“Sports competitions, relay races” in physical education

Here you will find the most popular and common sports games for adults, as well as their detailed descriptions. To do this, go to the appropriate pages:

    American football Air hockey Bike polo Fast badminton Water polo Volleyball Disc golf Korfball Laser tag Lacrosse Lacrosse part 2 Mini golf Mini football Paintball Petanque Beach handball City reconnaissance Racquetball Rugby Regball Squash Sports relay races Hardball Bandy Frisbee Flag - football

Currently, there are a large number of team sports in which adults can take part. Unfortunately, even children in the age of computer technology cannot be forced to do anything more active than virtual battles. The same misfortune befell adults - many quite serious citizens prefer conquering castles and lands in an online toy to active recreation. A good replacement for such games can be found on the website in the “Intellectual Games”


Or perhaps they simply do not know about the beneficial effects that sport can have on the body and quality of life. Of course, few people like tedious exercises, so sports games for adults remain the best option for keeping the body in good shape.

How we burn through our salaries

A box of matches is poured out in front of each participant (which means the same number). Participants hold a matchbox in their hands. At the “start” command, corporate party guests and colleagues begin to “burn through” their salaries. Tilt - burn one match, second tilt - second match, third - third and so on. Bends should be done straight, without bending your knees. Whichever participant spends his salary the fastest, that is, burns all the matches, will be the winner. And as a prize, you can give a piggy bank so that the winner in the real world does not spend the entire salary at once.


Of course, fresh air and an area equipped with horizontal bars in a picturesque park are the best option within this theme. Or a country house with a spacious yard, gazebo, and play area. Hang up the garlands, set up a picnic area, put out a trash container - you're done!

Is the weather not conducive to outdoor recreation? A party in a sports club or gym will be no less emotional . You will have to spend a little more time on the design, but there is plenty of space for competitions. Plus all the amenities are at hand, which is important for both children and adults.

And even a sports party organized at home will certainly leave vivid impressions if you pay close attention to the scenario. Yes, it won’t be possible to organize serious competitions in a cramped space, but is it necessary? After all, this is a holiday, not the Olympic Games!

If the meeting will take place in a club or at home, remove everything unnecessary, clear the “field” for games, and decide on the dining area . When there is not too much space, it is better to place the table in another room, and only drinks and light snacks in the entertainment room. Or you can bring in treats after the game portion of the scenario.

Stress management

Regardless of profession, any busy person sometimes accumulates negative energy. In this competition you can throw out your negativity and fight stress. So, inflated balloons are attached to the wall in any convenient way (adhesive tape or rope). The balls are placed in a long row, for example, 10 pieces or more. One participant stands at one end of the row, and the second at the other. Each participant wears boxing gloves. At the command “start”, the participants begin to fight stress and try to burst the balloon - they hit it. We burst one, let's move on to the second. Whichever participant bursts the most balloons within a set time (a minute or more) will be the winner. And as a prize you can give some vitamins or a package of valerian, so as not to succumb to stress at work.

Sports competitions for corporate events

Sports competitions for corporate events are a mandatory attribute of a real corporate event. And it’s not just about the dynamics and psychological necessity of alternating logic competitions and sports relay races. The fact is that it is sports competitions that unite the team, help to overcome the barriers of shyness and, of course, infect people with excitement. Excitement is a trigger in the soul of every person. Click on it - and the holiday will become incendiary and relaxed!

Does your team hate sitting still? eventspro offers you its selection of entertaining and fun corporate competitions. Let's make your corporate event unforgettable!

Competition "Multiple Armed Darts"

Competitions like “Hit the Target” have been popular since their inception. They're fun, don't require major props, and people like them. Surely everyone has played darts at least once in their life. Are you a good shooter? Don’t rush to rub your hands in hopes of getting the best prize: everything is not as simple as it seems! It is very easy to diversify a simple competition: we will throw darts first with our right hand, and then with our left. To make things even more difficult, let's add a third option - throwing all the darts at the target at the same time - and limit the number of throws to 4. The host writes down the points, and at the end of the competition, the most accurate shooter receives a mandatory prize!

Competition “Hit the target with binoculars”

In order to make any game more interesting and unusual, you just need to turn on your imagination. In fact, this competition is one of the variations of the shooting range. You can “shoot” with anything and at anything: snowballs at snowmen, darts at a target painted on a tree, or a slingshot at pins and aluminum cans. The main thing is to look at the target through... real binoculars! In this case, you can play both by increasing the goal and decreasing it. Players are given 3-4 attempts, and the presenter records the number of hits and gives out prizes!

Competition "Curling"

Today everyone knows what “curling” is: it is one of the most unusual team sports, where heavy granite stones and special brushes are used as sports equipment. Of course, we are not suggesting that you push a real curling stone around the field (by the way, it weighs about 20 kilograms!). It's easier to get some balls. Participants in improvised curling are divided into two teams, each player receives his own ball. The essence of the game is to take turns driving all the balls into the hole faster than your opponents do. And in order to keep up with real curling players, you will have to drive the balls... with the most ordinary mops!

Competition “Hit the balls!”

