5th birthday: 10 games and competitions for a home party

What can you say about this age? These are no longer kids who prefer to be spectators rather than active participants, but they are also not nimble preschoolers who already have the skills to participate in team games and individual competitive tasks. I do not recommend holding competitions in which there are winners and losers - there will be a lot of tears and resentment.
What to do? I chose feasible tasks for children 5 years old, which are carried out with the participation of adults. If you prepare well, your home party will be great.

As at all children's parties, competitions and games alternate with refreshments at the table.

If there will be children of one age at your party, I advise you to look at other competitions for children's birthdays. Here is a convenient list of my scenarios for children: quests, selections of games, etc.)


Free quest scripts with printable files - HERE.

If your birthday is at the end of December or beginning of January, take my scenario for the quest “Santa Claus’s Magic Clock” as a basis.

Games and competitions for 4th birthday

How to introduce children, see the scenario for a 3-year-old birthday - Game for introducing children to each other.

An interesting solution - cards with tasks. We draw animals with the child in advance. Or we just print from the Internet. So, on one side we have a drawing. But on the other hand, we write a variety of tasks according to the child’s age. You can complete several tasks before the guests arrive so that your child is in a good mood. To do this, reward your child (for example, with candy or a small gift) for completing a task (telling a poem, jumping on the first leg). This idea can be used for children of any age, just make the tasks easier or more difficult.

Dwarfs and giants The players stand in a circle. The presenter explains that if he says “dwarfs,” everyone should squat down, and if he says “giants,” everyone should stand up. Whoever makes a mistake leaves the game. First, the presenter gives the correct commands, and then replaces the words “dwarfs” and “giants” with similar ones. So he can deliberately give incorrect commands, for example: “Potato! Rope! Pockets! Ve-derko! The one who makes the least mistakes wins.

The sea is agitated once the presenter says certain words, and the children move chaotically:

The sea worries once, the sea worries two, the sea worries three, the sea figure freezes in place

After these words, the players freeze, depicting “sea” figures. The presenter approaches any player, touches him with his hand - the player depicts who exactly he is showing. The presenter's task is to guess what kind of figure this is. If the player depicts differently, he becomes water for the next stage. Of course, sometimes the presenter himself specifically “sues” a certain player, but then the controversial issue can be resolved collectively. There was another complication to the rules: if any player moved or laughed during the “performance” of another, then he became water. They also make riddles: an animal figure, a bird figure, a clown figure, etc.

Do it at the signal Children go, stand in a circle with the leader and move in a circle. The presenter gives pre-agreed signals - sound signals (clap of palms). For example: when the leader claps his hands once, the children freeze; when he claps twice, the children run; when he claps three times, the children walk. Whoever makes a mistake is eliminated. The game helps develop attentiveness, coordination and thinking.

Dance game “If you have fun, do this.” If you have fun, do this. We clap our hands together three times. If you have fun, do it. Let's clap. If life is fun, we will smile at each other. We smile at our neighbors to the right and left. If you have fun, do it. We clap our hands together three times. The game continues, clapping is replaced by stomping, jumping, turning.

Warm and cold A toy is placed around the room, in secret from the child, which should be in plain sight. The child must find the toy. One selected participant leaves, the toy is placed somewhere in the room, and the child is brought in blindfolded. The rest of the participants should guide the child, prompting: “Warm”, “Cold”.

Day - Night - Hunter If the leader says the word "day", everyone runs around the room. If it’s “night,” they squat down and close their eyes. Having heard the word “hunter”, they quickly climb onto a chair, into an armchair, that is, into a house, and whoever didn’t have time becomes the leader and catches the unwary players.

Let's play snowballs Snowballs can be made from sheets of paper, newspaper... We give our snowballs to each of the children, put a bucket or basin. Let's throw it one by one. The winner is the one who hits the bucket with snowballs the most times.

Don’t forget that children love everything bright and beautiful, so it is advisable to hold games with interesting props and organize costume competitions. For example, we prepare an unusual hat and put it on the presenter’s head. This competition will be hosted by mom - we’ll put the hat on her. Then dad? Great, now he has the presenter's hat. Of course, such preparations will take more time, but it's worth it. A 4-year-old child’s birthday will not be boring, and games and competitions will be fun and memorable.

