Quest search (presentation) of a gift in the office for work colleagues, director or boss for a birthday or other holiday (from 18 years old)

Indoor team building is relevant when there is no opportunity to go outside the city with a team for the whole day. You can hold such an event regularly so that employees can learn, communicate better with each other, and be charged with positivity. Below we have collected for you the most interesting and unique ideas for conducting successful team building indoors.

Categories of team building programs

For large enterprises, team building will be a good event that will help solve business problems, bring employees closer together, establishing friendly relationships.

Categories of team building programs

  1. Educational. You can learn difficult material in a playful way.
  2. Role-playing. You can reincarnate, feel like an actor, musician, cook.
  3. Creative. Employee talents can be identified.
  4. Entertaining. They help you spend your day pleasantly and profitably and get a charge of positive emotions.

Popular Indoor Team Building Ideas

There are many ideas for conducting a team building program in the office or any other location. We decided to collect the most popular ideas for indoor team building, so it would be easier for you to make your choice.

Great designer.

Great designer. According to the instructions, employees assemble the construction set. In this case, you need to organize the supply of designer elements by completing quest tasks. There are many options for a huge craft: an airplane, an airship, a car, a ship, a castle.

Drum team building.

Drum team building. There are four stages in total. First comes acquaintance with drums from all countries of the world. Then team games. Next is playing the instrument together. And the final stage: play a well-known melody on the drums together.

Goldberg machine

Goldberg's machine. It is necessary to create a chain of various designs. And when launched, the design must work smoothly. The structure is created using the issued diagrams, construction tools, and materials.

Creation of a promotional video.

Creation of a promotional video. A very interesting option for team building, during which employees must film a video about their company. Our professionals will help you create a list of tasks for the future video, visualization options, they will also write a script and even take an acting course! You will definitely be able to interest your employees with such team building!

Polygonal shapes.

Polygonal shapes. We need to create an art object for the office. Participants fold the original cardboard sheets. In the process, it is easy to identify leaders and learn to work as a single team.

A picture made of parts.

A picture made of parts. Each team will be entrusted with painting their own section of the picture. Then you will need to connect all the parts together. And there are a lot of options for paintings: world masterpieces, abstractions, company presentations, logos.

Office team building.

Office team building. You will have to go through practical tasks with the coach - this is the first part of the event. The second is to go through exercises where each employee has their own role: coordinator, creator, implementer, expert, diplomat, performer.

Office quest.

Office quest. You can organize an interesting quest for all employees in the office. For example, "Treasure Island". Together, workers must find a treasure chest within the office, collecting clues left by Flint.

The quest includes: maps and diagrams, jars with contents and a set of chests, metal puzzles and cryptexes, artifacts and a Stradivarius violin

View all quests


Quiz. An interesting team game in which logic, erudition, and intelligence help to win. Games can be of varying degrees of difficulty. You can develop thematic rounds on any topic.

Trust course.

Trust course. An important team building activity when you need to improve relationships in a team. We have collected all the tasks that help increase your level of confidence. Among them: falling into the arms of a colleague, blindly composing figures, passing through a web, maintaining the balance of a beam and many others.

About the kit

  • A wide variety of universal places in the office where you can hide riddles and the surprise itself.
  • There is no imposed search chain, you can arrange tasks in any order and make any number of stages (maximum 14 stages).
  • Suitable for any corporate event.
  • Interesting and varied tasks based on word games and various types of ciphers.
  • The kit is suitable for printing on a black and white printer.

See analogues: Team quest at home

Team quest in a restaurant or cafe

Quest transformer

Unusual indoor team building ideas

If this kind of event has already been held for employees before, then once again it’s worth surprising them. Unusual indoor team building ideas will help with this. Below we have collected some of them for you to choose from:

Dance therapy.

Dance therapy . Original team building. Its essence is this: dance and team physical exercises can make the team both united and develop joy hormones in people. Dance therapy looks fun: the team in comfortable sports uniforms dances in circles, learns hip-hop or flamengo, performs team tasks, and opens up in improvisation.

Yoga therapy.

Yoga therapy . This impact on a specific human system is ideal for a group lesson format. Therefore, it can be arranged in the office so that all employees relax and gain additional strength.