We love popping balloons since childhood. Competition “Hit the balls!” allows players to feel like real hunters. The team is divided into two teams, with one team receiving blue balls and the other red. The balls are tied to the players' feet and the hunting season begins! Whoever bursts all the opponent's balloons faster without using his hands wins.

Competition "Tug of War"

For this competition you will need a rope that will have a mark on it. At an equal distance from this mark, two stripes are drawn on the ground - these will be our dividing lines. The participants are divided into two teams and, at the leader’s sign, begin to pull the rope in their direction. The team that pulls the opponent beyond the dividing line wins the competition. Oddly enough, this simple and long-known competition has never let anyone down; moreover, it is often used in group team building.

Hot Cubes Competition

The props for this competition are two sets of multi-colored cubes and long branches (one for each participant). A large circle is drawn on the ground where the cubes are laid out. Players are divided into two groups, and the task is to push the opponent's cubes out of the circle, while protecting their own and preventing the opposing team from doing the same with them. The team that “destroys” the opponents’ cubes faster wins.

What your corporate event will be like depends largely on the selected competitions. Don't reinvent the wheel - take on competitions based on the favorite games of strength, speed and accuracy!

Sorting documents

Each participant assumes a push-up position (women are allowed to do push-ups on their knees). In front of each participant is a tray with documents: red and blue (simple cut sheets of colored paper) and two empty trays (plates). At the “start” command, participants begin doing push-ups and sorting documents using their mouths, placing blue ones on one tray and red ones on another. You can only take one document (sheet) per push-up. Whoever sorts the documents faster and does it correctly will receive a prize, for example, a weekly journal, so that he never forgets anything.

Sports relay races for active recreation enthusiasts

Nothing invigorates like the spirit of competition, and it is present in abundance in sports relay races. Proving your superiority in agility, strength, jumping ability or endurance is sometimes more enjoyable than a simple football victory.

All members of the winning team experience an unprecedented emotional uplift, which has a good effect on the relationship between them. It is not without reason that some companies introduce the practice of so-called team building, trying to achieve team cohesion.

Frivolous “fun starts” will give a lot of adrenaline and pleasant impressions to both the company of old friends and a group of co-workers. For lovers of such entertainment, you can choose a lot of interesting options:

  1. Funny competitions that require you to rip off an attached ball or scarf from the participants of the “enemy” team.
  2. There may be a traditional tug-of-war, which usually ends in a pile of mala.
  3. Players with good physical fitness will enjoy high-speed races and distances with obstacles where they have to tumble, do push-ups and jump over traps on the way to the finish line.

In any case, such physical education will bring both joy and tone to the participants.

Hit the work week

At the same distance from each participant there are 7 plastic cups with the inscriptions “Monday”, “Tuesday”, “Wednesday”, “Thursday”, “Friday” (working days). Each participant is given a stick and a bucket with the same number of tennis balls. The stick can be replaced with a children's shovel or poker, for example. At the command “start”, each participant takes a ball from his bucket, takes aim, swings and hits, trying to win each working day. Whichever participant gets through the work week the fastest will be the winner.

Close-knit team

Guests are paired up to see how employees can work as a team. The participants of each pair stand at a distance of about a meter from each other. One of the participants in each pair is given a ball. For each pair, there is a mark located at the same distance that will need to be reached. So, on the command “start” the pair begins to move towards their mark, passing the ball to each other with their feet. The ball goes back and forth - from participant to participant, and the participants themselves move towards the mark. Once the participants have reached their mark, the ball rises up. Participants move back to the start, passing the ball, only with their hands. The ball goes back and forth, and the participants move towards the start. The couple that can work more unitedly and faster than the rest will be the winner.

Figures - sports game

Number of players: several pairs Additional: no The presenter selects the required number of pairs and shows 3-4 pieces. Each figure is called differently. The competition begins with a rehearsal: the presenter names a figure, and the players quickly move into the desired position. After the rehearsal, the competition itself begins; only now the last pair to complete the figure is eliminated.

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sports bar

After a hard day at work, you can pop into a sports bar. But in order to drink, you need to show at least minimal ability for sports. So, in front of each participant there is a large glass of cocktail. There is a straw in the glass. The process will be led by a presenter using a whistle. Whistling - participants sit down and drink their cocktail through a straw without using their hands. Whistle - participants stand up. Again - whistling - they sat down and drank. Another whistle - we stood up. The tempo of whistles can be different and constantly change. The game continues until the first winner, who drinks his cocktail faster than the rest during the intervals. So you can pump up your butt and drink a cocktail.


If you don’t have time for creative delights, print out a thematic picture and glue it onto a thick base (blanks in the scrapbooking department). Or in FS, put together a bright flyer from a bunch of associative images - modern, on a friendly note.

It’s easy to make an original invitation to a party in a sports style with your own hands:

  • Bend the long rectangle on both sides to make a vest card. Print on the front side of the fans' stand, court or field, text inside;
  • stick the invitation on the label of the water bottle, sign “Start date, time”;

  • fake ticket for a match, personalized invitation to the 30th (age) All-Russian competitions, sports games, Olympics;
  • write the text in the center of the postcard - bat, helmet, sneaker.
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