Happy birthday ?? Funny 45th birthday for a woman: 50 beautiful wishes with meaning

Recipe for a great mood

Hosts should remember a few simple rules to make the party unforgettable.

It is better to announce to the invitees in advance what outfits they should wear. This is necessary to maintain the general mood of celebration.

The location is important: you can gather in a cafe or at home. The general style should be present not only in the decorative elements of the room, but also in the gift packaging.

Entertainment also needs to be thought through. It’s good when a birthday takes place according to a given scenario, where the time for the feast and entertainment is taken into account, and what kind of music will be played is indicated.

Types of photo zones for anniversaries

There are no special rules for creating a photo zone for an anniversary. The theme can be any, but the main thing is that the hero of the occasion likes it. Use your imagination, show creativity and a sense of humor. Differences may be in the design of the stand for the 30th anniversary or 60th.

Banners on structures

The so-called press wall or stand background are very popular when holding any holiday or special event. Previously, they were installed only at social parties, presentations or other official meetings, but now they are used everywhere.

With special effort, the structure can be made independently from wooden beams or metal pipes. And then the canvas is attached to the base. The background, which is on the canvas, is applied in a printing house or drawn independently.

The advantage of such a banner is its low cost and the ability to rent. The stand in the form of a screen is especially easy to transport and assemble. By the way, it doesn’t look as flat as a standard press wall. The disadvantage of the design is the windage, so it will not be possible to install it outdoors in the wind. And it looks very formal and restrained.

But oddly enough, it’s suitable for a man’s anniversary.

Flower stand

A completely gentle and stylish design is suitable for a girl or woman both for a 30th anniversary and for a 55th anniversary, and will truly become a decoration for the holiday. Celebrating a wedding anniversary or birthday with such a photo zone will be pleasant and memorable.

The photos will turn out bright and gentle at the same time. This photo zone is especially relevant in winter, when there is slush and greyness all around.

Both fresh and artificial flowers can be used as decoration, and the latter will cost much less.

If you want to use fresh flowers, then contact a flower salon so that the buds are treated with a special composition that retains moisture and helps the flowers last a long time.


This option for decorating a photo zone is the most common and attractive, because you can make anything out of paper. For example, the same flowers. Huge and incredibly beautiful buds will not only become an attractive backdrop, but will also make the 55-year-old girl feel like a little girl.

But you shouldn’t get hung up on just colors, because there are a lot of options for using paper figures. For example, paper pompoms, pinwheels or fans. The main advantage of this decor is that it can be reused.


Using ribbons you can create an airy and light photo zone. Tapes are attached to the arch, and the arch itself is made of light pipes or any material that bends but holds its shape. This design is best installed outdoors. The photos will turn out more dynamic due to the fact that a light breeze will develop the ribbons. In addition, there is a touch of romance in such a frame, so this idea for decorating a photo zone is suitable for a wedding anniversary. The stylish design is perfect for a man’s 50th birthday.

Fairy lights

Who said that garlands with lights are only relevant for the New Year? When organizing a photo zone, you can use multi-colored lights along with fabric decoration. Thanks to the fabric, the lights will be slightly blurred, which will make the photo more attractive. It is not necessary to use a New Year's garland; you can get by with ordinary light bulbs.

The advantage of such a photo zone is that all the constituent elements can be used on the farm after the holiday is over.

The bright and cheerful design is suitable for both a woman on her 60th birthday and a girl on her 25th birthday.

Chalk board

Recently, a chalk or slate board has become popular, on which you can draw your wishes or congratulations. It can be decorated with paper flowers and the photo zone will become even more beautiful. When using small accessories or some attributes, such as smiles on a stick, the shots will be significantly diversified, and it will be more interesting and fun for guests to take pictures.

Disco style

Use old vinyl records or CDs to get creative and imaginative. It will turn out very original and non-standard. A similar retro style can be played out in clothing, inviting guests to dress accordingly. It is recommended to use for the hero of the day on his 50th or 55th birthday.


No holiday is complete without balloons, because they are a kind of symbol. Therefore, we begin to design and try to ensure that all the balls correspond to a certain style. You can endlessly fantasize about decorating with balloons: arches, figures, flowers, etc. will make the anniversary brighter and more fun. It is even possible to make a symbolic number out of small balls, which will indicate the significance of the celebration. A ball surprise for a man or woman's 50th or 60th birthday will be an unforgettable gift.