Competitions for children 5 years old and their parents

Children five years old often go to holidays accompanied by their parents. The latter prefer to sit and wait for the end of the celebration, without taking part in competitions. If you involve adults in this process, children will obviously be delighted.


You can make participants sweat by giving them a flexibility test. Guests must carefully walk under the constantly lowering rope without touching it. Both children and parents participate!

Seven-flowered flower

Tell your guests the story of the seven-flowered flower while they enjoy the cake. The essence of Valentin Kataev’s work is not familiar to everyone, so children carefully delve into what they hear. After finishing the story, take out a homemade flower with multi-colored petals. It is not necessary to attach a leg to it. If you still want to do this, use a balloon stick.

When the birthday comes to an end, each guest tears off a petal and voices his wish for the birthday person. Even if children cannot formulate their message, adults will definitely find the right words.

Games for a child's birthday

A child until three or four years old does not understand what a birthday is. He understands that there is a day when his family and friends begin to speak tender and affectionate words to him in abundance, and shower him with kisses and gifts. And by the age of four, the child already understands what a birthday is. This is the day he was born and a day that comes “only once a year.” And you can try to celebrate your baby’s birthday “in an adult way.” Invite him to choose who he wants to invite to the celebration and together create a program for the evening. Talk to your child about who he wants to see at his birthday party and how he wants to spend it. If your child finds it difficult to answer, offer him a choice. For example, you can spend your birthday at home, in nature, go to a children's cafe or an entertainment center, where you can not only jump on trampolines, climb a rope ladder, ride a cable car, but also sit at a festively set table. Let's say your baby wants to celebrate his birthday at home. Well, well, let's start preparing the holiday together with the baby. First you need to find out who the child wants to invite. We organize a party depending on the age of the children and their number. There is an unspoken rule. Invite as many guests as the child is old.

Your child goes to kindergarten and wants to invite two to three friends and one neighbor boy from his group. Ask the teacher for the children's phone numbers. Call and discuss with the parents when the children will arrive and when they need to be picked up. The optimal time for children is from one and a half to two and a half hours. You yourself will feel that the children are tired of each other and it’s time for them to go their separate ways. Then call the parents of the little guests. It is very important to end the fun on time so that fatigue does not spoil the birthday experience. The baby feels comfortable in a familiar environment. And in a new house, in a new atmosphere for him, he quickly gets tired and begins to be capricious. When you have decided on the number of children, start preparing for the birthday. On this day, try to decorate the house so that all guests, and most importantly your baby, are in a festive mood, so that everything reminds you that today is a special day. The house can be decorated with balloons, garlands from old postcards, hanging them on a string stretched diagonally across the room. You can cut out the flags yourself, glue letters on them, or write: “Happy Birthday!” The child will enjoy not only the gifts and the birthday itself, but also the preparation for the holiday. Together with him, sit down to prepare invitation cards and funny caps for guests. Paint them with paints or cover them with colored paper, and use New Year’s tinsel to make tassels for the caps. Together with your child, build a festive wall newspaper. Decorate it with photographs of the baby, funny faces and “art” of the child himself. For the holiday table, make funny cards for guests and place them on plates. Glue the napkin rings together. The edges of the napkin can be decorated with tiny drawings or fun prints. Surely in your city you can buy everything to decorate your apartment for the holiday: ready-made garlands with congratulations, giant greeting cards, invitation cards, hats - crowns for a newborn and caps for guests. Buy stamps with funny faces, balloons, tiny pens, keychains, miniature notebooks, coloring books, erasers in the shape of funny little animals, decals, small sets of puzzles and all the numerous little things that will be useful during competitions and as prizes. The preparations have been made, we are waiting for guests.

