Entertaining games during recess for students in grades 1–4

Competitions for children's birthdays

cartoon heroes

The presenter voices various characters (names) from famous cartoons, and the children must quickly remember and say the full name of this cartoon. For example, Vintik, Shpulya ("Fixies"), Uncle Fyodor, cat Matroskin, ("Three from Prostokvashino"), Gecko, Alet ("PJ Masks"), Losyash ("Smeshariki"), Caramelka ("Three Cats") .

You can divide the players into teams or each for themselves (depending on the number of participants). For the correct answer (who is faster) give a token. The one with the most wins.

Favorite color

Each participant chooses a marker of their favorite color and receives a sheet of paper. On command (or turn on the music track), players must draw on their sheet such objects that have the selected color of the felt-tip pen. For example, if it is yellow, then you can draw the sun, lemon, boots, book, etc. Whoever draws the most objects in 2-3 minutes wins.

Try again

Stick it on the wall (or put a blank sheet of paper on the table). Place the participant in front of this sheet. Tape the second sheet of paper onto the back of this participant. Another person draws on his back (on a glued sheet) some kind of intended picture, for example, a house, but not all at once, but in parts (roof, square, window, door), and the one on whom they draw must try to repeat everything on on your sheet. The one (couple, team) who has the most similarities wins.

Wrap it up

Tie a long rope, for example, a straw for drinks, on one side, and an object, for example, a car or a soft toy, on the other. Make such sets according to the number of teams. Whoever wraps the entire rope around the tube the fastest wins.

One two Three…

Children stand in a circle. Some kind of prize is placed in the center. The presenter begins to count: “One, two, thirty...twenty.” "One, two, three...eleven." “One, two, three...twenty-three.” “One, two, three...step.” The participants’ task is to grab the prize on the count of “one, two, three.” Whoever reacts first gets a reward.

Here you can divide the players into pairs and play this game several times.

Tubes and papers

Cut several sheets of paper of different colors (for example, red, blue, yellow) into small squares according to the number of participants. Give each participant a cocktail straw. The task is to use a straw to suck up only your own color of paper (each player chooses their own color) and fold it in front of them (can be in any container). The winner was the one who managed to collect the most pieces of paper without errors in the set time (2-3 minutes).

As an option: on one of the squares (of each color) make some kind of mark, for example, an asterisk and turn it over with the pattern down. Whoever finds this star faster (using the above method) will receive an additional prize or be the winner of the game.

You can also organize one big game - a quest for all participants at once with a search for treasure. Children can participate in one small group (up to 10 people), or divide them into two teams. The quest can be organized both indoors and outdoors. Check out our selection of fun search quest scenarios. Fun, excitement and good mood will be guaranteed.

Benefits of participating in a free Olympiad for 2nd grade

Main advantages:

  • comfortable conditions (the child studies at home);
  • obtaining a certificate. This document not only confirms the child’s knowledge, but is also a motivational factor that stimulates a person to further achievements;
  • development of the necessary ZUNs. Free tests may be considered additional classes;
  • opportunity to obtain new information. The system indicates errors and gives the correct answer.

Here you will find not only interesting tasks, but also bonuses and gifts for talented and diligent students.

Quest at the dacha for children “The Enchanted Gardener”. 6-10 years

Mr. Pearbeard's large and beautiful garden attracts the attention of passers-by. There are rumors throughout the village that a treasure was hidden in the garden a long time ago by someone unknown. Many have already sneaked past the fence of the estate in the hope of finding treasures, but…

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Sketch “We are preparing for the VPR”


Everyone knows perfectly well how important this time is, when children take the All-Russian test for the first time in elementary school.

So much anxiety and worry. Not only the students, but also their parents, and the teachers themselves are worried. To make everyone smile cheerfully on this occasion, we bring to your attention this sketch dedicated to VPR. Let the memories of him remain only positive, like from this scene!

Props and scenery:

It is necessary to play up the royal mansions: the throne (throw red thick fabric over the highest chair, decorate it with gold pendants and a border). Place an extra cushion on the seat. Lay out a long red carpet on the floor.

Preliminary work:

Recording of Old Russian music (playing the gusli, pipe, balalaika).


