s strange if you’re holding a “Princess Birthday” and there are only Minions or Batman on the walls.

Holiday program for children

Funny contests for children's birthdays. Restless, active and very cheerful children at the holiday are quite difficult not only to captivate with any entertainment, but also to calm down. Therefore, parents and holiday organizers should think about a series of active games and quiet, calm competitions so that the children can take a break.

Therefore, to make it easier for parents to cheer up or, on the contrary, calm down their children, we offer options for a holiday program that you can rely on and even make changes to it that suit you.

What else is on this site...

  • There are excellent quest scenarios: “The Secret of the Underground Bunker”, “Treasures of the Egyptian Princess” and “The Lost World” that you can organize for your guests. In both quests, you can change the tasks themselves (make them more difficult or easier).
  • If there will be only girls at the party, look at the script for a home photo party with fun tasks and ideas for an Insta-party (more than 20 ideas for fun photos).
  • New Year in the classroom for grades 6-9. There are tasks there that can be used not only in the New Year.
  • Also... At this age they often end up studying music and drawing, so I advise you to watch:
    Graduation at music school

    Art School Graduation Ideas

Mind games

Funny contests for children's birthdays. For children, mental development is just as important as physical development, so any event should include games and entertainment for logic, memory and attentiveness. Parents, when planning a holiday, should think about such entertainment so that they vary in degree of complexity and age of the children.

Question answer

“Question - Answer” is one of the most popular games, and for children of different ages. For preschoolers, such a game will look like an interesting entertainment and will complement the holiday program. Such games are held in order to develop ingenuity and intelligence in children.


But older children will be interested in another direction of intellectual games - “Quiz” . One option could be special purchased or independently prepared cards with questions and the correct answers to them. You can make a more confusing option when the cards offer several answer options. And when children choose the wrong one, the situation can look very comical and funny, just what is needed for a festive atmosphere.

What? Where? When?

For teenagers, a competition based on the game “What? Where? When?" where children, while playing, will demonstrate their own knowledge, intelligence, and ingenuity.

IMPORTANT! It is imperative that in the process of preparing for the games, it is worth making sure in advance that small memorable souvenirs are prepared for those who participated in the competitions.

This way, children of all ages will be able to enjoy not only the game, but also have a good time, chat with friends and laugh.

Board games

When raging children need to be calmed down a little, it’s time to offer them quiet and calm board games. First of all, these can be ready-made games - “walkers” and “adventure games”, but the parents of the birthday boy can come up with or adopt our proposed ideas. So, let's look at “quiet” games for children.


First you need to choose a leader; he can be any of the children or an adult. He must name any letter from the alphabet that can be used to pronounce a word. Letters such as “Ё, И, ь, Ъ and У” are excluded. The players must name any word starting with this letter, but there are two conditions for the game - they cannot be repeated and the words must only be those that are in the room. For older participants, you can add adjectives, for example, “incomparable SALAD” or “cute CHAIR,” etc. The winner is the one who said the very last word, and the next participant could not answer.

Modern fairy tale

To play the game you will need a pen or pencil and a sheet of paper. The players must be divided into two teams. The presenter chooses any fairy tale that is best known to all children, and they, in turn, choose a profession or heroes who committed this or that act. And on the basis of this fairy tale they compose their own, but in a modern manner. You can play not in teams but with individual participants, it will be interesting and fun either way. The winning team receives a prize.

Special birthday boy

The birthday boy is blindfolded. All guests are given a pen and pieces of paper. For the competition, the presenter prepares questions in advance, which he writes on sheets of paper. One by one, the host shows the guests a sheet with a written question. The question should be of the following nature: what object do you associate the birthday boy’s head with? What object are ears associated with? Legs? Eyes? Hair? And so on. Guests answer each question on a separate piece of paper, and after each question the host immediately collects the sheets with the answers, putting them in a separate pile. When all questions have been asked and answers have been received, the presenter takes turns reading a series of words related to a particular question, for example, melon, globe, basketball. The host asks the birthday boy what he thinks, which part of the birthday boy’s body or the whole body are we talking about? The birthday boy answers - the head, for example. Cheerful answers from the guests will certainly cheer up the birthday boy, and the guests too.

Outdoor games

With the help of time-tested or modern fun, you can stir up even the laziest “unwilling” ones, encouraging them to take part in outdoor games with other children in the fresh air. Then they will remember this memorable day for a long time and, if necessary, ask adults to repeat interesting and exciting fun.