A special feature of these banners is the presence of a slot for the head, so that anyone can stick their face through the hole and feel like the hero drawn on the poster. The subjects depicted on the banner can be different, including children's themes. In addition, you can make a lot of slits and then guests can take pictures in groups. The advantage of such a zone is that it is easy to dismantle. The disadvantage is that the guests’ outfits will not be visible. But it’s not scary, because you can always take a photo in front of the zone. Be sure that guests who come to the 45th anniversary of a woman or man will be happy to take part in a photo shoot.

Inventory and necessary attributes

To help your guests relax and feel more at ease, encourage them to use a variety of props during the shoot. As a rule, these are small elements: glasses, hats, sponges and mustaches on a stick, masks and the like. When guests start trying on these things, it will be difficult to contain the fun, and the embarrassment will disappear by itself.

It is advisable to use things that do not imply a complete change of the guests’ attire, but only slightly change or complement it.

You can use the following as accessories for a photo shoot:

  • Old things, such as suitcases, a suitcase, a knapsack, an armchair;
  • Various frames and baguettes;
  • Toy weapons;
  • Inflatable toys;
  • Ties and bowties like clowns.
  • In order for the photos to turn out bright and clear, you need to install a backlight. Experiment and your photos will be pleasant to review after many years!


    Balloons will allow you to decorate a room without breaking the bank. You can place weighted helium balloons on the table, one for each person. Figures of cartoon characters, numbers or flowers will stand beautifully around the perimeter.

    Garlands and arches look great, especially at significant celebrations. Balloons released into free flight under the ceiling, decorated with ribbons hanging from them, are also appropriate.

    Good idea: balls in a net. This design is attached to the ceiling, and when the network is untied, multi-colored rain is obtained. A similar method is a large ball with several small ones inside, which shower guests after the shell explodes.

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    At dusk, LED balls look beautiful. Other original photos of birthday decorations will become a source for implementing ideas with balloons.

    Happy 45th birthday to a woman in verse (beautiful)

    The years flicker like candles, They cannot be added or taken away... But this turn is not evening yet, Although it is already forty-five. Is it still possible to calm down the indomitable impulse of the soul, And that means it’s time to be loved, Since “a woman is a berry again”!

    Even if it’s not entirely original, we’ll tell you everything at forty-five, We, speaking figuratively: Believe me, you’re a berry again. Although, to be honest, you look more like a rose, believe me, And let spring, not frost, always knock on your door. So always be a beautiful flower, And let the years fly by, And let you become a red berry only somewhere... at sixty.

    Everyone knows that at forty-five... It is difficult to understand a woman. Either she wants to be young... Then she wants to pamper her grandchildren... This means that she is, in fact, in love: With her husband, with life, with children, with work... On Wednesday, Friday, Saturday... Trying on for herself Everything that has fallen out in fate. And we sincerely wish you long happiness!

    The raspberry is a sweet berry. Sweeter berries cannot be found. At 45, my favorite Baba-berry is again. You and I are two halves, It’s as if we suddenly became whole. You are my love Galina, you are my best friend. In our world, happiness is fragile and I want one thing, so that a gross mistake does not destroy it. So that a fatal accident does not separate us from you, So that you, my dear, will forever be a berry!

    May all those with whom life is more pleasant and warmer be near you on this holiday, and with kind, sincere words decorate your beautiful Anniversary! After all, 45 is the time for great achievements! May every new day bring you inspiration, flight of souls, and many bright, joyful moments!

    You have such a wonderful combination of intelligence with a sympathetic soul, and feminine charm, and a strong business grip! Yes, you are beautiful even in anger! We wish you, at forty-five, like a real queen, to command without further ado!

    Today you are slimmer and younger, Today you are gentle and cheerful, And, to tell the truth, it doesn’t seem like this date has come to you. Let a happy road lead and good luck await you along the way, 45, believe me, is not that much, It’s 20 after 25.