The guests have arrived. They are confused. The first time they are visiting you, and perhaps the first time at your birthday party. Let them get used to it. There is no need to immediately try to entertain them or seat them at a festively laid table. Let them walk around the apartment, look, touch things. Try to ensure that the initiative comes not from you, but from your child. The guests don’t know you at all, but they are familiar with your baby. Let him take them around the rooms, telling and showing them. Perhaps the kids, having become a little more comfortable, will take out their toys and start playing. Let them play. The main thing is that the children feel comfortable in the new environment. The time for charades and competitions will come. If you feel that the kids have gotten a little comfortable, examined the toys and satisfied their curiosity, invite them to dance in a round dance. Classic “My loaf, loaf!” Probably everyone knows. But let’s still remind you of the rules for those who danced in a round dance a long, long time ago. The hero of the occasion stands in the center. The guests join hands and form a round dance around him. The round dance moves, and the kids sing the following words: Like on (child’s name) birthday We baked a loaf this high (children stand on tiptoes, stretch their arms up), This low (children squat, lower their arms as low as possible), Here this width (children spread their arms to the sides as wide as possible without releasing their arms), These are the dinners (children, without releasing their arms, stretch them forward). Carvay, Loaf, choose whoever you want!

After these words, the hero of the occasion must choose one of the guests.
He says the words: I love, of course, everyone, A (name of the chosen child) most of all.
The selected guest stands in the center of the circle, and the round dance begins again.
Several more games will be listed below, these are games for a child’s birthday .
Depending on the situation and the mood of the children, decide the program for the evening. Take a closer look to see if they want to continue playing or if they are looking longingly at the festively set table. Read also:

  • What to give a 5 year old child for his birthday

  • 4th birthday - games and competitions. Ideas for organizing a 4th birthday party

Game "Snowfall"

The players are given a small piece of cotton wool; it needs to be slightly “beaten” so that it flies like a feather. At the presenter’s signal, everyone throws out their “snowflakes.” The players' task is to prevent the snowflake from falling, but they can only be blown. The one whose snowflake stays in the air longer wins.

Game "Wrapping"

Two people compete. To play you need a long rope. Players stand at different ends of the rope. Wrapping it once around your waist. At a signal, they begin, quickly spinning in one place, wrapping the rope around themselves. The winner is the one. Who could wrap the most rope around themselves?

Game "Winders"

A long rope is taken, a mark is made in the middle, and the ends are tied to two sticks. At a signal, players begin to wrap the rope around them. The one who reaches the middle first wins.

Game "Left - Right"

There is a stretched rope on the floor. Players stand on one side of the rope. The presenter says: “To the left.” Players quickly jump over the rope and stand to the left of it. Then the command is pronounced: “To the right.” Players stand to the right of the rope. The pace of the teams quickens. Players must have time to jump over the rope. If someone did not have time to complete the command or, for example, performed it incorrectly, he is eliminated from the game. If the leader says the command: “Right”, and the players are already standing on the right side of the rope, they must remain in place. Whoever takes a step to the side is out of the game. When the players have become comfortable with the “right-left” command, the teams are replaced. For example, “hot - cold, edible - inedible. Black White".

Game “Edible - Inedible”

This is a well-known game. Children stand in a semicircle. The presenter throws the ball and calls the word. If the word is edible, then the player catches the ball, if not, then he misses it.

Game "Money"

The presenter throws pennies on the floor. And the children, on command, begin to collect them. Whoever collected the most won.


Competitions can be very different. Run in bags (old pillowcases can serve as bags). Running in a bundle (children run together: the left leg of one is connected to the right leg of the other). They can run backwards. Jump like a kangaroo or like a frog. Run on all fours, pretending to be turtles. Instead of a shell, a book is placed on the back. The winner is the one who reaches the finish line first and does not drop the book. For winning a contest or competition, a child receives a prize. A prize can also be given for effort, for the desire to win, or you can present a tiny souvenir to the smallest participant in the competition. If the children are tired, then offer them quieter games: construction sets, lotto, children's dominoes, cubes. Or give each person a small box of puzzles with the same number of pieces. Whoever collects it first takes the collected picture home. Take out a sheet of Whatman paper or sheets of paper. Let each of the guests draw a congratulation to the birthday boy on it. How nice it will be in a few years to look at the kids’ congratulatory “scribbles”! If the boys are busy playing with cars and the girls are bored, then offer them scarves, shawls, pieces of fabric, handbags, perfume bottles, beads and bracelets, which have long gone out of fashion and do not provide any value to you. Let the girls “turn” into princesses. No matter how fun a birthday is, small conflicts are inevitable. For example, the kids didn’t share the toy. Distract the children, offer a shared game or invite them to take photos. Just in case, stock up on a new cassette with cartoons. Watching an interesting cartoon will calm raging kids and give them the opportunity to wait for their parents to arrive in a calm atmosphere.


