Graduation in kindergarten: tips for parents on organizing the holiday

Graduation in kindergarten is the first result in a child’s life and, of course, a big holiday for parents. How to organize it correctly: to provide for everything, not to miss anything, and even to enjoy the preparation process? I want to give some advice to parents from my experience.

Let me start with the fact that you need to start discussing the upcoming graduation at a parent-teacher meeting in advance. In order to find out the wishes and suggestions of parents, the holiday budget, the program of the gala matinee, the “requests” of kindergarten employees in terms of gifts and other important things.

Graduation in kindergarten. Features of the holiday

First, a little history. Both parents and hosts of children's parties need to know: graduation is not a birthday, it is a special event , very specific.

At first, when I came with an entertainment program after a gala matinee, I was literally scared: the children were unrecognizable, they were uncontrollable, I’ll say more - they were aggressive….

Later, after reading a bunch of literature, talking with psychologists, taking courses from the masters of the holiday industry, I realized that these are still the same sweet, kind children. They're just stressed!


Let's imagine the day of the young graduate. In the morning, adults are excited and this condition is passed on to the child. They repeat poems, give (receive) parting words, there is bustle everywhere.

The boys are dressed up in suits and ties and told not to get their clothes dirty or wrinkled. It’s even more difficult for girls - they are tortured for an hour at a hairdresser, dressed up in dresses made of non-breathable fabrics , with corsets, fluffy rustling skirts, and shoes on their feet. The shoes are new, with heels, not worn in, hard, for some they are tight, for others they have already rubbed a callus, and yet the matinee is just beginning.

And now our little beloved dolls solemnly enter the hall. This is where the worst part begins. Do you know that one of the most sophisticated forms of torture is to force a person to sit still? This is exactly what lies ahead for children who, due to their age, are generally unable to sit and not move.

It's May outside, the sun is shining through the windows. As a rule, there are no air conditioners; the hall is terribly stuffy. The children are excited: they need to read poetry, sing, dance, oh, don’t forget the words, don’t mix up the movements.

The matinee, which by all rules should last 30-40 minutes, actually lasts an hour. And often two. After all, a music worker wants to show himself. For two hours the little man was agitated, stuffy, motionless, under the stern gaze of the teacher, in the presence of a crowd of strangers - someone's parents, grandmothers and older brothers and sisters. And then there’s the photographer and videographer.

Introduced? Just understand: a graduation party is a very difficult test for a child’s psyche!


The course of the holiday is usually as follows:

  • matinee;
  • ceremonial part (presentation of diplomas, words of gratitude to teachers);
  • tea party;
  • entertainment.

The traditional matinee is prepared by teachers and music workers. It consists of performances by students: dance, vocal numbers, poetry readings. A modern approach is to use a more exciting scenario based on a fairy tale or cartoon.

You can adapt examples from the Internet to suit your group or create a program yourself. Children will definitely enjoy participating in a performance with their favorite cartoon characters or even becoming one of them. For example, you can teach a lesson at the school of the super pups from PAW Patrol. Everyone on the rescue team has something to teach the kids. The roles can be played by teachers of younger groups, parents, guest actors - it all depends on the budget.

You can put on a performance in the spirit of “The character goes to school” with Masha and the Bear, minions, Smeshariki, Pinocchio and Malvina. Children will tell the characters poems about school, help them complete tasks, act out skits, solve riddles and draw answers to them.

“Journey to the Planet of Knowledge”: now the kids themselves go to a space epic, where, during the course of adventures, they show everything they learned in kindergarten. However, it could be a trip to the land of trolls or an activity at the Winx club based on modern cartoons.

To stay within the planned budget, the entertainment part is most often organized by ourselves.

Things to do with children:

  • photoshoot;
  • ritual of passing toys to younger groups;
  • demonstration of the film “A Day in the Garden” (filming is carried out by parents or a cameraman several days in advance to film various activities and events, then edited, adding a word of thanks to the kindergarten staff);
  • children's quest in the garden or outside;
  • going to the Youth Theater or hanging out in a cafe;
  • the ritual of planting trees by graduates and their families in the green area of ​​the garden site;
  • fireworks or balloons released into the sky by kids.