    It is not in vain that we have gathered today to congratulate you, dear hero of the day. May the sun shine brighter today, Your glorious birthday has come. After all, 45 is a wonderful age, It’s time for flight, happiness and love, And it’s not for nothing that you’re called a “berry”, Let the crazy nightingales sing in your soul. We wanted to give you the whole world, the radiance of the stars and the spring face of the earth. So that, as before, she sings with us, And all your wishes come true!

    Years fly by like fluff from poplars, We are sad as we look at them, But years are no big deal, 45 is nonsense, As long as faithful comrades are nearby. This means you must always be cheerful, lively, Smile at friends and acquaintances, And always be young at heart At work, with friends and at home! We wish you health, laughter, Smiles, joy, success, We wish you to live to be 100 years old, without knowing sorrow and troubles. Be happy, healthy, Don’t be sad, don’t be harsh, Find joy in life and don’t forget us.

    Happy Birthday dear, you are my joy. At my beautiful 45, I want her to bloom again. And sowed it with colorful paints, And never suffered. Let happiness have no boundaries, And life will have many pages.

    Forty-five is not much! You are still as good: Attractive appearance and open soul. In my anniversary congratulations, I would like to wish you to delight everyone with your beauty, always look like an “A”! May you have good health, lots of happiness and love! And surprise everyone you know with your success!

    There are no miracles in the world, And youth cannot be brought back. And the years, like pieces of ice, melt, But is it worth sighing about them? Over the years, a woman becomes wiser, And there is a different beauty in her, And her gait is proud, and her stateliness is full of Charm. To keep this for longer, I wish you to live happily, not to worry, not to be sad, and most importantly - to be healthy!

    No! It’s not the woman’s fault, When this date comes, the calendar is to blame. And you, despite all the dates, are still young at heart, Slender, graceful and light. We will not wish you much, Your merits cannot be counted. So remain, for God's sake, always as you are! And age is not a problem, we will survive all the anniversaries! After all, the main thing in life is always so that your soul does not grow old.

    We wish you good health, happy, long life, so that the anniversary day today leaves a bright mark in the heart! I wish you great luck, warmth in your family life, and quiet, simple happiness, Love, good luck, kindness!

    Colleague! We are so happy that we had the opportunity to work shoulder to shoulder with you. We sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary! We wish you a happy life. Let things always go well, and let joy fill your every day. You are young, beautiful, energetic, and you won’t get forty-five for anything!

    Living at forty-five is still so easy. It’s easy for you to dream and work! Are you satisfied with your career growth, And autumn is far away in life... May happiness be your reward! The person next to you will give a sparkle of love to your eyes. May it be close and dear to you! We wish you, without knowing troubles, to live, avoiding all misfortunes, as well as creative victories and fidelity in love passion. The path of life is to be straight! The sky is cloudless and peaceful, so that no one frightens with war. Husband - be affectionate and generous! Children - health, understanding! So that they can grow, Heeding your hopes, How to save the world and homeland. So let's drink to the anniversary! Pour it for everyone! Comrade, - lei! Champagne - for all guests! Excuse me, let me tell you? That's it - Oh okay!

    Accept flowers and compliments on your forty-fifth anniversary! Let the applause of happy, joyful guests sound. We wish you to smile more often and admire your beauty, and you shouldn’t notice your first wrinkles at all. In the darkness, shine like a ray of sunshine; In bad weather, sing like a bird; Open yourself to worldly wisdom and find peace in your soul!

    They say that at forty-five a woman blooms again. Apparently, the people know a lot about it, And the proverb doesn’t lie! At forty-five, you are like a flower, like a sip from a spring! So bloom for another hundred years, Without diseases and diets, Without falls and without tears, And without lightning, and without thunderstorms. Captivate with your beauty, Give ground to gossip! At forty-five you are good, and your soul is pure. Rejoice, live, shine, Give joy to everyone around!

    As they say: at forty-five you become a berry again. And a gentle smile shines on your face, a bright smile, of course! You don’t lack for wisdom, After all, forty-five is on the threshold. But this is still the beginning, And there will be many joys. So let your gaze shine radiantly, so crystal clear. Let the laughter sound loud, And let happiness knock on the house!

    Yes, perhaps I will repeat, I am not ashamed of this. But the girl at forty-five is like a berry again. Young and red-cheeked, Her neckline is deep. The body is full of beauty, the sparkle in the eyes is alive. The birthday girl is like a peach. Agree, it’s just laughter. Always be a beauty, you are a star for us!

