Competitions for the game Fort Boyard. Birthday quest scenario in Fort Boyard style


"Strong Men"

Each team needs to crawl along a gymnastic bench on their stomach, simultaneously pulling themselves up with both hands; run to the hoop, lift the dumbbells by 4 counts, run around the hoop and run back to the team, passing the baton to the next participant. The team that completes the relay faster wins.


Master of Fire:

In front of you is a glass of water. You need to raise the water level in the glass to the red line. Children run up and put pebbles in it. The task must be completed in turn, passing the baton to each other. (Do it).


The ______ team raised the water level in the glass faster. She receives the KEY.



The next competition is “Multi-colored chain”. You need to jump over the gymnastic sticks lying on the floor on two legs, then take a long colored stick and move the plume to the end of the rope. Then the stick must be put back in place and returned to the team. The team that completes the task faster wins.


(sums up the relay, gives the key).



And now I will tell you riddles. You are ready?

  • A cloud was walking across the sky,
  • A cloud of beads has lost
  • Beads are jumping along the path,
  • Like crystal peas.
  • I weave fine lace,
  • You won't notice it on the fly.
  • Who got caught in my net -
  • It will remain hanging in it.
  • I'm running down a flight of stairs,
  • Ringing over the stones,
  • From afar by song
  • You will recognize me.
  • So that blades of grass grow faster,
  • He makes paths in the ground.
  • If he digs deep -
  • Lugu can breathe easily.

You have guessed all my riddles, and each team receives a key.



The result of the next relay will show us the most united team, because only united children who know how to act together can win it. At the signal, the first number stands sideways to the team, the second runs around him and stands next to him, placing his outstretched hand on the first’s shoulder. The third runs between the first and second snake and stands behind the second, putting his hand on his shoulder, etc. The team that returns to its original position first wins.


sums it up, gives the key.


Master of Shadows:

I invite one player from each team to the table. While my clock is counting down, you must remember in what order the pictures are located. Then I will turn the card over and you will have to reproduce the memorized version.


Summing up, handing over the key.



The next relay race is “Building Fort Towers”. Each team must carry “building material” across the “narrow bridge” and build a tower according to the diagram. Each participant takes 2 cubes. The winner is the team that built the tower correctly and completed the task faster.


Sums up the game.


Master of Fire

: I invite one player from each team to join me. In front of each of you are three containers - with beans, with pasta and with nuts. But only one of them contains the key. You need to find it as quickly as possible and raise it high. Whoever completes the task faster is the winner.


Sums up the game.



In this competition you will need not only speed, but also attention. You need to run to the module, take one toy insect there, turn it over and look at the written number. At the next stage, you need to take a card with this number, turn it over, determine the first sound of the drawn picture and place the letter on the board under the desired number. (for the first command the word “message”, for the second the word “labyrinth”)

The Sixth Birthday, or Adventures in Fort Boyard

Every year, for his birthday, we come up with something special for our son; fortunately, he was born on August 5, and there are enough scenarios for a children’s party in the fresh air. For example, last year we were looking for pirate treasure. All year my son enthusiastically watched Fort Boyard, and we decided to build something similar at the dacha.

So, the team consisted of five people - four boys 5-7 years old and one 6-year-old girl. First they had to get 5 keys.

The first clue is the riddle of the old man Fur (the old man was the grandfather, who was wearing a black beard), it was quickly guessed.

The second key - in the room you had to find, with your eyes closed, 5 pieces of dishes that were lying there mixed with toys. There was a key in the glass.

The third key was tied to the bench with tape. To get it, it was necessary to untangle the toys tied to the tape, a tennis racket and a tricycle. This turned out to be one of the most difficult tasks.

The fourth key is that they set up a “snake” on the road in front of the house, placing plastic cups of water. I had to ride my bike around all the cups without spilling them.

The fifth key is tasks for mental counting within ten. In the allotted time (they had to get an hourglass from the attic), the guys did not have time to guess everything, and one of them was captured in the attic by Elder Fura. But, having guessed another riddle, the prisoner was safely freed.

Now it's time for the hints.

