DIY surprise box with photographs. Schemes, photos

Birthday gifts

  • DIY birthday surprise box
  • Stages of work completion
  • How to hide a present?

A bright and unusual gift is exactly what anyone dreams of receiving on their birthday. If your loved ones are tired of the traditional souvenirs they are given every year, try giving them an unusual gift. A box with birthday gifts will help you please the birthday boy, make a good impression and evoke positive emotions. It doesn’t have to be expensive and bulky: a small box can also bring a lot of joyful moments.

Let's figure out what kind of birthday gifts to put in a box, in this article we will give you some great ideas.

What is the box, features

At first glance, this gift option looks like an ordinary box. But the most important thing is hidden inside the product. The filling of the box and its interior is always a pleasant surprise. Manufacturers try to associate it with the holiday and the person who is receiving the gift.

There are always photographs inside the box. Also, symbolic inscriptions, small surprises, sweets, even thematic pictures can be hidden there. When making such a box, you can let your imagination run wild.

Surprise box with photos comes in different sizes. It can be very large or miniature. When a person opens such a box, it opens up in front of him and shows off its unusual walls, which consist of photographs, postcards, and are also decorated with miniature gifts.

A surprise box with photographs will be a wonderful gift for almost any occasion.

The simplest option for manufacturing is single-layer. But sometimes there are also multilayer boxes. Then, when opening the surprise, the hero of the occasion will see several “floors” at once with pleasant inscriptions, drawings, and various little things.

If desired, you can also place the main gift in the center of the box itself. Even a box with a ring. This option will be ideal for proposing marriage to your beloved girl.

On the inside of the box you can place photos of them together - a full-fledged love story. It is important that the surprise box for the bride will be made entirely with your own hands. No other girl will definitely receive such an offer.

The box with photographs under discussion can be called a universal gift option. Any person will be happy with him, regardless of his age, gender, social status.

Inside such a box you can put a gift - money, decoration, etc.

In addition to versatility, the surprise box will highlight other features:

  • the gift will be designer and unique, no one else will have this;
  • the box even without a gift inside looks much more impressive than a banal card;
  • You can put money inside the product, and it will be more interesting and memorable than the usual envelope with a banknote;
  • If you use photographs, touching wishes, miniature memorable items, then the box will become a real keeper of memories - this is much more valuable than any other gift option.

When making the box in question, it is very important to make it as personal as possible. The recipient of the surprise should feel that the giver tried and constantly thought about him in the process of making the original product.

In the box you can mention various funny or touching stories from life, use pictures that refer the person to pleasant memories, important or simply relevant phrases for him. For those with a sweet tooth, it is worth filling the product with original delicacies that he has never tried.

For book lovers, use quotes from their favorite books in the design. For fashionistas, put small stylish details of the image inside. It will be possible to think through such options in advance and find the ideal one for any person, regardless of his tastes and hobbies.

Other ways of bright congratulations

Contrary to popular belief that women all love cute little boxes with jewelry and armfuls of flowers, each lady has her own preferences and thoughts regarding the form in which they want to receive deserved attention. Before organizing a surprise, it is important to pack the gift well so that the wrapping does not tear during transportation and can “survive” to the hands of the birthday girl.

Having omitted the most extreme options, which are not suitable for every lady, you can rely on the following list.

Lots of balls

A large box, which can be found in any hardware store, is also suitable for creating a surprise. Usually managers don’t mind if they are voluntarily disposed of excess waste paper, you just have to ask politely. The holiday package can also be glued by hand, for this you will need:

  • six sheets of whatman paper;
  • wide tape;
  • ribbon.

The sides of the box are glued to the base sheet, but the remaining parts are not fastened together. When the wrapper is ready, all that remains is to inflate the balloons yourself or order helium filling. A gift is placed at the bottom, the sides are raised, balls are poured on top, and so that the “walls” do not fall ahead of time, they are tied with a wide ribbon. From above, the entire structure is covered with a Whatman paper-lid, onto which you can stick a factory-made paper bow.

