100 wedding wishes in a scroll box. Beautiful short wishes

These are crispy cookies of an unusual shape, inside of which there is a surprise - a funny prediction on a strip of paper. Despite the fact that the idea is comic, this method can inspire a person to take some action and create a positive attitude.

The tradition of baking these culinary products for the holidays has become very popular in America. Recently it has taken root with us too. This is a good way to entertain guests and make an original gift for a friend. In addition, you can give a letter from Santa Claus with warm words.

The technology for making fortune cookies is simple, but has its own subtleties. The dough is not rolled out like shortbread, but in liquid form is poured onto paper and spread in a circle with a spoon. This method makes it thin and flexible. While it is hot, a shell is formed from it, having previously placed a note inside. When the product cools, it takes on the given shape - it becomes crispy and crumbly.

On New Year's Eve, I offer you two simple recipes for making dessert - a classic one with wheat flour, the second without sugar and gluten. Depending on the occasion, you will find themed wishes that can be printed on a piece of paper. Or write it yourself with a pen.

DIY jar with wishes “100 reasons why I love you” for your loved ones

The best gift is pleasant emotions and attention. On the Internet you can find a lot of ideas for handmade gifts for your loved ones. A jar with wishes would be a wonderful gift. Making it with your own hands is not at all difficult. This is a beautiful container with notes of any content. For example, they may indicate reasons for love for a particular person, wishes, compliments, memories or even common dreams.

Such a gift will appeal not only to your significant other, but also to your mother, sister, brother, and best friend. This is also a wonderful surprise for the teacher. It will be important for the class teacher to know that the jar with wishes was made with her own hands from a pure soul. Write the text as a whole class. The teacher will be delighted with such attention.

Materials for production

To work you will need:

  • A beautiful glass or plastic transparent jar.
  • Paper for scrapbooking: colored with an unusual texture.
  • Decor: rhinestones, ribbons, twine, feathers and everything you can imagine.
  • Scissors.
  • Thermal glue gun.

You can look for a gift container at home. For example, you can use a transparent plastic box for granulated tea or lollipops for this purpose. If no such thing is found in the house, go to a hardware store or china shop. Beautiful paper and other decorations can be purchased at a craft store. Now use your imagination. The container can be painted with acrylic paints or special contours for glass. Glue on rhinestones and feathers. Alternatively, wrap part of the jar and the lid with twine.

Table game for the anniversary “I want to wish you. “

Card games are quite popular, both at small family feasts and at large banquets. When playing this type of game, you must follow some simple rules:


– cards for guests should be printed in advance and look aesthetically pleasing, neat, so that people would be pleased to pick them up.


– on the eve of the holiday, look through the cards and select those that are most suitable for this company of guests or the hero of the occasion.

Wishes text

Don't have enough imagination to come up with wishes? Perhaps these tips will be useful to you. We offer you the most popular options:

  1. Happiness, no matter what!
  2. Good health!
  3. Fair wind!
  4. Luck.
  5. Tenderness and kindness.
  6. May all your dreams and hopes come true!
  7. May your glass always be half full!
  8. Optimism!
  9. Understanding from others!
  10. Good news.
  11. Smiles from ear to ear.
  12. Sunny mood.
  13. Discoveries!
  14. Believe in yourself!
  15. Reliable friends.
  16. Eternal youth in the soul.
  17. So that a hobby turns into a job.
  18. Believe in the best, and it will definitely come true.
  19. Let the house be a full cup.
  20. Excellent news always!
  21. Let every day bring a reason for uproarious laughter.
  22. May there always be stability in life.
  23. Inspiration!
  24. Lots of time for creativity.
  25. Love life in all its manifestations!
  26. Let love never leave your home!
  27. Will to win!
  28. Fabulous feelings.
  29. Rainbows after the rain!
  30. Let luck smile from ear to ear!
  31. Many summers!
  32. Books you can't tear yourself away from!
  33. May lilacs always bloom outside your window!
  34. Birds singing!
  35. May you always have interesting dreams!
  36. Travel!
  37. Tender rays of sunshine!
  38. As much money as you want!
  39. Peaceful sky above your head.
  40. Don't lose your zest for life!
  41. Wisdom!
  42. Let your dream come true.
  43. Strength to accomplish everything you plan.
  44. Let the gardens bloom around you and the birds sing.
  45. May the sea surf sing songs to you every summer.
  46. Interesting people surrounded.
  47. Desire to learn, learn and learn again!
  48. Learn to get up at dawn! You will gain a lot!
  49. Bright smile!
  50. Warm attitude towards you!
  51. Creativity!
  52. Drive!
  53. Never stop there!
  54. Pray!
  55. Plant flowers!
  56. Enjoy delicious food!
  57. Drink green tea!
  58. Give up bad habits!
  59. Play with animals. They absorb stress!
  60. Learn to ride a horse!
  61. Listen to the rain!
  62. Play musical instruments!
  63. Listen to the classics.
  64. Just believe!
  65. Be honest with yourself!
  66. Tell your loved ones that you love them!
  67. Share with those who need it!
  68. Make new friends!
  69. Swim!
  70. Sunbathe!
  71. Ride your bike!
  72. Plant a tree!
  73. Fly a kite.
  74. Climb to the mountain peak.
  75. Learn foreign languages.
  76. Read every day, no matter how busy you are.
  77. Read books to children!
  78. Dream as big as possible!
  79. Play board games with friends.
  80. Make your home more comfortable!
  81. Fish!
  82. Go ice skating.
  83. Be in nature often.
  84. Fry the kebab.
  85. Learn to cook.
  86. Learn to understand wines.
  87. Go to the theater.
  88. Play with the children.
  89. Do yoga.
  90. Jump rope.
  91. Eat chocolate.
  92. Go for a walk in the forest.
  93. Pick mushrooms and strawberries!
  94. Give milk to the hedgehog.
  95. Do something crazy!
  96. Love yourself!
  97. Follow your dreams.
  98. Look at the stars!
  99. Walk in the rain!
  100. Smile at the world and it will smile back at you!

