Poems to parents for graduation in 11th grade: from graduates

You can express gratitude to mom and dad in your own words or in poetry. As you guessed, today we will talk about graduates. The theme of the issue is Beautiful poems for parents at graduation. For 11th grade students, the best poems have been selected that will move everyone present to tears. They will fit perfectly into the 2021 holiday scenario, dedicated to saying goodbye to school. By the way, I also have congratulations for the first teacher. Your prom should be one to remember forever, so these options will definitely suit you.

For many, this event is joyful, but in reality it is not. After all, as children say goodbye to school, they face many new and difficult moments ahead. A new stage of life, study and change begins. But these changes will not be at all like at school, 10 minutes each. This is about something completely different. I am sure that everyone will cope with the task and will be able to endure all adversity.

Dear students, graduates and alumni, I wish you an easy journey and wisdom. Take care of your parents.

You may be interested in: Congratulations in your own words on graduation

Long poems for prom in 11th grade

What kind of d.z. are there, when you fell in love? When you quarrel with a friend in the morning? When the loudmouth returned home in the morning, singing for the whole yard.


You saw how we grew and became stronger. How we felt our first love. Some burned, while others faded. And this was repeated again and again.


Yes, the majority will continue to study here. There is a native in the school for two senior classes.


We say goodbye without fear to childhood with a fairy tale. After all, thoughts do not come from the head. With experience, advice and tips.


We love you, and don’t judge harshly No matter how our fate turns out, Thank you from us, graduates.

What is there to wish for?

Having decided on the form of speech, you should think about its content. It would be wise to mention the years spent behind desks. However, you cannot forget about your wishes for the future.

Small symbolic gifts will remain in the memory of children for a long time. A cool mother can give all graduates a blank notebook, wishing them to start life from scratch and paint it only with bright shades of happiness.

An interesting idea is to invite each hero of the occasion to systematically write down the most significant events in his life in a notebook. At a meeting in 5 years, these “masterpieces” will be interesting to others and will diversify the atmosphere.

A wonderful parting word to 11th grade graduates from the class teacher - wishes for an easy path in life and upward career growth. It would be appropriate to give everyone a balloon - a symbol of a soaring life and career.

Another option is to give yesterday’s schoolchildren hearts cut out of red cardboard with personal wishes. This is a piece of the heart of a class teacher who will always remember his students.

Sad poems from graduates

The last call is a holiday with a little sadness - A little pain from loss in the chest, And everyone now remembers different things, But they believe that the best is yet to come.

Cherish your hopes: from home, from school, Fly to the sun, strengthened, and upward, Have a successful life, rich, cheerful, Strive, surpass yourself, ascend!


Summer is coming with hot steps, But we don’t want it now. We are leaving school with you today, and, believe me, it’s not easy in my soul. We also remain groovy, But we are no longer children, alas, And we will be carried away by simple everyday life, And will spin into the funnel of vanity. Oh, it’s a pity that today we are parting with our class, school, and him. Let us not stray from our path, But, alas, we must walk on our own. And therefore we bow at the feet of all our joyful school years, and the mothers, fathers, and strict teachers who gave us a miracle childhood.

Poem for the last call to mom from her daughter

What, mommy, are you praying? Can't sleep at night? Your schoolgirl daughter is now a graduate.

Bows and ribbons, First notebooks, Whoever offends a girl, Oh, it won’t be sweet.

New first-graders Learned quickly, We became poor, Some were even too poor.

I bow, Mommy, for your patience, for your wise protection, and for your trust.

Thoughts huddle in a string in my head, Will I chase the crane with the tit?

Let the merry bell ring today. There will be a new day for accomplishing things.


TO MOTHER (ON THE LAST CALL) Sofia Polyanskaya Mommy, my love, Life, it’s not fair. I make a lot of mistakes, I miss a lot, Only your eyes, only they save. Tell me mom, what should I do next? I’ll go a mile away, I can’t live without you. I’m just a child, I’m still a child, I can’t live a day without you. You forgave a lot, you endured a lot, you spared no time or effort at all. I see... you've already sat, Forgive me, dear, for the wasted nerves. There’s just a little bit left, and I’ll leave soon. But you wanted an education, a job. Then life, family, business... Don’t think, I won’t forget about you. After all, you cannot be found more dear in the world, You are the only one, there is no one better than you. I’m not 10 anymore, I have a head, I can always stand up for myself.

