September 1 is Knowledge Day in Russia. History, traditions, new realities

White bows, a sea of ​​flowers, pleasant excitement from parents, students and teachers - all this is the Day of Knowledge. On this day, all educational institutions will traditionally hold ceremonial assemblies, followed by the first lesson. But why is it customary to celebrate the holiday on the first of September? The reasons why Knowledge Day is celebrated on the first day of autumn will be told to us by the history of the holiday, which will be interesting for both children and adults, because not everyone knows it.

What is the Day of Knowledge holiday dedicated to?

September 1 is a very significant day for children and their parents.
Yes, this is not a red day on the calendar, but it is still a big holiday. September 1 is the time when all roads lead festively dressed children and their families to the threshold of their native and beloved school. Knowledge Day is a holiday of meeting after a very long summer holiday. For first-graders, this is a solemn introduction to the school where they will study for the next 9-11 years. The children are very excited, because right now they are meeting the first teacher who will lead them to an unknown but exciting land of knowledge. They are confident that they will study with high grades and please their relatives with their academic success.

Some are looking forward to this day, while others quietly hate it, because today schools open their doors to students who have rested and matured over the summer. For some, this celebration is taking place for the first time, and for others, the last, but everyone is truly excited.

This is a day of acquiring new knowledge and skills, which is why it got its name. September 1 is celebrated not only in Russia, but also in all countries of the post-Soviet space.

What is the Day of Knowledge holiday dedicated to?

Knowledge Day is a very significant holiday, because children are not always and not everywhere able to obtain high-quality knowledge in order to become full-fledged and successful members of society. Once upon a time, the opportunity to learn was the prerogative of only the rich, and the poor often could not read or write. Now every Russian can obtain knowledge freely and free of charge. The right to receive secondary education, regardless of nationality, social status, gender and financial situation, is enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

The purpose of celebrating September 1 is to popularize education and attract new students to schools. All-Russian Knowledge Day is a holiday for the youngest students - first graders. They prepared for this day for a very long time - they picked out notebooks, a pencil case, pens and a backpack. They had long wanted to put on a brand new school uniform and show everyone around them that from that day on they were no longer naive kids, but adult members of society. They are the recipients of all the traditions associated with this holiday, and therefore the significance of this day for them is very difficult to overestimate.

The celebration of September 1st takes place exactly the same as it was back in the USSR - white bows, festive lines, flowers for teachers and the incomparable first school bell. At the festive assembly, the management and government officials congratulate students and teachers on the start of the school year, wish them easy lessons and good grades, and also remind parents that they need to support their children in every possible way in their new and often difficult endeavors. After the line, first-graders release hundreds of balloons into the sky, secretly hoping that their request for good grades will be heard.

Interesting Facts

  • In Russia in 1714, during the reign of Peter the Great, education became compulsory for all children except peasants.
  • In 2021, Krasnodar school No. 71 enrolled 20 parallel first grades.
  • In 2021, 100 thousand first-graders sat down at their desks in Moscow - 14 thousand more than in 2012.
  • In 2021, in the Komi Republic, only 1 student went to the first grade of the school in the village of Ertom.
  • On January 1, 2015, the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation issued a decree according to which all school textbooks must have electronic versions.
  • The word “school” has Greek roots and translated into Russian means “leisure”.
  • The multiplication table, which is required to be taught in all schools around the world, was invented in China.

history of the holiday

The origin of this holiday is officially dated back to 1984, when the corresponding directive was adopted. But the holiday itself appeared back in 1930 with the adoption of the law on compulsory education, which should have started on September 1. It is very difficult to say why this particular day was chosen, because before this there was no strict date for the start of the school year. During the times of the Russian Empire, urban schoolchildren began school in late August - early September, and rural schoolchildren - on December 1. This was due to the fact that the village children helped their parents run a large farm and could not go to school until all field work was completed.

And so in 1932, September 1 became the official date for celebrating the beginning of the school year. Now all the children of our vast Motherland had to come to school on the same day. Of course, it did not look as solemn and official as it does now, but at that time it was already an achievement, because it was then that a new educated nation began to take shape.

Now the students know perfectly well how to spend this day profitably - they organize festive concerts. Classmates gather in large groups to congratulate their teachers on the start of the school year.

Knowledge Day in 2021 was not much different from the previous ones - all the same excited first-graders, slightly bored middle school students and thoughtful high school students - this year will be marked not only by passing the Unified State Exam, but for some it will even be their last school year. It is on September 1 that they come to the understanding that this is not only a year of fun meetings and boring lessons, but they also have to part with their alma mater. And that means childhood slowly and elusively eludes them.

The 1st of September is not only the end of summer, it is the beginning of a new life for thousands of first-graders. They don’t yet know what to expect from these changes. On the day of knowledge, they run to school, rejoicing at something new and unusual in their lives. And in fact, it doesn’t matter to them at all what date this holiday is - the main thing is that it exists, period. And even if they have boring lessons ahead and a not always pleasant first experience of gaining knowledge, they will remember this day for the rest of their lives. And in 2021, new children will come to school with the same burning eyes and fiery hopes in their hearts.

When does the school year start in other countries?