Place all the notes in a container. Tie a beautiful ribbon to the lid and hang a card on it. Everyone dreams of such a surprise in their hearts, because they made a jar with wishes with their own hands. The 100 wishes that the hero of the occasion finds inside will touch the strings of his soul.

Texts of predictions on pieces of paper

Here is a list of 365 wise predictions for every day. The texts are intended to be printed on pieces of paper to create “destiny cookies,” play the role of a gypsy, or make a DIY New Year’s gift. It will also help create entertainment for guests on any occasion. Ideas for use are at the end of the page.

Short texts are written in a special way. If you look at them carefully, you will notice that these prophecies will definitely come true for any person at one time or another in life. Therefore, you can use them without fear, knowing that the person who receives them will not be deceived.

In addition, you can use a list of 365 wishes.

  1. Luck will come from unexpected places.
  2. Long-standing debts will be returned to you.
  3. An unexpected cash flow awaits you.
  4. All unfinished business will be completed.
  5. A bright adventure is already waiting for you.
  6. If you are attentive, you will see great love very close to you.
  7. You will find what you are looking for.
  8. Wonderful losses await you: the loss of harmful misconceptions, harmful people and bad habits.
  9. One day a name will appear in your life that will turn the previous name into dust.
  10. The vamp will be able to avoid losses in an important matter.
  11. This is a good time to get a friend for all times. Look around.
  12. Life will be replenished with one more joy.
  13. In life you will meet a lot of kindness.
  14. Someone will protect you from evil tongues.
  15. Get good news.
  16. The sky above your head will be peaceful.
  17. You will definitely achieve your chosen goal if you are faithful to it.
  18. You will meet someone's responsive heart.
  19. An annoying household problem in the apartment will be eliminated.
  20. Enemies will not be able to cause you significant harm if you show a little insight.
  21. You will not only be listened to, but also heard.
  22. You can see new opportunities for growth if you look at the current situation from a different angle.
  23. An opportunity will arise to expand your views on the world.
  24. You will learn something new about the people around you.
  25. Open your eyes wider - you can see even more beautiful things.
  26. Inspiration will finally come to you.
  27. Your intuition will not let you down this time. Use it.
  28. Listen to yourself and the answer to the question will be found.
  29. There will be an opportunity to go on the road.
  30. Your valuable experience can help someone if you stop hiding it inside yourself.
  31. Someone's precious experience will serve you well.
  32. Fate will be kind to you.
  33. You will be able to enter the right doors on time.
  34. Faith and success will help you gain strength.
  35. You won't be able to please absolutely everyone, don't waste your energy on it.
  36. The chance to win will appear when the goal is precisely defined.
  37. The result obtained may exceed your expectations.
  38. Accumulated dissatisfaction will be cured with love and time.
  39. The desired fruits will definitely ripen, but first you need to plant the seed and be patient.
  40. The words you are waiting for will be spoken.
  41. After some time, the anxiety will pass, be patient.
  42. You will become a welcome guest.
  43. Sooner or later you will find stability.
  44. You will master the entire chosen path if you regularly take steps forward.
  45. Your mind will help you take control of your instincts.
  46. A good book will help you understand a lot of new things.
  47. If you decide to take an unplanned trip, you can get many unfamiliar sensations.
  48. You will acquire a new valuable skill.
  49. A look of admiration will overtake you.
  50. You are guaranteed to meet the right person.
  51. After the night, dawn will definitely come.
  52. New sensations will immediately come to you if you begin to lead your usual life in an unusual way.
  53. Fate's clues will help you avoid mistakes.
  54. Only too high expectations will bring disappointment. Evaluate your needs soberly.
  55. Thoughtful actions will help you use your energy rationally.
  56. Now is the time when taking care of your health will significantly improve your overall well-being.
  57. You will be right in your judgments.
  58. The time has come to honestly answer some questions for yourself.
  59. In the coming days, there will be a good time to become more lenient with yourself.
  60. You won't get clothes that age you.
  61. The people you visit will have treats for you.
  62. Soon you will meet someone who is grateful to you for something.
  63. You will meet a person for whom you have something to be grateful.
  64. Planning your time will help you avoid being late for your meeting.
  65. Your work will be fruitful.
  66. New ideas will open up new perspectives for you, fantasize without limits.
  67. You won't have to feign health for a long time.
  68. You will manage not to become a servant of other people's desires.
  69. It's time to listen to everyone, this will help you gain new ideas.
  70. Your walk will remain light for a long time.
  71. The headache won't last long.
  72. All the reasons why you skipped your morning exercises will disappear.
  73. There will be a chance to look at yourself from a different angle.
  74. The love of life will not leave you.
  75. Someone will share positive things with you.
  76. A romantic evening at home will give you pleasant moments. Buy candles.
  77. Your world will be completely safe.
  78. You will have the chance to create something immortal.
  79. You will have the strength to forget the good you have done and not expect gratitude. Use them as intended.
  80. Curiosity will help you gain new intellectual ecstasy.
  81. You have to consider an unexpected offer.
  82. There won't be quick results this time.
  83. All wishes will come true.
  84. Every new crisis will bring with it new opportunities.
  85. You can find something in yourself that it’s time to improve.
  86. Pleasant troubles await you.
  87. Routine will stop annoying you.
  88. Happiness will become a familiar state for you.
  89. Pleasant dreams will begin to come regularly.
  90. You will have the opportunity to purchase what you want at the lowest price.
  91. There will be people around you who can bite their tongue in time.
  92. New ones will appear in your collection of beautiful memories.
  93. Receive a call from someone who misses you.
  94. You will meet a person whom you will later call serious success in life.
  95. You will be able to enjoy the sun and not get sunburned.
  96. You will have the opportunity to express words of gratitude and love.
  97. Everything beautiful will leave your life and only the beautiful will remain.
  98. Over time, you will understand that money is only a symbol of independence, but not happiness.
