College student's day. Student's Day is a holiday for students. Student's Day holiday, scenarios, events, quests, competitions

All students look forward to January 25, because on this day they have an official reason to spend time the way they love, organize a mass event, spend a great evening at a club with friends, take memorable photographs. Modern students are full of imagination and creativity, because their creativity is in full swing, and this means that they will definitely not have any problems in organizing a holiday for themselves. In this article we will present ideas that students can use to prepare for their holiday and have a great time.

Smart to the teeth

The competition is quite simple in description, but not so easy to complete in reality. 2-3 students participate; accordingly, the board is divided into several parts according to the number of participants. Each participant receives chalk, which they need to take with their teeth, and at the command “start” the guys write a certain hidden phrase on the board with chalk in their teeth. For example, the phrase “Happy Student’s Day, my favorite group.” The participant who completes the task faster and writes a phrase with his teeth will win and receive a prize.

College Student Day

Children studying in college can rightfully also celebrate Student's Day on January 25th. They, like university students, host various entertainment events and self-government days. We offer you a scenario for holding a concert program in college:

The wisest philosopher

Since philosophy is taught in all faculties and sometimes helps students in life, you can just check which of the guys is better versed in philosophy. For this competition, you need to prepare statements from different philosophers, for example, 1. Any human knowledge begins with intuition, moves to concepts and ends with ideas. (Kant); 2. To speak well about virtue does not mean to be virtuous, and to be fair in thoughts does not mean to be fair in practice. (Aristotle); 3. A capable person suffers from the desire to become even more capable. (Confucius). There are a huge number of these phrases in any philosophy textbook. So, the presenter reads the phrases one by one, and the students guess who these words belonged to. For one answer - one point, and whoever has more points wins, and accordingly is the wisest philosopher.

Funny skit about students: Ah, it’s morning...

The presenter goes to the center of the hall, attracting the attention of the audience. He talks about how during his years as a student he found out what is the most difficult thing in the life of a university student. These are neither lectures, nor tests, nor intense sessions. These are terrible morning awakenings, complete with trips on crowded public transport.

And so we begin! On the improvised stage there is a modest setting - a hard bench and a small pillow. A young man wakes up to cheerful music, and I will describe all his actions in the following paragraphs:

  • When the alarm clock rings, he tosses and turns and with difficulty stands up to the first lines of the song “Bride” by the Mumiy Troll group;
  • He falls to his knees and begins to hug the bench with the composition “Toys” by Agutin;
  • Reluctantly, the student gets to his feet and goes to wash himself. The water is rustling, the song “Who Made You Like This” is playing, and the actor feigns self-admiration in front of the mirror;
  • Breakfast time! The young man takes the dishes prepared in advance and dances, depicting the cooking process to the music “Song about Eggs” from Disco Accident;
  • To the chorus of Vysotsky’s song “Eh once, give it again,” the student brews a tea bag and drinks it in one gulp;
  • The guy looks at his watch, jumps up in horror and gets ready. According to the track “Districts, Quarters” by the group “Zveri”, the hero runs out of the house;
  • At the bus stop, a student stops, looks out for the bus and impatiently walks from side to side to the song “Someone Didn’t Make It” by Spleen;
  • Other actors portray a full bus. They push, hold on to imaginary handrails and huddle closely together. To the song “Without a Fight” by the band Okean Elzy, the hero jumps into the crowd and squeezes between his colleagues;
  • To Lyube’s composition “The Road,” a young man in a crouched position “goes” to the university;
  • At the bus stop, the poor fellow is pushed out of the bus to the song “Boy” by Zemfira. He shakes himself off and hobbles in the right direction;
  • The latecomer knocks on the door and enters the classroom. An excerpt from the track “Who are you?” is played. groups "Degrees";
  • The student explains himself without words to the chorus of “Remember Me” by Kai Metov and dances merrily;
  • The dean shames the young man to the chorus of the song “The Thief” by Irina Allegrova;
  • He responds with the chorus of Zemfira’s “Traffic” and visually depicts all his morning torments;
  • The teacher waves it off to the song “Who cares?” Allegrova and points to the desk;
  • The student is caught off guard by lack of sleep and immediately passes out to “The Bear’s Lullaby.”

And then the bell rings. The hero of the scene wakes up and runs out of the audience happy, accompanied by the cheerful song “Good Day” by Vera Brezhneva. The audience is delighted!

