Beautiful and funny 10th birthday greetings to a girl

I would like to share the scenario for my daughter Angelica’s birthday. On July 20, 2005, my daughter turned 10 years old.

Children were invited to the holiday - of different interests and strangers to each other - aged 10-12 years. Now at this age, if children are already adults, if teenagers are still very young. I was faced with the task of finding a holiday scenario that would be interesting for both the first and second categories of children. So that the holiday will be remembered for a long time, first of all, by my daughter and, of course, her friends. Using materials from entertaining children's leisure time and scenarios for children's matinees, I decided to summarize them and come up with my own. The scenario is very simple, does not require much time in preliminary preparation, and does not require any special material costs. The presenters at this event were me (mother) and my daughter Angelica.

Competitions and scenarios for the birthday of a 10-year-old girl

An entertainment program at a children's party is perhaps one of the most important stages of preparation. It is necessary to wisely approach the issue of choosing cool competitions and games so that young guests do not get bored or sad at the holiday. The more entertainment there is, the better. We have prepared several of the best competitions for your daughter’s birthday party.

For home

Dwellers in the bag

For the competition you need to collect a dozen different items in a bag. The participants’ task is to identify the object they come across by touch. For each correctly guessed round, the participant is awarded a point. The winner can be given a small gift.


Popular competition at all times. Several chairs are placed around, one less than the number of people participating. As soon as the music starts playing, the players walk around a circle of chairs. As soon as the music stops, you need to take a chair. At the end there are 2 players and one chair left. The one who sits on it first wins.

In the cafe

Disco dancer

The competition is suitable for active guests. Music is turned on in the cafe, and guests must actively dance. The winner is the one who will be the most spectacular and active for as long as possible.

Broken phone

The essence of the game is to correctly convey the phrase said by the first participant. All players sit in a circle or in a row. The first guest speaks into the other’s ear some not too long phrase, for example, “The cat was sitting on the shore of the lake and fishing.” This is how the players pass the phrase to each other. The last player must say what remains of the original version.


Relay of Happiness

The competition is simple and perfect for fresh air. Participants are divided into 2 teams. A few meters from each team they place a chair with unwrapped candies on it. The task of each participant is to run up to the chair and eat the candy without hands, and then return to the team and pass the baton. The first one to eat all the candies wins.

Fashion show

You can make a homemade podium on the street. Participants will have to choose one model in each team (either a girl or a boy). The task of each team of fashion designers is to create and dress a model in a costume according to the theme that they pull from the box. After the image is ready, the charming model must demonstrate it on the catwalk as brightly as possible.

Gifts for guests

Today it is fashionable to give gifts not only to the birthday boy. But the hero of the occasion herself is obliged to celebrate each of the guests with something. These could be gifts that children win in competitions, or they could be specially prepared souvenirs. Such gifts are not something big. It is quite possible to put a chocolate bar or a handful of sweets for each child in a beautiful bag. Little guests will treat their household members with these sweets, and they will remember the birthday girl with warm words. Or you can make a gift exclusively for children, and present each of them with a “Kinder surprise”.

Children will be pleased to receive a piece of the holiday. Therefore, if you ordered animators, talk to them so that they give each child a balloon. The figurine will remind guests for a long time about the event they attended. You can distribute balloons to the children, which served as room decor throughout the holiday day or evening.

Gifts for the princess for 10 years

Choosing a gift for a 10-year-old birthday girl is a difficult question that parents puzzle over long and hard. It is important to take into account the interests of the child so as not to make a mistake with the present. We have collected the TOP 15 gifts that are suitable for a child at this age.

  1. New smartphone.
  2. Set for manicure, hairstyles, makeup.
  3. Bike.
  4. Drawing set.
  5. Polaroid.
  6. New dress.
  7. Rollers.
  8. Handbag.
  9. Dance mat.
  10. Microphone with speaker.
  11. Tablet.
  12. Interesting set of books.
  13. Master Class.
  14. Quest.
  15. Couch.

What to dress the birthday girl in

Parents often act very cunningly. Thinking about what to give a 10-year-old girl for her birthday, they decide that a dress is the best present. Whether this is really true is up to everyone to decide for themselves, but children rarely perceive their outfit as a gift. Even girls. Clothes for them are a tribute to decency, but not a reason to show off their new clothes to their friends.

But, if you decide to dress your child in a ball gown, keep in mind that your daughter can easily get it dirty. After all, children will run and play and may accidentally knock over a plate or glass. So, if you feel sorry for a new thing, it’s better to dress your princess in something beautiful, but not very expensive. In case of an unexpected fall or if the plate accidentally tips over, the clothes will not be so sorry.

What to cook for the holiday?

The menu at a children's party should not include exclusively rich or sweet dishes.
It is necessary to combine food so that children can eat a hearty meal, and then have a light snack during active entertainment. So, in addition to the standard main dishes, which you can prepare yourself or order in an establishment, think about organizing a candy bar.

An important and themed dish will be a custom made cake that will highlight the individuality and importance of the evening.


Refreshments at a pajama party should not play a key role: firstly, guests are gathered for such an event in the evening; secondly, its goal is warm communication and entertainment, for which there will be no strength left after a hearty meal. But you can’t leave children who have attended a pajama party completely hungry either: you need to choose hearty but light food as a treat.