Almost all of these ideas can be implemented by active parents and grandparents.

Photo source:

Parents at kindergarten graduation

How to prepare for graduation

What to take to graduation

  1. Take water with you . Much water! The children will be thirsty.
  2. Disposable cups. Firstly, so that your child doesn’t wet himself, and secondly, in case other children ask for water, you won’t be able to refuse them, and passing the bottle around is completely unhygienic.
  3. Wet wipes
  4. Yogurt, apple or something similar, light so that the child can snack.
  5. Toilet paper. Yes! Due to the large number of people, there may not be enough of this delicate item for everyone.

Kindergarten graduation dress

You will find recommendations for choosing clothes for prom in another article. It doesn’t matter if you have a girl or a boy, in any case, listen to my advice:

  1. Take light clothing for children.
  2. At the end of the matinee, change them into simple shorts, T-shirts, and sandals. Yes, I understand, you tried so hard, you dressed up, you spent a lot of money. But believe me: the children will thank you!
  3. Everyone who followed this advice simply thanked me with tears in their eyes! And beautiful outfits will remain in the photographs.

Tea party in kindergarten

  1. After the gala matinee, give the children a break . Let them leave the hall (it would be good to ventilate it), eat a little (you probably have a tea party planned), and change clothes.
  2. Don't overdo it with food! Light food is needed Drink plenty of fluids. Because after sitting in the hall for a long time, children will start running , splashing out energy. Doing this with a full stomach is unpleasant and dangerous.

Animator for children's graduation

  1. Do not order a presenter for 2-3-4 hours. Even for a birthday party for preschoolers, I do not recommend a program longer than 1 hour. If you don’t believe me, consult a psychologist.
  2. The holiday should be a joy! If an animator agrees to a program for more than 1 hour, this means one thing: he stupidly wants to make more money! Sorry for being rude, but that's how it is!
  3. Do not leave children alone with the animator. For their safety and for the safety of the animator. Joke. But still have pity on your presenter - for him this is a meat grinder.
  4. Let us return to the beginning of the article again and understand the state of the children at the celebration. And now that it's all over, clown - you've got it. In the presence of their parents, children behave a little more restrained.
  5. Of course, you will now say: “We paid the money, let him handle it as he wants.” Well then, decide what is more important to you: bringing joy to the children or arranging an exam for the presenter.

How long does it take to hold a children's party?

I don’t want to read a moral, but if you are planning a feast for yourself after graduation, then it is better to decide right away: who needs it - you or the children. Unlikely for children. In addition, they will not let you sit quietly, they will tug, whine, and even fight.

Sometimes people turn to me with a request to “keep the children occupied with something during the parental feast. The first time I stepped on this rake. Now I categorically refuse!

I repeat: 1 HOUR! Making the program longer will only torture the children.

Festive banquet

Do you want to sit in a friendly company?

  • take the kids home and relax, you deserve it!
  • order a program for 1 hour, stay with the children, then someone will take them home, and you yourself will continue the feast.
  • book a holiday in the game room, or outdoors. Let the children play independently, and you relax.

Ice cream factory

Ice Graduation

If you have the desire and opportunity to go out of town, you can take a ride to Dolgoprudny near Moscow - there is an ice cream factory of the Clean Line brand. The company regularly conducts one-and-a-half-hour excursions for children at its production facilities. However, the excursion is not the most interesting thing. Children are much more attracted by the promised tasting of types of ice cream not sold in stores (according to statistics, each child can fit about three scoops of the treat). The cost for each participant will be 1,750 rubles. At the end of the event, all participants receive gifts - vouchers for a visit to the company’s cafe on Tverskaya Street, as well as... a box of ice cream! Please note that the bus will have to be ordered separately.

Animator in kindergarten. How to choose an animator

Types of animators


Very few people have such talent that they can host adult and children's parties with equal success. As a rule, we presenters specialize in one area. But sometimes animators take part in anniversaries and weddings; toastmasters are not averse to spending an hour at a children’s party. This is done according to the principle: Why not? The day is free anyway.

And so the parents argue: “We were recently at a wedding (anniversary), there was a great toastmaster, everyone liked it, let’s invite her to the graduation.” Anniversary, where adults sit decorously and nobly, make fiery speeches, drink and listen to the presenter with a microphone hands - this is not at all like a crowd of children exhausted by the heat and sitting on a chair for a long time.