  99. Life will arrange everything in the best way, no matter where you go.
  100. The day is not far when you will be satisfied with yourself and everything that surrounds you.
  101. You can get where you need to go even if you take a wrong turn.
  102. Summing up the results of the year you have lived, you will have reasons to be proud of yourself.
  103. You will gain total power over your relationship to the world around you.
  104. Your wisdom will reach such a peak when you will not regret anything.
  105. The mood will be great, even if there is no reason for it.
  106. Until the end of your days, the world will never cease to amaze you.
  107. There will be a reason to look stylish and bright.
  108. You will find a foothold if you look for it within yourself.
  109. Everything you need will come at the right time and you will have the opportunity to make sure of it.
  110. There will be an opportunity to love someone who really deserves it.
  111. Your reward will find you.
  112. On your life's path you will come across examples of generosity, both mental and material.
  113. Your mistakes will make you stronger, smarter and more cunning.
  114. The experience gained will tell you how to achieve new successes.
  115. The reasons living inside you will give rise to wonderful consequences outside.
  116. Fresh thoughts will come to mind, you just need to rest a little.
  117. Unnecessary people will definitely leave you.
  118. Excellent health will not leave you.
  119. Your guardian angel will take care of you forever.
  120. In the near future you will be able to benefit from the situation.
  121. Your deeds will speak about you better than you do yourself.
  122. You will have time to complete everything planned on time.
  123. You can master the science of smart time management if you pay attention to it.
  124. A person will appear nearby to whom you can tell your dreams without hesitation.
  125. You can eat whatever you want, as much as you want and not think about excess weight.
  126. The soul and mind will begin to live in peace and harmony.
  127. You will get the advice you really need.
  128. The chance to ruin your life will go not to you, but to your enemies.
  129. You will be able to find your way on your own,
  130. Your soulmate will be forgiving of your shortcomings.
  131. Don’t rush things, spring will come soon and the flowers will bloom on their own.
  132. The bumps you meet along the way will only throw you up.
  133. You will have the opportunity to put your soul into every thing you do.
  134. The taste for life will always live in you.
  135. There will be no fruit where you did not sow it... don't waste time waiting.
  136. You have to pay for high quality.
  137. You will lose friends if you start looking for flaws in them.
  138. Someone's sincere smile will send you joyful energy.
  139. It's not successes, but problems that can show your worth... use them to your advantage.
  140. Those who are your friends will value and respect your individuality.
  141. A new family tradition will be born in your family.
  142. You will have nowhere to retreat on the path to your dream and then it will come true.
  143. Your family will take special care of you.
  144. Your insight will be able to penetrate into the impenetrable... make sure first that you really want to penetrate there.
  145. You have to ignore the provocation.
  146. When you see people acting out in your presence, remember - they just want to make you laugh.
  147. Someone will need your tact and sensitivity to listen to the truth.
  148. There will be many moments in your life that you will remember with warmth and gratitude.
  149. Luck will be your faithful companion.
  150. Life will present many pleasant surprises.
  151. The next vacation will be different from previous ones and will be remembered for a long time.
  152. Eventually you will learn not to burn your bridges by losing your temper.
  153. Summing up, you can forget the worst.
  154. The road called “later” will lead to a country called “nowhere.” Change the road.
  155. A short separation will show which people are truly dear.
  156. You won't be perfect and that's great... there's room for improvement.
  157. A little sobriety, a little tolerance, a little humor... and you can settle down very comfortably on this planet.
  158. You will not stop dreaming and this will help you constantly find new meaning in life.
  159. You will see the most important thing in your life without the help of your eyes.
  160. Whether you like it or not, those around you will always think something... There is no point in being nervous.
  161. If you love a rose, you will have to endure its thorns.
  162. If you put in the effort, you can find out the truth in a minute... and spend your life forgetting it. Maybe it's not worth it?
  163. You will have to be open to many if you want to let one very necessary person into your life.
  164. Your happiness will not decrease if you share it with someone.
  165. You won't be able to change the past, but you can change the future.
  166. Time will put everything in its place and it will become clear why everything was needed.
  167. People will be sent to you so that when you look at them you will not make the same mistakes.
  168. To avoid crashing after a high takeoff, you'll need to land carefully... and then take off again.
  169. You will be lucky to be with those people next to whom your heart does not seek others.
  170. You cannot see new shores until you sail away from the old ones.
  171. You will have the opportunity to communicate with someone who is better than you, smarter and stronger... do not miss the opportunity to learn new things.
  172. Fate will throw up a dilemma... you have to choose between “being right” and “being loved.”
  173. Persistent pursuit of something will help you move further
  174. Don't worry, you will not be left without light if you begin to illuminate the lives of others.
  175. Life will end someday, and this is a compelling argument to work less and spend more time on your loved ones.
  176. You will receive the most valuable things when you are ready, not when you want them.
  177. Others will make a choice for you if you decide to doubt.
  178. Even on a gloomy day you can enjoy the sun if it is in your soul.
  179. You will be able to combine the incongruous.
  180. Great people will give you happiness, bad people will give you experiences, and the best people will give you memories. Appreciate them all.
  181. After reading a wonderful book, you will get the chance to open a new era in your life.
  182. More than half of the people you will meet tomorrow crave empathy... show it and they will understand you.
  183. There will be peace, prosperity and prosperity in the family.
  184. Your home will not become a golden cage for you.
  185. Evil people will not be able to make you an instrument of their dark plans.
  186. You will have a second chance to make the right impression.
  187. Fabulous wealth will be yours! this does not mean that it is material.