On the festive table there should be a pie or cake with candles, a bowl of fruit, and another with sweets. More juices and water. For dessert, ice cream decorated with pieces of fruit and filled with multi-colored jam and fruit jelly. If children have an excellent appetite, then prepare pizza just in case. The table decoration includes napkins with a pattern, a vase with flowers, colorful glasses and funny straws for water. To remember their birthday, give each little guest the balloon you used to decorate the house and a tiny souvenir. The role of an adult at a children's party should be unobtrusively guiding and corrective. Let the birthday boy fall asleep on this day with the thought that “thanks to” him this birthday turned out to be so fun and memorable.

tree templates https://yadi.sk/d/Ii2llOEibzY5i

End of the holiday

And finally, all those celebrating are invited to the table, where they can thoroughly satisfy their hunger. The long-awaited conclusion of the gala dinner, of course, is a large and delicious cake - 5 years. At this sweet moment, all guests, regardless of age, can sing a birthday greeting in funny, cartoon voices.

And as a final touch to the birthday, a fun home photo shoot of the hero of the occasion with guests can serve. Girls will be especially happy. All those present can receive a souvenir photo taken with a Polaroid camera. The joy of instant photographs is very lively and bright. It is very nice to see happy and radiant children when their 5th birthday celebration is a success.

And at parting, the satisfied birthday boy can hug his guests and return to them words of gratitude and love for a kind and wonderful birthday.

Pleasure to remember.

Balloon competitions: colorful delight!

Mosquitoes on a balloon

Probably the quietest competition. All children receive a ball and a high-quality marker for glass and plastic. You need to paint the ball with insects within the allotted time. You can only use mosquitoes, like Chukovsky, but ask children 8-10 years old to remember other representatives of the fauna: butterflies, dragonflies, caterpillars, ladybugs, flies, and so on. At the end we count and reveal the winner.

Relay "Centipede"

Divide the children into teams (a team can have from 2 to infinity). Children stand one after another, the ball is squeezed between the back of the previous child and the stomach of the next child. Hands down. Now let's go! You need to walk 5-7 meters to the chair, take the strawberry (the first player takes the small red ball), go around the chair and return to the beginning of the distance. The caterpillar that doesn't fall apart on the road wins!

Air hockey

There may be options here. You need to drive the balls into the gate you invented in the following ways:

  • one or two fans (this is possible for children from 9 years old, not earlier). There is no need to touch the ball - we drive it into the gate with air currents.
  • badminton racket acting like a stick
  • another inflatable ball (long and thin, they are called “sausage”)

This is not a team game. Simply two players stand next to each other on the same line, each with a ball and a “stick”. The one who scores the goal first wins.

definitely alternate active contests with balloons with calm ones . For example:

Sister Alyonushka

You need to quickly tie a scarf to the ball and draw a face. To be honest, it turns out more often than Baba Yaga, but these are formalities. The point is clear. By the way, as an example, you can show children funny little people made from balloons.

Snow Maiden. Or again the Scarecrow...

Nothing will come of this without the help of adults, I’ll tell you right away. Even 12-year-old children cannot always cope with double-sided tape, but it is very necessary for assembling the next beauty. Let someone prepare pieces of scotch tape for the children, and they themselves will assemble a human figure from balls of different sizes and shapes. The nose is a small ball, but the eyes would be better if they were made of paper. For your hair, prepare shaggy wigs.

Think about where you can then tie these balloon figures.

And again mobile competitions with balloons!

Kangaroo relay

It’s as old as time, but children who were born 6-7 years ago don’t know about this and will happily jump the distance with a ball clamped between their knees. Our kangaroo should have a small fabric bag (pocket) around its neck. Any soft toy can be used as a kangaroo. We jump 5-7 meters, hand the baby kangaroo to kindergarten (a bag or hoop), come back and pass the ball and bag to the next team member.


Another version of a similar competition with balloons, but the ball needs to be held between the ankles from below, 10 cm from the floor. There is no need to jump, we take small steps towards the goal (reduce the distance to 3 meters), trying not to lose the ball.