  1. Leading. Student. Dressed in a light shirt and dark trousers.
  2. Tsar-father. Dressed in a blue painted camisole, dark-colored pants with a flashlight, and high white knee socks with bells on his feet. There is a wide accordion collar at the neck. There is a crown on the head. A mustache and beard are drawn on the face.
  3. First Oprichnik. Dressed in a camisole (any color) and a tall hat with a brim and a feather.
  4. Second Oprichnik. Dressed in a camisole (of a different color), a tall hat with a brim and a large brooch on it.
  5. Beauty Maiden. There is a kokoshnik on the head, with a light brown braid underneath. Dressed in a long beautiful sundress. Underneath is a white long-sleeved shirt.
  6. Guards. Dressed in modest armor. If there is nothing, then you can design a simple dark-colored tracksuit. Cover the chest, elbows, and knees with leather-like fabric or dark-colored foil. There are helmets on their heads. They can be made from papier-mâché. In the hands are pikes (a stick with a sharp tip).

Scene No. 1.

The Presenter enters the stage.


Our school has a green oak tree. We see him from the window. But the scientist cat is not there, He is not visible! No cat! And how we miss him, The question occupies all our thoughts. Trouble! War! Where is the armored personnel carrier? We are threatened by VPR!

Host: So what should we do, guys? And in general, I wonder what it looked like 100 years ago, for example?

Old Church Slavonic music sounds. The king appears and sits imposingly on his throne.


There is an obvious threat... But we can do without the cat. By my decree, I appoint, While I drink a glass of tea, to write to someone, as if in a fairy tale, Smart tips for all subjects! Whom I decide, who I appoint! And so it will be! Not otherwise. (Knocks the staff on the floor). For now, admit it honestly, personally, Which of you, friends, is an excellent student? Tell me how you studied, and prove it with examples.

The first messenger comes out.

First Oprichnik:

Since childhood I didn’t like to study! But I still went to school. And there I loved to play, to spin around, I often made friends. But as soon as the teacher was in the class, I immediately fell ill. And I fell with all my weight... Now I’m honest, I didn’t lie.


Well, hello... And why didn’t you study? Look, now, this time you won’t go to fifth grade! (addresses the guards) Lock him in prison for me! Treat him with science! Let the mind return to his brain, And be full of wise thoughts.

Calls his next oprichnik.


How did you study, son? How was the lesson for you?

Second Oprichnik:

I don't need to go to prison, father! I promise to study well! And I’ll prepare for the VPR! I’ll get to know the sciences better.

The king shakes his fist at him.


Make sure you don't wait too long. Go home. Learn quickly!

The second Oprichnik runs away, grabbing his textbooks.

The Tsar Father looks around at those present and points his finger at the girl.

Well, the next one, come up, and tell the priest honestly: Are you ready for the test, diva? Are you educated or just beautiful? What's going on in your diary? What assessments does the diva allow herself? Is the girl ready for VPR? Are you familiar with the rules of test manners?

Beautiful maiden:

Father Tsar, oh, how ready! And tomorrow, and yesterday, and again! I love studying at school. And I won’t fail the VPR!

Father Tsar:

Okay, beautiful girl, I’m proud of you! Go study. And when you grow up, come back and get ready to marry me. And you will rule the entire kingdom! Well, that's all for now. And hello to school!

The king addresses everyone present:

Father Tsar:

So I say goodbye, I’ll be there soon. I hug everyone. Quickly to school! You gnaw on the granite of science, and always value knowledge. And whoever doesn’t suddenly want to learn, I’ll drive everyone into my prison! It's clear? Yes? I kiss you deeply! And with VPRom to all of you, kids!

Everyone comes out and bows to the applause of the audience.

Author of the article: Natalya Reshetnyakova.

Active competitions

Top clap

Place printed (or drawn) “prints” of hand and feet on the floor, three in one row. For example, two feet + one palm; two palms + one foot; you also need to change directions in the rows (in the first, the feet “look”, for example, to the right, and in the next to the left. Make at least 10 such rows. The task is to quickly jump along the rows, placing your palms and feet exactly as in the pictures. Feet on feet, palms on palms. The winner is the one who completed the track without mistakes.