  188. Pleasant acquaintances will soon please you.
  189. Someone will love you not for something, but in spite of everything.
  190. You will not be able to achieve such fame, the companion of which is loneliness.
  191. You can outshine many if you find someone who will explain the laws of popularity to you.
  192. In the near future, it will be possible to make repairs with the least loss of time and nerves.
  193. You will be visited by anxiety, as a result of which you will gain calm and confidence.
  194. In the near future, your desires will not force you to risk everything you have.
  195. You are never too old to learn.
  196. An interesting life will find you if you dare to leave your comfort zone.
  197. You will get something you never had... if you do something you have never done.
  198. You will hear praise and compliments addressed to you.
  199. A black cat crossing the road will not bring you trouble.
  200. Get rid of the envy of evil people if you light 12 candles in church for health.
  201. Someone wants to open your eyes to the truth... you have to decide whether to shut their mouth.
  202. You can't reach the top if you are not willing to climb the mountain.
  203. Someone wants to dig a hole for you... don't bother him. When finished, make yourself a pool.
  204. You will be able to use the talent that you have for your benefit, even if it is not as huge as that of others.
  205. Patience, the ability to remain silent and a sense of proportion will sometimes help in life more than intelligence, beauty and talent.
  206. You will achieve all your goals. To do this, reduce the amount of laziness, increase your resourcefulness and throw all excuses into the trash.
  207. All the rats will run away from you if you can fake a shipwreck.
  208. Get even more if you learn to appreciate what you already have.
  209. Your brain will learn to work more actively if you do or learn something new every day.
  210. Someone else's opinion will lose power over you.
  211. Life will bring you many meetings with a variety of people.
  212. You will discover many different pleasures.
  213. Most of your fears will leave you, the rest will not be as frightening as you imagined them to be.
  214. It is mistakes that will one day lead to success. Don't regret them.
  215. Positive memories will bring you more joy than material things.
  216. You will become stronger physically, emotionally and mentally if you can make time for exercise.
  217. Every day will become enjoyable for you if you find something to do that you are crazy about.
  218. You will become more interesting and learn to interact with different cultures if you spend time traveling.
  219. Negative and fearful thoughts will not become reality unless you cultivate them.
  220. You can't change other people. But you can teach yourself to respect their uniqueness and difference from you.
  221. You can handle anything. And what you can’t cope with, you can survive.
  222. Gratitude will make you even happier. And the one that you experience and the one that they feel towards you.
  223. Intuition will become your super power and will do a lot for you. Listen to her.
  224. Self-deception cannot blind you. Being honest with yourself will help you with this.
  225. You will be surprised how many opportunities life will offer you if you do not reject them and get rid of prejudices.
  226. You will have the opportunity to meet a rare person... with someone like that you can forget yourself.
  227. When competing with your peers, you will have an advantage to win... try not to overlook it.
  228. If you do something not only for yourself, then the world will look a little brighter.
  229. There will be people in your life that you will never forget.
  230. For someone you will become completely indispensable.
  231. You will find your inner light and become a guide for others.
  232. You will be able to catch luck without any effort.
  233. Several people will discuss your qualities behind your back.
  234. Your enemy will remember you, but now he is not dangerous and weak.
  235. To catch your luck, you will need help.
  236. Children will surprise you with their wisdom.
  237. Minor troubles will disappear quickly, without having time to cause significant harm.
  238. Supporting an influencer will bring you significant benefits, don't miss it.
  239. They will want to deceive you, but they will not be able to carry out their plans.
  240. Happy changes await you when you are ready to meet them.
  241. Triumph awaits you in rivalries concerning love or friendship.
  242. Advancement in business or career awaits you.
  243. Get news from someone you love.
  244. Good news about current affairs will overtake you.
  245. The settlement of disputes and disagreements is near.
  246. Good health news awaits you.
  247. A pleasant love affair is possible, but without consequences.
  248. Delays in the implementation of heart plans will be minor.
  249. Complications in family relationships will be small and short-lived.
  250. A new friendship will cheer your heart if you allow it into your life.
  251. The delay in completing things will not be long.
  252. An interesting offer can bring unexpected profits.
  253. Long-standing business ends with a profitable deal.
  254. An insidious woman may appear next to a dear person.
  255. The Guardian Angel will intervene in all difficulties, resolve differences and lead to harmony.
  256. Someone next to you dreams of strengthening their relationship.
  257. You will get a strict but fair mentor.
  258. An imaginary friend will try to capture your attention and influence.
  259. Someone dreams of providing you with evidence of their love, sympathy or friendship.
  260. There will be a chance to get an influential patron.
  261. A woman you know will help you with your business.
  262. Flirting will be pleasant and without complications.
  263. Previously received news will be confirmed from an additional source (perhaps by letter, message, or otherwise).
  264. Future expenses will not cause significant damage to your wallet.
  265. Concerns about health will be unfounded.
  266. Work will bring satisfaction to the heart.
  267. Previously heard gossip will not be confirmed.
  268. Half of your fears will be in vain.
  269. An unexpected meeting will revive warm memories in your soul.
  270. A slight concern about a dark-haired man will not develop into a major concern.
  271. Fatigue will be caused by overexertion and nervousness, and will quickly pass after rest and will not lead to illness.
  272. Anger caused by arguments will not lead to dire consequences.
  273. A lucky lottery ticket will not stick to your shoe. This is not how you will receive your prize.
  274. There will be small pleasant expenses associated with the wear and tear of previous items.
  275. The upcoming misunderstanding will be resolved with fun.
  276. The responsibility you need to take on will be easy for you.
  277. Refusing the imposed trip will bring peace.
  278. Sadness will pass you by and you will enjoy prosperity.