Wool team building.

Wool team building . An interesting interactive program that is quite simple to organize. The presenter will use a ball of thread to demonstrate a visual diagram of trusted connections. The threads are passed to one participant, who goes on to the next. Balls are also distributed to everyone, and soon the entire room will be covered with a woolen carpet. And it is a very beautiful sight! Or you can create a picture on a wooden board using threads and nails or knit a huge scarf.

Giant florarium.

Giant florarium. We need to create a living corner. An office space is perfect for this! Employees can be as creative as they want. Our specialists will teach you how to properly combine different types of plants, plant them in the ground, and care for them. You can create a huge composition in the hall or slightly smaller ones in the offices.

Culinary battle.

Culinary battle . The process of cooking brings you closer together! A nice bonus: tasting everything cooked. You can choose dishes from different countries of the world. In the program you will find: professional chefs, electronic step-by-step instructions, high-quality equipment, natural ingredients, national life hacks and secrets, and a great mood!

Detective stories.

Detective stories . Employees are divided into teams and given envelopes with different detective stories. There is a description of the story itself, pictures and tips. We need to find out who committed the crime. An excellent option for a room - everyone will feel like Sherlock Holmes every time.

Scientific experiments.

Scientific experiments . You can recreate scientific laboratories in chemistry, physics, biology, astronomy in the office! You need to go through all the laboratories to collect materials for the last experiment - the most spectacular one.


Quest - cube . employees in the office will receive a cube with a huge number of closed drawers and hiding places. It takes one and a half hours to open all the boxes. Each open box contains clues to the next ones.

Creation of an art object.

Creation of an art object. Do you want to create a throne of dollars or a three-dimensional world map of the development of your brand in your office, hang art panels on the walls or designer hanging structures from the ceiling? Then invite our masters and instructors for the most vibrant team building!

Dialogues in the dark.

Dialogues in the Dark . This training is conducted in complete darkness, which is already clear from its name. Lasts several hours. Two people or more can participate. Goal: Build and strengthen a team using a dark room. After all, it is darkness that sharpens perception, people become more frank. The tasks can be very diverse: determining the dimensions of a room, solving spatial command tasks.

Description of tasks

(key places where you can hide hints and surprises are indicated in brackets)

  1. Hint “TV show reversals” ( envelope, photocopier ). An interesting and fun task that will especially appeal to fans of the game “shifters”. Example from the prompt: Caucasian chebureks (Ural dumplings).
  2. Hint “Catchphrases from movies” (newspaper, magazine). To find out where to move next, you need to remember phrases from famous Soviet films.
  3. Hint “Pseudo-scientific nonsense” ( book, lamp). A very exciting task for a sense of humor and imaginative thinking. The task contains well-known proverbs and sayings in which all words are replaced with scientific (or almost scientific) definitions. The result was some pseudoscientific nonsense. Example from the prompt: A person who has ingested ethyl alcohol in an amount exceeding a certain dose is prone to an inadequate idea of ​​the degree of depth of certain types of large bodies of water (Answer - The drunken sea is knee-deep).
  4. Hint “Fabulous advertisements” ( computer, bedside table). A nice, fun task of ingenuity. You need to guess which of the famous fairy-tale characters is the author of the comic advertisements. Example from the prompt: I offer services for holding fire and pyrotechnic shows. An irreplaceable worker! By inviting me, you will appreciate the saying: “One head is good, but several are better!” (Answer: Zmey Gorynych).
  5. Hint “Proverb in a square” (door, wall). A difficult task for quick thinking: you need to cut out 9 squares with letters and fold them into one large square so that you can read the proverb.
  6. Hint “In the animal world” (mirror, picture, telephone). A fun task of ingenuity: you need to guess which of the representatives of the animal world is most suitable for sayings as mottos. Example from the prompt: “The grave will correct the hunchback!” (camel).
  7. Hint “Family ties” ( battery, printer). It is necessary to restore the confused words denoting the names of various family relationships.
  8. Hint “Encrypted text” ( closet , box). There are 4 encrypted phrase options to choose from.
  9. Hint “Dance room” (window sill, refrigerator). Interesting dance quiz.
  10. Hint “Edible anagrams” ( shelf, curtain). An entertaining task with anagrams. Example from the prompt: rent + nickname = nectarine.
  11. Hint “Encrypted phraseological units” (table, chair). A good task for imaginative thinking.
  12. Hint “Common letters” ( chair, mug, flower). Intelligence challenge.
  13. Hint “Encrypted saying” ( package, bag). Tricky cipher. We need to find a way to read the famous saying.
  14. Hint “Multiplication tables” ( green folder, red folder). An interesting logic task.

