A selection of birthday competitions held at the table

Have you chosen the menu and decided on the type of party? Then it’s time to think about how you will amuse and entertain your guests!

Cool competitions for parties give you the opportunity to lift your spirits, create a more friendly atmosphere among unfamiliar people and leave behind a lot of positive emotions and funny photos :).

Try to choose competitions that are most suitable for your company - do not choose sports competitions if among you there are people with broken legs :). Also, you shouldn’t choose a competition for ingenuity if you know that someone in particular will lose in them :).

Game "Crocodile"

Difficulty level : low

Preparation : if you don’t want a creative block while guessing words, prepare cards with words, lines of songs and just funny phrases in advance, put them in a hat, box or bag.

Rules : those present are divided into teams, and each time they nominate a candidate who will show the word. The chosen one pulls a blank out of a hat (bag or box) or receives a task from the opposing team and begins to “recreate” the picture :).

The person showing is forbidden to talk and can only give hints with gestures and nods of the head “no”/“yes”. If the team guesses correctly, it gets a point. We play until we get bored and decide on the winning team.

You can start with simple words, then move on to a box with proverbs or song lines. If you are experienced players, then start immediately with a difficult level :).

Blanks for the game "Crocodile"

Low level: table, box, tractor, rooster, candle, fireplace, board, sea, dust, car.

Average level

  1. funny story
  2. loneliness
  3. thin-legged giraffe
  4. extinguished candle
  5. unemployed doctor
  6. left blade
  7. orange ass
  8. pear under the apple tree
  9. parrot dying of thirst
  10. cat Matroskin
  11. clown plumber

Difficult level:

  1. The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree…
  2. The tired sun tenderly said goodbye to the sea.
  3. And I notice more and more often that it’s as if someone has replaced me.
  4. I can't live without you, I can't live without you!
  5. Accountant, my dear accountant
  6. Call me, call…
  7. We were born to make a fairy tale come true
  8. Hope, our earthly compass

Need more ideas? We have prepared for you cool words for playing Crocodile.

For adults

When offering some kind of competition to an adult company, you must always adhere to several rules so as not to end up with quarrels instead of cheerful laughter.

  • Firstly, no one should be forced or persuaded to participate.
  • Secondly, all competition rules must be explained very clearly.
  • Thirdly, any competition involves prizes, so it’s worth preparing something small, symbolic in advance.

What do you think - is it better to make a gift for a paper wedding with your own hands or still buy it? From our article you will learn which dress is best for a mother to choose for her daughter’s graduation. At the following address https://banquettes.ru/prazdniki/svadba/koltsa/kakimi-dolzhnyi-byit-nadpisi-na-obruchalnyih.html you will find examples of inscriptions on wedding rings.

Magic leaf

Requires virtually no preparation. The presenter (the birthday boy or someone who helped prepare) has several pictures that no one but him can see. Each of them will need to be shown to those gathered, having previously covered it with a large “magic sheet” in which two or three small holes have been made. By swiping across the picture several times in different directions, the presenter gives you the opportunity to see part of the picture and invites you to guess what the magic leaf is hiding. The winner is considered to be the one with the biggest eyes, the one who names the image first .

Spinal intuition

Can only be carried out in a company where they drink alcohol. Props :

  • vodka,
  • pure water,
  • three stacks.

When a competition is announced, it is better to immediately decide on the participants, since not everyone can drink vodka. Everyone takes turns playing. When the player turns away, three piles are placed on the table in front of him. One of them will be with water, and the remaining two will be with vodka. It is advisable to pour the same amount, exactly half. The participant, turning around, must drink one glass and wash it down with another, without choosing. The first shot is supposed to contain alcohol, and the next shot contains water to wash it down. The person with the most developed intuition wins, the one who has never made a mistake .

Sphinx Excerpt

It is better if the table is rectangular. Those sitting at the table are divided into pairs according to the “opposite each other” principle. One of the pair will be the sphinx, and the other will experience his famous equanimity. The sphinxes are given a pencil or a regular thin ballpoint pen in turn. This item must be placed on the upper lip. The troublemaker sitting opposite must make the sphinx drop her pencil. In this case, you are not allowed to make any sudden movements or make very loud sounds. The sphinx is supposed to be embarrassed by quiet conversation.

There will be two winners in this competition in different pairs - the most imperturbable sphinx and the best “troublemaker”, who will be the fastest to make the sphinx angry, which will lead to the pencil falling.


It is good to spend time at a table that is not too large during a change of dishes. Props :

  • clay bowl;
  • many different coins;
  • saucers and Chinese chopsticks according to the number of participants;
  • stopwatch or watch with a second hand.

The competition is held on time. Choose from 30 seconds, a minute or two. During this time, each participant must drag as many coins as possible onto their saucer using Chinese chopsticks. The winner - the greedy one - is the one who has the largest amount.