  279. Mood swings will cause slight annoyance to those around you, but will show which of them is seriously concerned about your well-being.
  280. Additional workload can be avoided.
  281. Someone in your circle will try to manipulate your opinion, but you will be able to notice this in time so as not to become a pawn in someone else’s game.
  282. You are about to face temptation. You will have enough strength to resist.
  283. In a deadlock situation, the exit will be in the same place as the entrance.
  284. Your vigilance will serve you well and will not allow envious people to ruin your happiness.
  285. Your charisma will increase over time and will become a faithful assistant in communicating with people.
  286. Life force will weaken under the influence of minor troubles, but will return to you doubly increased.
  287. The boomerang is already flying towards your enemy and in the near future he will get his in full, without your efforts.
  288. Chatterboxes and idle talkers will not be able to harm your reputation and will even help increase your fame.
  289. Your most important secrets will remain undisclosed, and if they become public, then they will no longer be relevant.
  290. The ending will be happy in any case. Always. If happiness does not come, then this is not the end.
  291. You will look as good as you read.
  292. Money will help you have a great time while waiting for happiness
  293. You cannot buy the most important values ​​with money. They always come for free.
  294. By working hard, you will not only be rewarded, but your skill will also reach a new level.
  295. Prosperity will reside in your home for a long time if you carefully distribute the available resources.
  296. The day will become magical thanks to someone's responsiveness.
  297. Continued use of social media will not bring you health.
  298. You will have everything you need to realize your plans.
  299. Meeting the truth will correct your personal beliefs for the better.
  300. You will have to reckon with other people's opinions.
  301. The acquired knowledge will no longer lie dead weight, the time will come to use it.
  302. False goals will disappear from your plans and this will bring you a lot of energy and health.
  303. There will be a lot of positives in everything that happens to you... however, you will only see many of the “pluses” over time.
  304. For everything that is truly important, you don’t have to pay with money...usually they pay for it with pieces of the soul.
  305. Thanks to love, inspiration will appear to create something new and make money.
  306. Gas prices won't bother you anymore if you drive a Ferrari.
  307. Money will not have a detrimental effect on you... it will simply show who you really are.
  308. You will have the opportunity to learn a lot about a person by lending him money.
  309. Tomorrow will be fraught with the charm of novelty.
  310. It is impossible to avoid the future, as well as the beautiful moments in it.
  311. Even if you don't do everything exactly according to schedule, your goal will not leave you.
  312. Your creative success will be noticed and appreciated.
  313. Pragmatic interest can develop into romantic infatuation.
  314. Unusual and mysterious evenings await you, be prepared to receive new emotions.
  315. You will want to avoid difficulties like everyone else, but remember: the strongest oaks grew in strong winds, and diamonds are born under high pressure.
  316. No one can call you a bore if you remain silent.
  317. No one will consider you a gloomy person if you smile.
  318. If there is a foreign body in the plate, it is good luck.
  319. If you stumble on the way home, this is a sign of success.
  320. If you don’t find your keys in your bag for a long time, this means unusual and exciting sensations.
  321. You will be in a better position than many.
  322. The gifts received this year will delight you for many years to come.
  323. Your charm and natural flair will help you get out of an unpleasant situation without loss.
  324. Your authority will grow steadily.
  325. The reputation earned in the past will work in your favor.
  326. Important changes in the personal lives of others will affect you too.
  327. You will find like-minded people if you become a little more open.
  328. External and internal changes will transform you, the reflection in the mirror will surprise you.
  329. Your leadership qualities will be tested and tested repeatedly.
  330. Your mind will become a more important asset than your appearance.
  331. Your patience will be rewarded.
  332. The protective measures you take will help prevent personal disasters.
  333. You will have the opportunity to change your job to a more interesting one.
  334. The New Year will bring new perspectives.
  335. Success can't ruin you if you're always insufferable.
  336. Old age will not frighten you and depress you if you consider the alternative.
  337. The most exciting pastime awaits you in the future.
  338. There is nothing to worry about! Success will not come before you can endure it.
  339. Changes will bring progress in life, do not be afraid of them.
  340. The fruits of your labor will be an advertisement for your capabilities.
  341. Your imagination will give you wings if you take the time to turn it on.
  342. The experience gained will become a treasure that follows you everywhere and which cannot be taken away or lost.
  343. The more you demand of yourself, the more others will respect you.
  344. Curiosity will kill boredom. Don't kill your curiosity.
  345. The changes you make to yourself will have far-reaching consequences.
  346. Only those who do nothing will succeed.
  347. You can predict the future if you start inventing it yourself.
  348. There will be a chance to become the master of the situation. What it will turn into depends on your decisions.
  349. You will be able to identify someone's insincerity.
  350. What you receive will exceed your expectations.
  351. Fortune will come into your orbit soon, use it.
  352. You will be able to enjoy privacy.
  353. Life will challenge you in the near future... use this chance to show yourself what you are worth.
  354. At the end of the journey, your life will bow to you for living it.
  355. Something left in the past will become relevant in the present.
  356. A surge of creative forces will fill you and help you realize what you have long planned.
  357. You will be entrusted with something that requires a responsible attitude.
  358. The unclear situation will soon become clearer. You should keep your eyes open and not invent something that isn't there.
  359. The situation will require humility from you. It will subsequently pay off handsomely.
  360. Thanks to timely guesses and insights, you will get what you want.
  361. Soon you will receive knowledge that will shed light on what was previously hidden.
  362. When you decide to take action, your eyes will close to doubt.
  363. This is just life... and that means you will definitely break through.
  364. The right words for all occasions can be found at people-tips.ru
  365. Everything will be fine.

