Sketch for congratulating the class teacher on his birthday

Hello dear friends, my little and big readers! A funny birthday scene for a teacher...I want to dedicate this colorful page to my favorite teachers. I remember all my teachers from kindergarten; dear Maria Ivanovna and Lyubov Nikolaevna remained forever in my memory and in my grateful heart.

I often remember how we congratulated teachers on women’s and professional holidays, but we gave special warmth to mentors on their birthdays and special occasions. I remember how we baked cakes ourselves, drew posters, and inflated 33 balloons for our beloved historian Veronica Petrovna. We also showed imagination, took a creative approach to solemn congratulations and staged funny birthday scenes for our dear teacher.

I bring to your attention time-tested scripts! And 10 years ago they were funny and relevant, and if you add modern melodies, the scenes will sparkle with fresh colors. Take note of my advice, and the holiday for the teacher close to your heart will be held with humor, gloss and playful zest!

Gifts for teachers

The profession of a teacher is somewhat specific, so the gifts in this case are also not the same as for everyone else . Let's leave aside those situations when a teacher celebrates a milestone anniversary and something truly grandiose is being prepared for him. The items described below are average, but nevertheless suitable gifts for a teacher.

Diaries with an A

Any student can please their favorite teacher with such a gift on his birthday. It will be especially appreciated if the grades in this discipline usually do not rise above a “three,” but even if a “five” is an ordinary event, it will be no less pleasant. Every mentor will be pleased if his students simply do not upset him on this day with ignorance or inattention to his subject .

Do you know how to make cool toasts for a wedding? If not, then you can read our article. Are you planning a housewarming celebration, but nothing is working out? In this article you will find the information you need.

Box of candies

This gift is also socially acceptable and does not impose any special obligations on either the giver or the recipient. This sweet present can be decorated in a more original way: hang the candies on the branches of a small tree or wrap each of them in a wrapper with a wish . You can show your imagination in any business, and this is no exception.


This broad category can include a very wide range of gifts, from imitation Oscar statuettes to funny or cute trinkets . A gift to a beloved teacher for his birthday is, of course, a pleasant thing, but it is far from the most important thing, and many teachers before this holiday officially notify students that they do not accept gifts at all.

Congratulations on Teacher's Day from high school students

Teacher's Day, celebrated on October 5, 2021, is a great occasion to please your teachers. According to established tradition, for this holiday, students prepare concerts on their own, at which they perform poems and songs in honor of teachers, stage dance numbers, and fragments of performances.

The audience especially likes the funny miniatures for Teacher's Day performed by high school students. Such miniatures can be based on fairy tales, feature films or issues of the magazine “Yeralash”.

Funny skits for Teacher's Day for high school students

At the same time, you can use the real names of teachers, wear wigs and apply appropriate makeup to look like a particular teacher. Such a performance will evoke a lot of positive emotions in the audience and will not be forgotten by either the teachers or the children themselves!

*** This short production for Teacher's Day features two students portraying teachers. One of them says to the other: “No, it has become completely impossible to work these days.” Another continues: “The teacher is afraid of the director, the director is afraid of the inspector, the inspector is afraid of the inspector from the ministry, the minister is afraid of the parents, the parents are afraid of the children.” The first teacher continues: “And only children are not afraid of anyone...

*** The son says to his mother: “Mom, I won’t go to school anymore.” - Why so? - Fuck this school! Again Petrov will hit the guys on the head with a textbook, Vasiliev will start aiming with a slingshot, and Sidorov will trip them up. “Well, son, you have to go to school,” says the mother. – Firstly, you are already an adult, you have turned forty years old, and secondly, you are a school director.

*** The old teacher died and went to hell. The Chief Inspector of Hell comes to him and says: “Sorry, please, there was an error.” We have analyzed everything thoroughly and realized that you are supposed to be in heaven. “But everything suits me here too,” the teacher answers. - And why is that? – After school, hell seems like heaven to me.

Another miniature for Teacher's Day for high school students involves several teachers and the head teacher.