There are a lot of balls without strings lying on the floor. You need to hold as many balls on yourself as possible: under your T-shirt, pin them with hairpins, hold the “tail” with your teeth, hold the balls with your hands and feet. Very funny, by the way. Don't forget to take a photo of the winner.


Place the children in a circle. In the center of the circle is a box with a prize. Give each child an inflated but untied balloon (each a different color). At the command “Search!” children release the balls, pointing them towards the center of the circle towards the gift. The flight path, as you know, is impossible to guess - the balls break out and make strange shapes in the air. The one whose ball lands closest to the gift wins.

Air battle

This competition with long balls is more suitable for boys. If you can twist a helmet and a sword out of “sausages” (like on my son), honor and praise. If not, let them have long straight swords. The fight is to force the enemy out of a circle drawn with chalk (diameter 2 meters).


The watermelons are ripe... I mean, there are a lot of balls on the floor. Give each team a huge open garbage bag (preferably blue, it doesn’t smell as bad and looks nicer). The team that collects the most watermelons wins, naturally.

Here's an even more fun version of this balloon competition:


Try to imagine... We cut off the bottom corners of a huge garbage bag. These will be the holes for the legs. Have one team member reach into the bag, stick their feet through the holes, and hold the top edge of the bag with their hands and back. It should look like a barrel. Now we collect watermelons for pickling in a barrel. The main thing is that the one inside the package does not fall from laughing. The team that can fit the most watermelons wins. For small children, bags of 60 liters are needed, for teenagers - 120 liters, for adults - 240 liters.


For the first stage of the relay, you need one yellow ball for each team. This will be our sun. Team members line up one after another, passing the ball back over their heads (sunrise) and from the last player to the first player between their legs (sunset). The team that does it faster wins.

For the second round, you can launch several balls at once (3-5 pieces).

Humpty Dumpty

You need two balloons with faces. Each team is given a tennis racket (or a badminton racket). You need to run 5 meters and return to the beginning of the distance with Humpty Dumpty on the racket so that he doesn’t “fall off in your sleep.”

Flies and cutlets

Again there are a lot of balls on the floor. Divide the balls and all guests with a line (draw with chalk) into two equal parts. Assign balls of a certain color to be “harmful flies” that you need to get rid of. On command, team members begin to throw “flies” across the line. The winner is the team whose half has the fewest harmful insects remaining.

Notes with wishes

A beautiful ending to any holiday. Go outside or onto the balcony with balloons inflated with helium. In advance, ask guests to write wishes and attach them to the ribbon. Let's launch wishes into the sky!!!

Competition No. 1 “Portrait of the birthday boy”

For the competition, the host invites everyone to take part in the guest game. Each participant is given a blank sheet of paper and colored markers. Using these items, players must use all their creativity and imagination and draw the main character of the celebration. 5 minutes are allotted for the portrait, after which the presenter shows the resulting drawings to the rest of the guests. The participant whose portrait is more similar to the birthday boy wins. As a reward, the winner is given paints and a sketchbook.

Noisy and quiet games and entertainment for children!

Balls, compact pump, large garbage bags

Now I won’t tell you for a long time what all this is needed for, I’ll send you to the cool selection “15 competitions with balloons.” In fact, this is a ready-made program for an animator. Let's read!

Plastic and cardboard disposable cups

They are convenient to carry in a “chest” as they fold up perfectly, but at least two games can be played.

  1. This is a calm option, when children are asked to quickly build a pyramid from inverted cups (in a more complicated version, with their eyes closed). Bottom floor - 5 pieces in one row, on top, in a checkerboard pattern 4, then 3, 2, 1.
  2. Dancing with obstacles . The pyramid now has to be built by the animator himself. The meaning of the game is reminiscent of “Limbo” (a Hawaiian game when dancers must walk under a rope, leaning back), only the rope lowers with each new stage of the competition, and our pyramid of cups grows. Build on the floors gradually, let them be half human height. You need to jump over the obstacle while dancing.