Beginner animator

“Let’s call him (her) – he’ll get it inexpensively.” The only thing worse could be the Animator Girlfriend. I repeat: graduation is a special event; an experienced person is needed here.


Unless it's your teacher! Otherwise, the holiday will turn into just another activity. And besides, children need to somehow breathe out, change the situation, see a new face.

Holiday on your own

This is possible, but provided that all parents are involved in the game with their children. Otherwise, you risk losing control over them. To help you, we have prepared a Kindergarten Graduation Scenario.

Make a plan

First of all, it is worth gathering the parents of the heroes of the occasion and deciding on the main organizational issues. Since organizing a graduation takes a lot of resources, it is best to distribute responsibilities between parents so that everyone who wants to can participate in the celebration chooses something they like.

Some parents can join the creative committee to select a location and, if necessary, create a holiday script. Someone may be responsible for choosing treats and decorating the hall, while other parents will be responsible for buying gifts for teachers and children. In addition, it is necessary to agree on financial costs, after which you can understand what format of the holiday fits best into the existing budget.

Animator for a children's party. High school graduation

How to choose an animator

Ask what program he has . Of course, he won’t reveal all the competitions, but he is obliged to tell you in general terms! Be careful. Let us once again remember what tests the children will face at the gala matinee. When it's all over, they need to run, shout, jump!

Refuse the animator if he
  • Will call 2 people and hold competitions. What should the rest do? Sit again? Gentlemen, this is an atrocity.
  • Plans team competitions. No, he can't keep them on the teams. In addition, the team is again an expectation. One runs - the rest wait. Now someone will get sad and sit down, someone will go running, and the rest will scatter after him.
  • And it’s even more nonsense: an animator without a costume and bright props. Why is this needed? Yes, even if he has some super-equipment. You don't need a disco!
Be happy to hire an animator if he
  1. Works with the whole group at once! He lifts everyone up, puts them in a circle and conducts a number of active competitions and animated dances.
  2. He does not follow the script, but always focuses on the go, depending on the condition and mood of the children.
  3. It has autonomous equipment that allows you to work without connecting to electricity. In this case, you have the opportunity to leave the stuffy hall and spend the holiday outside. In good weather this is a huge plus.
  4. He is the owner of bright props .
  5. If he has some kind of show.


Ksenia Osokina /

Monster graduation

The chain of family cafes "Anderson" invites little monsters to visit. The “Monstro LAB on Vacation” program has been developed for kindergarten graduates. For a group of up to 20 people, the price will be from 30 thousand rubles, and for each additional person you will have to pay an additional 1,200 rubles - the program is available on weekdays. The entertainment package includes 2 hours of work by animators (Monster Mo and Professor Hybridius), with whom children will cook a “slug”, sunbathe on the seashore using balloons, raise a real monster, and build figures from a “monster”. In addition, the program includes a diploma and gifts for each participant (board game), a sweet gift for the teacher, tea party with cake (honey cake 30x30 cm), a disco with soap bubbles and a gift card.

How I work:

Previously, at the dawn of my career, I came to graduation in the gentle image of a Bee or Fairy, trying to arrange a magical holiday. Now it hurts me to remember this. But at that time there was no one to enlighten me. And even professional education and a diploma with honors helped little. Experience, communication with masters, constant self-education, search for new forms of work - and now I have created the ideal graduation formula ! Ideal for yourself and for children. The main thing is that the children feel comfortable! For them, a holiday is a joy, not a torture.

Modern kindergarten graduation script

On our website there are a number of scenarios that can be used at a kindergarten graduation. There is a kindergarten graduation script.

I build my program like this:

Create a menu

A mandatory component of a festive evening is always a tea party - a festive table with treats for graduates, parents and teachers. Graduation gurus set themed tables in accordance with the theme of the holiday, but most often the table contains light snacks and sweets that can be eaten without interrupting the entertainment.

It is necessary that the food on the table is not only tasty and healthy, but also safe for children who like to chew on the go. For example, you should avoid berries and candies, which can easily be choked on.

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