Recommendations for use:

  • Using this list, you can prepare a gift with your own hands. To do this, print out the list and cut the sheets so that each item on the list is on a separate piece of paper. Fold the resulting pieces of paper in any convenient way and place them in a jar or a beautiful box. The gift is ready. The person to whom the gift is intended must take one piece of paper out of the box every day (for a year) and read the life-affirming words that are written in the note. Rest assured, they are always fulfilled, because only those that happen in everyone’s life are selected here.
  • Notes with text can be used for “destiny cookies”. To do this, prepare the pieces of paper in the manner described above and put them in sweets, small chocolates, and other treats for guests.
  • Also, the list is relevant for fortune telling (for the role of a gypsy, sorceress, fairy) at any holiday, performance and other events.
  • To entertain guests (usually this is done on New Year's Eve), you will need to print out the notes using the method described above and put them in a bag or box. Next, invite the guests to take one piece of paper out of the bag without looking and read what awaits him in the near future. During the celebration, you can repeatedly invite those present to pull a note from the bag. In addition, each prophecy read can be used as a topic for discussion and thereby have a lively time.

Gift for newlyweds

Newlyweds can get two of these containers. They will be pleasantly surprised that the gift was not bought in a store, but jars with wishes were made with their own hands. Photos of the decor for the bride and groom can be seen on the Internet. For example, draw two doves, horses, and swans on a container. All of them are a symbol of marital fidelity. Place notes inside with wishes from you and your family. The second option: guests throw notes with wishes into a festively decorated container during the celebration itself.

Easy Fortune Cookie Recipe

Inside each cookie you need to wrap a small strip of paper with text printed on it. They need to be prepared in advance. Select the appropriate predictions in this article, print them out and cut them into strips. You can come up with your own wishes by writing them beautifully on a sheet of paper by hand.