As treats you can serve:

  • pizza: both the standard version (with meat, cheese and vegetables) and fruit pizza (crust-Nutella-pieces of fresh fruit) are welcome;
  • sweet rolls (curd and fruit filling with cream in sweet pancakes);
  • ice cream in bowls, decorated with pieces of fruit, grated chocolate, whipped cream;
  • popcorn with different flavors;
  • macarons;
  • various sandwiches and canapés;
  • fruit slices;
  • cake pops;
  • pancakes with the ability to choose your own sweet filling.

We must not forget about drinks for teenage girls.

A good option for a girls' pajama party is hot cocoa with marshmallows. Milkshakes are also suitable.

End of the holiday

The end of the holiday at the age of 10 should be bright and cheerful. Children do not remember the holiday in such detail, but the final “cherry on the cake” will definitely remain in the memory of the young guests. So, an excellent option for ending the event could be:

  • fire show,
  • launching balloons or Chinese lanterns into the sky,
  • original joint photo shoot;
  • giving small gifts to each guest;
  • watching a cartoon or children's movie together.

Do you need animators?

Everything will depend on the child and the enthusiasm of the parents. You can do happy birthday greetings to a 10-year-old girl yourself, or you can entrust this task to specialists. If you have an active child who cannot sit still for five minutes, it is better to hire animators. The actors will entertain the children, come up with competitions and give gifts. At this time, parents can relax calmly, because they also have a holiday. But you should carefully approach the selection of actors. It is necessary to discuss in advance what competitions there will be and what the children will need to do. All animators have their own props, so you don’t need to buy any balls or jump ropes.

If the parents are quite active, then they themselves will be able to hold a children's party. Of course, you will have to prepare a script in advance and think about all the details and competitions. But it's not very difficult. The main thing is to be able to react quickly and, if necessary, not to jerk children who do not like to participate in noisy games.

There is another option. You can hire not animators, but invite people who will show an interesting show. There are different types of such programs. Paper shows, soap ball shows or chemical tricks are popular. Choose something that your child and guests will like.

Checklist for preparing to celebrate a girl’s 10th birthday

Organizing a party for a baby is a real challenge. Success can only be achieved if you approach this issue responsibly and in detail. We have prepared a detailed checklist for you that will help you organize your own holiday.

  1. Choose a theme for the evening.
  2. Decide on a location.
  3. Think over the decor and negotiate with contractors.
  4. Select the photo zone format.
  5. Think over your guest list and invite them.
  6. Develop an unusual entertainment program.
  7. Create a menu.
  8. Agree with the necessary performers (animators, musicians, photographer, etc.).
  9. Buy a gift and think about your congratulations.
  10. Check all the details a few days before the holiday.
  11. Let's celebrate and celebrate!

Music, cartoons and films

For a children's pajama party, music is a must. The music should not be loud or too rhythmic. You can make a selection of classical music, or, as an option, classics in modern processing.

Cartoons for princesses

You can watch the following cartoons at a pajama party:

  • Cold heart;
  • Garfield;
  • How to Train Your Dragon;
  • Fairies: the mystery of the pirate island;
  • Despicable Me;
  • Puzzle: Riley's First Date;
  • The Snow Queen 2: Refreeze;
  • Ratatouille.

Films for a group of teenage girls

As for films, the ones that are suitable for a pajama party are those that talk about issues that concern girls at this age:

  • Another Cinderella story;
  • Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief;
  • The Adventures of Paddington;
  • Star fever.

Where to celebrate a 10 year old girl’s birthday outside the home?

If you don’t want to have a children’s party at home for various reasons (noise, subsequent cleaning, lack of free space for kids, etc.), you can choose a more suitable place outside the home. These options could be:

  • cafe;
  • amusement park;
  • country house or dacha;
  • near a pond;
  • Entertainment Center;
  • trampoline arena;
  • rope park;
  • Master Class;
  • cinema;
  • house with relatives;
  • zoo;
  • aquarium, etc.

Where to mark

The easiest way to organize a birthday party for a 10-year-old girl is to set the table at home. If finances do not allow, then you can have a quiet family party. But you can do it differently. For example, feed your daughter’s friends at home, and then send the children outside to have fun. Particularly active parents can go with their children and organize fun for them.

You can celebrate your birthday in a private children's club. This will be both interesting for children and convenient for parents. Typically, such establishments have a large area where a child can run, jump and play various games with friends. If you don't like renting an entire children's center, you can hold the party in the playroom. True, the rooms in such places are not very large, but the guys definitely won’t get bored.

Today, many non-entertainment establishments offer children's parties. For example, you can celebrate a birthday in a museum. Large government agencies of this type have various programs that are suitable for children 6-12 years old. So the daughter can call friends who are both older and younger than her.

Should you entrust the organization of a girl’s tenth birthday to an agency?

Most parents do not want to organize a children's anniversary for fear of ruining the event or due to lack of free time. Therefore, choosing an agency is the best option, which will resolve all issues in one call to specialists. Professionals know how to organize a holiday quickly, efficiently and on the date you need.

Why are agencies a great option for organizing a teen's birthday party?

  1. There is no need to waste time and nerves on organization.
  2. You can choose absolutely any topic.
  3. All issues will be resolved for you, you will not need to negotiate with each contractor separately.
  4. Relatively low cost due to the complex organization of the event.
  5. A complete holiday “turnkey”.

How to decorate a room?

Room decor will help create a festive atmosphere at home. A 10-year-old child is already happy to join in decorating the room.

An invariable attribute of any holiday is balloons. You can decorate the room with arches and columns of them, bouquets and clouds. Ceiling balls look especially beautiful, turning the room into a fairy-tale home. And holiday goods, the choice of which is unusually large, will help complement the interior.

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