Children love this fun competition. After choosing a winner, you can continue playing until you get tired of it.

Try deflating the balloon

Place an inflated balloon on the edge of the table. The selected player is blindfolded and placed with his back to the ball. Afterwards, he needs to take five steps forward from the table and turn around himself three times. Now the player’s task is to return to the place where the ball lies and try to blow it away. But most likely he will not be able to do this right away, because with his eyes closed the player will go astray and will blow where the ball is not. From the outside it looks funny. The audience will have fun.

While the ball is in the air

Give each participant (pair) some kind of container (bucket/bag/basin). Place the same number of any items (toys, oranges, candies, etc.) next to each participant’s container. The participants' task is to collect all the objects scattered nearby into a bucket/bag, while constantly tossing their balloon so that it does not touch the floor. The one who can do it faster without dropping the ball wins.

Also look at a selection of outdoor games for children that you can use to brighten up the holiday.

Who is faster

Place a target (for example, a prize apple) at a certain distance from the participants. Give each participant two sheets of paper (A4 or newspaper can be used). The task is to get to the goal before your opponent, walking only on pieces of paper. You need to stand on the first sheet with both feet, and move the sheet that is behind you forward and step over it, and move the empty sheet forward again. So until the end.

Awesome glass

Place the same number of disposable cups in a row in front of each participant and give out one uninflated balloon. The task is to inflate the balloon and, using the air coming out of the balloon, knock down all the cups. You will have to inflate and deflate the balloon several times. The fastest one will win.

Ball in a glass

Place the same number of disposable cups in a row in front of each participant (the more, the better) and give out one uninflated balloon. The task is to inflate the ball directly in the glass (until the ball fills the glass), thus lift the glass and lower it into another empty glass. So you need to collect all the cups into one without using your hands. Whoever is faster wins.

If the competition is held for teams, then the first participant collects all the cups, and the second puts them back (also using a ball to pull out the cups from one another). The third one collects again, etc. The team that completes it faster will win.

Pop if you can

Another contest with balloons. You will need a large space. You need to tie an inflated balloon to the foot of each participant. Everyone disperses around the hall. As soon as the music turns on, everyone starts trying to burst the other participants' balloons, but keep theirs. The one who remains last with an inflated balloon wins.

Knock down the pinata

You can prepare a piñata - a cardboard figurine of the main character of the holiday, decorated with paper, and at the end of the party, arrange a grandiose fun battle. You can make your own piñata, order it, or buy it ready-made.

Ball race

Participants are divided into two teams. Each team is given 3-4 (depending on age) balloons. The first team member takes all three balls and runs with them to the end point and returns back, passing the balls to the next member of his team. Holding three balls at once (without a thread) is not easy. If the ball falls, you need to pick it up. The team that completes the relay the fastest wins.

Prohibited action

Participants stand in a circle or in a line. The presenter takes one step forward so that he can be seen. It is discussed in advance what action cannot be repeated, for example, “touching the ears.” The presenter gives the players the task that everyone must repeat the movements after him, except for those forbidden. The music turns on. The leader begins to make movements once, and all participants repeat them. At some point the driver does a prohibited action. Those participants who repeated after him leave the game. The game continues until the last participant. The prohibited action can be changed after each stop to confuse players.

Games at the table

Board games for schoolchildren

None of the game moments for 4th grade children should take more than 15 minutes. After this time, children's concentration is lost. They need to be switched to the next game. Most often, children need a little rest after a particularly incendiary active competition. To do this, they can be returned to the festive table. The most suitable competitions at the table can be considered games with words. Pen and paper on the food table is not very appropriate, so you need to play those games that do not require notes, but at the same time, the selection must be carried out so that everyone has the opportunity to participate.

Outdoor games should alternate with games at the table

An example would be games on colors or the names of objects related to a certain time of year. The winner is the one who named the item last. If repetitions begin, it is better to end the game or come up with a new water one.

A common theme can be a smooth transition from calm play to active play. The large event hall allows you to take a ball or hoop as a prop for competitions. Only prom games should be different from fun starts. Here it is better to use sports equipment as an environment for a creative task.

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