For outdoor games you will need appropriate props, for example:

  • Strings;
  • Skittles (they can be replaced with water bottles);
  • Balls and balloons;
  • Water pistols;
  • Pebbles, cones, chestnut fruits, etc.

You can arrange a bunch of different outdoor games with these items on the street, but what can you come up with at home? This question worries more than one parent. Let's consider several options for indoor outdoor games.

Sparrows and crows

The players are divided into two teams and agree who will squat and who will stand on one leg at the command of the leader. If one player on a team fails to complete the task, the team is awarded a penalty point. The team with fewer of them wins.

Catch the ball

A leader is chosen, the rest of the children stand at a distance in a line facing the leader. At the command of the leader, the players, having heard their name, must catch the thrown ball, and the Players who are standing before this child must sit down so that the ball reaches the desired player. The team with the most points wins.

You can see other outdoor games for preschool children in our article HERE.

Musical and choreographic

  • Of course, karaoke . Prepare discs or save your child’s favorite songs to “favorites” on some karaoke website. Children get tired of the long selection of songs from the catalogue. Use a microphone and high-quality speakers; children enjoy the act of singing into a microphone. Without adults who can sing, the fun never works, so prepare yourself first. You need to help them enter and “catch the words” as the song progresses.
  • For a dance competition, select not only music in advance, but also rehearse simple movements that are easy to repeat. It's always more fun if one of the adults shows funny movements. Another good dance competition is described in my script “Land of Limonia”.
  • "Limbo" . A competition familiar from the films. It is better to find Latin American music - samba, for example. First, two people hold a stick horizontally at the height of the tallest person's nose. After each guest passes under the stick (walking sideways or backwards is prohibited), it is lowered 10 centimeters. Participants who fail to complete the task leave the competition.
  • "Merry Orchestra" . Well, everything here is banal, but it’s always a lot of fun. Distribute noise and ringing objects: tin cans with coins, spoons, whistles, pot lids, rustling bags, rattles, cars with flashing lights and talking dolls. Everything sounds great in such an orchestra!!! Here I sketched out ideas for tools.

Games for children 3 years old

As a rule, by the age of 3, kids distinguish colors well, some of them even know letters and numbers, so coming up with entertainment for them is not so difficult.


All children stand in a row, one after another, link the “cars” by placing their hands on each other’s waists, and when the music starts, they begin to move in a circle. As soon as the music stops, the children must unhook the “cars”, turn their faces in a circle and squat down. With the resumption of music, the lineup begins to move again.

IMPORTANT! Since the kids are still very small, you should not choose the winning participant, but small gifts for participation will definitely not be out of place.

Guess the hero

For this competition or game, adults need to print out color pictures or select illustrations from books and magazines with the most famous characters. The kid who guesses the most characters will receive a double prize; the rest of the players should also be given something, otherwise they may burst into tears and the holiday will be ruined.

Fun competitions for children 4-5 years old

In this section you can find ideas for entertaining children aged 4-5 years with active and calm games, competitions and entertainment when your child has a birthday.

Correct password

Try to come up with an original password by which invited guests will enter the room. For example, this could be the phrase “Congratulations,” after which the child and accompanying adult will be allowed to participate in the celebration. And if the parents of the traitor have the opportunity to come up with an “Emblem”, for example, organize them with their own hands from thin long balls, fastening them together, then it will be even more interesting!

Finger congratulations

For this entertainment you will need paints of different colors, if possible a different color for each invited guest. There are five fingers on the hand and the traitor is the same age, so let each of the kids leave a handprint on whatman paper, then, after the paints have dried, the palms can be signed. It will be possible to entertain the children and the baby will have an original large card with congratulations.

Funny competitions

All children love to laugh. Invite them to play comic competitions. Children are usually very cool actors, and if not, then a child's birthday is a great opportunity to show off this skill. Organize a theater competition!

"Guess who"

Each child takes turns pretending to be any animal without using words or sounds, and the rest guess. As soon as the child hears the correct answer, he takes his place, and a new actor appears on stage. You can agree in advance on the topics that can be used in this competition - animals, birds, insects, professions, and so on. If you have some props, you can dress up children as various characters from fairy tales and films so that others can guess who it is. Children love to transform. Don't forget to highlight each person's specific acting skills (for example: "Misha, you were very convincing. Masha, you did such a good job at delivering your speech") and give them small prizes. Particularly brave ones can organize a competition of parodies of each other, but there is a risk that one of the guys will be offended. Therefore, do this only if you know the children and their characters well.

