Celebrating a birthday in nature: simple ideas for a family holiday

Ideas for celebrating a birthday in nature should be significantly different from all other celebration options, that's for sure.

I tried to collect all the most interesting things so that you can choose the right ideas for your holiday.

Let's solve the most important question. Which? This is a question of who exactly will organize everything and make the birthday party in nature truly memorable.

OPTION 1: we do everything ourselves

OPTION 2: order a holiday with a trip to nature

You will find a checklist with reminders on what to take with you, how to decorate the holiday and entertain guests in this article below. I recommend looking at free scripts for children's quests and ideas for adult parties

quests at the dacha for children 5-10 years old quests for teenagers programs for an adult company interactive quests for adults

Let's treat you!

Take ready-made food so guests can wait for hot food in peace

This is advice from many years of picnic experience. People usually come to nature in the morning, few people have time to have breakfast, and the road is long...

There must be a supply of ready-to-eat products, tea and coffee in thermoses, otherwise preparing a shashlik will not turn into a festive expectation, but a nervous process in which the coals take too long to light, the meat takes too long to fry, etc.

What you can take as a morning buffet:

• ready-made sandwiches • pies with salty and sweet fillings • pancakes with fillings • pieces of fried meat in breadcrumbs or round flat cutlets (it’s convenient to make hamburgers with them) • fresh and salted vegetables • washed fruits • tea, coffee, juices

For grill menu

Of course, on a birthday in nature, you want to see such treats that do not happen during home feasts.

There are so many marinade recipes that I won’t risk describing them here, I’ll just remind you what can be cooked on the grill.

• meat kebab • chicken kebab (by the way, there is a charming children's recipe without vinegar, and the semi-finished product can be made at home and heated over a fire right in foil. Children always want everything quickly) • fish on the grill • seafood • baked vegetables (zucchini, zucchini) , eggplants, tomatoes, onions, bell peppers) • in a pot you can cook fish soup or meat sauce with herbs • pilaf

Not forget:

• drinking water in small bottles • juices • bread, buns, cookies • ketchup and mustard • salt, sugar, seasonings • disposable dishes and tablecloths • good knives, ladle, slotted spoon • corkscrew • wet wipes • garbage bags • silicone gloves, less often wash hands • set of skewers and grill • folding barbecue, charcoal • means for quick ignition

• disposable foil trays for prepared kebabs and vegetables • folding furniture or bouncy chairs • raincoats • spare clothes for children • mosquito repellent • rolls of foil and cling film to cover food from flies and wasps • first aid kit with band-aids, peroxide, painkillers • a compact tent (if children do not start playing in it, you can put all the bags, packages and backpacks in the tent, which always spoil the natural landscape with their appearance and ruin all the photographs)

We design a dacha (clearing, gazebo)!

There are ready-made paper decorations that can be turned into voluminous balls, stars and pompoms in a couple of seconds.

Ready-made paper decorations

That's the problem. All these decorations are quite LARGE and you don’t need so many of them to decorate a room. The price is very reasonable, they are sold folded and fold up very easily, literally in a couple of seconds. Rate my work, I dedicated a separate article to each type of decoration:

Here is a selection of articles with examples:

Read more about accordion balls here (many examples). Here's everything about ready-made paper pompoms with a link to the site. Large voluminous stars (56 cm in diameter) - here with examples. Multi-colored paper pom-poms-tassels are also an excellent decoration, look at the pictures. And here are honeycomb balls. What a beauty, look! Do you know what forfeits are? These are fans for decoration. Adore!

Festive menu in nature

Before your trip, you should think about the menu. What is a holiday without gluttony! Well, such are our traditions. If this is a holiday in nature, then we definitely marinate the meat and make barbecue . You can also make baked fish on the grill instead of shish kebab (or together with it).

It’s optimal if you have a small refrigerator in which you can store some of the food and simply cut the rest. But, nevertheless, you don’t need to take a lot of perishable food with you, and if it’s hot outside, then you shouldn’t put chocolates on the table, no one will eat them anyway because of the melted chocolate.