Head teacher: – Dear colleagues! I have gathered you here to tell you the most unpleasant news: very soon our high school students will have to leave the walls of the school. What can we give them for graduation? Chemistry teacher: - I will give them a crystal flask with water from the school source of knowledge!

The head teacher examines the water in the flask: “It’s too cloudy!” Chemistry teacher: - Well, such knowledge, such water! Physics teacher: - I bought Dirol with xylitol. After all, the guys have been gnawing on the granite of science, so now they will have to restore their teeth.

Head teacher: - I think this will not help, and after your lessons they will need the help of a dentist. Class teacher: - As for me, I bought handkerchiefs so that the children would wipe away their tears, remembering their bygone childhood.

Head teacher: – Perhaps this gift will be more useful to you and me. I can imagine how much we will cry when we receive letters from our graduates with errors. Teacher of Russian language and literature: - Nothing, I’ll give the guys dictionaries so that it’s easier for them to remember the rules of the Russian language!

Another fun skit on Teacher's Day, staged by high school students, is performed by teachers and students, who perform a song based on the song from the movie “An Ordinary Miracle” (music by G. Gladkov).

Student: - Oh, madam, tell me, why do I have two points in my diary? Teacher: - I’ll tell you, frankly: I give bad marks for a reason. And of course, this is not my fault.

Student: - Oh, madam, you really rushed to give me a “C” on the test! Another teacher: - Are you joking? I have to object to you - You need to teach the rules, my dear.

Student: - Ah, madam, but even a professor cannot solve a complex problem. Third teacher: - This is just shame and disgrace! I don't believe you at all. No, you failed to convince me! (Everyone bows and leaves.)

The following short productions for Teacher's Day, performed by high school students, take place in the classroom.

*** During a literature lesson, the teacher asks: - Well, guys, have you read the novel “War and Peace”? Nobody is answering. Then one student jumps up on the spot and shouts: “Did you have to read it?!” Teacher: - Of course! - And I rewrote it!!!

*** Teacher: – Why is European time ahead of American time? Petrov holds out his hand. – Because America was discovered later!

*** Episode during a chemistry lesson. Teacher: - Svetlana, what color did you get the solution? Sveta gets up from her seat. - Red. - Well done, sit down, high five. - Katya, what about you? - Orange. – Not entirely correct, but also good. "Four". - Vovochka, what kind of solution did you make? - Black. - Vovochka, “two”, sit down! Class, lie down!

*** During a mathematics lesson, the teacher says: “And now I will prove to you the Pythagorean theorem.” Petya from the back desk: - Is it worth it, Ivan Ivanovich? We already believe you!

*** There is a math exam in progress. The teacher carefully monitors the students and from time to time kicks out of the class those who have cheat sheets. The head teacher looks into the office: - How is the exam going? I think there are a lot of cheaters here! Teacher: - No, the lovers have already gone home. Only professionals remain here.

Another skit that high school students can play on Teacher’s Day takes place in a literature lesson.

Teacher: – The topic of our lesson is Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment”! Vorobyov! Vorobyov reluctantly gets up from his desk: “Olga Vladimirovna, I didn’t read it.”

Teacher: - What did you do? Vorobyov (wrinkles): - I... watched “Spider-Man”... There was laughter in the class.

Teacher: - Maybe Shcheglov will tell us about the image of Raskolnikov? Shcheglov just as reluctantly gets up from his desk: “I too... was watching about the Spider...”

Teacher: – And what attracts you to “Spider-Man”? Vorobyov: - Well... they shoot at him there. Shcheglov: -...And then bam - and he defeated everyone!

Teacher: “They’re shooting!” Won!" Did you know that the image of Spider-Man occupies a special place in American cinema? Critics define his character as “decisive, integral, strong”! He climbs onto skyscrapers and, towering above the bustle of the metropolis, asks himself the question: “Am I a trembling creature or a person capable of loving people and forgiving them?”

The children listen with their mouths open. Teacher (sighing): - Write down the topic of the next essay: “Pokemonism, or who can live well in Japan”!

The following miniature, which can be shown on Teacher’s Day, takes place in a history lesson, with the participation of schoolchildren, the teacher and the director.