    A woman is beautiful at forty-five. It’s as if time has turned back. All movements are very graceful, and intentions are more serious than ever. The woman is wise and objective. Thoughts at forty-five are all positive. There is no trace of teenage foolishness and she doesn’t frown for no reason. At forty-five it is very difficult to offend, A woman keeps everything carefully - All friends, neighbors and family. 45 is why I love it.

    Congratulations on your anniversary and I wish you to bloom at forty-five with a scarlet rose, conquering, delighting, and keep the petals in shape. And do not wither, and do not bend, and do not dry out from the torments. Reach out to the sun with joy, And let the bright rays of happiness flow to you. And may a faithful, devoted tulip always be nearby, may he love you dearly, may he wake you up with kisses, may he make coffee in the morning. And may life be a delight, May there be countless good days, And may you be as many years in a row with a positive charge and as beautiful as you are.

    They say that at forty-five Baba is a berry again. Looking at our raspberries, We will say with confidence: Forty-five is radiance, This is a sea of ​​charm. Our wonderful man, Live your life happily, Be loved, understood, appreciated, Not counting your years, Be young until you are a hundred!

    May today be forty-five, Time rolls faster, I just want to say, Something that is most important, May you always be lucky, Be cheerful and beautiful, And may the years have no power over you. May spring always be with you on a May day, in the heart of summer warmth. Well, you don’t need more.

    In any age period, in any period of life For a woman, age is a mystery. There is a secret in it... And there is wisdom in it. Let life be full of happiness, And let there be joy in it. Let all the bad weather pass, Let the flow of days make you happy. We wish you success, good luck, pleasant events in fate, health, great love, faith for many years to come. Don’t let “forty plus five” scare you, because there is still so much to come. Let only success await you, Walk through life beautifully!

    What berry? You are a flower! The most tender and beautiful of all. Tear this piece of paper off the calendar, What are forty-five? Yes, this is a laugh! Anyone who sees this look at least once will immediately understand that the stars are nervously smoking. Such an appearance is simply a treasure. With the figurine, everything is also in full openwork. But the main thing is that there is a place in the heart for passion, drive, and kindness. You are the best, believe me, this is not flattery, so let you be like this forever!

    For women there is no brighter date. Let your passion for life flare up. Today, all spending is appropriate - After all, 45 was born! And happy anniversary congratulations It promises not to cry, not to mope, but to continue to bloom, take care of your health and love!

    You are 45 - you are still beautiful, in full swing and still on the way. We wish you much, much happiness, harmony and joy. We wish you goodness and light, So that every day gives you only warmth, Let summer always play in your soul, So that you are sincerely lucky in everything! May we celebrate many more of your five-year birthdays together at the table, May we meet in the next century With glasses and a festive toast!

    On this day, we solemnly congratulate you on your anniversary, dear! We sincerely wish you tons of happiness, and health in reserve! 45 are just numbers. The wisdom of years is hidden in them. All desires are meaningful. Let them not know the word “No.” May you always be charming, and may your soul remain at peace. There is no one more wonderful in the world than you, smart, sweet, businesslike. To you - good luck and the desired blessings, Peace and love in the family. Let adversity and fog not touch you anywhere!

    As they say, at 45 you became a berry again, and a flower that cannot be found, you were and remain so. The kindest, brightest person, There would be more like him in our world. Dear hearts, may they open their roads to you forever. You are one of the best people, I wish you cherished beauty, I wish you to be warmed by strong love on this anniversary.

    Congratulations on the anniversary! Let successful events, a joyful mood, and the most ideal order come to you soon. More bonuses for your income, unbreakable health, filling with love!

    Today you are a queen, And around are your pages, And flower alleys, And diamond rains. And everywhere there is the smell of happiness, the tart taste of love and flirtation, and I really want to remain forever so beautiful. And forget that you’re 45, And that you can’t change time. But don’t you dare lose heart, There is no one more beautiful than you! Do you believe?

    You are forty-five, you are so lovely, against the backdrop of festive flowers. Mysterious and interesting, Confused by warm words. May the anniversary warm you with happiness, May sadness and melancholy drive away. And for life to be wonderful, your dream will come true.