The birthday girl who discovered such a miracle in the center of the room will not soon forget such an original gift presentation. And if under a dozen balloons scattered in all directions there is a small but expensive gift like an iPhone, then there will be a reason to laugh extra.

If you want to somehow dispel the atmosphere of a traditional feast, then there is nothing better than a cute little performance. Such a congratulation is especially good for an anniversary, when you cannot get by with the usual presentation of a gift.

Despite its original appearance, such a surprise will not require any effort to prepare. You can invite children from an agency, from where they will be brought in dressed up and with a memorized poem, or you can negotiate with the children’s relatives. Two girls are dressed up in angel costumes and allowed to learn a rhyme, after which they are given a bouquet of flowers and at the right moment they are “released” to the birthday girl.

The idea of ​​hiding a souvenir in a nesting doll made from boxes is not new, but you can add a little personality, the main thing is to know how. An interesting way to give a birthday gift is to decorate each layer of the wrapper with your own hands.

The first box is decorated with photographs from the last trip, the second with good wishes, the third with ribbons, the fourth with flowers made of corrugated paper, the fifth with pictures from a memorable holiday. Such packaging will show that the time spent with the girl is not forgotten and not thrown into the back drawer. The most convenient thing is that in this way you can give even unsurprising things, like earrings with a chain or a phone.

Express delivery

This method is convenient for presenting a small gift to your friend, such as a certificate or ticket. A courier comes to the birthday girl with a decent stack of “documents”:

  • supplying a critical mass of happiness;
  • order the best mood;
  • sending smiles and kisses, etc.

When the girl signs on each sheet, she will be given the main gift. Funny emotions and memorable moments are guaranteed.

Guiding ribbon

There are many ways to present a gift in a bright and memorable way, observing etiquette and remaining within the bounds of decency. Here are other options you can use:

  • Spy games. Hide the gift in a storage room at the station, and tell the birthday person from an unfamiliar number the code. You can play up the situation, add several quests and tasks.
  • Great loss. You can lock the gift and suddenly “lose” the only key during delivery. Preferably irrevocably. And when everyone is upset, take out the real key and hand it over.
  • Anniversary buyer. Convince the local store employees and present your gift there, under the guise of a promotion to congratulate the store’s anniversary customer. You will appear with a gift at the end, and first the staff will congratulate the birthday boy.
  • Competitions and tasks. Arrange a quiz with prizes, and the main prize is your gift. This could be a crossword puzzle with a code word, or a series of small riddles.
  • Organize a mass prank by inciting the birthday boy’s friends; the plot can be very different.
  • Make a flash mob with a photo where different people, acquaintances and strangers, will congratulate the birthday person on the holiday.

Act as your imagination tells you, and get a lot of positive emotions from the holiday!

Materials required for work

A surprise box with photographs is made using the simplest and most affordable materials and tools.

The table below will help you understand the main ones. These are the 8 main materials and tools. Additional ones will be selected by the master himself, taking into account his own needs and the characteristics of the future product.

Materials and toolsPeculiarities
CardboardIt is best to take not ordinary, but corrugated or binding.
ScotchDefinitely double-sided (it’s worth stocking up on both thin and foam).
WrappingDifferent texture, thickness, color and size - at the choice of the master.
Paper gluePVA or Moment Crystal work well. But you can use any other one that is convenient to work with.
ScissorsIt is best to take both large and miniature ones.
RulerA long one works well.
Decorative elementsThis will be everything you plan to decorate the box with: beads, rhinestones, small toys. Decorative elements can be made of wood, glitter, paper, foam.

How much time will be spent on the box depends on the complexity of the master’s idea, the convenience of all prepared tools and materials, as well as the size of the surprise.

Usually the work takes about 5-6 hours. Therefore, you should not plan to create and assemble a gift at the very last moment, a couple of hours before congratulations. Otherwise, it is unlikely that you will be able to implement your plans.