Training lectures in the office

Do you want to give your employees professional knowledge in a new area? We have prepared high-quality courses from 5 to 20 lessons with the best specialists in Russia. The programs use team tasks, game forms of learning, creative tasks, electronic instructions and templates. Classes can take place in your office or online

What you can learn:

  • Vector graphics
  • The Art of Photography
  • presentation design
  • creating video clips
  • oratory
  • Business Etiquette
  • time management
  • the art of negotiation
  • automation of processes in the company
  • Leader Training
  • Business style
  • Marketing without a budget

Indoor team building games

Do you want to conduct team building for your team? It's quite simple! You can make a list of available games for the whole team in advance. Here are popular scenarios for indoor team building games:

  1. Hoop . The game seems simple. But only at first glance. Suitable for medium-sized small groups - no more than 10 people. The task is as follows: you need to synchronously raise and also lower the hoop to the floor. Players place it on their index fingers. Initially, the hoop is at the level of bent elbows. You can't take your fingers off the hoop; you couldn't avoid this? Then the team starts again. This is a game of mutual understanding. Here you won’t be able to pull the blanket over yourself - only coherence of actions will lead to success.
  2. Construction of a tower . Blocks must not be touched with hands. They must be dragged with a hook tied to a rope. And the participants pull the rope itself between themselves. This requires coordinated actions and the ability to sense the team from each player. An ideal game for team building.
  3. Sinking ship . A game to develop the ability to adapt. Using tape or rope on the floor, mark the place where the team stands. Within fifteen minutes, this space must be gradually reduced. The participants' task is to find a way to stay inside and not push the team overboard.
  4. Marshmallow and spaghetti tower . You will need duct tape, uncooked spaghetti, a piece of string and marshmallows. You need to build a high tower, ahead of the other team. Moreover, the rope is only a meter long, and the marshmallow is only one. Spaghetti for each team is given in the amount of twenty pieces. To complicate the task, you can set additional conditions, for example, the marshmallow must be at the very top.
  5. Locked up . Ideal for use in the office. The team is locked up. The doors are locked; breaking windows and doors, of course, is not allowed. They are given half an hour. During this time, participants must select ten items from the office that they will need to survive. After which they are distributed according to importance. The game develops communication skills.
  6. Salt and pepper . Warm up game. There can be a lot of participants. You need to prepare paired pictures: salt and pepper, yin and yang, shadow and light. Next, the pictures are attached to the backs of the players, they do not see them. Participants must communicate with colleagues, ask questions to find out what is depicted on their back and where their pair is. The game helps you learn to ask the right questions.
  7. Drawing blindly . You need to divide people into groups of two. Each group should sit with their backs to their partner. One gets a piece of paper and a pen, the other gets a photo. The latter should describe what is shown in the photo without directly naming it. The first one tries to draw it. The game will teach you how to interpret information and communicate with colleagues. And at the end it’s interesting to see what the employees managed to draw in the end.
  8. Eggfall . Each team is given eggs, after which they choose building materials (straws, tape, cling film, newspapers, etc.). in half an hour, the team must build a protective container into which they must drop the egg from a high table or even a surface above. The egg should not break. You can gradually increase the height so that in the end the team with the most surviving eggs wins. The game develops teamwork well and teaches you to make the right decisions.
  9. The wand is a lifesaver . An exercise to coordinate joint actions. The idea is this: two participants standing next to each other hold a chopstick with their fingers. Each team is thus connected with sticks and placed in a circle. Then follow the facilitator’s tasks: narrow or expand the circle, do simultaneous bends, etc. sticks must not be dropped.
  10. Bowling . The game is team and fun. And it can be done in the office! Make up teams and play. You can just abandon the rules of the bowling alley and come up with your own. The presenter will be the main arbiter; he must monitor the player’s throws. The pins are placed on the court in an unusual way, one meter apart from each other.
  11. Advantages and disadvantages . Everyone should share a story from the past that left a residue in their soul. One participant pours out his soul to another. He, in turn, must highlight the positive aspects of the story. This is how you rethink any negative experience.
  12. Perfect square . The rope is placed in the center of the hall, people stand next to it, they are blindfolded with scarves and asked to take a couple of steps to the sides. Then the employees must return to the rope, find it, take it and together try to build a geometric figure.
  13. I believe - I don't believe. This is more of a psychological test game. Participants sit in a circle and say five facts about themselves. One of them is a lie. Others must try to guess which fact is a lie.
  14. Preparing a gift . Employees are divided into teams of two. Everyone takes their partner's hand. The presenter prepares boxes of various sizes, ribbons, and wrapping paper. A pair of players must close the box, wrap it, and tie a nice bow using only one hand each. The game helps you understand your partner without words, catch gestures and achieve your goals together.
  15. Get the prize . A team game in the form of a comic competition. Employees stand around the table and place a prize in the center. The players take each other's thumbs and close their eyes. Only the last one in the chain leaves his eyes open. It is he who must control his neighbor’s finger in order to transmit the “impulse” to the beginning of the chain. The main thing is to make it clear to the first participant what they want from him. What movement will help you get the prize. The game stimulates the desire to achieve common goals.
  16. Creation of a newspaper . Many people did this at school, but now there are other opportunities in the office. You can print a newspaper by choosing different layouts, beautiful fonts and photos. They write company and employee news separately, conduct interviews and funny surveys. You can create a column with comments and opinions. This type of team building allows you to learn a lot about your employees.