    This age adorns you, They call you a ripe berry. 45 is an anniversary and a wonderful date. Be happy, beautiful, rich. May your wishes come true very soon, May sadness and sadness go away and be forgotten. We wish you to be a queen today, chic, fiery, bright, brave!

    Forty-five is a wonderful age. You are a woman in her prime: You can handle any task, You can stop a galloping horse. There is no one more beautiful than you in the whole world, We wish you with the whole crowd: Remain a hospitable hostess, a good mother, a beloved wife!

    Your birthday is the best day for us, After all, today we can say without concealment all the best that we think about you, And congratulations will fly in flocks. You are forty-five - a wonderful time, You are good and young, wonderful, You are a godsend of an artist's pen, Infinity shines at your feet. We wish you happiness, cozy warmth, And that every day is filled with miracles, Delight, joy, good luck and goodness, And that a ray of sunshine embraces you!

    You are forty-five today! We will celebrate this wonderful anniversary together, And don’t regret the past. After all, you still have your whole life ahead! You hold on to her tighter. May there be more happiness and love on your way. Attention to your family, trusted, simple friends. Let the activity overflow, Well, May rages in your soul!

    Are you forty-five? I won’t believe it. Fairies can’t age! Oh, really? Well, happy anniversary. Let me sing congratulations: I wish you to smile and live a happy life, fall in love with your reflection and forget your passport age. An apartment, a car, a man... No, it was all wrong. Let there be no reason to say that time has passed.

    How quickly the days pass... It’s already forty-five, but it’s a joy; Light up your eyes with fire, Because there is pure goodness ahead. Each age has its own essence, has its own perception; Never be sad, open your arms to your friends. There is no reason to be sad about the past, Useful experiences will remain; If you have the strength to forgive, then the strength will strive upward. Keep your love always, And fill your soul with joy; And let nothing ever disturb the peace of the heart.

    Forty five? But how can this be? It doesn't look like it at all! Or what? Maybe you are a year younger? Sparkle in the eyes, warmth in the soul, Kind, dear. I wish you to live forever without despondency! Let your dreams and secret desires come true And let sadness and suffering go away from this life.

    The gait is still as light as before, the neatness in clothes is still visible, and your special style is everywhere in everything, the portrait of the hero of the day is very familiar! You don’t know tiredness and indifference, Having given your word, you will never break it, You know the name days of all your friends, Greeting anyone with your smile! We remembered this significant date, The guys and girls were preparing together, To celebrate the big anniversary with the whole world, And now all one hundred and twenty friends gathered! Of course, there are fewer of us, but this may happen, There may be more than a thousand friends, After all, your soul is wide, like a river, And let your light hand rule! Health and happiness, and interesting things to do, Only joyful news, Only wonderful meetings, People who make your heart warmer! We all say together now: happy anniversary!


    Paper decorations

    You don’t have to worry long about how to come up with birthday decorations if you have crepe paper at home. It will allow you to make balls with your own hands.

    You need to take 4-8 sheets and fold them like an accordion, and tie them in the middle. A semicircle is cut along the edge and the product is straightened. 10-15 resulting balls can be tied on long threads to the ceiling.

    Photo zone design rules

    By adhering to the rules below, you can properly organize a photo zone for the anniversary of both men and women:

    1. The placement of the banner should be planned in such a way that it does not interfere with the passage of guests. That is, it is advisable to install a photo zone somewhere nearby. Be sure to warn guests about its availability.
    2. If the event is held outdoors, make sure that the structure is stable and will not fall in a gust of wind. And also all decor should be well fixed.
    3. You don't need too many decorations and props. If it is the anniversary of a young girl or guy, then at the discretion of the birthday boy and the number of guests. And if the 45th, 50th, 55th, 60th anniversary is celebrated, then modesty and harmony are welcomed.

    Wish tree

    An original idea that will please the hero of the occasion and guests. A silhouette of a tree is cut out of large thick cardboard and attached to the wall. Paper rectangles are attached to the branches, where those invited will write congratulations.

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    You can hang it on its own or as an addition to the previous idea.

    On whatman paper you need to write a title, stick a photo of the hero of the day and postcards. Leave space for inscriptions, prepare markers and colored pens for guests.

    Giant candies

    The instructions on how to make birthday decorations will be clear even to those who have not created similar designs before.