Teacher: – We repeat our homework. Sidorov, please come to the board! Sidorov: – Why did I just... (reluctantly exits).

Teacher: - Tell me, dear, who took Ishmael? Sidorov: - Mary Ivanovna, I didn’t take anything, I didn’t take my word of honor, it’s all Petrov. Petrov: - What an Ishmael, I didn’t see anything, it’s not me!

Teacher: – My patience has run out! I'm calling the director. He leaves and returns with the director.

Teacher: - Look at this, Ivan Ivanovich... We haven’t been able to find out who took Ishmael for the third lesson. Director: - What, is this 10-a? No, my dear, don’t even hope, they won’t return them!

How to wish a teacher a happy birthday to his students

From whom does the teacher expect congratulations first of all? Of course, from my students. The specificity of a teacher’s work is that this work is not limited to an officially approved work schedule and sometimes requires large mental investments. Therefore, a professional in this matter has the right to count on the fact that on this day his students will congratulate him on the holiday and, in turn, will show him attention . The best option here would be early and thorough preparation. How the teacher will congratulate the class: stage a skit, make a parody of a favorite song, or select poems for this day - it’s up to the students themselves. One has only to say that a slightly rough, but sincere congratulation will be more valuable and will remain in memory for a long time than smooth, jagged verses. Today on the Internet you can find many scenarios for this holiday, focused not only on the subject taught by the teacher, but also on the age of his students, as well as the birthday boy himself. You can also find congratulations for the first teacher or class teacher.

How to congratulate a teacher to parents of students

Parents of students sometimes value a good teacher much more than his students, since from the height of their years they are able to understand how lucky their children are if their mentor is not a formally related employee to the profession, but a real Teacher with a capital T, who invests in everyone from his students a piece of the soul. Such parents never miss their teachers’ birthdays and strive to congratulate them with all their efforts.

For parents, congratulations on this holiday are the best way to express their full degree of gratitude and express it in a congratulation.

As a rule, parents gather in advance to decide whether to present the teacher with a luxurious bouquet or a book , the subject of which is related to the teacher’s specialization, or some other gift. The main thing for a beloved mentor is to receive sincere and sincere congratulations on this day, and it doesn’t matter whether they are presented in the form of a long text or will amaze him with their brevity .

How to congratulate a teacher to colleagues

This procedure is usually not difficult, since in his team the teacher is an equal among equals: here the gift can be almost anything, and pompous words can be left for another occasion . As in any other team, congratulations to a colleague are usually prepared in advance, as is a gift. The presentation can be a playful hint at the teacher’s specialization, a subject agreed upon in advance, or a collective improvisation on a given topic. Whatever the gift and wishes to the teacher, the main thing is that after congratulations his mood is lifted , the years do not seem to have passed in vain, and his future activities are attractive and interesting. All this depends on the efforts of those who congratulate their teacher on this significant day, and on the meaning and mood he puts into his words.

How to write a congratulation in prose

Today you can find many options for ready-made cards with congratulations, for every taste and occasion, but words written independently and from the heart are much more valued. You can create a congratulation in both poetic and prose form . It would seem easier to write a beautiful and memorable congratulation in prose than in poetry, but often this ease is only apparent. Of course, when writing a congratulation for a teacher’s birthday, in this case the author is freed from the need to rhyme the lines, but this does not mean that you can get by with the boring and banal “I wish you, congratulations.”

Many birthday people, due to the abundance of ready-made poetic congratulations, do not like this option, considering it superficial and standard.

Of course, today you can find a lot of ready-made congratulations on the Internet and not in verse, but lines written independently and individually cannot be compared with anything . It is quite difficult to write such a congratulation so that the birthday person remembers it for a long time, despite the fact that it is not written in poetry. However, if you approach the process with seriousness and soul, you can cope with this task without much difficulty . In order to create just such a congratulation, you just need to sit down and remember what pleasant and individual traits the birthday boy has, what he is especially good and unique in, and put it all on paper. It is possible that the congratulation will have to be rewritten several times, but the result will be worth it. The choice of style requires special attention: you can create a romantic or humorous greeting, choose a business or friendly option . What’s good about congratulations in prose is its sincerity and ease: in this way, teachers can congratulate the class, colleagues, and parents of students. All that is required is thoughtfulness when composing, as well as attention to the birthday person himself , because if you do not know the person well, the congratulation will turn out to be superficial and frivolous. Having looked at sites with ready-made congratulations, it is not at all necessary to copy the first suitable option. Good lines can serve as a source of inspiration. You can find successful examples of congratulations to your favorite teacher, both by your students and their parents, and by the team, and compose your own composition from several ready-made ones, without forgetting to focus on the individual merits of the mentor.