The recipe for making cookies is not quite ordinary - they are not rolled out, but spread into a thin round pancake and baked. While it is hot, put a sheet with an inscription inside and wrap it with a shell. In this form, the dough cools down, maintaining the given shape.

Source -

Ingredients (for 24 pcs.):

  • 0.5 tbsp. Sahara
  • 2 egg whites
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 0.5 tbsp. flour
  • 3 tbsp. odorless vegetable oil
  • 2-3 tbsp. water
  • vanilla

Food gel coloring (2 drops each) - for color as desired.

A glass with a diameter of 7.5-8 cm.

Predictions on strips of paper.

Several coffee cups.

1. Pour the whites into a dry, clean container. Add a pinch of salt, beat with a mixer at high speed until fluffy white mass.

2. Then add sugar and continue beating until elastic peaks form.

3. Sift flour into the mixture, pour in vegetable oil. Using a spatula, gently combine the ingredients into a homogeneous mixture.

4. The dough should be liquid, like thin pancakes. Pour in a little water (2-3 tbsp) if it turns out too viscous.

5. Place a piece of parchment paper on the table. Draw six circles on it, tracing the glass with a pencil. The circles should be spaced about 5-8cm apart to prevent the dough from sticking together. Then turn the drawn side down - the design should be clearly visible.

6. Pour 1-1.5 tsp into the center of each circle. test. Using a spoon, spread it around the entire circumference to the borders. This should be done so that the thickness is the same in the middle and along the edges. Then the cookies will bake evenly. Don't make them too thin, otherwise they will break when folded.

7. Place the paper with the preparations on a baking sheet and place in a preheated oven to bake at 180° for about 5 minutes. As soon as the edges of the products are slightly browned, they can be taken out.

You need to work with the cookies while they are hot and pliable. Therefore, use a spatula to separate one from the paper, and keep the rest in the oven with the door open. Reduce the temperature slightly for a while.

Place the cookies white side down. Place a piece of paper with a fortune in the center. Fold the circle in half, leaving the air inside.

Then connect both ends to each other using the edge of the glass, bending it inward.

Place the finished cookies in a cup so that they harden and take the desired shape.

Memories of the sea

Let's take a closer look at the marine style. After all, it can be used as decoration. In addition, in such a jar you can put a lot of shells and other Neptune gifts that you brought from your vacation.

For decoration you will need:

  • Jar.
  • White paint (water-based paint is suitable).
  • Acrylic putty.
  • Alcohol.
  • Two types of glue: PVA and “Crystal”.
  • Napkin with a pattern in a marine style.
  • Varnish for decorative works: transparent.
  • Printer paper (preferably colored).
  • Brush (synthetic).
  • Marine decor.
  • Scissors.

We carry out the manipulations in the following sequence:

  1. First of all, the jar needs to be degreased. Alcohol or acetone are suitable for this. You can also use an alcohol wipe.
  2. Take a napkin. Separate the top ball with the pattern. Coat part of the container with PVA glue. Place the top layer of the napkin with the pattern facing inward.
  3. Let's move on to creating the effect of the seabed. To do this, we select small pebbles, shells, sand. To create a shimmering effect, you can mix it with white glitter. Everything on our seabed needs to be fixed. To do this, fill all the objects with transparent varnish.
  4. In the place where the napkin is located, you need to prime the jar with white paint. Half of the container will remain transparent, the other half will remain white. Wait until it dries.
  5. Once the paint has dried, apply a thick layer of putty. While it is not dry, put decor on it: pebbles, shells, rhinestones.
  6. Rough large decor should be combined with the transparent part of the jar. To create a smooth transition we use sand, small and broken shells.

A boy who dreams of sea adventures will love this gift - a jar with wishes. A mother, sister, or friend can do it with her own hands. Let each member of your family write and leave little notes with memories of the past holiday. This container can be used as a piggy bank. It will be easier to part with money while looking at seascapes, because this is a kind of visualization of a dream.


Mix flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt in a bowl, and then layer everything in a jar:

An interesting paper heart is made using the appliqué technique from rolled paper. We will need to roll the colored paper into a tube, then cut the tube into small curl pieces.


We fix the ends of the curls with glue so that the curl is sufficiently free. Glue the curls onto the paper base.


Glue small green curls onto the base. Here is a “heart” applique decorated with a bouquet of roses!


Congratulations on your wedding day and sincerely wish you endless family happiness, sincere understanding, unquenchable love and stable well-being in the home.


I wish you to live happily, to respect and appreciate each other. Love, good understanding to you and the brightest wishes.


Today is a special day for you. You have become husband and wife. You love each other tenderly Until your golden wedding.

We wish you a young life! Love each other with all your soul! We wish you to walk together, Always respect each other! Take care of friends, make good things, and live together for many years!

It will be sweet, it will be bitter. Everything will have to be experienced. But hold on to each other, since you decided to become a family.


Two rings, two hearts, Two roads, two destinies. Everything has now become one. So live in love!


Young people, congratulations! I sincerely wish you happiness! May your union be strong, and may your children be healthy.