Famous students

For this competition, it is necessary to prepare pictures or photos of various famous people who at one time studied at institutes, for example, Pavel Volya - a teacher of Russian language and literature, Martirosyan - a doctor, and so on. The guys are divided into small teams. The presenter shows one picture of a famous person, and the teams must guess what specialty this famous person studied. For the correct answer, the team receives a point. The team that gives the most correct answers will win.

Student day events in college

On Student Day, you don’t have to limit yourself to banal concerts and student skits. Young people should understand not only the fact that they can relax on their holiday, they should also pay attention to the educational direction, tell and show where their holiday comes from.

We offer as examples the following holiday options for student’s day:

  • In the city library or in the college library, you can organize an exhibition of books dedicated to the history of students, as well as the memory of the Great Martyr Tatiana, because she is the protector of all young people who belong to the category of students.
  • You can organize a self-government day so that students feel like they are teaching juniors.
  • If you want, you can organize a performance competition for groups from all college courses. This will be a mini KVN, which will not take place in the standard way - in classrooms. You can assign an audience to each group so that they can decorate it, and then invite teachers and students from other groups to look at their creativity.

Songs remake student's day in college

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

Option 4

Option 5

A student event will only be successful if the students are in the right mood! Try to make sure everyone who comes to your event has fun! Let every teacher be transported back to their student years after your holiday!

Scene “The Cigarette Butt of Peace”

You can act out a humorous initiation into students, where the speech is given to the “elder”. The young guys sit in a circle, just like the Indians do. Instead of feathers, they have pens and pencils sticking out of their hair. They smoke a “peace stub” that goes around in a circle. In order for skits about students, funny and full of some sarcasm, to be successful, it is necessary to pay special attention to the outfit of the artists: the “wise elders” are dressed in tights with outstretched knees and torn T-shirts with funny inscriptions, and the “beginning youth” are in suits with ties and white shirts.

Student day competitions in college

  1. " Dormitory". Several chairs are placed in the center of the hall, and captains are selected. The task of each captain is to seat as many people as possible in his chair. The main thing is that all these people keep their palms on the chair, and the position in which they sit does not matter. The person who gets the most people into his chair will be the winner.
  2. " Weak ." Girls and guys who love to argue and lead an intriguing lifestyle are invited to participate. The task of the competition is as follows: the host asks the participants if they would be willing to shave one leg for a bottle of champagne. The prize is given to the one who completes the task.
  3. " Crib ". Not only the student, but also the teacher takes part in this competition. The student needs to hide as many cheat sheets as possible on himself so that the teacher does not immediately notice them. You can use the most ordinary candies as cheat sheets. The teacher’s task is to accurately determine where cheat sheets may be hidden.
  4. " Practice ." Several people are invited to participate. Each of them must write on a piece of paper a word that does not actually exist. It could be a word like this: “doze off.” After this, all participants give their pieces of paper to the presenter, who must mix them. Then the participants take out a piece of paper and show what the word written on it means. The winner, of course, is the one who is the most artistic.
  5. " Smart guys ." 3 students are invited for the competition. Everyone’s task is to take chalk in their teeth and at the same time write some kind of congratulatory inscription for the students. Whoever is the most original will win.

A skit for student celebrations - “Student History”.

Characters: Narrator, Student, Gypsy, Senior Student, Teacher avatel, F eya, extras - 5-7 students.

Narrator. Once upon a time there lived a simple Student by first and last name... However, no one remembered them, because everyone simply called him Dunce...

A Student comes out to the musical theme “Market” from the film “Operation Y and Shurik’s Other Adventures” and waves his hands in greeting.

And he had 2 exams and 3 tests ahead. And also an empty pocket and the same stomach. And he was afraid of only one thing in the world, since they told him a fortune in his first year...

Gypsy comes out to the sound of the song “Long Road” and tells fortunes by hand.

Gypsy. Oh, my yacht! I see, I see: if you miss even one pair of lectures, inevitable trouble awaits you - expulsion from the fairy tale to the heroic squad, called the construction battalion... (Turns his back, showing the inscription “Curator.” Leaves.) Narrator. But the wise senior students revealed to him a great secret...

The Senior Student comes out and puts his hand on the Student’s shoulder.

Senior student. Shout the cherished word the night before the exam, and great prosperity will come to you - an A! Narrator. And, waiting until midnight with his friends, the Student shouted...

Students run out and in chorus, along with the main character, shout “Freebie!” to play the song “Chihuahua” by Dj Bobo.

But we heard back from the dean’s office...

To the same melody, the cry “Here you go!” is heard, accompanied by the display of a drawing of a blow from behind the screen.