Magnetic fishing rod and fish

I don’t know what the secret is, but even fairly large children like the “Fishing” relay race. “Lakes” can be drawn with chalk if there is no hoop. Or put it out of string (we definitely have it in our chest). We divide into 2 teams (each has its own lake, the number of fish should be the same), we give the first player a fishing rod, and send them off for speed fishing. He catches a fish, returns, and passes the fishing rod to the second player. The team that catches all the fish in their lake the fastest wins.

Piece of lining fabric 4 m

Any fabric will do, but if you find blue, it will be a real wave. Two adults make sudden movements, inflating the tissue. You can quickly run under the waves, the kids absolutely love it. You can put one child in petals. So we play a game of attentiveness. If there are more than 10 children, we put one child with his back, and from the other children we select one and hide it in a cloth. The presenter needs to quickly remember who exactly was hidden. You can joke, hide someone not from your company, let the player puzzle over who is missing.

Finger puppets and mitten puppets, thick fabric 150x150 cm

1. Theater. In principle, children 3-6 years old are ready to act out fairy tales in the classic version. You distribute dolls to everyone and assign roles, acting as a storyteller. Improv theater is great entertainment. There is a large selection of dolls here.

For children 7-10 years old, you need to come up with an unusual plot (intertwine the events of different fairy tales or update it “in a modern way”).

The fabric will act as a screen (children or parent volunteers hold it by the two upper ends)

2. Teremok - a comic game . Parents' help will be needed again. The fabric now needs to be stretched parallel to the floor at a height of 1 m, holding the corners. Children, wearing glove dolls on their hands, climb into the “house”. Now the animator plays the role of a bear who wants to crush the tower. You artistically come to terms with whichever side you want to lean on the roof from, sit down slightly, and the children run away screaming.


There are several options here, it’s a very successful prop :-).

1. Limbo. It's always fun with a group of any age group. Two people pull the rope parallel to the floor at neck level, then 10-15 cm lower, even lower, and even lower. All participants in the celebration must walk under the rope to cheerful music, arching their backs.

2. From a rope (5-7 meters) you can lay out tracks for a relay race on the floor. Children walk a winding path like a tightrope at speed.

3. You tie prizes to the rope, which the children cut off with their eyes closed.

4. One end of the rope is tied to the box with the gift, the other to the pencil. Whoever winds the entire string around the pencil the fastest wins a prize.

5. We divide the children into 2 teams, each with the same piece of rope. Each team member needs to be “strung” on a string through a loop in a jacket, through a belt, jacket or T-shirt (from one sleeve to another), through laces in sneakers or even bows on the head. The winners are those children who did it all faster and funnier.


Well, it's actually a win-win. I use them when filming a video for a funny children's song. Beautiful, funny, looks very cool in the video. You can hold a competition for the biggest bubble.


In principle, you can also use a cucumber. Or something inedible altogether. The point is this. Remember the cartoon "38 Parrots"? There they measured the height of a boa constrictor in parrots. And we'll be covered in bananas! This is such a height meter. From the floor to the top of the head we measure the birthday person with a banana, and if it turns out that the height is 8 and a half bananas, we demonstratively peel and bite off the excess part. The birthday boy himself, his parents or one of the guests can take a bite.

Skittles and ball

Everything is clear here, let's play bowling. When there are several children of about the same age, the entertainment is very exciting. We give several attempts, count the pins knocked down for each participant or team, and reward the winner. There is a large selection of funny figures.

If this is happening at a children's summer camp, factory-made skittles can be replaced with bottles of sand or water (fill them one-third full).

Magnetic darts

The boys really like it. Being the most accurate at a children's party is a very important victory. It is convenient that such a dart is rolled up into a small tube (the target is soft, you only need a strong nail on the wall).

Can be replaced with darts with sticky balls. Always play with passion and for a long time!

Ring throw

Another opportunity to compete; such a thing doesn’t take up much space in your chest. If you promise a prize for the most accurate person, even the most passive children will join the game. Here there are a lot of ring-throwers of unusual shapes (butterflies, snakes, octopuses, etc.)

Magic wand

It’s a mysterious thing, I don’t even want to go into what laws of physics it works on, but the effect is interesting. Three-dimensional figures, or rather frames of three-dimensional geometric figures, magically fly in the air, obeying the movements of the wand. Levitation…

Here is the site where I saw it for sale (we copy the link): https://neotoy.ru/palochka-levitator


If a children's party takes place in winter, when it gets dark early, turn off the lights in the room and hand out flashlights to all children. We are announcing a competition for the funniest ghost. To do this, you need to turn on the flashlight, illuminate your chin from below and make a face. Very funny, friends!!!