If in the end you want to get an ideal complex product, then it is better to allocate several days to it at once. Then you can calmly pay attention to every single detail.

First you need to decide on the size of the future product. If you plan to put a gift inside, then the base should be at least 3-4 cm larger than it. It is better to surround a very miniature surprise with shiny soft tinsel so that it does not move throughout the entire product.

Corrugated cardboard is recommended for the box in question as it is very lightweight. As a result, the total weight of the clamshell surprise will be small. You can take such cardboard from old boxes or buy special new sheets.

Binding cardboard is somewhat heavier, but also convenient to use. At the same time, it is even, adheres perfectly to the right places and holds the paper thinner. Therefore, the product ultimately turns out neat and beautiful.

To make the basis of the surprise, you will need 5 sheets of the selected cardboard at once. They must be the same size. It’s even more convenient to use one large sheet and fold and cut out the product from it.

FANTOMAS is back (forfeits with prizes and gifts)

Come up with fun tasks and invite guests to draw forfeits: for a completed task, you will be given a well-deserved New Year's gift.


  1. tasks can be different, but in no case serious, for example, to recreate the chiming clock in any way; climb onto a chair and officially announce to everyone present that Santa Claus will arrive soon; depict a just opened bottle of champagne; eat a couple of slices of lemon without wincing; in five seconds, name all the ingredients of Olivier salad, etc.;
  2. drawing forfeits can be “ennobled” - put forfeit notes into balloons in advance, inflate them, and at the party invite guests to choose “their” balloon and get a forfeit out of it without using their hands.

How to make a surprise clamshell box

The easiest way to create a surprise box decorated inside with photographs is to use a special pattern. Today it can be found on the Internet for any size. Usually the diagram is 5 squares drawn on paper.

The first of them should be placed in the middle, the second and third to the right and left of the central one. The fourth and fifth are located above and below the central one. All squares should be smooth, neat and identical down to the millimeter.

It is convenient to use someone else’s ready-made circuit. But if the manufacturer plans individual sizes, a drawing for which it was not possible to find, then you can draw your own. To do this you will need a convenient large ruler. You can draw the diagram directly on the cardboard from which the box will be made.

If you have one large sheet of base on hand, this is especially convenient. But you can glue them separately. In this case, special attention will need to be paid to the seams so that the entire structure does not end up falling apart at the most crucial moment.

If you draw the diagram yourself, then you should measure each side of all five squares several times and try to make them the same down to the millimeter. Otherwise, you won’t be able to glue a neat box together.

Guess the quote - get a gift (New Year's quiz)

Write the names of the gifts on the cards. Attach these cards to the foreheads of the guests for whom the gifts are intended, so that the guests see other people’s “gifts”, but not their own. Announce that everyone will receive gifts if and only if they guess correctly. To avoid pointing your finger at the sky every time, allow guests to ask questions that require a yes/no answer.

Hint: the game will be more fun if the gifts are unusual (and certainly not pre-ordered!)

Lay out all the gifts (preferably wrapped) in a spectacular pile, take out one at a time and offer to compete for it: the one who is the first to show ingenuity will receive the gift. Find famous quotes from New Year's films on the Internet - let applicants for gifts guess which film this or that quote is from.


  1. in case the quotes go “slowly”, stock up on New Year’s riddles - somehow they will be guessed;
  2. the presentation can be made more targeted: the guest guesses the source of the quote and receives a gift intended specifically for him;
  3. The lucky ones who have already named the correct answers are eliminated from the gift race.

Prepare riddles about gifts in advance - and give them to recipients only after they guess what they will receive.

Hint: it will be better if the gifts are not from the “what would you call it simpler” series, but even if it’s a depilator or an iPhone, don’t give up, write a riddle yourself.