How long does the quest last?

The optimal period was determined experimentally - 2 hours. Add another 30-minute briefing and a 15-minute post-game briefing. During this time, the participants have time to work up an appetite, but not go wild, play enough and not get tired, communicate enough and not tire each other.

Time flies very quickly, as you need to unravel many parallel crimes or intrigues, collect incriminating evidence, buy and sell something, guess passwords, find keys, collect evidence, earn points in all sorts of ways.

Of course, you can increase or decrease the standard time, there are many options.

I highly recommend combining the quest with a light buffet. It’s nice to sip coffee while thinking over cunning plans, and it’s convenient to collect information from a player with a delicious canapé in his hands. This is important advice, don't ignore it!

Indoor team building: features

Sometimes you need to change the usual rhythm of work routine. A short break for employees is a great idea! There are pros and cons to indoor team building. Taking this into account, the specifics of the event are developed. Games for “closed” team building are created in such a way that it is actually possible to solve problems through collective action. It is very funny! Participants will feel equal, regardless of their positions.

Pros of indoor team building

  • a familiar environment for the team;
  • no need to waste time on the road;
  • trust in the leader is developed;
  • can be arranged as a relief on a working day.

Cons of indoor team building:

  • not all employees like team competitions; they are not initially focused on working for results;
  • unavailability of active programs, for example, river rafting, etc.

Any employer can arrange for his team:

  • office quest;
  • culinary duels;
  • team competitions and games;

Birthday quests in Vladimir

Gru Squad

Review rating: (5.0)

Games in the dark

Review rating: (5.0)


Review rating: (5.0)

California Gold

Review rating: (5.0)

Flint's will

Review rating: (5.0)


Review rating: (5.0)

The Secret of the Lua Tribe

Review rating: (5.0)


Review rating: (5.0)

Two kingdoms

Review rating: (5.0)

Unknown planet

Review rating: (5.0)


Review rating: (5.0)

Secrets of Venice

Review rating: (5.0)

Bets are placed

Review rating: (5.0)

Detective duel

Review rating: (5.0)

Gravity Falls. From dusk to dawn

Review rating: (5.0)


Review rating: (5.0)

Wild West

Review rating: (5.0)

Journey to the land of goodness

Review rating: (5.0)


Review rating: (5.0)

Alpha Squad

Review rating: (5.0)

On the other side of the bench

Review rating: (5.0)