    • A 50-60 cm plywood strip is covered with light paint;
    • A circle of foam plastic with a diameter of 30 cm is covered with brightly colored paper;
    • The parts are fastened together;
    • The foam “lollipop” is wrapped in oilcloth, which is tied with ribbon to the stick.

    Happy 45th birthday greetings to a woman in verse (funny short)

    Let your youth not fade away, and with it love and kindness. May peace and warmth be your eternal guest in your home!

    Today is your birthday, God bless you with good health. Let peace live in your family, warmed by happiness, joy, and love.

    Birthday - This is a wonderful day! Everything is dedicated to you Flowers, smiles, congratulations And all the blessings on earth.

    I wish you only good luck in life and achieving your dreams, May the tasks on the difficult path of life be easy.

    You have turned a little - There is no need to be sad in the “woman's age”. Keep your health for a long time, Our dear, close person. We wish you to be always beautiful, and also simple, always friendly and sweet, always loved, dear.

    May every hour be good for you, May storms and bad weather pass, May your children love you, And may happiness flourish in your home!

    Much family happiness to you! To live a fairy tale, and not dream! Well, age is not a misfortune, it’s time to love and believe!

    Today you are 45. Of course, you’re not 20. But you’re a “berry” again, And it’s too early to indulge in sadness. Let the gray strand shine. By God, she decorates. You are only 45. And life promises so much...

    A healthy spirit in a healthy body, We wish you to keep it that way, to be our support and foundation, and not to give up your positions!

    Let him smile broadly and good luck give him laurels, let his business bring prosperity, let his giving please his heart!

    We wish you happiness and joy. The days go by, the years pass, They rush, they rush in succession. Well, we wish you to stay young!

    Today you are 45. Of course, you’re not 20. But you’re a “berry” again, And it’s too early to indulge in sadness. Let the gray strand shine. By God, she decorates. You are only 45. And life promises so much...

    You gave so many years to your family - You cooked, washed and baked, You gave us the light of your smile, You carefully took care of the family hearth. Responding with care to care, We all adore you. Be healthy and happy, dear. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for everything!

    We wish you good health, happy, long life, so that the anniversary day today leaves a bright mark in the heart! I wish you great luck, warmth in your family life, and quiet, simple happiness, Love, good luck, kindness!

    Congratulations on the anniversary! Let successful events, a joyful mood, and the most ideal order come to you soon. More bonuses for your income, unbreakable health, filling with love!

    You are forty-five today, and you are a berry again. Love, bliss, shine And always be healthy! So that our life does not overwhelm you, So that you do not know melancholy, So that your appearance is impeccable, So that you drown in money.

    Glory to our hero of the day! Honor to our hero of the day! May the hero of the day always have countless joys! So that health means health, So that fun means so much fun, So that money means a whole cartload, Laughter means that it leads to tears!

    You are 45 today, and Happy Birthday! Now you are a “berry” again, Congratulations! I wish you happiness, So that your head is covered, And so many good days in your life, So that it’s enough for your whole life!

    For women there is no brighter date. Let your passion for life flare up. Today, all spending is appropriate - After all, 45 was born! And happy anniversary congratulations It promises not to cry, not to mope, but to continue to bloom, take care of your health and love!

    45, it can't be! You look like you're twenty! So fresh and good, Just right to admire you! You are tender like a violet, You are beautiful like a rose, Remain forever, Just as kind and sweet!

    Happy 45th birthday, dear, to you, I wish you to love and love yourself! So that there will be a lot of light in a clear world, And let the planet spin for you! Raise your spirits, And walk more cheerfully through life, Let the pullets envy us, And today take a hundred grams!

    Well, here you are at 45, How quickly the years fly by, But for this reason, you shouldn’t be upset!



    Many voluminous stars will create a fabulous atmosphere. The diagram must be attached to paper and cut out. Fold the blanks according to the pattern. Glued together, these parts form a star.

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    Paper pompom

    A semicircle is cut out of thick paper folded in half. Several sheets of corrugated paper need to be placed on top of each other and cut out a circle.

    Glue the paper alternately in strips to a sheet of cardboard, and at the end - cardboard. Fasten the thread inside the product and glue the cardboard semicircles.