Despite the collapse of the Soviet Union, September 1 is the Day of Knowledge holiday in the former republics of the USSR . Pupils and students in these countries, just as before, begin to study on the first day of autumn according to the usual Soviet tradition.

In some other countries, there is no day on which all the children in the country sit down at their desks at the same time. In America, each state sets its own time for the start of school - some in July, some in August, and for others, the start of school, like ours, is in September. In Australia, schoolchildren start their first lesson in February. In Germany this day falls in mid-October.

In our country, there is talk that it would be advisable to start studying at different times depending on the region. This approach is dictated by different climatic conditions in the vast expanses of our large country.


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Why is Knowledge Day celebrated on September 1?

The logic is simple - why not make the beginning of the school year festive and solemn. This is the only reason why Knowledge Day is celebrated on September 1st. Another thing is why this date was chosen for the start of the school year. Many associate this with the traditional New Year, which was celebrated on the first day of September. And the time was optimal from a climate point of view - it was no longer hot, but also not very cold.

Why was this holiday called the Day of Knowledge? Everything is simple here - since it is on this day that children go to gnaw on the granite of science, then how can it be called differently?

Why is Knowledge Day celebrated on September 1?


Bouquet of flowers. A bouquet of flowers is an attribute of Knowledge Day, which complements the atmosphere of solemnity and brings bright colors. A bouquet of flowers will be an excellent gift for both students and teachers.

Stationery. Stationery supplies are necessary things for the educational process. A bright backpack, pencil case, notebooks, pens, sketchbook - will be an excellent gift and an incentive to start the educational process as soon as possible.

School album. An album for school photographs will serve as a memorable gift that will delight you all your life with photographs from your student days and inspire nostalgia.

International Day of Knowledge

This wonderful holiday has long gone beyond the borders of Russia. It is celebrated in different countries of the world, especially in the post-Soviet space. Of course, the concept of “world” knowledge day does not exist, since many countries ignore this holiday. Students in other countries do not celebrate this day, but spend it modestly and without pathos at their desks and books, that is, it is no different from hundreds of other school days. And their studies do not begin on September 1st. In Japan it is April 1st, and in India it is June 1st. But in America there is no strict designation for the beginning of the school year at all - in each state, local authorities independently determine it.

But there are a lot of countries that are starting to study synchronously with our students - these are Moldova, the Czech Republic, Belarus, Great Britain, and Ukraine.

The first of September is always an exciting holiday for both children and their parents. This is not just the beginning of the school year - it is the beginning of a new stage in a child’s life, which is difficult but fun to overcome. And even though we all once hated September 1, because it meant the end of a free and fun life without lessons and homework, now it’s very nice to remember those joyful, easy school days...

New traditions

In 2014, one of the capital’s schools came up with the “Children Instead of Flowers” ​​campaign: the schoolchildren decided to donate the money allocated in the family budget for traditional bouquets for teachers to charity. It's no secret that by September 1, business is mostly made from the flower boom, and then dozens of children's bouquets either wither in buckets or are immediately thrown away.

The “Children Instead of Flowers” ​​campaign is supported by more and more Russian regions, although it also has opponents. Those who remember the Soviet “wonderful school years” are not ready to give up the tradition of sending their child to school on September 1 with a bouquet. However, many classes find a compromise: without refusing a charitable contribution, they give their teacher one common beautiful bouquet.


“There is nothing more beautiful in the world than learning new things, learning, reading and remembering wise lines for the rest of your life! Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge, the day of wisdom and diligence! May your life have the opportunity to learn and gain knowledge not only during your school years, but also in the future, throughout your life! Knowledge makes a person stronger, wiser, kinder, helps to discover new truths, make scientific discoveries and learn the secrets of nature. Let your mind never refuse new knowledge, but always strive for knowledge and wisdom!

“At the border between summer and autumn, carelessness and learning, the school comes to life. Once again filled with children's voices and forced silence. School corridors and desks await everyone. Everyone will receive knowledge and experience that has no price, but has value! Teaching is the light, so let this light fill your life not only at school, but throughout your life! Happy Knowledge Day, hurry up to learn, but not to grow up!

“Knowledge Day is a symbol of purity and kindness. It's the start of the school year! This is a great opportunity to gather your thoughts and plunge into the bottomless ocean of science. May the new school year be happy and productive for both students and teachers. New discoveries and impressions to you in this new educational year!


Items in alphabetical order Each participant in the competition receives a piece of paper and a pen. Their task is to write a list of school subjects in alphabetical order for a while. The winner is the one who completes the task faster and without errors.

School breakfast To conduct the competition, you need to prepare opaque food containers in which foods with a specific smell will be placed: tangerine, sausage, cucumber, bread, and so on. All participants take turns smelling the containers and writing down the names of the products. The winner is the one who names all the products in turn without errors.

At the peak of geography Before the competition begins, you need to prepare interesting questions on the topic of geography. For example: What is the longest river in the world? What is the smallest state in the world? What is the name of the highest mountain? Where is the largest lake? Etc. The presenter reads out the questions one by one. The one who knows the answer raises his hand. The first participant to raise their hand answers. For each correct answer one point is awarded. At the end of the competition, the number of points is calculated and the winners are determined.

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