The first mystery is that a wooden block was driven into the ground. It had to be swung from side to side, and at the bottom there was a hint - “red in color.”

The second riddle hung on a tree (the tree is beautiful, spreading, and you can easily climb it), however, there was barely enough time. The second clue is “with fluffy fur.”

The third tip was to hit the bucket with the ball five times within the allotted time. We've got it, and there's still half the time left! The third clue is “with a tail.”

The fourth hint is to inflate 6 balloons, according to the number of guests + one hint. Everyone had to pop a balloon and complete a task - jump on one leg to a tree and back, somersault over your head, name 5 edible things starting with the letter “v”, draw a man with his eyes closed, depict an animal without words, the fourth clue was “in a wheel” .

the fifth clue to the kids just like that, but then the mischievous time keeper (dad, dressed in a cap and a raincoat) intervened, who snatched the clue and ran to the lake. The lake has a shallow beach and the weather was beautiful, so we didn't hesitate to throw the tip bottle into the lake near the shore. While the children were undressing, one boy jumped into the lake in his festive clothes. He had to change his clothes, but he got the clue - “he sings songs and gnaws all the nuts.”

There was no doubt - it was a squirrel. Now the children had to fight with the time keeper for time.

The first competition is to build a tower. Whoever lands on the die loses.

The second competition is hammering a nail. The birthday boy confidently hammered the nail right up to the head.

The third competition is to lay out a sequence of colored balls from a mosaic, as in the example. First, you are given a minute to remember the pattern, and then the pattern is closed, and you need to repeat the pattern. The children won confidently.

Fourth competition - an ordinary plastic lid was floating in a bowl. Coins were placed in it; whoever puts in the last coin and the lid sinks loses.

Fifth competition - we picked different berries from the garden, cut cucumbers and turnips. The girl was blindfolded, and she had to taste what was put in her mouth. The task was completed flawlessly!

The most crucial moment came - the children had to distribute the letters (they were written on cards) and find their cards.

After that, they were launched onto the lawn, at the end of which there were prizes - small cars, simple games, dolls, beautiful hairpins, felt-tip pens, etc. The condition was the following: you could take only one gift at a time. During the allotted time, each one collected 4-5 gifts, and then a tiger, a good-natured cocker spaniel, jumped out onto the lawn. The children were delighted.

As a treat, we offered them small canapé sandwiches, stuffed eggs, fruit, “mushrooms” made from cucumber legs and tomato caps with mayonnaise stains and, of course, a cake, the recipe for which I found on It was called "cheerful little bear."

The holiday ended with fireworks, and then everyone went swimming. When the guests left, everyone vying with each other asked when the next birthday would be. We'll have to come up with something else next year!

Natalya Kondratova,

Terms and rules of the game, quest Fort Bayard

Stage "Higher and Higher"

At this stage, you need to work together as a team, placing the cane on your index fingers, and release it as low as possible.
The only difficulty is that the cane, on the contrary, only rises higher and higher, not wanting to fall.

Stage "Rails"

Requisites for completing the stage: two ropes (up to 10 meters), a ball.

The team, using props, must deliver the ball from one end to the other. In this case, the ball should not fall to the ground.

Stage "Anti-tank hedgehogs"

“Anti-tank hedgehogs” are suspended above the path; the structure is in constant motion, that is, the “hedgehogs”, swinging like a pendulum, interfere with the passage along the path.

Scrolls are hung between the “hedgehogs” (according to the number of team members).

Each participant must run between the swinging “hedgehogs” without being knocked down, and tear off one scroll.

One of the scrolls will be a clue to the code word. To receive a piece of the map, the entire team must complete the stage.

Stage "Water-carrier"

At the stage there is a large glass flask, at the bottom of which there is a capsule with a hint, next to several containers (mugs) and a source of water.

The team's task is to get this capsule. Since the flask cannot be turned over, the team must figure out how to fill the flask with water using available means.

Stage "Raft"

At the stage there is a raincoat tent, which must accommodate all team members.

Goal: turn the raincoat face down. In this case, it is prohibited to descend from it.

There will be a hint on the opposite side.

It is important that no one leaves the “raft”, otherwise the stage starts all over again.