Whatever option you choose, remember that you should always start from the personality of the birthday boy himself - this is the only way the congratulations will be real and complete.

Funny birthday scene for a teacher “Flight to the future”

On stage there are guys in professional costumes (pilot, doctor, etc.) She plays the roles of former school students who came to congratulate their beloved teacher. Everyone holds a flower or bouquet in their hands. They are happy to see each other and hug each other warmly.

Doctor : You have matured, Petyunya! Whoever told me in 7th grade that you would become a pilot would have made me laugh to tears!

Pilot : Well, my teachers told me not to fly in the clouds during lessons, so now I have a blast at work.

Artist : I was once criticized because of my drawings in the margins. And what do you think? I became a professional artist! (Raises his head proudly)

Businessman : We see, Anka, we see. (Points to a stain of paint on her sleeve) If Olya had also come in stage makeup, she would have given herself away completely.

Actress surprised: How do you know that I became an actress?

Athlete playing with a basketball: You were the best at pretending to have a stomach ache so you could take time off from tests. What is there to think about?

Doctor : And you, Sashka, are now demonstrating your love for sports, but we all remember how afraid you were to climb a rope.

Everyone laughs and pretends to be a scared Sasha.

Athlete : At least I didn’t faint from the sight of syringes when they made mantu for us!

The doctor is embarrassed: It was a long time ago and it’s not true!

Actress : And what a difference it made! Let's remember only the good...

Businessman : Yes, otherwise there are still five whole minutes before the bell rings. There is time to go back in time for a while...

Pilot : Wait a minute, Anton. You're in such a stunning suit, but I still can't understand who you work for.

Businessman businesslike: I, Pyotr Andreevich, am a businessman and a famous philanthropist. My schedule is scheduled minute by minute.

The actress laughs: How so? You spent all day and night in class with Vaska, spitting papers and playing “battleship”!

Businessman : So Anastasia Stepanovna opened our eyes to the world. That's when I looked at the textbook!

The artist feigns interest: I looked at the book and saw... Did he really begin to distinguish letters at some point? (Sarcastic chuckle)

The businessman laughs artificially: If you don’t know how to make fun, you’d better learn from Olya.

The artist shows her tongue.

Doctor worried: Don't quarrel! Tell me, what’s wrong with Vaska now?

Businessman : Don't worry about him, he's a first-class architect! It was not for nothing that Efim Petrovich praised his work during the drawing lesson and encouraged him to take up drawing.

Artist : Oh, and Anastasia Stepanovna asked me to organize extracurricular activities for me. Efim Petrovich and I studied, and that’s how I passed all my art exams! By God, they are like second parents to us!

Doctor : But Anastasia Stepanovna always hinted to me that I have medical talent. You said that you can find an approach to the kids, and the kids love you. If it weren't for her support, I would not have become a pediatrician.

Athlete : I wouldn’t go in for sports. She praised me so much, even when I had the worst results according to the standards.

Actress : I actually had stage fright. Guess who helped cope!

Pilot : There was a time, yes…. I never liked physics and mathematics, and without her help I would not have passed the exams.

Doctor : It turns out that our class teacher helped us all get settled in life and achieve something. Everything we have now is her BIG merit!

Artist : Yes, that's right. We will be forever grateful to her for her boundless help, support and love. The bell rings.

Businessman : It's time to congratulate... Whoever is last is a fool!

He runs backstage. The rest follow him. The athlete follows, playing ball: That’s it! Well, the smart businessmen went!