We also draw mysterious signs on the wall. You can start with simple symbols and letters (they are easier to guess), then try to draw the hidden object with light. The house and the snowman are quite recognizable.

Ears, noses, wigs. Mustache-sponges-glasses on a stick

All this is just fun to wear, but for a comic photo shoot it’s a godsend. Any holiday store has carnival accessories, buy them. By the way, they are not only New Year's. There are great items that can be used any time of the year.

By the way, you can print a funny mustache on a stick from my blog.

If you need ready-made accessories on the theme “Pirates”, “Cowboys” and “Superheroes”, go HERE (they cost from 600 to 800 rubles, but there are about 30 different fun things, enough for everyone. Having such photo props you can entertain not only children, but and their parents :-).

also play the following game : place them on a small table, so that there are 1 fewer wig ears than the participants. Turn on fun music and let the children walk around the table. The melody ends abruptly, the children grab the accessories and quickly put them on. The one who is left “without a nose” is eliminated :-). Yes, it's like playing with chairs!

Noise instruments for a merry orchestra

Spoons, rattles, rattles, bells, small bottles with coins, rustling bags, squeaking toys, rattles.

I advise you to look at all my ideas for paid and free instruments for a children's orchestra HERE.

Rhythmic music, such as the Radetzky March, should be recorded.

Box and cracker

Any box with a lid will do (shoe boxes can be covered with bright paper). Children stand in a circle and place the box in the center of the circle. Let's play psychics. You need to take turns naming the items that may be in this box. Invite children to make movements with their hands like psychics, close their eyes and perform shamanism in every possible way :-). We give three attempts. Whoever is closest to the answer wins. You can add candy, prizes, toys... or a firecracker! Let the confetti fly out and shower all the participants. Girls like it when there are rose petals in the firecracker...

Cards with comic tasks

Not only the animator, but also the children get tired of constant noisy and active games :-). All sorts of cards with pictures will be very useful here. Children, as you know, love tasks with random answers; they find it incredibly funny. Suitable for ages 5-7 years.

The animator asks questions. For example: “What will you fly to the sea?” Children take turns drawing cards with cards: “On a cloud!”, “On a donut,” “On a vacuum cleaner,” “On a soap bubble!” etc.

Or this: “What do you most want as a gift for your next birthday?” Children: meat grinder, paper airplane, crocodile, stone, sunflower seed, etc.

A few more comic predictions in this article.

I take the pictures from children's bingo games.

Board games

This is also a break from running around. Convenient to use if there are no more than 5-6 small guests.

Even children who are familiar with computer games find it boring to play adventure games. But if together with an animator, it’s a completely different matter. Some people get so carried away that they can't stop. I recommend! The box does not take up much space, chips and dice are included. Large selection of board games HERE.

Discs with disco music

It is best to make a selection of songs from “Children’s Radio Disco”. My children and I often listen to them; they have excellent modern compositions. For children 3-7 years old you can take “Barbarikov” discs.

Disco ball

If you can darken the room, turn on the disco ball. It costs very little, and the disco turns out much more spectacular, believe me!

Chalks for face and body, paints for face painting

For a person who does not have special skills in face painting, crayons are just a godsend! You can draw simple patterns on your face and hands (of course, more fun for girls): flowers, hearts, cats, mice, emoticons, etc. If you already have experience, buy the right paints for face painting.

Toilet paper rolls

It’s you, dear animators, who are tired of playing mummy! And every year children are born who wrap themselves in toilet paper for the first time! Let them have lots of fun!

Another option (you can do it at the table). Pass the roll around and let the children tear off as many squares as they want. This is a test of greed (just don’t warn us in advance). Just come up with a “punishment”: say as many wishes to the birthday boy as you tear off the squares (do push-ups from the floor, crow, hug as many people, and so on).