Manufacturing technique

A surprise box with photographs is created according to a simple and understandable scheme. It is advisable to immediately take a base made of thin cardboard, as well as additions to the walls made of scrap paper. Today there is a huge selection of the latter in stores. The cover of the product is also made from the same materials. The technique for making a miniature box will be described below.

Its height and width will be 7 cm. This, for example, is an excellent option for an engagement ring, a miniature sweet present or another small surprise.

But if you wish, you can increase the parameters of the product and make it of any desired size - even 70 cm in height and width. Of course, in this case you will need to look for a very large sheet of cardboard or glue several separate ones at once.


First of all, on a convenient hard horizontal surface you need to lay out a sheet of cardboard for the base of the product. It is convenient to do this both on the table and on the floor.

Followed by:

  • Draw a cross of five identical squares on the base, as already described above in the diagram. The workpiece should be such that when all the parts are bent, they fold into a neat base box.

There should be no holes between the walls. Be sure to check that the height of the parts is the same down to the millimeter. Otherwise, the box will be inconvenient to close. To get a product measuring 7 cm, each part must have the same width and length.

  • It is recommended to draw the folds on the workpiece with a non-writing pen or other similar accessory. After this, it will be convenient to lift the resulting squares up and form a box.
  • Cut out 4 separate squares from the sheets for decoration. The length of each side should be 6.8 cm. These will be the details for decorating the walls of the surprise box.

It is especially convenient to make them using scrapbook paper. You can either take a sheet of one color or use 4 different ones at once to make the edges thematic. These blanks will be for the front side of the surprise.

  • The edges of the base squares and cut out parts must be tinted with a dark color. Black ink works well for this. For example, you can take a marker or a regular gel pen.
  • The resulting four squares of scrap paper should be glued to the walls of the box from the front side. It is convenient to do this with high-quality glue. It is better to leave the tape for decorative details.
  • Afterwards you can work on the inside of the product. In this case, you will need 5 identical squares for decoration. After all, you will also need to fill in the bottom of the blank. You can cut squares from any other scrap paper. They can again be made either the same or different for each part. Each side measures 6.8 cm.
  • All that remains is to tint the edges of the squares and then cover the inner walls of the surprise box.
  • Miniature photographs will be attached to the walls with scrap paper. They should be smaller in size than the background.

If the box is being prepared for a friend, you can choose photos together, reminders of some funny incidents in life. Your daughter or son will probably be pleased to receive from your parents a box decorated with photographs of him over different years of his life.

  • To make the photos on the walls look neater, you should use special bright corners. Both color and black and white photographs will look equally good in the box.

To tint the edges, you can use not only dark colors, but also those that match the scrap paper you are using. For example, pink, lilac. The main thing is that there are no light parts left and it is not visible that cardboard was used underneath. Otherwise, the product will not look too neat.


A lid for a surprise box can also be made very quickly and easily. You will need a separate sheet of thin cardboard for it. If desired, corrugated can be used for all parts.

The first step is to cut out a square, each side of which will be 10.1 cm long. After that, you can draw out the sides of the future lid. It will be put on top of the box and held in place thanks to the resulting folds. Each side of the lid will be 7.1 cm. And the height will be 1.5 cm.

Afterwards you can cut the workpiece, but you need to do it in a special way:

  • The first movement of the scissors should be to make a line from the base of the future lid to the end of the part that will bend down. Here you need to cut the cardboard not evenly, but by creating a trapezoid at the end of the side strip.

On the reverse side, the end of the fold should be straight and even. Each part that is planned to be bent is processed in this way - a straight line on one side, a trapezoid on the other. This will allow the sides of the future lid to be securely fastened.

  • When the second piece has already been cut out, you should draw the folds with a non-writing pen, fold and glue the lid.
  • All that remains is to cut out the details for decoration. It is best to decorate the lid with scrap paper. You will need to prepare the bases from it - three squares with sides of 6.9 cm each. And also - the ends - 4 pieces. with dimensions 6.9 by 1.3 cm.