Game "Don't crush the egg"

One of the bravest players is invited to participate. You place him at the beginning of the room and place the eggs on the floor in front of him. Raw. So that he can see them. The rules are as follows: the player must remember the location of the eggs, then you blindfold him and he must pass through the “egg minefield” without stepping on or breaking a single egg (don’t panic, you won’t have to wash anything).

Children usually want to retreat immediately, but it’s too late to refuse. As soon as the eyes are blindfolded, you quickly remove all the eggs, the child carefully walks along the intended path, and the other children can barely restrain their laughter. At the end you unblind his eyes and everyone laughs with him.

Cool competitions for children 6-7 years old

By first grade, a child can already cope with the task and make invitations with his own hands for those kids whom he wants to invite to celebrate his birthday. Entertainment is a little more complicated, but we can give you some ideas.

Catch me by the tail

Funny contests for children's birthdays. For the competition you will need two ordinary ropes or ribbons at least one meter long. One end of it is tied around the player’s waist, and the more children participate, the more interesting the competition. The tape should imitate the animal's tail at the back and the player needs to make sure that he does not get caught. The one who is not caught wins and receives a prize and applause.

Bite the apple

Funny contests for children's birthdays. For this competition, it is necessary to hang or ask adults to hold apples or other fruits by a fishing line or thin thread at an acceptable height for the participants. The players' task is to take a bite of the fruit, while the rules prohibit helping themselves with their hands.

Room decoration

For those who like to do everything with their own hands, I am happy to refer you to the article “7 ideas for decorating a room for a child’s birthday.” There are interesting techniques for decorating a room using scrap materials and ready-made paper decorative elements, which are sold nowadays in any city in Russia.

I also recommend studying the selection “Letters and numbers from different materials” and “Decorating a room with balloons.” You will receive a powerful charge of inspiration, I have no doubt.

Naturally, we stick to the chosen topic, but try not to overdo it. There is no need to use all design techniques at the same time. Everything should be beautiful and joyful.

Our decorators make beautiful decorations from balloons, here are the prices for the main elements.

The work of a decorator who makes handmade decorations (letters, numbers, candy bar) is amazing. Write, I will send you a link to view your portfolio.

Competitions for children 8-12 years old

For children of early adolescence, competitions in agility and speed, strength and ingenuity are most suitable. That is why it is best to move the birthday celebration outdoors, or spend the main part indoors, and organize competitions and entertainment outside.

Between two fires

Funny contests for children's birthdays. The players are divided into two teams with an equal number of players. To play, you can use balls or paper balls. When the music starts, the players’ task is to throw as many “snowballs” as possible to the enemy’s side. The winner is the team that has fewer of them left when the music ends.

Who is the most attentive

Funny contests for children's birthdays. Indoors, you can attach ordinary multi-colored clothespins to various objects; outdoors, you can hide a variety of bright little things. The player who collects the most will win.

Sweet competitions

Collect a pie

Children are divided into two or three groups. Optimal number of children in a team: 3-5 people. The presenter gives them “products” - the components for the treat. Their task is to “collect the cake” in a chain, and the last one in the team eats it. After that, he runs to the beginning of the chain and the process repeats. Here you need to be careful and not rush the children so that they do not choke. But this process fascinates them very much. The main thing is to carefully calculate the amount of ingredients.

What could be the components of a “pie”:

  • cracker;
  • marmalade;
  • marshmallows;
  • a piece of chocolate;
  • coconut flakes.

If the children are already quite skilled, then the process can be complicated. For example, someone will be given the task of spreading butter or chocolate spread on a cake.

Another variation is for children to make the cake but not eat it. After the results are summed up, who won this competition, a tea party with eating is already arranged. Then you’ll train your little cooks’ endurance and willpower. The competition is suitable for children aged 8-9 years. If you decide to organize a culinary master class among your guests, it will be top notch.

"Guess the Beast"

For this competition you will need to purchase candies with animal figures. For example, “Children's souvenir” or buy molds with animals, pour chocolate into it and let it harden. Blindfolded children touch the figures (each is given one) and say what kind of animal it is. If the child finds it difficult to answer, then the participants can give him hints. For example, try to describe this animal in words, without using the same root words, or depict what sounds this animal makes.