But take as much liquid as possible (I'm talking about soft drinks). The same applies to fruits and vegetables. Sandwiches , canapés, in general, anything that you can just grab and run on, go great in nature Well, don’t forget about a couple of salads, it’s a holiday after all! By the way, there must be some special feature on the menu at the holiday. For example, some unexpected cocktail that will amaze all guests with its taste, in the good sense of the word. On the Domovenok-Art blog there is a recipe for one of these drinks - this is our tropical punch , which at one time created a sensation! Or here's another idea: homemade Baileys liqueur is a wonderful drink.

Let's entertain our guests!

Now we are talking about a family holiday, but there may be options here:

  1. gathered adults of different generations from 18 to 90 years old
  2. At the festival there are many young families with small children from 1 to 9 years old
  3. Families with children from 1 to 17 years old came to visit you
  4. there are no small children, but there are teenagers aged 12-17 who are bored in adult company

Agree, in each of these cases the program should be different.

Free scripts for children and teenagers

  • Here is a list of competitions for children from 1 to 13 years old.
  • Complete scenarios for children's quests (the country quest “Cave of Three Parrots” is especially suitable)
  • Collection of prizes for participation in competitions
  • Competitions for 12-14 years old
  • Board games: high-quality cards for the games “Crocodile”, “Mafia”, “Alias”, “Svintus”, etc.

Ready-made scenarios with printed task cards

Nowadays they sell very interesting sets for children and teenagers with quests “in a box”. The point is that you just need to read the instructions and come up with a place where you can hide the gift. Children find everything else in the set. Here is an example of such a quest.

All together: 2 to 92

The most difficult case, the tasks for such a company are the most difficult to come up with.

If you feel that adults would like to have some fun with their children, let me remind you of a few time-tested fun games. Yes, you will need to buy some things, but then you will use the most successful props for many, many years.

  • If there is room for outdoor games, there are always those who want to play volleyball, badminton and Frisbee , do not forget to throw balls, rackets and frisbees in your backpack. Often there are no clearings for such fun, you need something less active, read on!
  • Fanta . Just like that, people also start dancing and start reading funny poems, but in forfeits there are very unexpected ones. Naturally, you also buy all sorts of funny little things and say the phrase “I’ll give this prize to phantom number...5!” In the second half of the party, for some reason, everyone is amused even by the wording of the task, and even more so by the execution. Books with tear-off forfeits are sold in bookstores.
  • Limbo . A fun dance activity with a stick, which is held horizontally by two assistants at a height of 1.5 meters. The dancers go through the first circle under the stick and line up for a new circle. Just lower the stick 10 cm lower...
  • Dance battle . The most difficult thing here is the selection of music. If you have the Internet, there are no such difficulties, but in nature, for such a competition you need to pre-record fragments of famous dance tunes on disk: lambada, dance of little swans, lezginka, duck dance, tango, hip-hop, macarena, rock and roll, etc. d.
  • You can take an interesting and fun scenario with family games . For example, on our website we have “Film! Movie! Movie!"
  • Darts . If it is very difficult to involve men in all the previous entertainments, then when they see darts, they immediately leave their place at the festive table and line up with darts. There are quite budget options. Hang it on a tree and compete! By the way, darts can be replaced with ring throwing , that’s also fun! Also take a closer look at the game "Towns" . All sets are for sale, just don't forget!
  • Face painting, Popuas and Indians . If an outdoor birthday takes place during the hot season, divide the guests into two teams and organize a body art show. Children are generally delighted with the idea that they can paint not only part of their face, like at all other holidays, but their WHOLE BODY! Adults also find colorful excitement. It would be nice to prepare small accessories - feathers, Hawaiian flower beads, paper ribbon skirts, bracelets, thin plastic masks and funny glasses. Get your camera ready, these are memorable shots!
  • Team games. Honestly, if no one has experience in conducting such games, everything is not very interesting. A good presenter knows how to make a “candy” out of the most banal task. Just in case, let me remind you about tug of war and running in bags.
  • Relay races. In nature, you can drag water in ladles and pour it into a jar, carry bagels on your head during an obstacle course, “string” all team members on a string, inflate or pop balloons at speed, etc.
  • Strongman competition . It's very easy to do, and the excitement around the prize 5-liter keg of beer is always very big. It needs to be held at arm's length for as long as possible. You can replace the “barrel” with arm wrestling.
  • Launching lanterns, cold fountain, firecrackers . Celebrating a birthday outdoors should also have a beautiful ending. Launching Chinese lanterns is a very beautiful tradition. The main thing is to do everything correctly, it will fly beautifully and there will be no accidental fires. There are no “contraindications” to cold fotans. These are just silver splashes in honor of the birthday boy!