There was nothing to do, he had to go to the exam. And there he is met by a magical and formidable creature - the all-knowing Teacher! The student sat quietly at the last desk, he pulled and pulled the cheat sheet, but couldn’t pull it out...

To a twist from the film “Operation Y and Shurik’s Other Adventures,” the Student pulls out crib sheets from all his pockets. The teacher turns around, trying to catch the Student, but every time he manages to hide everything at the last moment.

And he asked a fellow student for a simple hint...

A student crawls on his knees into the auditorium.

And she speaks to him in the voice of the Teacher... Teacher. You should have prepared before! Narrator. The formidable Teacher became even more angry than before and threatened him with transfer to the commercial department. "Yes! - thought the Student. “The study was simple, but it will become golden!” And then he called on his mobile program to help...

The sound of a cell phone dialing. The Fairy appears.

Fairy. Hello, dear Cinderella! Why are you so sad? Student. What kind of Cinderella am I to you?! Quickly conjure up a five for me!.. Fairy. Hello, dear Cinderella! Why are you so sad? Student. Are you deaf?! Cast your spell faster! Fairy. Hello, dear Cinderella! Why are you so sad? Student. Listen, are you stupid? Fairy. Just me, my friend, demo version! If you want to take full advantage of all the features of the program, send an SMS with the code word to the short number... Student. And I’ll format your entire desktop!.. Fairy. Goodbye, dear Cinderella!

The fairy runs away, protecting herself with her magic wand.

Narrator. And then the Student prayed, looking at the Teacher... Student. We have an unequal duel: you have seven spans in your forehead, and five years of higher education, and I only have a piece of paper and a pen that doesn’t write!.. Narrator. And then the formidable Teacher had mercy and allowed me to use the self-written notes. Teacher. Notes to the studio!

To the music “Black Box” from the program “What? Where? When?" take out notes.

Narrator. And the student received the desired grade! Student (happily). Five? Teacher. No! Student. Four? Teacher. No! Student. C grade? Teacher. No! Student (sad). With a minus? Teacher . Yes! Student (sadly lowers his head, but immediately raises it, smiling slyly). And a C is enough for me! (The Queen tune “We Are The Champions” plays.) Narrator. And he began to live and live and chew gum and smoke bamboo until the next session...

Suitable scenarios for the holiday:

  • Scenario for students: Meeting children (presentation). Student (me): Hello kids, girls and boys, mischief-makers and naughty girls! Let's go with you...
  • Student musical riddles. Excerpts from songs are played. What event or phenomenon in the life of a student in...
  • A skit for corporate events with the participation of the director and employees. A sketch from industrial life. Characters: Honey...
  • Forum opening script. Theatrical opening of the holiday. Characters: Leader, masters...
  • Scenario of the student sports Olympiad Goals. Involving students in active physical activity, identifying the level of sports training, promoting healthy…
  • March 8 scenario for high school students Idea The March 8 scenario for high school students is based on the unexpected appearance of a celebrity. First how...
  • Riddles about mythical creatures. A snake has many heads. No matter how much you cut, they grow again and again, Even though...
  • A skit for kindergarten, based on the fairy tale “Kolobok”. Characters: Narrator Kolobok Bear Fairy Cinderella Hare Baba Yaga Fox Grandfather Baba...

I’ll explain the structure of the world with my fingers

In general, the described episode can serve as a plot point for many interludes, starting wonderfully funny scenes. KVN about students will be inimitably decorated with a miniature in which the cunning pantomime talks not only about centrifugal and centripetal forces, but also retells the content of “Othello”, explains the structure of the atom, and gives an answer to the question “Fauna of Australia”.

Alternatively, you can include a translator from among the students who knows the subject well. An even cooler option would be when the pantomime of a young man who knows nothing is translated to the professor by the same idiot, but confident in his rightness.

Quest student day in college

Offer one to three groups of the same parallel to take part in the quest. They need to pass tests at 5 stations:

As a prize, all quest participants can be given cinema tickets. Consolation prizes can be notepads and pens; a student will never need such office supplies.

Initiation as a student

The funny skits that are always performed during this first student holiday exaggeratedly ridicule the life of frivolous young people. On the one hand, they don’t seem to care about grades, expulsion from school and the life difficulties that their fate faces. But on the other hand, now the student has other priorities, “saints” and “gods”. Therefore, funny skits about students at this event are to some extent based on young people’s fear of the dean’s office, strict teachers and exams.

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