Fun tasks for adults at a children's party

At a children's party, the adults present, as a rule, look after the children, preventing them from going wild, acting as hosts, preparing delicious treats and competitions so that the children do not get bored. But there comes a time when they too can relax a little and play, hold fun competitions with their “adult” circle.


This funny competition, or even game, can be announced from the very beginning of the holiday, and children can also participate in the fun. Take the most ordinary clothespin or stationery “crocodile” (for children of a different color), and throughout the holiday it is passed from one guest to another. That is, the first player tries to quietly attach it to another participant, while notifying everyone that the “Crocodile” has escaped. The rest of the participants in the fun try to find it on their clothes, in their pockets, etc. The one who managed to find it is awarded a memorable prize.

Pop the ball

Funny birthday contests for children and adults. The number of players may vary, but at least two participants are needed. Each of them needs to tie a regular ball to their left leg, which is not very inflated. The player's task is to burst the enemy's balloon so that his remains intact. This game is more interesting to play with children and adults.

What to do with guests before and after the holiday?

It takes an average of 30-40 minutes to get ready and wait for guests. Consider activities for children during this time, replacing activities with quiet games where you can sit and relax.

  • Coloring, drawing. They will captivate the girls;
  • Designers, construction, railway. They will captivate the boys;
  • We replace calm games with active ones. Hide and seek. You can play until the very beginning of the holiday, the main thing is to find everyone and not forget anyone!
  • After the holiday is over, if a program has been prepared, let the children play on their own, without a script or rules.

Joint competitions for children and adults

Funny contests for children's birthdays. Each of the parents of the birthday boy wants all invited guests to take part in entertainment and competitions. But many people overlook the parents who come to the celebration with their children. And they stand on the sidelines and are bored while the kids are having fun. Don’t make this mistake and think about modern competitions with children and parents.

In the footsteps of the tiger

Each team has two players - an adult and a child. They are given two figured paws of some animal, let it be a tiger paw. According to the terms of the competition, you need to cover a distance of 3-4 meters, but an adult is allowed to stand on only one paw of the animal at a time on one leg, while the child carries the other paw further. The winner will be the pair that covers the distance faster without ever moving from their paw.

To the left or to the right

Adults and children participate in pairs. Adults are blindfolded and a route is determined on which obstacles must be created. The child’s task is to bring the adult to the end of the track through obstacles using the commands “Left” and “Right” so that he does not fall or stumble.

Holiday printing, invitations and napkins

There is plenty of this stuff in stores. I remind you again! Do not buy napkins, tablecloths, caps until you decide on the theme of the holiday. Well, fairies look strange with a picture from the “Masha and the Bear” series on their foreheads. And this happened. And more than once.

There are fans of individual jewelry. There are many designers on the Internet who will create all this beauty with your child’s name. We have it too)).

And I can give you a selection (invitation, bonbonniere, cards for guests, cupcake decorations and chocolate packaging) in the style.


However, you can create masterpieces from ordinary napkins. These are the beautiful boots, lilies and tuxedo shirts described in my master class.

Here's what I got

I also once made cards for guests in the shape of animals. It was simply killer! .

There are not only dogs there - there are many different animals and birds. They can not only be placed on plates, but also hung from a chandelier at different heights in the form of a mobile, or used as elements to decorate a photo zone.

Tips for a good holiday

  1. The first thing you should take care of is small memorable souvenirs, so that all invited guests have memorable gifts. You should definitely make sure that there is an opportunity to take photographs during the entire holiday;
  2. In the article we have already mentioned “Memorable Congratulations”, let adults take part in this fun along with their children, and then, after the paints have dried, together with the child they will come up with a small humorous congratulation and write it on behalf of the baby;
  3. Small children get tired quite quickly, so it is worth considering a series of active games and quiet activities. If children are very overtired, then you can distract them with a short cartoon by sitting them in front of the TV directly on the floor;
  4. You should not organize themed parties for very young children - they may be very upset if their costume does not match the party and the holiday may be ruined.

Don't plan a holiday that's too long for the little ones. The duration should not exceed 2 hours. Try to change the scenario of competitions and fun every 15-20 minutes, inviting children to drink water or juice, because they are active and move a lot.

But teenagers can have as much fun as they want for 3-4 hours. They should not constantly bother you with their presence. Older children do not like to be constantly in front of adults.

Happy holiday to you! Natalya Belokopytova.

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