Large fireplace matches or counting sticks

There are several interesting puzzles for logical thinking. Keep in mind, sometimes even adults get involved in solving :-). Here are puzzles that will captivate both children and their parents (we copy the link): https://logo-rai.ru/index.php/zadachi-golovolomki-so-spichkami?start=3

Rolled drawing paper

A good idea even if there are a lot of children. Roll out several meters of paper on the floor, give wax crayons or thick felt-tip pens. You can paint a huge picture on the topic. For example, “Underwater World” or “Sky”.

Materials for a creative master class

They are quite expensive, so discuss with your parents in advance whether you will paint glasses or cups with ceramic markers, draw on round stones , make gel candles, soap, paint photo frames, etc. Ideas for master classes can be found here (we We hold them at children's parties).

It is quite possible to take the wedding idea “Tree of Wishes” and use finger paints. The idea is described in more detail here.

Awards and prizes

If you choose the prizes for the holiday yourself, take ideas from my article “100 ideas for 100 friends under 100 rubles.”

If not, you should have some supply of stickers for clothes and comic medals (at least drying on a line).

Competition No. 9 “Candy soup”

To conduct this competition you will need 2 saucepans, 2 ladles and approximately 500 grams of sweets. To participate in the game, 2 teams are formed. The participants' task is to use a ladle to bring the candy to the pan and pass the turn to the next player on the team. The pans should be placed 4 meters from the place where the candies are stacked. The result is “candy soup.” As soon as the team leader completes the competition, the children stop playing. The number of candies in each pan is counted. The winner is the team whose soup turned out “sweeter.” All children receive incentive sweet prizes.

I know absolutely exactly what questions need to be answered:

  • What are the best prizes for children?
  • where can I order them so that the courier brings everything in one box directly to school?
  • what to buy so that there is a lot and cheap, but at the same time from safe materials?
  • where to buy so that you can easily provide a report on the money spent?

I will answer most questions immediately. After much wandering, I settled on the online giant Ozone. Consider that I have given a decent answer to the last three questions. Always clear, on time, polite, no problems with documentation. The prices are good.

Competition No. 6 “What has changed?”

All children who wish to play are invited to participate in the competition. The presenter selects one participant and gives the children the opportunity to remember what he looks like and what he is wearing. Children closely study the main player. Then the toastmaster of the holiday takes the main participant to another room and complements his image with other things. For example, you can hang a small handbag over your shoulder or attach a brooch, change your hair slightly and give you completely different shoes. You can come up with a lot of different options. After the image is completed, the presenter, together with the main character, goes out to the rest of the competition participants. The children's task is to determine what changes have occurred in the player's image. The participant who correctly names the answer becomes the winner and is awarded a sweet prize. The competition can be repeated several times. The game is logical and mental in nature.

The cycle of children's holidays in nature

Everything in nature takes its course, and with a predetermined inevitability: morning gives way to evening, winter to summer, and then it’s time to celebrate the birthday of a 5-year-old child. The event is certainly important, so it is worth paying as much attention as possible to the organization of the holiday.

We invite you to find out - How to spend a child’s birthday without special expenses

Some parents prefer to shift organizational troubles to professional directors and presenters, but in this case you should be prepared for the fact that the child will thank these same presenters, and not mom and dad... Still, it’s better to find an opportunity and arrange a good one for your beloved child holiday, making personal efforts and thereby showing care and attention.

Competition No. 10 “Merry disco”

The presenter distributes a regular sheet of newspaper to the competition participants. The start is announced, the music is turned on, and the children begin to dance on the given sheet. The music changes and the competition becomes more difficult. The presenter folds the newspaper halfway, thereby reducing the space for dancing. The music starts again. Children are dancing. And again the melody changes and the size of the newspaper decreases. The competition continues until the participants step outside the paper while dancing. The winner is awarded a music disc.

Competition No. 8 “Gray Wolf”

To conduct this competition, it is necessary to draw small circles - shelters in which, according to the meaning of the competition, the “kids” will hide. One player remains outside these circles, and the children consider him a “wolf.” The wolf walks between the shelters of the “kids” and tries to grab them. The “kids,” in turn, go out for a walk and run from one circle to another. The participants’ task is to avoid being caught by the “wolf”. The participant - the “kid”, who was caught by the player “wolf” becomes a “wolf”. This is a very exciting game that can make children have fun and enjoy themselves.

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