Appreciate every day and hour, Enjoy your love, Keep the look of your beloved eyes, Smile at each other more often.


Congratulations on your wedding, I wish your family happiness, Always live in harmony, Wealth and goodness to you!


Love, endure, forgive, Give yourself to each other, And keep your love For a long time.


Love each other, take care of the hearth and carry warm feelings through the years. Let fidelity, support, family happiness Shelter you from storms in any bad weather.


I wish joy to the bride, to warm the family hearth. And the groom has courage, honor, to love and protect his wife.


Congratulations on your wedding, and on starting a family. I wish you prosperity, happiness, light and love.


Congratulations on your wedding, From the bottom of my heart I wish you to always be happy, to live together for centuries!


We congratulate you on your wedding, and we wish you children. Love, prosperity and warmth, Live happily always.

For my beloved girlfriend

Have you kept in touch for many years and know everything in the world about each other? Do you want to surprise your beloved friend with an unusual gift? Hand made is in fashion now. Such a gift is priceless, since the jar with wishes is made with your own hands. Your friend will love this gift. If you have been friends since childhood, you can describe your joint pranks in small scrolls. Perhaps she no longer remembers them. Therefore, the present will bring tears of tenderness to her.

Short wishes for every day in a nutshell

To multiply all the good things, Do not disturb the soul in vain. Happiness to see around you Live confidently and lovingly!

May your path through life be with kindness and positivity. You are a happy person and be unique!


I wish for my own star, Which will lead the way to happiness. Let all misfortunes be afraid of you surrounded by kindness!


Don't be afraid of changes in life, drive away thoughts of failure! Everything you wish will come true. So quickly as you don’t expect!


Don’t hide your smile in vain - It attracts happiness! What else do you need in life?


  • After family, love and friendship?! You already have plenty of them, so put things in order!
  • *

    You deserve happiness, Complete, not partial! That’s why I wish you a Bright earthly paradise!


    I wish you prospects, May you be absolutely happy! Don't be afraid to achieve something and open your heart to feelings!


    May you be sweeter than everyone, more amazing, wiser! In a couple of phrases I will say cordially: May happiness be eternal!

    Jar with wishes: we surprise mom with our own hands!

    There are no people in the world dearer and dearer than parents. On the eve of a birthday or the eighth of March, you can prepare a unique gift for your mother. You will not find such an amazing gift in any, even the best boutique in the world, since the jar with wishes is made with your own hands. A child can write “100 reasons why I love mom” with dad’s help. But the mother of adult children will also be emotional if she receives such a gift. An adult daughter can present her childhood memories associated with him to her father in a decorative jar. Such a gift is priceless. And they will keep it like a jewel.

    What to wish for your birthday in your own words: not trivial congratulations

    Whatever congratulations you say, at the end of each one do not forget to say: “Happy Birthday!” or “Happy Anniversary!” and call the birthday person by name.


    If the table is set for two, then you need to offer a special congratulation, but you also shouldn’t talk openly about your feelings.


    If relatives have invited a boy to his birthday party, then it is worth making a serious congratulation, even if he is still small, but already understands the meaning of the words.

    Idea for Valentine's Day

    A month before the holiday, put notes with compliments, your dreams, and juicy questions into two beautiful jars. On Valentine's Day, spend a chic, romantic evening reading sweet words. A sea of ​​laughter and positivity is guaranteed to you. Fold the notes back and place the jars in a visible place. They will be decor in the room. When you feel sad or you quarrel with your significant other, remember these sweet notes. They will definitely cheer you up and help improve relationships.

    Short funny birthday toasts

    Birthday people remind me of bribe takers on an especially large scale. So accept my wishes for great happiness, inexhaustible prosperity and great love!


    Be mobile but stable. Human, not omnipotent. So that I want to love you for your actions and courage! May you not lose your health and have victories along the way! Happy birthday!


    Wine glasses, glasses and glasses It's time to fill them with something, To make life ten times cooler, Well, richer, at least a little!


    For you, my friend, For smiles, bright light! Let the cuckoo sing about the Sweet Life for a hundred years! On your birthday, like a fairy, you flutter on your wings, smile more cheerfully and light up boldly!

    To graduates from teachers

    Does your teaching staff not know how to congratulate your beloved students on graduating from school? A labor education or fine arts teacher can easily design such a jar with wishes for children. Schoolchildren will be delighted with such a gift. The class leader can keep it. And at alumni meetings, you can open the container you brought, reading the notes and remembering your childhood.

    Letter to the Future

    Would you be interested in receiving a letter from yourself after 10-20, or maybe thirty years? The class teacher at graduation may recommend that students write such a message. Invite yesterday's schoolchildren to give advice to their 25-30 year old selves. The “cool mom” takes on the honorable mission of storing the container. The lid of the jar can be symbolically filled with wax and a wax seal placed. It will be possible to uncork the container 20 years later at an alumni meeting. Former classmates will have a choice: read their messages out loud or keep them as something very personal. Naturally, you will have to choose a larger capacity for letters. The best decor would be a pre-ordered sticker with a general photo of the class.

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