Three liter jar

No props are needed at all . The more people take part, the merrier. The competition is held when it is no longer possible to move, everyone is full and nodding off. Choose an arbitrary letter of the alphabet, preferably one with which many words begin. Each person will take turns naming some material object, maybe even something animate, starting with this letter. The main condition is that the item must fit into a hypothetical three-liter jar . You can't repeat yourself. The answer is given no more than 30 seconds. If there is no answer, the participant is eliminated. The laurels of the winner belong to the most savvy - the last one remaining.

bearded man

The competition is held in the company of those who love jokes. Props: cotton wool and thin tape. Presenter: the best expert on jokes . He begins to tell an old “bearded” joke. After the first or second phrase he falls silent, and someone at the table needs to continue the story. After a successful continuation, a small piece of cotton wool is glued to the narrator’s chin. The one with the longest (or widest) beard wins.

Chocolate for the birthday boy

Props: chocolate bar. You can use a banana, then we change the name of the competition. Only two teams are participating. One half of the table is the guests sitting on the right hand of the birthday person, the second is on the left. If chocolate is used, then the bar is broken in half lengthwise. If banana, then one peeled fruit per team. The team that congratulates the birthday boy faster than others will win.

It’s better to congratulate in unison! To get to the actual greetings and congratulations, you need to collectively eat the offered treat.

The starter will be the one sitting at the far end of the table. You need to bite off a piece and pass it to the next person without your hands.

Whose congratulations are better?

All those present will have to make a toast in honor of the birthday boy or simply congratulate him. Toasts should not be too long. The unusualness of the situation is that you need to speak completely without the usual words . The speaker will replace all words with something unintelligible, for example: “Ta-pamram-par-pad-pam padum-pa-dam, taram-taram-pam!” or “Shurum-barim, shur-shuram shurta-there!” or something similar. Speech must be supplemented with expressive gestures, facial expressions, and be sure to change intonation so that it immediately becomes clear to everyone that the person is making a toast! The winner is chosen collectively.


Props: pre-prepared cards with tongue twisters written in large letters. It is recommended to do this when the guests are already a little tipsy . This is a kind of “table” sobriety test. The presenter shows one of the cards. The tongue twister is read slowly at first, then a little faster, while remembering it. After everyone has memorized the written words, they begin to pronounce them one by one. The participant who was unable to quickly pronounce the proposed phrase three times without missing a beat is eliminated. Then the rest learn a new tongue twister. The announcer is the participant who has never made a mistake.

Guess game

Difficulty level: low

Preparation: having a scarf or handkerchief that will be convenient for blindfolding

Rules: The rules are simple as hell. The one who drives is blindfolded and led one by one to everyone present. The player’s task is to guess which guest is in front of him.

To divert attention, guests can wear additional items of clothing and make their height taller/lower. The main thing is to remain silent so as not to be identified by your voice :).

Fanta with cards


all guests.
2 identical decks of cards. All cards from the first deck are dealt to all guests present. The second deck remains with the leader. The toastmaster takes any card from the deck and names it. The holder of the same card must complete a task that has been prepared in advance.

Examples of funny forfeits:

  • jump on one leg.
  • read a nursery rhyme or sing a nursery rhyme.
  • ask the guests for alms until you collect 100 USD.
  • sell something from the table (a bottle of mineral water, a sandwich with caviar, etc.).
  • Blindfolded, identify 3 objects with your hands.
  • draw a mustache for your neighbor.
  • exchange two items of clothing with the neighbor on the right.
  • try to bite your elbow.
  • put 5 slices of lemon in your mouth and recite a poem.
  • write the word “Casino” in the air with your butt.
  • Spoon feed the neighbor on your left.
  • give the neighbor on the right a head massage.

Game "Fanta"

Difficulty level: low

Preparation: deep basket, bag or hat

Rules: Each person present puts his own item in the basket. This could be a watch, earring, lighter or any other personal item.

The presenter chooses a partner for the game, who is blindfolded. Pulling out the object, the presenter asks, “What is this phantom doing?” , and the partner comes up with any task at his own discretion, without seeing which of the guests belongs to the pulled out object

Blanks: and this phantom...

  1. Gotta drink a cup of champagne with a coffee spoon
  2. He will sing “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” in heavy metal style
  3. Will tell you why he didn't wear underwear today
  4. Will take a group photo, acting as the author of the original idea
  5. Depicts Napoleon with a pillow on his head

Game "Porcupines"

Difficulty level: low

Preparation: small colored hair ties

Rules: The presenter announces that today we will increase the porcupine population. Each girl chooses a partner and, over a certain period of time, makes the maximum number of small ponytails imitating the raised spines of porcupines. Whose partner will be the prickliest, that young lady wins :).