Holiday again Contact person: Irina Panasyan Write to me Call (Moscow)

Summer corporate event scenario

Arrival and accommodation

A traditional competition for the best find is held immediately upon arrival at the site. What interesting things can you find in the forest:

  • a bouquet of flowers - beautiful;
  • a thick log for a fire is a valuable thing;
  • berries - delicious;
  • cones - as a keepsake;
  • a comfortable stick - to confidently walk through life.

When all the trophies have been collected, the winner is announced and the main prize is awarded, symbolic souvenirs are awarded for 2nd and 3rd place, and all other participants receive pre-prepared medal chips, which are taken into account when summing up the results of the holiday.


The presenter dedicates the competition to his native company and invites his colleagues to compose an ode or toast in honor of his native team and enterprise. Throughout the holiday, everyone reads their odes and makes toasts, receiving medals for them. The best authors are chosen by the audience at the end of the competition. They are awarded prizes.

Find the treasure

After familiarizing yourself with the territory, you can arrange a search for prizes. You can bury the treasure in the ground or hide it on the territory - in a car, in some things. On colored cardboard they draw a map of the clearing indicating the place where the treasure is hidden. The map must be cut into 10-12 parts and distributed in the clearing, and there is no need to hide them. It is enough to attach it to a tree branch or the participant’s clothing. One part is given to treasure hunters with the task of collecting the entire map. When all (or most) of the puzzle pieces are collected, everyone goes looking for the prize. The more effort spent on the search, the more expensive the victory will be. The finder takes the treasure, and the rest of the participants receive medals.

Game of crocodiles

For the Limpopo River you will need two ropes of 3 - 4 m each. They are stretched on the ground in parallel, at a distance of 1.5 m - 2 m from each other. The fastest one, preferably a man, is appointed as a crocodile, all other participants are researchers. Brave scientists cross the river, trying not to fall into the mouth of a crocodile. If a crocodile hooks a researcher, he automatically joins the team of crocodiles and joins the hunt for the “researchers.” All the crocodiles hold hands and do not leave the river. The last “researcher” who was not caught by the crocodiles wins. He receives a prize, the rest of the participants receive medals.

Competition "Kangaroo Racing"

For entertainment, they use the same two ropes and balloons according to the number of participants. One rope marks the starting line, the other the finishing line. Participants line up at the start with balls held between their knees. At the command of the leader, the kangaroos begin to jump with the balls towards the finish line. If the ball falls, the participant stops, picks up the ball, presses it with his knees and jumps further; if it bursts, the kangaroo is eliminated from the game. The one who is the first to make a circle, returning again to the starting position unharmed, wins and receives a prize; the rest are awarded medals.

Buffet break

The host of an outdoor corporate party announces a break and makes a toast: There are 4 degrees of intoxication, each of which is named after an animal that a person in this state resembles:

  1. degree - the level of the peacock, because man is at the beginning and arrogant, like this important bird;
  2. degree - the level of a monkey - a person is relaxed, jokes and plays tricks - life is good!
  3. degree and all the following - the levels of the ferocious lion and pig are not at all attractive.

So let’s drink so that we can reach the second stage as quickly as possible, and always stay there!

Kebab quiz

At the “table” you can hold a quiz to whet your appetite. The most erudite participant will receive a prize, the rest will receive medals.

Sample Quiz Questions

  1. For which countries is kebab a national dish? (Caucasus)
  2. An indispensable condition for preparing delicious shish kebab (friendly company).
  3. The most serious threat associated with kebab (“I’ll make a kebab out of you”).
  4. What movie is this phrase from: “Kebab does not tolerate women’s hands.”
  5. Name a weekend outing in the country where people often have a barbecue (Picnic).
  6. Is shish kebab considered the first or second course? (The only one).
  7. Which kebab ends faster - on long skewers or short ones? (Delicious).
  8. Where did one of the heroes of “Operation Y” eat shish kebab?
  9. What meat is best for barbecue? (Fresh, not defrosted pork neck or lamb loin).
  10. What drink goes best with shish kebab? (Dry red wine).
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