    This decoration is created from photographs of the birthday boy. You can simply attach them to the wall, but it’s better to be creative.

    Photoshop will help you combine the face of the hero of the occasion with the body of any movie or cartoon character. If a children's party is planned, then the photo of the child is fixed on the poster as he grows older.

    Congratulations on the 45th anniversary of a woman

    Beautiful and smart, beautiful, noble. Well, what else can I say about you? Walking from the hip, free in communication, good wife, caring mother. You know how to love, and you know how to say goodbye, And you even had to forgive and forget. I wish you to remain the same, Don’t focus your hearing on the number 45!

    Don't be afraid, dear, 45 is not a death sentence, And not a reason for losing your mood, Today space is opening up for your ideas, And, of course, a new start for inspiration. And the second breath is for discoveries and victories, Maybe even for love, what if it happens, Let the moonlight always illuminate your path, Remember, you just need to always strive forward.

    At forty-five, we wish you from the bottom of our hearts great happiness, joy, and luck. May your Birthday gifts and congratulations be unspeakably good! May a series of good wishes turn into a beautiful fairy tale in life, May the happiest star above you light up in the festive sky!

    Today we do not regret gifts, We congratulate you on your anniversary, And today, on such a day, We wish with all our hearts Only great joy! Be still cheerful, Be loving and sensitive, When you wake up early in the morning, Don’t forget to smile. So that your kind home is filled with endless happiness, Warm your family with both care and warmth. Don’t have worries, live happily, So that they always say after you: “How beautiful this woman is and infinitely young! »

    Your anniversary is not yet years, And 45 is not yet a century. There were adversities in life, There was both youth and dawn. It’s still too early to look back, The road is still far, And always, always be beautiful, And always be happy!

    The years flicker like candles, They cannot be added or taken away... But this turn is not evening yet, Although it is already forty-five. Is it still possible to calm down the indomitable impulse of the soul, And that means it’s time to be loved, Since “a woman is a berry again”!

    There are a lot of wishes, On this day you will, May your hand not tremble, And your glass will ring, I sincerely congratulate you! I wish you many years, I don’t know what to say yet, Be happy, madam!

    I wish you goodness and great joy, On this holiday - an incredible day, I wish you luck with all my soul, May your heart always be pleasant. I wish you never to lose heart, May you be surrounded by joyful faces, I wish you never have troubles, Any dream can easily come true!

    You turned 45 today, Or maybe, at least you look cheerful, You sadly think: autumn is coming, And then winter will come white and white, Or maybe you don’t even think about it - You have a lot of all sorts of worries. May God grant you a great Indian summer, and winter will not come at all.

    At forty-five - passions are burning, Thirst for life and love! Everything is under the bliss of sweet power, As if in a storm, blood plays! Quench the fire of desires, Know good luck and success! A waterfall of feelings, dreams, Let the laughter be fervent! Let your heart beat with delight, Don’t rush forward in the years! And the Wind of happiness will burst into your destiny forever!

    They say that the woman's age lasts for 40 years. Don’t believe that legend, there is another legend: When the woman is 45, there will be a berry again. Spring will come after winter, Don’t count your years And, like the golden sun, May you always be young!


    Balloon characters

    To realize your plan, you need a lot of balls of different shapes, colors and sizes. What you get in the end depends on your imagination and skills.

    For a children's party, animal figurines, comic book and fairy tale characters are suitable. The product can be supplemented with paper parts.

    Table decoration

    The overall style of the cutlery, tablecloth and napkins will add joy to the overall atmosphere. Near each plate it is interesting to place a distinctive detail: a figurine, a twig, a personalized card, a gift for a guest.

    When serving, the finished food can be decorated with tomato, cucumber or chocolate flowers, depending on the type of dish. Don't forget about fruits. Shaped and arranged, they will look even more appetizing.

    Cool toasts for a woman turning 45 years old. Toasts in prose

    After the toast, be sure to present some kind of humorous one. But a beautiful gift. Look at these comic telegrams:

    They will help to play an interesting prank on the hero of the day and make this day even happier for her. And you can download all the comic telegrams here.


    Happy is not the one who is rich. And happy is the one who has friends, family and health. I propose to drink to our hero of the day, who has it all and shares her happiness with others!

    Photo tips on how to decorate a room for a birthday

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