You can find a great variety of such competitions on the Internet. However, you can also use unusual ideas and make fun party competitions also unforgettable for your company.

For example, you can find a treasure or act out the crime of the century. You just have to show a little imagination and create something extraordinary.

Happy birthday greetings to your beloved girl

Happy birthday to you! Dear, I wish you Happiness and great luck as a red thread through your destiny!

I wish not to cry in vain, To not know the reason for sorrows, To remain as beautiful And to bloom stronger every day!

Remain as cheerful as you are, Your smile melts the ice, May fate never send you difficult trials!


To my beloved girl, on her birthday I wish you more bright, bright days, good luck, and inspiration.

May you always be lucky in everything, my dear! May you live brightly, without worries, and not be disturbed by sorrows!


Happy birthday, dear, beloved, Unique, inimitable, My tender, sweet, passionate, My golden and beautiful. May all your dreams come true, May all your goals be easily achieved, May kindness abide in your heart, May you always live joyfully. Let the star shine above you, May the path to success always illuminate. I wish that they would love you... And I promise you this.



Love is like the whole world, It surrounds us with light, It shimmers like sapphire, It always accompanies us! I wish you love, Let it shine in you, And let you bloom with it, Whoever loves does not suffer! And on your birthday I want to tell you how much I adore you, how I love you alone, I dedicate my love to you...


Darling, you are the only one I have, You are the best in the world for me, And congratulating you on your birthday today, I hug and love you.

I’m ready to give you a piece of heaven, to get a star and give you the moon, But this all sounds banal, trivial, I’ll give you something more important.

I will give you my heart and loyalty, You are the most important in the world for me. You are the one with whom I wanted to live my whole life, You are my beloved girl.

Happy birthday greetings to the young man, see HERE.

May your birthday be everything you ever dreamed of! May life only bring joy, May you bloom and flourish!

You are the whole world, you are the only one who matters to me, You are like air, I need you, You are my meaning, my salvation!

I love you so much, dear, I’m ready to give you my whole life, You don’t even need heaven - That’s all I want to say!


My beloved, my tender petal, I congratulate you on your birthday! You are like a ray, like a flower. My light, I adore you!

Be healthy, my love, always bloom and smile. Be also joyful, cheerful, and never, my baby, give up.


Your life is a wonderful dawn! I wish you rare happiness, so that you bathe in joy! You will not doubt my love - I am always ready to stand behind you. When you wake up, you will be gently surprised: All the flowers are for you today!


I want to congratulate you, send wishes: Be beautiful, cheerful, affectionate, gentle, sweet.

In a word, always be yourself, be beautiful, young. Happy holiday, my love! Happy Birthday to You!


I want to congratulate you, send wishes: Be beautiful, cheerful, affectionate, gentle, sweet.

In a word, always be yourself, be beautiful, young. Happy holiday, my love! Happy Birthday to You!


You are like a swan, tender and beautiful. It’s like I’m singing a song to you. You are like the sun in a clear sky, Know how much I love you! Happy birthday to you in this joyful, good hour! May all your wishes come true, Those that you make now. Let the wine play in the glasses, Let there be many friends around, Let your smile shine, It makes our souls warmer!


My dear girl, so incomparable, Happy birthday to you, I love you!

Here's a bouquet of flowers and a stream of pleasant words. May you succeed in everything, whatever you want, my sun.

You strive for your dreams, Life will be interesting, Let the guiding star always guide you.


Congratulations on your birthday. And I want to confess to you: You came into my life like a vision, And with you I can handle everything.

With every line you are perfect, With every gesture you are dear to me, And you are fragile, as if crystal, Like a child - sweet and young.

Happiness begins where you are. You are like the morning of a wonderful day. You, with your captivating power, forever tied me.

I love you ardently and passionately, I dream only of you alone. Remain as beautiful, Amazing and unearthly.


Darling, I wish you a wonderful birthday, so that all your dreams and wishes can easily come true. May happiness like a blue-winged bird quickly fly into your window. And what was so wonderful will improve a little more!


Congratulations on your birthday. And I want to confess to you: You came into my life like a vision, And with you I can handle everything.

With every line you are perfect, With every gesture you are dear to me, And you are fragile, as if crystal, Like a child - sweet and young.

Happiness begins where you are. You are like the morning of a wonderful day. You, with your captivating power, forever tied me.

I love you ardently and passionately, I dream only of you alone. Remain as beautiful, Amazing and unearthly.


It’s such a happiness to be with you, To love you day and night, And to do everything together, together, You’re only mine, mine, period!

You give happiness and warmth, you ignite my hope, I feel good with you alone, you understand me without words!

I live only for you, I love and adore you, And happy birthday to you, my dear!

I wish that your dreams come true, I will become your wizard, And I will fill my days with joy, I will not stop loving you!