You can decorate with scrap paper only the front part of the lid or also the inside. In the second case, more details will be required. You need to glue them all onto the lid and let the pieces dry completely.

Hide a gift in a balloon

Want to give away a gym membership? Have you bought a ticket to a concert of a cult music group? Have you decided to make the birthday boy rich with a couple of large banknotes? Hide it all in balloons. It is better if they are dark and opaque. Hand over an armful of balloons and then tell them there is a gift inside. In order not to spoil all the beauty, the birthday boy will have to look for a gift. You can go even further and hide little things in each ball.

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A raffle will help enhance the emotions of giving a gift. Congratulate the person on the holiday, and while handing over the gift in the ball, release the string from your hands. Say that the present flew into the sky. The birthday boy will be upset. After that, give the real gift.

Decor ideas

A surprise box with photographs will turn out to be especially bright and interesting if you carefully take care of the decor for it. In general, beautiful and correctly selected scrap paper already solves the problem by half. But you can take additional care of the external and internal decor.

Pieces of lace, ribbons of a suitable shade, dried flowers and berries are perfect for decoration. It is allowed to use any cardboard figures and even miniature toys. It is convenient to glue all selected items with double-sided tape.

Inside the box, you can even attach small sweets to the walls next to the photographs. Let it be miniature chocolates, boxes of dragees, or the hero of the occasion’s favorite sweets.

The sweet gift can be placed even in the middle of the box if it is planned to be the basis of the gift. Then, upon opening the product, the birthday person will see a dessert-gift in front of him in the middle, as well as cute touching photographs around him.

Instead of sweets, you can use inscriptions to decorate the surprise. They should be printed on photo paper in advance. It is beautiful to make inscriptions on backgrounds in the form of hearts, arrows, and ribbons.

Decoration of gift boxes

Decoration of gift boxes

To greatly simplify your task at this stage, you can use stationery stickers. Today on sale they are found, including with a very interesting design. These stickers will be placed next to the photos on the walls of the box. You can write congratulations, warm words, declarations of love on them.

If you plan to give money in the box, then the same theme will be relevant in the external design of the product. For example, choose scrap paper with dollars or use bills from a joke store.

It is always appropriate to use ribbons when decorating a surprise box. A wide and long piece of it can be used to tie a box on top. Then the recipient of the gift will first untie the beautiful ribbon, and only then open the product with a surprise.

A surprise box decorated with photographs inside will be a wonderful gift for any occasion. You can give it to a loved one just to lift your spirits.

Arrange a quest

Saying congratulations and handing over a gift is too easy. Of course, a person will be pleased to receive something interesting. However, he is unlikely to remember your congratulations. After all, it is the same as always. To make the holiday memorable for a long time, just like your gift, arrange a quest. Only after completing all the tasks give the well-deserved prize.

You can hide the gift at home, and start playing outside. Quests with riddles are very exciting. They will appeal not only to children, but also to adults. Only a true intellectual can win the prize.


In addition to paper, there is another idea on how to beautifully decorate a gift. Use transparent fabric with glitter - organza. Despite its softness, it holds its shape well and perfectly fills all the voids of the package.

Placed at the bottom of the box, it adds beauty to the souvenir both on its own and in combination with paper filling.

How to pack a gift for March 8

You will be able to please your dear ladies in the spring by choosing a suitable gift and packaging it. Every woman will be happy to receive a colorful bag of treats, a box of jewelry or a painting. Having decided on the main gift, you should move on to decorating the surprise step by step.

On March 8, it is best to choose decorations that stick to spring motifs and use flowers in the decor. The box is decorated with craft paper of a light or bright shade. You can add a fabric ribbon to the top of the package, as well as attaching one flower or twig. Those who have a sweet tooth can be given a box tied with twine on top and filled with candy in the center.

From paper you can make a gift bag yourself, where various little things will be hidden. You can tie it on top with a bright satin ribbon, which will create a beautiful contrast to the gift. Every friend will be delighted with such a present.

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