The music sounds, the actors come out to bow, and their favorite teacher is with them. The guys give flowers to the birthday girl. The audience is delighted!

How to write a congratulation in verse

It is no less interesting and pleasant than in prose to receive birthday greetings in verse. Many people like this option better, because in poetry the speech seems more festive and beautifully designed . Meanwhile, simply rhyming words that fit each other in meaning is one thing, but writing a beautiful and touching poem is completely different. Often the rhyme itself hides the meaning of what is written, replacing it with the flow of speech and composing a happy birthday greeting for your mentor, and you should not forget about this either. Before you start composing poetry on this topic, you should adequately assess your capabilities , dividing them by two, if we are talking about a philologist teacher, and decide whether this task will be feasible. It is possible that this option will no longer be available before implementation begins, and you will prefer to either compose it in prose or take ready-made poems, having previously selected the most suitable ones. If your intentions are firm and you have the ability, you can begin to compose a poetic congratulation. As with prose, you should, firstly, decide on the style (since alternating romantic lines with pioneer-perky ones is not a very good idea) and highlight those qualities of the teacher that you would like to note in these poems. It’s not a bad idea to have a prose sketch on hand and write your stanzas from it, however, everyone chooses the method themselves.

Examples of poems

Considering ready-made options, you can note, for example, this one - it is suitable for congratulations to both colleagues and students:

We congratulate you with all our hearts, we wish you a lot of happiness and smiles. Today is your birthday, and we want you to celebrate it in style.

We also wish you every success in your work, which is not so easy. So that from year to year your students only bring joy more often and say kind words.

Ever wondered what is customary to give as a housewarming gift? After all, there are also “forbidden” gifts for such a holiday. After reading our article, you will learn that making simple figures from balls with your own hands is not so difficult. At the following address you can choose cool options for happy anniversary greetings for your husband.

In general, no matter what option is chosen to congratulate the teacher, the main thing is that the words come from the heart , even if they were not invented independently. Sincerity and sympathy are what are especially valuable , and it is impossible to fake these emotions! In the next video you can see how the students of one of the schools tried and prepared a beautiful and kind congratulation for their teacher on her birthday, in which, by the way, her work colleagues were additionally involved.

Skits for history and social studies teachers

When composing sketches for the last bell (9th grade) in subjects, students do not forget about their history and social studies teachers. Here is a small skit that can be staged at a gala evening.

The teacher begins to check the homework.

- So, in the last lesson we talked about Napoleon. Please, Sinichkin, tell me what you remember.

The student stands up with a solemn look and says:

- Lydia Yuryevna, why listen to me? Let Napoleon tell about himself.

Teacher, surprised:

- But how do you imagine this?

Sinichkin proudly answers:

“And now we’ll arrange a seance, call Napoleon and ask about everything.”

The teacher agrees, everyone sits around the table. Sinichkin begins to call on Napoleon, who a few seconds later appears in the corner of the class in the famous cocked hat and says in a sepulchral voice:

“In the name of the Emperor, I order that Sergei Sinichkin be given a “5” in the year in history.

Teacher scared:

- Your Imperial Highness.. But how.. He doesn’t know anything about the subject.. Your voice somehow seems familiar to me... But why are you wearing sneakers?

He quickly approaches Napoleon, takes off his cocked hat and recognizes Lisichkin.

The teacher says with satisfaction:

- So Lisichkin. I almost didn’t believe it... Well, okay, let’s continue our session.

Everyone sits around the table again and the teacher says:

— I’m calling Sinichkin and Lisichkin’s parents.

The confused faces of those responsible for the incident and the laughter of classmates complete the scene.

You can also play out several short dialogues on history and social studies.

Thumbnail 1.

The teacher asks:

— Vovochka, what did the noble knights do with their defeated opponents?

Vovochka answers:

— They sold it for scrap metal, Irina Sergeevna.

Thumbnail 2.

- So, as I warned you in the last lesson, today we have a test.

— Can I use a calculator, Marya Ivanovna?

- It’s possible, Vovochka, it’s possible.

- What about a protractor?

- Please, Vovochka, to your health. So, let’s write down the topic “The Spiritual World of Man.”

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