Happy birthday to you, most beloved. I congratulate you, My unique one.

You are the sun, you are the star, you are the affectionate kitten. You are tender and passionate, you are better than all the girls.

Beloved princess, I wish you to always make me happy with a clear smile.

Be happy baby, Beautiful, like from the cover. And may my lovely baby always be lucky in everything.


It’s great that you didn’t pass by. What I saw, saw you, dear, I came to congratulate you on your birthday and wish you endless love. Let all adversity pass by and only joy knock on your door. Let your loved ones and friends be with you and let only good things happen in life again. I wish you recognition in everything May people appreciate and cherish you And I am happy that we are together May your life be good and bright


Happy Birthday, my love! I hug you tightly! Look at the bouquet of beautiful scarlet roses I brought you!

Of course, he cannot compare with you! God, how beautiful you are! You save this world with your beauty, my love, thank you!


I hasten to congratulate my good Princess on her birthday. I want to tell you today how much I love you! I wish you happiness and health, I wish you peace and goodness. I wish you to always be beautiful, and to always be happy. To feel the support of your chosen friends. I wish you joy, fun, and many good, bright days!


Your open smile, And your look... maybe you are the Muse? Or maybe you're just a fish, Or maybe you're a MEDUSA? How can you find out about this? But your image is most precious... It’s as if there was something, somewhere, When I was a little younger... On your day I want to congratulate you, With a carrot for your nose, with a tail for a pistol, At the hour when you are glorified, I will be there, remember this!


Dear, beloved, tender, Happy Birthday to you, dear. As always, you are modest and diligent, As always, you hug and love. All flowers are for you, my dear. You yourself are more beautiful than any flowers. I want you to be happy. I am ready for anything for the sake of happiness!


You are my beautiful, dearest, smart, beloved, very dear. Happy birthday, darling! Always be like this: tender, flying, with a pure soul. Let everything be a holiday, Life always cherishes, Happiness and luck do not regret at all. Let all your dreams come true, the most cherished ones, Let our feelings multiply, ardent, reciprocal. For me, you are the sun that will always warm you. You, my love, make my heart melt!


The most tender, the sweetest, The kindest and so beautiful, My glorious sunshine, my dear, Know, dear, I love you!

May all your wishes come true, May the nights and days be bright, A smile sparkles on gentle lips, And the shine will be clear only in the eyes!

I congratulate you, my dear, From the bottom of my heart, loving you with all my soul, Be very happy, always smile, And never see tears, my dear!


The breeze this morning whispered to me Congratulations for my beloved. And he also gave her a barely perceptible kiss. Today is my beloved’s holiday – my dear one’s birthday! I want to congratulate you and confess my great love! I choose my words timidly, I will try to be brief, and, congratulating you quietly, I give you a gift from the bottom of my heart!


My dearest, I congratulate you on your birthday. Always remain as beautiful, my dear, I wish you.

Let happiness sparkle in your beloved eyes, Let the smile never leave your face. I wish you to go only forward, And always achieve your goal!


Happy birthday to you, most beloved. I congratulate you, My unique one.

You are the sun, you are the star, you are the affectionate kitten. You are tender and passionate, you are better than all the girls.

Beloved princess, I wish you to always make me happy with a clear smile.

Be happy baby, Beautiful, like from the cover. And may my lovely baby always be lucky in everything.


I wish my dear girl the kindest days, delight, beauty, success, goodness and sincere laughter. On your birthday, I wish you to live without despondency, to achieve great success, to defeat everyone with your charm!


My beloved girl, I congratulate you, I wish you good health on your birthday, May inspiration be with you forever, After all, you are the main achievement in my life, I give you flowers and dedicate poems, I promise to always be there for you, Look into my soul, this is all for you , I wish you happiness, my beloved, May many miracles happen in life, And may all sadness remain in the past, May your dreams come true all in a row, And may life bring us many rewards.

See below for happy birthday greetings to your beloved woman.

Game "In Search of Adventure"

Difficulty: medium

Preparation: map of the “terrain”. This could be a river bank, a clearing, or your apartment. Riddles for various destinations, competitions or puzzles.

Rules: You make the rules yourself. This could be a story about an ancient treasure, where you can split everyone present into pirates of various ships. Each of them receives a map indicating the points where they need to sail.

At the points, each team receives its tasks:

  1. Solve a Rubik's cube.
  2. Solve a small crossword puzzle, a set of children's riddles.
  3. Compose a pirate song.
  4. Show card trick.
  5. Puzzle over a puzzle or rebus.
  6. Do 17 push-ups.
  7. Learn Pushkin's poem.

As you can see, there are a great many conditions for passing each stage. The team that reaches the finish line first receives the main treasure. These can be symbolic souvenirs for each player or one common surprise - a cake and a bottle of rum

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