Mommy, my love, Life is not fair. You shed many bitter tears for me, Forgive me, dear, I was stupid. Do you remember how you took me to kindergarten? Do you remember how you took me to school? Do you remember saying: my daughter, don’t rush to grow up, I didn’t listen to you, I thought smarter, It turned out, you see, everything is completely the opposite.

Mommy, my love, Life is not fair. That's why your support is so important. You always be there, I always ask. I know that we have no power over time, And that hour will come, that stormy hour. In the meantime, please let me be by your side, Giving you love, warming you with words. I need you, just as I needed you in childhood, because you have a huge motherly heart. Let me hug and kiss, and tell you how much I love you. Mommy, my love, you are given to me by God, Mommy, my love, I love you so much..

Poem to the class teacher on the day of the last bell

You received a base of knowledge and skills, And friendship, and warmth, and kindness, The school was proud of you, you grew up, You grew up to school certificates...

We are glad to see you here again soon, But whoever is in a hurry to become a pro - we are for you! Ninth grade, our school loves you! Congratulations, you are a wonderful class! (O. Pogudo)


You are a teacher and our teacher, And our class teacher, We say thank you today, And now we want to wish: That our school, our second home, Gives joy and peace. After all, it is a calling, not a job, to give warmth, to give care, to worry about us, we know. That's why we adore you. Thank you sincerely for your work, Let the new guys wait, And the new class would meet you, And we shout: “Hurray, final!”

Option No. 11

State budgetary institution “Secondary educational school No. 910”, Boksitogorsk

Expresses gratitude

parents of 7th grade "B" students

for participating in solving school problems, for preparing for the new school year, and for helping in the design of biology, literature and fine arts classes.

Thank you for your sensitive attitude, active life position and responsible attitude towards the environment in which your children develop.

We wish you and your families prosperity, fruitful activity, happiness and prosperity! We hope to continue cooperation and develop good, strong and productive relationships.

Director of GBOU Secondary School No. 910

A. T. Petrushina


Pleasant surprises

To make gratitude better received, you should give small gifts to teachers and parents. Let's start with gifts for parents:

  • Sweets
    . No one, including parents of graduates, will refuse delicious gifts. You can buy each student's relatives a box of good chocolates. If you want something more interesting, then order unusual sweets from the confectionery, say, in the shape of school supplies. An alternative to this gift could be fruit baskets. You can create them yourself or order them online.
  • Photo albums with memorable photos
    . Find several (at least 10-15) photographs of graduates and paste them into the album. Then do the same with the rest of the albums. The number of albums must correspond to the number of graduates. It will be great if you arrange the photos one by one: from first to last grade.

Here is what I propose to give to teachers:

Graduation evening is an exciting and solemn event not only for the students themselves, but also for parents. After all, it is on the fragile shoulders of mothers that the worries about the child’s school success fall. It is mothers who stay up at night, washing school uniforms and steaming shirts. It was under the strict, attentive and infinitely loving gaze of their mother that the first-graders made sticks and hooks.

We must not forget about courageous fathers. Dads instill in their children a love of sports and a healthy lifestyle. Dads teach boys to be brave and strong, and girls to be wise and purposeful. Therefore, students must express gratitude to their parents at graduation. Sometimes teachers also express words of gratitude to moms and dads for their hard work and enormous investment of effort.

As a rule, a thank you speech is prepared in advance so that you can subsequently pronounce important words clearly and coherently, without stuttering or pausing. Holding proms in an original form and non-standard style has become a fashionable trend. In accordance with this trend, graduates try to make the congratulatory block for parents as original as possible. There are many options for formatting a thank you speech:

  • prose;
  • poetry;
  • song;
  • dance;
  • theatrical performance;
  • video message.
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