Stage "Labyrinth"

One participant is blindfolded. He will go through a maze.

The remaining participants line up along the labyrinth and show the way to the participant in the stage.

Important! Only one person can speak at a time, only one word!

For example:

- one!

- step!

- forward!

All this should be said by different people on the team and at different times.

If the moment of pronouncing the command by its participants coincides, the stage begins again, in the case of a spade, the stage begins again.

Campfire stage

In order to get a hint, you need to burn the thread stretched between two supports on which this hint hangs.

To do this, you need to make a fire using available materials.

Stage "Sappers"

The sandy dump of the trench is “mined”; there are flags in the immediate vicinity of the mines.

It is necessary to find “mines” using a probe, a metal detector and a sapper shovel. One of them is a hint.

Stage "Shooting duel"

Balls hang on the shooting range - according to the number of people in the team.

There are the same number of balls (airsoft) in a pistol clip. The goal is to hit the balls and find the clue.

Stage "Saw of Friendship"

A two-handed saw with several ropes on each side instead of a handle.

The goal is to saw off the flange from the log with the whole team.

Stage "Suspended Labyrinth"

A labyrinth is drawn on the fabric. Holding the edges of the fabric with the whole team, you need to guide a mug of water through the maze.

You can choose in advance the second option of this stage: a plywood board with a labyrinth.

The task is to roll balls along it from entrance to exit.

"Do as I do" stage

The mesh with cells is stretched horizontally. The first team member passes the grid, using the maximum number of cells, without touching the boundaries.

The remaining team members must go through the grid exactly along his route.

Stage “Falling into the Abyss”

To complete the stage, you are provided with: 2 trees on which a 1.5 meter long staircase is built.

The entire team lines up perpendicular to this “ladder” and folds their arms into a groove.

Each team member takes turns climbing the stairs and “falling” into the team’s arms. The entire team must pass this obstacle.

Stage "Ski"

The entire team sits on 1 pair of skis. You need to go a certain distance for a while.

Stage "Steam Locomotive"

The main element of this stage is an obstacle course made in the form of a corridor.

The team forms a column, placing their hands on each other's shoulders. The entire team except the last player is blindfolded.

He directs the team, sending signals where to move.

But he does this not out loud, but by pressing his hands on the shoulders of his comrades.

For example: downward pressure on the shoulders - squat, squeezing the left shoulder - turn to the left, squeezing the right shoulder - turn to the right, 2 short presses on the shoulders - move up.

Stage "Bungee"

A ravine, a “bungee” is placed above the ravine.

On the team's side there is a bucket of water, on the opposite side there is an empty bucket.

The first person moves on a bungee independently to the other side of the ravine.

The rest carry water in a glass, the whole team helps push off and accept the carrier.

The main task is to transfer all the water from one bucket to another in the shortest possible time. At the same time, you need to understand that water cannot be spilled.

Stage "Get"

Our specialists will prepare in advance everything necessary to recreate the “swamp”.

Some of the logs will be located across the “swamp”. Using long poles, all team members must overcome the “swamp”.

Stage "Stilts"

To complete the stage, the team is given an A-shaped structure - stilts.

At the top, long ropes are tied to the stilts, which are given to team members.

The team must pull the ropes evenly so that the “stilts” stand vertically.

The main task is to walk a certain distance on stilts.

Stage "Sisyphean labor"

Props: Wooden wheel. There are ropes threaded through the knitting needles.

The goal is to roll the wheel up the hill using ropes.

Stage "Obstacle Course"

An army obstacle course, which is performed in the form of a relay race when passing the GTO standards.

Obstacle course elements:

  • a wall to climb over,
  • camouflage net for crawling under it,
  • “snake” to overcome a combined obstacle,
  • grenade throwing line.

Stage "Cipher"

Props: 2 chessboards.

On one board there is a code of figures, which is given 7 seconds to memorize.

Task: on the second board, restore the seen order of arrangement of the pieces on the first board.

Stage “Driving a nail”

A simple but exciting stage.

Participants are provided with long nails and two hammers.

The task is to hammer the nail into the wooden stump last. In this case, each participant strikes in turn.

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