School Mystery

Review rating: (5.0)


Review rating: (5.0)

Night of the Triffids

Review rating: (5.0)

Project X

Review rating: (5.0)


Review rating: (5.0)

Dinosaur Planet

Review rating: (5.0)


Review rating: (5.0)

Stolen recipe

Review rating: (5.0)


Review rating: (5.0)


Review rating: (5.0)

Trouble in the land of magicians

Review rating: (5.0)

Dragon Leap

Review rating: (5.0)

dream Catcher

Review rating: (5.0)

Cold heart

Review rating: (5.0)

Fatal mistake

Review rating: (5.0)

Stay alive

Review rating: (4.7)

School of Magic

Review rating: (4.3)

Haunted House Closed

Review rating: (3.5)

Who is indoor team building suitable for?

Such programs are suitable for anyone whose main goal is good results coupled with team building. All employees benefit from a distraction from time to time. This “feeding” helps to receive positive emotions. At the Sea of ​​Joy agency, we recommend indoor team building once a quarter. Such events do not require large investments.

Team building should be organized in the following situations:

  1. Conflicts. It is rare to get along without disagreements in a large team. Team building will help you forget old grievances. When composing and thinking through games, it is important to place conflicting employees in the same group. Otherwise, you can only aggravate the conflict by dividing the warring parties into teams.
  2. Change of team. Problems often arise among people we don't know well. And team building will help you find a common language in an accessible form.
  3. The "fading" of the team. We advise you to constantly encourage your team so that monotonous work does not become a burden for them.

Tips for organizing indoor team building activities

Our tips for organizing team building indoors will come in handy when planning your upcoming event:

  1. First, decide what problems exist in your team. What goals need to be addressed first.
  2. Select several options for your favorite programs that suit your goals.
  3. Make a list of how many participants there are and whether they will need to be divided into teams.
  4. Decide in which room you want to conduct team building. It doesn't have to be an office. You can go with your employees to a restaurant or rent a loft studio.
  5. Think over a scenario, timing, and a scheme for the movement of employees.
  6. Will you have a grand prize or incentive rewards for all players?
  7. Will additional equipment, furniture, props, outfits be required? If yes, make a list of everything you need.
  8. Discuss the safety of the premises and employees in advance.
  9. Is catering necessary for team building? We can arrange catering. Alternatively, you can order the food yourself.
  10. Employees must be notified in advance of the upcoming event. They must be aware of what is coming to them.
  11. Consider capturing the team building as a souvenir - this could be through photography or video.
  12. Landlords and security guards should be aware of the upcoming event.

And be sure to get employee feedback after the team building! It is better to make them anonymous, so employees will be more honest. After analyzing the tips, you will be able to conduct more effective team building in the future. Feedback is very important. But also observation. Monitor the behavior of employees - have the relationships between them changed? Were they satisfied after such a pastime?

Is it possible to tie the plot to the direction of our company?

Undoubtedly! The quest has moments to score points or earn money. So here it is. The host asks questions about the topic of the quest. More often these are quizzes on knowledge of films (if the quest is about mafiosi, questions about films and actors on this topic, if necessary, we recall pirate sagas or English detective stories). Instead of these questions, the presenter can create a quiz with questions about the stages of development of your company, about popular colleagues, or something else important for the team.

For some quests, game materials and props are branded. This takes time, order this quest in advance.

Order indoor team building in Moscow

The Sea of ​​Joy team is ready to help you organize an individual program. Turnkey team building includes the following items:

  • elaboration of the company’s problems and their possible solutions;
  • selection of the most suitable program, its adaptation to a specific team;
  • creating a concept, thinking through an individual scenario from scratch;
  • preparing assignments for team building;
  • drawing up route sheets, timing, movement maps;
  • distribution of props: technical stands, game props, puzzles, puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, materials for creative tasks;
  • branding (bandanas, caps, T-shirts, cups – whatever you choose);
  • providing the program with music and lighting equipment;
  • upon request, we organize catering, candy bar, coffee break, cocktail bar;
  • We organize photography and video shooting.

To order indoor team building from the Sea of ​​Joy agency, just call 7-(495)-765-17-97. You can also leave a request through the website, and our managers will contact you.

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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